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CTI Report

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68 lines (57 loc) · 3.42 KB
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Cyber Threat Intelligence Report - [Threat Name/Event]
Not Started
In Progress
On Hold

Executive Summary

  • Objective of Investigation: Analyze and document comprehensive details about [Threat Name/Event], including its origins, tactics, techniques, procedures (TTPs), and impact on targeted systems or networks.
  • Key Findings:
    • Summary of the threat's characteristics and behavior.
    • Identification of affected systems, networks, and data.
    • Assessment of the threat's impact and potential future risks.
  • Recommendations: Specific security measures and response strategies to mitigate the threat and prevent future occurrences.
  • Investigation Status: Overview of the threat investigation's progress and anticipated next steps.

Threat Overview

  • Threat Name: [Name of the malware, hacking group, etc.]
  • Type of Threat: [Malware, Phishing, DDoS, etc.]
  • First Identified: [Date and origin of first identification]
  • Targeted Sectors/Industries: [List of primarily targeted sectors or industries]

Technical Analysis

  • Malware Analysis:
    • Hash Values: [MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256]
    • Behavior: [Actions performed by the malware]
    • C2 Communication: [Details about command and control servers]
    • Persistence Mechanisms: [How the threat maintains its presence]
  • Attack Vector:
    • Entry Point: [How the threat gains access, e.g., email, compromised website]
    • Exploited Vulnerabilities: [Specific vulnerabilities exploited]
  • Indicators of Compromise (IoCs): [List of IoCs, e.g., file hashes, malicious IPs]

Impact Assessment

  • Systems/Networks Affected: [Details on the affected systems and the extent of impact]
  • Data Compromised: [Information on the type and sensitivity of data compromised]
  • Business Impact: [Analysis of the threat's impact on operations, reputation, and finances]

Threat Actors

  • Origin: [Information on the origin of the threat actors, if known]
  • Motivation: [Insights into the actors' objectives, whether financial, espionage, etc.]
  • Capabilities: [Assessment of the threat actors' technical capabilities and resources]

Mitigation and Response Strategies

  • Immediate Response Actions: [First steps to contain and eradicate the threat]
  • Long-term Mitigation Measures: [Strategies to secure systems against similar threats in the future]
  • Recommendations for Patching and Updates: [Guidance on specific software patches and updates to apply]

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

  • Compliance Issues: [Analysis of any compliance violations or legal implications]
  • Reporting Requirements: [Overview of mandatory reporting obligations, e.g., GDPR, HIPAA]

Future Threat Landscape

  • Emerging Trends: [Insights into evolving cyber threat trends and tactics]
  • Predictive Analysis: [Predictions on future targets, sectors, or methods of attack]


  • Appendix A: Detailed Malware Analysis Report
  • Appendix B: Full List of IoCs
  • Appendix C: Incident Response Logs and Documentation

References and Sources

  • [Cybersecurity Frameworks, Threat Intelligence Platforms, Incident Reports]

Revision History

  • {{date}}: Initial threat identification and research.
  • {{date}}: Updated with detailed technical analysis and impact assessment.
  • {{date}}: Final review and development of response strategies.