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Sara Vecchio sara-vecchio

Siemens S.p.A. Italy

Anil Kumar mr-Anil-prajapati
Dynamic Industrial Automation Engineer | Bridging Artistry and Engineering Precision"

Maple Auto Motion Pvt LTD jharkhand


Siemens ChengDu

Pascal Siemantel PSiemantel

Siemens AG Erlangen, Germany

manuva manuva
i load balance many talents since 96


itflotech FloOnline
Software Engineer


Arvid Uebelacker vxrz
27year old SWE, DevOps Engineer and Solution Developer Working on making manufacturing smarter!

@Siemens Germany

Jegox JegoxMC
ik kwam, ik zag, ik won!


Shashank shashankshet
I like to explore new things in technology and solve challenging problems



Siemens AG Germany

Ngoc Pham ngocpham1994x
Control Engineer | Certified Instrumentation Technician | Natural-born problem-solver

USA | Canada

Antonio antoniomd

Sevilla, España

Eric OURSEL eoursel
Industrial Information Systems Architect , OPC UA Expert, OPC Foundation Technical Advisory Council. Software development in C#, .NET, NETCORE, NODEJS and C++

Capgemini Engineering Paris, France

Scott Genzer sgenzer

RapidMiner, Inc. Norwich, VT USA

Thanh-Tam, Pham tonyteo-git
"The more we value thing, the less we value ourselves" ~Bruce Lee~
Eleazar Meza elshaka
Software Engineer

Mérida, Venezuela.

Jimco jimmyvandeneynde
system administrator with a passion for IT and OT security


Ilas Bosch it4renewables

IT4Renewables Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Tomislav Romic MechaDuck
I like figuring stuff out
Yazid Ridwan yazidr1

Universistas Tanjungpura Pontianak, Indonesia