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Aslan Aliev sayfaslan
Applied Math and Computer Science. Software for people and businesses.

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Steve Phillips elimisteve
@RevolutionizeDev: Designing radically simple, safe, resilient software that works more like biology. Let's build a better stack. #RevolutionizeEverything

@RevolutionizeDev San Francisco, CA

Sidd_ Sidd-underscore
ui/ux designer · lighting technician · camera operator · hooray

Freelance work in a good place

Sebastia SebastiaAgramunt
PhD in Theoretical Physics into Machine Learning and Software Development

San Francisco, California

Olá... Sou estudante e faço curso de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas na ETEC FERNANDO PRESTES. Editor, Escritor, Streamer e Youtuber. Fascinado pela cultura geek

Sorocaba/São Paulo