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Md Aktarul Islam aktarulrahul
Full Stack Developer | React JS | React Native | Next JS | Material UI | Firebase | AWS | Docker | MongoDB | SQL | Node Dhaka, Bangladesh

Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

Tony O'Connell tonyoconnell
Enchanted by AI for medicine, marketing & education.

ONE Chiang Mai, Thailand

Kadrick Henderson dinonuggies1
⚡ APIs at @github

@github Charlotte, NC

Tyler Singletary devty
Music. Code. ML and AI. Sleep and the lack thereof.

@orchestrately Brooklyn, NY

Marcelo Cardoso marcelovicentegc
Building the future of commerce @vtex.

@vtex @eutiveumsonho Barcelona

Charlie Cheesman Ches-ctrl
What would you do if you had 10x more agency?

Cheddar 🧀 London

OlaRonyMax olaronymax

olaronymax Minas Gerais

Dave Parr DaveParr
Machine learning for the energy industry South Wales

Maxwell Gordon maxwellgordon
Technology Lead + Full Stack Web Developer

Stackendev Web Services Inc Canmore, AB

Inayet Hadi inayet
Exciting times where tech is at your finger tips, apis, webhooks, llm, learn and share, being thankful

Dreams API Denver, CO

Oskar Boëthius Lissheim avocade
Founder & CTO at Multiply. We're 100% remote-first, and always on the lookout for Clojure & AI superstars. Ping me for an IRL fika @ Norrsken House, Stockholm.

@multiplyco Stockholm, Sweden

Martyn Davies martyndavies
Developer Relations Leader

Košice, SK

Zanchi Federico z3br4p01nt
Yoga practitioner.

z3br4p01nt Italy

Patrick Cedrowski pcdroidski
Architect | Full-stack Engineer | Product Developer

@Inlet-Media NYC, NY

Amir Barzegari Amirbarzegari
Don't panic, our AI overlord is inevitable.

The Simulation

Sanaz Bahmani SanazBHMN
Frontend developer

Helsinki, Finland

Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

Curtis Larson curtislarson
Professional Keyboard Tapper

@quackware ???

Ruslan Konviser evereq
Building Ever® - The Everything Platform for Businesses™ @ever-co

@ever-co Worldwide

Z zdne
Founder and CTO of Building the infrastructure for your applications to self-integrate, so you don't need to deal with APIs 💥


Piotr Aleksander Styczyński styczynski
I am tech enthusiast and visioner

Warsaw, Poland

Frontend Developer Angular & Deno #twentio

@twentio Brno & Litomyšl

Bian Pratama bianpratama
A loud mind stuck in an introvert soul.

@vortex-so, @neon-id Yogyakarta

Jaroslav Klouda klouda
Software Test Engineer

@klouda Brno

Ondrej Musil freaz
Software craftsman balancing on the edge between analog and digital life. Now working on @superfaceai Ex. @apiaryio and @oracle.

@superfaceai Prague