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Cornell University

Calvin calvin6608

Sunwell Machines Taiwan

Omar Eldardear omareldardear
Post Doc Researcher in Cognitive Robotics

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) Italy

Starry Kilig1210

Zhejiang University Wenzhou, Zhejiang

Abdul Rab abdulrabtalpur
I love solving problems.

Université Grenoble Alpes Grenoble, France

Leonardo Gori LeoGori
Robotics Software Engineer
Jing Guo gj-guojing
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China
Carlo Alessi noobcode
Post doc @ Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Genova

Kevin Sangalli SanLordKevin
Biomedical engineer specialised in FW embedded

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - @icub-tech-iit Genoa, Italy

PTC Creo user


Petr Neduchal neduchal
Researcher at New Technologies for the Information Society Research Centre (NTIS)

University of West Bohemia Czech Republic

Andrea Serino aandser

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

Alex Coppola Supermonkey-design
Computational Designer for Additive Manufacturing


Fabio Ricci riccifab
Entrepreneur, great coder, alpinist, scientist and book writer. I'm none of that

Istituto italiano di tecnologia Rovereto

@robonxt-ai robonxt-ai @robonxt's ai branch. Building the future, one dream at a time.
Shima.Amiri shimaamiri
Robotic student

University of Genova Italy

王海东 donghaiwang

湖南工商大学 中国

Abdallah Nomeer nomeera
Robotics Software Engineer

Higher Technological Institute (HTI) Egypt

I'm a special member of @robotology 😉

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia @robotology Genoa, Italy

I'm a special member of @vvv-school 😉

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia @vvv-school Genoa, Italy

I'm a special member of @icub-tech-iit 😉

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia @icub-tech-iit Genoa, Italy

Penggang GAO gaopenggang
PhD student at IIT Italy

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) Italy

TangYu P1terQ
Robots must learn.

University of Science and Technology of China hefei

skywoodsz skywoodsz

Harbin Institute of Technology China

Roberto Mauceri rob-mau
Research Fellow @ IIT | PhD Student @ University of Manchester

Italian Institute of Technology @ami-iit Genova, Italy

Hongyun Qiu HongyunQiu

Light Speed Vision (Beijing) Co.LTD (QHYCCD)

Antonio Azocar AntonioAzocar

@icub-tech-iit Italy, Genoa

Gaurvi Goyal gaurvigoyal
I'm a PostDoc Researcher working on Event Driven Cameras

IIT Genoa, Italy

Patrick Roncagliolo roncapat
Robotics and Computer Engineer. Space addicted.

Thales Alenia Space Italy Turin (TO), Italy

Alessandro Croci xela-95
Robotics Engineer @ami-iit @robotology | Automation and Control Engineer @ Politecnico di Milano

Italian Institute of Technology Genoa, Italy