- admin
- admin-dashboard
- admin-panel
- admin-template
- admin-ui
- android
- angular
- angular-2
- angularjs
- apollo
- apollographql
- app
- axios
- babel
- blog
- boilerplate
- bootstrap
- bootstrap-theme
- bootstrap4
- build-tool
- bulma
- chart
- cms
- cnodejs
- component
- component-library
- components
- cordova
- css
- css3
- dashboard
- database
- datatable
- demo
- design
- design-systems
- desktop
- dialog
- directive
- doc
- docker
- docker-compose
- documentation
- documentation-tool
- dubbo
- echarts
- editor
- egg
- elasticsearch
- electron
- electron-app
- electron-application
- electron-builder
- electron-vue
- element
- element-ui
- es6
- eslint
- express
- firebase
- form
- framework
- framework7
- frontend
- fullstack
- generator
- github-pages
- go
- golang
- graphql
- grid
- highlight
- html
- html5
- i18n
- icon
- infinite-scroll
- ios
- iscroll
- isomorphic
- iview
- javascript-tools
- jest
- json
- koa
- koa2
- laravel
- learning-javascript
- less
- library
- loader
- loading
- localstorage
- management-system
- map
- markdown
- material
- material-components
- material-design
- material-theme
- mobile
- mobile-web
- mock
- mongo
- mongodb
- mongoose
- muse-ui
- music
- mvvm
- nativescript
- node
- nodejs
- npm
- nuxt
- nuxt-template
- nuxtjs
- pagination-components
- php
- player
- plugin
- preact
- preview
- progressive-web-app
- pwa
- pwa-apps
- python
- quill
- quilljs
- react
- react-native
- reactjs
- redis
- ruby
- sass
- scroll
- scss
- select
- semantic-ui
- seo
- server-rendering
- server-side-rendering
- service-worker
- simplemde
- slide
- slider
- source-code
- spa
- spinner
- ssm
- ssr
- starter-kit
- storybook
- styleguide
- svelte
- svg
- table
- testing
- testing-tools
- text-editor
- todolist
- typescript
- ui
- ui-components
- ui-design
- ui-kit
- uikit
- universal
- upload
- validation
- vee-validate
- vim
- visualization
- vue2-demo
- vuejs-components
- vuejs2
- vuetify
- web
- web-app
- web-editor
- webapp
- webpack
- webpack2
- webpack3
- webpack4
- website
- websockets
- weex
- weui
- zero-configuration
- zhihu
- zhihu-daily
- vue-element-admin. 🎉 A magical vue admin http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- iview-admin. Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView
- vue-framework-wz. 👏vue后台管理框架👏
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- sls-admin-vue. https://vue.slsadmin.org
- adminify. An Admin Dashboard based on Vuetify material
- electron-vue-admin. vue electron admin template web: http://panjiachen.github.io/vueAdmin-template
- vue-element-admin. 🎉 A magical vue admin http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- vuestic-admin. Vue.js admin dashboard
- vue-framework-wz. 👏vue后台管理框架👏
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- vuestic-admin. Vue.js admin dashboard
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- vue-element-admin. 🎉 A magical vue admin http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- iview-admin. Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView
- vue-framework-wz. 👏vue后台管理框架👏
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- vue-framework-wz. 👏vue后台管理框架👏
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- framework7-vue. Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Vue
- eros-template. 📱一套 Vue 代码,两端原生应用。(或许可以叫我 Weex/Vue-native)
- app-framework. iOS and Android Apps with HTML & JavaScript - develop, build and deploy - free and open source!
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- storybook. Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- text-mask. Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript
- ice. 飞冰 - 让前端开发简单而友好
- rematch. A Redux Framework
- awesome-webpack-cn. 印记中文 - webpack 优秀中文文章
- flex.css. flex.css is declarative layout which is compatible with wechat, UC, webview and other main-stream mobile browser and surpports react, vue, angular.
- surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝
- generator-ng-fullstack. Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest: Node, Go, HTTP/2, Angular 1, Angular 2, Vue, Aurelia, Express, Koa, Echo, Gin, MongoDB, Gulp, Babel, Typescript and much more.
- formio. The combined Form and API platform for Serverless Applications.
- github-buttons.
Unofficial github:buttons.
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- formio. The combined Form and API platform for Serverless Applications.
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- vue-meteor. 🌠 Vue first-class integration in Meteor
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- vue-apollo. 🚀 Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS
- eros-template. 📱一套 Vue 代码,两端原生应用。(或许可以叫我 Weex/Vue-native)
- app-framework. iOS and Android Apps with HTML & JavaScript - develop, build and deploy - free and open source!
- vue-element-admin. 🎉 A magical vue admin http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- iview-admin. Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView
- NeteaseCloudWebApp. This is a vue for NeteaseCloud projects!
- vueAdmin-template. a vue2.0 minimal admin template http://panjiachen.github.io/vueAdmin-template
- VueDemo_Sell_Eleme.
ele by vue2.x 🐧
- xyy-vue. 基于vue+vue-router+vuex+axios+webpack开发的个人Demo《Qu约》 项目地址
- vue-music-player. 🎵Vue.js写一个音乐播放器+📖One(一个).A music player + One by Vue.js
- vue-music. 从零开始 ! 试图做网易云音乐播放器了!
- vue-todos. vue最新实战项目教程,从零开始,一步一个脚印,循序渐进。跟着我一起学习vue吧!
- Vue-Admin. 基于Vue2、element ui、vue-cli、vuex、vue-router、axios 、echarts后台管理系统demo. 权限管理,用户管理,菜单管理。无限级菜单,下拉树形选择框
- Pixel-Web. 一个 Vue 微博客户端
- vue-blog. A single-user blog built with vue2, koa2 and mongodb which supports Server-Side Rendering
- egg-vue-webpack-boilerplate. 基于 Egg + Vue + Webpack 多页面和单页面服务端客户端渲染同构工程骨架项目.
- netease_yanxuan. vue版网易严选,体验网易严选购物流程,线上访问:http://zhaoboy.bid/yanxuan/#/
- electron-vue. An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
- poi. ⚡ A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications.
- generator-ng-fullstack. Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest: Node, Go, HTTP/2, Angular 1, Angular 2, Vue, Aurelia, Express, Koa, Echo, Gin, MongoDB, Gulp, Babel, Typescript and much more.
- cordova-template-framework7-vue-webpack. Framework7 - Vue - Webpack Cordova Template with Webpack Dev Server and Hot Module Replacement
- blog. 梁少峰的个人博客
- blog. 🌟 PJ Blog is an open source blog built with Laravel and Vue.js.
- vuedo. Vuedo is a blog platform, built with Laravel and Vue.js.
- pipe. 🎷 A small and beautiful blogging platform. 小而美的博客平台。
- blog. 林鑫的个人博客,用于总结平时工作和学习中的经验。
- surmon.me. 🆒 My blog site powered by @nuxt
- vue-ghpages-blog. ✏️ A blog based on GitHub Pages built with Vue.js 2 + webpack 3.
- electron-vue. An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
- vue-enterprise-boilerplate. An ever-evolving, very opinionated architecture and dev environment for new Vue SPA projects using Vue CLI 3.
- vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
- vue-2-boilerplate. Vue 2 boilerplate for developing medium to large single page applications.
- vue-starter. an enterprise ready boilerplate for isomorphic, progressive web apps with Vue.JS
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- bootstrap-vue. BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap 4 components and grid system for Vue.js and with extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
- CoPilot. Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template based on AdminLTE with vue.js
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- uiv. Bootstrap 3 components implemented by Vue 2.
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- vue2-calendar. vue 2.x calendar component
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- bootstrap-vue. BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap 4 components and grid system for Vue.js and with extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
- vuestic-admin. Vue.js admin dashboard
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- poi. ⚡ A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications.
- neutrino-dev. Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration.
