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CleverLord Trafexofive
Aka. L'bro Also, this github is work in progress...
i have no mouth and i must beatbox
blalyasar blalyasar
Linux Admin Python Bash

Antalya - Turkey

Moïse KM mkmzone
Engineering • Technology • Information Systems • Arts

New York Greater Area

Ardit Hyka xardit
🚀 Creating cool products

Bizzful Tirana

Elvis Nuno enuno
Digital Nomad & Blockchain Evangel. Technology solutions architect specializing in telecom infrastructure, DevOps, automation, and distributed systems.

United States

Don Thornton Jr DonThorntonJr

@thor-consulting West Pecos NM

Computer science - UFPEL


Dave Forsyth dizavef
Computer gamer / geek - IT Admin who sold out. Now running Playday Pups Dog Daycare

Playday Pups Dog Daycare and Boarding Burlington Ontario

Danilo Ramiro DaniloRamiro
Iniciando uma jornada no maravilhoso mundo da tecnologia. Inicialmente com foco em front-end.

São Paulo, Brazil

Ernesto Rivera rivera-ernesto
Remote multi-field, multi-language developer focused on iOS/iPadOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS development

@PTEz La Paz, Bolivia