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Mo Satt MoPhD
NYU Tandon PhD in CS Candidate/Adjunct
Rameen Mahmood Rameen-Mahmood

New York University New York, New York

Tim moshiba
HPC/architecture + security & privacy

UW Madison

Haoran Wang HAoRAn-W
I don't always test but when I do it's in production
Abhishek Reddypalle absol27
Grad Student @ Purdue
Nicholas Bennet nicholasbennet
Actively looking for opportunities in Security Engineering | Masters in Computer Engineering from NYU

New York

Omar Imam flowmar
Full-Stack Developer @ NASA, Johnson Space Center

Houston, TX

Tor E Hagemann hagemt
What I cannot create, I do not understand. - Richard Feynman

Currently at JPMC, formerly @easypost, @socotra-marketplace, @socotra, @webex Teams, and @palantir California, USA