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Luna mrrpnya
College student, hobbyist and a nerd.

The Town Inside Me

Dzmitry Turautsou webbestmaster
лязгаю говнокод, мыло для лицензий - [email protected]

Göteborg, Sverige

ookap ookap-orsc
hello there!

oakland, california

zaydm Zaydiscool777
Can I please join a project

14-year-old sweatshop dungeon of الف با alpharetta

Austin Theriot austintheriot

Ginger Labs Austin, TX

Lallander Lallander
I'm just this guy, you know?
Pauline pauliesnug

@pulseflow @polyfrost somewhere in space and time

Grayson Brewer WizardGrayFire
I collect hobbies. Code is one of them. There are too many more to list.

Sigil, the City of Doors, waiting by the portal to asteroid B-612

Berry CheriBerry
furry programming dude that likes rubik's cubes way too much lol
Discord: `@copokbl`


natalie nataliemeow
i act like a tough guy irl knowing damn well i'm a webdev online

Silly Overworked Kbity Cars LLC 5 m away

víctor ibnz36
self-taught spanish dev formerly Brian3647


mybearworld mybearworld
I am either a bear or not a bear.
niko neroist
Nim👑 mi ken toki pona
Bobble Bobble-Pi
Visual Artist and sometimes Indie Game Developer

The Moon

Shachar Zidon TheOnlyTails
A curious frontend programmer.


Seth Louis bonsaipropaganda
I'm a game developer and educator using Godot. Contact me via discord at bonsaipropaganda or email me at [email protected]
Trying to explore new topic areas with code.

The united states.


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mæve Rey m-rey
🏳️‍⚧️ Security Engineer @SUSE. dotfiles and toki pona enthusiast in my free time.

@SUSE Nuremberg, Germany

Benjamin Aster BenjaminAster
Austrian nerd doing silly things on the computer


Sascha Rechenberger SRechenberger
Computer Science PhD Student

Ulm University Ulm

Wojciech Wesołowski wojwesoly
17yo kid learning programming.

Łódź, Poland

Gregory Danielson III gregdan3
Master of Science in Computer Science. Toki Pona speaker and freelancer.

Alabama, US

d0p1 d0p1s4m4
Building a free, decentralized cyberspace in my garage

@cute-engineering cyberspace