- buefy. Lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma
- vue-blu. UI Component Library Base on Vue.js(2.x) and Bulma
- vue-chartjs. 📊 Vue.js wrapper for Chart.js
- vue-echarts-v3. Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for ECharts.js(v3.x+)
- pagekit. Pagekit CMS
- DoraCMS. DoraCMS是基于Nodejs+express+mongodb编写的一套内容管理系统,结构简单,较目前一些开源的cms,doracms易于拓展,特别适合前端开发工程师做二次开发。
- golang123. golang123 是使用 vue、nuxt、node.js 和 golang 开发的知识分享系统
- vue-cnode. 基于vue2 + vue-router + vuet + ES6 + less + flex.css重写vue版cnode社区,使用webpack2打包
- VueCnodeJS. Vue2.x 初/中级项目,CnodeJS社区重构。(Vue.js Junior Project, Rewrite cnodejs.org )预览(DEMO):
- mint-ui. Mobile UI elements for Vue.js
- vue-multiselect. Universal select/multiselect/tagging component for Vue.js
- vue-table. data table simplify! -- vuetable is a Vue.js component that will automatically request (JSON) data from the server and display them nicely in html table with swappable/extensible pagination component.
- vue-ydui. A mobile components Library with Vue2.js. 一只基于Vue2.x的移动端组件库。
- vue-blu. UI Component Library Base on Vue.js(2.x) and Bulma
- vuetable-2. data table simplify! -- datatable component for Vue 2.x
- VueCircleMenu. 🐰A beautiful circle menu powered by Vue.js
- vue-upload-component. Vue.js file upload component, Multi-file upload, Upload directory, Drag upload, Drag the directory, Upload multiple files at the same time, html4 (IE 9),
method, Customize the filter - vue-content-loader. SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading.
- vue-picture-input. Mobile-friendly picture file input Vue.js component with image preview, drag and drop, EXIF orientation, and more
- VueStar. ✨A like button with delightful star animation powered by Vue.js
- vue-form-wizard. Vue.js 2 wizard
- vue-table-component. A straight to the point Vue component to display tables
- vuesax. Frontend vue Components
- v-distpicker. ✨ A flexible, highly available district picker for picking provinces, cities and districts of China.
- vuep. 🎡 A component for rendering Vue components with live editor and preview.
- vue-tabs-component. An easy way to display tabs with Vue
- vue-amap. 🌍 基于 Vue 2.x 和高德地图的地图组件
- vue-design-system. An open source tool for building UI Design Systems with Vue.js
- uiv. Bootstrap 3 components implemented by Vue 2.
- element. A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
- storybook. Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- iview. A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js 2.0
- vux. Mobile UI Components based on Vue & WeUI
- vant. A Vue.js 2.0 Mobile UI at YouZan
- Keen-UI. A lightweight collection of essential UI components written with Vue and inspired by Material Design
- vonic. Mobile UI Components, based on Vue.js and ionic CSS. https://wangdahoo.github.io/vonic-documents
- buefy. Lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma
- vue-beauty. Beautiful UI components build with vue and ant design
- vue-mdc. Material web components for Vue.js
- N3-components. N3-components , Powerful Vue UI Library.
- vue-design-system. An open source tool for building UI Design Systems with Vue.js
- vue-3d-model. 📷 vue.js 3D model viewer component
- Semantic-UI-Vue. Semantic UI integration for Vue
- rxdb. 💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- vue-objccn. 🔥 用 Vue.js 开发的跨三端应用 / Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application
- cordova-template-framework7-vue-webpack. Framework7 - Vue - Webpack Cordova Template with Webpack Dev Server and Hot Module Replacement
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- habitica. A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
- uiGradients. 🔴 Beautiful colour gradients for design and code
- epic-spinners. Easy to use css spinners collection with vue.js integration
- flex.css. flex.css is declarative layout which is compatible with wechat, UC, webview and other main-stream mobile browser and surpports react, vue, angular.
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- N3-components. N3-components , Powerful Vue UI Library.
- vue-svg-icon. a solution for multicolor svg icons in vue2.0 (vue2.0的可变彩色svg图标方案)
- netease_yanxuan. vue版网易严选,体验网易严选购物流程,线上访问:http://zhaoboy.bid/yanxuan/#/
- eleme. vue2 +vue-router2 + es6 +webpack 高仿饿了么app商家详情,demo:http://yangyi1024.com/elem 还有我最新的实战项目,点它=》
- vue-Meizi. vue最新实战项目,vue2 + vuex + webpack + es6 干货多多,新手福利
- mescroll. 精致的下拉刷新和上拉加载 js框架.支持vue,完美运行于移动端和主流PC浏览器 (JS framework for pull-refresh and pull-up-loading)
- vue-music-player. 🎵Vue.js写一个音乐播放器+📖One(一个).A music player + One by Vue.js
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- vuestic-admin. Vue.js admin dashboard
- CoPilot. Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template based on AdminLTE with vue.js
- dashboard.spatie.be. The source code of dashboard.spatie.be
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- adminify. An Admin Dashboard based on Vuetify material
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- rxdb. 💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more
- vue-table. data table simplify! -- vuetable is a Vue.js component that will automatically request (JSON) data from the server and display them nicely in html table with swappable/extensible pagination component.
- vuetable-2. data table simplify! -- datatable component for Vue 2.x
- vue-tables-2. Vue.js 2 grid components
- vue-data-tables. A simple, customizable and pageable table, based on vue2 and element-ui
- vue2-datatable. The best Datatable for Vue.js 2.x which never sucks. Give us a star 🌟 if you like it!
- vue-good-table. An easy to use data table for vuejs with advanced customizations including sorting, column filtering, pagination, grouping etc
- vue2-demo. 从零构建vue2 + vue-router + vuex 开发环境到入门,实现基本的登录退出功能
- eleme. vue2 +vue-router2 + es6 +webpack 高仿饿了么app商家详情,demo:http://yangyi1024.com/elem 还有我最新的实战项目,点它=》
- vue-Meizi. vue最新实战项目,vue2 + vuex + webpack + es6 干货多多,新手福利
- uiGradients. 🔴 Beautiful colour gradients for design and code
- vue-mdc. Material web components for Vue.js
- storybook. Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- vue-design-system. An open source tool for building UI Design Systems with Vue.js
- vue-element-admin. 🎉 A magical vue admin http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- vuetron. A tool for testing and debugging your Vue + Vuex applications. 是一個可以幫助您 Vue.js 的項目測試及偵錯的工具, 也同時支持 Vuex及 Vue-Router.
- vue-ydui. A mobile components Library with Vue2.js. 一只基于Vue2.x的移动端组件库。
- sweet-modal-vue. The sweetest library to happen to modals.
- vue-scrollto. Adds a directive that listens for click events and scrolls to elements.
- vuebar. Vue 2 directive for custom scrollbar that uses native scroll behavior. Lightweight, performant, customizable and without dependencies. Used successfully in production on https://ggather.com
- docsify. 🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
- vue-styleguidist. Created from react styleguidist for Vue Components with a living style guide
- vue-blog. A single-user blog built with vue2, koa2 and mongodb which supports Server-Side Rendering
- vue-koa-demo. 🔰A simple full stack demo(CSR & SSR & Docker Support) written by Vue2 & Koa2(Koa1 verson also completed)
- daza-frontend. 「daza.io」前端,使用 Vue.js + Vuex 开发
- vue-blog. A single-user blog built with vue2, koa2 and mongodb which supports Server-Side Rendering
- vue-koa-demo. 🔰A simple full stack demo(CSR & SSR & Docker Support) written by Vue2 & Koa2(Koa1 verson also completed)
- docsify. 🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
- electron-vue. An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
- docute. 📜 Effortlessly documentation done right.
- vue-styleguidist. Created from react styleguidist for Vue Components with a living style guide
- xmall. 基于SOA架构的分布式电商购物商城 前后端分离 前台商城:Vue全家桶 后台管理系统:Dubbo/SSM/Elasticsearch/Redis/MySQL/ActiveMQ/Shiro/Zookeeper等
- ssm-demo. 🍌Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis+easyUI实现简单的后台管理系统
- vue-echarts. ECharts component for Vue.js.
- v-charts. 基于 Vue2.0 和 ECharts 封装的图表组件📈📊
- DataVisualization. 😈 by vue2.0 with echarts3.3.2
- vue-echarts-v3. Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for ECharts.js(v3.x+)
- Vue-Admin. 基于Vue2、element ui、vue-cli、vuex、vue-router、axios 、echarts后台管理系统demo. 权限管理,用户管理,菜单管理。无限级菜单,下拉树形选择框
- marktext. 📝Next generation markdown editor, running on platforms of MacOS Windows and Linux.
