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h1:TZumC3NeyVQskjXqmyWt4S3bINhy7B4eYwW69EbyX+0= @@ -1767,6 +1821,7 @@ google.golang.org/protobuf v1.25.0/go.mod h1:9JNX74DMeImyA3h4bdi1ymwjUzf21/xIlba google.golang.org/protobuf v1.26.0-rc.1/go.mod h1:jlhhOSvTdKEhbULTjvd4ARK9grFBp09yW+WbY/TyQbw= google.golang.org/protobuf v1.26.0/go.mod h1:9q0QmTI4eRPtz6boOQmLYwt+qCgq0jsYwAQnmE0givc= google.golang.org/protobuf v1.27.1/go.mod h1:9q0QmTI4eRPtz6boOQmLYwt+qCgq0jsYwAQnmE0givc= +google.golang.org/protobuf v1.28.0/go.mod h1:HV8QOd/L58Z+nl8r43ehVNZIU/HEI6OcFqwMG9pJV4I= google.golang.org/protobuf v1.28.1 h1:d0NfwRgPtno5B1Wa6L2DAG+KivqkdutMf1UhdNx175w= google.golang.org/protobuf v1.28.1/go.mod h1:HV8QOd/L58Z+nl8r43ehVNZIU/HEI6OcFqwMG9pJV4I= gopkg.in/airbrake/gobrake.v2 v2.0.9/go.mod h1:/h5ZAUhDkGaJfjzjKLSjv6zCL6O0LLBxU4K+aSYdM/U= diff --git a/internal/composer/client.cfg.yaml b/internal/composer/client.cfg.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3d94436cb --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/composer/client.cfg.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +package: composer +output: openapi.v2.gen.go +generate: + models: true diff --git a/internal/composer/client.go b/internal/composer/client.go index 721dc0662..2fc1cf6c8 100644 --- a/internal/composer/client.go +++ b/internal/composer/client.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -//go:generate go run -mod=mod github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/cmd/oapi-codegen --package=composer --generate types -o openapi.v2.gen.go openapi.v2.yml +//go:generate go run -mod=mod github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/cmd/oapi-codegen --config client.cfg.yaml openapi.v2.yml package composer diff --git a/internal/composer/openapi.v2.gen.go b/internal/composer/openapi.v2.gen.go index 4059013f2..84f7965d1 100644 --- a/internal/composer/openapi.v2.gen.go +++ b/internal/composer/openapi.v2.gen.go @@ -1,8 +1,68 @@ -// Package composer provides primitives to interact the openapi HTTP API. +// Package composer provides primitives to interact with the openapi HTTP API. // -// Code generated by github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen DO NOT EDIT. +// Code generated by github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen version v1.11.0 DO NOT EDIT. package composer +import ( + openapi_types "github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types" +) + +const ( + BearerScopes = "Bearer.Scopes" +) + +// Defines values for ComposeStatusValue. +const ( + ComposeStatusValueFailure ComposeStatusValue = "failure" + ComposeStatusValuePending ComposeStatusValue = "pending" + ComposeStatusValueSuccess ComposeStatusValue = "success" +) + +// Defines values for ImageStatusValue. +const ( + ImageStatusValueBuilding ImageStatusValue = "building" + ImageStatusValueFailure ImageStatusValue = "failure" + ImageStatusValuePending ImageStatusValue = "pending" + ImageStatusValueRegistering ImageStatusValue = "registering" + ImageStatusValueSuccess ImageStatusValue = "success" + ImageStatusValueUploading ImageStatusValue = "uploading" +) + +// Defines values for ImageTypes. +const ( + ImageTypesAws ImageTypes = "aws" + ImageTypesAwsHaRhui ImageTypes = "aws-ha-rhui" + ImageTypesAwsRhui ImageTypes = "aws-rhui" + ImageTypesAwsSapRhui ImageTypes = "aws-sap-rhui" + ImageTypesAzure ImageTypes = "azure" + ImageTypesAzureRhui ImageTypes = "azure-rhui" + ImageTypesEdgeCommit ImageTypes = "edge-commit" + ImageTypesEdgeContainer ImageTypes = "edge-container" + ImageTypesEdgeInstaller ImageTypes = "edge-installer" + ImageTypesGcp ImageTypes = "gcp" + ImageTypesGcpRhui ImageTypes = "gcp-rhui" + ImageTypesGuestImage ImageTypes = "guest-image" + ImageTypesImageInstaller ImageTypes = "image-installer" + ImageTypesVsphere ImageTypes = "vsphere" +) + +// Defines values for UploadStatusValue. +const ( + Failure UploadStatusValue = "failure" + Pending UploadStatusValue = "pending" + Running UploadStatusValue = "running" + Success UploadStatusValue = "success" +) + +// Defines values for UploadTypes. +const ( + UploadTypesAws UploadTypes = "aws" + UploadTypesAwsS3 UploadTypes = "aws.s3" + UploadTypesAzure UploadTypes = "azure" + UploadTypesContainer UploadTypes = "container" + UploadTypesGcp UploadTypes = "gcp" +) + // AWSEC2CloneCompose defines model for AWSEC2CloneCompose. type AWSEC2CloneCompose struct { Region string `json:"region"` @@ -34,7 +94,6 @@ type AWSS3UploadStatus struct { // AzureUploadOptions defines model for AzureUploadOptions. type AzureUploadOptions struct { - // Name of the uploaded image. It must be unique in the given resource group. // If name is omitted from the request, a random one based on a UUID is // generated. @@ -67,50 +126,50 @@ type CloneComposeBody interface{} // CloneComposeResponse defines model for CloneComposeResponse. type CloneComposeResponse struct { - // Embedded struct due to allOf(#/components/schemas/ObjectReference) - ObjectReference - // Embedded fields due to inline allOf schema - Id string `json:"id"` + Href string `json:"href"` + Id openapi_types.UUID `json:"id"` + Kind string `json:"kind"` } // CloneStatus defines model for CloneStatus. type CloneStatus struct { - // Embedded struct due to allOf(#/components/schemas/ObjectReference) - ObjectReference - // Embedded struct due to allOf(#/components/schemas/UploadStatus) - UploadStatus + Href string `json:"href"` + Id string `json:"id"` + Kind string `json:"kind"` + Options interface{} `json:"options"` + Status UploadStatusValue `json:"status"` + Type UploadTypes `json:"type"` } // ComposeId defines model for ComposeId. type ComposeId struct { - // Embedded struct due to allOf(#/components/schemas/ObjectReference) - ObjectReference - // Embedded fields due to inline allOf schema - Id string `json:"id"` + Href string `json:"href"` + Id openapi_types.UUID `json:"id"` + Kind string `json:"kind"` } // ComposeLogs defines model for ComposeLogs. type ComposeLogs struct { - // Embedded struct due to allOf(#/components/schemas/ObjectReference) - ObjectReference - // Embedded fields due to inline allOf schema + Href string `json:"href"` + Id string `json:"id"` ImageBuilds []interface{} `json:"image_builds"` + Kind string `json:"kind"` Koji *KojiLogs `json:"koji,omitempty"` } // ComposeManifests defines model for ComposeManifests. type ComposeManifests struct { - // Embedded struct due to allOf(#/components/schemas/ObjectReference) - ObjectReference - // Embedded fields due to inline allOf schema + Href string `json:"href"` + Id string `json:"id"` + Kind string `json:"kind"` Manifests []interface{} `json:"manifests"` } // ComposeMetadata defines model for ComposeMetadata. type ComposeMetadata struct { - // Embedded struct due to allOf(#/components/schemas/ObjectReference) - ObjectReference - // Embedded fields due to inline allOf schema + Href string `json:"href"` + Id string `json:"id"` + Kind string `json:"kind"` // ID (hash) of the built commit OstreeCommit *string `json:"ostree_commit,omitempty"` @@ -130,11 +189,11 @@ type ComposeRequest struct { // ComposeStatus defines model for ComposeStatus. type ComposeStatus struct { - // Embedded struct due to allOf(#/components/schemas/ObjectReference) - ObjectReference - // Embedded fields due to inline allOf schema + Href string `json:"href"` + Id string `json:"id"` ImageStatus ImageStatus `json:"image_status"` ImageStatuses *[]ImageStatus `json:"image_statuses,omitempty"` + Kind string `json:"kind"` KojiStatus *KojiStatus `json:"koji_status,omitempty"` Status ComposeStatusValue `json:"status"` } @@ -149,16 +208,8 @@ type ComposeStatusError struct { // ComposeStatusValue defines model for ComposeStatusValue. type ComposeStatusValue string -// List of ComposeStatusValue -const ( - ComposeStatusValue_failure ComposeStatusValue = "failure" - ComposeStatusValue_pending ComposeStatusValue = "pending" - ComposeStatusValue_success ComposeStatusValue = "success" -) - // Container defines model for Container. type Container struct { - // Name to use for the container from the image Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Source string `json:"source"` @@ -169,7 +220,6 @@ type Container struct { // ContainerUploadOptions defines model for ContainerUploadOptions. type ContainerUploadOptions struct { - // Name for the created container image Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` @@ -179,7 +229,6 @@ type ContainerUploadOptions struct { // ContainerUploadStatus defines model for ContainerUploadStatus. type ContainerUploadStatus struct { - // Digest of the manifest of the uploaded container on the registry Digest string `json:"digest"` @@ -200,7 +249,6 @@ type Customizations struct { // repositories is ignored. PayloadRepositories *[]Repository `json:"payload_repositories,omitempty"` Services *struct { - // List of services to disable by default Disabled *[]string `json:"disabled,omitempty"` @@ -213,21 +261,22 @@ type Customizations struct { // Error defines model for Error. type Error struct { - // Embedded struct due to allOf(#/components/schemas/ObjectReference) - ObjectReference - // Embedded fields due to inline allOf schema Code string `json:"code"` Details *interface{} `json:"details,omitempty"` + Href string `json:"href"` + Id string `json:"id"` + Kind string `json:"kind"` OperationId string `json:"operation_id"` Reason string `json:"reason"` } // ErrorList defines model for ErrorList. type ErrorList struct { - // Embedded struct due to allOf(#/components/schemas/List) - List - // Embedded fields due to inline allOf schema Items []Error `json:"items"` + Kind string `json:"kind"` + Page int `json:"page"` + Size int `json:"size"` + Total int `json:"total"` } // Filesystem defines model for Filesystem. @@ -238,7 +287,6 @@ type Filesystem struct { // GCPUploadOptions defines model for GCPUploadOptions. type GCPUploadOptions struct { - // Name of an existing STANDARD Storage class Bucket. Bucket string `json:"bucket"` @@ -300,37 +348,9 @@ type ImageStatus struct { // ImageStatusValue defines model for ImageStatusValue. type ImageStatusValue string -// List of ImageStatusValue -const ( - ImageStatusValue_building ImageStatusValue = "building" - ImageStatusValue_failure ImageStatusValue = "failure" - ImageStatusValue_pending ImageStatusValue = "pending" - ImageStatusValue_registering ImageStatusValue = "registering" - ImageStatusValue_success ImageStatusValue = "success" - ImageStatusValue_uploading ImageStatusValue = "uploading" -) - // ImageTypes defines model for ImageTypes. type ImageTypes string -// List of ImageTypes -const ( - ImageTypes_aws ImageTypes = "aws" - ImageTypes_aws_ha_rhui ImageTypes = "aws-ha-rhui" - ImageTypes_aws_rhui ImageTypes = "aws-rhui" - ImageTypes_aws_sap_rhui ImageTypes = "aws-sap-rhui" - ImageTypes_azure ImageTypes = "azure" - ImageTypes_azure_rhui ImageTypes = "azure-rhui" - ImageTypes_edge_commit ImageTypes = "edge-commit" - ImageTypes_edge_container ImageTypes = "edge-container" - ImageTypes_edge_installer ImageTypes = "edge-installer" - ImageTypes_gcp ImageTypes = "gcp" - ImageTypes_gcp_rhui ImageTypes = "gcp-rhui" - ImageTypes_guest_image ImageTypes = "guest-image" - ImageTypes_image_installer ImageTypes = "image-installer" - ImageTypes_vsphere ImageTypes = "vsphere" -) - // Koji defines model for Koji. type Koji struct { Name string `json:"name"` @@ -361,7 +381,6 @@ type List struct { // OSTree defines model for OSTree. type OSTree struct { - // Can be either a commit (example: 02604b2da6e954bd34b8b82a835e5a77d2b60ffa), or a branch-like reference (example: rhel/8/x86_64/edge) Parent *string `json:"parent,omitempty"` Ref *string `json:"ref,omitempty"` @@ -415,7 +434,11 @@ type Subscription struct { ServerUrl string `json:"server_url"` } -// UploadOptions defines model for UploadOptions. +// This should really be oneOf but AWSS3UploadOptions is a subset of +// AWSEC2UploadOptions. This means that all AWSEC2UploadOptions objects +// are also valid AWSS3UploadOptionas objects which violates the oneOf +// rules. Therefore, we have to use anyOf here but be aware that it isn't +// possible to mix and match more schemas together. type UploadOptions interface{} // UploadStatus defines model for UploadStatus. @@ -428,26 +451,9 @@ type UploadStatus struct { // UploadStatusValue defines model for UploadStatusValue. type UploadStatusValue string -// List of UploadStatusValue -const ( - UploadStatusValue_failure UploadStatusValue = "failure" - UploadStatusValue_pending UploadStatusValue = "pending" - UploadStatusValue_running UploadStatusValue = "running" - UploadStatusValue_success UploadStatusValue = "success" -) - // UploadTypes defines model for UploadTypes. type UploadTypes string -// List of UploadTypes -const ( - UploadTypes_aws UploadTypes = "aws" - UploadTypes_aws_s3 UploadTypes = "aws.s3" - UploadTypes_azure UploadTypes = "azure" - UploadTypes_container UploadTypes = "container" - UploadTypes_gcp UploadTypes = "gcp" -) - // User defines model for User. type User struct { Groups *[]string `json:"groups,omitempty"` @@ -456,29 +462,28 @@ type User struct { } // Page defines model for page. -type Page string +type Page = string // Size defines model for size. -type Size string +type Size = string // PostComposeJSONBody defines parameters for PostCompose. -type PostComposeJSONBody ComposeRequest +type PostComposeJSONBody = ComposeRequest // PostCloneComposeJSONBody defines parameters for PostCloneCompose. -type PostCloneComposeJSONBody CloneComposeBody +type PostCloneComposeJSONBody = CloneComposeBody // GetErrorListParams defines parameters for GetErrorList. type GetErrorListParams struct { - // Page index - Page *Page `json:"page,omitempty"` + Page *Page `form:"page,omitempty" json:"page,omitempty"` // Number of items in each page - Size *Size `json:"size,omitempty"` + Size *Size `form:"size,omitempty" json:"size,omitempty"` } -// PostComposeRequestBody defines body for PostCompose for application/json ContentType. -type PostComposeJSONRequestBody PostComposeJSONBody +// PostComposeJSONRequestBody defines body for PostCompose for application/json ContentType. +type PostComposeJSONRequestBody = PostComposeJSONBody -// PostCloneComposeRequestBody defines body for PostCloneCompose for application/json ContentType. -type PostCloneComposeJSONRequestBody PostCloneComposeJSONBody +// PostCloneComposeJSONRequestBody defines body for PostCloneCompose for application/json ContentType. +type PostCloneComposeJSONRequestBody = PostCloneComposeJSONBody diff --git a/internal/v1/api.go b/internal/v1/api.go index 6cfc594e2..c8f4f4f65 100644 --- a/internal/v1/api.go +++ b/internal/v1/api.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -// Package v1 provides primitives to interact the openapi HTTP API. +// Package v1 provides primitives to interact with the openapi HTTP API. // -// Code generated by github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen DO NOT EDIT. +// Code generated by github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen version v1.11.0 DO NOT EDIT. package v1 import ( @@ -8,15 +8,77 @@ import ( "compress/gzip" "encoding/base64" "fmt" + "net/http" + "net/url" + "path" + "strings" + "github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime" "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3" "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" - "net/http" - "strings" +) + +// Defines values for Distributions. +const ( + Centos8 Distributions = "centos-8" + Centos9 Distributions = "centos-9" + Rhel8 Distributions = "rhel-8" + Rhel84 Distributions = "rhel-84" + Rhel85 Distributions = "rhel-85" + Rhel86 Distributions = "rhel-86" + Rhel9 Distributions = "rhel-9" + Rhel90 Distributions = "rhel-90" +) + +// Defines values for ImageRequestArchitecture. +const ( + X8664 ImageRequestArchitecture = "x86_64" +) + +// Defines values for ImageStatusStatus. +const ( + ImageStatusStatusBuilding ImageStatusStatus = "building" + ImageStatusStatusFailure ImageStatusStatus = "failure" + ImageStatusStatusPending ImageStatusStatus = "pending" + ImageStatusStatusRegistering ImageStatusStatus = "registering" + ImageStatusStatusSuccess ImageStatusStatus = "success" + ImageStatusStatusUploading ImageStatusStatus = "uploading" +) + +// Defines values for ImageTypes. +const ( + ImageTypesAmi ImageTypes = "ami" + ImageTypesAws ImageTypes = "aws" + ImageTypesAzure ImageTypes = "azure" + ImageTypesEdgeCommit ImageTypes = "edge-commit" + ImageTypesEdgeInstaller ImageTypes = "edge-installer" + ImageTypesGcp ImageTypes = "gcp" + ImageTypesGuestImage ImageTypes = "guest-image" + ImageTypesImageInstaller ImageTypes = "image-installer" + ImageTypesRhelEdgeCommit ImageTypes = "rhel-edge-commit" + ImageTypesRhelEdgeInstaller ImageTypes = "rhel-edge-installer" + ImageTypesVhd ImageTypes = "vhd" + ImageTypesVsphere ImageTypes = "vsphere" +) + +// Defines values for UploadStatusStatus. +const ( + UploadStatusStatusFailure UploadStatusStatus = "failure" + UploadStatusStatusPending UploadStatusStatus = "pending" + UploadStatusStatusRunning UploadStatusStatus = "running" + UploadStatusStatusSuccess UploadStatusStatus = "success" +) + +// Defines values for UploadTypes. +const ( + UploadTypesAws UploadTypes = "aws" + UploadTypesAwsS3 UploadTypes = "aws.s3" + UploadTypesAzure UploadTypes = "azure" + UploadTypesGcp UploadTypes = "gcp" ) // AWSS3UploadRequestOptions defines model for AWSS3UploadRequestOptions. -type AWSS3UploadRequestOptions map[string]interface{} +type AWSS3UploadRequestOptions = map[string]interface{} // AWSS3UploadStatus defines model for AWSS3UploadStatus. type AWSS3UploadStatus struct { @@ -41,11 +103,10 @@ type ArchitectureItem struct { } // Architectures defines model for Architectures. -type Architectures []ArchitectureItem +type Architectures = []ArchitectureItem // AzureUploadRequestOptions defines model for AzureUploadRequestOptions. type AzureUploadRequestOptions struct { - // Name of the resource group where the image should be uploaded. ResourceGroup string `json:"resource_group"` @@ -65,7 +126,6 @@ type AzureUploadStatus struct { // ComposeMetadata defines model for ComposeMetadata. type ComposeMetadata struct { - // ID (hash) of the built commit OstreeCommit *string `json:"ostree_commit,omitempty"` @@ -140,20 +200,8 @@ type DistributionItem struct { // Distributions defines model for Distributions. type Distributions string -// List of Distributions -const ( - Distributions_centos_8 Distributions = "centos-8" - Distributions_centos_9 Distributions = "centos-9" - Distributions_rhel_8 Distributions = "rhel-8" - Distributions_rhel_84 Distributions = "rhel-84" - Distributions_rhel_85 Distributions = "rhel-85" - Distributions_rhel_86 Distributions = "rhel-86" - Distributions_rhel_9 Distributions = "rhel-9" - Distributions_rhel_90 Distributions = "rhel-90" -) - // DistributionsResponse defines model for DistributionsResponse. -type DistributionsResponse []DistributionItem +type DistributionsResponse = []DistributionItem // Filesystem defines model for Filesystem. type Filesystem struct { @@ -163,7 +211,6 @@ type Filesystem struct { // GCPUploadRequestOptions defines model for GCPUploadRequestOptions. type GCPUploadRequestOptions struct { - // List of valid Google accounts to share the imported Compute Node image with. // Each string must contain a specifier of the account type. Valid formats are: // - 'user:{emailid}': An email address that represents a specific @@ -198,43 +245,31 @@ type HTTPErrorList struct { // ImageRequest defines model for ImageRequest. type ImageRequest struct { - // CPU architecture of the image, only x86_64 is currently supported. - Architecture string `json:"architecture"` - ImageType ImageTypes `json:"image_type"` - Ostree *OSTree `json:"ostree,omitempty"` - UploadRequest UploadRequest `json:"upload_request"` + Architecture ImageRequestArchitecture `json:"architecture"` + ImageType ImageTypes `json:"image_type"` + Ostree *OSTree `json:"ostree,omitempty"` + UploadRequest UploadRequest `json:"upload_request"` } +// CPU architecture of the image, only x86_64 is currently supported. +type ImageRequestArchitecture string + // ImageStatus defines model for ImageStatus. type ImageStatus struct { Error *ComposeStatusError `json:"error,omitempty"` - Status string `json:"status"` + Status ImageStatusStatus `json:"status"` UploadStatus *UploadStatus `json:"upload_status,omitempty"` } +// ImageStatusStatus defines model for ImageStatus.Status. +type ImageStatusStatus string + // ImageTypes defines model for ImageTypes. type ImageTypes string -// List of ImageTypes -const ( - ImageTypes_ami ImageTypes = "ami" - ImageTypes_aws ImageTypes = "aws" - ImageTypes_azure ImageTypes = "azure" - ImageTypes_edge_commit ImageTypes = "edge-commit" - ImageTypes_edge_installer ImageTypes = "edge-installer" - ImageTypes_gcp ImageTypes = "gcp" - ImageTypes_guest_image ImageTypes = "guest-image" - ImageTypes_image_installer ImageTypes = "image-installer" - ImageTypes_rhel_edge_commit ImageTypes = "rhel-edge-commit" - ImageTypes_rhel_edge_installer ImageTypes = "rhel-edge-installer" - ImageTypes_vhd ImageTypes = "vhd" - ImageTypes_vsphere ImageTypes = "vsphere" -) - // OSTree defines model for OSTree. type OSTree struct { - // Can be either a commit (example: 02604b2da6e954bd34b8b82a835e5a77d2b60ffa), or a branch-like reference (example: rhel/8/x86_64/edge) Parent *string `json:"parent,omitempty"` Ref *string `json:"ref,omitempty"` @@ -304,22 +339,17 @@ type UploadRequest struct { // UploadStatus defines model for UploadStatus. type UploadStatus struct { - Options interface{} `json:"options"` - Status string `json:"status"` - Type UploadTypes `json:"type"` + Options interface{} `json:"options"` + Status UploadStatusStatus `json:"status"` + Type UploadTypes `json:"type"` } +// UploadStatusStatus defines model for UploadStatus.Status. +type UploadStatusStatus string + // UploadTypes defines model for UploadTypes. type UploadTypes string -// List of UploadTypes -const ( - UploadTypes_aws UploadTypes = "aws" - UploadTypes_aws_s3 UploadTypes = "aws.s3" - UploadTypes_azure UploadTypes = "azure" - UploadTypes_gcp UploadTypes = "gcp" -) - // User defines model for User. type User struct { Name string `json:"name"` @@ -332,39 +362,40 @@ type Version struct { } // ComposeImageJSONBody defines parameters for ComposeImage. -type ComposeImageJSONBody ComposeRequest +type ComposeImageJSONBody = ComposeRequest // GetComposesParams defines parameters for GetComposes. type GetComposesParams struct { - // max amount of composes, default 100 - Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` + Limit *int `form:"limit,omitempty" json:"limit,omitempty"` // composes page offset, default 0 - Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` + Offset *int `form:"offset,omitempty" json:"offset,omitempty"` } // GetPackagesParams defines parameters for GetPackages. type GetPackagesParams struct { - // distribution to look up packages for - Distribution Distributions `json:"distribution"` + Distribution Distributions `form:"distribution" json:"distribution"` // architecture to look up packages for - Architecture string `json:"architecture"` + Architecture GetPackagesParamsArchitecture `form:"architecture" json:"architecture"` // packages to look for - Search string `json:"search"` + Search string `form:"search" json:"search"` // max amount of packages, default 100 - Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` + Limit *int `form:"limit,omitempty" json:"limit,omitempty"` // packages page offset, default 0 - Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` + Offset *int `form:"offset,omitempty" json:"offset,omitempty"` } -// ComposeImageRequestBody defines body for ComposeImage for application/json ContentType. -type ComposeImageJSONRequestBody ComposeImageJSONBody +// GetPackagesParamsArchitecture defines parameters for GetPackages. +type GetPackagesParamsArchitecture string + +// ComposeImageJSONRequestBody defines body for ComposeImage for application/json ContentType. +type ComposeImageJSONRequestBody = ComposeImageJSONBody // ServerInterface represents all server handlers. type ServerInterface interface { @@ -411,7 +442,7 @@ func (w *ServerInterfaceWrapper) GetArchitectures(ctx echo.Context) error { // ------------- Path parameter "distribution" ------------- var distribution string - err = runtime.BindStyledParameter("simple", false, "distribution", ctx.Param("distribution"), &distribution) + err = runtime.BindStyledParameterWithLocation("simple", false, "distribution", runtime.ParamLocationPath, ctx.Param("distribution"), &distribution) if err != nil { return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid format for parameter distribution: %s", err)) } @@ -461,7 +492,7 @@ func (w *ServerInterfaceWrapper) GetComposeStatus(ctx echo.Context) error { // ------------- Path parameter "composeId" ------------- var composeId string - err = runtime.BindStyledParameter("simple", false, "composeId", ctx.Param("composeId"), &composeId) + err = runtime.BindStyledParameterWithLocation("simple", false, "composeId", runtime.ParamLocationPath, ctx.Param("composeId"), &composeId) if err != nil { return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid format for parameter composeId: %s", err)) } @@ -477,7 +508,7 @@ func (w *ServerInterfaceWrapper) GetComposeMetadata(ctx echo.Context) error { // ------------- Path parameter "composeId" ------------- var composeId string - err = runtime.BindStyledParameter("simple", false, "composeId", ctx.Param("composeId"), &composeId) + err = runtime.BindStyledParameterWithLocation("simple", false, "composeId", runtime.ParamLocationPath, ctx.Param("composeId"), &composeId) if err != nil { return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid format for parameter composeId: %s", err)) } @@ -586,21 +617,27 @@ type EchoRouter interface { // RegisterHandlers adds each server route to the EchoRouter. func RegisterHandlers(router EchoRouter, si ServerInterface) { + RegisterHandlersWithBaseURL(router, si, "") +} + +// Registers handlers, and prepends BaseURL to the paths, so that the paths +// can be served under a prefix. +func RegisterHandlersWithBaseURL(router EchoRouter, si ServerInterface, baseURL string) { wrapper := ServerInterfaceWrapper{ Handler: si, } - router.GET("/architectures/:distribution", wrapper.GetArchitectures) - router.POST("/compose", wrapper.ComposeImage) - router.GET("/composes", wrapper.GetComposes) - router.GET("/composes/:composeId", wrapper.GetComposeStatus) - router.GET("/composes/:composeId/metadata", wrapper.GetComposeMetadata) - router.GET("/distributions", wrapper.GetDistributions) - router.GET("/openapi.json", wrapper.GetOpenapiJson) - router.GET("/packages", wrapper.GetPackages) - router.GET("/ready", wrapper.GetReadiness) - router.GET("/version", wrapper.GetVersion) + router.GET(baseURL+"/architectures/:distribution", wrapper.GetArchitectures) + router.POST(baseURL+"/compose", wrapper.ComposeImage) + router.GET(baseURL+"/composes", wrapper.GetComposes) + router.GET(baseURL+"/composes/:composeId", wrapper.GetComposeStatus) + router.GET(baseURL+"/composes/:composeId/metadata", wrapper.GetComposeMetadata) + router.GET(baseURL+"/distributions", wrapper.GetDistributions) + router.GET(baseURL+"/openapi.json", wrapper.GetOpenapiJson) + router.GET(baseURL+"/packages", wrapper.GetPackages) + router.GET(baseURL+"/ready", wrapper.GetReadiness) + router.GET(baseURL+"/version", wrapper.GetVersion) } @@ -669,9 +706,9 @@ var swaggerSpec = []string{ "0nRtvLd9uqe4Z3wUB9ub7f8EAAD//3xtOgD0OwAA", } -// GetSwagger returns the Swagger specification corresponding to the generated code -// in this file. -func GetSwagger() (*openapi3.Swagger, error) { +// GetSwagger returns the content of the embedded swagger specification file +// or error if failed to decode +func decodeSpec() ([]byte, error) { zipped, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(strings.Join(swaggerSpec, "")) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error base64 decoding spec: %s", err) @@ -686,9 +723,57 @@ func GetSwagger() (*openapi3.Swagger, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error decompressing spec: %s", err) } - swagger, err := openapi3.NewSwaggerLoader().LoadSwaggerFromData(buf.Bytes()) + return buf.Bytes(), nil +} + +var rawSpec = decodeSpecCached() + +// a naive cached of a decoded swagger spec +func decodeSpecCached() func() ([]byte, error) { + data, err := decodeSpec() + return func() ([]byte, error) { + return data, err + } +} + +// Constructs a synthetic filesystem for resolving external references when loading openapi specifications. +func PathToRawSpec(pathToFile string) map[string]func() ([]byte, error) { + var res = make(map[string]func() ([]byte, error)) + if len(pathToFile) > 0 { + res[pathToFile] = rawSpec + } + + return res +} + +// GetSwagger returns the Swagger specification corresponding to the generated code +// in this file. The external references of Swagger specification are resolved. +// The logic of resolving external references is tightly connected to "import-mapping" feature. +// Externally referenced files must be embedded in the corresponding golang packages. +// Urls can be supported but this task was out of the scope. +func GetSwagger() (swagger *openapi3.T, err error) { + var resolvePath = PathToRawSpec("") + + loader := openapi3.NewLoader() + loader.IsExternalRefsAllowed = true + loader.ReadFromURIFunc = func(loader *openapi3.Loader, url *url.URL) ([]byte, error) { + var pathToFile = url.String() + pathToFile = path.Clean(pathToFile) + getSpec, ok := resolvePath[pathToFile] + if !ok { + err1 := fmt.Errorf("path not found: %s", pathToFile) + return nil, err1 + } + return getSpec() + } + var specData []byte + specData, err = rawSpec() + if err != nil { + return + } + swagger, err = loader.LoadFromData(specData) if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading Swagger: %s", err) + return } - return swagger, nil + return } diff --git a/internal/v1/server.cfg.yaml b/internal/v1/server.cfg.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21a58d388 --- /dev/null +++ b/internal/v1/server.cfg.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +package: v1 +output: api.go +generate: + echo-server: true + embedded-spec: true + models: true diff --git a/internal/v1/server.go b/internal/v1/server.go index 0b1a405c1..4dbc6ef5b 100644 --- a/internal/v1/server.go +++ b/internal/v1/server.