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Dmitry dimkagithub
Will code for food


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Joel Fernando Mora Rivera xJoelFMRx
Software Engineering Student

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) Lima, Perú

Leonardo Taype Fernandez Leo2426
UPC student in the Software Engineering career
Fred fduartej
I am technologist at heart.
Wilver Arana R. WilverAR

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas Peru

Mariela Mariela-1

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas Lima, Perú

3RN35T0#93 AlonsoErnesto
Software Developer ____________________________________________ -----> Disciple of 🥇 @craftzdog <------ --------> @startup Enthusiast <----------

Dev-KitTop Peru

Jose Gutierrez Elcrackje
Software Engineering Student

Lima, Perú

Rodrigo Pozo Rod-0

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas Lima, Perú

Wilmer Quispe fixedbyte
@Peru I'll be posting all my computer science related projects and some interesting stuff.

BBVA Perú, Lima

Liliana Fu sayufu
Software Engineer Student at UPC
Salomón Zegarra salozem
Software Engineering Student at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas


Renato Castillo Rengifo Bryest
Hi, I'm Renato👋 Software Engineer 💻 at UPC 🏛️ I'm FullStack 🚀 and GameDeveloper 🎨


Jose Antonio Cayllahua Gutierrez JCayllahuaG
Passionate backend Java dev, software engineering student. Enjoys coding, building impactful solutions.

Inetum Lima | Perú

Piero Carrion pierocarrion
Software Developer

Lima, Perú

Patrick PatrickCuentas
Software Engineer

Lima, Perú

Ivan Moran Ivanovich0705
Software Engineer Student | Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas 🇵🇪-🇦🇷 | Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador

Peru - Lima

Sebastian De La Torre Sempatte
Freelancer & Frontend developer 🖥️

UPC Perú

Hello, I'm Frank Salazar.

Yape Lima, Perú

Juben Cacha jubenacp
Software engineering student
