- actionscript
- adobe-air
- android
- ane
- app
- apple
- application
- arm
- assembly
- atom
- audio
- audio-player
- autolayout
- automation
- aws
- backdoor
- bash
- bash-scripting
- bashrc
- bitcoin
- bluetooth
- bluetooth-low-energy
- boost
- bootstrap
- bsd
- c
- c-plus-plus
- c-plus-plus-11
- c-plus-plus-14
- carthage
- certificate
- cget
- chromecast
- cli
- client
- cmake
- cmake-packages
- cmus
- cocoa
- cocoapods
- color-scheme
- command-line
- communication
- config
- cplusplus
- cpp
- cpu
- cross-platform
- daemon
- daemonize
- debian
- dependency-manager
- desktop
- developer-tools
- development
- development-environment
- directx12
- docker
- dotfiles
- dotfiles-manager
- editor
- electron
- electron-app
- emacs
- emscripten
- encryption
- ethereum
- expose
- fast
- file-transfer
- fish
- fix
- framework
- freebsd
- fuse
- game
- game-development
- game-engine
- gamedev
- git
- github
- glsl
- go
- golang
- graphics
- graphics-engine
- gtk
- gui
- hackintosh
- hammerspoon
- help-wanted
- homebrew
- html
- http
- http-server
- https
- icon
- icons
- iconset
- ide
- ios
- ipad
- iphone
- iterm
- iterm2
- java
- javascript
- keyboard
- keyboard-shortcuts
- kvm
- lastfm
- layout
- library
- lua
- mac
- mac-osx
- macadmins
- macbook
- macos-setup
- macos-sierra
- macosx
- magnum
- markdown
- markdown-editor
- menubar
- metal
- midi
- midi-controller
- midi-device
- mission-control
- monitor
- monitoring
- mouse
- movie
- music
- mutt
- mysimbl
- native-extension
- netbsd
- networking
- nodejs
- notifications
- npm
- objective-c
- objective-c-library
- openbsd
- openframeworks
- opengl
- opengl-es
- openpgp
- openssl
- os
- os-x
- p2p
- package-manager
- packaging
- parsing
- password-manager
- penetration-testing
- pentesting
- pgp
- player
- plugin
- podfile
- post-exploitation
- privacy
- python
- qemu
- qt
- qt5
- raspberry-pi
- react
- redux
- regex
- reminders
- renderer
- reverse-engineering
- ruby
- ruby-gem
- rust
- salesforce
- schema
- screen
- screensaver
- secure
- security
- sensors
- serial-ports
- server
- setup
- shaders
- shell
- sierra
- signature
- simbl
- socket
- socket-io
- solaris
- spaces
- statusbar
- swift
- swift-3
- swift3
- swift4
- sync
- syntax-highlighting
- system
- terminal
- testing
- text-editor
- theme
- touchbar
- tox
- tvos
- tweak
- ubuntu
- ui
- unix
- usb
- utility
- vagrant
- video
- vim
- visualization
- vm
- vmware
- vpn
- vscode
- vulkan
- watchos
- web
- webassembly
- webgl
- websocket
- websocket-client
- websockets
- wrapper
- x86-64
- xcode
- yubikey
- zcash
- zsh
- AVANE. Adobe Air Native Extension for building video encoding applications
- Swift-IOS-ANE. FlashRuntimeExtensions.swift. Example Air Native Extension written in Swift 4 for iOS, OSX and tvOS
- DesktopToastANE. Adobe Air Native Extension for displaying adaptive and interactive toast notifications in Windows 8, 10 and OSX
- AVANE. Adobe Air Native Extension for building video encoding applications
- Swift-IOS-ANE. FlashRuntimeExtensions.swift. Example Air Native Extension written in Swift 4 for iOS, OSX and tvOS
- DesktopToastANE. Adobe Air Native Extension for displaying adaptive and interactive toast notifications in Windows 8, 10 and OSX
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- Android-Crack-Tool. 🐞Android crack tool For Mac
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- buildozer. Generic Python packager for Android and iOS
- allegro5. The official Allegro 5 git repository. Pull requests welcome!
- android-file-transfer-linux. Android File Transfer for Linux
- uTox. µTox the lightest and fluffiest Tox client
- Bulllord-Engine. lightspeed lightweight elegant game engine in pure c
- tangram-es. 2D and 3D map renderer using OpenGL ES
- fsmon. monitor filesystem on iOS / OS X / Android / FirefoxOS / Linux
- LuaScriptCore. 一款简单易用的多平台Lua桥接器,目前支持在iOS、Mac OS X、Android以及Unity3D中使用,让原生环境与Lua无障碍沟通。
- dosxvpn. Easily deploy your own personal VPN server with DNS adblocking running on DigitalOcean
- corrade. C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library
- Emoji-Tools. Multiple useful tools to help Android and iOS/OSX developers with creating and modifying Emoji Font files.
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- AVANE. Adobe Air Native Extension for building video encoding applications
- Wolf.Engine. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C++ open source libraries for rendering and game developing
- flixel-monkey. This is a port of flixel to the Monkey language
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- client. The Universal Tox client. Platform-agnostic Tox client with user-friendlyness in mind!
- AVANE. Adobe Air Native Extension for building video encoding applications
- Swift-IOS-ANE. FlashRuntimeExtensions.swift. Example Air Native Extension written in Swift 4 for iOS, OSX and tvOS
- DesktopToastANE. Adobe Air Native Extension for displaying adaptive and interactive toast notifications in Windows 8, 10 and OSX
- regxr. A minimal, beautiful, lightweight MacOS desktop application to check for regular expression pattern matches
- marky. A markdown editor built with Electron and React
- phaser-npm-webpack-typescript-starter-project. Project to get you started with your Phaser (using the npm module) game using Typescript and Webpack for building!
- MacApps. 个人收集的一些mac使用的不易找到的和破解的app(非鼓励盗版,为囊中羞涩如我的朋友准备),不断更新中。
- AssetsExtractor. 『Assets提取工具』是一款OSX平台上用于将Assets.car或xxx.app中打包的png图片、pdf等资源重新提取出来的开发者工具。Assets.car常见于iOS/Mac/Unity等开发中的资源打包。
- LayerX. An intuitive app to display transparent images on screen.
- macos-launch-at-login-app. This is a demo app how to auto-launch a sandboxed macOS application at login - written in Swift 4
- macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide. A practical guide to securing macOS.
- WWDC. The unofficial WWDC app for macOS
- soundcast. Cast audio from macOS to Chromecast
- MacApps. 个人收集的一些mac使用的不易找到的和破解的app(非鼓励盗版,为囊中羞涩如我的朋友准备),不断更新中。
- nheqminer-macos. nheqminer for macOS with AVX and CUDA
- osx-abi-macho-file-format-reference. Mirror of OS X ABI Mach-O File Format Reference
- ruby-macho. 🔩 A pure-Ruby library for parsing Mach-O files.
- NepTunes. simple and reliable Last.fm scrobbler for iTunes and Spotify for macOS
- zcash-apple. Zcash for Apple platform
- osx-syscalls-list. Fish for BSD system calls and MACH traps inside of XNU ✌️
- macvars. command library for scripting osx
- osx-trix. Handy Patches, Fixes, Tips and Tricks for Apples OS X Platform
- Platypus. Mac developer tool that creates application bundles from command line scripts
- Gitee. Gitee, OS X status bar application for Github
- marky. A markdown editor built with Electron and React
- awesome-touch-bar-apps. Awesome Touch Bar apps for macOS users.
- DeliciousSafari. DeliciousSafari Safari plug-in and iPhone app
- maiken. C++14 build tool for Windows/Linux/OSX/BSD - GCC/CLANG/ICC/MSVC/NVCC/HCC - x86/x64/ARM
- EHAL. Embedded Hardware Abstraction Library
- ChrysaLisp. Parallel OS, with GUI, Terminal, OO Assembler, Class libraries, C-Script compiler, Lisp interpreter and more...
- OWASP-ZSC. OWASP ZSC - Shellcode/Obfuscate Code Generator
- vienna-rss. Vienna is a free and open-source RSS/Atom newsreader for macOS
- lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).
- LTFinderButtons. My Finder buttons collection for macOS.
- retro. [Work in Progress] Minimalist Vim Based Editor for the 30th Century
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- soundcast. Cast audio from macOS to Chromecast
- allegro5. The official Allegro 5 git repository. Pull requests welcome!
- giada. Your Hardcore Loop Machine.
- SBPlayerClient. 支持全格式的mac版免费视频播放器
- SBPlayerClient. 支持全格式的mac版免费视频播放器
- playa. The OS X Audio Player that thinks in albums.
- KVConstraintKit. An Impressive Auto Layout DSL for iOS, tvOS & OSX. & It is written in pure swift.
- LayoutFrameworkBenchmark. Benchmark the performances of various Swift layout frameworks (autolayout, UIStackView, PinLayout, LayoutKit, FlexLayout, Yoga, ...)
- hammerspoon. Staggeringly powerful OS X desktop automation with Lua
- bsupdate. A drop in bash script that can be added to any bash application/CLI to automate updating
- saml2aws. CLI tool which enables you to login and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using a SAML IDP
- awstools. A few helpful AWS tools written in Go
- EvilOSX. A pure python, post-exploitation, RAT (Remote Administration Tool) for macOS / OSX.
- BackToMe. Little tool made in python to create payloads for Linux, Windows and OSX with unique handler
- nord-iterm2. An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant iTerm2 color scheme.
