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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Dylan Tartarini DylanTartarini1996
"Full Stack" Data Scientist with a background in Economics. My main interests are Time Series Forecasting, NLP, LLMs&GenAI, MLOps.

Bologna, Italy

Daniele Ongari danieleongari
Data Scientist @ SYENSQO LabAI, ex PhD&Postdoc researcher in the Laboratory of Molecular Simulation (LSMO) by Prof. Berend Smit, EPFL

Syensqo (Solvay spin-off) Milan (Italy)

Marco Dalla Stella marcodallastella
cross-border | data & investigative | columbia journalism '21 | lede '23

Brooklyn, NY

Gianfranco Reppucci giefferre
Software Engineer, Tech Lead & Cloud Architect


Andrea Falzetti and-97
Theoretical Physics PhD student at Univerity of Rome "La Sapienza"


Nicolò Giso gison93
📊Data Scientist/Engineer 🐍 Python Developer 🤣 Memer
Carlo Debernardi carlodebernardi
PhD student in Economic Sociology. My main interests are sociology of science & science of science, agent-based modeling, network analysis.


Francesco Ciccio1307
Hi! I am an Computer Science Student . Passionate about Coding

UNICT Catania,Italy

Gianluigi Lopardo gianluigilopardo
Data Scientist | Machine Learning PhD @INRIA | Mathematical Engineering MSc & BSc @polito

European Central Bank Frankfurt am Main

Æ Piotti aepiotti
MSc Data Science Student

Milan, IT

the Future Urban Legacy Lab urbanlegacylab
Research center of Politecnico di Torino on urban and territorial transformations

Torino, Italy

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Geospatial Developer
Tommaso Turchi tommasoturchi
Researcher | Coder

@Unipisa Florence, Italy

Diego Guidi DGuidi
"all your base are belong to us"

Fano, Italy

Nicola Bontempelli zayigo
Not actually a Llama


Massimiliano cesare190

Monfalcone, Italia

Damiano Bacci damianobacci
Software Developer & Data Journalist
Leonardo Livi benz1801

S3K San Giovanni Valdarno

Adriano Mandalà adrianom
Freelance Fullstack & Android Developer from Palermo, Sicily


Elia Pari ailequal

@sparkfabrik Italy

Mario Restuccia restuccia
digital rights, (open) data, policy, politics


teragram teragramgius
IN THE MIX ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* Feedback loops and Bayesian networks


Giovanni Bonafè jobonaf

ARPA FVG (environmental protection agency) Palmanova, Italy

Pau Grau-Vilalta paugrau

European University Institute Firenze

Simona Valente Simovale90
Main focuses of my path: data analysis and communication. Tools that I use to develop projects aimed at business growth. I am curious and creative person.

Turin, Italy

Full stack developer.
