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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


FlipWind FlipWind
已退役 OIer、超级蒟蒻 && 2026 届高中生

Yangzhou, China

Nathan Fiscaletti nathan-fiscaletti
If you can make sense of bad documentation effectively, you're already better than 90% of engineers.

Pulsar Informatics Omaha, NE

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

401Unauthorized 401U
Life is weird, why not be endeared.


Kai RiverKy
See the on the right hand side. 👉

People's Republic of China


Ark Krin Studio

夕云葛城 Altermoe
Make Web Great Again

Shanghai China

Threepan Threepan
Hi,I'm Threepan
Kuriyota Li kuriyota
A 16-year-old Chinese senior high school student, otaku, casual anime fan, and intrest-driven developer.

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, the PRC

CryoMarshal Gits CryoMarshal
A High School GCE A-Level Students, Preparing for Examinations
MisakaAkio NiuBoss123
If I didn't have no confidence in myself, why would I try?


DismissedLight Lightczx
barely did nothing.


Hyouka jiazengp

Hong Kong, China