- mac-cleanup. Cleanup script for OSX
- speedtest-linux. Get download/upload speeds via speedtest.net or fast.com from command line using Bash script -- suitable for logs. POSIX OSX Linux
- Gordon. Ever wanted to get yelled at by Chef Ramsay whenever you inevitably fuck up your script or make a typo on the command line? Well now you can.
- setup. Bootstrap your Mac for software development
- iterm-fish-fisherman-osx. Complete guide and Bash script to install Command Line Tools + Homebrew + iTerm2 + Fish Shell + Fisherman + Plugins for development purposes
- bsupdate. A drop in bash script that can be added to any bash application/CLI to automate updating
- r-macos-clang. Setup script to create the binary installer for the released clang binaries used to compile R
- maclaunch. Manage your macOS startup items.
- Git-Beautify-For-MacOS-Terminal. An easy-to-use set of config files to beautify Git in your MacOS or OS X terminal. If you find it hard to parse a jumble of mono-colored type on your command line, this set-up can help you tame the ugly bash beast.
- installme-osx. My personal script to setup a new OSX
- bash.env. Bash.env is a cascading Bash environment system for those who work on different hardware and OS environments. Similar to oh-my-zsh but for Bash, and special sauce for those who work 'ssh' on remote machines.
- macvars. command library for scripting osx
- bash.env. Bash.env is a cascading Bash environment system for those who work on different hardware and OS environments. Similar to oh-my-zsh but for Bash, and special sauce for those who work 'ssh' on remote machines.
- Git-Beautify-For-MacOS-Terminal. An easy-to-use set of config files to beautify Git in your MacOS or OS X terminal. If you find it hard to parse a jumble of mono-colored type on your command line, this set-up can help you tame the ugly bash beast.
- bash.env. Bash.env is a cascading Bash environment system for those who work on different hardware and OS environments. Similar to oh-my-zsh but for Bash, and special sauce for those who work 'ssh' on remote machines.
- barbar. OSX crypto-currency price ticker
- osx-coin-ticker. OS X menu bar ticker for common cryptocurrencies
- node-bluetooth-serial-port. Serial I/O over bluetooth for NodeJS
- ExtendaBLE. Blocks Based Bluetooth LE Connectivity framework for iOS/watchOS/tvOS/OSX. Quickly configure centrals & peripherals, perform read/write operations, and respond characteristic updates.
- blueutil. get/set bluetooth power and discoverable state
- ExtendaBLE. Blocks Based Bluetooth LE Connectivity framework for iOS/watchOS/tvOS/OSX. Quickly configure centrals & peripherals, perform read/write operations, and respond characteristic updates.
- EHAL. Embedded Hardware Abstraction Library
- beast. HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- dogen. Dogen provides an ecosystem of Model Driven Software Development tools, including code generation.
- SYFlatButton. A customized NSButton with modern flat style like bootstrap.
- setup. Bootstrap your Mac for software development
- libmodule. C library to easily create modular projects
- osx-syscalls-list. Fish for BSD system calls and MACH traps inside of XNU ✌️
- psutil. Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python
- 30dayMakeOS. 《30天自制操作系统》源码中文版。自己制作一个操作系统(OSASK)的过程
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- glslViewer. Live GLSL coding render for MacOS and Linux
- allegro5. The official Allegro 5 git repository. Pull requests welcome!
- uTox. µTox the lightest and fluffiest Tox client
- unsign. Remove code signatures from OSX Mach-O binaries (note: unsigned binaries cannot currently be re-codesign'ed. Patches welcome!)
- cget. Cmake package retrieval
- footswitch. Command-line utility for PCsensor foot switch
- libmodule. C library to easily create modular projects
- DIV-Games-Studio. Complete cross platform games development package, originally for DOS but now available on modern platforms.
- eid-mw. eID Middleware (main repository)
- CoreJSON. Fast JSON framework. Done properly.
- cmake-get. Get dependencies with cmake
- EHAL. Embedded Hardware Abstraction Library
- nmap. Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- glslViewer. Live GLSL coding render for MacOS and Linux
- android-file-transfer-linux. Android File Transfer for Linux
- tangram-es. 2D and 3D map renderer using OpenGL ES
- giada. Your Hardcore Loop Machine.
- fix8. Modern open source C++ FIX framework featuring complete schema customisation, high performance and fast development.
- qnapi. Qt-based, multi-engine, multi-platform subtitle downloader
- corrade. C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library
- eid-mw. eID Middleware (main repository)
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- maiken. C++14 build tool for Windows/Linux/OSX/BSD - GCC/CLANG/ICC/MSVC/NVCC/HCC - x86/x64/ARM
- dogen. Dogen provides an ecosystem of Model Driven Software Development tools, including code generation.
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- libdigidocpp. Libdigidocpp library offers creating, signing and verification of digitally signed documents, according to XAdES and XML-DSIG standards. Documentation http://open-eid.github.io/libdigidocpp
- iir1. IIR realtime filter library written in C++
- EHAL. Embedded Hardware Abstraction Library
- qdigidoc. DigiDoc3 Client is a program that can be used to sign digitally with ID-card and Mobile-ID, check the validity of digital signatures and open and save documents inside the signature container.
- beast. HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- corrade. C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- corrade. C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- maiken. C++14 build tool for Windows/Linux/OSX/BSD - GCC/CLANG/ICC/MSVC/NVCC/HCC - x86/x64/ARM
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- ORSSerialPort. Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift OS X apps
- KVConstraintKit. An Impressive Auto Layout DSL for iOS, tvOS & OSX. & It is written in pure swift.
- NoOptionalInterpolation. No "Optional(...)" in string interpolation + Easy pluralization.
- lhttps. Create https for local development environment or localhost.
- qdigidoc. DigiDoc3 Client is a program that can be used to sign digitally with ID-card and Mobile-ID, check the validity of digital signatures and open and save documents inside the signature container.
- soundcast. Cast audio from macOS to Chromecast
- ChromeCastCore. An open source implementation of the Google Cast SDK for macOS
- android-file-transfer-linux. Android File Transfer for Linux
- reminders-cli. A simple CLI for interacting with OS X reminders
- nord-iterm2. An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant iTerm2 color scheme.
- imessage. 💬 Send iMessages from command-line
- dosxvpn. Easily deploy your own personal VPN server with DNS adblocking running on DigitalOcean
- stronghold. Easily configure MacOS security settings from the terminal.
- zap. A CLI for cleaning up after .apps
- speedtest-linux. Get download/upload speeds via speedtest.net or fast.com from command line using Bash script -- suitable for logs. POSIX OSX Linux
- awstools. A few helpful AWS tools written in Go
- osx-wifi-cli. 📦 A cli for managing wifi connections on OSX
- reminders-cli. Command-line interface to interact with the Reminders.app
- node-bluetooth-serial-port. Serial I/O over bluetooth for NodeJS
- orion. Twitch desktop client
- client. The Universal Tox client. Platform-agnostic Tox client with user-friendlyness in mind!
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- cget. Cmake package retrieval
- corrade. C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library
- DIV-Games-Studio. Complete cross platform games development package, originally for DOS but now available on modern platforms.
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- cmake-get. Get dependencies with cmake
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- labpowerqt. LabPowerQt is an application to control laboratory power supplies
- cmus-osx. Tightly integrates cmus command line music player into macOS.
- cmus-control. Control cmus with Media Keys ⏪
▶️ ⏩ under OS X.
- cocoa-rest-client. A free, native Apple macOS app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints
- Platypus. Mac developer tool that creates application bundles from command line scripts
- MacAssistant. Google Assistant for macOS!
- pywebview. A lightweight cross-platform native wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its own dedicated window
- ORSSerialPort. Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift OS X apps
- NSWindowStyles. A showcase of the many different styles of windows possible with NSWindow on MacOS
- Criollo. A powerful Cocoa based web application framework for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- SBPlayerClient. 支持全格式的mac版免费视频播放器
- QuickHubApp. GitHub access from your OS X status bar
- MacQQ. mac版QQ,swift,macOS,仿QQ mac端
- USBDeviceSwift. wrapper for IOKit.usb and IOKit.hid written on pure Swift that allows you convenient work with USB devices
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- ORSSerialPort. Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift OS X apps
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- Criollo. A powerful Cocoa based web application framework for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- NoOptionalInterpolation. No "Optional(...)" in string interpolation + Easy pluralization.
- TPInAppReceipt. Reading and Validating In App Store Receipt
- Phew. FLIF image viewer and QuickLook plugin for macOS
- nord-iterm2. An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant iTerm2 color scheme.
- Git-Beautify-For-MacOS-Terminal. An easy-to-use set of config files to beautify Git in your MacOS or OS X terminal. If you find it hard to parse a jumble of mono-colored type on your command line, this set-up can help you tame the ugly bash beast.
- terminal-notifier. Send User Notifications on macOS from the command-line.
- reminders-cli. A simple CLI for interacting with OS X reminders
- imessage. 💬 Send iMessages from command-line
- Git-Beautify-For-MacOS-Terminal. An easy-to-use set of config files to beautify Git in your MacOS or OS X terminal. If you find it hard to parse a jumble of mono-colored type on your command line, this set-up can help you tame the ugly bash beast.
- contacts-cli. Query macOS contacts from the command line
- node-bluetooth-serial-port. Serial I/O over bluetooth for NodeJS
- awesome-osx. 📦 Awesome stuff for OSX
- macOS. 💻 When I do a clean macOS installation.
