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Per von Rosen pervrosen
I have a hobby with special interest in Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning, Business and IT Architect and former Trader, Portfolio Manager

Stockholm, Sweden

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Orion orionchat
Hi, i am Orion.


Favour ryan Chukwuka ryanfavour4
Hey! 👋 My name is Favour ryan Chukwuka. A Developer 👨🏾‍💻 and UI/UX Designer 🎡, Welcome to my GitHub. Take your time 😉.

@techbeaver Nigeria 🇳🇬



Abdelaziz Elrashed vzool
الاحساس بالجهل نعمة | Feeling Ignorance is a Blessing


Mark Dannenbaum doperiddle
Live life let life live. Blessed! 😇🙏

Mark D Negotiates 87124

Rúben Lício Reis rubenlr
Engineering since 2001

Tallinn, Estonia

Remigio Bongulielmi Bongulielmi
Web3 | AI | Agile | Lean Six Sigma Lugano, Switzerland

acrazing acrazing
Everything is fine, but everyone is speeding up.

MoeGo Los Angeles

Philipp Schweig philippschweig
Ask for the wherefore! Don't hide the problem, make it visible, search the root cause and solve it!

Berlin, Germany

rwn RwnQ8
Social good entrepreneur ; founder and director, Empowering Change within us for the benefit of all

Q8 Sf, Ca, Us, Er, Mw, Un, Mv

Sumayyah Semsemq
Interested in the quality of IT security practices and procedures

jokerS saudia arabia

Yannik softstackio

@softstack Germany

Lyfeloop Inc lyfeloopinc

@lyfeloop United States

Nikki H Serenitychic
Fuññ stack global software, analytics, compliance & deployment developer. Crypto development pro

[email protected] Wisconsin

Dongyu Kang dongyukang
6019 96DC 51B8 8128 473A EB3B 4E2E 83EC A4CF 9712

Seoul, South Korea