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IMO imochoa

@spanflug Munich, Germany

asturale asturale

The Netherlands

Guillaume Vincent guivin
Site Reliability Engineer | Crafting scalable and reliable systems and keeping the cloud running ⚙️☁️


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Nader naderdelyani
دوستدار برنامه نویسی با پایتون ، لینوکس و دواپس
Guten Morgen
Oleg Meglin olegmeglin
Life's a code, and I'm here to debug it, line by line. Web architect building digital dreams. 🏗️🌐

Meglin Media Lahr/Schwarzwald

der_On der-On

(duct-tape) Freelance Web-Developer Leipzig Germany

Sebastian R sroener

@comp-med, @kircherlab

AloisioMagalhães AloisioMagalhaes
Tecnico em Radiologia e futuro Desenvolvedor Web Full Stack.


Irsath Ahamed Irsathz
Hacker | Developer | Security Researcher

Tamil Nadu

Dmitry P dpigorev
* PhD in Economics * Researcher at CEMI RAS * Founder of some Startups (Dr.Livesey, Apricode, CoSport)

Kingsley Uchunor codefusser
I delight in scripting
Ali alifakoor
Physics Enthusiastic / JS & Python Developer

Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran

Faizan Bashir faizanbashir
DevSecOps | Cybersecurity | Kubernetes | Linux | IoT

Honeywell Connected Enterprise

akki nakinami
Junior Dev-Ops Engineer


Cezary Kłos K4sku

@visualitypl Warsaw, Poland