- vue-quill-editor. 🍡@quilljs editor component for @vuejs
- mavonEditor. mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features
- vue2-editor. A text editor using Vue.js and Quill
- vue-simplemde. Vue-SimpleMDE - use simplemde with vue.js
- vuep. 🎡 A component for rendering Vue components with live editor and preview.
- api-mocker. Api Mocker is more of an api management system than a mocker
- egg-vue-webpack-boilerplate. 基于 Egg + Vue + Webpack 多页面和单页面服务端客户端渲染同构工程骨架项目.
- vue-storefront. Vue Storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento 2 supported. Always Open Source, MIT license. Join us as contributor ([email protected]).
- xmall. 基于SOA架构的分布式电商购物商城 前后端分离 前台商城:Vue全家桶 后台管理系统:Dubbo/SSM/Elasticsearch/Redis/MySQL/ActiveMQ/Shiro/Zookeeper等
- rxdb. 💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- electron-vue. An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
- ice. 飞冰 - 让前端开发简单而友好
- marktext. 📝Next generation markdown editor, running on platforms of MacOS Windows and Linux.
- vue-objccn. 🔥 用 Vue.js 开发的跨三端应用 / Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application
- PicGo. 🚀A simple & beautiful tool for pictures uploading built by electron-vue
- rss-reader. Simple RSS Reader made using atom electron and vue.js
- Gokotta. A simple music player built by electron and vue
- Luoo.qy. ❤️ 落在低处, 独立音乐社区落网的第三方客户端 🎵
- vuetron. A tool for testing and debugging your Vue + Vuex applications. 是一個可以幫助您 Vue.js 的項目測試及偵錯的工具, 也同時支持 Vuex及 Vue-Router.
- electron-vue-admin. vue electron admin template web: http://panjiachen.github.io/vueAdmin-template
- vue-objccn. 🔥 用 Vue.js 开发的跨三端应用 / Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application
- PicGo. 🚀A simple & beautiful tool for pictures uploading built by electron-vue
- rss-reader. Simple RSS Reader made using atom electron and vue.js
- vue-objccn. 🔥 用 Vue.js 开发的跨三端应用 / Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application
- electron-vue-admin. vue electron admin template web: http://panjiachen.github.io/vueAdmin-template
- electron-vue. An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
- vue-objccn. 🔥 用 Vue.js 开发的跨三端应用 / Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application
- vue-objccn. 🔥 用 Vue.js 开发的跨三端应用 / Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application
- PicGo. 🚀A simple & beautiful tool for pictures uploading built by electron-vue
- electron-vue-admin. vue electron admin template web: http://panjiachen.github.io/vueAdmin-template
- vue-element-admin. 🎉 A magical vue admin http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- vue-manage-system. The web management system solution based on Vue2 and Element UI.
- DOClever. 做最好的接口管理平台
- vue-todos. vue最新实战项目教程,从零开始,一步一个脚印,循序渐进。跟着我一起学习vue吧!
- vue-element-admin. 🎉 A magical vue admin http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- marktext. 📝Next generation markdown editor, running on platforms of MacOS Windows and Linux.
- vue2-manage. 基于 vue + element-ui 的后台管理系统
- vueAdmin-template. a vue2.0 minimal admin template http://panjiachen.github.io/vueAdmin-template
- DOClever. 做最好的接口管理平台
- eleme. vue2 +vue-router2 + es6 +webpack 高仿饿了么app商家详情,demo:http://yangyi1024.com/elem 还有我最新的实战项目,点它=》
- DoraCMS. DoraCMS是基于Nodejs+express+mongodb编写的一套内容管理系统,结构简单,较目前一些开源的cms,doracms易于拓展,特别适合前端开发工程师做二次开发。
- element-starter. A starter kit for Element UI generated by vue-cli
- vue-Meizi. vue最新实战项目,vue2 + vuex + webpack + es6 干货多多,新手福利
- vue2-management-platform. vue2.0+ elementUI 后台管理平台 https://suweiteng.github.io/vue2-management-platform
- vue-admin-spa. 基于vue2.0生态的后台管理系统模板(spa)。 a vue management system template based on :vue2.0 + vue-router + vuex + element-ui +ES6+ webpack + npm。
- vue-todos. vue最新实战项目教程,从零开始,一步一个脚印,循序渐进。跟着我一起学习vue吧!
- Vue-Admin. 基于Vue2、element ui、vue-cli、vuex、vue-router、axios 、echarts后台管理系统demo. 权限管理,用户管理,菜单管理。无限级菜单,下拉树形选择框
- houtai. 基于VUE和ElementUI的微信后台编辑系统
- electron-vue. An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
- vuestic-admin. Vue.js admin dashboard
- vim. My Vim configuration more Python, Javascript, Vue.js, Golang and Markdown, will add Haskell, Ruby and C/C++
- vue-meituan. 🍔 🍖 🍴 基于Vue 全家桶 (2.x)制作的美团外卖APP
- vue-admin. 一个基于Vue2、element ui构建开发的后台管理系统 Demo:
- netease_yanxuan. vue版网易严选,体验网易严选购物流程,线上访问:http://zhaoboy.bid/yanxuan/#/
- eslint-plugin-vue. Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js
- VueDemo_Sell_Eleme.
ele by vue2.x 🐧
- habitica. A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
- DOClever. 做最好的接口管理平台
- vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
- express-vue. Vue rendering engine for Express.js. Use .Vue files as templates using streams
- vue-163-music. 【维护使用中,开箱即食】网易云音乐web版,支持PC端常用功能,localStorage保存播放列表
- ream. 🚀 Framework for building universal web app and static website in Vue.js (experimental)
- express-template. Starter template for Nuxt.js with Express.
- vue-chat. 👥Vue全家桶+Socket.io+Express/Koa2打造一个智能聊天室。
- app-framework. iOS and Android Apps with HTML & JavaScript - develop, build and deploy - free and open source!
- vuexfire. 🔥Firebase bindings for Vuex (Vue.js)
- beauty. 👙 VUE + VUEX + FIREBASE + BULMA … 实现的 SPA SSR 同构项目 - demo
- notational. 📝 Real-time notes app built with Vue.js
- vue-form-generator. 📋 A schema-based form generator component for Vue.js
- vue-form-wizard. Vue.js 2 wizard
- vue. 🖖 A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
- nuxt.js. The Vue.js Developers Framework
- Neutronium. Build .NET desktop applications using HTML, CSS and javascript
- framework7-vue. Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Vue
- vuesax. Frontend vue Components
- framework7-vue. Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Vue
- app-framework. iOS and Android Apps with HTML & JavaScript - develop, build and deploy - free and open source!
- vue. 🖖 A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
- vue-enterprise-boilerplate. An ever-evolving, very opinionated architecture and dev environment for new Vue SPA projects using Vue CLI 3.
- vue-2-boilerplate. Vue 2 boilerplate for developing medium to large single page applications.
- vue-fontawesome. Font Awesome 5 Vue component
- vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
- generator-ng-fullstack. Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest: Node, Go, HTTP/2, Angular 1, Angular 2, Vue, Aurelia, Express, Koa, Echo, Gin, MongoDB, Gulp, Babel, Typescript and much more.
- vue-form-generator. 📋 A schema-based form generator component for Vue.js
- generator-ng-fullstack. Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest: Node, Go, HTTP/2, Angular 1, Angular 2, Vue, Aurelia, Express, Koa, Echo, Gin, MongoDB, Gulp, Babel, Typescript and much more.
- esview. Drag vue dynamic components to build your page,generate vue code.
- docsify. 🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
- vue-ghpages-blog. ✏️ A blog based on GitHub Pages built with Vue.js 2 + webpack 3.
- wemall. 基于react, node.js, go开发的微商城(含微信小程序)
- golang123. golang123 是使用 vue、nuxt、node.js 和 golang 开发的知识分享系统
- pipe. 🎷 A small and beautiful blogging platform. 小而美的博客平台。
- generator-ng-fullstack. Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest: Node, Go, HTTP/2, Angular 1, Angular 2, Vue, Aurelia, Express, Koa, Echo, Gin, MongoDB, Gulp, Babel, Typescript and much more.
