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HCoder MrHaber
Clear your mind

Freelancer Moskow, Russia

João Gabriel SrBalbucio
Apenas um desenvolvedor ambicioso e torto das ideias. CEO of @HyperPowered and @hyper-mc Java Lover

HyperPowered São Paulo, Brasil

Sara Tasche sa-tasche

mitgedanken Germany

YU Yanhua YZJ0716
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University/major in +School and Community Psychology

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hongkong

Taketoday taketoday7
Java Developer


Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Delcio godelcio
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Dad | 💻 Tech Enthusiast | 📚 Lifelong Learner | 🌟 Passionate about Inclusion | Opinions are mine.

Views are my own, not associated to any company or organisation Citizen of the World

hojat hojat72elect
Software Developer in Toronto, Canada.🍁Passionate about all video games.😊 Nature lover. 🍂⛰️


YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
$yago octo1x

Soon Fergana , Uzbekistan

Takane Ichinose takaneichinose
Full-stack web developer (more confident in front end) by profession. Casual game developer by hobby.

Tokyo, Japan

Asoji asoji
I'm just a "software dev"

in one of the IKEA drawers denting your local laptop lid

aoish aoish1
Chakib DAII Chakib-DAII
Tunisian Software Engineer, Java enthusiast.
lostfly Lost-Fly
Back-end developer | Java | Spring Boot | Scala | SQL | GIT | REST API | ... | Currently learning: Cats | Cats-effect | ZIO | Kafka | Http4s

Russia, Yekaterinburg

Leônidas Brockweld Estevam LeonidasBE
Aqui tá meio frio


Souriddha Senozoid
Computer Science student, here to learn from and with open source.
Abhishta abhishtagatya
Pixels Go Brrr


acidburn acidburn0zzz

Europe - Belgique.

D3n1s.Net D3n1sNet
Ich, der Ersteller, bin nicht verantwortlich für Handlungen und/oder Schäden, die durch diese Software verursacht werden. Sie tragen die volle Verantwortung

dToolz Was y

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Eduardo Solano proxlu
Desenvolvedor Android e Linux.

Rio de Janeiro

Atikur Rahman devatikurrahman
Software Engineer, Swift | Objective-C | IOS Development


André Barreto alabvix

Curitiba, PR, Brazil

Tony AntonioModer
Game developer


Grig Alex alexengrig
Software Engineer
