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Bede Constantinides bede

University of Birmingham Oxford

Max Koko maxkokocom

@crowdwisebio @Rust-Wellcome Cambridge, UK

Andrew Green afg1
ARISE Fellow @RNAcentral, part of EMBL-EBI in Cambridge, UK. Formerly part of @rrr-uom-projects
Edward Moulsdale em-sanger
My work account at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.


Stephen Duke BMDuke
Working with Python and JavaScript. Specialities are machine learning and web development. MSc. Data Science, BSc Biological Science.

@PlayMaker-Family-Office United Kingdom

Antonio Marinho AMarinhoSN
Senior Bioinformatician @ Sanger | Genomic Surveillance | Computational structural biologist

Wellcome Sanger Institute Cambridge, UK

Max Brown Euphrasiologist
I like plants. 👾 Lecturer and Researcher at Anglia Ruskin University.

Cambridge, UK