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Jake Yard jacobyard
Product Designer who occasionally dabbles in code. Currently working in Fintech.

Durham, UK

Ryan Jimeno RyanJimeno
A repository of experiments in the realm of Creative Coding + Web Development • 🇵🇭
rayofsunshine rtao7
Product Designer // UI Engineering

One and Two seattle

Luke Reynolds lukereynolds71
Hi! I'm Luke, Im a Digital Designer and Web Developer. Im looking to experiment with different languages.
Anatoli Nicolae anatolinicolae
Here's some code.

thundersquared, Mollie Turin, Italy

Wanessa Leite wanessald
Bachelor in Information Systems in progress and full stack programming student. Knowledge of tools such as: Html, Css, JavaScript, React, Node and MySQL. 💻🚀

Palmas, TO

Dana Kun danakun
Coding wizard by day, cat meme enthusiast by night 🐱. Building digital dreams, one line of code at a time.


Kesraoui Mohamed KesraouiMohamed1991
Hi am moha, a frontend developer from france , iam currently learning React three fiber.


Andrews Frempong frempongandrews
Every brand engages and surprises their audience through the Web. I play help in this relationship by delivering incredible and memorable user experiences


Lan Ha lha308
digital communication + data science

Sydney, NSW, Aus

Ryan Carpenter Erzyelc
Aspiring Web Developer

Philadelphia, PA

Vicente Akira vicenteakira

Build in Amsterdam Geneva

Charles De Mount gogocharli

@SuperhI Montreal, Canada

Ângela Coelho aacoelho
I’m a digital designer and frontend developer with a focus on web and product development.

@pressdoc Portugal

Harold AO haroldao
| Creative Technologist (Dev + Design) | @Shopify Theme Partner | @awwwards Young Jury | Always Be Creative

@haroldao | @trafik-plus France

Kyuri Shin kyurishin
An avid cyclist + keen vinyl collector. I do digital design and write code. ML + MaxMSP + TouchDesigner + Game etc. From a brown thumb to a green thumb 🌱


Lea Hoppe leahoppe
Creative Technologist 👾

@nm-novamondo Leipzig, Germany

Michael Blazing-Mike
Frontend engineer

Earth C-137

Carina de Armas FruitySyrup
Front-end Developer in the making!

Tampa Bay, FL

Nick Dalby Nick-Dalby
code wrangler & chrome tab collector