- golang123. golang123 是使用 vue、nuxt、node.js 和 golang 开发的知识分享系统
- vim. My Vim configuration more Python, Javascript, Vue.js, Golang and Markdown, will add Haskell, Ruby and C/C++
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- vue-apollo. 🚀 Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS
- vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
- vue-grid-layout. A draggable and resizable grid layout, for Vue.js.
- vue-tables-2. Vue.js 2 grid components
- vue2-datatable. The best Datatable for Vue.js 2.x which never sucks. Give us a star 🌟 if you like it!
- vue-tables. Vue.js grid components
- kov-blog. A blog platform built with koa,vue and mongoose. 使用 koa ,vue 和 mongo 搭建的博客页面和支持markdown语法的博客编写平台,自动保存草稿。博客地址:https://chuckliu.me
- vue-blog. A single-user blog built with vue2, koa2 and mongodb which supports Server-Side Rendering
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- habitica. A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
- epic-spinners. Easy to use css spinners collection with vue.js integration
- eslint-plugin-vue. Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js
- mavonEditor. mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features
- N3-components. N3-components , Powerful Vue UI Library.
- Neutronium. Build .NET desktop applications using HTML, CSS and javascript
- vue-table-component. A straight to the point Vue component to display tables
- netease_yanxuan. vue版网易严选,体验网易严选购物流程,线上访问:http://zhaoboy.bid/yanxuan/#/
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- eleme. vue2 +vue-router2 + es6 +webpack 高仿饿了么app商家详情,demo:http://yangyi1024.com/elem 还有我最新的实战项目,点它=》
- vue-Meizi. vue最新实战项目,vue2 + vuex + webpack + es6 干货多多,新手福利
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- mescroll. 精致的下拉刷新和上拉加载 js框架.支持vue,完美运行于移动端和主流PC浏览器 (JS framework for pull-refresh and pull-up-loading)
- blog. 林鑫的个人博客,用于总结平时工作和学习中的经验。
- vue-music-player. 🎵Vue.js写一个音乐播放器+📖One(一个).A music player + One by Vue.js
- vue-element-admin. 🎉 A magical vue admin http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- vue-i18n. 🌐 Internationalization plugin for Vue.js
- vue-starter. an enterprise ready boilerplate for isomorphic, progressive web apps with Vue.JS
- vue-awesome. Awesome SVG icon component for Vue.js, built-in with Font Awesome icons.
- vue-svg-icon. a solution for multicolor svg icons in vue2.0 (vue2.0的可变彩色svg图标方案)
- vue-scroller. Scroller Component for Vue.js
- vue-mugen-scroll. Infinite scroll component for Vue.js 2
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- better-scroll. 📜 inspired by iscroll, and it supports more features and has a better scroll perfermance
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- framework7-vue. Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Vue
- eros-template. 📱一套 Vue 代码,两端原生应用。(或许可以叫我 Weex/Vue-native)
- app-framework. iOS and Android Apps with HTML & JavaScript - develop, build and deploy - free and open source!
- better-scroll. 📜 inspired by iscroll, and it supports more features and has a better scroll perfermance
- mescroll. 精致的下拉刷新和上拉加载 js框架.支持vue,完美运行于移动端和主流PC浏览器 (JS framework for pull-refresh and pull-up-loading)
- nuxt.js. The Vue.js Developers Framework
- egg-vue-webpack-boilerplate. 基于 Egg + Vue + Webpack 多页面和单页面服务端客户端渲染同构工程骨架项目.
- vue-starter. an enterprise ready boilerplate for isomorphic, progressive web apps with Vue.JS
- iview-admin. Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView
- golang123. golang123 是使用 vue、nuxt、node.js 和 golang 开发的知识分享系统
- esview. Drag vue dynamic components to build your page,generate vue code.
- array-explorer. ⚡️ A resource to help figure out what JavaScript array method would be best to use at any given time
- object-explorer. 🔥 A resource to help figure out what JavaScript object method would be best to use at any given time
- vue-koa-demo. 🔰A simple full stack demo(CSR & SSR & Docker Support) written by Vue2 & Koa2(Koa1 verson also completed)
- vue-starter. an enterprise ready boilerplate for isomorphic, progressive web apps with Vue.JS
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝
- ream. 🚀 Framework for building universal web app and static website in Vue.js (experimental)
- kov-blog. A blog platform built with koa,vue and mongoose. 使用 koa ,vue 和 mongo 搭建的博客页面和支持markdown语法的博客编写平台,自动保存草稿。博客地址:https://chuckliu.me
- vue-chat. 👥Vue全家桶+Socket.io+Express/Koa2打造一个智能聊天室。
- vue-koa-demo. 🔰A simple full stack demo(CSR & SSR & Docker Support) written by Vue2 & Koa2(Koa1 verson also completed)
- vue-chat. 👥Vue全家桶+Socket.io+Express/Koa2打造一个智能聊天室。
- vue-blog. A single-user blog built with vue2, koa2 and mongodb which supports Server-Side Rendering
- vue-koa-demo. 🔰A simple full stack demo(CSR & SSR & Docker Support) written by Vue2 & Koa2(Koa1 verson also completed)
- koel. A personal music streaming server that works.
- blog. 🌟 PJ Blog is an open source blog built with Laravel and Vue.js.
- vuedo. Vuedo is a blog platform, built with Laravel and Vue.js.
- dashboard.spatie.be. The source code of dashboard.spatie.be
- spa-starter-kit. A highly opinionated starter kit for building Single Page Applications with Laravel and Vue.js
- vue-model. Model component for Vue.js
- laravel-vue-spa. A Laravel-Vue SPA starter project template.
- flox. Self Hosted Movie, Series and Anime Watch List
- vue-datasource. A vue.js component to create dynamic tables
- airflix. 🍿 An AirPlay friendly web interface to stream your movies and TV shows from a home server.
- kupo. Simple site launch checklist checker/validator.
- array-explorer. ⚡️ A resource to help figure out what JavaScript array method would be best to use at any given time
- object-explorer. 🔥 A resource to help figure out what JavaScript object method would be best to use at any given time
- vue2-manage. 基于 vue + element-ui 的后台管理系统
- generator-ng-fullstack. Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest: Node, Go, HTTP/2, Angular 1, Angular 2, Vue, Aurelia, Express, Koa, Echo, Gin, MongoDB, Gulp, Babel, Typescript and much more.
- storybook. Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- vue-echarts-v3. Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for ECharts.js(v3.x+)
- vuesax. Frontend vue Components
- sweet-modal-vue. The sweetest library to happen to modals.
- vue-content-placeholders. Composable components for rendering fake (progressive) content like facebook in vue
- vuex-loading. Complex Loader Management for Vue/Vuex Applications
- vue-content-loader. SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading.
- vuex-loading. Complex Loader Management for Vue/Vuex Applications
- vuex-persistedstate. 💾 Persist Vuex state with localStorage.
- vue-music-player. 🎵Vue.js写一个音乐播放器+📖One(一个).A music player + One by Vue.js
- notepad. 基于vue2.0+vuex+localStorage+sass+webpack,实现一个本地存储的记事本。兼容PC端和移动端。
- vue-element-admin. 🎉 A magical vue admin http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- vue-manage-system. The web management system solution based on Vue2 and Element UI.
- vue-multiple-pages. A modern Vue.js multiple pages cli which uses Vue 2, Webpack4, and Element UI (Thanks for your star)(Vue2、ElementUI多页应用脚手架)
- vue-baidu-map. Baidu Map components for Vue 2.x
- Vue2Leaflet. Vue 2 components for Leaflet maps
- docsify. 🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
- marktext. 📝Next generation markdown editor, running on platforms of MacOS Windows and Linux.
