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Jeanne Mas jeannemas
Enjoying a warm ☕

Montréal, Québec, Canada

Kagurazaka kagurazaka-0
web developer


Fábio Correia fabioatcorreia

@Flutter-Global Porto, Portugal

Ben Ayles knd775

@proinc Roanoke, VA

Jorge Antezana j0rgedev
Hi there! I'm a junior web developer. My favorite stack includes Vue 3 and Spring Boot.

Lima, Perú

Mohammad 78 mmd-web
I`m Mohammad 👋 a front end developer 👨‍💻

IRAN , Tabriz

Mitchell Seaton meaton
Full Stack Developer

NRMA Parks and Resorts Sydney, Australia

Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC

Trần Phúc Hậu hautph
Làm việc và yêu thích mã nguồn mở, thích nguyên cứu tìm hiểu ứng dụng, công nghệ mới

Vinahost Ho Chi Minh city

Mitchell Johnson mitchazj
I build things. 25 y/o Math & CompSci. Frontend Engineering @Canva

Canva Brisbane / Meanjin, Australia

A Software Engineer and programming enthusiast! I am trying constantly to learn new technologies in order to expand my knowledge.

Thessaloniki Greece

Yizack Rangel Yizack
Engineer, developer, gamer, and music producer.


Clemens Stolle klaemo
Lead Action Pipeline Engineer

@quantistry Berlin, Germany

joseferben joseferben
currently building, engineering @beepsHQ


Ashish Saini meashishsaini

रामपुर, India

Ray Blair rayblair06
Building software to support businesses and engineers

Newcastle Upon Tyne, England.

RiverRay Leizhenpeng

forkway china

Brandon Perfetti brandonperfetti
Software Engineer

Software Engineer Anaheim, CA

Roman Roibu romanroibu
Software Engineer

Berlin, Germany

joefu xiaoshude

tencent 深圳

Jamal Youssefi jamyouss
Architect, Developer and Devops

Paris, France

ke ke102882
Trainee Font End Developer
Carlos Umaña Acevedo carum98
Software Developer

Costa Rica

Timothy Romain tomithyr
Mechatronics Student @ The Hague University of Applied Sciences | Entry-level Full-Stack Developer
Fineshop Design fineshop

@fineshopdesign Bihar, India

Rango qunzi0214

Qihoo 360 Beijing, China

SML (See-ming Lee) smlbiobot
User Experience (UX) + Technology

@smluniverse @RoyaleAPI SML Universe

Hamit Can De3ph

YapıKredi Teknoloji Izmir - Istanbul, Turkey

Nguyễn Hoàng Trung hoangtrung99
Be curious. Read widely. Try new things. — Aaron Swartz

Viet Nam

Philipp Katzenberger fantasyflip
Hobby Full-Stack Developer and IT-Student


Robin Simonklein robinsimonklein
Gobelins graduated, webdev at @Mezcalito

@Mezcalito Grenoble

Raphaël Beaudet RaphBdt
Student in fifth year of full-stack development 👨‍🎓 • Symfony & Vue developer at Ldiro agency ⚙️

Ldiro Chambéry

Jérémy Laurent PoulpY2K
22 years old French developer. Likes cheese and gaming.

Annecy, France

Eastboat Eastboat

Shanghai, China

Seifeddine Largat LargatSeif
To be old and wise ,you must first be young and stupid ✌️




James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Hannah Sanati HannahSanati
"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."