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Johann Johjoh-6
Web Developer Trilingual : French, English, Spanish.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Lukas LukeyBit
Engineering student at KTH, Sweden.


Graeme Morris v-maxson
Computer Science Student

New Mexico

Leo G. vLeov
HI, I'm Leo :)


Claudio D. Sánchez Clauxanz18

Newtech, SRL Santo Domingo, DR

Erik Erbar Digirik
Digiritter, Guardian, Tenno, Software Developer

@evosec Germany

Gustavo Schip GustavoSchip
Using Rust and Python to bring my creations to life.


Jordi Osarenkhoe Petro Jordiop
What can you do if you cannot push your git changes? Use the --force, Luke

@omniaccess-sl Palma, Mallorca

Kyle Cortez kyle4346
Interested in building web applications.
Chap ChapDaddy65

Freelance Indiana, USA

Aiden Rivera Sinnaminty
CS Major at ESU jus doin my best~
Do you really think you can save them?
Filipe Madruga Wizarsy

Rio Grande, Brazil

Alexander Öberg AlexanderReaper7
Rust and .Net developer


Jacob Hilker jhilker98
Writer, musician, Emacs guy, games fan. Class of 2021, Univ. of Mary Washington. Learning the art of "hacking it together as I go." Always willing to learn.

None Crozet, Virginia

Bashiron bashiron
Linux, scripting, data processing
Cory Marker Swislok-Dev
Full-stack web developer
Gavrain Gavrain

Shanghai, China

Tom Chan tomchandotme
Software Engineer

Hong Kong

Derrick K. DerrickKJr
18 y/o Game Developer Web Developer
Derrick K UNF-Derockjr
UNF Student 19 y/o
Oleksandr Xanazf
I live to create architecture.

Kyiv, Ukraine

Lily Blanleuil lilymonad
Computer architecture and category theory are the best.
