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RJ Larson rlarson20
Penn State Math '23

NYC, New York

< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer (Rust / Solidity / Typescript) • 3D • Designer • Polkadot Blockchain Academy PBA-X Cohort #1 Alum • Upcoming: PBA Campus Lucerne
Papadritta papadritta
Tech Entrepreneur | Rust & Blockchain Web3 Developer | Validator Node Operator


sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr


donguk.seo donguks
0 to 1


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Zine Moualhi 🇵🇸 muandane
Container-dwelling sorcerer crafting Kubernetes and Terraform enchantments 🧙‍♂️ 🔮.

IT Challenge

Sam Richards samajammin
Code, product, ops @ethereum & @privacy-scaling-explorations. Always under construction, thank you for your patience 🏗️

@ethereum Layer 2

& erhant
nature loves to hide

@firstbatchxyz Istanbul

Giacomo Fenzi WizardOfMenlo
PhD student in Cryptography at EPFL. Interested in proofs systems, zkSNARKs, and more!

EPFL Italy

zaydm Zaydiscool777
Can I please join a project

14-year-old sweatshop dungeon of الف با alpharetta

Hatter Jiang jht5945
Senior Technical Specialist from Alibaba Cloud, I love programming ...

Alibaba Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Md. Rejwar Rahman Rifat rejwar
Standing before the world and kneeling before ALLAH.

@FatherLink In your Heart🫀

Nikhat nihat99
Crypto Analyst Web3 enthusiast and developer Software Engineer


Ahmed Jony jony0406
core contributor and blockchain node expert. Let's Build Internet Togather

Ahmed Jony LLC Dinajpur, Bangladesh

Anonim Anon-im
Develop yourself!
Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

de666En romashka-btc
Beginner developer


Travis Remington loviswaternakamoto
Doing my part in improving the lives of billions of people.

Beehive Nature DeSeReT teRRiTORY

bt3gl's && @autistic-symposium's chief assistant

some mempool 🦈

Robert Jones rljonesiii
husband, father, grandfather, computer/data scientist & engineer, lover of coffee, books, coding, boating, and the coastal life

JonesAI, LLC Williamsburg, VA

Christian Leovido leovido
Senior Software Engineer | iOS, React Native & Full-Stack Development | AWS Certified | Ex-CoFounder

Madrid, Spain

Skylar Ray sky-coderay
Web3 developer | Building decentralized solutions and exploring blockchain innovation 🌐 | Contributor to open-source crypto projects | Passionate about empower
Daniel Lima karacurt
Blockchain Engineer at @G7DAO


Bogdan Cordier octogene
Android Developer


Haseeb Raja raadhshenshahhaseeb
Working with Blockchain and ZK

Looking for an Opportunity Pakistan

Igor K Laymer
Softwre QA Engineer @ nokia. Breaking things is my favorite thing to do. Erlang, TCL and SROS enthusiast. ex. Researcher @uclouvain @LightKone

Nokia Bell NV Belgium

Duhnam 22Wright
Build fast

Planet earth

MrDeadCe11 MrDeadCe11
Solidity Dev.
