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Eastward New eastwardnew
Hey! I'm Eastward New 🔭 I’m currently working on backend projects looking for exciting job opportunity to learn more. 🛠️ My tech stack is Python, Django,

Forward company (FIJI) Nadi ,Fiji

Mathis Wellmann MathisWellmann
Currently writing High-frequency trading algorithms using Rust. A homelab and nixos is a match made in heaven


Jocelyn Boullier Kazy
Also under noscik on some sites (like Discord).

Paris, France

Greg Cowan cowang4
Software Engineer

@WhatsApp Seattle, WA, USA

Software Engineer
Daniel Pavlov pvlov
Computer Science @ TUM
Philipp xarantolus
Informatics Student @ TUM, satellites @ WARR

Technical University of Munich Garching bei München

Kaveh Karimi-Asli ka7eh

@live-eo Berlin, Germany

Christian Roth croth1

QuantCo Berlin, Germany

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst



Alipay Hangzhou, China

Matt MattAlp
ok computer

Toronto / NYC

Justin Singh-M. - NOAA program--
Graduate Student & Software Engineer

@lynker-spatial Sacramento, CA

Connor Tsui connortsui20
Carnegie Mellon University Undergraduate
Marcism markkinuthia
R fanatic Excited about data science and all the emerging trends machine learning , deep learning and artificial intelligence

Toronto , Canada

Ananta Bipal aatbip
Software Engineer
Meidhy mikerosevelt


Rust enthusiast since 2019 helping Software Engineers find their next challenge...

UnderstandingRecruitment London

Solar Mithril SozinM
Software engineer at Nethermind GPG: 0x188AF4C2403B64E8


Sergey Venev sergpolly

University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, MA

Doug Eisenstein daefresh
I build disruptive tech products and lead elite engineering teams 🔥.


Scott Donnelly sdd
Apache Iceberg Committer

London / Birmingham, UK

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Thijs Koot ThijsKoot
Data Engineer @ Dataworkz


Consoli matheus-consoli
impl std::io::Write for Consoli

@spacedriveapp São Paulo, Brazil

Jay Han doki23
Interesting in BigData and Rust

Shanghai, China

Kiran R kiranrajrk
Cross-Platform Developer