- mavonEditor. mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features
- pipe. 🎷 A small and beautiful blogging platform. 小而美的博客平台。
- vue-styleguidist. Created from react styleguidist for Vue Components with a living style guide
- vue-markdown. A Powerful and Highspeed Markdown Parser for Vue
- vim. My Vim configuration more Python, Javascript, Vue.js, Golang and Markdown, will add Haskell, Ruby and C/C++
- vue-simplemde. Vue-SimpleMDE - use simplemde with vue.js
- vuetify. Material Component Framework for Vue.js 2
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- vue-material. Material design for Vue.js
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- muse-ui. Material Design UI library for Vuejs 2.0
- ice. 飞冰 - 让前端开发简单而友好
- vue-mdc. Material web components for Vue.js
- app-framework. iOS and Android Apps with HTML & JavaScript - develop, build and deploy - free and open source!
- vuetify. Material Component Framework for Vue.js 2
- vue-material. Material design for Vue.js
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- Keen-UI. A lightweight collection of essential UI components written with Vue and inspired by Material Design
- NeteaseCloudWebApp. This is a vue for NeteaseCloud projects!
- framework7-vue. Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Vue
- mint-ui. Mobile UI elements for Vue.js
- vant. A Vue.js 2.0 Mobile UI at YouZan
- weex-ui. 🏄 A rich interaction, lightweight, high performance UI library based on Weex.
- vonic. Mobile UI Components, based on Vue.js and ionic CSS. https://wangdahoo.github.io/vonic-documents
- vue-ydui. A mobile components Library with Vue2.js. 一只基于Vue2.x的移动端组件库。
- framework7-vue. Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Vue
- vux. Mobile UI Components based on Vue & WeUI
- better-scroll. 📜 inspired by iscroll, and it supports more features and has a better scroll perfermance
- vue-element-admin. 🎉 A magical vue admin http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- easy-mock. A persistent service that generates mock data quickly and provids visualization view.
- vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
- kov-blog. A blog platform built with koa,vue and mongoose. 使用 koa ,vue 和 mongo 搭建的博客页面和支持markdown语法的博客编写平台,自动保存草稿。博客地址:https://chuckliu.me
- habitica. A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
- DOClever. 做最好的接口管理平台
- DoraCMS. DoraCMS是基于Nodejs+express+mongodb编写的一套内容管理系统,结构简单,较目前一些开源的cms,doracms易于拓展,特别适合前端开发工程师做二次开发。
- webchat. 🔈基于vue2.0的实时聊天项目
- generator-ng-fullstack. Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest: Node, Go, HTTP/2, Angular 1, Angular 2, Vue, Aurelia, Express, Koa, Echo, Gin, MongoDB, Gulp, Babel, Typescript and much more.
- kov-blog. A blog platform built with koa,vue and mongoose. 使用 koa ,vue 和 mongo 搭建的博客页面和支持markdown语法的博客编写平台,自动保存草稿。博客地址:https://chuckliu.me
- vue-blog. A single-user blog built with vue2, koa2 and mongodb which supports Server-Side Rendering
- muse-ui. Material Design UI library for Vuejs 2.0
- NeteaseCloudWebApp. This is a vue for NeteaseCloud projects!
- vue-163-music. 【维护使用中,开箱即食】网易云音乐web版,支持PC端常用功能,localStorage保存播放列表
- Luoo.qy. ❤️ 落在低处, 独立音乐社区落网的第三方客户端 🎵
- mvvm. 剖析vue实现原理,自己动手实现mvvm
- Neutronium. Build .NET desktop applications using HTML, CSS and javascript
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- nativescript-vue. Native mobile applications with NativeScript and Vue
- habitica. A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
- wemall. 基于react, node.js, go开发的微商城(含微信小程序)
- express-vue. Vue rendering engine for Express.js. Use .Vue files as templates using streams
- generator-ng-fullstack. Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest: Node, Go, HTTP/2, Angular 1, Angular 2, Vue, Aurelia, Express, Koa, Echo, Gin, MongoDB, Gulp, Babel, Typescript and much more.
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- best-resume-ever. 👔 💼 Build fast 🚀 and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS.
- rxdb. 💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more
- habitica. A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
- DOClever. 做最好的接口管理平台
- DoraCMS. DoraCMS是基于Nodejs+express+mongodb编写的一套内容管理系统,结构简单,较目前一些开源的cms,doracms易于拓展,特别适合前端开发工程师做二次开发。
- vue-zhihu-daily. zhihu daily spa with vue 线上演示在这里 ---->
- vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
- vms. A Vue.js 2.0 Content Management System
- express-vue. Vue rendering engine for Express.js. Use .Vue files as templates using streams
- formio. The combined Form and API platform for Serverless Applications.
- golang123. golang123 是使用 vue、nuxt、node.js 和 golang 开发的知识分享系统
- zhihu. ✨ 知乎日报 - 爬虫、数据分析、Node.js、Vue.js ...
- eslint-plugin-vue. Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js
- Vue-Admin. 基于Vue2、element ui、vue-cli、vuex、vue-router、axios 、echarts后台管理系统demo. 权限管理,用户管理,菜单管理。无限级菜单,下拉树形选择框
- nuxt.js. The Vue.js Developers Framework
- bootstrap-vue. BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap 4 components and grid system for Vue.js and with extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
- vue-awesome-swiper. 🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs
- intro-to-vue. Workshop Materials for my Introduction to Vue.js Workshop
- sample-vue-shop. A sample shop that shows how to manage payments with Vue, Stripe, and Serverless Functions
- golang123. golang123 是使用 vue、nuxt、node.js 和 golang 开发的知识分享系统
- express-template. Starter template for Nuxt.js with Express.
- surmon.me. 🆒 My blog site powered by @nuxt
- nuxt-type. Small demo showing custom page animations with a fake typography site
- starter-template. Nuxt.js starter project template.
- VueCnodeJS. Vue2.x 初/中级项目,CnodeJS社区重构。(Vue.js Junior Project, Rewrite cnodejs.org )预览(DEMO):
- express-template. Starter template for Nuxt.js with Express.
- starter-template. Nuxt.js starter project template.
- bootstrap-vue. BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap 4 components and grid system for Vue.js and with extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
- vue-awesome-swiper. 🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs
- surmon.me. 🆒 My blog site powered by @nuxt
- VueCnodeJS. Vue2.x 初/中级项目,CnodeJS社区重构。(Vue.js Junior Project, Rewrite cnodejs.org )预览(DEMO):
- vue-table. data table simplify! -- vuetable is a Vue.js component that will automatically request (JSON) data from the server and display them nicely in html table with swappable/extensible pagination component.
- vuetable-2. data table simplify! -- datatable component for Vue 2.x
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- best-resume-ever. 👔 💼 Build fast 🚀 and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS.
- pagekit. Pagekit CMS
- dashboard.spatie.be. The source code of dashboard.spatie.be
- spa-starter-kit. A highly opinionated starter kit for building Single Page Applications with Laravel and Vue.js
- laravel-vue-spa. A Laravel-Vue SPA starter project template.
- vue-video-player. 🎞 @videojs component for @vuejs
- vue-163-music. 【维护使用中,开箱即食】网易云音乐web版,支持PC端常用功能,localStorage保存播放列表
- vue-i18n. 🌐 Internationalization plugin for Vue.js
- vuex-persistedstate. 💾 Persist Vuex state with localStorage.
- vue-good-table. An easy to use data table for vuejs with advanced customizations including sorting, column filtering, pagination, grouping etc
- poi. ⚡ A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications.
- codesandbox-client. An online code editor tailored for web application development 🏖️
- neutrino-dev. Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration.
- vue-picture-input. Mobile-friendly picture file input Vue.js component with image preview, drag and drop, EXIF orientation, and more
- vuep. 🎡 A component for rendering Vue components with live editor and preview.
- vue-wordpress-pwa. An offline-first SPA using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps
- vue-starter. an enterprise ready boilerplate for isomorphic, progressive web apps with Vue.JS
- rxdb. 💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- pwa. PWA template for vue-cli based on the webpack template
- vue-storefront. Vue Storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento 2 supported. Always Open Source, MIT license. Join us as contributor ([email protected]).
- markcook. A smart and beautiful markdown editor.
- vue-wordpress-pwa. An offline-first SPA using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps
- vue-storefront. Vue Storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento 2 supported. Always Open Source, MIT license. Join us as contributor ([email protected]).
