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Simon Betton simonbetton

Auckland, New Zealand

Thibault LAURIANO Looxor
UX Designer / Business Developer


jplorenzini josepedrolorenzini
Programming while i am in this material world. Sydney , Australia

Giovanny Hernandez officialgio
Software Engineer at Microsoft

@Microsoft Chicago, IL

GreatApe42069 GreatApe42069
Self taught & Learning Everything I can. I Love Gaming, Đogecoin, Đoginals, Coding & all things Tech related 🎮🛑 doʇSǝɯɐꓨ & 🐕Đ𝓸𝓰𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷🌑

The Node Runners In the middle of NoWhere, Somewhere on Another Realm 42069

Adam Brady SomeoneWeird
security, devops, javascript

@boxxen / @dogecoinfoundation / @appear-sh MEL

Buddy bailey buddy1276

Tunnel Hill Georgia

Peter BroProgramerWeb3
💁✨I'm a web Brogrammer🧑‍💻
Harish Ravi harishravi121
I am an entrepreneur for now after being physicist and EE

Extremeadventureinc Bangalore

David Knight dave-knight

Hell's Trading Floor

Paulo Vidal qlpqlp
Full Stack Dev since 1999 that loves Dogecoin Crypto!

@dogecoinfoundation @dogeorg Portugal