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Thomas Boulier tomboulier
BS, PhD in applied mathematics. Anaesthesiology and intensive care intern. Interested in both oh these 2 worlds: using computer science to improve healthcare.

CHU Grenoble Grenoble, France

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Hong Hanh honghanhh
NLP Engineer at @arkhn

Arkhn Paris, France

Laurent Joubert ljoubert

@ansforge Paris, France

Salim Kanoun salimkanoun
Nuclear Medicine Physician Java, Php, Python, Javascript, full stack developer

Pixilib Toulouse (France)

triou tevariou
42 Paris alumni - full stack developer and data engineer focusing on healthcare

Arkhn Paris

Mathieu Morey moreymat

@datactivist Marseille, France

pierre.lefort Pierrelefort
Python, Go, Rust, HTMX


David Fandrei davidfdr99
Bioinformatician @ Université Paris Saclay, MD Candidate @ Universität Leipzig

Paris, France

Luis Carvajal carvajalluis
Computer software engineer with a lot of creativity, taking advantage of community knowledge ;-)

Fort Lauderdale

Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Sourav Das souravcipher
Operations @Open-Source-Collective, maintainer @todogroup, formerly mentorship programs lead @OpenMined

@Open-Source-Collective, Milky way

Soundararajan Dhakshinamoorthy soundarmoorthy

Optum (Formarly Abco India Pvt Ltd) Letterkenny, Ireland

Mathilde Boltenhagen BoltMaud
PhD in Data science, Process Mining @arkhn

Université Paris Saclay

rorosan rorosan
Psychic locks unlocked !