- installme-osx. My personal script to setup a new OSX
- ChakraCore. ChakraCore is the core part of the Chakra Javascript engine that powers Microsoft Edge
- beast. HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- cget. Cmake package retrieval
- mason. Cross platform package manager for C/C++ apps
- cmake-get. Get dependencies with cmake
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- cget. Cmake package retrieval
- EzGraver. Simple multi-platform management software for NEJE laser engravers.
- Wolf.Engine. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C++ open source libraries for rendering and game developing
- cmake-get. Get dependencies with cmake
- psutil. Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python
- pcm. Processor Counter Monitor
- keepassxc. KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
- Bulllord-Engine. lightspeed lightweight elegant game engine in pure c
- MIDI2LR. An application and plugin to remotely control Lightroom with a MIDI controller
- orion. Twitch desktop client
- mason. Cross platform package manager for C/C++ apps
- DIV-Games-Studio. Complete cross platform games development package, originally for DOS but now available on modern platforms.
- Qt-Nice-Frameless-Window. Qt Frameless Window for both Windows and OS X, support Aero Snap, drop shadow on Windows, and support Native Style such as round corner, drop shadow on OS X. Based on QMainWindow.
- cmake-get. Get dependencies with cmake
- flixel-monkey. This is a port of flixel to the Monkey language
- daemonize. daemonize is a library for writing system daemons in Python.
- daemonize. Library for writing system daemons
- maclaunch. Manage your macOS startup items.
- daemonize. daemonize is a library for writing system daemons in Python.
- daemonize. Library for writing system daemons
- git-cola. git-cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
- vagrant-debian-jessie. Automatic Debian 8 Vagrant base box building on OSX, Linux and Windows
- phaser-npm-webpack-typescript-starter-project. Project to get you started with your Phaser (using the npm module) game using Typescript and Webpack for building!
- orion. Twitch desktop client
- openWMail. Community run Fork of wmail - https://github.com/Thomas101/wmail
- cozy-desktop. File Synchronisation for Cozy on Desktop and Laptop
- yout. YouTube playlist player for desktop. Free, no YouTube ads, floating window. Available for Linux, Mac and Windows.
- WWDC. The unofficial WWDC app for macOS
- docker-osx-dev. A productive development environment with Docker on OS X
- ergo. The management of multiple local services running on different ports made easy
- socket.io-tester. An electron app that lets you connect to a socket.io server and subscribe to a certain topic and/or lets you send socket messages to the server
- ergo. The management of multiple local services running on different ports made easy
- awesome-osx. 📦 Awesome stuff for OSX
- ergo. The management of multiple local services running on different ports made easy
- bash.env. Bash.env is a cascading Bash environment system for those who work on different hardware and OS environments. Similar to oh-my-zsh but for Bash, and special sauce for those who work 'ssh' on remote machines.
- Bulllord-Engine. lightspeed lightweight elegant game engine in pure c
- Wolf.Engine. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C++ open source libraries for rendering and game developing
- docker-sync. Run your application at full speed while syncing your code for development, finally empowering you to utilize docker for development under OSX/Windows/*Linux
- docker-osx-dev. A productive development environment with Docker on OS X
- sxkdvm. SXKDVM - OSX Docker KVM / Run an OSX KVM virtual machine inside a Docker container.
- docker-time-sync-agent. docker-time-sync-agent is a tool to prevent time drift in Docker for Mac's HyperKit VM.
- dotfiles. 💻 Public repo for my personal dotfiles.
- dotfiles. My vim, zsh, tmux, and OS X dotfiles
- pearl. The package manager for dotfiles, plugins, programs and any form of code accessible via git for Linux and OSX
- dotfiles. 👾 ~/
- kody. .files and environment configuration manager for OSX created with node
- macOS. 💻 When I do a clean macOS installation.
- setup. Bootstrap your Mac for software development
- .dots. 💻 All of my dotfiles.
- dotfiles. macOS System Configuration with Fish, Package Control, VS Code, Repo management, Hammerspoon
- pearl. The package manager for dotfiles, plugins, programs and any form of code accessible via git for Linux and OSX
- kody. .files and environment configuration manager for OSX created with node
- git-cola. git-cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
- retro. [Work in Progress] Minimalist Vim Based Editor for the 30th Century
- ManDrake. Native Mac man page editor with syntax coloring, mdoc syntax checking & live preview
- Mailspring. 💌 A beautiful, fast and maintained fork of @Nylas Mail by one of the original authors.
- Cumulus. ☁️ A SoundCloud player that lives in your menubar.
- Whatsapp-Desktop. Unofficial whatsapp web desktop client for OSX, Linux and Windows. Build with Electron.
- lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).
- marky. A markdown editor built with Electron and React
- phaser-npm-webpack-typescript-starter-project. Project to get you started with your Phaser (using the npm module) game using Typescript and Webpack for building!
- minta. ✳️ Electron app for generating regular expressions
- autoEdit_2. Fast text based video editing, node Electron Os X desktop app, with Backbone front end.
- socket.io-tester. An electron app that lets you connect to a socket.io server and subscribe to a certain topic and/or lets you send socket messages to the server
- tockler. Application that tracks your time by monitoring your active windows (only titles) and idle time.
- retro. [Work in Progress] Minimalist Vim Based Editor for the 30th Century
- sample-chat-electron. Socket.io based chat server and clients, implemented in NodeJS and distributed to Windows and MacOS.
- playa. The OS X Audio Player that thinks in albums.
- coinwatch. View cryptocurrency prices with your Macbook's touchbar.
- chronos-timetracker. Desktop client for JIRA. Track time, upload worklogs without a hassle.
- openWMail. Community run Fork of wmail - https://github.com/Thomas101/wmail
- ServPane. A launchd menu bar app for Mac
- cozy-desktop. File Synchronisation for Cozy on Desktop and Laptop
- menubar-brightness. MacOS app to change the screen brightness on the menubar.
- yout. YouTube playlist player for desktop. Free, no YouTube ads, floating window. Available for Linux, Mac and Windows.
- Mailspring. 💌 A beautiful, fast and maintained fork of @Nylas Mail by one of the original authors.
- Whatsapp-Desktop. Unofficial whatsapp web desktop client for OSX, Linux and Windows. Build with Electron.
- minta. ✳️ Electron app for generating regular expressions
- menubar-brightness. MacOS app to change the screen brightness on the menubar.
- emacs-anywhere. Configurable automation + hooks called with application information
- dotfiles. 👾 ~/
- emacs-anywhere. 📝 Open emacs from anywhere
- Mailspring. 💌 A beautiful, fast and maintained fork of @Nylas Mail by one of the original authors.
- n1-ido. Ido is a clean, simple, Polymail-inspired theme for Mailspring
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- corrade. C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- ObjectivePGP. OpenPGP library for iOS and macOS
- client. The Universal Tox client. Platform-agnostic Tox client with user-friendlyness in mind!
- barbar. OSX crypto-currency price ticker
- osx-coin-ticker. OS X menu bar ticker for common cryptocurrencies
- Sculpt-Comfort-Mission-Control. Switch desktops on your Mac with any mouse
- spaces-renamer. 💻 Ability to rename spaces on macOS 10.10+
- android-file-transfer-linux. Android File Transfer for Linux
- uTox. µTox the lightest and fluffiest Tox client
- dotfiles. 👾 ~/
- iterm-fish-fisherman-osx. Complete guide and Bash script to install Command Line Tools + Homebrew + iTerm2 + Fish Shell + Fisherman + Plugins for development purposes
- dotfiles. macOS System Configuration with Fish, Package Control, VS Code, Repo management, Hammerspoon
- fix8. Modern open source C++ FIX framework featuring complete schema customisation, high performance and fast development.
- MBPMid2010_GPUFix. MBPMid2010_GPUFix is an utility program that allows to fix MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010) intermittent black screen or loss of video. The algorithm is based on a solution provided by user fabioroberto on MacRumors forums.
- ORSSerialPort. Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift OS X apps
- ObjectivePGP. OpenPGP library for iOS and macOS
- Criollo. A powerful Cocoa based web application framework for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- psutil. Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python
- pcm. Processor Counter Monitor
- daemonize. daemonize is a library for writing system daemons in Python.
- rar2fs. FUSE file system for reading RAR archives
- openbsm. OpenBSM open audit implementation
- maiken. C++14 build tool for Windows/Linux/OSX/BSD - GCC/CLANG/ICC/MSVC/NVCC/HCC - x86/x64/ARM
- android-file-transfer-linux. Android File Transfer for Linux
- rar2fs. FUSE file system for reading RAR archives
- phaser-npm-webpack-typescript-starter-project. Project to get you started with your Phaser (using the npm module) game using Typescript and Webpack for building!
- Wolf.Engine. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C++ open source libraries for rendering and game developing
- lol-chime. 🔔 A cross-platform(Linux, Windows, OSX) terminal utility that notifies the user with a bard chime when their friends are out of the game.
- allegro5. The official Allegro 5 git repository. Pull requests welcome!
- flixel-monkey. This is a port of flixel to the Monkey language
- Bulllord-Engine. lightspeed lightweight elegant game engine in pure c
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- Wolf.Engine. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C++ open source libraries for rendering and game developing
- flixel-monkey. This is a port of flixel to the Monkey language
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- git-cola. git-cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
- Git-Beautify-For-MacOS-Terminal. An easy-to-use set of config files to beautify Git in your MacOS or OS X terminal. If you find it hard to parse a jumble of mono-colored type on your command line, this set-up can help you tame the ugly bash beast.