- vue-wordpress-pwa. An offline-first SPA using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- vim. My Vim configuration more Python, Javascript, Vue.js, Golang and Markdown, will add Haskell, Ruby and C/C++
- vue-quill-editor. 🍡@quilljs editor component for @vuejs
- vue2-editor. A text editor using Vue.js and Quill
- vue-quill-editor. 🍡@quilljs editor component for @vuejs
- vue2-editor. A text editor using Vue.js and Quill
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- storybook. Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- js-xlsx. 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- rxdb. 💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more
- OnsenUI. Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- text-mask. Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript
- ice. 飞冰 - 让前端开发简单而友好
- poi. ⚡ A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications.
- rematch. A Redux Framework
- blog. 梁少峰的个人博客
- codesandbox-client. An online code editor tailored for web application development 🏖️
- neutrino-dev. Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration.
- awesome-webpack-cn. 印记中文 - webpack 优秀中文文章
- cooking. 👨🍳 更易上手的前端构建工具
- vuera. 👀 Vue in React, React in Vue. Seamless integration of the two. 👯
- flex.css. flex.css is declarative layout which is compatible with wechat, UC, webview and other main-stream mobile browser and surpports react, vue, angular.
- xmall. 基于SOA架构的分布式电商购物商城 前后端分离 前台商城:Vue全家桶 后台管理系统:Dubbo/SSM/Elasticsearch/Redis/MySQL/ActiveMQ/Shiro/Zookeeper等
- react-snap. 👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
- wemall. 基于react, node.js, go开发的微商城(含微信小程序)
- surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝
- vue-Meizi. vue最新实战项目,vue2 + vuex + webpack + es6 干货多多,新手福利
- formio. The combined Form and API platform for Serverless Applications.
- dadda-translate-crx. 😛比较好看的 Chrome 划词翻译(搜狗)插件,自带生词簿及吐司弹词记忆
- vue-todos. vue最新实战项目教程,从零开始,一步一个脚印,循序渐进。跟着我一起学习vue吧!
- Luoo.qy. ❤️ 落在低处, 独立音乐社区落网的第三方客户端 🎵
- github-buttons.
Unofficial github:buttons.
- free-programming-books-zh_CN. 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- storybook. Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- rxdb. 💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more
- learnapollo. 👩🏻🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
- awesome-weex. A curated list of awesome Weex guides, articles, sites, tools, projects and resources.
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝
- maizuo. 使用vue/vuex/redux开发的卖座网
- vue-todos. vue最新实战项目教程,从零开始,一步一个脚印,循序渐进。跟着我一起学习vue吧!
- xmall. 基于SOA架构的分布式电商购物商城 前后端分离 前台商城:Vue全家桶 后台管理系统:Dubbo/SSM/Elasticsearch/Redis/MySQL/ActiveMQ/Shiro/Zookeeper等
- ssm-demo. 🍌Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis+easyUI实现简单的后台管理系统
- vim. My Vim configuration more Python, Javascript, Vue.js, Golang and Markdown, will add Haskell, Ruby and C/C++
- annict. The platform for anime addicts built with Rails 5.1 and Vue.js 2.5.
- generator-ng-fullstack. Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest: Node, Go, HTTP/2, Angular 1, Angular 2, Vue, Aurelia, Express, Koa, Echo, Gin, MongoDB, Gulp, Babel, Typescript and much more.
- vue-music-player. 🎵Vue.js写一个音乐播放器+📖One(一个).A music player + One by Vue.js
- vue-mugen-scroll. Infinite scroll component for Vue.js 2
- vuebar. Vue 2 directive for custom scrollbar that uses native scroll behavior. Lightweight, performant, customizable and without dependencies. Used successfully in production on https://ggather.com
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- vue-music-player. 🎵Vue.js写一个音乐播放器+📖One(一个).A music player + One by Vue.js
- vue-chat. 👥Vue全家桶+Socket.io+Express/Koa2打造一个智能聊天室。
- vue-multiselect. Universal select/multiselect/tagging component for Vue.js
- vue-select. A Vue.js component that provides similar functionality to Select2 without the overhead of jQuery.
- daza-frontend. 「daza.io」前端,使用 Vue.js + Vuex 开发
- Semantic-UI-Vue. Semantic UI integration for Vue
- react-snap. 👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
- VueCnodeJS. Vue2.x 初/中级项目,CnodeJS社区重构。(Vue.js Junior Project, Rewrite cnodejs.org )预览(DEMO):
- vue-starter. an enterprise ready boilerplate for isomorphic, progressive web apps with Vue.JS
- nuxt.js. The Vue.js Developers Framework
- ream. 🚀 Framework for building universal web app and static website in Vue.js (experimental)
- react-snap. 👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
- surmon.me. 🆒 My blog site powered by @nuxt
- egg-vue-webpack-boilerplate. 基于 Egg + Vue + Webpack 多页面和单页面服务端客户端渲染同构工程骨架项目.
- vue-starter. an enterprise ready boilerplate for isomorphic, progressive web apps with Vue.JS
- markcook. A smart and beautiful markdown editor.
- vue-wordpress-pwa. An offline-first SPA using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps
- kov-blog. A blog platform built with koa,vue and mongoose. 使用 koa ,vue 和 mongo 搭建的博客页面和支持markdown语法的博客编写平台,自动保存草稿。博客地址:https://chuckliu.me
- vue-blog. A single-user blog built with vue2, koa2 and mongodb which supports Server-Side Rendering
- vue-simplemde. Vue-SimpleMDE - use simplemde with vue.js
- vue-awesome-swiper. 🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs
- vue-concise-slider. vue-concise-slider,A simple vue sliding component
- vue-awesome-swiper. 🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs
- vue-ydui. A mobile components Library with Vue2.js. 一只基于Vue2.x的移动端组件库。
- vue-concise-slider. vue-concise-slider,A simple vue sliding component
- marktext. 📝Next generation markdown editor, running on platforms of MacOS Windows and Linux.
- vue-analysis. Vue 源码注释版 及 Vue 源码详细解析
- vue-video-player. 🎞 @videojs component for @vuejs
- spa-starter-kit. A highly opinionated starter kit for building Single Page Applications with Laravel and Vue.js
- laravel-vue-spa. A Laravel-Vue SPA starter project template.
- surmon.me. 🆒 My blog site powered by @nuxt
- vue-wordpress-pwa. An offline-first SPA using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps
- epic-spinners. Easy to use css spinners collection with vue.js integration
- vue-spinner. vue spinners
- xmall. 基于SOA架构的分布式电商购物商城 前后端分离 前台商城:Vue全家桶 后台管理系统:Dubbo/SSM/Elasticsearch/Redis/MySQL/ActiveMQ/Shiro/Zookeeper等
- ssm-demo. 🍌Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis+easyUI实现简单的后台管理系统
- nuxt.js. The Vue.js Developers Framework
- vue-awesome-swiper. 🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs
- DoraCMS. DoraCMS是基于Nodejs+express+mongodb编写的一套内容管理系统,结构简单,较目前一些开源的cms,doracms易于拓展,特别适合前端开发工程师做二次开发。
- react-snap. 👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
- vue-video-player. 🎞 @videojs component for @vuejs
- vue-meteor. 🌠 Vue first-class integration in Meteor
- aspnetcore-Vue-starter. NEW Asp.NETCore 2.0 Vue 2 (ES6) SPA Starter kit, contains routing, Vuex, and more! By @DevHelp-Online
- surmon.me. 🆒 My blog site powered by @nuxt
- VueCnodeJS. Vue2.x 初/中级项目,CnodeJS社区重构。(Vue.js Junior Project, Rewrite cnodejs.org )预览(DEMO):
- egg-vue-webpack-boilerplate. 基于 Egg + Vue + Webpack 多页面和单页面服务端客户端渲染同构工程骨架项目.
- beauty. 👙 VUE + VUEX + FIREBASE + BULMA … 实现的 SPA SSR 同构项目 - demo
- element-starter. A starter kit for Element UI generated by vue-cli
- spa-starter-kit. A highly opinionated starter kit for building Single Page Applications with Laravel and Vue.js
- storybook. Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- vue-play. 🍭 A minimalistic framework for demonstrating your Vue components
- storybook. Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- vuejs-component-style-guide. Vue.js Component Style Guide
- vue-styleguidist. Created from react styleguidist for Vue Components with a living style guide
- poi. ⚡ A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications.
