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David Moore vandermore
David is a mobile and web developer, a writer, and has a love for all things DIY.


Andi Yusuf kallaudang
I am a young programmer who is still learning
Pedro Alves Batista pedroalvesbatista
Programmer and light adventurer, sometimes plays with kitchen stuff \o/

Colombo - PR, Brasil

little_endian rostok2112
C programmer. Student. Typical programmer


Jason Kiel Wells zerotheory

Lost & Found Treasures Hemet, Calif

Bruno Nepomuceno brunonepomuceno
design, música eletrônica, creme de cupuaçu e memes ruins.

@tairape @co-de-sign @IxDABrasilia Brasília - DF

mohan mohanbabi
Once a learner always a learner


AntoPhysio Antonin-m84
physiotherapist who likes to do lots of things..


Salavat Hakimzyanov salavatroots
hola, ¿cómo estás? я (DSc) лекционер) Максимально, чистый КОД на века...

FABERSANITAS SA spain sevilla carmona

dà fǎ shī wofy-92
show me the codes

大周 西岐

Ally Juma Said Mahad444
Software Engineer who enjoys to Solve Problems by programming and developing great softwares.Currently student @istitute of Software Tech. Embedded Developer

CubeouTechSolutions nairobi,Kenya

YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Daniele P. isaak23
computer science student


"Part-time quasi human (jumping) bean. Goes where the code flows, and clever minds coalesce." Lead Developer And Owner: Cydonis Heavy Industries (C.H.I) Ltd

Cydonis Heavy Industries (C.H.I), Ltd. England, United Kingdom

Abdullah AlShenaifi AAShenaifi
Electronics Engineer, C++ Programmer (Arduino), 2D&3D Designer, Interested in IoT (Member of IoT For Arab),

SA, Riyadh

LydaTech lydatech

LydaTech, LLC Willowick, OH

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Pascal Schmitt PaezRice
juggling bits and bytes


Michael Shayo Michael-Shayo
I am a webpage developer based on php and python in Django framework , to the side of backend ideal mostly with webscrapping by python language
Robert RobGLambert
Alumni of both Memorial University and Dalhousie University. Awarded BSc. in Applied Mathematics & Physics from Memorial, and a DMet from Dalhousie.

New Brunswick, Canada

Filipe Holanda filipemholanda
Apaixonado em Programar. Minha especialidade é Java, tenho experiência +14 anos. Embora que já brinquei c/ outras linguagens, mas ainda encho o saco neles =)

MSolutions Brazil, São Paulo

Habib yar-tal-de-we
old coder

AfghanNewTech Solutions (ANTS) Kabul. Afghanistan.