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -//go:generate go run -mod=mod github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/cmd/oapi-codegen --package=v1 --generate types,server,spec -o api.go api.yaml +//go:generate go run -mod=mod github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/cmd/oapi-codegen --config server.cfg.yaml -o api.go api.yaml package v1 import ( @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import ( type Server struct { echo *echo.Echo client *composer.ComposerClient - spec *openapi3.Swagger + spec *openapi3.T router routers.Router db db.DB aws AWSConfig @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ func Attach(echoServer *echo.Echo, client *composer.ComposerClient, dbase db.DB, return err } - loader := openapi3.NewSwaggerLoader() + loader := openapi3.NewLoader() if err := spec.Validate(loader.Context); err != nil { return err } @@ -270,14 +270,14 @@ func (h *Handlers) GetComposeStatus(ctx echo.Context, composeId string) error { status := ComposeStatus{ ImageStatus: ImageStatus{ - Status: string(cloudStat.ImageStatus.Status), + Status: ImageStatusStatus(cloudStat.ImageStatus.Status), UploadStatus: nil, }, } if cloudStat.ImageStatus.UploadStatus != nil { status.ImageStatus.UploadStatus = &UploadStatus{ - Status: string(cloudStat.ImageStatus.UploadStatus.Status), + Status: UploadStatusStatus(cloudStat.ImageStatus.UploadStatus.Status), Type: UploadTypes(cloudStat.ImageStatus.UploadStatus.Type), Options: cloudStat.ImageStatus.UploadStatus.Options, } @@ -480,8 +480,8 @@ func buildOSTreeOptions(ostreeOptions *OSTree) *composer.OSTree { func distroToStr(distro Distributions) string { switch distro { - case Distributions_rhel_8: - return string(Distributions_rhel_86) + case Rhel8: + return string(Rhel86) default: return string(distro) } @@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ func (h *Handlers) ComposeImage(ctx echo.Context) error { } var repositories []composer.Repository - arch, err := d.Architecture(composeRequest.ImageRequests[0].Architecture) + arch, err := d.Architecture(string(composeRequest.ImageRequests[0].Architecture)) if err != nil { return err } @@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ func (h *Handlers) ComposeImage(ctx echo.Context) error { Distribution: distroToStr(composeRequest.Distribution), Customizations: buildCustomizations(composeRequest.Customizations), ImageRequest: &composer.ImageRequest{ - Architecture: composeRequest.ImageRequests[0].Architecture, + Architecture: string(composeRequest.ImageRequests[0].Architecture), ImageType: imageType, Ostree: buildOSTreeOptions(composeRequest.ImageRequests[0].Ostree), Repositories: repositories, @@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ func (h *Handlers) ComposeImage(ctx echo.Context) error { return err } - err = h.server.db.InsertCompose(composeResult.Id, idHeader.Identity.AccountNumber, idHeader.Identity.Internal.OrgID, composeRequest.ImageName, rawCR) + err = h.server.db.InsertCompose(composeResult.Id.String(), idHeader.Identity.AccountNumber, idHeader.Identity.Internal.OrgID, composeRequest.ImageName, rawCR) if err != nil { logrus.Error("Error inserting id into db", err) return err @@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ func (h *Handlers) ComposeImage(ctx echo.Context) error { logrus.Info("Compose result", composeResult) return ctx.JSON(http.StatusCreated, ComposeResponse{ - Id: composeResult.Id, + Id: composeResult.Id.String(), }) } @@ -617,13 +617,13 @@ func (s *Server) buildUploadOptions(ur UploadRequest, it ImageTypes) (composer.U return nil, "", echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "Unable to marshal UploadRequestOptions") } switch ur.Type { - case UploadTypes_aws: + case UploadTypesAws: var composerImageType composer.ImageTypes switch it { - case ImageTypes_aws: + case ImageTypesAws: fallthrough - case ImageTypes_ami: - composerImageType = composer.ImageTypes_aws + case ImageTypesAmi: + composerImageType = composer.ImageTypesAws default: return nil, "", echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid image type for upload target") } @@ -636,23 +636,23 @@ func (s *Server) buildUploadOptions(ur UploadRequest, it ImageTypes) (composer.U Region: s.aws.Region, ShareWithAccounts: awsOptions.ShareWithAccounts, }, composerImageType, nil - case UploadTypes_aws_s3: + case UploadTypesAwsS3: var composerImageType composer.ImageTypes switch it { - case ImageTypes_edge_commit: + case ImageTypesEdgeCommit: fallthrough - case ImageTypes_rhel_edge_commit: - composerImageType = composer.ImageTypes_edge_commit - case ImageTypes_edge_installer: + case ImageTypesRhelEdgeCommit: + composerImageType = composer.ImageTypesEdgeCommit + case ImageTypesEdgeInstaller: fallthrough - case ImageTypes_rhel_edge_installer: - composerImageType = composer.ImageTypes_edge_installer - case ImageTypes_guest_image: - composerImageType = composer.ImageTypes_guest_image - case ImageTypes_image_installer: - composerImageType = composer.ImageTypes_image_installer - case ImageTypes_vsphere: - composerImageType = composer.ImageTypes_vsphere + case ImageTypesRhelEdgeInstaller: + composerImageType = composer.ImageTypesEdgeInstaller + case ImageTypesGuestImage: + composerImageType = composer.ImageTypesGuestImage + case ImageTypesImageInstaller: + composerImageType = composer.ImageTypesImageInstaller + case ImageTypesVsphere: + composerImageType = composer.ImageTypesVsphere default: return nil, "", echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid image type for upload target") } @@ -664,11 +664,11 @@ func (s *Server) buildUploadOptions(ur UploadRequest, it ImageTypes) (composer.U return composer.AWSS3UploadOptions{ Region: s.aws.Region, }, composerImageType, nil - case UploadTypes_gcp: + case UploadTypesGcp: var composerImageType composer.ImageTypes switch it { - case ImageTypes_gcp: - composerImageType = composer.ImageTypes_gcp + case ImageTypesGcp: + composerImageType = composer.ImageTypesGcp default: return nil, "", echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid image type for upload target") } @@ -682,13 +682,13 @@ func (s *Server) buildUploadOptions(ur UploadRequest, it ImageTypes) (composer.U Region: s.gcp.Region, ShareWithAccounts: &gcpOptions.ShareWithAccounts, }, composerImageType, nil - case UploadTypes_azure: + case UploadTypesAzure: var composerImageType composer.ImageTypes switch it { - case ImageTypes_azure: + case ImageTypesAzure: fallthrough - case ImageTypes_vhd: - composerImageType = composer.ImageTypes_azure + case ImageTypesVhd: + composerImageType = composer.ImageTypesAzure default: return nil, "", echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid image type for upload target") } @@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ func (h *Handlers) GetPackages(ctx echo.Context, params GetPackagesParams) error if err != nil { return err } - arch, err := d.Architecture(params.Architecture) + arch, err := d.Architecture(string(params.Architecture)) if err != nil { return err } diff --git a/internal/v1/server_test.go b/internal/v1/server_test.go index 9a94693c5..4e579c8f8 100644 --- a/internal/v1/server_test.go +++ b/internal/v1/server_test.go @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import ( "testing" "time" + "github.com/google/uuid" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" @@ -321,7 +322,7 @@ func TestGetComposeStatus(t *testing.T) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") s := composer.ComposeStatus{ ImageStatus: composer.ImageStatus{ - Status: composer.ImageStatusValue_building, + Status: composer.ImageStatusValueBuilding, }, } err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(s) @@ -552,9 +553,9 @@ func TestComposeImage(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_aws, + ImageType: ImageTypesAws, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ - Type: UploadTypes_aws, + Type: UploadTypesAws, Options: AWSUploadRequestOptions{ ShareWithAccounts: []string{"test-account"}, }, @@ -562,9 +563,9 @@ func TestComposeImage(t *testing.T) { }, { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_ami, + ImageType: ImageTypesAmi, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ - Type: UploadTypes_aws, + Type: UploadTypesAws, Options: AWSUploadRequestOptions{ ShareWithAccounts: []string{"test-account"}, }, @@ -584,7 +585,7 @@ func TestComposeImage(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_azure, + ImageType: ImageTypesAzure, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{}, }, }, @@ -604,9 +605,9 @@ func TestComposeImage(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "unsupported-arch", - ImageType: ImageTypes_aws, + ImageType: ImageTypesAws, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ - Type: UploadTypes_aws, + Type: UploadTypesAws, Options: AWSUploadRequestOptions{ ShareWithAccounts: []string{"test-account"}, }, @@ -642,9 +643,9 @@ func TestComposeImage(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_ami, + ImageType: ImageTypesAmi, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ - Type: UploadTypes_aws, + Type: UploadTypesAws, Options: AWSUploadRequestOptions{ ShareWithAccounts: []string{"test-account"}, }, @@ -665,7 +666,7 @@ func TestComposeImage(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_azure, + ImageType: ImageTypesAzure, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ Type: "unknown", Options: AWSUploadRequestOptions{ @@ -711,9 +712,9 @@ func TestComposeImageErrorsWhenStatusCodeIsNotStatusCreated(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_aws, + ImageType: ImageTypesAws, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ - Type: UploadTypes_aws, + Type: UploadTypesAws, Options: AWSUploadRequestOptions{ ShareWithAccounts: []string{"test-account"}, }, @@ -755,9 +756,9 @@ func TestComposeImageErrorsWhenCannotParseResponse(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_aws, + ImageType: ImageTypesAws, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ - Type: UploadTypes_aws, + Type: UploadTypesAws, Options: AWSUploadRequestOptions{ ShareWithAccounts: []string{"test-account"}, }, @@ -781,7 +782,7 @@ func TestComposeImageReturnsIdWhenNoErrors(t *testing.T) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated) result := composer.ComposeId{ - Id: "3aa7375a-534a-4de3-8caf-011e04f402d3", + Id: uuid.MustParse("3aa7375a-534a-4de3-8caf-011e04f402d3"), } err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(result) require.NoError(t, err) @@ -801,9 +802,9 @@ func TestComposeImageReturnsIdWhenNoErrors(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_aws, + ImageType: ImageTypesAws, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ - Type: UploadTypes_aws, + Type: UploadTypesAws, Options: AWSUploadRequestOptions{ ShareWithAccounts: []string{"test-account"}, }, @@ -834,7 +835,7 @@ func TestComposeImageAllowList(t *testing.T) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated) result := composer.ComposeId{ - Id: "3aa7375a-534a-4de3-8caf-011e04f402d3", + Id: uuid.MustParse("3aa7375a-534a-4de3-8caf-011e04f402d3"), } err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(result) require.NoError(t, err) @@ -848,9 +849,9 @@ func TestComposeImageAllowList(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_aws, + ImageType: ImageTypesAws, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ - Type: UploadTypes_aws, + Type: UploadTypesAws, Options: AWSUploadRequestOptions{ ShareWithAccounts: []string{"test-account"}, }, @@ -951,7 +952,7 @@ func TestComposeCustomizations(t *testing.T) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated) result := composer.ComposeId{ - Id: "fe93fb55-ae04-4e21-a8b4-25ba95c3fa64", + Id: uuid.MustParse("fe93fb55-ae04-4e21-a8b4-25ba95c3fa64"), } err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(result) require.NoError(t, err) @@ -1006,9 +1007,9 @@ func TestComposeCustomizations(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_rhel_edge_installer, + ImageType: ImageTypesRhelEdgeInstaller, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ - Type: UploadTypes_aws_s3, + Type: UploadTypesAwsS3, Options: AWSS3UploadRequestOptions{}, }, }, @@ -1050,7 +1051,7 @@ func TestComposeCustomizations(t *testing.T) { }, ImageRequest: &composer.ImageRequest{ Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: composer.ImageTypes_edge_installer, + ImageType: composer.ImageTypesEdgeInstaller, Ostree: nil, Repositories: []composer.Repository{ @@ -1100,12 +1101,12 @@ func TestComposeCustomizations(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_edge_commit, + ImageType: ImageTypesEdgeCommit, Ostree: &OSTree{ Ref: strptr("edge/ref"), }, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ - Type: UploadTypes_aws_s3, + Type: UploadTypesAwsS3, Options: AWSS3UploadRequestOptions{}, }, }, @@ -1118,7 +1119,7 @@ func TestComposeCustomizations(t *testing.T) { }, ImageRequest: &composer.ImageRequest{ Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: composer.ImageTypes_edge_commit, + ImageType: composer.ImageTypesEdgeCommit, Ostree: &composer.OSTree{ Ref: strptr("edge/ref"), }, @@ -1162,14 +1163,14 @@ func TestComposeCustomizations(t *testing.T) { ImageRequests: []ImageRequest{ { Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: ImageTypes_rhel_edge_commit, + ImageType: ImageTypesRhelEdgeCommit, Ostree: &OSTree{ Ref: strptr("test/edge/ref"), Url: strptr("https://ostree.srv/"), Parent: strptr("test/edge/ref2"), }, UploadRequest: UploadRequest{ - Type: UploadTypes_aws_s3, + Type: UploadTypesAwsS3, Options: AWSS3UploadRequestOptions{}, }, }, @@ -1191,7 +1192,7 @@ func TestComposeCustomizations(t *testing.T) { }, ImageRequest: &composer.ImageRequest{ Architecture: "x86_64", - ImageType: composer.ImageTypes_edge_commit, + ImageType: composer.ImageTypesEdgeCommit, Ostree: &composer.OSTree{ Ref: strptr("test/edge/ref"), Url: strptr("https://ostree.srv/"), @@ -1353,7 +1354,7 @@ func TestComposeStatusError(t *testing.T) { s := composer.ComposeStatus{ ImageStatus: composer.ImageStatus{ - Status: composer.ImageStatusValue_failure, + Status: composer.ImageStatusValueFailure, Error: &composer.ComposeStatusError{ Id: 9, Reason: "depenceny failed", diff --git a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/bind.go b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/bind.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e2a689cd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/bind.go @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// Copyright 2021 DeepMap, Inc. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. +package runtime + +// Binder is the interface implemented by types that can be bound to a query string or a parameter string +// The input can be assumed to be a valid string. If you define a Bind method you are responsible for all +// data being completely bound to the type. +// +// By convention, to approximate the behavior of Bind functions themselves, +// Binder implements Bind("") as a no-op. +type Binder interface { + Bind(src string) error +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/bindparam.go b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/bindparam.go index bef2253e6..33d51dee5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/bindparam.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/bindparam.go @@ -14,28 +14,66 @@ package runtime import ( + "encoding" "encoding/json" + "errors" "fmt" "net/url" "reflect" "strings" "time" - "github.com/pkg/errors" - "github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types" ) // This function binds a parameter as described in the Path Parameters // section here to a Go object: // https://swagger.io/docs/specification/serialization/ +// It is a backward compatible function to clients generated with codegen +// up to version v1.5.5. v1.5.6+ calls the function below. func BindStyledParameter(style string, explode bool, paramName string, value string, dest interface{}) error { + return BindStyledParameterWithLocation(style, explode, paramName, ParamLocationUndefined, value, dest) +} + +// This function binds a parameter as described in the Path Parameters +// section here to a Go object: +// https://swagger.io/docs/specification/serialization/ +func BindStyledParameterWithLocation(style string, explode bool, paramName string, + paramLocation ParamLocation, value string, dest interface{}) error { if value == "" { return fmt.Errorf("parameter '%s' is empty, can't bind its value", paramName) } + // Based on the location of the parameter, we need to unescape it properly. + var err error + switch paramLocation { + case ParamLocationQuery, ParamLocationUndefined: + // We unescape undefined parameter locations here for older generated code, + // since prior to this refactoring, they always query unescaped. + value, err = url.QueryUnescape(value) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("error unescaping query parameter '%s': %v", paramName, err) + } + case ParamLocationPath: + value, err = url.PathUnescape(value) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("error unescaping path parameter '%s': %v", paramName, err) + } + default: + // Headers and cookies aren't escaped. + } + + // If the destination implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler we use it for binding + if tu, ok := dest.(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok { + if err := tu.UnmarshalText([]byte(value)); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling '%s' text as %T: %s", value, dest, err) + } + + return nil + } + // Everything comes in by pointer, dereference it v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(dest)) @@ -225,7 +263,7 @@ func bindSplitPartsToDestinationStruct(paramName string, parts []string, explode return nil } -// This works much like BindStyledParameter, however it takes a query argument +// BindQueryParameter works much like BindStyledParameter, however it takes a query argument // input array from the url package, since query arguments come through a // different path than the styled arguments. They're also exceptionally fussy. // For example, consider the exploded and unexploded form parameter examples: @@ -298,10 +336,12 @@ func BindQueryParameter(style string, explode bool, required bool, paramName str case reflect.Slice: // In the slice case, we simply use the arguments provided by // http library. + if !found { if required { return fmt.Errorf("query parameter '%s' is required", paramName) } else { + // If an optional parameter is not found, we do nothing, return nil } } @@ -311,7 +351,13 @@ func BindQueryParameter(style string, explode bool, required bool, paramName str // form style object binding doesn't tell us which arguments // in the query string correspond to the object's fields. We'll // try to bind field by field. - err = bindParamsToExplodedObject(paramName, queryParams, output) + var fieldsPresent bool + fieldsPresent, err = bindParamsToExplodedObject(paramName, queryParams, output) + // If no fields were set, and there is no error, we will not fall + // through to assign the destination. + if !fieldsPresent { + return nil + } default: // Primitive object case. We expect to have 1 value to // unmarshal. @@ -325,6 +371,15 @@ func BindQueryParameter(style string, explode bool, required bool, paramName str if len(values) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("multiple values for single value parameter '%s'", paramName) } + + if !found { + if required { + return fmt.Errorf("query parameter '%s' is required", paramName) + } else { + // If an optional parameter is not found, we do nothing, + return nil + } + } err = BindStringToObject(values[0], output) } if err != nil { @@ -389,28 +444,28 @@ func BindQueryParameter(style string, explode bool, required bool, paramName str } } -// This function reflects the destination structure, and pulls the value for +// bindParamsToExplodedObject reflects the destination structure, and pulls the value for // each settable field from the given parameters map. This is to deal with the // exploded form styled object which may occupy any number of parameter names. // We don't try to be smart here, if the field exists as a query argument, -// set its value. -func bindParamsToExplodedObject(paramName string, values url.Values, dest interface{}) error { - // special handling for custom types - switch dest.(type) { - case *types.Date: - return BindStringToObject(values.Get(paramName), dest) - case *time.Time: - return BindStringToObject(values.Get(paramName), dest) - +// set its value. This function returns a boolean, telling us whether there was +// anything to bind. There will be nothing to bind if a parameter isn't found by name, +// or none of an exploded object's fields are present. +func bindParamsToExplodedObject(paramName string, values url.Values, dest interface{}) (bool, error) { + // Dereference pointers to their destination values + binder, v, t := indirect(dest) + if binder != nil { + _, found := values[paramName] + if !found { + return false, nil + } + return true, BindStringToObject(values.Get(paramName), dest) } - - v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(dest)) - if v.Type().Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling query arg '%s' into wrong type", paramName) + if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return false, fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling query arg '%s' into wrong type", paramName) } - t := v.Type() - + fieldsPresent := false for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { fieldT := t.Field(i) @@ -435,13 +490,37 @@ func bindParamsToExplodedObject(paramName string, values url.Values, dest interf fieldVal, found := values[fieldName] if found { if len(fieldVal) != 1 { - return fmt.Errorf("field '%s' specified multiple times for param '%s'", fieldName, paramName) + return false, fmt.Errorf("field '%s' specified multiple times for param '%s'", fieldName, paramName) } err := BindStringToObject(fieldVal[0], v.Field(i).Addr().Interface()) if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("could not bind query arg '%s' to request object: %s'", paramName, err) + return false, fmt.Errorf("could not bind query arg '%s' to request object: %s'", paramName, err) } + fieldsPresent = true } } - return nil + return fieldsPresent, nil +} + +// indirect +func indirect(dest interface{}) (interface{}, reflect.Value, reflect.Type) { + v := reflect.ValueOf(dest) + if v.Type().NumMethod() > 0 && v.CanInterface() { + if u, ok := v.Interface().(Binder); ok { + return u, reflect.Value{}, nil + } + } + v = reflect.Indirect(v) + t := v.Type() + // special handling for custom types which might look like an object. We + // don't want to use object binding on them, but rather treat them as + // primitive types. time.Time{} is a unique case since we can't add a Binder + // to it without changing the underlying generated code. + if t.ConvertibleTo(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})) { + return dest, reflect.Value{}, nil + } + if t.ConvertibleTo(reflect.TypeOf(types.Date{})) { + return dest, reflect.Value{}, nil + } + return nil, v, t } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/bindstring.go b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/bindstring.go index e43d2e542..6af8c94d5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/bindstring.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/bindstring.go @@ -41,6 +41,16 @@ func BindStringToObject(src string, dst interface{}) error { t = v.Type() } + // For some optioinal args + if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + if v.IsNil() { + v.Set(reflect.New(t.Elem())) + } + + v = reflect.Indirect(v) + t = v.Type() + } + // The resulting type must be settable. reflect will catch issues like // passing the destination by value. if !v.CanSet() { @@ -76,8 +86,12 @@ func BindStringToObject(src string, dst interface{}) error { v.SetBool(val) } case reflect.Struct: - switch dstType := dst.(type) { - case *time.Time: + // if this is not of type Time or of type Date look to see if this is of type Binder. + if dstType, ok := dst.(Binder); ok { + return dstType.Bind(src) + } + + if t.ConvertibleTo(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})) { // Don't fail on empty string. if src == "" { return nil @@ -90,9 +104,20 @@ func BindStringToObject(src string, dst interface{}) error { return fmt.Errorf("error parsing '%s' as RFC3339 or 2006-01-02 time: %s", src, err) } } - *dstType = parsedTime + // So, assigning this gets a little fun. We have a value to the + // dereference destination. We can't do a conversion to + // time.Time because the result isn't assignable, so we need to + // convert pointers. + if t != reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) { + vPtr := v.Addr() + vtPtr := vPtr.Convert(reflect.TypeOf(&time.Time{})) + v = reflect.Indirect(vtPtr) + } + v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(parsedTime)) return nil - case *types.Date: + } + + if t.ConvertibleTo(reflect.TypeOf(types.Date{})) { // Don't fail on empty string. if src == "" { return nil @@ -101,9 +126,21 @@ func BindStringToObject(src string, dst interface{}) error { if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error parsing '%s' as date: %s", src, err) } - dstType.Time = parsedTime + parsedDate := types.Date{Time: parsedTime} + + // We have to do the same dance here to assign, just like with times + // above. + if t != reflect.TypeOf(types.Date{}) { + vPtr := v.Addr() + vtPtr := vPtr.Convert(reflect.TypeOf(&types.Date{})) + v = reflect.Indirect(vtPtr) + } + v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(parsedDate)) return nil } + + // We fall through to the error case below if we haven't handled the + // destination type above. fallthrough default: // We've got a bunch of types unimplemented, don't fail silently. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/deepobject.go b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/deepobject.go index f7446d2ae..54fc1631a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/deepobject.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/deepobject.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package runtime import ( "encoding/json" + "errors" "fmt" "net/url" "reflect" @@ -10,8 +11,6 @@ import ( "strings" "time" - "github.com/pkg/errors" - "github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types" ) @@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ func marshalDeepObject(in interface{}, path []string) ([]string, error) { newPath := append(path, strconv.Itoa(i)) fields, err := marshalDeepObject(iface, newPath) if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error traversing array") + return nil, fmt.Errorf("error traversing array: %w", err) } result = append(result, fields...) } @@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ func marshalDeepObject(in interface{}, path []string) ([]string, error) { newPath := append(path, k) fields, err := marshalDeepObject(t[k], newPath) if err != nil { - return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error traversing map") + return nil, fmt.Errorf("error traversing map: %w", err) } result = append(result, fields...) } @@ -70,16 +69,16 @@ func MarshalDeepObject(i interface{}, paramName string) (string, error) { // but it's complicated, error-prone code. buf, err := json.Marshal(i) if err != nil { - return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal input to JSON") + return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal input to JSON: %w", err) } var i2 interface{} err = json.Unmarshal(buf, &i2) if err != nil { - return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal JSON") + return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal JSON: %w", err) } fields, err := marshalDeepObject(i2, nil) if err != nil { - return "", errors.Wrap(err, "error traversing JSON structure") + return "", fmt.Errorf("error traversing JSON structure: %w", err) } // Prefix the param name to each subscripted field. @@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ func UnmarshalDeepObject(dst interface{}, paramName string, params url.Values) e fieldPaths := makeFieldOrValue(paths, fieldValues) err := assignPathValues(dst, fieldPaths) if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err, "error assigning value to destination") + return fmt.Errorf("error assigning value to destination: %w", err) } return nil @@ -206,35 +205,61 @@ func assignPathValues(dst interface{}, pathValues fieldOrValue) error { dstSlice := reflect.MakeSlice(it, sliceLength, sliceLength) err := assignSlice(dstSlice, pathValues) if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err, "error assigning slice") + return fmt.Errorf("error assigning slice: %w", err) } iv.Set(dstSlice) return nil case reflect.Struct: // Some special types we care about are structs. Handle them - // here. - if _, isDate := iv.Interface().(types.Date); isDate { + // here. They may be redefined, so we need to do some hoop + // jumping. If the types are aliased, we need to type convert + // the pointer, then set the value of the dereference pointer. + + // We check to see if the object implements the Binder interface first. + if dst, isBinder := v.Interface().(Binder); isBinder { + return dst.Bind(pathValues.value) + } + // Then check the legacy types + if it.ConvertibleTo(reflect.TypeOf(types.Date{})) { var date types.Date var err error date.Time, err = time.Parse(types.DateFormat, pathValues.value) if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err, "invalid date format") + return fmt.Errorf("invalid date format: %w", err) + } + dst := iv + if it != reflect.TypeOf(types.Date{}) { + // Types are aliased, convert the pointers. + ivPtr := iv.Addr() + aPtr := ivPtr.Convert(reflect.TypeOf(&types.Date{})) + dst = reflect.Indirect(aPtr) } - iv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(date)) + dst.Set(reflect.ValueOf(date)) } - if _, isTime := iv.Interface().(time.Time); isTime { + if it.ConvertibleTo(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})) { var tm time.Time var err error - tm, err = time.Parse(types.DateFormat, pathValues.value) + tm, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, pathValues.value) if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err, "invalid date format") + // Fall back to parsing it as a date. + tm, err = time.Parse(types.DateFormat, pathValues.value) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("error parsing tim as RFC3339 or 2006-01-02 time: %s", err) + } + return fmt.Errorf("invalid date format: %w", err) } - iv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(tm)) + dst := iv + if it != reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) { + // Types are aliased, convert the pointers. + ivPtr := iv.Addr() + aPtr := ivPtr.Convert(reflect.TypeOf(&time.Time{})) + dst = reflect.Indirect(aPtr) + } + dst.Set(reflect.ValueOf(tm)) } - fieldMap, err := fieldIndicesByJsonTag(iv.Interface()) if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err, "failed enumerating fields") + return fmt.Errorf("failed enumerating fields: %w", err) } for _, fieldName := range sortedFieldOrValueKeys(pathValues.fields) { fieldValue := pathValues.fields[fieldName] @@ -245,7 +270,7 @@ func assignPathValues(dst interface{}, pathValues fieldOrValue) error { field := iv.Field(fieldIndex) err = assignPathValues(field.Addr().Interface(), fieldValue) if err != nil { - return errors.Wrapf(err, "error assigning field [%s]", fieldName) + return fmt.Errorf("error assigning field [%s]: %w", fieldName, err) } } return nil @@ -311,11 +336,11 @@ func assignSlice(dst reflect.Value, pathValues fieldOrValue) error { // This could be cleaner, but we can call into assignPathValues to // avoid recreating this logic. - for i:=0; i < nValues; i++ { + for i := 0; i < nValues; i++ { dstElem := dst.Index(i).Addr() - err := assignPathValues(dstElem.Interface(), fieldOrValue{value:values[i]}) + err := assignPathValues(dstElem.Interface(), fieldOrValue{value: values[i]}) if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err, "error binding array") + return fmt.Errorf("error binding array: %w", err) } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/styleparam.go b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/styleparam.go index 1d281318d..6c792a5d2 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/styleparam.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime/styleparam.go @@ -16,16 +16,39 @@ package runtime import ( "errors" "fmt" + "net/url" "reflect" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" + + "github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types" ) -// Given an input value, such as a primitive type, array or object, turn it -// into a parameter based on style/explode definition. +// Parameter escaping works differently based on where a header is found +type ParamLocation int + +const ( + ParamLocationUndefined ParamLocation = iota + ParamLocationQuery + ParamLocationPath + ParamLocationHeader + ParamLocationCookie +) + +// This function is used by older generated code, and must remain compatible +// with that code. It is not to be used in new templates. Please see the +// function below, which can specialize its output based on the location of +// the parameter. func StyleParam(style string, explode bool, paramName string, value interface{}) (string, error) { + return StyleParamWithLocation(style, explode, paramName, ParamLocationUndefined, value) +} + +// Given an input value, such as a primitive type, array or object, turn it +// into a parameter based on style/explode definition, performing whatever +// escaping is necessary based on parameter location +func StyleParamWithLocation(style string, explode bool, paramName string, paramLocation ParamLocation, value interface{}) (string, error) { t := reflect.TypeOf(value) v := reflect.ValueOf(value) @@ -46,17 +69,17 @@ func StyleParam(style string, explode bool, paramName string, value interface{}) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { sliceVal[i] = v.Index(i).Interface() } - return styleSlice(style, explode, paramName, sliceVal) + return styleSlice(style, explode, paramName, paramLocation, sliceVal) case reflect.Struct: - return styleStruct(style, explode, paramName, value) + return styleStruct(style, explode, paramName, paramLocation, value) case reflect.Map: - return styleMap(style, explode, paramName, value) + return styleMap(style, explode, paramName, paramLocation, value) default: - return stylePrimitive(style, explode, paramName, value) + return stylePrimitive(style, explode, paramName, paramLocation, value) } } -func styleSlice(style string, explode bool, paramName string, values []interface{}) (string, error) { +func styleSlice(style string, explode bool, paramName string, paramLocation ParamLocation, values []interface{}) (string, error) { if style == "deepObject" { if !explode { return "", errors.New("deepObjects must be exploded") @@ -111,9 +134,12 @@ func styleSlice(style string, explode bool, paramName string, values []interface // We're going to assume here that the array is one of simple types. var err error + var part string parts := make([]string, len(values)) for i, v := range values { - parts[i], err = primitiveToString(v) + part, err = primitiveToString(v) + part = escapeParameterString(part, paramLocation) + parts[i] = part if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("error formatting '%s': %s", paramName, err) } @@ -132,24 +158,35 @@ func sortedKeys(strMap map[string]string) []string { return keys } +// This is a special case. The struct may be a date or time, in +// which case, marshal it in correct format. +func marshalDateTimeValue(value interface{}) (string, bool) { + v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(value)) + t := v.Type() -// This is a special case. The struct may be a time, in which case, marshal -// it in RFC3339 format. -func marshalTimeValue(value interface{}) (string, bool) { - if timeVal, ok := value.(*time.Time); ok { + if t.ConvertibleTo(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})) { + tt := v.Convert(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})) + timeVal := tt.Interface().(time.Time) return timeVal.Format(time.RFC3339Nano), true } - if timeVal, ok := value.(time.Time); ok { - return timeVal.Format(time.RFC3339Nano), true + if t.ConvertibleTo(reflect.TypeOf(types.Date{})) { + d := v.Convert(reflect.TypeOf(types.Date{})) + dateVal := d.Interface().