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Raven Spart • Robin888b Robin888b
Juste un loup qui parle français... Just a wolf who speaks french...

France, Gard(30)

Youcef Youcefkouaouci
Développeur Web "en formation 2024-2025" #OPEN_TO_WORK


Design And Creation RomainDoyen
Passionate about web application development (front-end, back-end, UI / UX design) and IT maintenance.


Lucas Maurice lucasmaurice
Engineering graduated, working on network infrastructures and network automation.

@lanets @justereseau @RadioSansGenie Montreal, Qc

\0 l3ackslash0
Scraping bot breeder. Half bot, half human and half bot again behind...
Max: askz

Freelance In your ~/.zshrc

Jason Rouet jaz-on
Bonjour and welcome! 👋 
I am a full remote WordPress enthusiast working at @whodunit-agency. Also member of @Association-WPFR.

Whodunit France

Lucas mrlulu51
Uh, French dev


Louis LouisVdwl
Freelance Laravel - React 💻

@Nodeo-fr France

Maël mael-app
Student in IT, Software dev

@Epitech French

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Robin Noiret RobinNoiret
✋ Student in CESI engineering school Intern at Lumapps

CESI France

Julien Vanroy julienvanroy
Developer @akqa • Alumni @gobelins

@akqa Paris, France


@Soyhuce Normandie

Sales Engineer passionate about Business Intelligence, distributed systems, Hypervisor, High-performance computing & Virtualization, OS system
Matthieu FREITAG Zapharaos
French software engineer


Raphael TheRaphael0000
Software Engineer / Data Scientist

Switzerland, Neuchâtel

Karusa Karusa12

Karusa Inc. Paris

busybox busybox11
chaotic braindead

Bordeaux, France

Jonathan Piron jnp3

@yelostudio Liège, Belgium

Christophe Dri chris-lu
IT Freelance Consultant for Eryz, Former Technical Director in a B2B data company.

Eryz Rennes

tibz.eth tibo-pdn
Focused Developer

@raccord-io Los Angeles

Kévin Painchaud kevinpainchaud
Front-End Developer

Leeto Rennes, FR

unkn0wnd.fbx unkn0wndfbx
Web and Mobile Developer

THDev France

Guillaume GuillaumeBrousse
Software engineer Building things for fun Happy to jump on any kind of project to give a hand

@ShortIos Auckland

Dylan Perdigão dylanperdigao
PhD Candidate @ University of Coimbra

University of Coimbra Vendas Novas

Raphaël Raxuis
Hackathons Participated: 3 | Hackathons Won: 3

@codaschool Canada

EDM115 EDM115
Random french developer, student, music producer, gamer, happy husband, Python/Java enthusiast, enjoying programming (well, more playing) with anything 🥰

IUT Vannes Vannes, France

THLDiamond LoicBonnel
Développeur Dotnet au seins de la société Novinfo.


François Tomasi francoistomasi
I've found my Github password
Mickaël M. mimenard
Embedded software developer
Bridled Bridled09
🖥️Tech systèmes et réseaux🛜 | ⌨️Homelaber ⌨️

Self Hosted Quebec

Python développer

Instantanéo France