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Individual Investigation

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111 lines (94 loc) · 3.39 KB
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Individual Investigation Report - [Subject Name]
Not Started
In Progress
On Hold

Executive Summary

  • Objective of Investigation: Detailed exploration of [Subject Name]'s background, digital footprint, and online behaviors to assess potential risks, affiliations, or character.
  • Key Findings:
    • Summary of significant personal, professional, and social findings.
    • Analysis of subject's online presence and activities.
    • Assessment of potential risks or red flags associated with the subject.
  • Recommendations: Suggested actions based on investigation findings.
  • Investigation Status: Current phase and future steps.

Subject Profile

  • Full Name: [Full Name]
  • Aliases: [Known Aliases]
  • Date of Birth: [DOB]
  • Nationalities: [Nationalities]
  • Current Residence: [Address or Location]
  • Occupation: [Current Occupation]
  • Education: [Educational Background]
  • Social Security Number/ID: [If applicable]

Digital Footprint

Social Media Accounts

  • Facebook: [Link/Details]
  • LinkedIn: [Link/Details]
  • Twitter: [Link/Details]
  • Instagram: [Link/Details]

Websites and Blogs

  • Personal Websites: [Link/Details]
  • Professional Portfolios: [Link/Details]
  • Blogs or Publications: [Link/Details]

Email Addresses

  • Personal: [Email Addresses]
  • Professional: [Email Addresses]

Phone Numbers

  • Mobile: [Numbers]
  • Home: [Numbers]
  • Work: [Numbers]

Professional Background

  • Employment History:
    • [Company Name]: [Position, Duration, Responsibilities]
  • Business Affiliations:
    • [Organization/Role, Description]

Personal Background

  • Family Members:
    • [Relation, Name, Relevant Information]
  • Residential History:
    • [Addresses, Duration]
  • Legal History:
    • [Legal Issues, Locations, Dates]

Online Behavior and Associations

  • Forum Participation:
    • [Forum Names, Usernames, Topics of Interest]
  • Membership in Online Groups:
    • [Group Names, Platforms, Roles]
  • Online Purchases and Subscriptions:
    • [Services, Products, Dates]

Financial Overview

  • Bank Accounts: [Details, Banks]
  • Credit Cards: [Details, Issuers]
  • Investments: [Details, Types, Institutions]

Geospatial Intelligence

  • Location Check-ins:
    • [Locations, Dates, Occasions]
  • Geo-tagged Photos:
    • [Locations, Dates]

Network and Relationships

  • Known Associates:
    • [Names, Relationships, Contexts]
  • Professional Contacts:
    • [Names, Positions, Nature of Relationship]

Psychological Profile

  • Personality Traits:
    • [Traits, Behaviors, Evidences]
  • Interests and Hobbies:
    • [Activities, Memberships, Skills]

Risk Assessment

  • Threats and Vulnerabilities:
    • [Potential Risks, Impact, Evidence]
  • Recommendations for Monitoring:
    • [Surveillance Tips, Key Areas for Future Observation]


  • Appendix A: Detailed Social Media Activity Logs
  • Appendix B: Full Employment Verification Reports
  • Appendix C: Comprehensive Financial Records Review

References and Sources

  • [Data Sources, Research Tools, Verification Platforms]

Revision History

  • {{date}}: Initial report compilation.
  • {{date}}: Updated with social media analysis results.
  • {{date}}: Final review, added risk assessment and recommendations.