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Md. Rejwar Rahman Rifat rejwar
Стоя vor o mundo et 弯腰 前に الله.

@FatherLink In your Heart🫀

이상용 lsy3709
I am doing development education at a small academy in Busan. I have 2 children. I am making good memories with my family. thank you.

부산it 부산 서면

dingo dingo2077
Ethereum security cyberdog.
Eloi Manuel eloi010
Cybersecurity and Blockchain enthusiast.


Viktor Virtual Machine itsvikvm
Let's go :)


Oxorio 0xorio
We are a blockchain security firm specializing in smart contracts audits

@oxor-io Distributed Federation

Vladislav grGred
Metalhead & crypto anarchist

Consensys Moon

Muhammad Taqi ArchTaqi
A ai+blockchain enthusiast with a decade in tech.

@codora-io @atlas-dex @STIX-Co @DuboisGold Islamabad, Pakistan

Petr Korolev skywinder
Write the code. Change the world.

Oxorio Moon, Decentralized

Danil Galas' moribus-single
Blockchain Engineer


Alex Avd idealatom
Cofounder of Oxorio and
