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Camilo elcronos
Dynamic Machine Learning practitioner and Software Developer with transferrable skills in Deep learning.

Perth, Australia

Pablo Gallardo iahc
gnu/linux Programmer
Marcel wolfdex


Aspen Mayer aspenmayer
a person on the internet


Waldemberg D. Ginú bergginu
Experimental Physicist and Data Scientist

UEPB Brazil

Felipe Ferreira Dumer felipedumer
Software Engineer @wexinc

WEX Curitiba

Adrian Medina aamedina
Lisp Hacker


Fredom fredomwolfgaming
The programmer behind twich Vtuber FredomWolf, giving a behind the scenes look at what goes on.

Houston, TX

Icaro Henrique icarohenrick
I am a Software Engineer more of 12 years of experience in Technology the area, in the most diverse technologies from ASP Classic, to AspNet Core.

IHTech São Paulo, Brazil

La nelsondani1

Nicotra production Llc Miami

Jesusaves pazkero

Software in Public Interest, Inc. ─ @SPI Brazil