- Gitee. Gitee, OS X status bar application for Github
- github-matrix-screensaver. The GitHub Matrix Screensaver for Mac OSX
- QuickHubApp. GitHub access from your OS X status bar
- glslViewer. Live GLSL coding render for MacOS and Linux
- gaiasky. Gaia Sky, 3D Universe software for Gaia and astronomy outreach
- go-gtk. Go binding for GTK
- massren. massren - easily rename multiple files using your text editor
- inbucket. Disposable webmail server (similar to Mailinator) with built in SMTP, POP3, RESTful servers; no DB required.
- dosxvpn. Easily deploy your own personal VPN server with DNS adblocking running on DigitalOcean
- tongsheClient.shadowsocks-go-ui. shadowsocks client for all desktop platform(mac osx/windows/linux) with golang
- inbucket. Disposable webmail server (similar to Mailinator) with built in SMTP, POP3, RESTful servers; no DB required.
- macappshell. Creates a Mac OSX .app folder (complete with icons) ready for your binary file. Perfect for Golang, Rust, C++, etc..
- ergo. The management of multiple local services running on different ports made easy
- dosxvpn. Easily deploy your own personal VPN server with DNS adblocking running on DigitalOcean
- awstools. A few helpful AWS tools written in Go
- tongsheClient.shadowsocks-go-ui. shadowsocks client for all desktop platform(mac osx/windows/linux) with golang
- xhyve. Use xhyve from Go (OS X only)
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- folderify. 📁 Generate pretty, beveled macOS folder icons.
- gaiasky. Gaia Sky, 3D Universe software for Gaia and astronomy outreach
- GraphicsRenderer. A drop-in UIGraphicsRenderer port -- CrossPlatform, Swift 4, Image & PDF
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- Wolf.Engine. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C++ open source libraries for rendering and game developing
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- go-gtk. Go binding for GTK
- pywebview. A lightweight cross-platform native wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its own dedicated window
- git-cola. git-cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
- pywebview. A lightweight cross-platform native wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its own dedicated window
- ChrysaLisp. Parallel OS, with GUI, Terminal, OO Assembler, Class libraries, C-Script compiler, Lisp interpreter and more...
- macappshell. Creates a Mac OSX .app folder (complete with icons) ready for your binary file. Perfect for Golang, Rust, C++, etc..
- Sloth. Mac app that shows all open files and sockets in use by all running applications. GUI for lsof.
- qnapi. Qt-based, multi-engine, multi-platform subtitle downloader
- Get-It. A native macOS video/audio downloader. Think of it as a youtube downloader that works on many sites
- pawnee. An Apache GUI for OSX.
- OSX-KVM. Run Mac OS X El Capitan, macOS Sierra and High Sierra on QEMU/KVM. No support is provided at the moment.
- DellXPS15-9550-OSX. Tutorial for a full working Mac OS High Sierra (10.13.x) enviroment on the Dell XPS 15 (9550)
- hammerspoon. Staggeringly powerful OS X desktop automation with Lua
- dotfiles. macOS System Configuration with Fish, Package Control, VS Code, Repo management, Hammerspoon
- ChakraCore. ChakraCore is the core part of the Chakra Javascript engine that powers Microsoft Edge
- vienna-rss. Vienna is a free and open-source RSS/Atom newsreader for macOS
- mas. 📦 Mac App Store command line interface
- Mos. 一个用于在 MacOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on MacOS
- dotfiles. 💻 Public repo for my personal dotfiles.
- xdebug-osx. Simple bash script to toggle xdebug on/off in OSX
- openssl-osx-ca. Simple periodic task to sync OSX Keychain certs to Homebrew installed OpenSSL & LibreSSL
- setup. Bootstrap your Mac for software development
- ServPane. A launchd menu bar app for Mac
- homebrew-pothos. Homebrew formulas for Pothos and SoapySDR
- pywebview. A lightweight cross-platform native wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its own dedicated window
- lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).
- beast. HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- Criollo. A powerful Cocoa based web application framework for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- beast. HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- Criollo. A powerful Cocoa based web application framework for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- Criollo. A powerful Cocoa based web application framework for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- icons-flat-osx. Free Flat icons For OSX
- folder-icons. Custom folder icons for macOS & Windows
- MBIcons. MBIcons contains over 200 icons that can be resized to any dimensions as they are drawn using NSBezierPath.
- icons-flat-osx. Free Flat icons For OSX
- LTFinderButtons. My Finder buttons collection for macOS.
- folderify. 📁 Generate pretty, beveled macOS folder icons.
- chinese-lunar-calendar-for-mac. Chinese Lunar Calendar for Mac
- XcodeIconTagger. Adds version and commit hash as an overlay to your iOS app's icon.
- folder-icons. Custom folder icons for macOS & Windows
- MBIcons. MBIcons contains over 200 icons that can be resized to any dimensions as they are drawn using NSBezierPath.
- icons-flat-osx. Free Flat icons For OSX
- dlangide. D language IDE based on DlangUI
- awesome-osx. 📦 Awesome stuff for OSX
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- WKZombie. WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.
- buildozer. Generic Python packager for Android and iOS
- xcake. (No Longer Maintained) 🍰 Describe Xcode projects in a human readable format and (re)generate one on demand.
- Bulllord-Engine. lightspeed lightweight elegant game engine in pure c
- ObjectivePGP. OpenPGP library for iOS and macOS
- tangram-es. 2D and 3D map renderer using OpenGL ES
- Water. Simple calculation to render cheap water effects.
- Spry. A Mac and iOS Playgrounds Unit Testing library based on Nimble.
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- AGMedallionView. iOS Picture View Control (Mac OS X Lion User's Avatar Like)
- DarkLightning. Simply the fastest way to transmit data between iOS/tvOS and OSX
- LuaScriptCore. 一款简单易用的多平台Lua桥接器,目前支持在iOS、Mac OS X、Android以及Unity3D中使用,让原生环境与Lua无障碍沟通。
- Solar. A Swift micro library for generating Sunrise and Sunset times.
- SwiftyVK. Easy and powerful way to interact with VK API for iOS and macOS
- corrade. C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library
- Criollo. A powerful Cocoa based web application framework for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- KVConstraintKit. An Impressive Auto Layout DSL for iOS, tvOS & OSX. & It is written in pure swift.
- Colorify. Colorify - simple, yet powerful color library.
- Kugel. [Deprecated] A glorious Swift wrapper around NSNotificationCenter
- ExtendaBLE. Blocks Based Bluetooth LE Connectivity framework for iOS/watchOS/tvOS/OSX. Quickly configure centrals & peripherals, perform read/write operations, and respond characteristic updates.
- XcodeIconTagger. Adds version and commit hash as an overlay to your iOS app's icon.
- LayoutFrameworkBenchmark. Benchmark the performances of various Swift layout frameworks (autolayout, UIStackView, PinLayout, LayoutKit, FlexLayout, Yoga, ...)
- Emoji-Tools. Multiple useful tools to help Android and iOS/OSX developers with creating and modifying Emoji Font files.
- AssetsExtractor. 『Assets提取工具』是一款OSX平台上用于将Assets.car或xxx.app中打包的png图片、pdf等资源重新提取出来的开发者工具。Assets.car常见于iOS/Mac/Unity等开发中的资源打包。
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- AVANE. Adobe Air Native Extension for building video encoding applications
- Swift-IOS-ANE. FlashRuntimeExtensions.swift. Example Air Native Extension written in Swift 4 for iOS, OSX and tvOS
- Jsonify. ♨️A delightful JSON parsing framework.
- NoOptionalInterpolation. No "Optional(...)" in string interpolation + Easy pluralization.
- ChromeCastCore. An open source implementation of the Google Cast SDK for macOS
- TPInAppReceipt. Reading and Validating In App Store Receipt
- Wolf.Engine. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C++ open source libraries for rendering and game developing
- CryptoJS.swift. Cross-platform cryptographic functions in swift
- flixel-monkey. This is a port of flixel to the Monkey language
- DeliciousSafari. DeliciousSafari Safari plug-in and iPhone app
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- client. The Universal Tox client. Platform-agnostic Tox client with user-friendlyness in mind!
- Themeable. Easy, type-safe UI theming in Swift
- TimeLapseBuilder-Swift. Build a movie from jpeg images in Swift using AVFoundation
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- Spry. A Mac and iOS Playgrounds Unit Testing library based on Nimble.
- Colorify. Colorify - simple, yet powerful color library.
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- dosxvpn. Easily deploy your own personal VPN server with DNS adblocking running on DigitalOcean
- Colorify. Colorify - simple, yet powerful color library.
- nord-iterm2. An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant iTerm2 color scheme.
- dotfiles. 👾 ~/
- nord-iterm2. An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant iTerm2 color scheme.
- LTFinderButtons. My Finder buttons collection for macOS.
- dotfiles. 👾 ~/
- awesome-osx. 📦 Awesome stuff for OSX
- iterm-fish-fisherman-osx. Complete guide and Bash script to install Command Line Tools + Homebrew + iTerm2 + Fish Shell + Fisherman + Plugins for development purposes
- tvrenamer. A Java GUI utility to rename TV episodes from TV listings
- gaiasky. Gaia Sky, 3D Universe software for Gaia and astronomy outreach
- Emoji-Tools. Multiple useful tools to help Android and iOS/OSX developers with creating and modifying Emoji Font files.
- ChakraCore. ChakraCore is the core part of the Chakra Javascript engine that powers Microsoft Edge
- pywebview. A lightweight cross-platform native wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its own dedicated window
- node-bluetooth-serial-port. Serial I/O over bluetooth for NodeJS
- termipal. Instant, native micro-GUIs for shell scripts and command line apps
- LTFinderButtons. My Finder buttons collection for macOS.
