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Valerio Fontana FeddyLix17
The difference between theory and practice is greater in practice than in theory.

Sapienza University of Rome Rome, Italy

Raoul rsoul

The Internet

Andrea Sangiovanni Sangioo
Computer engineering student at Sapienza University of Rome


Michał Obrycki baeyoo

42Roma Luiss Italy, Rome


0a7v9a 98

Diego Romeo DiegoRomeo
Computer and Control Engineering student at Sapienza, Rome.


Leandro Pagano LoldemortXP
CTF player and IT engineering student at Sapienza, University of Rome

@TheRomanXpl0it Italy

Dario Petrillo dp1
Competitive programmer && CTF player with @TheRomanXpl0it / @mhackeroni

Sapienza Università di Roma Amsterdam

Danny Antonelli DannyAntonelli
B.Sc. student in Computer Science & Control Engineering at La Sapienza, University of Rome

Ceccano, Italy

Leonardo Danella Harachili
I am an EIT Digital student, currently attending the Cybersecurity master course in the University of Twente.