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Nelson Ochoa Nelsonochoam
Proactive full-stack developer. Great problem solver and team player. Enthusiastic about learning, designing, building, and shipping high-quality software.

Calgary, AB

Mauricio Rodríguez mrodriguez90
Senior Full Stack Developer - Software Developer

@rootstrap Maldonado, Uruguay

Ryan Boyd ryanboyd
Computational social scientist. Using language data to understand human cognition, emotion, and action.


Brice Zakra bricezakra
Cloud Architect

Austin, Texas

Hammad Sheikh hammadsheikh
Quantitative Behavioral Scientist; PhD Social Psychology; Consultant: Research Design, Psychometrics, Advanced Statistical Analysis, Impact Evaluation

Boston, United States

Amol Kher amolkher
Engineering @stitchfix

SF Bay Area

Serhii Shyran sshyran
Independent Contractor

Independent Contractor Ukraine

Bernardo Gurgel brnrdog

@betterup Amsterdam, Netherlands


BetterUp Boca Raton. FL

Carl Furrow cfurrow
constant learner, bit pusher on the internet, gamer, creative ideas make my face melt.
Rifat Hammad mrifat
A Rubyiest and Elixir developer.

Atrae Amman, Jordan