- retro. [Work in Progress] Minimalist Vim Based Editor for the 30th Century
- kody. .files and environment configuration manager for OSX created with node
- coinwatch. View cryptocurrency prices with your Macbook's touchbar.
- Desktop-Google-Keep-OSX. A Super Simple Desktop Client for Mac OSX Built in Javascript and MacGap
- chronos-timetracker. Desktop client for JIRA. Track time, upload worklogs without a hassle.
- CryptoJS.swift. Cross-platform cryptographic functions in swift
- yout. YouTube playlist player for desktop. Free, no YouTube ads, floating window. Available for Linux, Mac and Windows.
- PowerKey. Remap your Macbook's power key to Forward Delete
- autokbisw. Automatic keyboard/input source switching for OSX
- vim-anywhere. Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
- emacs-anywhere. Configurable automation + hooks called with application information
- PowerKey. Remap your Macbook's power key to Forward Delete
- emacs-anywhere. 📝 Open emacs from anywhere
- awesome-osx. 📦 Awesome stuff for OSX
- OSX-KVM. Run Mac OS X El Capitan, macOS Sierra and High Sierra on QEMU/KVM. No support is provided at the moment.
- sxkdvm. SXKDVM - OSX Docker KVM / Run an OSX KVM virtual machine inside a Docker container.
- playa. The OS X Audio Player that thinks in albums.
- NepTunes. simple and reliable Last.fm scrobbler for iTunes and Spotify for macOS
- KVConstraintKit. An Impressive Auto Layout DSL for iOS, tvOS & OSX. & It is written in pure swift.
- LayoutFrameworkBenchmark. Benchmark the performances of various Swift layout frameworks (autolayout, UIStackView, PinLayout, LayoutKit, FlexLayout, Yoga, ...)
- SwiftyVK. Easy and powerful way to interact with VK API for iOS and macOS
- libmodule. C library to easily create modular projects
- hammerspoon. Staggeringly powerful OS X desktop automation with Lua
- nmap. Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.
- MIDI2LR. An application and plugin to remotely control Lightroom with a MIDI controller
- LuaScriptCore. 一款简单易用的多平台Lua桥接器,目前支持在iOS、Mac OS X、Android以及Unity3D中使用,让原生环境与Lua无障碍沟通。
- Wolf.Engine. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C++ open source libraries for rendering and game developing
- Android-Crack-Tool. 🐞Android crack tool For Mac
- soundcast. Cast audio from macOS to Chromecast
- EvilOSX. A pure python, post-exploitation, RAT (Remote Administration Tool) for macOS / OSX.
- osx-iso. Create a bootable ISO of OS X / macOS, from the installation app file
- MBIcons. MBIcons contains over 200 icons that can be resized to any dimensions as they are drawn using NSBezierPath.
- ORSSerialPort. Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift OS X apps
- phaser-npm-webpack-typescript-starter-project. Project to get you started with your Phaser (using the npm module) game using Typescript and Webpack for building!
- Gank-for-Mac. 💎 The missing Mac OS X application for gank.io (Swift)
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- nord-iterm2. An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant iTerm2 color scheme.
- PowerKey. Remap your Macbook's power key to Forward Delete
- autoEdit_2. Fast text based video editing, node Electron Os X desktop app, with Backbone front end.
- MacApps. 个人收集的一些mac使用的不易找到的和破解的app(非鼓励盗版,为囊中羞涩如我的朋友准备),不断更新中。
- SwiftyVK. Easy and powerful way to interact with VK API for iOS and macOS
- openssl-osx-ca. Simple periodic task to sync OSX Keychain certs to Homebrew installed OpenSSL & LibreSSL
- chinese-lunar-calendar-for-mac. Chinese Lunar Calendar for Mac
- n1-ido. Ido is a clean, simple, Polymail-inspired theme for Mailspring
- SBPlayerClient. 支持全格式的mac版免费视频播放器
- vibe. 📊 Stats about your completed OmniFocus tasks
- pawnee. An Apache GUI for OSX.
- AssetsExtractor. 『Assets提取工具』是一款OSX平台上用于将Assets.car或xxx.app中打包的png图片、pdf等资源重新提取出来的开发者工具。Assets.car常见于iOS/Mac/Unity等开发中的资源打包。
- MacQQ. mac版QQ,swift,macOS,仿QQ mac端
- NepTunes. simple and reliable Last.fm scrobbler for iTunes and Spotify for macOS
- Jsonify. ♨️A delightful JSON parsing framework.
- macchanger. Change your mac address, for macOS
- tongsheClient.shadowsocks-go-ui. shadowsocks client for all desktop platform(mac osx/windows/linux) with golang
- maclaunch. Manage your macOS startup items.
- reminders-cli. Command-line interface to interact with the Reminders.app
- macvars. command library for scripting osx
- yout. YouTube playlist player for desktop. Free, no YouTube ads, floating window. Available for Linux, Mac and Windows.
- macappshell. Creates a Mac OSX .app folder (complete with icons) ready for your binary file. Perfect for Golang, Rust, C++, etc..
- Desktop-Google-Keep-OSX. A Super Simple Desktop Client for Mac OSX Built in Javascript and MacGap
- emacs-anywhere. 📝 Open emacs from anywhere
- macvars. command library for scripting osx
- awesome-touch-bar-apps. Awesome Touch Bar apps for macOS users.
- chinese-lunar-calendar-for-mac. Chinese Lunar Calendar for Mac
- macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide. A practical guide to securing macOS.
- stronghold. Easily configure MacOS security settings from the terminal.
- OSX-KVM. Run Mac OS X El Capitan, macOS Sierra and High Sierra on QEMU/KVM. No support is provided at the moment.
- stronghold. Easily configure MacOS security settings from the terminal.
- Sculpt-Comfort-Mission-Control. Switch desktops on your Mac with any mouse
- android-file-transfer-linux. Android File Transfer for Linux
- EvilOSX. A pure python, post-exploitation, RAT (Remote Administration Tool) for macOS / OSX.
- osx-iso. Create a bootable ISO of OS X / macOS, from the installation app file
- unsign. Remove code signatures from OSX Mach-O binaries (note: unsigned binaries cannot currently be re-codesign'ed. Patches welcome!)
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- sxkdvm. SXKDVM - OSX Docker KVM / Run an OSX KVM virtual machine inside a Docker container.
- STPrivilegedTask. An NSTask-like wrapper around OS X Security Framework's AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges() to run shell commands with root privileges in Objective-C / Cocoa
- syncthing-macosx. Frugal native Mac OS X Syncthing application bundle
- nord-iterm2. An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant iTerm2 color scheme.
- PowerKey. Remap your Macbook's power key to Forward Delete
- Sculpt-Comfort-Mission-Control. Switch desktops on your Mac with any mouse
- Jsonify. ♨️A delightful JSON parsing framework.
- cmus-control. Control cmus with Media Keys ⏪
▶️ ⏩ under OS X.
- corrade. C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- Mailspring. 💌 A beautiful, fast and maintained fork of @Nylas Mail by one of the original authors.
- inbucket. Disposable webmail server (similar to Mailinator) with built in SMTP, POP3, RESTful servers; no DB required.
- n1-ido. Ido is a clean, simple, Polymail-inspired theme for Mailspring
- Cumulus. ☁️ A SoundCloud player that lives in your menubar.
- AMM. Aria2 Menubar Monitor
- chinese-lunar-calendar-for-mac. Chinese Lunar Calendar for Mac
- TrayPlay. An app for OS X that lives in your menu bar and lets you easily control iTunes or Spotify, without interrupting your workflow.
- menubar-brightness. MacOS app to change the screen brightness on the menubar.
- Bulllord-Engine. lightspeed lightweight elegant game engine in pure c
- Water. Simple calculation to render cheap water effects.
- Wolf.Engine. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C++ open source libraries for rendering and game developing
- MIDI2LR. An application and plugin to remotely control Lightroom with a MIDI controller
- unimidi. Realtime MIDI IO for Ruby
- Sculpt-Comfort-Mission-Control. Switch desktops on your Mac with any mouse
- spaces-renamer. 💻 Ability to rename spaces on macOS 10.10+
- DisableMonitor. Easily disable or enable a monitor on your Mac.
- ddcctl. DDC monitor controls (brightness) for Mac OSX command line
- psutil. Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python
- pcm. Processor Counter Monitor
- Mos. 一个用于在 MacOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on MacOS
- Sculpt-Comfort-Mission-Control. Switch desktops on your Mac with any mouse
- qnapi. Qt-based, multi-engine, multi-platform subtitle downloader
- TimeLapseBuilder-Swift. Build a movie from jpeg images in Swift using AVFoundation
- soundcast. Cast audio from macOS to Chromecast
- unimidi. Realtime MIDI IO for Ruby
- cmus-osx. Tightly integrates cmus command line music player into macOS.
- SBPlayerClient. 支持全格式的mac版免费视频播放器
- cmus-control. Control cmus with Media Keys ⏪
▶️ ⏩ under OS X.