(types.Date) + return dateVal.Format(types.DateFormat), true } return "", false } -func styleStruct(style string, explode bool, paramName string, value interface{}) (string, error) { - if timeVal, ok := marshalTimeValue(value); ok { - return stylePrimitive(style, explode, paramName, timeVal) +func styleStruct(style string, explode bool, paramName string, paramLocation ParamLocation, value interface{}) (string, error) { + + if timeVal, ok := marshalDateTimeValue(value); ok { + styledVal, err := stylePrimitive(style, explode, paramName, paramLocation, timeVal) + if err != nil { + return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to style time: %w", err) + } + return styledVal, nil } if style == "deepObject" { @@ -191,10 +228,10 @@ func styleStruct(style string, explode bool, paramName string, value interface{} fieldDict[fieldName] = str } - return processFieldDict(style, explode, paramName, fieldDict) + return processFieldDict(style, explode, paramName, paramLocation, fieldDict) } -func styleMap(style string, explode bool, paramName string, value interface{}) (string, error) { +func styleMap(style string, explode bool, paramName string, paramLocation ParamLocation, value interface{}) (string, error) { if style == "deepObject" { if !explode { return "", errors.New("deepObjects must be exploded") @@ -215,11 +252,10 @@ func styleMap(style string, explode bool, paramName string, value interface{}) ( } fieldDict[fieldName] = str } - - return processFieldDict(style, explode, paramName, fieldDict) + return processFieldDict(style, explode, paramName, paramLocation, fieldDict) } -func processFieldDict(style string, explode bool, paramName string, fieldDict map[string]string) (string, error) { +func processFieldDict(style string, explode bool, paramName string, paramLocation ParamLocation, fieldDict map[string]string) (string, error) { var parts []string // This works for everything except deepObject. We'll handle that one @@ -227,12 +263,12 @@ func processFieldDict(style string, explode bool, paramName string, fieldDict ma if style != "deepObject" { if explode { for _, k := range sortedKeys(fieldDict) { - v := fieldDict[k] + v := escapeParameterString(fieldDict[k], paramLocation) parts = append(parts, k+"="+v) } } else { for _, k := range sortedKeys(fieldDict) { - v := fieldDict[k] + v := escapeParameterString(fieldDict[k], paramLocation) parts = append(parts, k) parts = append(parts, v) } @@ -286,7 +322,7 @@ func processFieldDict(style string, explode bool, paramName string, fieldDict ma return prefix + strings.Join(parts, separator), nil } -func stylePrimitive(style string, explode bool, paramName string, value interface{}) (string, error) { +func stylePrimitive(style string, explode bool, paramName string, paramLocation ParamLocation, value interface{}) (string, error) { strVal, err := primitiveToString(value) if err != nil { return "", err @@ -304,7 +340,7 @@ func stylePrimitive(style string, explode bool, paramName string, value interfac default: return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported style '%s'", style) } - return prefix + strVal, nil + return prefix + escapeParameterString(strVal, paramLocation), nil } // Converts a primitive value to a string. We need to do this based on the @@ -312,16 +348,26 @@ func stylePrimitive(style string, explode bool, paramName string, value interfac func primitiveToString(value interface{}) (string, error) { var output string + // sometimes time and date used like primitive types + // it can happen if paramether is object and has time or date as field + if res, ok := marshalDateTimeValue(value); ok { + return res, nil + } + // Values may come in by pointer for optionals, so make sure to dereferene. v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(value)) t := v.Type() kind := t.Kind() switch kind { - case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int: + case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int: output = strconv.FormatInt(v.Int(), 10) - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint: + output = strconv.FormatUint(v.Uint(), 10) + case reflect.Float64: output = strconv.FormatFloat(v.Float(), 'f', -1, 64) + case reflect.Float32: + output = strconv.FormatFloat(v.Float(), 'f', -1, 32) case reflect.Bool: if v.Bool() { output = "true" @@ -335,3 +381,17 @@ func primitiveToString(value interface{}) (string, error) { } return output, nil } + +// This function escapes a parameter value bas on the location of that parameter. +// Query params and path params need different kinds of escaping, while header +// and cookie params seem not to need escaping. +func escapeParameterString(value string, paramLocation ParamLocation) string { + switch paramLocation { + case ParamLocationQuery: + return url.QueryEscape(value) + case ParamLocationPath: + return url.PathEscape(value) + default: + return value + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types/date.go b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types/date.go index bdf94a98a..ffc665cf8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types/date.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types/date.go @@ -28,3 +28,7 @@ func (d *Date) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { d.Time = parsed return nil } + +func (d Date) String() string { + return d.Time.Format(DateFormat) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types/uuid.go b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types/uuid.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c11f38ba --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types/uuid.go @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +package types + +import ( + "github.com/google/uuid" +) + +type UUID = uuid.UUID diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo/field_info.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo/field_info.go index d2ad505bd..2382b731c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo/field_info.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo/field_info.go @@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ type FieldInfo struct { } func AppendFields(fields []FieldInfo, parentIndex []int, t reflect.Type) []FieldInfo { + if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + t = t.Elem() + } // For each field numField := t.NumField() iteration: diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo/marshal_ref.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo/marshal_ref.go index 9738bf08f..29575e9e9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo/marshal_ref.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo/marshal_ref.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( ) func MarshalRef(value string, otherwise interface{}) ([]byte, error) { - if len(value) > 0 { + if value != "" { return json.Marshal(&refProps{ Ref: value, }) @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ func UnmarshalRef(data []byte, destRef *string, destOtherwise interface{}) error refProps := &refProps{} if err := json.Unmarshal(data, refProps); err == nil { ref := refProps.Ref - if len(ref) > 0 { + if ref != "" { *destRef = ref return nil } @@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ func UnmarshalRef(data []byte, destRef *string, destOtherwise interface{}) error } type refProps struct { - Ref string `json:"$ref,omitempty"` + Ref string `json:"$ref,omitempty" yaml:"$ref,omitempty"` } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/callback.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/callback.go index 334233104..5f883c1c9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/callback.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/callback.go @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ var _ jsonpointer.JSONPointable = (*Callbacks)(nil) func (c Callbacks) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { ref, ok := c[token] - if ref == nil || ok == false { + if ref == nil || !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("object has no field %q", token) } @@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ func (c Callbacks) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { return ref.Value, nil } -// Callback is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// Callback is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#callbackObject type Callback map[string]*PathItem -func (value Callback) Validate(c context.Context) error { +func (value Callback) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { for _, v := range value { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/components.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/components.go index e01f961d2..42af634d6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/components.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/components.go @@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ import ( "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" ) -// Components is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// Components is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#componentsObject type Components struct { ExtensionProps + Schemas Schemas `json:"schemas,omitempty" yaml:"schemas,omitempty"` Parameters ParametersMap `json:"parameters,omitempty" yaml:"parameters,omitempty"` Headers Headers `json:"headers,omitempty" yaml:"headers,omitempty"` @@ -34,12 +36,12 @@ func (components *Components) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, components) } -func (components *Components) Validate(c context.Context) (err error) { +func (components *Components) Validate(ctx context.Context) (err error) { for k, v := range components.Schemas { if err = ValidateIdentifier(k); err != nil { return } - if err = v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err = v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return } } @@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ func (components *Components) Validate(c context.Context) (err error) { if err = ValidateIdentifier(k); err != nil { return } - if err = v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err = v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return } } @@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ func (components *Components) Validate(c context.Context) (err error) { if err = ValidateIdentifier(k); err != nil { return } - if err = v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err = v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return } } @@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ func (components *Components) Validate(c context.Context) (err error) { if err = ValidateIdentifier(k); err != nil { return } - if err = v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err = v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return } } @@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ func (components *Components) Validate(c context.Context) (err error) { if err = ValidateIdentifier(k); err != nil { return } - if err = v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err = v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return } } @@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ func (components *Components) Validate(c context.Context) (err error) { if err = ValidateIdentifier(k); err != nil { return } - if err = v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err = v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/content.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/content.go index abe376e3e..5edb7d3fa 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/content.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/content.go @@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ func (content Content) Get(mime string) *MediaType { return content["*/*"] } -func (content Content) Validate(c context.Context) error { - for _, v := range content { +func (value Content) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + for _, v := range value { // Validate MediaType - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/discriminator.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/discriminator.go index de518d578..5e181a291 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/discriminator.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/discriminator.go @@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ import ( "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" ) -// Discriminator is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// Discriminator is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#discriminatorObject type Discriminator struct { ExtensionProps + PropertyName string `json:"propertyName" yaml:"propertyName"` Mapping map[string]string `json:"mapping,omitempty" yaml:"mapping,omitempty"` } @@ -21,6 +23,6 @@ func (value *Discriminator) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, value) } -func (value *Discriminator) Validate(c context.Context) error { +func (value *Discriminator) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { return nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/doc.go index efe8b4a0c..fc2735cb7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/doc.go @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -// Package openapi3 parses and writes OpenAPI 3 specifications. +// Package openapi3 parses and writes OpenAPI 3 specification documents. // -// The OpenAPI 3.0 specification can be found at: -// https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/3.0.0.md +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/3.0.0.md package openapi3 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/encoding.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/encoding.go index 4bf657f70..b0dab7be0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/encoding.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/encoding.go @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import ( ) // Encoding is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#encodingObject type Encoding struct { ExtensionProps @@ -61,21 +62,21 @@ func (encoding *Encoding) SerializationMethod() *SerializationMethod { return sm } -func (encoding *Encoding) Validate(c context.Context) error { - if encoding == nil { +func (value *Encoding) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if value == nil { return nil } - for k, v := range encoding.Headers { + for k, v := range value.Headers { if err := ValidateIdentifier(k); err != nil { return nil } - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return nil } } // Validate a media types's serialization method. - sm := encoding.SerializationMethod() + sm := value.SerializationMethod() switch { case sm.Style == SerializationForm && sm.Explode, sm.Style == SerializationForm && !sm.Explode, diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/examples.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/example.go similarity index 84% rename from vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/examples.go rename to vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/example.go index 5f6255bf3..19cceb4d9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/examples.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/example.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package openapi3 import ( + "context" "fmt" "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" @@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ var _ jsonpointer.JSONPointable = (*Examples)(nil) func (e Examples) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { ref, ok := e[token] - if ref == nil || ok == false { + if ref == nil || !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("object has no field %q", token) } @@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ func (e Examples) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { } // Example is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#exampleObject type Example struct { ExtensionProps @@ -46,3 +48,7 @@ func (example *Example) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { func (example *Example) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, example) } + +func (value *Example) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + return nil // TODO +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/external_docs.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/external_docs.go index 5a1476bde..bb9dd5a89 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/external_docs.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/external_docs.go @@ -1,15 +1,21 @@ package openapi3 import ( + "context" + "errors" + "fmt" + "net/url" + "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" ) -// ExternalDocs is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// ExternalDocs is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#external-documentation-object type ExternalDocs struct { ExtensionProps - Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` - URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` + Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` + URL string `json:"url,omitempty" yaml:"url,omitempty"` } func (e *ExternalDocs) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { @@ -19,3 +25,13 @@ func (e *ExternalDocs) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { func (e *ExternalDocs) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, e) } + +func (e *ExternalDocs) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if e.URL == "" { + return errors.New("url is required") + } + if _, err := url.Parse(e.URL); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("url is incorrect: %w", err) + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/header.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/header.go index 3adb2ea5a..9adb5ac35 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/header.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/header.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package openapi3 import ( "context" + "errors" "fmt" "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" @@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ var _ jsonpointer.JSONPointable = (*Headers)(nil) func (h Headers) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { ref, ok := h[token] - if ref == nil || ok == false { + if ref == nil || !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("object has no field %q", token) } @@ -24,17 +25,10 @@ func (h Headers) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { return ref.Value, nil } +// Header is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#headerObject type Header struct { - ExtensionProps - - // Optional description. Should use CommonMark syntax. - Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` - Deprecated bool `json:"deprecated,omitempty" yaml:"deprecated,omitempty"` - Required bool `json:"required,omitempty" yaml:"required,omitempty"` - Schema *SchemaRef `json:"schema,omitempty" yaml:"schema,omitempty"` - Example interface{} `json:"example,omitempty" yaml:"example,omitempty"` - Examples Examples `json:"examples,omitempty" yaml:"examples,omitempty"` - Content Content `json:"content,omitempty" yaml:"content,omitempty"` + Parameter } var _ jsonpointer.JSONPointable = (*Header)(nil) @@ -43,10 +37,52 @@ func (value *Header) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, value) } -func (value *Header) Validate(c context.Context) error { - if v := value.Schema; v != nil { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { - return err +// SerializationMethod returns a header's serialization method. +func (value *Header) SerializationMethod() (*SerializationMethod, error) { + style := value.Style + if style == "" { + style = SerializationSimple + } + explode := false + if value.Explode != nil { + explode = *value.Explode + } + return &SerializationMethod{Style: style, Explode: explode}, nil +} + +func (value *Header) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if value.Name != "" { + return errors.New("header 'name' MUST NOT be specified, it is given in the corresponding headers map") + } + if value.In != "" { + return errors.New("header 'in' MUST NOT be specified, it is implicitly in header") + } + + // Validate a parameter's serialization method. + sm, err := value.SerializationMethod() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if smSupported := false || + sm.Style == SerializationSimple && !sm.Explode || + sm.Style == SerializationSimple && sm.Explode; !smSupported { + e := fmt.Errorf("serialization method with style=%q and explode=%v is not supported by a header parameter", sm.Style, sm.Explode) + return fmt.Errorf("header schema is invalid: %v", e) + } + + if (value.Schema == nil) == (value.Content == nil) { + e := fmt.Errorf("parameter must contain exactly one of content and schema: %v", value) + return fmt.Errorf("header schema is invalid: %v", e) + } + if schema := value.Schema; schema != nil { + if err := schema.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("header schema is invalid: %v", err) + } + } + + if content := value.Content; content != nil { + if err := content.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("header content is invalid: %v", err) } } return nil @@ -61,8 +97,20 @@ func (value Header) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { } return value.Schema.Value, nil } + case "name": + return value.Name, nil + case "in": + return value.In, nil case "description": return value.Description, nil + case "style": + return value.Style, nil + case "explode": + return value.Explode, nil + case "allowEmptyValue": + return value.AllowEmptyValue, nil + case "allowReserved": + return value.AllowReserved, nil case "deprecated": return value.Deprecated, nil case "required": diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/info.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/info.go index 386ae861c..6b41589b5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/info.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/info.go @@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ import ( "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" ) -// Info is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// Info is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#infoObject type Info struct { ExtensionProps + Title string `json:"title" yaml:"title"` // Required Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` TermsOfService string `json:"termsOfService,omitempty" yaml:"termsOfService,omitempty"` @@ -26,15 +28,15 @@ func (value *Info) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, value) } -func (value *Info) Validate(c context.Context) error { +func (value *Info) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { if contact := value.Contact; contact != nil { - if err := contact.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err := contact.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } if license := value.License; license != nil { - if err := license.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err := license.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } @@ -50,9 +52,11 @@ func (value *Info) Validate(c context.Context) error { return nil } -// Contact is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// Contact is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#contactObject type Contact struct { ExtensionProps + Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` URL string `json:"url,omitempty" yaml:"url,omitempty"` Email string `json:"email,omitempty" yaml:"email,omitempty"` @@ -66,13 +70,15 @@ func (value *Contact) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, value) } -func (value *Contact) Validate(c context.Context) error { +func (value *Contact) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { return nil } -// License is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// License is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#licenseObject type License struct { ExtensionProps + Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` // Required URL string `json:"url,omitempty" yaml:"url,omitempty"` } @@ -85,7 +91,7 @@ func (value *License) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, value) } -func (value *License) Validate(c context.Context) error { +func (value *License) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { if value.Name == "" { return errors.New("value of license name must be a non-empty string") } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/internalize_refs.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/internalize_refs.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a993bfb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/internalize_refs.go @@ -0,0 +1,369 @@ +package openapi3 + +import ( + "context" + "path/filepath" + "strings" +) + +type RefNameResolver func(string) string + +// DefaultRefResolver is a default implementation of refNameResolver for the +// InternalizeRefs function. +// +// If a reference points to an element inside a document, it returns the last +// element in the reference using filepath.Base. Otherwise if the reference points +// to a file, it returns the file name trimmed of all extensions. +func DefaultRefNameResolver(ref string) string { + if ref == "" { + return "" + } + split := strings.SplitN(ref, "#", 2) + if len(split) == 2 { + return filepath.Base(split[1]) + } + ref = split[0] + for ext := filepath.Ext(ref); len(ext) > 0; ext = filepath.Ext(ref) { + ref = strings.TrimSuffix(ref, ext) + } + return filepath.Base(ref) +} + +func schemaNames(s Schemas) []string { + out := make([]string, 0, len(s)) + for i := range s { + out = append(out, i) + } + return out +} + +func parametersMapNames(s ParametersMap) []string { + out := make([]string, 0, len(s)) + for i := range s { + out = append(out, i) + } + return out +} + +func isExternalRef(ref string) bool { + return ref != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(ref, "#/components/") +} + +func (doc *T) addSchemaToSpec(s *SchemaRef, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + if s == nil || !isExternalRef(s.Ref) { + return + } + + name := refNameResolver(s.Ref) + if _, ok := doc.Components.Schemas[name]; ok { + s.Ref = "#/components/schemas/" + name + return + } + + if doc.Components.Schemas == nil { + doc.Components.Schemas = make(Schemas) + } + doc.Components.Schemas[name] = s.Value.NewRef() + s.Ref = "#/components/schemas/" + name +} + +func (doc *T) addParameterToSpec(p *ParameterRef, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + if p == nil || !isExternalRef(p.Ref) { + return + } + name := refNameResolver(p.Ref) + if _, ok := doc.Components.Parameters[name]; ok { + p.Ref = "#/components/parameters/" + name + return + } + + if doc.Components.Parameters == nil { + doc.Components.Parameters = make(ParametersMap) + } + doc.Components.Parameters[name] = &ParameterRef{Value: p.Value} + p.Ref = "#/components/parameters/" + name +} + +func (doc *T) addHeaderToSpec(h *HeaderRef, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + if h == nil || !isExternalRef(h.Ref) { + return + } + name := refNameResolver(h.Ref) + if _, ok := doc.Components.Headers[name]; ok { + h.Ref = "#/components/headers/" + name + return + } + if doc.Components.Headers == nil { + doc.Components.Headers = make(Headers) + } + doc.Components.Headers[name] = &HeaderRef{Value: h.Value} + h.Ref = "#/components/headers/" + name +} + +func (doc *T) addRequestBodyToSpec(r *RequestBodyRef, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + if r == nil || !isExternalRef(r.Ref) { + return + } + name := refNameResolver(r.Ref) + if _, ok := doc.Components.RequestBodies[name]; ok { + r.Ref = "#/components/requestBodies/" + name + return + } + if doc.Components.RequestBodies == nil { + doc.Components.RequestBodies = make(RequestBodies) + } + doc.Components.RequestBodies[name] = &RequestBodyRef{Value: r.Value} + r.Ref = "#/components/requestBodies/" + name +} + +func (doc *T) addResponseToSpec(r *ResponseRef, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + if r == nil || !isExternalRef(r.Ref) { + return + } + name := refNameResolver(r.Ref) + if _, ok := doc.Components.Responses[name]; ok { + r.Ref = "#/components/responses/" + name + return + } + if doc.Components.Responses == nil { + doc.Components.Responses = make(Responses) + } + doc.Components.Responses[name] = &ResponseRef{Value: r.Value} + r.Ref = "#/components/responses/" + name + +} + +func (doc *T) addSecuritySchemeToSpec(ss *SecuritySchemeRef, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + if ss == nil || !isExternalRef(ss.Ref) { + return + } + name := refNameResolver(ss.Ref) + if _, ok := doc.Components.SecuritySchemes[name]; ok { + ss.Ref = "#/components/securitySchemes/" + name + return + } + if doc.Components.SecuritySchemes == nil { + doc.Components.SecuritySchemes = make(SecuritySchemes) + } + doc.Components.SecuritySchemes[name] = &SecuritySchemeRef{Value: ss.Value} + ss.Ref = "#/components/securitySchemes/" + name + +} + +func (doc *T) addExampleToSpec(e *ExampleRef, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + if e == nil || !isExternalRef(e.Ref) { + return + } + name := refNameResolver(e.Ref) + if _, ok := doc.Components.Examples[name]; ok { + e.Ref = "#/components/examples/" + name + return + } + if doc.Components.Examples == nil { + doc.Components.Examples = make(Examples) + } + doc.Components.Examples[name] = &ExampleRef{Value: e.Value} + e.Ref = "#/components/examples/" + name + +} + +func (doc *T) addLinkToSpec(l *LinkRef, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + if l == nil || !isExternalRef(l.Ref) { + return + } + name := refNameResolver(l.Ref) + if _, ok := doc.Components.Links[name]; ok { + l.Ref = "#/components/links/" + name + return + } + if doc.Components.Links == nil { + doc.Components.Links = make(Links) + } + doc.Components.Links[name] = &LinkRef{Value: l.Value} + l.Ref = "#/components/links/" + name + +} + +func (doc *T) addCallbackToSpec(c *CallbackRef, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + if c == nil || !isExternalRef(c.Ref) { + return + } + name := refNameResolver(c.Ref) + if _, ok := doc.Components.Callbacks[name]; ok { + c.Ref = "#/components/callbacks/" + name + } + if doc.Components.Callbacks == nil { + doc.Components.Callbacks = make(Callbacks) + } + doc.Components.Callbacks[name] = &CallbackRef{Value: c.Value} + c.Ref = "#/components/callbacks/" + name +} + +func (doc *T) derefSchema(s *Schema, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + if s == nil { + return + } + + for _, list := range []SchemaRefs{s.AllOf, s.AnyOf, s.OneOf} { + for _, s2 := range list { + doc.addSchemaToSpec(s2, refNameResolver) + if s2 != nil { + doc.derefSchema(s2.Value, refNameResolver) + } + } + } + for _, s2 := range s.Properties { + doc.addSchemaToSpec(s2, refNameResolver) + if s2 != nil { + doc.derefSchema(s2.Value, refNameResolver) + } + } + for _, ref := range []*SchemaRef{s.Not, s.AdditionalProperties, s.Items} { + doc.addSchemaToSpec(ref, refNameResolver) + if ref != nil { + doc.derefSchema(ref.Value, refNameResolver) + } + } +} + +func (doc *T) derefHeaders(hs Headers, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + for _, h := range hs { + doc.addHeaderToSpec(h, refNameResolver) + doc.derefParameter(h.Value.Parameter, refNameResolver) + } +} + +func (doc *T) derefExamples(es Examples, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + for _, e := range es { + doc.addExampleToSpec(e, refNameResolver) + } +} + +func (doc *T) derefContent(c Content, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + for _, mediatype := range c { + doc.addSchemaToSpec(mediatype.Schema, refNameResolver) + if mediatype.Schema != nil { + doc.derefSchema(mediatype.Schema.Value, refNameResolver) + } + doc.derefExamples(mediatype.Examples, refNameResolver) + for _, e := range mediatype.Encoding { + doc.derefHeaders(e.Headers, refNameResolver) + } + } +} + +func (doc *T) derefLinks(ls Links, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + for _, l := range ls { + doc.addLinkToSpec(l, refNameResolver) + } +} + +func (doc *T) derefResponses(es Responses, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + for _, e := range es { + doc.addResponseToSpec(e, refNameResolver) + if e.Value != nil { + doc.derefHeaders(e.Value.Headers, refNameResolver) + doc.derefContent(e.Value.Content, refNameResolver) + doc.derefLinks(e.Value.Links, refNameResolver) + } + } +} + +func (doc *T) derefParameter(p Parameter, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + doc.addSchemaToSpec(p.Schema, refNameResolver) + doc.derefContent(p.Content, refNameResolver) + if p.Schema != nil { + doc.derefSchema(p.Schema.Value, refNameResolver) + } +} + +func (doc *T) derefRequestBody(r RequestBody, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + doc.derefContent(r.Content, refNameResolver) +} + +func (doc *T) derefPaths(paths map[string]*PathItem, refNameResolver RefNameResolver) { + for _, ops := range paths { + // inline full operations + ops.Ref = "" + + for _, op := range ops.Operations() { + doc.addRequestBodyToSpec(op.RequestBody, refNameResolver) + if op.RequestBody != nil && op.RequestBody.Value != nil { + doc.derefRequestBody(*op.RequestBody.Value, refNameResolver) + } + for _, cb := range op.Callbacks { + doc.addCallbackToSpec(cb, refNameResolver) + if cb.Value != nil { + doc.derefPaths(*cb.Value, refNameResolver) + } + } + doc.derefResponses(op.Responses, refNameResolver) + for _, param := range op.Parameters { + doc.addParameterToSpec(param, refNameResolver) + if param.Value != nil { + doc.derefParameter(*param.Value, refNameResolver) + } + } + } + } +} + +// InternalizeRefs removes all references to external files from the spec and moves them +// to the components section. +// +// refNameResolver takes in references to returns a name to store the reference under locally. +// It MUST return a unique name for each reference type. +// A default implementation is provided that will suffice for most use cases. See the function +// documention for more details. +// +// Example: +// +// doc.InternalizeRefs(context.Background(), nil) +func (doc *T) InternalizeRefs(ctx context.Context, refNameResolver func(ref string) string) { + if refNameResolver == nil { + refNameResolver = DefaultRefNameResolver + } + + // Handle components section + names := schemaNames(doc.Components.Schemas) + for _, name := range names { + schema := doc.Components.Schemas[name] + doc.addSchemaToSpec(schema, refNameResolver) + if schema != nil { + schema.Ref = "" // always dereference the top level + doc.derefSchema(schema.Value, refNameResolver) + } + } + names = parametersMapNames(doc.Components.Parameters) + for _, name := range names { + p := doc.Components.Parameters[name] + doc.addParameterToSpec(p, refNameResolver) + if p != nil && p.Value != nil { + p.Ref = "" // always dereference the top level + doc.derefParameter(*p.Value, refNameResolver) + } + } + doc.derefHeaders(doc.Components.Headers, refNameResolver) + for _, req := range doc.Components.RequestBodies { + doc.addRequestBodyToSpec(req, refNameResolver) + if req != nil && req.Value != nil { + req.Ref = "" // always dereference the top level + doc.derefRequestBody(*req.Value, refNameResolver) + } + } + doc.derefResponses(doc.Components.Responses, refNameResolver) + for _, ss := range doc.Components.SecuritySchemes { + doc.addSecuritySchemeToSpec(ss, refNameResolver) + } + doc.derefExamples(doc.Components.Examples, refNameResolver) + doc.derefLinks(doc.Components.Links, refNameResolver) + for _, cb := range doc.Components.Callbacks { + doc.addCallbackToSpec(cb, refNameResolver) + if cb != nil && cb.Value != nil { + cb.Ref = "" // always dereference the top level + doc.derefPaths(*cb.Value, refNameResolver) + } + } + + doc.derefPaths(doc.Paths, refNameResolver) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/link.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/link.go index 722c166d2..19a725a86 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/link.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/link.go @@ -25,11 +25,13 @@ func (l Links) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { var _ jsonpointer.JSONPointable = (*Links)(nil) -// Link is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// Link is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#linkObject type Link struct { ExtensionProps - OperationID string `json:"operationId,omitempty" yaml:"operationId,omitempty"` + OperationRef string `json:"operationRef,omitempty" yaml:"operationRef,omitempty"` + OperationID string `json:"operationId,omitempty" yaml:"operationId,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` Parameters map[string]interface{} `json:"parameters,omitempty" yaml:"parameters,omitempty"` Server *Server `json:"server,omitempty" yaml:"server,omitempty"` @@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ func (value *Link) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, value) } -func (value *Link) Validate(c context.Context) error { +func (value *Link) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { if value.OperationID == "" && value.OperationRef == "" { return errors.New("missing operationId or operationRef on link") } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/loader.