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BioMed DataMiner Notes610041
Data miner with medicine and biology background
Nils Melchert nilsmelchert

Sightwise GmbH Hannover

Sergii Danilov Pencroff
Go lang, Python, Typescript, C#, SQL What else?

Dublin, Ireland



Egor Makarenko egormkn

Yandex Moscow / Tyumen, Russia

Francesco Bruzzesi FBruzzesi
Data Scientist at HelloFresh. Mathematician at heart. Open source enthusiast.

@HelloFresh Berlin

James S. Bayley jamesbayley
Software Architect & Experience Designer @ Structures, WSP.

WSP Birmingham, UK

Daniel Proaño Chacón danieluxury88
Software Developer| FullStack Web Developer| Firmware Developer| Electronic Engineer| Project Manager

Quito, Ecuador

Orio-Ola Bstar00
Hit me up, Let's work and learn together. I love coding. ~10 = -11 || 10<<2 = 40 || [0-9]+ or \d+ and /ab*c/ or /Chapter (\d+)\.\d*/


Himanshu Bisht hr-nmm
- I love computation and consider it as the sage for humanity. - OPEN TO WORK (intern/job/bounties/contract)
arwin arwinnahidi156
researching on financial engineering & time series analysis/working on machine learning engineering
Curtis Weir Dazz7r

Publicis Media London

MatheusMorandi MatheusMorandi
Hi! I'm Matheus, I'm Brazilian , I'm a technology enthusiast. I'm interested in Data Science and Machine Learn, I'm currently studying Big Data.
Mehtap O. Arabaci mehtaparabaci
Research Software Engineer

@Southampton-RSG Southampton, UK

Eveliina Hampus eveliinahampus
IT student @ Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Oulu, Finland

Kate ice-avalanche
Researcher, developer

St. Petersburg, Russia

HoseinTahan Ho3einTahan
Flutter Developer , NodeJs Developer

Pooyesh the Internet-Remote

Barnabás Sztán-Kovács bsztankovacs
versatile software engineer, looking for the next challenge

it could be your company here Budapest

Wiseman Lim WisemanLim

Wise Science Inc. Seoul

Jorge Wendell jorgewqs
Cursando Data Science, apaixonado por Python, Swift, React Native, ReactJS, C++, Raspberry, Arduino, ESP32 e sou Músico.

Fit - Instituto de Tecnologia Aracaju, SE - Brasil

Chris Orwa chrisorwa
Data Analyst

Nairobi, Kenya

Nicola Riolini - Micronaet nicothebrush
Programmer from early age when my parents bought my first personal computer: Commodore 16, now my code grew from lines and circles command.

Micronaet s.r.l. Brescia

Douglas Ezra Morrison d-morrison

University of California, Davis

Sayma Hbaieb || Data Scientist SaymaHbaieb
Highly motivated recent graduate in actuarial science and risk management, skilled in evaluating financial implications and risks through statistical analysis.
Data scientist who exploring the world with AI, ML. God is the king. Data is useful if used right.

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