- dotfiles. My vim, zsh, tmux, and OS X dotfiles
- contacts-cli. Query macOS contacts from the command line
- mySIMBL. 📦 Plugin manager for macOS
- macOS_headers. 📚 A dump of most macOS Headers
- macplugins. 📗 Community repo for mySIMBL plus Xcode Template for plugins
- Swift-IOS-ANE. FlashRuntimeExtensions.swift. Example Air Native Extension written in Swift 4 for iOS, OSX and tvOS
- DesktopToastANE. Adobe Air Native Extension for displaying adaptive and interactive toast notifications in Windows 8, 10 and OSX
- psutil. Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python
- daemonize. daemonize is a library for writing system daemons in Python.
- maiken. C++14 build tool for Windows/Linux/OSX/BSD - GCC/CLANG/ICC/MSVC/NVCC/HCC - x86/x64/ARM
- beast. HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).
- node-bluetooth-serial-port. Serial I/O over bluetooth for NodeJS
- sample-chat-electron. Socket.io based chat server and clients, implemented in NodeJS and distributed to Windows and MacOS.
- ServPane. A launchd menu bar app for Mac
- nodejs-system-sleep. Sleep function for Node.js All platforms.
- reminders-cli. Command-line interface to interact with the Reminders.app
- yout. YouTube playlist player for desktop. Free, no YouTube ads, floating window. Available for Linux, Mac and Windows.
- terminal-notifier. Send User Notifications on macOS from the command-line.
- cmus-osx. Tightly integrates cmus command line music player into macOS.
- lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).
- phaser-npm-webpack-typescript-starter-project. Project to get you started with your Phaser (using the npm module) game using Typescript and Webpack for building!
- mason. Cross platform package manager for C/C++ apps
- terminal-notifier. Send User Notifications on macOS from the command-line.
- hammerspoon. Staggeringly powerful OS X desktop automation with Lua
- cocoa-rest-client. A free, native Apple macOS app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints
- vienna-rss. Vienna is a free and open-source RSS/Atom newsreader for macOS
- Platypus. Mac developer tool that creates application bundles from command line scripts
- DisableMonitor. Easily disable or enable a monitor on your Mac.
- magnetX. 资源搜索型软件 macOS OSX magnet
- ORSSerialPort. Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift OS X apps
- ObjectivePGP. OpenPGP library for iOS and macOS
- yubiswitch. OSX status bar application to enable/disable Yubikey Nano
- AGMedallionView. iOS Picture View Control (Mac OS X Lion User's Avatar Like)
- STPrivilegedTask. An NSTask-like wrapper around OS X Security Framework's AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges() to run shell commands with root privileges in Objective-C / Cocoa
- Sloth. Mac app that shows all open files and sockets in use by all running applications. GUI for lsof.
- Criollo. A powerful Cocoa based web application framework for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- DeveloperExcuses. A Mac OS X Screensaver which shows quotes from http://developerexcuses.com, inofficial
- chinese-lunar-calendar-for-mac. Chinese Lunar Calendar for Mac
- TrayPlay. An app for OS X that lives in your menu bar and lets you easily control iTunes or Spotify, without interrupting your workflow.
- SBPlayerClient. 支持全格式的mac版免费视频播放器
- zkSforce. Cocoa library for calling the Salesforce.com Web Services API
- mute-me. A simple Touch Bar app to mute/unmute your microphone
- blueutil. get/set bluetooth power and discoverable state
- QuickHubApp. GitHub access from your OS X status bar
- TenNews. MacOS News Collection
- cmus-control. Control cmus with Media Keys ⏪
▶️ ⏩ under OS X.
- ObjectivePGP. OpenPGP library for iOS and macOS
- CoreJSON. Fast JSON framework. Done properly.
- psutil. Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python
- daemonize. daemonize is a library for writing system daemons in Python.
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- vscode_oF. openFrameworks empty example for visual studio code
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- allegro5. The official Allegro 5 git repository. Pull requests welcome!
- Bulllord-Engine. lightspeed lightweight elegant game engine in pure c
- gaiasky. Gaia Sky, 3D Universe software for Gaia and astronomy outreach
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- glslViewer. Live GLSL coding render for MacOS and Linux
- tangram-es. 2D and 3D map renderer using OpenGL ES
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- ObjectivePGP. OpenPGP library for iOS and macOS
- gpgsync. GPG Sync is designed to let users always have up-to-date public keys for other members of their organization
- lhttps. Create https for local development environment or localhost.
- openssl-osx-ca. Simple periodic task to sync OSX Keychain certs to Homebrew installed OpenSSL & LibreSSL
- CryptoJS.swift. Cross-platform cryptographic functions in swift
- 30dayMakeOS. 《30天自制操作系统》源码中文版。自己制作一个操作系统(OSASK)的过程
- ChrysaLisp. Parallel OS, with GUI, Terminal, OO Assembler, Class libraries, C-Script compiler, Lisp interpreter and more...
- magnetX. 资源搜索型软件 macOS OSX magnet
- node-bluetooth-serial-port. Serial I/O over bluetooth for NodeJS
- Git-Beautify-For-MacOS-Terminal. An easy-to-use set of config files to beautify Git in your MacOS or OS X terminal. If you find it hard to parse a jumble of mono-colored type on your command line, this set-up can help you tame the ugly bash beast.
- syncthing-macosx. Frugal native Mac OS X Syncthing application bundle
- client. The Universal Tox client. Platform-agnostic Tox client with user-friendlyness in mind!
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- cget. Cmake package retrieval
- pearl. The package manager for dotfiles, plugins, programs and any form of code accessible via git for Linux and OSX
- cmake-get. Get dependencies with cmake
- buildozer. Generic Python packager for Android and iOS
- mason. Cross platform package manager for C/C++ apps
- keepassxc. KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
- hush. Sexy, no-nonsense native password hasher for OS X and iOS.
- Infosec_Reference. An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck
- BackToMe. Little tool made in python to create payloads for Linux, Windows and OSX with unique handler
- Infosec_Reference. An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck
- EvilOSX. A pure python, post-exploitation, RAT (Remote Administration Tool) for macOS / OSX.
- BackToMe. Little tool made in python to create payloads for Linux, Windows and OSX with unique handler
- ObjectivePGP. OpenPGP library for iOS and macOS
- gpgsync. GPG Sync is designed to let users always have up-to-date public keys for other members of their organization
- SBPlayerClient. 支持全格式的mac版免费视频播放器
- yout. YouTube playlist player for desktop. Free, no YouTube ads, floating window. Available for Linux, Mac and Windows.
- mySIMBL. 📦 Plugin manager for macOS
- macOS_headers. 📚 A dump of most macOS Headers
- macplugins. 📗 Community repo for mySIMBL plus Xcode Template for plugins
- Criollo. A powerful Cocoa based web application framework for macOS, iOS and tvOS.
- NoOptionalInterpolation. No "Optional(...)" in string interpolation + Easy pluralization.
- EvilOSX. A pure python, post-exploitation, RAT (Remote Administration Tool) for macOS / OSX.
- BackToMe. Little tool made in python to create payloads for Linux, Windows and OSX with unique handler
- macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide. A practical guide to securing macOS.
- client. The Universal Tox client. Platform-agnostic Tox client with user-friendlyness in mind!
- psutil. Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python
- pythonnet. Python for .NET is a package that gives Python programmers nearly seamless integration with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) and provides a powerful application scripting tool for .NET developers.
- git-cola. git-cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
- pywebview. A lightweight cross-platform native wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its own dedicated window
- buildozer. Generic Python packager for Android and iOS
- EvilOSX. A pure python, post-exploitation, RAT (Remote Administration Tool) for macOS / OSX.
- OWASP-ZSC. OWASP ZSC - Shellcode/Obfuscate Code Generator
- daemonize. daemonize is a library for writing system daemons in Python.
- sublime-jekyll. A Sublime Text package for Jekyll static sites.
- GridCal. GridCal, a power systems solver written in Python with user interface and embedded python console
- setup. Bootstrap your Mac for software development
- Wolf.Engine. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C++ open source libraries for rendering and game developing
- finder_colors. Set the color of files/folders for OSX Finder from the command line.
- OSX-KVM. Run Mac OS X El Capitan, macOS Sierra and High Sierra on QEMU/KVM. No support is provided at the moment.
- 30dayMakeOS. 《30天自制操作系统》源码中文版。自己制作一个操作系统(OSASK)的过程
- pywebview. A lightweight cross-platform native wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its own dedicated window
- MBPMid2010_GPUFix. MBPMid2010_GPUFix is an utility program that allows to fix MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010) intermittent black screen or loss of video. The algorithm is based on a solution provided by user fabioroberto on MacRumors forums.
- qnapi. Qt-based, multi-engine, multi-platform subtitle downloader
- Qt-Nice-Frameless-Window. Qt Frameless Window for both Windows and OS X, support Aero Snap, drop shadow on Windows, and support Native Style such as round corner, drop shadow on OS X. Based on QMainWindow.
- qtcsv. Library for reading and writing csv-files in Qt.
- EzGraver. Simple multi-platform management software for NEJE laser engravers.
- git-cola. git-cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
- pywebview. A lightweight cross-platform native wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its own dedicated window
- labpowerqt. LabPowerQt is an application to control laboratory power supplies
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- hunter. 📦 CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C/C++. Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.
- tangram-es. 2D and 3D map renderer using OpenGL ES
- DIV-Games-Studio. Complete cross platform games development package, originally for DOS but now available on modern platforms.
- marky. A markdown editor built with Electron and React
- playa. The OS X Audio Player that thinks in albums.
- chronos-timetracker. Desktop client for JIRA. Track time, upload worklogs without a hassle.
- client. The Universal Tox client. Platform-agnostic Tox client with user-friendlyness in mind!
