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Alexander LoginByCall

HOPS Russia, Moscow

Charith Madhuranga charithmadhuranga
🚀Self Learn Passionate Open Source Contributor in Automation, Edge Computing,Computer Vision,machine learning, Ecommerce and IoT 🌐

@Vioneta Sri Lanka

Celo uminocelo
Hey, what's up ?


Kris FlawlessCasual17
Housing SHOULD be a basic human right.

Alberta, Canada


@labsashe Brazil

Stephan Hadan stiebke
💻 OSS enthusiast | 🔧 Mac & beyond sysadmin | 🤖 AI practitioner | 🆔 Zero Trust advocate | 🚀 Open Source > proprietary | Always exploring tech’s edge!

Pforzheim, Germany

Vijay Soni vs4vijay
Engineering @microsoft

@microsoft India

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

David C. Drake theDrake
Writer, Programmer, Game Designer • Founder of @GoldenDrakeStudios

@GoldenDrakeStudios United States

Mandy Schoep OhMyMndy
Software developer, DevOps engineer, musician, cat mom and tinkerer with a passion for automation and software development.

@rackspace Antwerp, Belgium

cacaspy cacaspy


CS Student
Russ Painter GeekyMonkey

Geeky Monkey Ltd. Ireland

Himadri Sekhar Basu hsbasu
Theoretical Physicist; Freelance programmer; Linux Enthusiast.

@mamolinux WB, India

Matt Black mblackonline

Studying Cloud Computing at WGU Chattanooga area, Tennessee

Aaron Ogbemi QuadlcorE
Always learning a bit about anything and everything.
Vaibhav Malaviya vaimalaviya1233
Backup & Android enthusiast.


Ahmed Bay itsbayahmed
A simple man who tries to live his life as he wants | Software Engineer Student at ALX Africa.


Free Software / LINUX / GODOT / BLENDER / Web3 / Blockchain / Crypto / Metaverse / PHP / JS / PYTHON / GAME

Open to work Remote

Bruno N. brclnvs
👋 Hi there! I'm Bruno., an Electronic Engineering student with a passion for embedded systems and hardware-software integration.
Sudarshan Kakoty fr0xk
A complex human being
Zishan Rahman Zishan-Rahman
I ̶i̶s̶ was Graffarts. I like games. I have my own website. I'm one of @kevinlano's PhD students. And I contribute to @flathub sometimes.

King's College London (again) Whateverland, London, United Kingdom

RaiseAFloppaFan3925 raiseAfloppaFan3925
C/C++ noob but I brute force it

Your mama's house

Rafael Fajardo rafaelfajardo
designer, researcher, and educator at the University of Denver

Denver, CO, USA

Angel MrAngelAcosta
Hi, I'm a Backup Data Administrator with a strong interest in Data Science, particularly focusing on AI applications. Plus Game Development & Audio Production. Wyoming

Raul Pacheco raulpacheco2k
Me chame para conversar sobre teste de software, será um prazer!

Tata Consultancy Services Tubarão, SC - Brasil

ENVY clashatdemonhead
~ And when I'm alone in bed at night I'm wishin' you were holdin' me tight

Singer of the band 'Labrador Peninsula'

Randy Macdonald jrandym
Computer Science Teacher at Corvallis High School (CSD59J)

Corvallis, OR

Stepan Samutichev samutich
«𝓘𝓽 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤™» 🍫

Fuco Worldwide

Hozan Şahin hozansahin
Kendi çapında bir developer



João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil.

Antonio Rodriguez Farias AntoniHub
QA Engineer | SDET | Software Tester


Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 seanpm2001
I'm an experienced programmer, with the intent to make the world a much better place, and protect freedoms of the Internet. I am skilled in Python, and web dev.

Self-employed; looking for tips Walla Walla Washington, USA, Earth, Milky way, <Universe>

FreeBSD<$>Haskell<*>Emacs >>= Fire