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/loader.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8af733c3b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/loader.go @@ -0,0 +1,1030 @@ +package openapi3 + +import ( + "context" + "encoding/json" + "errors" + "fmt" + "net/url" + "path" + "path/filepath" + "reflect" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/ghodss/yaml" +) + +func foundUnresolvedRef(ref string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("found unresolved ref: %q", ref) +} + +func failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(value, what string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve %q in fragment in URI: %q", what, value) +} + +// Loader helps deserialize an OpenAPIv3 document +type Loader struct { + // IsExternalRefsAllowed enables visiting other files + IsExternalRefsAllowed bool + + // ReadFromURIFunc allows overriding the any file/URL reading func + ReadFromURIFunc ReadFromURIFunc + + Context context.Context + + rootDir string + + visitedPathItemRefs map[string]struct{} + + visitedDocuments map[string]*T + + visitedExample map[*Example]struct{} + visitedHeader map[*Header]struct{} + visitedLink map[*Link]struct{} + visitedParameter map[*Parameter]struct{} + visitedRequestBody map[*RequestBody]struct{} + visitedResponse map[*Response]struct{} + visitedSchema map[*Schema]struct{} + visitedSecurityScheme map[*SecurityScheme]struct{} +} + +// NewLoader returns an empty Loader +func NewLoader() *Loader { + return &Loader{} +} + +func (loader *Loader) resetVisitedPathItemRefs() { + loader.visitedPathItemRefs = make(map[string]struct{}) +} + +// LoadFromURI loads a spec from a remote URL +func (loader *Loader) LoadFromURI(location *url.URL) (*T, error) { + loader.resetVisitedPathItemRefs() + return loader.loadFromURIInternal(location) +} + +// LoadFromFile loads a spec from a local file path +func (loader *Loader) LoadFromFile(location string) (*T, error) { + loader.rootDir = path.Dir(location) + return loader.LoadFromURI(&url.URL{Path: filepath.ToSlash(location)}) +} + +func (loader *Loader) loadFromURIInternal(location *url.URL) (*T, error) { + data, err := loader.readURL(location) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return loader.loadFromDataWithPathInternal(data, location) +} + +func (loader *Loader) allowsExternalRefs(ref string) (err error) { + if !loader.IsExternalRefsAllowed { + err = fmt.Errorf("encountered disallowed external reference: %q", ref) + } + return +} + +// loadSingleElementFromURI reads the data from ref and unmarshals to the passed element. +func (loader *Loader) loadSingleElementFromURI(ref string, rootPath *url.URL, element interface{}) (*url.URL, error) { + if err := loader.allowsExternalRefs(ref); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + parsedURL, err := url.Parse(ref) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if fragment := parsedURL.Fragment; fragment != "" { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected ref fragment %q", fragment) + } + + resolvedPath, err := resolvePath(rootPath, parsedURL) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not resolve path: %v", err) + } + + data, err := loader.readURL(resolvedPath) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, element); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return resolvedPath, nil +} + +func (loader *Loader) readURL(location *url.URL) ([]byte, error) { + if f := loader.ReadFromURIFunc; f != nil { + return f(loader, location) + } + return DefaultReadFromURI(loader, location) +} + +// LoadFromData loads a spec from a byte array +func (loader *Loader) LoadFromData(data []byte) (*T, error) { + loader.resetVisitedPathItemRefs() + doc := &T{} + if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, doc); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err := loader.ResolveRefsIn(doc, nil); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return doc, nil +} + +// LoadFromDataWithPath takes the OpenAPI document data in bytes and a path where the resolver can find referred +// elements and returns a *T with all resolved data or an error if unable to load data or resolve refs. +func (loader *Loader) LoadFromDataWithPath(data []byte, location *url.URL) (*T, error) { + loader.resetVisitedPathItemRefs() + return loader.loadFromDataWithPathInternal(data, location) +} + +func (loader *Loader) loadFromDataWithPathInternal(data []byte, location *url.URL) (*T, error) { + if loader.visitedDocuments == nil { + loader.visitedDocuments = make(map[string]*T) + } + uri := location.String() + if doc, ok := loader.visitedDocuments[uri]; ok { + return doc, nil + } + + doc := &T{} + loader.visitedDocuments[uri] = doc + + if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, doc); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err := loader.ResolveRefsIn(doc, location); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return doc, nil +} + +// ResolveRefsIn expands references if for instance spec was just unmarshalled +func (loader *Loader) ResolveRefsIn(doc *T, location *url.URL) (err error) { + if loader.visitedPathItemRefs == nil { + loader.resetVisitedPathItemRefs() + } + + // Visit all components + components := doc.Components + for _, component := range components.Headers { + if err = loader.resolveHeaderRef(doc, component, location); err != nil { + return + } + } + for _, component := range components.Parameters { + if err = loader.resolveParameterRef(doc, component, location); err != nil { + return + } + } + for _, component := range components.RequestBodies { + if err = loader.resolveRequestBodyRef(doc, component, location); err != nil { + return + } + } + for _, component := range components.Responses { + if err = loader.resolveResponseRef(doc, component, location); err != nil { + return + } + } + for _, component := range components.Schemas { + if err = loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, component, location); err != nil { + return + } + } + for _, component := range components.SecuritySchemes { + if err = loader.resolveSecuritySchemeRef(doc, component, location); err != nil { + return + } + } + for _, component := range components.Examples { + if err = loader.resolveExampleRef(doc, component, location); err != nil { + return + } + } + for _, component := range components.Callbacks { + if err = loader.resolveCallbackRef(doc, component, location); err != nil { + return + } + } + + // Visit all operations + for entrypoint, pathItem := range doc.Paths { + if pathItem == nil { + continue + } + if err = loader.resolvePathItemRef(doc, entrypoint, pathItem, location); err != nil { + return + } + } + + return +} + +func join(basePath *url.URL, relativePath *url.URL) (*url.URL, error) { + if basePath == nil { + return relativePath, nil + } + newPath, err := url.Parse(basePath.String()) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot copy path: %q", basePath.String()) + } + newPath.Path = path.Join(path.Dir(newPath.Path), relativePath.Path) + return newPath, nil +} + +func resolvePath(basePath *url.URL, componentPath *url.URL) (*url.URL, error) { + if componentPath.Scheme == "" && componentPath.Host == "" { + // support absolute paths + if componentPath.Path[0] == '/' { + return componentPath, nil + } + return join(basePath, componentPath) + } + return componentPath, nil +} + +func isSingleRefElement(ref string) bool { + return !strings.Contains(ref, "#") +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolveComponent( + doc *T, + ref string, + path *url.URL, + resolved interface{}, +) ( + componentPath *url.URL, + err error, +) { + if doc, ref, componentPath, err = loader.resolveRef(doc, ref, path); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + parsedURL, err := url.Parse(ref) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse reference: %q: %v", ref, parsedURL) + } + fragment := parsedURL.Fragment + if !strings.HasPrefix(fragment, "/") { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected fragment prefix '#/' in URI %q", ref) + } + + drill := func(cursor interface{}) (interface{}, error) { + for _, pathPart := range strings.Split(fragment[1:], "/") { + pathPart = unescapeRefString(pathPart) + + if cursor, err = drillIntoField(cursor, pathPart); err != nil { + e := failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(ref, pathPart) + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", e.Error(), err.Error()) + } + if cursor == nil { + return nil, failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(ref, pathPart) + } + } + return cursor, nil + } + var cursor interface{} + if cursor, err = drill(doc); err != nil { + if path == nil { + return nil, err + } + var err2 error + data, err2 := loader.readURL(path) + if err2 != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err2 = yaml.Unmarshal(data, &cursor); err2 != nil { + return nil, err + } + if cursor, err2 = drill(cursor); err2 != nil || cursor == nil { + return nil, err + } + err = nil + } + + switch { + case reflect.TypeOf(cursor) == reflect.TypeOf(resolved): + reflect.ValueOf(resolved).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(cursor).Elem()) + return componentPath, nil + + case reflect.TypeOf(cursor) == reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}{}): + codec := func(got, expect interface{}) error { + enc, err := json.Marshal(got) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err = json.Unmarshal(enc, expect); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil + } + if err := codec(cursor, resolved); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad data in %q", ref) + } + return componentPath, nil + + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad data in %q", ref) + } +} + +func drillIntoField(cursor interface{}, fieldName string) (interface{}, error) { + // Special case due to multijson + if s, ok := cursor.(*SchemaRef); ok && fieldName == "additionalProperties" { + if ap := s.Value.AdditionalPropertiesAllowed; ap != nil { + return *ap, nil + } + return s.Value.AdditionalProperties, nil + } + + switch val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(cursor)); val.Kind() { + case reflect.Map: + elementValue := val.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(fieldName)) + if !elementValue.IsValid() { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("map key %q not found", fieldName) + } + return elementValue.Interface(), nil + + case reflect.Slice: + i, err := strconv.ParseUint(fieldName, 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + index := int(i) + if 0 > index || index >= val.Len() { + return nil, errors.New("slice index out of bounds") + } + return val.Index(index).Interface(), nil + + case reflect.Struct: + hasFields := false + for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ { + hasFields = true + field := val.Type().Field(i) + tagValue := field.Tag.Get("yaml") + yamlKey := strings.Split(tagValue, ",")[0] + if yamlKey == "-" { + tagValue := field.Tag.Get("multijson") + yamlKey = strings.Split(tagValue, ",")[0] + } + if yamlKey == fieldName { + return val.Field(i).Interface(), nil + } + } + // if cursor is a "ref wrapper" struct (e.g. RequestBodyRef), + if _, ok := val.Type().FieldByName("Value"); ok { + // try digging into its Value field + return drillIntoField(val.FieldByName("Value").Interface(), fieldName) + } + if hasFields { + if ff := val.Type().Field(0); ff.PkgPath == "" && ff.Name == "ExtensionProps" { + extensions := val.Field(0).Interface().(ExtensionProps).Extensions + if enc, ok := extensions[fieldName]; ok { + var dec interface{} + if err := json.Unmarshal(enc.(json.RawMessage), &dec); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return dec, nil + } + } + } + return nil, fmt.Errorf("struct field %q not found", fieldName) + + default: + return nil, errors.New("not a map, slice nor struct") + } +} + +func (loader *Loader) documentPathForRecursiveRef(current *url.URL, resolvedRef string) *url.URL { + if loader.rootDir == "" { + return current + } + return &url.URL{Path: path.Join(loader.rootDir, resolvedRef)} + +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolveRef(doc *T, ref string, path *url.URL) (*T, string, *url.URL, error) { + if ref != "" && ref[0] == '#' { + return doc, ref, path, nil + } + + if err := loader.allowsExternalRefs(ref); err != nil { + return nil, "", nil, err + } + + parsedURL, err := url.Parse(ref) + if err != nil { + return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse reference: %q: %v", ref, parsedURL) + } + fragment := parsedURL.Fragment + parsedURL.Fragment = "" + + var resolvedPath *url.URL + if resolvedPath, err = resolvePath(path, parsedURL); err != nil { + return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error resolving path: %v", err) + } + + if doc, err = loader.loadFromURIInternal(resolvedPath); err != nil { + return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error resolving reference %q: %v", ref, err) + } + + return doc, "#" + fragment, resolvedPath, nil +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolveHeaderRef(doc *T, component *HeaderRef, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { + if component != nil && component.Value != nil { + if loader.visitedHeader == nil { + loader.visitedHeader = make(map[*Header]struct{}) + } + if _, ok := loader.visitedHeader[component.Value]; ok { + return nil + } + loader.visitedHeader[component.Value] = struct{}{} + } + + if component == nil { + return errors.New("invalid header: value MUST be an object") + } + if ref := component.Ref; ref != "" { + if isSingleRefElement(ref) { + var header Header + if documentPath, err = loader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &header); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = &header + } else { + var resolved HeaderRef + componentPath, err := loader.resolveComponent(doc, ref, documentPath, &resolved) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := loader.resolveHeaderRef(doc, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = resolved.Value + documentPath = loader.documentPathForRecursiveRef(documentPath, resolved.Ref) + } + } + value := component.Value + if value == nil { + return nil + } + + if schema := value.Schema; schema != nil { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, schema, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolveParameterRef(doc *T, component *ParameterRef, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { + if component != nil && component.Value != nil { + if loader.visitedParameter == nil { + loader.visitedParameter = make(map[*Parameter]struct{}) + } + if _, ok := loader.visitedParameter[component.Value]; ok { + return nil + } + loader.visitedParameter[component.Value] = struct{}{} + } + + if component == nil { + return errors.New("invalid parameter: value MUST be an object") + } + ref := component.Ref + if ref != "" { + if isSingleRefElement(ref) { + var param Parameter + if documentPath, err = loader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, ¶m); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = ¶m + } else { + var resolved ParameterRef + componentPath, err := loader.resolveComponent(doc, ref, documentPath, &resolved) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := loader.resolveParameterRef(doc, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = resolved.Value + documentPath = loader.documentPathForRecursiveRef(documentPath, resolved.Ref) + } + } + value := component.Value + if value == nil { + return nil + } + + if value.Content != nil && value.Schema != nil { + return errors.New("cannot contain both schema and content in a parameter") + } + for _, contentType := range value.Content { + if schema := contentType.Schema; schema != nil { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, schema, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + if schema := value.Schema; schema != nil { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, schema, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolveRequestBodyRef(doc *T, component *RequestBodyRef, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { + if component != nil && component.Value != nil { + if loader.visitedRequestBody == nil { + loader.visitedRequestBody = make(map[*RequestBody]struct{}) + } + if _, ok := loader.visitedRequestBody[component.Value]; ok { + return nil + } + loader.visitedRequestBody[component.Value] = struct{}{} + } + + if component == nil { + return errors.New("invalid requestBody: value MUST be an object") + } + if ref := component.Ref; ref != "" { + if isSingleRefElement(ref) { + var requestBody RequestBody + if documentPath, err = loader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &requestBody); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = &requestBody + } else { + var resolved RequestBodyRef + componentPath, err := loader.resolveComponent(doc, ref, documentPath, &resolved) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err = loader.resolveRequestBodyRef(doc, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = resolved.Value + documentPath = loader.documentPathForRecursiveRef(documentPath, resolved.Ref) + } + } + value := component.Value + if value == nil { + return nil + } + + for _, contentType := range value.Content { + for name, example := range contentType.Examples { + if err := loader.resolveExampleRef(doc, example, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + contentType.Examples[name] = example + } + if schema := contentType.Schema; schema != nil { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, schema, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + return nil +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolveResponseRef(doc *T, component *ResponseRef, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { + if component != nil && component.Value != nil { + if loader.visitedResponse == nil { + loader.visitedResponse = make(map[*Response]struct{}) + } + if _, ok := loader.visitedResponse[component.Value]; ok { + return nil + } + loader.visitedResponse[component.Value] = struct{}{} + } + + if component == nil { + return errors.New("invalid response: value MUST be an object") + } + ref := component.Ref + if ref != "" { + if isSingleRefElement(ref) { + var resp Response + if documentPath, err = loader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &resp); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = &resp + } else { + var resolved ResponseRef + componentPath, err := loader.resolveComponent(doc, ref, documentPath, &resolved) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := loader.resolveResponseRef(doc, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = resolved.Value + documentPath = loader.documentPathForRecursiveRef(documentPath, resolved.Ref) + } + } + value := component.Value + if value == nil { + return nil + } + + for _, header := range value.Headers { + if err := loader.resolveHeaderRef(doc, header, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + for _, contentType := range value.Content { + if contentType == nil { + continue + } + for name, example := range contentType.Examples { + if err := loader.resolveExampleRef(doc, example, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + contentType.Examples[name] = example + } + if schema := contentType.Schema; schema != nil { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, schema, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + contentType.Schema = schema + } + } + for _, link := range value.Links { + if err := loader.resolveLinkRef(doc, link, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolveSchemaRef(doc *T, component *SchemaRef, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { + if component != nil && component.Value != nil { + if loader.visitedSchema == nil { + loader.visitedSchema = make(map[*Schema]struct{}) + } + if _, ok := loader.visitedSchema[component.Value]; ok { + return nil + } + loader.visitedSchema[component.Value] = struct{}{} + } + + if component == nil { + return errors.New("invalid schema: value MUST be an object") + } + ref := component.Ref + if ref != "" { + if isSingleRefElement(ref) { + var schema Schema + if documentPath, err = loader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &schema); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = &schema + } else { + var resolved SchemaRef + componentPath, err := loader.resolveComponent(doc, ref, documentPath, &resolved) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = resolved.Value + documentPath = loader.documentPathForRecursiveRef(documentPath, resolved.Ref) + } + } + value := component.Value + if value == nil { + return nil + } + + // ResolveRefs referred schemas + if v := value.Items; v != nil { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, v, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + for _, v := range value.Properties { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, v, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + if v := value.AdditionalProperties; v != nil { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, v, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + if v := value.Not; v != nil { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, v, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + for _, v := range value.AllOf { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, v, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + for _, v := range value.AnyOf { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, v, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + for _, v := range value.OneOf { + if err := loader.resolveSchemaRef(doc, v, documentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolveSecuritySchemeRef(doc *T, component *SecuritySchemeRef, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { + if component != nil && component.Value != nil { + if loader.visitedSecurityScheme == nil { + loader.visitedSecurityScheme = make(map[*SecurityScheme]struct{}) + } + if _, ok := loader.visitedSecurityScheme[component.Value]; ok { + return nil + } + loader.visitedSecurityScheme[component.Value] = struct{}{} + } + + if component == nil { + return errors.New("invalid securityScheme: value MUST be an object") + } + if ref := component.Ref; ref != "" { + if isSingleRefElement(ref) { + var scheme SecurityScheme + if _, err = loader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &scheme); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = &scheme + } else { + var resolved SecuritySchemeRef + componentPath, err := loader.resolveComponent(doc, ref, documentPath, &resolved) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := loader.resolveSecuritySchemeRef(doc, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = resolved.Value + _ = loader.documentPathForRecursiveRef(documentPath, resolved.Ref) + } + } + return nil +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolveExampleRef(doc *T, component *ExampleRef, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { + if component != nil && component.Value != nil { + if loader.visitedExample == nil { + loader.visitedExample = make(map[*Example]struct{}) + } + if _, ok := loader.visitedExample[component.Value]; ok { + return nil + } + loader.visitedExample[component.Value] = struct{}{} + } + + if component == nil { + return errors.New("invalid example: value MUST be an object") + } + if ref := component.Ref; ref != "" { + if isSingleRefElement(ref) { + var example Example + if _, err = loader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &example); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = &example + } else { + var resolved ExampleRef + componentPath, err := loader.resolveComponent(doc, ref, documentPath, &resolved) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := loader.resolveExampleRef(doc, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = resolved.Value + _ = loader.documentPathForRecursiveRef(documentPath, resolved.Ref) + } + } + return nil +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolveCallbackRef(doc *T, component *CallbackRef, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { + + if component == nil { + return errors.New("invalid callback: value MUST be an object") + } + if ref := component.Ref; ref != "" { + if isSingleRefElement(ref) { + var resolved Callback + if documentPath, err = loader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &resolved); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = &resolved + } else { + var resolved CallbackRef + componentPath, err := loader.resolveComponent(doc, ref, documentPath, &resolved) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := loader.resolveCallbackRef(doc, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = resolved.Value + documentPath = loader.documentPathForRecursiveRef(documentPath, resolved.Ref) + } + } + value := component.Value + if value == nil { + return nil + } + + for entrypoint, pathItem := range *value { + entrypoint, pathItem := entrypoint, pathItem + err = func() (err error) { + key := "-" + if documentPath != nil { + key = documentPath.EscapedPath() + } + key += entrypoint + if _, ok := loader.visitedPathItemRefs[key]; ok { + return nil + } + loader.visitedPathItemRefs[key] = struct{}{} + + if pathItem == nil { + return errors.New("invalid path item: value MUST be an object") + } + ref := pathItem.Ref + if ref != "" { + if isSingleRefElement(ref) { + var p PathItem + if documentPath, err = loader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &p); err != nil { + return err + } + *pathItem = p + } else { + if doc, ref, documentPath, err = loader.resolveRef(doc, ref, documentPath); err != nil { + return + } + + rest := strings.TrimPrefix(ref, "#/components/callbacks/") + if rest == ref { + return fmt.Errorf(`expected prefix "#/components/callbacks/" in URI %q`, ref) + } + id := unescapeRefString(rest) + + definitions := doc.Components.Callbacks + if definitions == nil { + return failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(ref, "callbacks") + } + resolved := definitions[id] + if resolved == nil { + return failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(ref, id) + } + + for _, p := range *resolved.Value { + *pathItem = *p + break + } + } + } + return loader.resolvePathItemRefContinued(doc, pathItem, documentPath) + }() + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolveLinkRef(doc *T, component *LinkRef, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { + if component != nil && component.Value != nil { + if loader.visitedLink == nil { + loader.visitedLink = make(map[*Link]struct{}) + } + if _, ok := loader.visitedLink[component.Value]; ok { + return nil + } + loader.visitedLink[component.Value] = struct{}{} + } + + if component == nil { + return errors.New("invalid link: value MUST be an object") + } + if ref := component.Ref; ref != "" { + if isSingleRefElement(ref) { + var link Link + if _, err = loader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &link); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = &link + } else { + var resolved LinkRef + componentPath, err := loader.resolveComponent(doc, ref, documentPath, &resolved) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if err := loader.resolveLinkRef(doc, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { + return err + } + component.Value = resolved.Value + _ = loader.documentPathForRecursiveRef(documentPath, resolved.Ref) + } + } + return nil +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolvePathItemRef(doc *T, entrypoint string, pathItem *PathItem, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { + key := "_" + if documentPath != nil { + key = documentPath.EscapedPath() + } + key += entrypoint + if _, ok := loader.visitedPathItemRefs[key]; ok { + return nil + } + loader.visitedPathItemRefs[key] = struct{}{} + + if pathItem == nil { + return errors.New("invalid path item: value MUST be an object") + } + ref := pathItem.Ref + if ref != "" { + if isSingleRefElement(ref) { + var p PathItem + if documentPath, err = loader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &p); err != nil { + return err + } + *pathItem = p + } else { + if doc, ref, documentPath, err = loader.resolveRef(doc, ref, documentPath); err != nil { + return + } + + rest := strings.TrimPrefix(ref, "#/paths/") + if rest == ref { + return fmt.Errorf(`expected prefix "#/paths/" in URI %q`, ref) + } + id := unescapeRefString(rest) + + definitions := doc.Paths + if definitions == nil { + return failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(ref, "paths") + } + resolved := definitions[id] + if resolved == nil { + return failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(ref, id) + } + + *pathItem = *resolved + } + } + return loader.resolvePathItemRefContinued(doc, pathItem, documentPath) +} + +func (loader *Loader) resolvePathItemRefContinued(doc *T, pathItem *PathItem, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { + for _, parameter := range pathItem.Parameters { + if err = loader.resolveParameterRef(doc, parameter, documentPath); err != nil { + return + } + } + for _, operation := range pathItem.Operations() { + for _, parameter := range operation.Parameters { + if err = loader.resolveParameterRef(doc, parameter, documentPath); err != nil { + return + } + } + if requestBody := operation.RequestBody; requestBody != nil { + if err = loader.resolveRequestBodyRef(doc, requestBody, documentPath); err != nil { + return + } + } + for _, response := range operation.Responses { + if err = loader.resolveResponseRef(doc, response, documentPath); err != nil { + return + } + } + for _, callback := range operation.Callbacks { + if err = loader.resolveCallbackRef(doc, callback, documentPath); err != nil { + return + } + } + } + return +} + +func unescapeRefString(ref string) string { + return strings.Replace(strings.Replace(ref, "~1", "/", -1), "~0", "~", -1) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/loader_uri_reader.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/loader_uri_reader.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8357a980d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/loader_uri_reader.go @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +package openapi3 + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "io/ioutil" + "net/http" + "net/url" + "path/filepath" +) + +// ReadFromURIFunc defines a function which reads the contents of a resource +// located at a URI. +type ReadFromURIFunc func(loader *Loader, url *url.URL) ([]byte, error) + +// ErrURINotSupported indicates the ReadFromURIFunc does not know how to handle a +// given URI. +var ErrURINotSupported = errors.New("unsupported URI") + +// ReadFromURIs returns a ReadFromURIFunc which tries to read a URI using the +// given reader functions, in the same order. If a reader function does not +// support the URI and returns ErrURINotSupported, the next function is checked +// until a match is found, or the URI is not supported by any. +func ReadFromURIs(readers ...ReadFromURIFunc) ReadFromURIFunc { + return func(loader *Loader, url *url.URL) ([]byte, error) { + for i := range readers { + buf, err := readers[i](loader, url) + if err == ErrURINotSupported { + continue + } else if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return buf, nil + } + return nil, ErrURINotSupported + } +} + +// DefaultReadFromURI returns a caching ReadFromURIFunc which can read remote +// HTTP URIs and local file URIs. +var DefaultReadFromURI = URIMapCache(ReadFromURIs(ReadFromHTTP(http.DefaultClient), ReadFromFile)) + +// ReadFromHTTP returns a ReadFromURIFunc which uses the given http.Client to +// read the contents from a remote HTTP URI. This client may be customized to +// implement timeouts, RFC 7234 caching, etc. +func ReadFromHTTP(cl *http.Client) ReadFromURIFunc { + return func(loader *Loader, location *url.URL) ([]byte, error) { + if location.Scheme == "" || location.Host == "" { + return nil, ErrURINotSupported + } + req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", location.String(), nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + resp, err := cl.Do(req) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + if resp.StatusCode > 399 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading %q: request returned status code %d", location.String(), resp.StatusCode) + } + return ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) + } +} + +// ReadFromFile is a ReadFromURIFunc which reads local file URIs. +func ReadFromFile(loader *Loader, location *url.URL) ([]byte, error) { + if location.Host != "" { + return nil, ErrURINotSupported + } + if location.Scheme != "" && location.Scheme != "file" { + return nil, ErrURINotSupported + } + return ioutil.ReadFile(location.Path) +} + +// URIMapCache returns a ReadFromURIFunc that caches the contents read from URI +// locations in a simple map. This cache implementation is suitable for +// short-lived processes such as command-line tools which process OpenAPI +// documents. +func URIMapCache(reader ReadFromURIFunc) ReadFromURIFunc { + cache := map[string][]byte{} + return func(loader *Loader, location *url.URL) (buf []byte, err error) { + if location.Scheme == "" || location.Scheme == "file" { + if !filepath.IsAbs(location.Path) { + // Do not cache relative file paths; this can cause trouble if + // the current working directory changes when processing + // multiple top-level documents. + return reader(loader, location) + } + } + uri := location.String() + var ok bool + if buf, ok = cache[uri]; ok { + return + } + if buf, err = reader(loader, location); err != nil { + return + } + cache[uri] = buf + return + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/media_type.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/media_type.go index 6d2f2cb7a..5c001ca64 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/media_type.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/media_type.go @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import ( ) // MediaType is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#mediaTypeObject type MediaType struct { ExtensionProps @@ -67,12 +68,12 @@ func (mediaType *MediaType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, mediaType) } -func (mediaType *MediaType) Validate(c context.Context) error { - if mediaType == nil { +func (value *MediaType) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if value == nil { return nil } - if schema := mediaType.Schema; schema != nil { - if err := schema.Validate(c); err != nil { + if schema := value.Schema; schema != nil { + if err := schema.