- socket.io-tester. An electron app that lets you connect to a socket.io server and subscribe to a certain topic and/or lets you send socket messages to the server
- chronos-timetracker. Desktop client for JIRA. Track time, upload worklogs without a hassle.
- client. The Universal Tox client. Platform-agnostic Tox client with user-friendlyness in mind!
- regxr. A minimal, beautiful, lightweight MacOS desktop application to check for regular expression pattern matches
- minta. ✳️ Electron app for generating regular expressions
- reminders-cli. A simple CLI for interacting with OS X reminders
- reminders-cli. Command-line interface to interact with the Reminders.app
- tangram-es. 2D and 3D map renderer using OpenGL ES
- GraphicsRenderer. A drop-in UIGraphicsRenderer port -- CrossPlatform, Swift 4, Image & PDF
- Infosec_Reference. An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck
- symrepl. Symbol REPL
- terminal-notifier. Send User Notifications on macOS from the command-line.
- unimidi. Realtime MIDI IO for Ruby
- ruby-macho. 🔩 A pure-Ruby library for parsing Mach-O files.
- unimidi. Realtime MIDI IO for Ruby
- ruby-macho. 🔩 A pure-Ruby library for parsing Mach-O files.
- macappshell. Creates a Mac OSX .app folder (complete with icons) ready for your binary file. Perfect for Golang, Rust, C++, etc..
- daemonize. Library for writing system daemons
- sysinfo. A system handler to get information and interact with processes written in Rust
- SoqlX. SoqlXplorer is an awesome tool for developers using the Salesforce.com platform.
- zkSforce. Cocoa library for calling the Salesforce.com Web Services API
- fix8. Modern open source C++ FIX framework featuring complete schema customisation, high performance and fast development.
- SoqlX. SoqlXplorer is an awesome tool for developers using the Salesforce.com platform.
- DisableMonitor. Easily disable or enable a monitor on your Mac.
- LayerX. An intuitive app to display transparent images on screen.
- github-matrix-screensaver. The GitHub Matrix Screensaver for Mac OSX
- DeveloperExcuses. A Mac OS X Screensaver which shows quotes from http://developerexcuses.com, inofficial
- uTox. µTox the lightest and fluffiest Tox client
- client. The Universal Tox client. Platform-agnostic Tox client with user-friendlyness in mind!
- macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide. A practical guide to securing macOS.
- nmap. Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.
- uTox. µTox the lightest and fluffiest Tox client
- osx-and-ios-security-awesome. OSX and iOS related security tools
- stronghold. Easily configure MacOS security settings from the terminal.
- openbsm. OpenBSM open audit implementation
- psutil. Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python
- osx-cpu-temp. Outputs current CPU temperature for OSX
- ORSSerialPort. Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift OS X apps
- USBDeviceSwift. wrapper for IOKit.usb and IOKit.hid written on pure Swift that allows you convenient work with USB devices
- beast. HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- node-bluetooth-serial-port. Serial I/O over bluetooth for NodeJS
- macOS. 💻 When I do a clean macOS installation.
- installme-osx. My personal script to setup a new OSX
- glslViewer. Live GLSL coding render for MacOS and Linux
- gaiasky. Gaia Sky, 3D Universe software for Gaia and astronomy outreach
- vim-anywhere. Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
- dotfiles. 💻 Public repo for my personal dotfiles.
- vagrant-debian-jessie. Automatic Debian 8 Vagrant base box building on OSX, Linux and Windows
- xdebug-osx. Simple bash script to toggle xdebug on/off in OSX
- nord-iterm2. An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant iTerm2 color scheme.
- dotfiles. 👾 ~/
- speedtest-linux. Get download/upload speeds via speedtest.net or fast.com from command line using Bash script -- suitable for logs. POSIX OSX Linux
- setup. Bootstrap your Mac for software development
- dotfiles. macOS System Configuration with Fish, Package Control, VS Code, Repo management, Hammerspoon
- installme-osx. My personal script to setup a new OSX
- bash.env. Bash.env is a cascading Bash environment system for those who work on different hardware and OS environments. Similar to oh-my-zsh but for Bash, and special sauce for those who work 'ssh' on remote machines.
- DellXPS15-9550-OSX. Tutorial for a full working Mac OS High Sierra (10.13.x) enviroment on the Dell XPS 15 (9550)
- Sculpt-Comfort-Mission-Control. Switch desktops on your Mac with any mouse
- macOS. 💻 When I do a clean macOS installation.
- libdigidocpp. Libdigidocpp library offers creating, signing and verification of digitally signed documents, according to XAdES and XML-DSIG standards. Documentation http://open-eid.github.io/libdigidocpp
- qdigidoc. DigiDoc3 Client is a program that can be used to sign digitally with ID-card and Mobile-ID, check the validity of digital signatures and open and save documents inside the signature container.
- mySIMBL. 📦 Plugin manager for macOS
- macOS_headers. 📚 A dump of most macOS Headers
- spaces-renamer. 💻 Ability to rename spaces on macOS 10.10+
- macplugins. 📗 Community repo for mySIMBL plus Xcode Template for plugins
- nmap. Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.
- Sloth. Mac app that shows all open files and sockets in use by all running applications. GUI for lsof.
- sample-chat-electron. Socket.io based chat server and clients, implemented in NodeJS and distributed to Windows and MacOS.
- socket.io-tester. An electron app that lets you connect to a socket.io server and subscribe to a certain topic and/or lets you send socket messages to the server
- sample-chat-electron. Socket.io based chat server and clients, implemented in NodeJS and distributed to Windows and MacOS.
- rar2fs. FUSE file system for reading RAR archives
- bash.env. Bash.env is a cascading Bash environment system for those who work on different hardware and OS environments. Similar to oh-my-zsh but for Bash, and special sauce for those who work 'ssh' on remote machines.
- Sculpt-Comfort-Mission-Control. Switch desktops on your Mac with any mouse
- spaces-renamer. 💻 Ability to rename spaces on macOS 10.10+
- Gitee. Gitee, OS X status bar application for Github
- yubiswitch. OSX status bar application to enable/disable Yubikey Nano
- chinese-lunar-calendar-for-mac. Chinese Lunar Calendar for Mac
- barbar. OSX crypto-currency price ticker
- WWDC. The unofficial WWDC app for macOS
- Starscream. Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
- 12306ForMac. An unofficial 12306 Client for Mac
- WebShell. Bundle web apps to native OS X app
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- WKZombie. WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.
- vienna-rss. Vienna is a free and open-source RSS/Atom newsreader for macOS
- MacAssistant. Google Assistant for macOS!
- regxr. A minimal, beautiful, lightweight MacOS desktop application to check for regular expression pattern matches
- Mos. 一个用于在 MacOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on MacOS
- MBIcons. MBIcons contains over 200 icons that can be resized to any dimensions as they are drawn using NSBezierPath.
- ORSSerialPort. Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift OS X apps
- hopper-swift-demangle. A Hopper plugin for demangle Swift symbols
- NSWindowStyles. A showcase of the many different styles of windows possible with NSWindow on MacOS
- AMM. Aria2 Menubar Monitor
- Gank-for-Mac. 💎 The missing Mac OS X application for gank.io (Swift)
- Spry. A Mac and iOS Playgrounds Unit Testing library based on Nimble.
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- Swindler. macOS window management framework, written in Swift
- Solar. A Swift micro library for generating Sunrise and Sunset times.
- SwiftyVK. Easy and powerful way to interact with VK API for iOS and macOS
- Colorify. Colorify - simple, yet powerful color library.
- Kugel. [Deprecated] A glorious Swift wrapper around NSNotificationCenter
- ExtendaBLE. Blocks Based Bluetooth LE Connectivity framework for iOS/watchOS/tvOS/OSX. Quickly configure centrals & peripherals, perform read/write operations, and respond characteristic updates.
- LayoutFrameworkBenchmark. Benchmark the performances of various Swift layout frameworks (autolayout, UIStackView, PinLayout, LayoutKit, FlexLayout, Yoga, ...)
- MacQQ. mac版QQ,swift,macOS,仿QQ mac端
- NoOptionalInterpolation. No "Optional(...)" in string interpolation + Easy pluralization.
- TPInAppReceipt. Reading and Validating In App Store Receipt
- USBDeviceSwift. wrapper for IOKit.usb and IOKit.hid written on pure Swift that allows you convenient work with USB devices
- CryptoJS.swift. Cross-platform cryptographic functions in swift
- macos-launch-at-login-app. This is a demo app how to auto-launch a sandboxed macOS application at login - written in Swift 4
- MBPageControl. A highly customizable page control for OS X.
- DesktopToastANE. Adobe Air Native Extension for displaying adaptive and interactive toast notifications in Windows 8, 10 and OSX
- hush. Sexy, no-nonsense native password hasher for OS X and iOS.
- TimeLapseBuilder-Swift. Build a movie from jpeg images in Swift using AVFoundation
- VaporGCM. A simple Android GCM/FCM library for Swift/Vapor
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- MBIcons. MBIcons contains over 200 icons that can be resized to any dimensions as they are drawn using NSBezierPath.
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- Solar. A Swift micro library for generating Sunrise and Sunset times.
- Get-It. A native macOS video/audio downloader. Think of it as a youtube downloader that works on many sites
- autokbisw. Automatic keyboard/input source switching for OSX
- Water. Simple calculation to render cheap water effects.
