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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


张文涛 ZWT006
Robotics Enthusiast

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan Hubei


Shanghai · China

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

James Tseng jtfa22
aerospace engineering student at ucla
Md Umar Farooq farooq-iitm
MTech (R) at IIT Mandi | Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics | SUPRA SAE 2019
Mitchell Cohen mitchellcohen3
Ph.D. Candidate studying robotics at McGill University.

McGill University Montreal, Canada

Rohit Jayanti rjeye
Pursuing Masters by Research in CSE @ IIIT-Hyderabad | Strengthening core competencies in 3D Vision, Mobile Robotics, and Real-Time AR/XR system building

Robotics Research Center, IIIT-H Hyderabad

Austin Hwang apric0ts
CS @ Northeastern University

Boston, MA

Christa Crobisaur
Robots for my research, demoscene and hardware goofs are my loves Not really updating anything atm. I'll be back someday.


Yi Xie QMonteCarlo
Computer Vision and Simultaneous Location and Mapping developer.

[email protected] Suzhou

ryan G4419
Mainly focusing on lidar SLAM, with some involvement in visual SLAM and multi-sensor fusion.

Guangzhou, China

Sahruday saahu27
Passionate about Physics & Math and Games. everything else is a byproduct.

NIST College Park

daojun DaojunZhu
Robotics, SLAM

University of Science and Technology of China Hefei

KimJames KJ-Falloutlast
Master student @ CUMT Multisensor Fusion Localization

@CUMT 徐州

Hanjaya Mandala ahanjaya
Artificial Intelligence & Robotic.


R. He RonghaiHe
Master candidate@SYSU | Interested in robotics
Nicky Hu Nicky0325
Software developer in autonomous driving industry, dedicated to the development of calibration and localization algorithm of multi-sensor systems. Shanghai

Agricultural & Robots
Grace Kwak grkw
Interested in generalizable, data-efficient embodied intelligence
Ahmet Mete DOKGÖZ ahmetmeted

Ozyegin University Istanbul

Akshdeep Randhawa xaksh
Robotics Engineer

@Chironix Perth

Enes Cingöz enescingoz


Samuel Chua SamuelChua
Computer Science & Engineering @ UCLA


Katsumi Kimoto kkimoto
Software in robotics.

Osaka, Japan