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/swagger.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/openapi3.go similarity index 57% rename from vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/swagger.go rename to vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/openapi3.go index 64f76c232..d376812b5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/swagger.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/openapi3.go @@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ import ( "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" ) -type Swagger struct { +// T is the root of an OpenAPI v3 document +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#oasObject +type T struct { ExtensionProps + OpenAPI string `json:"openapi" yaml:"openapi"` // Required Components Components `json:"components,omitempty" yaml:"components,omitempty"` Info *Info `json:"info" yaml:"info"` // Required @@ -20,19 +23,19 @@ type Swagger struct { ExternalDocs *ExternalDocs `json:"externalDocs,omitempty" yaml:"externalDocs,omitempty"` } -func (swagger *Swagger) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { - return jsoninfo.MarshalStrictStruct(swagger) +func (doc *T) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return jsoninfo.MarshalStrictStruct(doc) } -func (swagger *Swagger) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { - return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, swagger) +func (doc *T) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, doc) } -func (swagger *Swagger) AddOperation(path string, method string, operation *Operation) { - paths := swagger.Paths +func (doc *T) AddOperation(path string, method string, operation *Operation) { + paths := doc.Paths if paths == nil { paths = make(Paths) - swagger.Paths = paths + doc.Paths = paths } pathItem := paths[path] if pathItem == nil { @@ -42,12 +45,12 @@ func (swagger *Swagger) AddOperation(path string, method string, operation *Oper pathItem.SetOperation(method, operation) } -func (swagger *Swagger) AddServer(server *Server) { - swagger.Servers = append(swagger.Servers, server) +func (doc *T) AddServer(server *Server) { + doc.Servers = append(doc.Servers, server) } -func (swagger *Swagger) Validate(c context.Context) error { - if swagger.OpenAPI == "" { +func (value *T) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if value.OpenAPI == "" { return errors.New("value of openapi must be a non-empty string") } @@ -55,15 +58,15 @@ func (swagger *Swagger) Validate(c context.Context) error { { wrap := func(e error) error { return fmt.Errorf("invalid components: %v", e) } - if err := swagger.Components.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err := value.Components.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return wrap(err) } } { wrap := func(e error) error { return fmt.Errorf("invalid info: %v", e) } - if v := swagger.Info; v != nil { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if v := value.Info; v != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return wrap(err) } } else { @@ -73,8 +76,8 @@ func (swagger *Swagger) Validate(c context.Context) error { { wrap := func(e error) error { return fmt.Errorf("invalid paths: %v", e) } - if v := swagger.Paths; v != nil { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if v := value.Paths; v != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return wrap(err) } } else { @@ -84,8 +87,8 @@ func (swagger *Swagger) Validate(c context.Context) error { { wrap := func(e error) error { return fmt.Errorf("invalid security: %v", e) } - if v := swagger.Security; v != nil { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if v := value.Security; v != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return wrap(err) } } @@ -93,8 +96,26 @@ func (swagger *Swagger) Validate(c context.Context) error { { wrap := func(e error) error { return fmt.Errorf("invalid servers: %v", e) } - if v := swagger.Servers; v != nil { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if v := value.Servers; v != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return wrap(err) + } + } + } + + { + wrap := func(e error) error { return fmt.Errorf("invalid tags: %w", e) } + if v := value.Tags; v != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return wrap(err) + } + } + } + + { + wrap := func(e error) error { return fmt.Errorf("invalid external docs: %w", e) } + if v := value.ExternalDocs; v != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return wrap(err) } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/operation.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/operation.go index f7ff93fe5..29e70c774 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/operation.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/operation.go @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package openapi3 import ( "context" "errors" + "fmt" "strconv" "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ import ( ) // Operation represents "operation" specified by" OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#operation-object type Operation struct { ExtensionProps @@ -120,23 +122,28 @@ func (operation *Operation) AddResponse(status int, response *Response) { } } -func (operation *Operation) Validate(c context.Context) error { - if v := operation.Parameters; v != nil { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { +func (value *Operation) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if v := value.Parameters; v != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } - if v := operation.RequestBody; v != nil { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if v := value.RequestBody; v != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } - if v := operation.Responses; v != nil { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if v := value.Responses; v != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } else { return errors.New("value of responses must be an object") } + if v := value.ExternalDocs; v != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid external docs: %w", err) + } + } return nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/parameter.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/parameter.go index 76e5f7f1d..e283a98fb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/parameter.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/parameter.go @@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ func (parameters Parameters) GetByInAndName(in string, name string) *Parameter { return nil } -func (parameters Parameters) Validate(c context.Context) error { +func (value Parameters) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { dupes := make(map[string]struct{}) - for _, item := range parameters { + for _, item := range value { if v := item.Value; v != nil { key := v.In + ":" + v.Name if _, ok := dupes[key]; ok { @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func (parameters Parameters) Validate(c context.Context) error { dupes[key] = struct{}{} } - if err := item.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err := item.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } @@ -83,8 +83,10 @@ func (parameters Parameters) Validate(c context.Context) error { } // Parameter is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#parameterObject type Parameter struct { ExtensionProps + Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` In string `json:"in,omitempty" yaml:"in,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` @@ -167,42 +169,42 @@ func (parameter *Parameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, parameter) } -func (parameter Parameter) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { +func (value Parameter) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { switch token { case "schema": - if parameter.Schema != nil { - if parameter.Schema.Ref != "" { - return &Ref{Ref: parameter.Schema.Ref}, nil + if value.Schema != nil { + if value.Schema.Ref != "" { + return &Ref{Ref: value.Schema.Ref}, nil } - return parameter.Schema.Value, nil + return value.Schema.Value, nil } case "name": - return parameter.Name, nil + return value.Name, nil case "in": - return parameter.In, nil + return value.In, nil case "description": - return parameter.Description, nil + return value.Description, nil case "style": - return parameter.Style, nil + return value.Style, nil case "explode": - return parameter.Explode, nil + return value.Explode, nil case "allowEmptyValue": - return parameter.AllowEmptyValue, nil + return value.AllowEmptyValue, nil case "allowReserved": - return parameter.AllowReserved, nil + return value.AllowReserved, nil case "deprecated": - return parameter.Deprecated, nil + return value.Deprecated, nil case "required": - return parameter.Required, nil + return value.Required, nil case "example": - return parameter.Example, nil + return value.Example, nil case "examples": - return parameter.Examples, nil + return value.Examples, nil case "content": - return parameter.Content, nil + return value.Content, nil } - v, _, err := jsonpointer.GetForToken(parameter.ExtensionProps, token) + v, _, err := jsonpointer.GetForToken(value.ExtensionProps, token) return v, err } @@ -236,11 +238,11 @@ func (parameter *Parameter) SerializationMethod() (*SerializationMethod, error) } } -func (parameter *Parameter) Validate(c context.Context) error { - if parameter.Name == "" { +func (value *Parameter) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if value.Name == "" { return errors.New("parameter name can't be blank") } - in := parameter.In + in := value.In switch in { case ParameterInPath, @@ -248,55 +250,60 @@ func (parameter *Parameter) Validate(c context.Context) error { ParameterInHeader, ParameterInCookie: default: - return fmt.Errorf("parameter can't have 'in' value %q", parameter.In) + return fmt.Errorf("parameter can't have 'in' value %q", value.In) + } + + if in == ParameterInPath && !value.Required { + return fmt.Errorf("path parameter %q must be required", value.Name) } // Validate a parameter's serialization method. - sm, err := parameter.SerializationMethod() + sm, err := value.SerializationMethod() if err != nil { return err } var smSupported bool switch { - case parameter.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationSimple && !sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationSimple && sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationLabel && !sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationLabel && sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationMatrix && !sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationMatrix && sm.Explode, - - parameter.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationForm && sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationForm && !sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationSpaceDelimited && sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationSpaceDelimited && !sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationPipeDelimited && sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationPipeDelimited && !sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationDeepObject && sm.Explode, - - parameter.In == ParameterInHeader && sm.Style == SerializationSimple && !sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInHeader && sm.Style == SerializationSimple && sm.Explode, - - parameter.In == ParameterInCookie && sm.Style == SerializationForm && !sm.Explode, - parameter.In == ParameterInCookie && sm.Style == SerializationForm && sm.Explode: + case value.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationSimple && !sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationSimple && sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationLabel && !sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationLabel && sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationMatrix && !sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInPath && sm.Style == SerializationMatrix && sm.Explode, + + value.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationForm && sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationForm && !sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationSpaceDelimited && sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationSpaceDelimited && !sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationPipeDelimited && sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationPipeDelimited && !sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInQuery && sm.Style == SerializationDeepObject && sm.Explode, + + value.In == ParameterInHeader && sm.Style == SerializationSimple && !sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInHeader && sm.Style == SerializationSimple && sm.Explode, + + value.In == ParameterInCookie && sm.Style == SerializationForm && !sm.Explode, + value.In == ParameterInCookie && sm.Style == SerializationForm && sm.Explode: smSupported = true } if !smSupported { e := fmt.Errorf("serialization method with style=%q and explode=%v is not supported by a %s parameter", sm.Style, sm.Explode, in) - return fmt.Errorf("parameter %q schema is invalid: %v", parameter.Name, e) + return fmt.Errorf("parameter %q schema is invalid: %v", value.Name, e) } - if (parameter.Schema == nil) == (parameter.Content == nil) { + if (value.Schema == nil) == (value.Content == nil) { e := errors.New("parameter must contain exactly one of content and schema") - return fmt.Errorf("parameter %q schema is invalid: %v", parameter.Name, e) + return fmt.Errorf("parameter %q schema is invalid: %v", value.Name, e) } - if schema := parameter.Schema; schema != nil { - if err := schema.Validate(c); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("parameter %q schema is invalid: %v", parameter.Name, err) + if schema := value.Schema; schema != nil { + if err := schema.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("parameter %q schema is invalid: %v", value.Name, err) } } - if content := parameter.Content; content != nil { - if err := content.Validate(c); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("parameter %q content is invalid: %v", parameter.Name, err) + + if content := value.Content; content != nil { + if err := content.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("parameter %q content is invalid: %v", value.Name, err) } } return nil diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/path_item.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/path_item.go index f7cf1d989..4473d639d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/path_item.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/path_item.go @@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ import ( "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" ) +// PathItem is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#pathItemObject type PathItem struct { ExtensionProps + Ref string `json:"$ref,omitempty" yaml:"$ref,omitempty"` Summary string `json:"summary,omitempty" yaml:"summary,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` @@ -116,9 +119,9 @@ func (pathItem *PathItem) SetOperation(method string, operation *Operation) { } } -func (pathItem *PathItem) Validate(c context.Context) error { - for _, operation := range pathItem.Operations() { - if err := operation.Validate(c); err != nil { +func (value *PathItem) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + for _, operation := range value.Operations() { + if err := operation.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/paths.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/paths.go index baafaaabc..24ab5f300 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/paths.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/paths.go @@ -6,53 +6,88 @@ import ( "strings" ) -// Paths is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// Paths is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#paths-object type Paths map[string]*PathItem -func (paths Paths) Validate(c context.Context) error { +func (value Paths) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { normalizedPaths := make(map[string]string) - for path, pathItem := range paths { + for path, pathItem := range value { if path == "" || path[0] != '/' { return fmt.Errorf("path %q does not start with a forward slash (/)", path) } if pathItem == nil { - paths[path] = &PathItem{} - pathItem = paths[path] + value[path] = &PathItem{} + pathItem = value[path] } - normalizedPath, pathParamsCount := normalizeTemplatedPath(path) + normalizedPath, _, varsInPath := normalizeTemplatedPath(path) if oldPath, ok := normalizedPaths[normalizedPath]; ok { return fmt.Errorf("conflicting paths %q and %q", path, oldPath) } normalizedPaths[path] = path - var globalCount uint + var commonParams []string for _, parameterRef := range pathItem.Parameters { if parameterRef != nil { if parameter := parameterRef.Value; parameter != nil && parameter.In == ParameterInPath { - globalCount++ + commonParams = append(commonParams, parameter.Name) } } } for method, operation := range pathItem.Operations() { - var count uint + var setParams []string for _, parameterRef := range operation.Parameters { if parameterRef != nil { if parameter := parameterRef.Value; parameter != nil && parameter.In == ParameterInPath { - count++ + setParams = append(setParams, parameter.Name) } } } - if count+globalCount != pathParamsCount { - return fmt.Errorf("operation %s %s must define exactly all path parameters", method, path) + if expected := len(setParams) + len(commonParams); expected != len(varsInPath) { + expected -= len(varsInPath) + if expected < 0 { + expected *= -1 + } + missing := make(map[string]struct{}, expected) + definedParams := append(setParams, commonParams...) + for _, name := range definedParams { + if _, ok := varsInPath[name]; !ok { + missing[name] = struct{}{} + } + } + for name := range varsInPath { + got := false + for _, othername := range definedParams { + if othername == name { + got = true + break + } + } + if !got { + missing[name] = struct{}{} + } + } + if len(missing) != 0 { + missings := make([]string, 0, len(missing)) + for name := range missing { + missings = append(missings, name) + } + return fmt.Errorf("operation %s %s must define exactly all path parameters (missing: %v)", method, path, missings) + } } } - if err := pathItem.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err := pathItem.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } + + if err := value.validateUniqueOperationIDs(); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil } @@ -75,9 +110,9 @@ func (paths Paths) Find(key string) *PathItem { return pathItem } - normalizedPath, expected := normalizeTemplatedPath(key) + normalizedPath, expected, _ := normalizeTemplatedPath(key) for path, pathItem := range paths { - pathNormalized, got := normalizeTemplatedPath(path) + pathNormalized, got, _ := normalizeTemplatedPath(path) if got == expected && pathNormalized == normalizedPath { return pathItem } @@ -85,43 +120,75 @@ func (paths Paths) Find(key string) *PathItem { return nil } -func normalizeTemplatedPath(path string) (string, uint) { +func (value Paths) validateUniqueOperationIDs() error { + operationIDs := make(map[string]string) + for urlPath, pathItem := range value { + if pathItem == nil { + continue + } + for httpMethod, operation := range pathItem.Operations() { + if operation == nil || operation.OperationID == "" { + continue + } + endpoint := httpMethod + " " + urlPath + if endpointDup, ok := operationIDs[operation.OperationID]; ok { + if endpoint > endpointDup { // For make error message a bit more deterministic. May be useful for tests. + endpoint, endpointDup = endpointDup, endpoint + } + return fmt.Errorf("operations %q and %q have the same operation id %q", + endpoint, endpointDup, operation.OperationID) + } + operationIDs[operation.OperationID] = endpoint + } + } + return nil +} + +func normalizeTemplatedPath(path string) (string, uint, map[string]struct{}) { if strings.IndexByte(path, '{') < 0 { - return path, 0 + return path, 0, nil } - var buf strings.Builder - buf.Grow(len(path)) + var buffTpl strings.Builder + buffTpl.Grow(len(path)) var ( cc rune count uint isVariable bool + vars = make(map[string]struct{}) + buffVar strings.Builder ) for i, c := range path { if isVariable { if c == '}' { - // End path variables + // End path variable + isVariable = false + + vars[buffVar.String()] = struct{}{} + buffVar = strings.Builder{} + // First append possible '*' before this character // The character '}' will be appended if i > 0 && cc == '*' { - buf.WriteRune(cc) + buffTpl.WriteRune(cc) } - isVariable = false } else { - // Skip this character + buffVar.WriteRune(c) continue } + } else if c == '{' { // Begin path variable - // The character '{' will be appended isVariable = true + + // The character '{' will be appended count++ } // Append the character - buf.WriteRune(c) + buffTpl.WriteRune(c) cc = c } - return buf.String(), count + return buffTpl.String(), count, vars } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/refs.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/refs.go index a086e367e..333cd1740 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/refs.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/refs.go @@ -8,10 +8,13 @@ import ( ) // Ref is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#referenceObject type Ref struct { Ref string `json:"$ref" yaml:"$ref"` } +// CallbackRef represents either a Callback or a $ref to a Callback. +// When serializing and both fields are set, Ref is preferred over Value. type CallbackRef struct { Ref string Value *Callback @@ -27,12 +30,11 @@ func (value *CallbackRef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalRef(data, &value.Ref, &value.Value) } -func (value *CallbackRef) Validate(c context.Context) error { - v := value.Value - if v == nil { - return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) +func (value *CallbackRef) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if v := value.Value; v != nil { + return v.Validate(ctx) } - return v.Validate(c) + return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) } func (value CallbackRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { @@ -44,6 +46,8 @@ func (value CallbackRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { return ptr, err } +// ExampleRef represents either a Example or a $ref to a Example. +// When serializing and both fields are set, Ref is preferred over Value. type ExampleRef struct { Ref string Value *Example @@ -59,8 +63,11 @@ func (value *ExampleRef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalRef(data, &value.Ref, &value.Value) } -func (value *ExampleRef) Validate(c context.Context) error { - return nil +func (value *ExampleRef) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if v := value.Value; v != nil { + return v.Validate(ctx) + } + return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) } func (value ExampleRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { @@ -72,6 +79,8 @@ func (value ExampleRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { return ptr, err } +// HeaderRef represents either a Header or a $ref to a Header. +// When serializing and both fields are set, Ref is preferred over Value. type HeaderRef struct { Ref string Value *Header @@ -87,13 +96,13 @@ func (value *HeaderRef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalRef(data, &value.Ref, &value.Value) } -func (value *HeaderRef) Validate(c context.Context) error { - v := value.Value - if v == nil { - return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) +func (value *HeaderRef) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if v := value.Value; v != nil { + return v.Validate(ctx) } - return v.Validate(c) + return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) } + func (value HeaderRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { if token == "$ref" { return value.Ref, nil @@ -103,6 +112,8 @@ func (value HeaderRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { return ptr, err } +// LinkRef represents either a Link or a $ref to a Link. +// When serializing and both fields are set, Ref is preferred over Value. type LinkRef struct { Ref string Value *Link @@ -116,14 +127,15 @@ func (value *LinkRef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalRef(data, &value.Ref, &value.Value) } -func (value *LinkRef) Validate(c context.Context) error { - v := value.Value - if v == nil { - return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) +func (value *LinkRef) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if v := value.Value; v != nil { + return v.Validate(ctx) } - return v.Validate(c) + return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) } +// ParameterRef represents either a Parameter or a $ref to a Parameter. +// When serializing and both fields are set, Ref is preferred over Value. type ParameterRef struct { Ref string Value *Parameter @@ -139,12 +151,11 @@ func (value *ParameterRef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalRef(data, &value.Ref, &value.Value) } -func (value *ParameterRef) Validate(c context.Context) error { - v := value.Value - if v == nil { - return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) +func (value *ParameterRef) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if v := value.Value; v != nil { + return v.Validate(ctx) } - return v.Validate(c) + return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) } func (value ParameterRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { @@ -156,6 +167,8 @@ func (value ParameterRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { return ptr, err } +// ResponseRef represents either a Response or a $ref to a Response. +// When serializing and both fields are set, Ref is preferred over Value. type ResponseRef struct { Ref string Value *Response @@ -171,12 +184,11 @@ func (value *ResponseRef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalRef(data, &value.Ref, &value.Value) } -func (value *ResponseRef) Validate(c context.Context) error { - v := value.Value - if v == nil { - return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) +func (value *ResponseRef) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if v := value.Value; v != nil { + return v.Validate(ctx) } - return v.Validate(c) + return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) } func (value ResponseRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { @@ -188,6 +200,8 @@ func (value ResponseRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { return ptr, err } +// RequestBodyRef represents either a RequestBody or a $ref to a RequestBody. +// When serializing and both fields are set, Ref is preferred over Value. type RequestBodyRef struct { Ref string Value *RequestBody @@ -203,12 +217,11 @@ func (value *RequestBodyRef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalRef(data, &value.Ref, &value.Value) } -func (value *RequestBodyRef) Validate(c context.Context) error { - v := value.Value - if v == nil { - return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) +func (value *RequestBodyRef) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if v := value.Value; v != nil { + return v.Validate(ctx) } - return v.Validate(c) + return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) } func (value RequestBodyRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { @@ -220,6 +233,8 @@ func (value RequestBodyRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { return ptr, err } +// SchemaRef represents either a Schema or a $ref to a Schema. +// When serializing and both fields are set, Ref is preferred over Value. type SchemaRef struct { Ref string Value *Schema @@ -242,12 +257,11 @@ func (value *SchemaRef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalRef(data, &value.Ref, &value.Value) } -func (value *SchemaRef) Validate(c context.Context) error { - v := value.Value - if v == nil { - return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) +func (value *SchemaRef) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if v := value.Value; v != nil { + return v.Validate(ctx) } - return v.Validate(c) + return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) } func (value SchemaRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { @@ -259,6 +273,8 @@ func (value SchemaRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { return ptr, err } +// SecuritySchemeRef represents either a SecurityScheme or a $ref to a SecurityScheme. +// When serializing and both fields are set, Ref is preferred over Value. type SecuritySchemeRef struct { Ref string Value *SecurityScheme @@ -274,12 +290,11 @@ func (value *SecuritySchemeRef) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalRef(data, &value.Ref, &value.Value) } -func (value *SecuritySchemeRef) Validate(c context.Context) error { - v := value.Value - if v == nil { - return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) +func (value *SecuritySchemeRef) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if v := value.Value; v != nil { + return v.Validate(ctx) } - return v.Validate(c) + return foundUnresolvedRef(value.Ref) } func (value SecuritySchemeRef) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/request_body.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/request_body.go index ad871e8fd..0be098c0b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/request_body.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/request_body.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package openapi3 import ( "context" + "errors" "fmt" "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" @@ -25,11 +26,13 @@ func (r RequestBodies) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { } // RequestBody is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#requestBodyObject type RequestBody struct { ExtensionProps + Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty" yaml:"required,omitempty"` - Content Content `json:"content,omitempty" yaml:"content,omitempty"` + Content Content `json:"content" yaml:"content"` } func NewRequestBody() *RequestBody { @@ -97,11 +100,9 @@ func (requestBody *RequestBody) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, requestBody) } -func (requestBody *RequestBody) Validate(c context.Context) error { - if v := requestBody.Content; v != nil { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { - return err - } +func (value *RequestBody) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if value.Content == nil { + return errors.New("content of the request body is required") } - return nil + return value.Content.Validate(ctx) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/response.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/response.go index 7c4da1dc2..8e22698f6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/response.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/response.go @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import ( ) // Responses is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#responsesObject type Responses map[string]*ResponseRef var _ jsonpointer.JSONPointable = (*Responses)(nil) @@ -29,12 +30,12 @@ func (responses Responses) Get(status int) *ResponseRef { return responses[strconv.FormatInt(int64(status), 10)] } -func (responses Responses) Validate(c context.Context) error { - if len(responses) == 0 { +func (value Responses) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if len(value) == 0 { return errors.New("the responses object MUST contain at least one response code") } - for _, v := range responses { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { + for _, v := range value { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } @@ -54,8 +55,10 @@ func (responses Responses) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { } // Response is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#responseObject type Response struct { ExtensionProps + Description *string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` Headers Headers `json:"headers,omitempty" yaml:"headers,omitempty"` Content Content `json:"content,omitempty" yaml:"content,omitempty"` @@ -94,13 +97,24 @@ func (response *Response) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, response) } -func (response *Response) Validate(c context.Context) error { - if response.Description == nil { +func (value *Response) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if value.Description == nil { return errors.New("a short description of the response is required") } - if content := response.Content; content != nil { - if err := content.Validate(c); err != nil { + if content := value.Content; content != nil { + if err := content.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return err + } + } + for _, header := range value.Headers { + if err := header.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + for _, link := range value.Links { + if err := link.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/schema.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/schema.go index 9c3103a27..ee21bc21b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/schema.