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张志诚 we3ew

淘宝 中国浙江杭州

Tail tailagency
We are a web design and development agency.
Digital Marketing Agency

elboita Tunisia

Zhehui Chen mathczh
SDE @ Google; Ex-SDE@Didi Labs working on AV car. Ph.D. ISyE@GATECH. BS ScGY@USTC.

Google LLC Mtv

Shahin shahinheidary
A web development enthusiast happy to share my knowing with you guys

Ash Iran

Anouar Aissaoui Anouaraissaoui
Anouar Aissaoui Is a Full Stack Web Developer

Anouar Aissaoui Morocco

Faruq Iqbal MadeInLondon
I do this on this trying to figure out how to become a billionaire.


id-2 id-2


Deep Learning & RL & Angular

Taiwan Taichung

Panos Thymianides pthymianides

Omikron Financial Holdings Europe Ltd

蝉闹外 channely

earth Iron Lion

Elmer Morales elmerm
Hacker, Software Engineer, Founder/CEO of an AI Startup

koderAI San Francisco

Rian CasualEngineerZombie
Full Stack Developer | Django, React & Flutter 🚀 | Building web & mobile apps from home 🏡 Philippines

Wemersive, Inc WemersiveAdmin
Wemersive is a digital agency specializing in Immersive technologies. We create custom solutions for clients as well as our own products.

Wemersive, Inc Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Toronto

Josue A. da S. Barros joshbarros
Experienced FullStack Developer | React | Node | React Native | Passionate about building innovative solutions | Let's code something awesome! 🚀

GoldenGlow IT Solutions LTDA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

Kris Haamer krishaamer
Programmer / Filmmaker

Haamer Ventures OÜ Estonia / Portugal / Sao Tomé / Taiwan

Francisc Furdui frankwrk
Freelancing on projects at @SYNQ-Studio. 🇮🇪 🇺🇸

SYNQ Group LLC Boston, Massachusetts