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190km 190km

@jeongfr France

Hong JaeHoon Bu-Du-Dak

EAN_TEC Seoul, Republic of Korea

LiHo liho00
Web 3 Enthusiast & 学如登山 滴水穿石


entrepeneur4lyf entrepeneur4lyf
Technology Entrepreneur and developer

Engineered Automated Systems for Artificial Intelligence Kannapolis, NC

❄️雪 YukiShiro1226
Patrick Kelly patgpt
PatGPT 👾 Software Engineering Spork, Content Creator, #spaceshost

Canada 🇨🇦

Lasse SlickYeet
Hi, I'm Lasse! You can reach me at [email protected]


Bilal Demir enteresanlikk
Develops web applications with PHP, C# or Node.js and Rest API with .Net Core or Node.js.


Fouad aerial33
NodeJs, Express and React Developer 💫. Freelance, Entrepreneur

Freelance Bordeaux

Erasmo Hernández erasmoh
Sr Software engineer / Tech Lead @ Globant | #JavaScript #React

Sr Software Engineer / Tech Lead @ Globant Chile


TWO Prague, Czechia

Ezequiel Mujica ezequielmujica

Miramar, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hritik kumar hritik-6918
Software Developer | Full-Stack Developer

HeadstarterAI Sector 5, Kolkata

Laura Padilla laurapadilla
software engineer @b2io


Kristen Cabrera kris10cabrera
✧ 𝒲𝔢𝔟 𝒟𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔯 ✧

Syndicate Madrid

Pham Van Khang vkhangstack
Software Engineer & DevOps

IntelIn Technology Joint Stock Company (ST Group) Vietnam

Peter Tait petertait
Multifunctional designer + developer based in Bath — a traditionally trained designer that codes.

Earth Cubs Bath, UK

Justin Tappert JWTappert
Live and machine learn.

Quantek Systems Portland, Oregon

Grant Diener Oliver-Coder
JavaScript Enthusiast

HyperForge South Africa

Calvin M. Cole utsw-cole
Interactive Developer at UTSW. AKA @colecmc.

@ut-southwestern 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, Texas 75390

vFlag vFlagz


Faisal Hulayyil FHulayyil

Scale Up Saudi Arabia

Vinicius Grando viniciusgrando
• E-commerce • CGI • WebGL

G2 Digital Brasil

Girbescu Ilie-Alexandru Girbi
I am a student and a web developer
Olivier Vermeulen oliverv


Rıza arsahindev
just curious 👨‍💻