- codesandbox-client. An online code editor tailored for web application development 🏖️
- vue-awesome. Awesome SVG icon component for Vue.js, built-in with Font Awesome icons.
- vue-content-loader. SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading.
- vue-svg-icon. a solution for multicolor svg icons in vue2.0 (vue2.0的可变彩色svg图标方案)
- vue-tables-2. Vue.js 2 grid components
- vue-data-tables. A simple, customizable and pageable table, based on vue2 and element-ui
- vue-table-component. A straight to the point Vue component to display tables
- vue2-datatable. The best Datatable for Vue.js 2.x which never sucks. Give us a star 🌟 if you like it!
- vue-datasource. A vue.js component to create dynamic tables
- vue-tables. Vue.js grid components
- vue-good-table. An easy to use data table for vuejs with advanced customizations including sorting, column filtering, pagination, grouping etc
- storybook. Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- avoriaz. 🔬 a Vue.js testing utility library
- vuetron. A tool for testing and debugging your Vue + Vuex applications. 是一個可以幫助您 Vue.js 的項目測試及偵錯的工具, 也同時支持 Vuex及 Vue-Router.
- avoriaz. 🔬 a Vue.js testing utility library
- vuetron. A tool for testing and debugging your Vue + Vuex applications. 是一個可以幫助您 Vue.js 的項目測試及偵錯的工具, 也同時支持 Vuex及 Vue-Router.
- vue-quill-editor. 🍡@quilljs editor component for @vuejs
- vue-codemirror. ⌨️ @codemirror component for @vuejs
- notepad. 基于vue2.0+vuex+localStorage+sass+webpack,实现一个本地存储的记事本。兼容PC端和移动端。
- vue-koa-demo. 🔰A simple full stack demo(CSR & SSR & Docker Support) written by Vue2 & Koa2(Koa1 verson also completed)
- poi. ⚡ A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications.
- surveyjs. JavaScript Survey Engine 📝
- generator-ng-fullstack. Client, server or fullstack - it's up to you. ng-fullstack gives you the best of the latest: Node, Go, HTTP/2, Angular 1, Angular 2, Vue, Aurelia, Express, Koa, Echo, Gin, MongoDB, Gulp, Babel, Typescript and much more.
- vue-starter. an enterprise ready boilerplate for isomorphic, progressive web apps with Vue.JS
- storybook. Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- vant. A Vue.js 2.0 Mobile UI at YouZan
- Keen-UI. A lightweight collection of essential UI components written with Vue and inspired by Material Design
- vue-ydui. A mobile components Library with Vue2.js. 一只基于Vue2.x的移动端组件库。
- at-ui. A fresh and flat UI-Kit specially for desktop application, made with ♥ by Vue.js 2.0
- vuikit. A responsive Vue UI library for web site interfaces
- uiv. Bootstrap 3 components implemented by Vue 2.
- vue-tabs-component. An easy way to display tabs with Vue
- vant. A Vue.js 2.0 Mobile UI at YouZan
- weex-ui. 🏄 A rich interaction, lightweight, high performance UI library based on Weex.
- atui. A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
- uiv. Bootstrap 3 components implemented by Vue 2.
- iview. A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js 2.0
- vue-beauty. Beautiful UI components build with vue and ant design
- VueCircleMenu. 🐰A beautiful circle menu powered by Vue.js
- VueStar. ✨A like button with delightful star animation powered by Vue.js
- element. A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
- iview. A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js 2.0
- mint-ui. Mobile UI elements for Vue.js
- vue-beauty. Beautiful UI components build with vue and ant design
- atui. A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
- at-ui. A fresh and flat UI-Kit specially for desktop application, made with ♥ by Vue.js 2.0
- vuikit. A responsive Vue UI library for web site interfaces
- nuxt.js. The Vue.js Developers Framework
- ream. 🚀 Framework for building universal web app and static website in Vue.js (experimental)
- vue-core-image-upload. a vue plugin for image to crop and upload
- vue-upload-component. Vue.js file upload component, Multi-file upload, Upload directory, Drag upload, Drag the directory, Upload multiple files at the same time, html4 (IE 9),
method, Customize the filter
- vee-validate. Simple Vue.js input validation plugin
- vuelidate. Simple, lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js
- vue-form. Form validation for Vue.js 2.2+
- vee-validate. Simple Vue.js input validation plugin
- jackblog-vue. Jackblog vue 版, 个人博客系统, 使用 vue2, vuex, vue-resource, vue-router, vee-validate, vue-toast 等.
- vim-vue. Syntax Highlight for Vue.js components
- vim. My Vim configuration more Python, Javascript, Vue.js, Golang and Markdown, will add Haskell, Ruby and C/C++
- DejaVue. Visualization and debugging tool built for Vue.js
- vue-echarts-v3. Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for ECharts.js(v3.x+)
- vuetron. A tool for testing and debugging your Vue + Vuex applications. 是一個可以幫助您 Vue.js 的項目測試及偵錯的工具, 也同時支持 Vuex及 Vue-Router.
- vue-cnode. 基于vue2 + vue-router + vuet + ES6 + less + flex.css重写vue版cnode社区,使用webpack2打包
- easy-vue. Learn vueJS Easily 👻
- framework7-vue. Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Vue
- vue-wordpress-pwa. An offline-first SPA using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps
- vue-social-sharing. A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, work with Vue.js 1.X or 2.X
- vuetify. Material Component Framework for Vue.js 2
- coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template. CoreUI is free bootstrap admin template
- quasar. Quasar Framework
- muse-ui. Material Design UI library for Vuejs 2.0
- vee-validate. Simple Vue.js input validation plugin
- vue-awesome-swiper. 🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs
- Vue-cnodejs. 基于vue.js重写Cnodejs.org社区的webapp
- vue-quill-editor. 🍡@quilljs editor component for @vuejs
- vuejs-component-style-guide. Vue.js Component Style Guide
- CoPilot. Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template based on AdminLTE with vue.js
- vue-apollo. 🚀 Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS
- vue-chartjs. 📊 Vue.js wrapper for Chart.js
- vue-objccn. 🔥 用 Vue.js 开发的跨三端应用 / Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application
- array-explorer. ⚡️ A resource to help figure out what JavaScript array method would be best to use at any given time
- vue2-demo. 从零构建vue2 + vue-router + vuex 开发环境到入门,实现基本的登录退出功能
- vue-auth. Jwt Auth library for Vue.js.
- vue-storefront. Vue Storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento 2 supported. Always Open Source, MIT license. Join us as contributor ([email protected]).
- vue-form-generator. 📋 A schema-based form generator component for Vue.js
- vue-cnode. 基于vue2 + vue-router + vuet + ES6 + less + flex.css重写vue版cnode社区,使用webpack2打包
- object-explorer. 🔥 A resource to help figure out what JavaScript object method would be best to use at any given time
- vue-grid-layout. A draggable and resizable grid layout, for Vue.js.
- coreui-free-vue-admin-template. CoreUI Vue is free Vue admin template based on Bootstrap 4
- vue-video-player. 🎞 @videojs component for @vuejs
- vms. A Vue.js 2.0 Content Management System
- express-vue. Vue rendering engine for Express.js. Use .Vue files as templates using streams
- easy-vue. Learn vueJS Easily 👻
- avoriaz. 🔬 a Vue.js testing utility library
- vue-authenticate. Simple Vue.js authentication library
- vue-meteor. 🌠 Vue first-class integration in Meteor
- vue-mall. 🔨 基于 vue+node+mongodb 实现一个锤子商城
- vue-music-player. 🎵Vue.js写一个音乐播放器+📖One(一个).A music player + One by Vue.js
- vue-styleguidist. Created from react styleguidist for Vue Components with a living style guide
- vue-form. Form validation for Vue.js 2.2+
- vue-codemirror. ⌨️ @codemirror component for @vuejs
- aspnetcore-Vue-starter. NEW Asp.NETCore 2.0 Vue 2 (ES6) SPA Starter kit, contains routing, Vuex, and more! By @DevHelp-Online
- rss-reader. Simple RSS Reader made using atom electron and vue.js
- surmon.me. 🆒 My blog site powered by @nuxt
- uiv. Bootstrap 3 components implemented by Vue 2.
