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Zhou Junling zhoujunlingla

@Redhome-Studio Hangzhou

Feng niuguy

@fanarepo London,UK

Haotian Li lenhsherr
Building Something New Previous Cofounder CTO @RedesignScience Computational Chemistry @Yingkailab

Stealth New York

focus on NLP and ml system.


Reza rezamh67
PhD in AI | Full-Stack Developer | Passionate about exploring the ever-evolving world of programming and pushing the boundaries of technology.
Siddarth siddartha-10
Life resembles Backpropagation, you try to be better version of yourself each day.
Alpesh Doshi adoshi

Fintricity London

polya polya20
spark, distributed systems, scalability
Yang Yang yangyang14641
Ph.D. Candidate in Fluid Mechanics at Peking University. Interested in High-Performance Computing, Quantum Computing, and Contemporary Mathematical Physics.

Peking University Beijing, China

Hakeem Demi HakeemDemi
Aspiring Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer with a particular interest in NLP, Reinforcement Learning and Graph ML.

London UK

Chandler BaolanChen
Full stack engineer. Love life.

ShanghaiTech University Shanghai

Ibrahim Salah Progcamelclub

@Camel-Club Saudi Arabia

Danni (Danqing) Z TataKKKL
AI, Systems, Agent-based modeling. Intro: I'm passionate about exploring, learning, building, and sharing my insights through writing.
Shahan Ali Memon samemon
I study people, how they communicate, and how they collaborate with each other

University of Washington

nike grain-lu
The real world has been encodeed.
Amir Hossein Kargaran kargaranamir
Engineer/ CS PhD student at @cisnlp working on natural language processing.

@cisnlp Munich, Germany

Jex JexLau
⛵ Independent Developer
Oliver Orejola oorejola
Mathematics Ph.D. Interested in Machine Learning and AI.

New Orleans

boris σ Boris-Jobs
brimming with vitality

The University of Hong Kong

_WXY andrewwxy
Crawling w/ Python.        Visualizing with R.         Dreaming of Go.          

Hong Kong

Abdullah Alqahtani anqorithm
Software Engineer

Saudi Arabia

Alan Szmyt szmyty

Boston, Massachusetts

AI/ML Engineer ElenaViewSynthesis
LLM Alignment & Scaling | High-Throughput | CUDA INT4 Optimizations | 4D Rendering & Reconstruction using Gaussian Splatting |

Meta AI London

John alzmxx

New York University New York, NY

Biomedical Engineering, Neuromorphic Computing, Machine Learning

UCL London

Marcel Seger segermarcel
DPhil (PhD) Student — Environmental Change Institute (ECI), University of Oxford

University of Oxford Oxford, UK

Charlie Cheesman Ches-ctrl
Learning to code

EY-Parthenon London

Kun-Lin Lee LeeKLTW
NLP Engineer

Taipei, Taiwan

Harry Ye harryeqs
Third-year Information and Computer Engineer @ University of Cambridge
Andrew Drewchin sigmojo
YP - NYC - ATX @okgincgo

@okgincgo Austin, TX