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Blockchain Investigation Report

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59 lines (48 loc) · 3.97 KB
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Blockchain Investigation Report - [Case/Transaction ID]
Not Started
In Progress
On Hold

Executive Summary

  • Objective of Investigation: Conduct a detailed examination of transactions, wallet addresses, and associated entities within the blockchain to uncover illicit activities, trace asset flows, or authenticate transactions related to [Case/Transaction ID].
  • Key Findings:
    • Summary of critical blockchain activities and transaction patterns.
    • Identification of wallet addresses linked to suspicious activities.
    • Connections between transaction entities and known illicit networks.
  • Recommendations: Strategic steps for asset recovery, legal actions, and enhanced surveillance.
  • Investigation Status: Summary of current findings with proposed next steps for continuous monitoring or investigation closure.

Transaction and Wallet Analysis

  • Transaction Details: Overview of specific transactions including dates, amounts, and involved addresses, e.g., Blockchain Explorer.
  • Wallet Addresses: List and analysis of wallet addresses involved, highlighting any known associations with illicit activities.
  • Asset Flow: Visualization of asset movement between addresses to illustrate potential money laundering or fraud schemes.

Entity Linkage and Clustering

  • Address Clustering: Techniques used to group addresses controlled by the same entity, providing a clearer picture of transactional relationships.
  • Entity Identification: Efforts to link blockchain addresses to real-world identities, utilizing public data sources and intelligence databases.
  • Interconnected Networks: Analysis of how the subject’s addresses connect with broader networks, indicating potential collaborators or criminal networks.

Smart Contract Review

  • Contract Analysis: If applicable, review and assessment of smart contracts related to the case, including any known vulnerabilities or exploits.
  • DeFi Interactions: Examination of interactions with DeFi platforms, identifying any irregularities or risky transactions.

Source of Funds and Financial Analysis

  • Funding Sources: Analysis of where and how the subject’s assets were acquired, looking for connections to known criminal activities or unexplained wealth.
  • Transaction Patterns: Study of transactional behavior for signs of typical laundering stages: placement, layering, and integration.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

  • Regulatory Examination: Review against compliance with AML, KYC, and CFT regulations applicable to cryptocurrency transactions.
  • Sanctions Check: Cross-referencing of entities and wallet addresses against global sanctions lists, e.g., OFAC’s SDN List.

Risk Assessment

  • Vulnerabilities: Identification of security risks related to wallet storage, transaction privacy, and smart contract execution.
  • Threat Evaluation: Assessment of potential threats from associated entities or through identified transaction patterns.

Recommendations for Further Action

  • Monitoring Strategies: Suggestions for ongoing surveillance of identified addresses and entities.
  • Legal Actions: Recommended legal steps for asset recovery, injunctions, or further investigations.
  • Security Enhancements: Proposed improvements for securing cryptocurrency assets and preventing unauthorized transactions.


  • Appendix A: Detailed Transaction Logs
  • Appendix B: Address Clustering Results
  • Appendix C: Legal and Regulatory Compliance Documentation

References and Sources

  • [Cryptocurrency Analysis Tools, Blockchain Explorers, Legal Documents]

Revision History

  • {{date}}: Initial analysis based on transaction data.
  • {{date}}: Updated with results from entity linkage and clustering.
  • {{date}}: Final review and compilation of recommendations.