- douban. Douban book website demo by server side render
- vue-form-wizard. Vue.js 2 wizard
- markcook. A smart and beautiful markdown editor.
- vue-particles. Vue.js component for particles backgrounds ✨
- vue2-datatable. The best Datatable for Vue.js 2.x which never sucks. Give us a star 🌟 if you like it!
- vue-wordpress-pwa. An offline-first SPA using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps
- vue-chat. 👥Vue全家桶+Socket.io+Express/Koa2打造一个智能聊天室。
- vue-social-sharing. A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, work with Vue.js 1.X or 2.X
- vuesax. Frontend vue Components
- vuet. 允许你定义飙车过程的集中式状态管理模式
- Semantic-UI-Vue. Semantic UI integration for Vue
- cordova-template-framework7-vue-webpack. Framework7 - Vue - Webpack Cordova Template with Webpack Dev Server and Hot Module Replacement
- vue2-calendar. vue 2.x calendar component
- vuebar. Vue 2 directive for custom scrollbar that uses native scroll behavior. Lightweight, performant, customizable and without dependencies. Used successfully in production on https://ggather.com
- vuetify. Material Component Framework for Vue.js 2
- adminify. An Admin Dashboard based on Vuetify material
- DOClever. 做最好的接口管理平台
- vue-mdc. Material web components for Vue.js
- uiv. Bootstrap 3 components implemented by Vue 2.
- vux. Mobile UI Components based on Vue & WeUI
- nuxt.js. The Vue.js Developers Framework
- vonic. Mobile UI Components, based on Vue.js and ionic CSS. https://wangdahoo.github.io/vonic-documents
- vue-quill-editor. 🍡@quilljs editor component for @vuejs
- vue-codemirror. ⌨️ @codemirror component for @vuejs
- zhihudaily-vue. 知乎日报web版---vue
- app-framework. iOS and Android Apps with HTML & JavaScript - develop, build and deploy - free and open source!
- storybook. Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- vue-element-admin. 🎉 A magical vue admin http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
- electron-vue. An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
- bootstrap-vue. BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap 4 components and grid system for Vue.js and with extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
- poi. ⚡ A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications.
- vue2-manage. 基于 vue + element-ui 的后台管理系统
- vue-loader. 📦 Webpack loader for Vue.js components
- Vue-cnodejs. 基于vue.js重写Cnodejs.org社区的webapp
- blog. 梁少峰的个人博客
- neutrino-dev. Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration.
- awesome-webpack-cn. 印记中文 - webpack 优秀中文文章
- cooking. 👨🍳 更易上手的前端构建工具
- DOClever. 做最好的接口管理平台
- vue2-demo. 从零构建vue2 + vue-router + vuex 开发环境到入门,实现基本的登录退出功能
- eleme. vue2 +vue-router2 + es6 +webpack 高仿饿了么app商家详情,demo:http://yangyi1024.com/elem 还有我最新的实战项目,点它=》
- VueDemo_Sell_Eleme.
ele by vue2.x 🐧
- vue-express-mongo-boilerplate. ⭐ MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS
- xyy-vue. 基于vue+vue-router+vuex+axios+webpack开发的个人Demo《Qu约》 项目地址
- vue-Meizi. vue最新实战项目,vue2 + vuex + webpack + es6 干货多多,新手福利
- mavonEditor. mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features
- easy-vue. Learn vueJS Easily 👻
- vue-music-player. 🎵Vue.js写一个音乐播放器+📖One(一个).A music player + One by Vue.js
- vue-multiple-pages. A modern Vue.js multiple pages cli which uses Vue 2, Webpack4, and Element UI (Thanks for your star)(Vue2、ElementUI多页应用脚手架)
- ream. 🚀 Framework for building universal web app and static website in Vue.js (experimental)
- kov-blog. A blog platform built with koa,vue and mongoose. 使用 koa ,vue 和 mongo 搭建的博客页面和支持markdown语法的博客编写平台,自动保存草稿。博客地址:https://chuckliu.me
- vue-admin-spa. 基于vue2.0生态的后台管理系统模板(spa)。 a vue management system template based on :vue2.0 + vue-router + vuex + element-ui +ES6+ webpack + npm。
- vue-todos. vue最新实战项目教程,从零开始,一步一个脚印,循序渐进。跟着我一起学习vue吧!
- vue-wordpress-pwa. An offline-first SPA using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps
- houtai. 基于VUE和ElementUI的微信后台编辑系统
- egg-vue-webpack-boilerplate. 基于 Egg + Vue + Webpack 多页面和单页面服务端客户端渲染同构工程骨架项目.
- cordova-template-framework7-vue-webpack. Framework7 - Vue - Webpack Cordova Template with Webpack Dev Server and Hot Module Replacement
- vue-starter. an enterprise ready boilerplate for isomorphic, progressive web apps with Vue.JS
- iview-admin. Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView
- awesome-webpack-cn. 印记中文 - webpack 优秀中文文章
- easy-vue. Learn vueJS Easily 👻
- Vue-Admin. 基于Vue2、element ui、vue-cli、vuex、vue-router、axios 、echarts后台管理系统demo. 权限管理,用户管理,菜单管理。无限级菜单,下拉树形选择框
- vue-blog. A single-user blog built with vue2, koa2 and mongodb which supports Server-Side Rendering
- cordova-template-framework7-vue-webpack. Framework7 - Vue - Webpack Cordova Template with Webpack Dev Server and Hot Module Replacement
- neutrino-dev. Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration.
- awesome-webpack-cn. 印记中文 - webpack 优秀中文文章
- easy-vue. Learn vueJS Easily 👻
- vue-multiple-pages. A modern Vue.js multiple pages cli which uses Vue 2, Webpack4, and Element UI (Thanks for your star)(Vue2、ElementUI多页应用脚手架)
- markcook. A smart and beautiful markdown editor.
- egg-vue-webpack-boilerplate. 基于 Egg + Vue + Webpack 多页面和单页面服务端客户端渲染同构工程骨架项目.
- vue-multiple-pages. A modern Vue.js multiple pages cli which uses Vue 2, Webpack4, and Element UI (Thanks for your star)(Vue2、ElementUI多页应用脚手架)
- egg-vue-webpack-boilerplate. 基于 Egg + Vue + Webpack 多页面和单页面服务端客户端渲染同构工程骨架项目.
- pagekit. Pagekit CMS
- vue-163-music. 【维护使用中,开箱即食】网易云音乐web版,支持PC端常用功能,localStorage保存播放列表
- beauty. 👙 VUE + VUEX + FIREBASE + BULMA … 实现的 SPA SSR 同构项目 - demo
- dashboard.spatie.be. The source code of dashboard.spatie.be
- webchat. 🔈基于vue2.0的实时聊天项目
- vux. Mobile UI Components based on Vue & WeUI
- vue-wechat. 用Vue.js开发微信app
- wechat-admin. Wechat Management System
- weex-ui. 🏄 A rich interaction, lightweight, high performance UI library based on Weex.
- awesome-weex. A curated list of awesome Weex guides, articles, sites, tools, projects and resources.
- eros-template. 📱一套 Vue 代码,两端原生应用。(或许可以叫我 Weex/Vue-native)
- vux. Mobile UI Components based on Vue & WeUI
- vue-wechat. 用Vue.js开发微信app
- vue-weui. (Deprecated) WeUI Components with love of vue.js
- neutrino-dev. Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration.
- react-snap. 👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
- vue-zhihu-daily. zhihu daily spa with vue 线上演示在这里 ---->
- zhihudaily-vue. 知乎日报web版---vue
- daily-zhihu. 基于Vue2.0的知乎日报单页应用
- vue-zhihu-daily. zhihu daily spa with vue 线上演示在这里 ---->
- zhihu. ✨ 知乎日报 - 爬虫、数据分析、Node.js、Vue.js ...