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Ahmed Bay itsbayahmed
A simple man who tries to live his life as he wants | Software Engineer Student at ALX Africa.


Kalos Lazo kaloslazo
cs student & gymrat

UTEC Lima, Perú

Matteo Troppina matteotroppina
Aerospace Engineer with a MSc in Computational Science and Engineering

TUM Germany

Hasan Celik drhcelik
I work on CFD projects.
Gerasimos Chourdakis MakisH
Working on the preCICE coupling ecosystem for multi-physics simulations at the Univ. Stuttgart (and doctoral candidate at TUM).

University of Stuttgart Munich

Oromion carlosal1015
My interests ⊆ Mathematics ∩ LaTeX.

National University of Engineering Peru

Jingbei Li petronny
PhD student, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University.

Tsinghua University Beijing, China