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/schema.go @@ -16,6 +16,15 @@ import ( "github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer" ) +const ( + TypeArray = "array" + TypeBoolean = "boolean" + TypeInteger = "integer" + TypeNumber = "number" + TypeObject = "object" + TypeString = "string" +) + var ( // SchemaErrorDetailsDisabled disables printing of details about schema errors. SchemaErrorDetailsDisabled = false @@ -93,6 +102,7 @@ func (s SchemaRefs) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { } // Schema is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#schemaObject type Schema struct { ExtensionProps @@ -109,20 +119,18 @@ type Schema struct { Example interface{} `json:"example,omitempty" yaml:"example,omitempty"` ExternalDocs *ExternalDocs `json:"externalDocs,omitempty" yaml:"externalDocs,omitempty"` - // Object-related, here for struct compactness - AdditionalPropertiesAllowed *bool `json:"-" multijson:"additionalProperties,omitempty" yaml:"-"` // Array-related, here for struct compactness UniqueItems bool `json:"uniqueItems,omitempty" yaml:"uniqueItems,omitempty"` // Number-related, here for struct compactness ExclusiveMin bool `json:"exclusiveMinimum,omitempty" yaml:"exclusiveMinimum,omitempty"` ExclusiveMax bool `json:"exclusiveMaximum,omitempty" yaml:"exclusiveMaximum,omitempty"` // Properties - Nullable bool `json:"nullable,omitempty" yaml:"nullable,omitempty"` - ReadOnly bool `json:"readOnly,omitempty" yaml:"readOnly,omitempty"` - WriteOnly bool `json:"writeOnly,omitempty" yaml:"writeOnly,omitempty"` - AllowEmptyValue bool `json:"allowEmptyValue,omitempty" yaml:"allowEmptyValue,omitempty"` - XML interface{} `json:"xml,omitempty" yaml:"xml,omitempty"` - Deprecated bool `json:"deprecated,omitempty" yaml:"deprecated,omitempty"` + Nullable bool `json:"nullable,omitempty" yaml:"nullable,omitempty"` + ReadOnly bool `json:"readOnly,omitempty" yaml:"readOnly,omitempty"` + WriteOnly bool `json:"writeOnly,omitempty" yaml:"writeOnly,omitempty"` + AllowEmptyValue bool `json:"allowEmptyValue,omitempty" yaml:"allowEmptyValue,omitempty"` + Deprecated bool `json:"deprecated,omitempty" yaml:"deprecated,omitempty"` + XML *XML `json:"xml,omitempty" yaml:"xml,omitempty"` // Number Min *float64 `json:"minimum,omitempty" yaml:"minimum,omitempty"` @@ -141,12 +149,13 @@ type Schema struct { Items *SchemaRef `json:"items,omitempty" yaml:"items,omitempty"` // Object - Required []string `json:"required,omitempty" yaml:"required,omitempty"` - Properties Schemas `json:"properties,omitempty" yaml:"properties,omitempty"` - MinProps uint64 `json:"minProperties,omitempty" yaml:"minProperties,omitempty"` - MaxProps *uint64 `json:"maxProperties,omitempty" yaml:"maxProperties,omitempty"` - AdditionalProperties *SchemaRef `json:"-" multijson:"additionalProperties,omitempty" yaml:"-"` - Discriminator *Discriminator `json:"discriminator,omitempty" yaml:"discriminator,omitempty"` + Required []string `json:"required,omitempty" yaml:"required,omitempty"` + Properties Schemas `json:"properties,omitempty" yaml:"properties,omitempty"` + MinProps uint64 `json:"minProperties,omitempty" yaml:"minProperties,omitempty"` + MaxProps *uint64 `json:"maxProperties,omitempty" yaml:"maxProperties,omitempty"` + AdditionalPropertiesAllowed *bool `multijson:"additionalProperties,omitempty" json:"-" yaml:"-"` // In this order... + AdditionalProperties *SchemaRef `multijson:"additionalProperties,omitempty" json:"-" yaml:"-"` // ...for multijson + Discriminator *Discriminator `json:"discriminator,omitempty" yaml:"discriminator,omitempty"` } var _ jsonpointer.JSONPointable = (*Schema)(nil) @@ -298,73 +307,73 @@ func NewAllOfSchema(schemas ...*Schema) *Schema { func NewBoolSchema() *Schema { return &Schema{ - Type: "boolean", + Type: TypeBoolean, } } func NewFloat64Schema() *Schema { return &Schema{ - Type: "number", + Type: TypeNumber, } } func NewIntegerSchema() *Schema { return &Schema{ - Type: "integer", + Type: TypeInteger, } } func NewInt32Schema() *Schema { return &Schema{ - Type: "integer", + Type: TypeInteger, Format: "int32", } } func NewInt64Schema() *Schema { return &Schema{ - Type: "integer", + Type: TypeInteger, Format: "int64", } } func NewStringSchema() *Schema { return &Schema{ - Type: "string", + Type: TypeString, } } func NewDateTimeSchema() *Schema { return &Schema{ - Type: "string", + Type: TypeString, Format: "date-time", } } func NewUUIDSchema() *Schema { return &Schema{ - Type: "string", + Type: TypeString, Format: "uuid", } } func NewBytesSchema() *Schema { return &Schema{ - Type: "string", + Type: TypeString, Format: "byte", } } func NewArraySchema() *Schema { return &Schema{ - Type: "array", + Type: TypeArray, } } func NewObjectSchema() *Schema { return &Schema{ - Type: "object", - Properties: make(map[string]*SchemaRef), + Type: TypeObject, + Properties: make(Schemas), } } @@ -485,7 +494,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) WithProperty(name string, propertySchema *Schema) *Schema func (schema *Schema) WithPropertyRef(name string, ref *SchemaRef) *Schema { properties := schema.Properties if properties == nil { - properties = make(map[string]*SchemaRef) + properties = make(Schemas) schema.Properties = properties } properties[name] = ref @@ -493,7 +502,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) WithPropertyRef(name string, ref *SchemaRef) *Schema { } func (schema *Schema) WithProperties(properties map[string]*Schema) *Schema { - result := make(map[string]*SchemaRef, len(properties)) + result := make(Schemas, len(properties)) for k, v := range properties { result[k] = &SchemaRef{ Value: v, @@ -579,11 +588,11 @@ func (schema *Schema) IsEmpty() bool { return true } -func (schema *Schema) Validate(c context.Context) error { - return schema.validate(c, []*Schema{}) +func (value *Schema) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + return value.validate(ctx, []*Schema{}) } -func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { +func (schema *Schema) validate(ctx context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { for _, existing := range stack { if existing == schema { return @@ -600,7 +609,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { if v == nil { return foundUnresolvedRef(item.Ref) } - if err = v.validate(c, stack); err == nil { + if err = v.validate(ctx, stack); err == nil { return } } @@ -610,7 +619,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { if v == nil { return foundUnresolvedRef(item.Ref) } - if err = v.validate(c, stack); err != nil { + if err = v.validate(ctx, stack); err != nil { return } } @@ -620,7 +629,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { if v == nil { return foundUnresolvedRef(item.Ref) } - if err = v.validate(c, stack); err != nil { + if err = v.validate(ctx, stack); err != nil { return } } @@ -630,7 +639,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { if v == nil { return foundUnresolvedRef(ref.Ref) } - if err = v.validate(c, stack); err != nil { + if err = v.validate(ctx, stack); err != nil { return } } @@ -638,8 +647,8 @@ func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { schemaType := schema.Type switch schemaType { case "": - case "boolean": - case "number": + case TypeBoolean: + case TypeNumber: if format := schema.Format; len(format) > 0 { switch format { case "float", "double": @@ -649,7 +658,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { } } } - case "integer": + case TypeInteger: if format := schema.Format; len(format) > 0 { switch format { case "int32", "int64": @@ -659,17 +668,21 @@ func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { } } } - case "string": + case TypeString: if format := schema.Format; len(format) > 0 { switch format { - // Supported by OpenAPIv3.0.1: + // Supported by OpenAPIv3.0.3: + // https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.0.3 case "byte", "binary", "date", "date-time", "password": - // In JSON Draft-07 (not validated yet though): - case "regex": - case "time", "email", "idn-email": - case "hostname", "idn-hostname", "ipv4", "ipv6": - case "uri", "uri-reference", "iri", "iri-reference", "uri-template": - case "json-pointer", "relative-json-pointer": + // In JSON Draft-07 (not validated yet though): + // https://json-schema.org/draft-07/json-schema-release-notes.html#formats + case "iri", "iri-reference", "uri-template", "idn-email", "idn-hostname": + case "json-pointer", "relative-json-pointer", "regex", "time": + // In JSON Draft 2019-09 (not validated yet though): + // https://json-schema.org/draft/2019-09/release-notes.html#format-vocabulary + case "duration", "uuid": + // Defined in some other specification + case "email", "hostname", "ipv4", "ipv6", "uri", "uri-reference": default: // Try to check for custom defined formats if _, ok := SchemaStringFormats[format]; !ok && !SchemaFormatValidationDisabled { @@ -677,11 +690,16 @@ func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { } } } - case "array": + if schema.Pattern != "" { + if err = schema.compilePattern(); err != nil { + return err + } + } + case TypeArray: if schema.Items == nil { return errors.New("when schema type is 'array', schema 'items' must be non-null") } - case "object": + case TypeObject: default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported 'type' value %q", schemaType) } @@ -691,7 +709,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { if v == nil { return foundUnresolvedRef(ref.Ref) } - if err = v.validate(c, stack); err != nil { + if err = v.validate(ctx, stack); err != nil { return } } @@ -701,7 +719,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { if v == nil { return foundUnresolvedRef(ref.Ref) } - if err = v.validate(c, stack); err != nil { + if err = v.validate(ctx, stack); err != nil { return } } @@ -711,11 +729,17 @@ func (schema *Schema) validate(c context.Context, stack []*Schema) (err error) { if v == nil { return foundUnresolvedRef(ref.Ref) } - if err = v.validate(c, stack); err != nil { + if err = v.validate(ctx, stack); err != nil { return } } + if v := schema.ExternalDocs; v != nil { + if err = v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid external docs: %w", err) + } + } + return } @@ -775,8 +799,6 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitJSON(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value interf } switch value := value.(type) { - case nil: - return schema.visitJSONNull(settings) case bool: return schema.visitJSONBoolean(settings, value) case float64: @@ -787,14 +809,23 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitJSON(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value interf return schema.visitJSONArray(settings, value) case map[string]interface{}: return schema.visitJSONObject(settings, value) - default: - return &SchemaError{ - Value: value, - Schema: schema, - SchemaField: "type", - Reason: fmt.Sprintf("unhandled value of type %T", value), + case map[interface{}]interface{}: // for YAML cf. issue #444 + values := make(map[string]interface{}, len(value)) + for key, v := range value { + if k, ok := key.(string); ok { + values[k] = v + } + } + if len(value) == len(values) { + return schema.visitJSONObject(settings, values) } } + return &SchemaError{ + Value: value, + Schema: schema, + SchemaField: "type", + Reason: fmt.Sprintf("unhandled value of type %T", value), + } } func (schema *Schema) visitSetOperations(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value interface{}) (err error) { @@ -820,11 +851,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitSetOperations(settings *schemaValidationSettings, val if v == nil { return foundUnresolvedRef(ref.Ref) } - var oldfailfast bool - oldfailfast, settings.failfast = settings.failfast, true - err := v.visitJSON(settings, value) - settings.failfast = oldfailfast - if err == nil { + if err := v.visitJSON(settings, value); err == nil { if settings.failfast { return errSchema } @@ -837,33 +864,57 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitSetOperations(settings *schemaValidationSettings, val } if v := schema.OneOf; len(v) > 0 { + var discriminatorRef string + if schema.Discriminator != nil { + pn := schema.Discriminator.PropertyName + if valuemap, okcheck := value.(map[string]interface{}); okcheck { + discriminatorVal, okcheck := valuemap[pn] + if !okcheck { + return errors.New("input does not contain the discriminator property") + } + + discriminatorValString, okcheck := discriminatorVal.(string) + if !okcheck { + return errors.New("descriminator value is not a string") + } + + if discriminatorRef, okcheck = schema.Discriminator.Mapping[discriminatorValString]; len(schema.Discriminator.Mapping) > 0 && !okcheck { + return errors.New("input does not contain a valid discriminator value") + } + } + } + ok := 0 + validationErrors := []error{} for _, item := range v { v := item.Value if v == nil { return foundUnresolvedRef(item.Ref) } - var oldfailfast bool - oldfailfast, settings.failfast = settings.failfast, true - err := v.visitJSON(settings, value) - settings.failfast = oldfailfast - if err == nil { - if schema.Discriminator != nil { - pn := schema.Discriminator.PropertyName - if valuemap, okcheck := value.(map[string]interface{}); okcheck { - if discriminatorVal, okcheck := valuemap[pn]; okcheck == true { - mapref, okcheck := schema.Discriminator.Mapping[discriminatorVal.(string)] - if okcheck && mapref == item.Ref { - ok++ - } - } - } - } else { - ok++ - } + + if discriminatorRef != "" && discriminatorRef != item.Ref { + continue + } + + if err := v.visitJSON(settings, value); err != nil { + validationErrors = append(validationErrors, err) + continue } + + ok++ } + if ok != 1 { + if len(validationErrors) > 1 { + errorMessage := "" + for _, err := range validationErrors { + if errorMessage != "" { + errorMessage += " Or " + } + errorMessage += err.Error() + } + return errors.New("doesn't match schema due to: " + errorMessage) + } if settings.failfast { return errSchema } @@ -874,7 +925,10 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitSetOperations(settings *schemaValidationSettings, val } if ok > 1 { e.Origin = ErrOneOfConflict + } else if len(validationErrors) == 1 { + e.Origin = validationErrors[0] } + return e } } @@ -886,11 +940,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitSetOperations(settings *schemaValidationSettings, val if v == nil { return foundUnresolvedRef(item.Ref) } - var oldfailfast bool - oldfailfast, settings.failfast = settings.failfast, true - err := v.visitJSON(settings, value) - settings.failfast = oldfailfast - if err == nil { + if err := v.visitJSON(settings, value); err == nil { ok = true break } @@ -912,11 +962,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitSetOperations(settings *schemaValidationSettings, val if v == nil { return foundUnresolvedRef(item.Ref) } - var oldfailfast bool - oldfailfast, settings.failfast = settings.failfast, false - err := v.visitJSON(settings, value) - settings.failfast = oldfailfast - if err != nil { + if err := v.visitJSON(settings, value); err != nil { if settings.failfast { return errSchema } @@ -952,8 +998,8 @@ func (schema *Schema) VisitJSONBoolean(value bool) error { } func (schema *Schema) visitJSONBoolean(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value bool) (err error) { - if schemaType := schema.Type; schemaType != "" && schemaType != "boolean" { - return schema.expectedType(settings, "boolean") + if schemaType := schema.Type; schemaType != "" && schemaType != TypeBoolean { + return schema.expectedType(settings, TypeBoolean) } return } @@ -982,7 +1028,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitJSONNumber(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value } me = append(me, err) } - } else if schemaType != "" && schemaType != "number" { + } else if schemaType != "" && schemaType != TypeNumber { return schema.expectedType(settings, "number, integer") } @@ -1046,7 +1092,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitJSONNumber(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value Value: value, Schema: schema, SchemaField: "maximum", - Reason: fmt.Sprintf("number must be most %g", *v), + Reason: fmt.Sprintf("number must be at most %g", *v), } if !settings.multiError { return err @@ -1087,8 +1133,8 @@ func (schema *Schema) VisitJSONString(value string) error { } func (schema *Schema) visitJSONString(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value string) error { - if schemaType := schema.Type; schemaType != "" && schemaType != "string" { - return schema.expectedType(settings, "string") + if schemaType := schema.Type; schemaType != "" && schemaType != TypeString { + return schema.expectedType(settings, TypeString) } var me MultiError @@ -1139,15 +1185,9 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitJSONString(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value } // "pattern" - if pattern := schema.Pattern; pattern != "" && schema.compiledPattern == nil { + if schema.Pattern != "" && schema.compiledPattern == nil { var err error - if schema.compiledPattern, err = regexp.Compile(pattern); err != nil { - err = &SchemaError{ - Value: value, - Schema: schema, - SchemaField: "pattern", - Reason: fmt.Sprintf("cannot compile pattern %q: %v", pattern, err), - } + if err = schema.compilePattern(); err != nil { if !settings.multiError { return err } @@ -1159,7 +1199,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitJSONString(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value Value: value, Schema: schema, SchemaField: "pattern", - Reason: fmt.Sprintf("string doesn't match the regular expression %q", schema.Pattern), + Reason: fmt.Sprintf(`string doesn't match the regular expression "%s"`, schema.Pattern), } if !settings.multiError { return err @@ -1174,7 +1214,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitJSONString(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value switch { case f.regexp != nil && f.callback == nil: if cp := f.regexp; !cp.MatchString(value) { - formatErr = fmt.Sprintf("string doesn't match the format %q (regular expression %q)", format, cp.String()) + formatErr = fmt.Sprintf(`string doesn't match the format %q (regular expression "%s")`, format, cp.String()) } case f.regexp == nil && f.callback != nil: if err := f.callback(value); err != nil { @@ -1212,8 +1252,8 @@ func (schema *Schema) VisitJSONArray(value []interface{}) error { } func (schema *Schema) visitJSONArray(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value []interface{}) error { - if schemaType := schema.Type; schemaType != "" && schemaType != "array" { - return schema.expectedType(settings, "array") + if schemaType := schema.Type; schemaType != "" && schemaType != TypeArray { + return schema.expectedType(settings, TypeArray) } var me MultiError @@ -1266,7 +1306,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitJSONArray(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value [ Value: value, Schema: schema, SchemaField: "uniqueItems", - Reason: fmt.Sprintf("duplicate items found"), + Reason: "duplicate items found", } if !settings.multiError { return err @@ -1308,8 +1348,8 @@ func (schema *Schema) VisitJSONObject(value map[string]interface{}) error { } func (schema *Schema) visitJSONObject(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value map[string]interface{}) error { - if schemaType := schema.Type; schemaType != "" && schemaType != "object" { - return schema.expectedType(settings, "object") + if schemaType := schema.Type; schemaType != "" && schemaType != TypeObject { + return schema.expectedType(settings, TypeObject) } var me MultiError @@ -1383,7 +1423,7 @@ func (schema *Schema) visitJSONObject(settings *schemaValidationSettings, value } } allowed := schema.AdditionalPropertiesAllowed - if additionalProperties != nil || allowed == nil || (allowed != nil && *allowed) { + if additionalProperties != nil || allowed == nil || *allowed { if additionalProperties != nil { if err := additionalProperties.visitJSON(settings, v); err != nil { if settings.failfast { @@ -1461,6 +1501,17 @@ func (schema *Schema) expectedType(settings *schemaValidationSettings, typ strin } } +func (schema *Schema) compilePattern() (err error) { + if schema.compiledPattern, err = regexp.Compile(schema.Pattern); err != nil { + return &SchemaError{ + Schema: schema, + SchemaField: "pattern", + Reason: fmt.Sprintf("cannot compile pattern %q: %v", schema.Pattern, err), + } + } + return nil +} + type SchemaError struct { Value interface{} reversePath []string @@ -1470,6 +1521,8 @@ type SchemaError struct { Origin error } +var _ interface{ Unwrap() error } = SchemaError{} + func markSchemaErrorKey(err error, key string) error { if v, ok := err.(*SchemaError); ok { v.reversePath = append(v.reversePath, key) @@ -1545,6 +1598,10 @@ func (err *SchemaError) Error() string { return buf.String() } +func (err SchemaError) Unwrap() error { + return err.Origin +} + func isSliceOfUniqueItems(xs []interface{}) bool { s := len(xs) m := make(map[string]struct{}, s) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/schema_formats.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/schema_formats.go index 1eb41509e..29fbd51fb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/schema_formats.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/schema_formats.go @@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ import ( "fmt" "net" "regexp" + "strings" ) const ( // FormatOfStringForUUIDOfRFC4122 is an optional predefined format for UUID v1-v5 as specified by RFC4122 - FormatOfStringForUUIDOfRFC4122 = `^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$` + FormatOfStringForUUIDOfRFC4122 = `^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$` ) //FormatCallback custom check on exotic formats @@ -37,24 +38,23 @@ func DefineStringFormatCallback(name string, callback FormatCallback) { SchemaStringFormats[name] = Format{callback: callback} } -func validateIP(ip string) (*net.IP, error) { +func validateIP(ip string) error { parsed := net.ParseIP(ip) if parsed == nil { - return nil, &SchemaError{ + return &SchemaError{ Value: ip, Reason: "Not an IP address", } } - return &parsed, nil + return nil } func validateIPv4(ip string) error { - parsed, err := validateIP(ip) - if err != nil { + if err := validateIP(ip); err != nil { return err } - if parsed.To4() == nil { + if !(strings.Count(ip, ":") < 2) { return &SchemaError{ Value: ip, Reason: "Not an IPv4 address (it's IPv6)", @@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ func validateIPv4(ip string) error { } return nil } + func validateIPv6(ip string) error { - parsed, err := validateIP(ip) - if err != nil { + if err := validateIP(ip); err != nil { return err } - if parsed.To4() != nil { + if !(strings.Count(ip, ":") >= 2) { return &SchemaError{ Value: ip, Reason: "Not an IPv6 address (it's IPv4)", @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ func init() { DefineStringFormat("date", `^[0-9]{4}-(0[0-9]|10|11|12)-([0-2][0-9]|30|31)$`) // date-time - DefineStringFormat("date-time", `^[0-9]{4}-(0[0-9]|10|11|12)-([0-2][0-9]|30|31)T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(.[0-9]+)?(Z|(\+|-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?$`) + DefineStringFormat("date-time", `^[0-9]{4}-(0[0-9]|10|11|12)-([0-2][0-9]|30|31)T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(\.[0-9]+)?(Z|(\+|-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?$`) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/security_requirements.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/security_requirements.go index 1d2c745f7..df6b6b2d1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/security_requirements.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/security_requirements.go @@ -15,15 +15,17 @@ func (srs *SecurityRequirements) With(securityRequirement SecurityRequirement) * return srs } -func (srs SecurityRequirements) Validate(c context.Context) error { - for _, item := range srs { - if err := item.Validate(c); err != nil { +func (value SecurityRequirements) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + for _, item := range value { + if err := item.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } return nil } +// SecurityRequirement is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#securityRequirementObject type SecurityRequirement map[string][]string func NewSecurityRequirement() SecurityRequirement { @@ -38,6 +40,6 @@ func (security SecurityRequirement) Authenticate(provider string, scopes ...stri return security } -func (security SecurityRequirement) Validate(c context.Context) error { +func (value SecurityRequirement) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { return nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/security_scheme.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/security_scheme.go index d1f665cd9..9b89fb950 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/security_scheme.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/security_scheme.go @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ func (s SecuritySchemes) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { var _ jsonpointer.JSONPointable = (*SecuritySchemes)(nil) +// SecurityScheme is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#securitySchemeObject type SecurityScheme struct { ExtensionProps @@ -103,15 +105,15 @@ func (ss *SecurityScheme) WithBearerFormat(value string) *SecurityScheme { return ss } -func (ss *SecurityScheme) Validate(c context.Context) error { +func (value *SecurityScheme) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { hasIn := false hasBearerFormat := false hasFlow := false - switch ss.Type { + switch value.Type { case "apiKey": hasIn = true case "http": - scheme := ss.Scheme + scheme := value.Scheme switch scheme { case "bearer": hasBearerFormat = true @@ -122,52 +124,55 @@ func (ss *SecurityScheme) Validate(c context.Context) error { case "oauth2": hasFlow = true case "openIdConnect": - if ss.OpenIdConnectUrl == "" { - return fmt.Errorf("no OIDC URL found for openIdConnect security scheme %q", ss.Name) + if value.OpenIdConnectUrl == "" { + return fmt.Errorf("no OIDC URL found for openIdConnect security scheme %q", value.Name) } default: - return fmt.Errorf("security scheme 'type' can't be %q", ss.Type) + return fmt.Errorf("security scheme 'type' can't be %q", value.Type) } // Validate "in" and "name" if hasIn { - switch ss.In { + switch value.In { case "query", "header", "cookie": default: - return fmt.Errorf("security scheme of type 'apiKey' should have 'in'. It can be 'query', 'header' or 'cookie', not %q", ss.In) + return fmt.Errorf("security scheme of type 'apiKey' should have 'in'. It can be 'query', 'header' or 'cookie', not %q", value.In) } - if ss.Name == "" { + if value.Name == "" { return errors.New("security scheme of type 'apiKey' should have 'name'") } - } else if len(ss.In) > 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("security scheme of type %q can't have 'in'", ss.Type) - } else if len(ss.Name) > 0 { + } else if len(value.In) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("security scheme of type %q can't have 'in'", value.Type) + } else if len(value.Name) > 0 { return errors.New("security scheme of type 'apiKey' can't have 'name'") } // Validate "format" // "bearerFormat" is an arbitrary string so we only check if the scheme supports it - if !hasBearerFormat && len(ss.BearerFormat) > 0 { - return fmt.Errorf("security scheme of type %q can't have 'bearerFormat'", ss.Type) + if !hasBearerFormat && len(value.BearerFormat) > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("security scheme of type %q can't have 'bearerFormat'", value.Type) } // Validate "flow" if hasFlow { - flow := ss.Flows + flow := value.Flows if flow == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("security scheme of type %q should have 'flows'", ss.Type) + return fmt.Errorf("security scheme of type %q should have 'flows'", value.Type) } - if err := flow.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err := flow.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("security scheme 'flow' is invalid: %v", err) } - } else if ss.Flows != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("security scheme of type %q can't have 'flows'", ss.Type) + } else if value.Flows != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("security scheme of type %q can't have 'flows'", value.Type) } return nil } +// OAuthFlows is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#oauthFlowsObject type OAuthFlows struct { ExtensionProps + Implicit *OAuthFlow `json:"implicit,omitempty" yaml:"implicit,omitempty"` Password *OAuthFlow `json:"password,omitempty" yaml:"password,omitempty"` ClientCredentials *OAuthFlow `json:"clientCredentials,omitempty" yaml:"clientCredentials,omitempty"` @@ -191,24 +196,27 @@ func (flows *OAuthFlows) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, flows) } -func (flows *OAuthFlows) Validate(c context.Context) error { +func (flows *OAuthFlows) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { if v := flows.Implicit; v != nil { - return v.Validate(c, oAuthFlowTypeImplicit) + return v.Validate(ctx, oAuthFlowTypeImplicit) } if v := flows.Password; v != nil { - return v.Validate(c, oAuthFlowTypePassword) + return v.Validate(ctx, oAuthFlowTypePassword) } if v := flows.ClientCredentials; v != nil { - return v.Validate(c, oAuthFlowTypeClientCredentials) + return v.Validate(ctx, oAuthFlowTypeClientCredentials) } if v := flows.AuthorizationCode; v != nil { - return v.Validate(c, oAuthFlowAuthorizationCode) + return v.Validate(ctx, oAuthFlowAuthorizationCode) } return errors.New("no OAuth flow is defined") } +// OAuthFlow is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#oauthFlowObject type OAuthFlow struct { ExtensionProps + AuthorizationURL string `json:"authorizationUrl,omitempty" yaml:"authorizationUrl,omitempty"` TokenURL string `json:"tokenUrl,omitempty" yaml:"tokenUrl,omitempty"` RefreshURL string `json:"refreshUrl,omitempty" yaml:"refreshUrl,omitempty"` @@ -223,7 +231,7 @@ func (flow *OAuthFlow) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, flow) } -func (flow *OAuthFlow) Validate(c context.Context, typ oAuthFlowType) error { +func (flow *OAuthFlow) Validate(ctx context.Context, typ oAuthFlowType) error { if typ == oAuthFlowAuthorizationCode || typ == oAuthFlowTypeImplicit { if v := flow.AuthorizationURL; v == "" { return errors.New("an OAuth flow is missing 'authorizationUrl in authorizationCode or implicit '") diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/server.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/server.go index 682cb4d6f..94092a6e6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/server.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/server.go @@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ import ( "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" ) -// Servers is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// Servers is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. type Servers []*Server // Validate ensures servers are per the OpenAPIv3 specification. -func (servers Servers) Validate(c context.Context) error { - for _, v := range servers { - if err := v.Validate(c); err != nil { +func (value Servers) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + for _, v := range value { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return err } } @@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ func (servers Servers) MatchURL(parsedURL *url.URL) (*Server, []string, string) return nil, nil, "" } -// Server is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// Server is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#serverObject type Server struct { ExtensionProps + URL string `json:"url" yaml:"url"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` Variables map[string]*ServerVariable `json:"variables,omitempty" yaml:"variables,omitempty"` @@ -125,34 +127,36 @@ func (server Server) MatchRawURL(input string) ([]string, string, bool) { return params, input, true } -func (server *Server) Validate(c context.Context) (err error) { - if server.URL == "" { +func (value *Server) Validate(ctx context.Context) (err error) { + if value.URL == "" { return errors.New("value of url must be a non-empty string") } - opening, closing := strings.Count(server.URL, "{"), strings.Count(server.URL, "}") + opening, closing := strings.Count(value.URL, "{"), strings.Count(value.URL, "}") if opening != closing { return errors.New("server URL has mismatched { and }") } - if opening != len(server.Variables) { + if opening != len(value.Variables) { return errors.New("server has undeclared variables") } - for name, v := range server.Variables { - if !strings.Contains(server.URL, fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", name)) { + for name, v := range value.Variables { + if !strings.Contains(value.URL, fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", name)) { return errors.New("server has undeclared variables") } - if err = v.Validate(c); err != nil { + if err = v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { return } } return } -// ServerVariable is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3.0. +// ServerVariable is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#server-variable-object type ServerVariable struct { ExtensionProps - Enum []interface{} `json:"enum,omitempty" yaml:"enum,omitempty"` - Default interface{} `json:"default,omitempty" yaml:"default,omitempty"` - Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` + + Enum []string `json:"enum,omitempty" yaml:"enum,omitempty"` + Default string `json:"default,omitempty" yaml:"default,omitempty"` + Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` } func (serverVariable *ServerVariable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { @@ -163,18 +167,13 @@ func (serverVariable *ServerVariable) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, serverVariable) } -func (serverVariable *ServerVariable) Validate(c context.Context) error { - switch serverVariable.Default.(type) { - case float64, string, nil: - default: - return errors.New("value of default must be either a number or a string") - } - for _, item := range serverVariable.Enum { - switch item.(type) { - case float64, string: - default: - return errors.New("all 'enum' items must be either a number or a string") +func (value *ServerVariable) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if value.Default == "" { + data, err := value.MarshalJSON() + if err != nil { + return err } + return fmt.Errorf("field default is required in %s", data) } return nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/swagger_loader.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/swagger_loader.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8ae8d0406..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/swagger_loader.