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itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Londitch adamlonda
 Native Mobile App Developer

Brno, Czech Republic

Zarif Abdalimov zarifabdalimov
I enjoy programming and I do everything related to it 💥

STRV Prague

M_PI'S π GOATRobery
Valar Morghulis


Petr Horacek pehoracek
React Native Developer. Also friends with React and Node.js.


Simon Libiger Shimmyland
Junior Software Developer

Prague, Czech Republic


@Tencent Beijing, China

Marek Zelinka marekzelinka
Web Developer. Working with TypeScript, React and Node.js.

Slovakia, 🇪🇺

Özcan Özgür ozcanozgur
Software Engineer @InnovanceConsultancy Ex @Huawei


Douglas Braga douglasdsbraga
Designer de Produto multidisciplinar e designer Full-Stack.

dbsdigitalstudio Florianópolis/SC - Brasil

Bruno Rigueti Brandão rigueti-bruno
Analista de Dados Pleno apaixonado por usar dados para resolver problemas.


Doug silkstone dougwithseismic
Developer. Technical Marketer. TypeScript dependent. Professional corner-cutter. Available for consulting. CET. Terminally Online

David Malášek davidmalasek

Prague, Czech Republic

Michal Jarnot developer239
TypeScript programmer | C++ hobbyist

@strvcom Europe

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Marek Abaffy marekabaffy
Android Developer @strvcom

@strvcom Brno

TonyVu TonyVu258
If today I can do my best, tomorrow I can do even better

CareerBuilder Vietnam 139 Pasteur, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Jan Doležal jandolezal
They said its ok to put stuff on the internet.


Arthur Nacar RTsta
iOS Engineer @ STRV


Ilya Zabolotny Acex187x
React (Native) Developer from Ukraine. Currently based in Prague.


Melek Lassoued meleklassoued

@eDonec @daydevs Tunisia

Tomas Krason tkrason
Developer @cleevio

Bratislava, Slovakia / Maastricht, Netherlands

Jindřich Máca macajind
Developer specializing in web technologies for whom programming is job, hobby and passion at the same time.

Make Prague

krusty krustowski
nerd @thevxn

@thevxn Czech Republic, EU

Jan Janovec theHonzic
Mobile developer

NFCtron Pay Prague

Petr Hejda petr-hejda
Independent Blockchain Development Mentor & Consultant

Prague, Czech Republic

Sebastian Krepela sebous
Frontend engineer @ STRV ·· react, typescript, node.js, rust


Tobi Omolaso
Frontend Engineer • I've always been a navigator. I transitioned to tech and it has been fun.

Lagos, Nigeria