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- TPInAppReceipt. Reading and Validating In App Store Receipt
- Swift-IOS-ANE. FlashRuntimeExtensions.swift. Example Air Native Extension written in Swift 4 for iOS, OSX and tvOS
- macos-launch-at-login-app. This is a demo app how to auto-launch a sandboxed macOS application at login - written in Swift 4
- syncthing-macosx. Frugal native Mac OS X Syncthing application bundle
- cozy-desktop. File Synchronisation for Cozy on Desktop and Laptop
- highlight. Rich featured syntax highlighter for Keynote slides.
- ManDrake. Native Mac man page editor with syntax coloring, mdoc syntax checking & live preview
- daemonize. daemonize is a library for writing system daemons in Python.
- daemonize. Library for writing system daemons
- sysinfo. A system handler to get information and interact with processes written in Rust
- nodejs-system-sleep. Sleep function for Node.js All platforms.
- far2l. Linux port of FAR v2
- nord-iterm2. An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant iTerm2 color scheme.
- LTFinderButtons. My Finder buttons collection for macOS.
- dotfiles. 👾 ~/
- Git-Beautify-For-MacOS-Terminal. An easy-to-use set of config files to beautify Git in your MacOS or OS X terminal. If you find it hard to parse a jumble of mono-colored type on your command line, this set-up can help you tame the ugly bash beast.
- reminders-cli. Command-line interface to interact with the Reminders.app
- WKZombie. WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.
- Spry. A Mac and iOS Playgrounds Unit Testing library based on Nimble.
- vim-anywhere. Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
- massren. massren - easily rename multiple files using your text editor
- n1-ido. Ido is a clean, simple, Polymail-inspired theme for Mailspring
- folder-icons. Custom folder icons for macOS & Windows
- Git-Beautify-For-MacOS-Terminal. An easy-to-use set of config files to beautify Git in your MacOS or OS X terminal. If you find it hard to parse a jumble of mono-colored type on your command line, this set-up can help you tame the ugly bash beast.
- Themeable. Easy, type-safe UI theming in Swift
- awesome-touch-bar-apps. Awesome Touch Bar apps for macOS users.
- mute-me. A simple Touch Bar app to mute/unmute your microphone
- coinwatch. View cryptocurrency prices with your Macbook's touchbar.
- uTox. µTox the lightest and fluffiest Tox client
- client. The Universal Tox client. Platform-agnostic Tox client with user-friendlyness in mind!
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- DarkLightning. Simply the fastest way to transmit data between iOS/tvOS and OSX
- KVConstraintKit. An Impressive Auto Layout DSL for iOS, tvOS & OSX. & It is written in pure swift.
- ExtendaBLE. Blocks Based Bluetooth LE Connectivity framework for iOS/watchOS/tvOS/OSX. Quickly configure centrals & peripherals, perform read/write operations, and respond characteristic updates.
- LayoutFrameworkBenchmark. Benchmark the performances of various Swift layout frameworks (autolayout, UIStackView, PinLayout, LayoutKit, FlexLayout, Yoga, ...)
- Swift-IOS-ANE. FlashRuntimeExtensions.swift. Example Air Native Extension written in Swift 4 for iOS, OSX and tvOS
- Jsonify. ♨️A delightful JSON parsing framework.
- NoOptionalInterpolation. No "Optional(...)" in string interpolation + Easy pluralization.
- mySIMBL. 📦 Plugin manager for macOS
- macOS_headers. 📚 A dump of most macOS Headers
- lhttps. Create https for local development environment or localhost.
- EzGraver. Simple multi-platform management software for NEJE laser engravers.
- libdigidocpp. Libdigidocpp library offers creating, signing and verification of digitally signed documents, according to XAdES and XML-DSIG standards. Documentation http://open-eid.github.io/libdigidocpp
- iir1. IIR realtime filter library written in C++
- qdigidoc. DigiDoc3 Client is a program that can be used to sign digitally with ID-card and Mobile-ID, check the validity of digital signatures and open and save documents inside the signature container.
- android-file-transfer-linux. Android File Transfer for Linux
- EzGraver. Simple multi-platform management software for NEJE laser engravers.
- tongsheClient.shadowsocks-go-ui. shadowsocks client for all desktop platform(mac osx/windows/linux) with golang
- allegro5. The official Allegro 5 git repository. Pull requests welcome!
- sysinfo. A system handler to get information and interact with processes written in Rust
- DarkLightning. Simply the fastest way to transmit data between iOS/tvOS and OSX
- vmware-usb-osx. Easily create a bootable USB installer for VMware ESXi / vSphere Hypervisor
- USBDeviceSwift. wrapper for IOKit.usb and IOKit.hid written on pure Swift that allows you convenient work with USB devices
- EHAL. Embedded Hardware Abstraction Library
- PowerKey. Remap your Macbook's power key to Forward Delete
- MBPMid2010_GPUFix. MBPMid2010_GPUFix is an utility program that allows to fix MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010) intermittent black screen or loss of video. The algorithm is based on a solution provided by user fabioroberto on MacRumors forums.
- vagrant-debian-jessie. Automatic Debian 8 Vagrant base box building on OSX, Linux and Windows
- vagrant-osx. Vagrant setup for Mac OS X
- modern.ie-vagrant. Modern.ie for Vagrant
- WWDC. The unofficial WWDC app for macOS
- openFrameworks. openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- allegro5. The official Allegro 5 git repository. Pull requests welcome!
- uTox. µTox the lightest and fluffiest Tox client
- SBPlayerClient. 支持全格式的mac版免费视频播放器
- vim-anywhere. Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
- dotfiles. My vim, zsh, tmux, and OS X dotfiles
- retro. [Work in Progress] Minimalist Vim Based Editor for the 30th Century
- dotfiles. 👾 ~/
- setup. Bootstrap your Mac for software development
- git-cola. git-cola: The highly caffeinated Git GUI
- gaiasky. Gaia Sky, 3D Universe software for Gaia and astronomy outreach
- ChakraCore. ChakraCore is the core part of the Chakra Javascript engine that powers Microsoft Edge
- ChrysaLisp. Parallel OS, with GUI, Terminal, OO Assembler, Class libraries, C-Script compiler, Lisp interpreter and more...
- vmware-usb-osx. Easily create a bootable USB installer for VMware ESXi / vSphere Hypervisor
- vagrant-osx. Vagrant setup for Mac OS X
- dosxvpn. Easily deploy your own personal VPN server with DNS adblocking running on DigitalOcean
- dns-heaven. Fixes stupid macOS DNS stack (/etc/resolv.conf)
- vscodeJupyter. Jupyter for Visual Studio Code
- LTFinderButtons. My Finder buttons collection for macOS.
- vscode_oF. openFrameworks empty example for visual studio code
- Bulllord-Engine. lightspeed lightweight elegant game engine in pure c
- Wolf.Engine. The Wolf is a comprehensive set of C++ open source libraries for rendering and game developing
- Fire. 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- ExtendaBLE. Blocks Based Bluetooth LE Connectivity framework for iOS/watchOS/tvOS/OSX. Quickly configure centrals & peripherals, perform read/write operations, and respond characteristic updates.
- Jsonify. ♨️A delightful JSON parsing framework.
- NoOptionalInterpolation. No "Optional(...)" in string interpolation + Easy pluralization.
- geneweb. GeneWeb is a genealogy software with a web interface created by Daniel de Rauglaudre. It can be installed locally on a stand-alone machine and on any web server.
- client. The Universal Tox client. Platform-agnostic Tox client with user-friendlyness in mind!
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- Bulllord-Engine. lightspeed lightweight elegant game engine in pure c
- magnum-examples. Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- magnum-plugins. Plugins for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine
- Starscream. Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
- beast. HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- Starscream. Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
- beast. HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- Starscream. Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
- beast. HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- socket.io-tester. An electron app that lets you connect to a socket.io server and subscribe to a certain topic and/or lets you send socket messages to the server
- STPrivilegedTask. An NSTask-like wrapper around OS X Security Framework's AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges() to run shell commands with root privileges in Objective-C / Cocoa
- Desktop-Google-Keep-OSX. A Super Simple Desktop Client for Mac OSX Built in Javascript and MacGap
- ChrysaLisp. Parallel OS, with GUI, Terminal, OO Assembler, Class libraries, C-Script compiler, Lisp interpreter and more...
- maiken. C++14 build tool for Windows/Linux/OSX/BSD - GCC/CLANG/ICC/MSVC/NVCC/HCC - x86/x64/ARM
- Device. Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- MBIcons. MBIcons contains over 200 icons that can be resized to any dimensions as they are drawn using NSBezierPath.
- xcake. (No Longer Maintained) 🍰 Describe Xcode projects in a human readable format and (re)generate one on demand.
- AGMedallionView. iOS Picture View Control (Mac OS X Lion User's Avatar Like)
- awesome-touch-bar-apps. Awesome Touch Bar apps for macOS users.
- XcodeIconTagger. Adds version and commit hash as an overlay to your iOS app's icon.
- macos-launch-at-login-app. This is a demo app how to auto-launch a sandboxed macOS application at login - written in Swift 4
- MBPageControl. A highly customizable page control for OS X.
- macplugins. 📗 Community repo for mySIMBL plus Xcode Template for plugins
- keepassxc. KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
- yubiswitch. OSX status bar application to enable/disable Yubikey Nano
- nheqminer-macos. nheqminer for macOS with AVX and CUDA
- zcash-apple. Zcash for Apple platform
- dotfiles. 💻 Public repo for my personal dotfiles.
- nord-iterm2. An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant iTerm2 color scheme.
- dotfiles. My vim, zsh, tmux, and OS X dotfiles
- awesome-osx. 📦 Awesome stuff for OSX