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,954 +0,0 @@ -package openapi3 - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/json" - "errors" - "fmt" - "io/ioutil" - "net/http" - "net/url" - "path" - "reflect" - "strconv" - "strings" - - "github.com/ghodss/yaml" -) - -func foundUnresolvedRef(ref string) error { - return fmt.Errorf("found unresolved ref: %q", ref) -} - -func failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(value, what string) error { - return fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve %q in fragment in URI: %q", what, value) -} - -// SwaggerLoader helps deserialize a Swagger object -type SwaggerLoader struct { - // IsExternalRefsAllowed enables visiting other files - IsExternalRefsAllowed bool - - // ReadFromURIFunc allows overriding the any file/URL reading func - ReadFromURIFunc func(loader *SwaggerLoader, url *url.URL) ([]byte, error) - - Context context.Context - - visitedPathItemRefs map[string]struct{} - - visitedDocuments map[string]*Swagger - - visitedExample map[*Example]struct{} - visitedHeader map[*Header]struct{} - visitedLink map[*Link]struct{} - visitedParameter map[*Parameter]struct{} - visitedRequestBody map[*RequestBody]struct{} - visitedResponse map[*Response]struct{} - visitedSchema map[*Schema]struct{} - visitedSecurityScheme map[*SecurityScheme]struct{} -} - -// NewSwaggerLoader returns an empty SwaggerLoader -func NewSwaggerLoader() *SwaggerLoader { - return &SwaggerLoader{} -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resetVisitedPathItemRefs() { - swaggerLoader.visitedPathItemRefs = make(map[string]struct{}) -} - -// LoadSwaggerFromURI loads a spec from a remote URL -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) LoadSwaggerFromURI(location *url.URL) (*Swagger, error) { - swaggerLoader.resetVisitedPathItemRefs() - return swaggerLoader.loadSwaggerFromURIInternal(location) -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) loadSwaggerFromURIInternal(location *url.URL) (*Swagger, error) { - data, err := swaggerLoader.readURL(location) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return swaggerLoader.loadSwaggerFromDataWithPathInternal(data, location) -} - -// loadSingleElementFromURI reads the data from ref and unmarshals to the passed element. -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) loadSingleElementFromURI(ref string, rootPath *url.URL, element json.Unmarshaler) error { - if !swaggerLoader.IsExternalRefsAllowed { - return fmt.Errorf("encountered non-allowed external reference: %q", ref) - } - - parsedURL, err := url.Parse(ref) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if parsedURL.Fragment != "" { - return errors.New("references to files which contain more than one element definition are not supported") - } - - resolvedPath, err := resolvePath(rootPath, parsedURL) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("could not resolve path: %v", err) - } - - data, err := swaggerLoader.readURL(resolvedPath) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, element); err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) readURL(location *url.URL) ([]byte, error) { - if f := swaggerLoader.ReadFromURIFunc; f != nil { - return f(swaggerLoader, location) - } - - if location.Scheme != "" && location.Host != "" { - resp, err := http.Get(location.String()) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - defer resp.Body.Close() - return ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) - } - if location.Scheme != "" || location.Host != "" || location.RawQuery != "" { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported URI: %q", location.String()) - } - return ioutil.ReadFile(location.Path) -} - -// LoadSwaggerFromFile loads a spec from a local file path -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) LoadSwaggerFromFile(path string) (*Swagger, error) { - swaggerLoader.resetVisitedPathItemRefs() - return swaggerLoader.loadSwaggerFromFileInternal(path) -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) loadSwaggerFromFileInternal(path string) (*Swagger, error) { - pathAsURL := &url.URL{Path: path} - data, err := swaggerLoader.readURL(pathAsURL) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return swaggerLoader.loadSwaggerFromDataWithPathInternal(data, pathAsURL) -} - -// LoadSwaggerFromData loads a spec from a byte array -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) LoadSwaggerFromData(data []byte) (*Swagger, error) { - swaggerLoader.resetVisitedPathItemRefs() - return swaggerLoader.loadSwaggerFromDataInternal(data) -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) loadSwaggerFromDataInternal(data []byte) (*Swagger, error) { - doc := &Swagger{} - if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, doc); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err := swaggerLoader.ResolveRefsIn(doc, nil); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return doc, nil -} - -// LoadSwaggerFromDataWithPath takes the OpenApi spec data in bytes and a path where the resolver can find referred -// elements and returns a *Swagger with all resolved data or an error if unable to load data or resolve refs. -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) LoadSwaggerFromDataWithPath(data []byte, path *url.URL) (*Swagger, error) { - swaggerLoader.resetVisitedPathItemRefs() - return swaggerLoader.loadSwaggerFromDataWithPathInternal(data, path) -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) loadSwaggerFromDataWithPathInternal(data []byte, path *url.URL) (*Swagger, error) { - if swaggerLoader.visitedDocuments == nil { - swaggerLoader.visitedDocuments = make(map[string]*Swagger) - } - uri := path.String() - if doc, ok := swaggerLoader.visitedDocuments[uri]; ok { - return doc, nil - } - - swagger := &Swagger{} - swaggerLoader.visitedDocuments[uri] = swagger - - if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, swagger); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if err := swaggerLoader.ResolveRefsIn(swagger, path); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - return swagger, nil -} - -// ResolveRefsIn expands references if for instance spec was just unmarshalled -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) ResolveRefsIn(swagger *Swagger, path *url.URL) (err error) { - if swaggerLoader.visitedPathItemRefs == nil { - swaggerLoader.resetVisitedPathItemRefs() - } - - // Visit all components - components := swagger.Components - for _, component := range components.Headers { - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveHeaderRef(swagger, component, path); err != nil { - return - } - } - for _, component := range components.Parameters { - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveParameterRef(swagger, component, path); err != nil { - return - } - } - for _, component := range components.RequestBodies { - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveRequestBodyRef(swagger, component, path); err != nil { - return - } - } - for _, component := range components.Responses { - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveResponseRef(swagger, component, path); err != nil { - return - } - } - for _, component := range components.Schemas { - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, component, path); err != nil { - return - } - } - for _, component := range components.SecuritySchemes { - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveSecuritySchemeRef(swagger, component, path); err != nil { - return - } - } - for _, component := range components.Examples { - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveExampleRef(swagger, component, path); err != nil { - return - } - } - - // Visit all operations - for entrypoint, pathItem := range swagger.Paths { - if pathItem == nil { - continue - } - if err = swaggerLoader.resolvePathItemRef(swagger, entrypoint, pathItem, path); err != nil { - return - } - } - - return -} - -func copyURL(basePath *url.URL) (*url.URL, error) { - return url.Parse(basePath.String()) -} - -func join(basePath *url.URL, relativePath *url.URL) (*url.URL, error) { - if basePath == nil { - return relativePath, nil - } - newPath, err := copyURL(basePath) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot copy path: %q", basePath.String()) - } - newPath.Path = path.Join(path.Dir(newPath.Path), relativePath.Path) - return newPath, nil -} - -func resolvePath(basePath *url.URL, componentPath *url.URL) (*url.URL, error) { - if componentPath.Scheme == "" && componentPath.Host == "" { - // support absolute paths - if componentPath.Path[0] == '/' { - return componentPath, nil - } - return join(basePath, componentPath) - } - return componentPath, nil -} - -func isSingleRefElement(ref string) bool { - return !strings.Contains(ref, "#") -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resolveComponent( - swagger *Swagger, - ref string, - path *url.URL, - resolved interface{}, -) ( - componentPath *url.URL, - err error, -) { - if swagger, ref, componentPath, err = swaggerLoader.resolveRefSwagger(swagger, ref, path); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - parsedURL, err := url.Parse(ref) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse reference: %q: %v", ref, parsedURL) - } - fragment := parsedURL.Fragment - if !strings.HasPrefix(fragment, "/") { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected fragment prefix '#/' in URI %q", ref) - } - - var cursor interface{} - cursor = swagger - for _, pathPart := range strings.Split(fragment[1:], "/") { - pathPart = unescapeRefString(pathPart) - - if cursor, err = drillIntoSwaggerField(cursor, pathPart); err != nil { - e := failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(ref, pathPart) - return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", e.Error(), err.Error()) - } - if cursor == nil { - return nil, failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(ref, pathPart) - } - } - - switch { - case reflect.TypeOf(cursor) == reflect.TypeOf(resolved): - reflect.ValueOf(resolved).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(cursor).Elem()) - return componentPath, nil - - case reflect.TypeOf(cursor) == reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}{}): - codec := func(got, expect interface{}) error { - enc, err := json.Marshal(got) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err = json.Unmarshal(enc, expect); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil - } - if err := codec(cursor, resolved); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad data in %q", ref) - } - return componentPath, nil - - default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad data in %q", ref) - } -} - -func drillIntoSwaggerField(cursor interface{}, fieldName string) (interface{}, error) { - switch val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(cursor)); val.Kind() { - case reflect.Map: - elementValue := val.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(fieldName)) - if !elementValue.IsValid() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("map key %q not found", fieldName) - } - return elementValue.Interface(), nil - - case reflect.Slice: - i, err := strconv.ParseUint(fieldName, 10, 32) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - index := int(i) - if 0 > index || index >= val.Len() { - return nil, errors.New("slice index out of bounds") - } - return val.Index(index).Interface(), nil - - case reflect.Struct: - hasFields := false - for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ { - hasFields = true - field := val.Type().Field(i) - tagValue := field.Tag.Get("yaml") - yamlKey := strings.Split(tagValue, ",")[0] - if yamlKey == fieldName { - return val.Field(i).Interface(), nil - } - } - // if cursor is a "ref wrapper" struct (e.g. RequestBodyRef), - if _, ok := val.Type().FieldByName("Value"); ok { - // try digging into its Value field - return drillIntoSwaggerField(val.FieldByName("Value").Interface(), fieldName) - } - if hasFields { - if ff := val.Type().Field(0); ff.PkgPath == "" && ff.Name == "ExtensionProps" { - extensions := val.Field(0).Interface().(ExtensionProps).Extensions - if enc, ok := extensions[fieldName]; ok { - var dec interface{} - if err := json.Unmarshal(enc.(json.RawMessage), &dec); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return dec, nil - } - } - } - return nil, fmt.Errorf("struct field %q not found", fieldName) - - default: - return nil, errors.New("not a map, slice nor struct") - } -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resolveRefSwagger(swagger *Swagger, ref string, path *url.URL) (*Swagger, string, *url.URL, error) { - componentPath := path - if !strings.HasPrefix(ref, "#") { - if !swaggerLoader.IsExternalRefsAllowed { - return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("encountered non-allowed external reference: %q", ref) - } - parsedURL, err := url.Parse(ref) - if err != nil { - return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse reference: %q: %v", ref, parsedURL) - } - fragment := parsedURL.Fragment - parsedURL.Fragment = "" - - resolvedPath, err := resolvePath(path, parsedURL) - if err != nil { - return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error resolving path: %v", err) - } - - if swagger, err = swaggerLoader.loadSwaggerFromURIInternal(resolvedPath); err != nil { - return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error resolving reference %q: %v", ref, err) - } - ref = "#" + fragment - componentPath = resolvedPath - } - return swagger, ref, componentPath, nil -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resolveHeaderRef(swagger *Swagger, component *HeaderRef, documentPath *url.URL) error { - if component != nil && component.Value != nil { - if swaggerLoader.visitedHeader == nil { - swaggerLoader.visitedHeader = make(map[*Header]struct{}) - } - if _, ok := swaggerLoader.visitedHeader[component.Value]; ok { - return nil - } - swaggerLoader.visitedHeader[component.Value] = struct{}{} - } - - const prefix = "#/components/headers/" - if component == nil { - return errors.New("invalid header: value MUST be an object") - } - if ref := component.Ref; ref != "" { - if isSingleRefElement(ref) { - var header Header - if err := swaggerLoader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &header); err != nil { - return err - } - - component.Value = &header - } else { - var resolved HeaderRef - componentPath, err := swaggerLoader.resolveComponent(swagger, ref, documentPath, &resolved) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveHeaderRef(swagger, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - component.Value = resolved.Value - } - } - value := component.Value - if value == nil { - return nil - } - if schema := value.Schema; schema != nil { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, schema, documentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resolveParameterRef(swagger *Swagger, component *ParameterRef, documentPath *url.URL) error { - if component != nil && component.Value != nil { - if swaggerLoader.visitedParameter == nil { - swaggerLoader.visitedParameter = make(map[*Parameter]struct{}) - } - if _, ok := swaggerLoader.visitedParameter[component.Value]; ok { - return nil - } - swaggerLoader.visitedParameter[component.Value] = struct{}{} - } - - const prefix = "#/components/parameters/" - if component == nil { - return errors.New("invalid parameter: value MUST be an object") - } - ref := component.Ref - if ref != "" { - if isSingleRefElement(ref) { - var param Parameter - if err := swaggerLoader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, ¶m); err != nil { - return err - } - component.Value = ¶m - } else { - var resolved ParameterRef - componentPath, err := swaggerLoader.resolveComponent(swagger, ref, documentPath, &resolved) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveParameterRef(swagger, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - component.Value = resolved.Value - } - } - value := component.Value - if value == nil { - return nil - } - - refDocumentPath, err := referencedDocumentPath(documentPath, ref) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if value.Content != nil && value.Schema != nil { - return errors.New("cannot contain both schema and content in a parameter") - } - for _, contentType := range value.Content { - if schema := contentType.Schema; schema != nil { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, schema, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - if schema := value.Schema; schema != nil { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, schema, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resolveRequestBodyRef(swagger *Swagger, component *RequestBodyRef, documentPath *url.URL) error { - if component != nil && component.Value != nil { - if swaggerLoader.visitedRequestBody == nil { - swaggerLoader.visitedRequestBody = make(map[*RequestBody]struct{}) - } - if _, ok := swaggerLoader.visitedRequestBody[component.Value]; ok { - return nil - } - swaggerLoader.visitedRequestBody[component.Value] = struct{}{} - } - - const prefix = "#/components/requestBodies/" - if component == nil { - return errors.New("invalid requestBody: value MUST be an object") - } - if ref := component.Ref; ref != "" { - if isSingleRefElement(ref) { - var requestBody RequestBody - if err := swaggerLoader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &requestBody); err != nil { - return err - } - - component.Value = &requestBody - } else { - var resolved RequestBodyRef - componentPath, err := swaggerLoader.resolveComponent(swagger, ref, documentPath, &resolved) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveRequestBodyRef(swagger, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - component.Value = resolved.Value - } - } - value := component.Value - if value == nil { - return nil - } - for _, contentType := range value.Content { - for name, example := range contentType.Examples { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveExampleRef(swagger, example, documentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - contentType.Examples[name] = example - } - if schema := contentType.Schema; schema != nil { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, schema, documentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resolveResponseRef(swagger *Swagger, component *ResponseRef, documentPath *url.URL) error { - if component != nil && component.Value != nil { - if swaggerLoader.visitedResponse == nil { - swaggerLoader.visitedResponse = make(map[*Response]struct{}) - } - if _, ok := swaggerLoader.visitedResponse[component.Value]; ok { - return nil - } - swaggerLoader.visitedResponse[component.Value] = struct{}{} - } - - const prefix = "#/components/responses/" - if component == nil { - return errors.New("invalid response: value MUST be an object") - } - ref := component.Ref - if ref != "" { - if isSingleRefElement(ref) { - var resp Response - if err := swaggerLoader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &resp); err != nil { - return err - } - component.Value = &resp - } else { - var resolved ResponseRef - componentPath, err := swaggerLoader.resolveComponent(swagger, ref, documentPath, &resolved) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveResponseRef(swagger, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - component.Value = resolved.Value - } - } - refDocumentPath, err := referencedDocumentPath(documentPath, ref) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - value := component.Value - if value == nil { - return nil - } - for _, header := range value.Headers { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveHeaderRef(swagger, header, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - for _, contentType := range value.Content { - if contentType == nil { - continue - } - for name, example := range contentType.Examples { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveExampleRef(swagger, example, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - contentType.Examples[name] = example - } - if schema := contentType.Schema; schema != nil { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, schema, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - contentType.Schema = schema - } - } - for _, link := range value.Links { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveLinkRef(swagger, link, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resolveSchemaRef(swagger *Swagger, component *SchemaRef, documentPath *url.URL) error { - if component != nil && component.Value != nil { - if swaggerLoader.visitedSchema == nil { - swaggerLoader.visitedSchema = make(map[*Schema]struct{}) - } - if _, ok := swaggerLoader.visitedSchema[component.Value]; ok { - return nil - } - swaggerLoader.visitedSchema[component.Value] = struct{}{} - } - - const prefix = "#/components/schemas/" - if component == nil { - return errors.New("invalid schema: value MUST be an object") - } - ref := component.Ref - if ref != "" { - if isSingleRefElement(ref) { - var schema Schema - if err := swaggerLoader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &schema); err != nil { - return err - } - component.Value = &schema - } else { - var resolved SchemaRef - componentPath, err := swaggerLoader.resolveComponent(swagger, ref, documentPath, &resolved) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - component.Value = resolved.Value - } - } - - refDocumentPath, err := referencedDocumentPath(documentPath, ref) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - value := component.Value - if value == nil { - return nil - } - - // ResolveRefs referred schemas - if v := value.Items; v != nil { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, v, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - for _, v := range value.Properties { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, v, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - if v := value.AdditionalProperties; v != nil { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, v, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - if v := value.Not; v != nil { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, v, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - for _, v := range value.AllOf { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, v, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - for _, v := range value.AnyOf { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, v, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - for _, v := range value.OneOf { - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSchemaRef(swagger, v, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - return nil -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resolveSecuritySchemeRef(swagger *Swagger, component *SecuritySchemeRef, documentPath *url.URL) error { - if component != nil && component.Value != nil { - if swaggerLoader.visitedSecurityScheme == nil { - swaggerLoader.visitedSecurityScheme = make(map[*SecurityScheme]struct{}) - } - if _, ok := swaggerLoader.visitedSecurityScheme[component.Value]; ok { - return nil - } - swaggerLoader.visitedSecurityScheme[component.Value] = struct{}{} - } - - const prefix = "#/components/securitySchemes/" - if component == nil { - return errors.New("invalid securityScheme: value MUST be an object") - } - if ref := component.Ref; ref != "" { - if isSingleRefElement(ref) { - var scheme SecurityScheme - if err := swaggerLoader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &scheme); err != nil { - return err - } - - component.Value = &scheme - } else { - var resolved SecuritySchemeRef - componentPath, err := swaggerLoader.resolveComponent(swagger, ref, documentPath, &resolved) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveSecuritySchemeRef(swagger, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - component.Value = resolved.Value - } - } - return nil -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resolveExampleRef(swagger *Swagger, component *ExampleRef, documentPath *url.URL) error { - if component != nil && component.Value != nil { - if swaggerLoader.visitedExample == nil { - swaggerLoader.visitedExample = make(map[*Example]struct{}) - } - if _, ok := swaggerLoader.visitedExample[component.Value]; ok { - return nil - } - swaggerLoader.visitedExample[component.Value] = struct{}{} - } - - const prefix = "#/components/examples/" - if component == nil { - return errors.New("invalid example: value MUST be an object") - } - if ref := component.Ref; ref != "" { - if isSingleRefElement(ref) { - var example Example - if err := swaggerLoader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &example); err != nil { - return err - } - - component.Value = &example - } else { - var resolved ExampleRef - componentPath, err := swaggerLoader.resolveComponent(swagger, ref, documentPath, &resolved) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveExampleRef(swagger, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - component.Value = resolved.Value - } - } - return nil -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resolveLinkRef(swagger *Swagger, component *LinkRef, documentPath *url.URL) error { - if component != nil && component.Value != nil { - if swaggerLoader.visitedLink == nil { - swaggerLoader.visitedLink = make(map[*Link]struct{}) - } - if _, ok := swaggerLoader.visitedLink[component.Value]; ok { - return nil - } - swaggerLoader.visitedLink[component.Value] = struct{}{} - } - - const prefix = "#/components/links/" - if component == nil { - return errors.New("invalid link: value MUST be an object") - } - if ref := component.Ref; ref != "" { - if isSingleRefElement(ref) { - var link Link - if err := swaggerLoader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &link); err != nil { - return err - } - - component.Value = &link - } else { - var resolved LinkRef - componentPath, err := swaggerLoader.resolveComponent(swagger, ref, documentPath, &resolved) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err := swaggerLoader.resolveLinkRef(swagger, &resolved, componentPath); err != nil { - return err - } - component.Value = resolved.Value - } - } - return nil -} - -func (swaggerLoader *SwaggerLoader) resolvePathItemRef(swagger *Swagger, entrypoint string, pathItem *PathItem, documentPath *url.URL) (err error) { - key := "_" - if documentPath != nil { - key = documentPath.EscapedPath() - } - key += entrypoint - if _, ok := swaggerLoader.visitedPathItemRefs[key]; ok { - return nil - } - swaggerLoader.visitedPathItemRefs[key] = struct{}{} - - const prefix = "#/paths/" - if pathItem == nil { - return errors.New("invalid path item: value MUST be an object") - } - ref := pathItem.Ref - if ref != "" { - if isSingleRefElement(ref) { - var p PathItem - if err := swaggerLoader.loadSingleElementFromURI(ref, documentPath, &p); err != nil { - return err - } - *pathItem = p - } else { - if swagger, ref, documentPath, err = swaggerLoader.resolveRefSwagger(swagger, ref, documentPath); err != nil { - return - } - - if !strings.HasPrefix(ref, prefix) { - err = fmt.Errorf("expected prefix %q in URI %q", prefix, ref) - return - } - id := unescapeRefString(ref[len(prefix):]) - - definitions := swagger.Paths - if definitions == nil { - return failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(ref, "paths") - } - resolved := definitions[id] - if resolved == nil { - return failedToResolveRefFragmentPart(ref, id) - } - - *pathItem = *resolved - } - } - - refDocumentPath, err := referencedDocumentPath(documentPath, ref) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - for _, parameter := range pathItem.Parameters { - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveParameterRef(swagger, parameter, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return - } - } - for _, operation := range pathItem.Operations() { - for _, parameter := range operation.Parameters { - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveParameterRef(swagger, parameter, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return - } - } - if requestBody := operation.RequestBody; requestBody != nil { - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveRequestBodyRef(swagger, requestBody, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return - } - } - for _, response := range operation.Responses { - if err = swaggerLoader.resolveResponseRef(swagger, response, refDocumentPath); err != nil { - return - } - } - } - - return nil -} - -func unescapeRefString(ref string) string { - return strings.Replace(strings.Replace(ref, "~1", "/", -1), "~0", "~", -1) -} - -func referencedDocumentPath(documentPath *url.URL, ref string) (*url.URL, error) { - if documentPath == nil { - return nil, nil - } - - newDocumentPath, err := copyURL(documentPath) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - refPath, err := url.Parse(ref) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - newDocumentPath.Path = path.Join(path.Dir(newDocumentPath.Path), path.Dir(refPath.Path)) + "/" - - return newDocumentPath, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/tag.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/tag.go index 210b69248..6aa9a1ea2 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/tag.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/tag.go @@ -1,6 +1,11 @@ package openapi3 -import "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" +import ( + "context" + "fmt" + + "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" +) // Tags is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. type Tags []*Tag @@ -14,9 +19,20 @@ func (tags Tags) Get(name string) *Tag { return nil } +func (tags Tags) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + for _, v := range tags { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + // Tag is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 standard. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#tagObject type Tag struct { ExtensionProps + Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"` ExternalDocs *ExternalDocs `json:"externalDocs,omitempty" yaml:"externalDocs,omitempty"` @@ -29,3 +45,12 @@ func (t *Tag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { func (t *Tag) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, t) } + +func (t *Tag) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + if v := t.ExternalDocs; v != nil { + if err := v.Validate(ctx); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid external docs: %w", err) + } + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/components/Bar.yml b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/components/Bar.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc59fc27b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/components/Bar.yml @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +type: string +example: bar diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/components/Foo.yml b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/components/Foo.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53a233666 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/components/Foo.yml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +type: object +properties: + bar: + $ref: ../openapi.yml#/components/schemas/Bar diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/components/Foo/Foo2.yml b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/components/Foo/Foo2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aeac81f48 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/components/Foo/Foo2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +type: object +properties: + foo: + $ref: ../../openapi.yml#/components/schemas/Foo diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/openapi.yml b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/openapi.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3559c8e85 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/openapi.yml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +openapi: "3.0.3" +info: + title: Recursive refs example + version: "1.0" +paths: + /foo: + $ref: ./paths/foo.yml +components: + schemas: + Foo: + $ref: ./components/Foo.yml + Foo2: + $ref: ./components/Foo/Foo2.yml + Bar: + $ref: ./components/Bar.yml diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/paths/foo.yml b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/paths/foo.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1653c7ac7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/testdata/recursiveRef/paths/foo.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +get: + responses: + "200": + description: OK + content: + application/json: + schema: + type: object + properties: + foo2: + $ref: ../openapi.yml#/components/schemas/Foo2 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/xml.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/xml.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fd2abdee --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3/xml.go @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +package openapi3 + +import ( + "context" + + "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo" +) + +// XML is specified by OpenAPI/Swagger standard version 3. +// See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#xmlObject +type XML struct { + ExtensionProps + + Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"` + Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` + Prefix string `json:"prefix,omitempty" yaml:"prefix,omitempty"` + Attribute bool `json:"attribute,omitempty" yaml:"attribute,omitempty"` + Wrapped bool `json:"wrapped,omitempty" yaml:"wrapped,omitempty"` +} + +func (value *XML) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + return jsoninfo.MarshalStrictStruct(value) +} + +func (value *XML) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { + return jsoninfo.UnmarshalStrictStruct(data, value) +} + +func (value *XML) Validate(ctx context.Context) error { + return nil // TODO +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/errors.go index ec8ea053c..1094bcf75 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/errors.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/errors.go @@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ type RequestError struct { Err error } +var _ interface{ Unwrap() error } = RequestError{} + func (err *RequestError) Error() string { reason := err.Reason if e := err.Err; e != nil { - if len(reason) == 0 { + if len(reason) == 0 || reason == e.Error() { reason = e.Error() } else { reason += ": " + e.Error() @@ -35,6 +37,10 @@ func (err *RequestError) Error() string { } } +func (err RequestError) Unwrap() error { + return err.Err +} + var _ error = &ResponseError{} // ResponseError is returned by ValidateResponse when response does not match OpenAPI spec @@ -44,6 +50,8 @@ type ResponseError struct { Err error } +var _ interface{ Unwrap() error } = ResponseError{} + func (err *ResponseError) Error() string { reason := err.Reason if e := err.Err; e != nil { @@ -56,6 +64,10 @@ func (err *ResponseError) Error() string { return reason } +func (err ResponseError) Unwrap() error { + return err.Err +} + var _ error = &SecurityRequirementsError{} // SecurityRequirementsError is returned by ValidateSecurityRequirements diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/internal.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/internal.go index facaf1de5..5c6a8a6c6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/internal.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/internal.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package openapi3filter import ( + "reflect" "strings" ) @@ -11,3 +12,14 @@ func parseMediaType(contentType string) string { } return contentType[:i] } + +func isNilValue(value interface{}) bool { + if value == nil { + return true + } + switch reflect.TypeOf(value).Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Map, reflect.Array, reflect.Chan, reflect.Slice: + return reflect.ValueOf(value).IsNil() + } + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/middleware.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/middleware.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3709faf9b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/middleware.go @@ -0,0 +1,273 @@ +package openapi3filter + +import ( + "bytes" + "io" + "io/ioutil" + "log" + "net/http" + + "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/routers" +) + +// Validator provides HTTP request and response validation middleware. +type Validator struct { + router routers.Router + errFunc ErrFunc + logFunc LogFunc + strict bool +} + +// ErrFunc handles errors that may occur during validation. +type ErrFunc func(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, code ErrCode, err error) + +// LogFunc handles log messages that may occur during validation. +type LogFunc func(message string, err error) + +// ErrCode is used for classification of different types of errors that may +// occur during validation. These may be used to write an appropriate response +// in ErrFunc. +type ErrCode int + +const ( + // ErrCodeOK indicates no error. It is also the default value. + ErrCodeOK = 0 + // ErrCodeCannotFindRoute happens when the validator fails to resolve the + // request to a defined OpenAPI route. + ErrCodeCannotFindRoute = iota + // ErrCodeRequestInvalid happens when the inbound request does not conform + // to the OpenAPI 3 specification. + ErrCodeRequestInvalid = iota + // ErrCodeResponseInvalid happens when the wrapped handler response does + // not conform to the OpenAPI 3 specification. + ErrCodeResponseInvalid = iota +) + +func (e ErrCode) responseText() string { + switch e { + case ErrCodeOK: + return "OK" + case ErrCodeCannotFindRoute: + return "not found" + case ErrCodeRequestInvalid: + return "bad request" + default: + return "server error" + } +} + +// NewValidator returns a new response validation middlware, using the given +// routes from an OpenAPI 3 specification. +func NewValidator(router routers.Router, options ...ValidatorOption) *Validator { + v := &Validator{ + router: router, + errFunc: func(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, code ErrCode, _ error) { + http.Error(w, code.responseText(), status) + }, + logFunc: func(message string, err error) { + log.Printf("%s: %v", message, err) + }, + } + for i := range options { + options[i](v) + } + return v +} + +// ValidatorOption defines an option that may be specified when creating a +// Validator. +type ValidatorOption func(*Validator) + +// OnErr provides a callback that handles writing an HTTP response on a +// validation error. This allows customization of error responses without +// prescribing a particular form. This callback is only called on response +// validator errors in Strict mode. +func OnErr(f ErrFunc) ValidatorOption { + return func(v *Validator) { + v.errFunc = f + } +} + +// OnLog provides a callback that handles logging in the Validator. This allows +// the validator to integrate with a services' existing logging system without +// prescribing a particular one. +func OnLog(f LogFunc) ValidatorOption { + return func(v *Validator) { + v.logFunc = f + } +} + +// Strict, if set, causes an internal server error to be sent if the wrapped +// handler response fails response validation. If not set, the response is sent +// and the error is only logged. +func Strict(strict bool) ValidatorOption { + return func(v *Validator) { + v.strict = strict + } +} + +// Middleware returns an http.Handler which wraps the given handler with +// request and response validation. +func (v *Validator) Middleware(h http.Handler) http.Handler { + return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { + route, pathParams, err := v.router.FindRoute(r) + if err != nil { + v.logFunc("validation error: failed to find route for "+r.URL.String(), err) + v.errFunc(w, http.StatusNotFound, ErrCodeCannotFindRoute, err) + return + } + requestValidationInput := &RequestValidationInput{ + Request: r, + PathParams: pathParams, + Route: route, + } + if err = ValidateRequest(r.Context(), requestValidationInput); err != nil { + v.logFunc("invalid request", err) + v.errFunc(w, http.StatusBadRequest, ErrCodeRequestInvalid, err) + return + } + + var wr responseWrapper + if v.strict { + wr = &strictResponseWrapper{w: w} + } else { + wr = newWarnResponseWrapper(w) + } + + h.ServeHTTP(wr, r) + + if err = ValidateResponse(r.Context(), &ResponseValidationInput{ + RequestValidationInput: requestValidationInput, + Status: wr.statusCode(), + Header: wr.Header(), + Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(wr.bodyContents())), + }); err != nil { + v.logFunc("invalid response", err) + if v.strict { + v.errFunc(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, ErrCodeResponseInvalid, err) + } + return + } + + if err = wr.flushBodyContents(); err != nil { + v.logFunc("failed to write response", err) + } + }) +} + +type responseWrapper interface { + http.ResponseWriter + + // flushBodyContents writes the buffered response to the client, if it has + // not yet been written. + flushBodyContents() error + + // statusCode returns the response status code, 0 if not set yet. + statusCode() int + + // bodyContents returns the buffered + bodyContents() []byte +} + +type warnResponseWrapper struct { + w http.ResponseWriter + headerWritten bool + status int + body bytes.Buffer + tee io.Writer +} + +func newWarnResponseWrapper(w http.ResponseWriter) *warnResponseWrapper { + wr := &warnResponseWrapper{ + w: w, + } + wr.tee = io.MultiWriter(w, &wr.body) + return wr +} + +// Write implements http.ResponseWriter. +func (wr *warnResponseWrapper) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + if !wr.headerWritten { + wr.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) + } + return wr.tee.Write(b) +} + +// WriteHeader implements http.ResponseWriter. +func (wr *warnResponseWrapper) WriteHeader(status int) { + if !wr.headerWritten { + // If the header hasn't been written, record the status for response + // validation. + wr.status = status + wr.headerWritten = true + } + wr.w.WriteHeader(wr.status) +} + +// Header implements http.ResponseWriter. +func (wr *warnResponseWrapper) Header() http.Header { + return wr.w.Header() +} + +// Flush implements the optional http.Flusher interface. +func (wr *warnResponseWrapper) Flush() { + // If the wrapped http.ResponseWriter implements optional http.Flusher, + // pass through. + if fl, ok := wr.w.(http.Flusher); ok { + fl.Flush() + } +} + +func (wr *warnResponseWrapper) flushBodyContents() error { + return nil +} + +func (wr *warnResponseWrapper) statusCode() int { + return wr.status +} + +func (wr *warnResponseWrapper) bodyContents() []byte { + return wr.body.Bytes() +} + +type strictResponseWrapper struct { + w http.ResponseWriter + headerWritten bool + status int + body bytes.Buffer +} + +// Write implements http.ResponseWriter. +func (wr *strictResponseWrapper) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + if !wr.headerWritten { + wr.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) + } + return wr.body.Write(b) +} + +// WriteHeader implements http.ResponseWriter. +func (wr *strictResponseWrapper) WriteHeader(status int) { + if !wr.headerWritten { + wr.status = status + wr.headerWritten = true + } +} + +// Header implements http.ResponseWriter. +func (wr *strictResponseWrapper) Header() http.Header { + return wr.w.Header() +} + +func (wr *strictResponseWrapper) flushBodyContents() error { + wr.w.WriteHeader(wr.status) + _, err := wr.w.Write(wr.body.Bytes()) + return err +} + +func (wr *strictResponseWrapper) statusCode() int { + return wr.status +} + +func (wr *strictResponseWrapper) bodyContents() []byte { + return wr.body.Bytes() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/req_resp_decoder.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/req_resp_decoder.go index d19266440..0408d8da3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/req_resp_decoder.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/req_resp_decoder.go @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import ( "strconv" "strings" + "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" + "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3" ) @@ -41,6 +43,8 @@ type ParseError struct { path []interface{} } +var _ interface{ Unwrap() error } = ParseError{} + func (e *ParseError) Error() string { var msg []string if p := e.Path(); len(p) > 0 { @@ -80,6 +84,10 @@ func (e *ParseError) RootCause() error { return e.Cause } +func (e ParseError) Unwrap() error { + return e.Cause +} + // Path returns a path to the root cause. func (e *ParseError) Path() []interface{} { var path []interface{} @@ -102,10 +110,9 @@ func invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod) error { // Decodes a parameter defined via the content property as an object. It uses // the user specified decoder, or our build-in decoder for application/json func decodeContentParameter(param *openapi3.Parameter, input *RequestValidationInput) ( - value interface{}, schema *openapi3.Schema, err error) { + value interface{}, schema *openapi3.Schema, found bool, err error) { var paramValues []string - var found bool switch param.In { case openapi3.ParameterInPath: var paramValue string @@ -115,9 +122,9 @@ func decodeContentParameter(param *openapi3.Parameter, input *RequestValidationI case openapi3.ParameterInQuery: paramValues, found = input.GetQueryParams()[param.Name] case openapi3.ParameterInHeader: - if paramValue := input.Request.Header.Get(http.CanonicalHeaderKey(param.Name)); paramValue != "" { - paramValues = []string{paramValue} - found = true + var headerValues []string + if headerValues, found = input.Request.Header[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(param.Name)]; found { + paramValues = headerValues } case openapi3.ParameterInCookie: var cookie *http.Cookie @@ -198,30 +205,30 @@ func defaultContentParameterDecoder(param *openapi3.Parameter, values []string) } type valueDecoder interface { - DecodePrimitive(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, error) - DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) ([]interface{}, error) - DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (map[string]interface{}, error) + DecodePrimitive(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, bool, error) + DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) ([]interface{}, bool, error) + DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (map[string]interface{}, bool, error) } // decodeStyledParameter returns a value of an operation's parameter from HTTP request for -// parameters defined using the style format. +// parameters defined using the style format, and whether the parameter is supplied in the input. // The function returns ParseError when HTTP request contains an invalid value of a parameter. -func decodeStyledParameter(param *openapi3.Parameter, input *RequestValidationInput) (interface{}, error) { +func decodeStyledParameter(param *openapi3.Parameter, input *RequestValidationInput) (interface{}, bool, error) { sm, err := param.SerializationMethod() if err != nil { - return nil, err + return nil, false, err } var dec valueDecoder switch param.In { case openapi3.ParameterInPath: if len(input.PathParams) == 0 { - return nil, nil + return nil, false, nil } dec = &pathParamDecoder{pathParams: input.PathParams} case openapi3.ParameterInQuery: if len(input.GetQueryParams()) == 0 { - return nil, nil + return nil, false, nil } dec = &urlValuesDecoder{values: input.GetQueryParams()} case openapi3.ParameterInHeader: @@ -229,74 +236,79 @@ func decodeStyledParameter(param *openapi3.Parameter, input *RequestValidationIn case openapi3.ParameterInCookie: dec = &cookieParamDecoder{req: input.Request} default: - return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported parameter's 'in': %s", param.In) + return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("unsupported parameter's 'in': %s", param.In) } return decodeValue(dec, param.Name, sm, param.Schema, param.Required) } -func decodeValue(dec valueDecoder, param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef, required bool) (interface{}, error) { - var decodeFn func(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, error) +func decodeValue(dec valueDecoder, param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef, required bool) (interface{}, bool, error) { + var found bool if len(schema.Value.AllOf) > 0 { var value interface{} var err error for _, sr := range schema.Value.AllOf { - value, err = decodeValue(dec, param, sm, sr, required) + var f bool + value, f, err = decodeValue(dec, param, sm, sr, required) + found = found || f if value == nil || err != nil { break } } - return value, err + return value, found, err } if len(schema.Value.AnyOf) > 0 { for _, sr := range schema.Value.AnyOf { - value, _ := decodeValue(dec, param, sm, sr, required) + value, f, _ := decodeValue(dec, param, sm, sr, required) + found = found || f if value != nil { - return value, nil + return value, found, nil } } if required { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding anyOf for parameter %q failed", param) + return nil, found, fmt.Errorf("decoding anyOf for parameter %q failed", param) } - return nil, nil + return nil, found, nil } if len(schema.Value.OneOf) > 0 { isMatched := 0 var value interface{} for _, sr := range schema.Value.OneOf { - v, _ := decodeValue(dec, param, sm, sr, required) + v, f, _ := decodeValue(dec, param, sm, sr, required) + found = found || f if v != nil { value = v isMatched++ } } if isMatched == 1 { - return value, nil + return value, found, nil } else if isMatched > 1 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding oneOf failed: %d schemas matched", isMatched) + return nil, found, fmt.Errorf("decoding oneOf failed: %d schemas matched", isMatched) } if required { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding oneOf failed: %q is required", param) + return nil, found, fmt.Errorf("decoding oneOf failed: %q is required", param) } - return nil, nil + return nil, found, nil } if schema.Value.Not != nil { // TODO(decode not): handle decoding "not" JSON Schema - return nil, errors.New("not implemented: decoding 'not'") + return nil, found, errors.New("not implemented: decoding 'not'") } if schema.Value.Type != "" { + var decodeFn func(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, bool, error) switch schema.Value.Type { case "array": - decodeFn = func(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, error) { + decodeFn = func(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, bool, error) { return dec.DecodeArray(param, sm, schema) } case "object": - decodeFn = func(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, error) { + decodeFn = func(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, bool, error) { return dec.DecodeObject(param, sm, schema) } default: @@ -304,8 +316,20 @@ func decodeValue(dec valueDecoder, param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMetho } return decodeFn(param, sm, schema) } - - return nil, nil + switch vDecoder := dec.(type) { + case *pathParamDecoder: + _, found = vDecoder.pathParams[param] + case *urlValuesDecoder: + _, found = vDecoder.values[param] + case *headerParamDecoder: + _, found = vDecoder.header[param] + case *cookieParamDecoder: + _, err := vDecoder.req.Cookie(param) + found = err != http.ErrNoCookie + default: + return nil, found, errors.New("unsupported decoder") + } + return nil, found, nil } // pathParamDecoder decodes values of path parameters. @@ -313,7 +337,7 @@ type pathParamDecoder struct { pathParams map[string]string } -func (d *pathParamDecoder) DecodePrimitive(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, error) { +func (d *pathParamDecoder) DecodePrimitive(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, bool, error) { var prefix string switch sm.Style { case "simple": @@ -323,26 +347,27 @@ func (d *pathParamDecoder) DecodePrimitive(param string, sm *openapi3.Serializat case "matrix": prefix = ";" + param + "=" default: - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } if d.pathParams == nil { // HTTP request does not contains a value of the target path parameter. - return nil, nil + return nil, false, nil } raw, ok := d.pathParams[param] if !ok || raw == "" { // HTTP request does not contains a value of the target path parameter. - return nil, nil + return nil, false, nil } src, err := cutPrefix(raw, prefix) if err != nil { - return nil, err + return nil, ok, err } - return parsePrimitive(src, schema) + val, err := parsePrimitive(src, schema) + return val, ok, err } -func (d *pathParamDecoder) DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) ([]interface{}, error) { +func (d *pathParamDecoder) DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) ([]interface{}, bool, error) { var prefix, delim string switch { case sm.Style == "simple": @@ -360,26 +385,27 @@ func (d *pathParamDecoder) DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationM prefix = ";" + param + "=" delim = ";" + param + "=" default: - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } if d.pathParams == nil { // HTTP request does not contains a value of the target path parameter. - return nil, nil + return nil, false, nil } raw, ok := d.pathParams[param] if !ok || raw == "" { // HTTP request does not contains a value of the target path parameter. - return nil, nil + return nil, false, nil } src, err := cutPrefix(raw, prefix) if err != nil { - return nil, err + return nil, ok, err } - return parseArray(strings.Split(src, delim), schema) + val, err := parseArray(strings.Split(src, delim), schema) + return val, ok, err } -func (d *pathParamDecoder) DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (map[string]interface{}, error) { +func (d *pathParamDecoder) DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (map[string]interface{}, bool, error) { var prefix, propsDelim, valueDelim string switch { case sm.Style == "simple" && !sm.Explode: @@ -405,27 +431,28 @@ func (d *pathParamDecoder) DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.Serialization propsDelim = ";" valueDelim = "=" default: - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } if d.pathParams == nil { // HTTP request does not contains a value of the target path parameter. - return nil, nil + return nil, false, nil } raw, ok := d.pathParams[param] if !ok || raw == "" { // HTTP request does not contains a value of the target path parameter. - return nil, nil + return nil, false, nil } src, err := cutPrefix(raw, prefix) if err != nil { - return nil, err + return nil, ok, err } props, err := propsFromString(src, propsDelim, valueDelim) if err != nil { - return nil, err + return nil, ok, err } - return makeObject(props, schema) + val, err := makeObject(props, schema) + return val, ok, err } // cutPrefix validates that a raw value of a path parameter has the specified prefix, @@ -449,28 +476,29 @@ type urlValuesDecoder struct { values url.Values } -func (d *urlValuesDecoder) DecodePrimitive(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, error) { +func (d *urlValuesDecoder) DecodePrimitive(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, bool, error) { if sm.Style != "form" { - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } - values := d.values[param] + values, ok := d.values[param] if len(values) == 0 { // HTTP request does not contain a value of the target query parameter. - return nil, nil + return nil, ok, nil } - return parsePrimitive(values[0], schema) + val, err := parsePrimitive(values[0], schema) + return val, ok, err } -func (d *urlValuesDecoder) DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) ([]interface{}, error) { +func (d *urlValuesDecoder) DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) ([]interface{}, bool, error) { if sm.Style == "deepObject" { - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } - values := d.values[param] + values, ok := d.values[param] if len(values) == 0 { // HTTP request does not contain a value of the target query parameter. - return nil, nil + return nil, ok, nil } if !sm.Explode { var delim string @@ -484,10 +512,11 @@ func (d *urlValuesDecoder) DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationM } values = strings.Split(values[0], delim) } - return parseArray(values, schema) + val, err := parseArray(values, schema) + return val, ok, err } -func (d *urlValuesDecoder) DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (map[string]interface{}, error) { +func (d *urlValuesDecoder) DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (map[string]interface{}, bool, error) { var propsFn func(url.Values) (map[string]string, error) switch sm.Style { case "form": @@ -528,17 +557,27 @@ func (d *urlValuesDecoder) DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.Serialization return props, nil } default: - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } props, err := propsFn(d.values) if err != nil { - return nil, err + return nil, false, err } if props == nil { - return nil, nil + return nil, false, nil } - return makeObject(props, schema) + + // check the props + found := false + for propName := range schema.Value.Properties { + if _, ok := props[propName]; ok { + found = true + break + } + } + val, err := makeObject(props, schema) + return val, found, err } // headerParamDecoder decodes values of header parameters. @@ -546,47 +585,56 @@ type headerParamDecoder struct { header http.Header } -func (d *headerParamDecoder) DecodePrimitive(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, error) { +func (d *headerParamDecoder) DecodePrimitive(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, bool, error) { if sm.Style != "simple" { - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } - raw := d.header.Get(http.CanonicalHeaderKey(param)) - return parsePrimitive(raw, schema) + raw, ok := d.header[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(param)] + if !ok || len(raw) == 0 { + // HTTP request does not contains a corresponding header or has the empty value + return nil, ok, nil + } + + val, err := parsePrimitive(raw[0], schema) + return val, ok, err } -func (d *headerParamDecoder) DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) ([]interface{}, error) { +func (d *headerParamDecoder) DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) ([]interface{}, bool, error) { if sm.Style != "simple" { - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } - raw := d.header.Get(http.CanonicalHeaderKey(param)) - if raw == "" { + raw, ok := d.header[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(param)] + if !ok || len(raw) == 0 { // HTTP request does not contains a corresponding header - return nil, nil + return nil, ok, nil } - return parseArray(strings.Split(raw, ","), schema) + + val, err := parseArray(strings.Split(raw[0], ","), schema) + return val, ok, err } -func (d *headerParamDecoder) DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (map[string]interface{}, error) { +func (d *headerParamDecoder) DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (map[string]interface{}, bool, error) { if sm.Style != "simple" { - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } valueDelim := "," if sm.Explode { valueDelim = "=" } - raw := d.header.Get(http.CanonicalHeaderKey(param)) - if raw == "" { + raw, ok := d.header[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(param)] + if !ok || len(raw) == 0 { // HTTP request does not contain a corresponding header. - return nil, nil + return nil, ok, nil } - props, err := propsFromString(raw, ",", valueDelim) + props, err := propsFromString(raw[0], ",", valueDelim) if err != nil { - return nil, err + return nil, ok, err } - return makeObject(props, schema) + val, err := makeObject(props, schema) + return val, ok, err } // cookieParamDecoder decodes values of cookie parameters. @@ -594,56 +642,63 @@ type cookieParamDecoder struct { req *http.Request } -func (d *cookieParamDecoder) DecodePrimitive(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, error) { +func (d *cookieParamDecoder) DecodePrimitive(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (interface{}, bool, error) { if sm.Style != "form" { - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } cookie, err := d.req.Cookie(param) - if err == http.ErrNoCookie { + found := err != http.ErrNoCookie + if !found { // HTTP request does not contain a corresponding cookie. - return nil, nil + return nil, found, nil } if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding param %q: %s", param, err) + return nil, found, fmt.Errorf("decoding param %q: %s", param, err) } - return parsePrimitive(cookie.Value, schema) + + val, err := parsePrimitive(cookie.Value, schema) + return val, found, err } -func (d *cookieParamDecoder) DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) ([]interface{}, error) { +func (d *cookieParamDecoder) DecodeArray(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) ([]interface{}, bool, error) { if sm.Style != "form" || sm.Explode { - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } cookie, err := d.req.Cookie(param) - if err == http.ErrNoCookie { + found := err != http.ErrNoCookie + if !found { // HTTP request does not contain a corresponding cookie. - return nil, nil + return nil, found, nil } if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding param %q: %s", param, err) + return nil, found, fmt.Errorf("decoding param %q: %s", param, err) } - return parseArray(strings.Split(cookie.Value, ","), schema) + val, err := parseArray(strings.Split(cookie.Value, ","), schema) + return val, found, err } -func (d *cookieParamDecoder) DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (map[string]interface{}, error) { +func (d *cookieParamDecoder) DecodeObject(param string, sm *openapi3.SerializationMethod, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef) (map[string]interface{}, bool, error) { if sm.Style != "form" || sm.Explode { - return nil, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) + return nil, false, invalidSerializationMethodErr(sm) } cookie, err := d.req.Cookie(param) - if err == http.ErrNoCookie { + found := err != http.ErrNoCookie + if !found { // HTTP request does not contain a corresponding cookie. - return nil, nil + return nil, found, nil } if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding param %q: %s", param, err) + return nil, found, fmt.Errorf("decoding param %q: %s", param, err) } props, err := propsFromString(cookie.Value, ",", ",") if err != nil { - return nil, err + return nil, found, err } - return makeObject(props, schema) + val, err := makeObject(props, schema) + return val, found, err } // propsFromString returns a properties map that is created by splitting a source string by propDelim and valueDelim. @@ -718,6 +773,12 @@ func parseArray(raw []string, schemaRef *openapi3.SchemaRef) ([]interface{}, err } return nil, fmt.Errorf("item %d: %s", i, err) } + + // If the items are nil, then the array is nil. There shouldn't be case where some values are actual primitive + // values and some are nil values. + if item == nil { + return nil, nil + } value = append(value, item) } return value, nil @@ -767,10 +828,19 @@ type BodyDecoder func(io.Reader, http.Header, *openapi3.SchemaRef, EncodingFn) ( // By default, there is content type "application/json" is supported only. var bodyDecoders = make(map[string]BodyDecoder) +// RegisteredBodyDecoder returns the registered body decoder for the given content type. +// +// If no decoder was registered for the given content type, nil is returned. +// This call is not thread-safe: body decoders should not be created/destroyed by multiple goroutines. +func RegisteredBodyDecoder(contentType string) BodyDecoder { + return bodyDecoders[contentType] +} + // RegisterBodyDecoder registers a request body's decoder for a content type. // // If a decoder for the specified content type already exists, the function replaces // it with the specified decoder. +// This call is not thread-safe: body decoders should not be created/destroyed by multiple goroutines. func RegisterBodyDecoder(contentType string, decoder BodyDecoder) { if contentType == "" { panic("contentType is empty") @@ -784,6 +854,7 @@ func RegisterBodyDecoder(contentType string, decoder BodyDecoder) { // UnregisterBodyDecoder dissociates a body decoder from a content type. // // Decoding this content type will result in an error. +// This call is not thread-safe: body decoders should not be created/destroyed by multiple goroutines. func UnregisterBodyDecoder(contentType string) { if contentType == "" { panic("contentType is empty") @@ -799,6 +870,11 @@ const prefixUnsupportedCT = "unsupported content type" // The function returns ParseError when a body is invalid. func decodeBody(body io.Reader, header http.Header, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef, encFn EncodingFn) (interface{}, error) { contentType := header.Get(headerCT) + if contentType == "" { + if _, ok := body.(*multipart.Part); ok { + contentType = "text/plain" + } + } mediaType := parseMediaType(contentType) decoder, ok := bodyDecoders[mediaType] if !ok { @@ -817,6 +893,8 @@ func decodeBody(body io.Reader, header http.Header, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef, func init() { RegisterBodyDecoder("text/plain", plainBodyDecoder) RegisterBodyDecoder("application/json", jsonBodyDecoder) + RegisterBodyDecoder("application/x-yaml", yamlBodyDecoder) + RegisterBodyDecoder("application/yaml", yamlBodyDecoder) RegisterBodyDecoder("application/problem+json", jsonBodyDecoder) RegisterBodyDecoder("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", urlencodedBodyDecoder) RegisterBodyDecoder("multipart/form-data", multipartBodyDecoder) @@ -839,6 +917,14 @@ func jsonBodyDecoder(body io.Reader, header http.Header, schema *openapi3.Schema return value, nil } +func yamlBodyDecoder(body io.Reader, header http.Header, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef, encFn EncodingFn) (interface{}, error) { + var value interface{} + if err := yaml.NewDecoder(body).Decode(&value); err != nil { + return nil, &ParseError{Kind: KindInvalidFormat, Cause: err} + } + return value, nil +} + func urlencodedBodyDecoder(body io.Reader, header http.Header, schema *openapi3.SchemaRef, encFn EncodingFn) (interface{}, error) { // Validate schema of request body. // By the OpenAPI 3 specification request body's schema must have type "object". @@ -881,7 +967,7 @@ func urlencodedBodyDecoder(body io.Reader, header http.Header, schema *openapi3. } sm := enc.SerializationMethod() - if value, err = decodeValue(dec, name, sm, prop, false); err != nil { + if value, _, err = decodeValue(dec, name, sm, prop, false); err != nil { return nil, err } obj[name] = value diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_request.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_request.go index f1e7bf977..fae6b09f9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_request.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_request.go @@ -19,13 +19,16 @@ var ErrAuthenticationServiceMissing = errors.New("missing AuthenticationFunc") // ErrInvalidRequired is returned when a required value of a parameter or request body is not defined. var ErrInvalidRequired = errors.New("value is required but missing") +// ErrInvalidEmptyValue is returned when a value of a parameter or request body is empty while it's not allowed. +var ErrInvalidEmptyValue = errors.New("empty value is not allowed") + // ValidateRequest is used to validate the given input according to previous // loaded OpenAPIv3 spec. If the input does not match the OpenAPIv3 spec, a // non-nil error will be returned. // // Note: One can tune the behavior of uniqueItems: true verification // by registering a custom function with openapi3.RegisterArrayUniqueItemsChecker -func ValidateRequest(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput) error { +func ValidateRequest(ctx context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput) error { var ( err error me openapi3.MultiError @@ -40,6 +43,23 @@ func ValidateRequest(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput) error { operationParameters := operation.Parameters pathItemParameters := route.PathItem.Parameters + // Security + security := operation.Security + // If there aren't any security requirements for the operation + if security == nil { + // Use the global security requirements. + security = &route.Spec.Security + } + if security != nil { + if err = ValidateSecurityRequirements(ctx, input, *security); err != nil && !options.MultiError { + return err + } + + if err != nil { + me = append(me, err) + } + } + // For each parameter of the PathItem for _, parameterRef := range pathItemParameters { parameter := parameterRef.Value @@ -49,7 +69,7 @@ func ValidateRequest(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput) error { } } - if err = ValidateParameter(c, input, parameter); err != nil && !options.MultiError { + if err = ValidateParameter(ctx, input, parameter); err != nil && !options.MultiError { return err } @@ -60,7 +80,7 @@ func ValidateRequest(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput) error { // For each parameter of the Operation for _, parameter := range operationParameters { - if err = ValidateParameter(c, input, parameter.Value); err != nil && !options.MultiError { + if err = ValidateParameter(ctx, input, parameter.Value); err != nil && !options.MultiError { return err } @@ -72,24 +92,7 @@ func ValidateRequest(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput) error { // RequestBody requestBody := operation.RequestBody if requestBody != nil && !options.ExcludeRequestBody { - if err = ValidateRequestBody(c, input, requestBody.Value); err != nil && !options.MultiError { - return err - } - - if err != nil { - me = append(me, err) - } - } - - // Security - security := operation.Security - // If there aren't any security requirements for the operation - if security == nil { - // Use the global security requirements. - security = &route.Swagger.Security - } - if security != nil { - if err = ValidateSecurityRequirements(c, input, *security); err != nil && !options.MultiError { + if err = ValidateRequestBody(ctx, input, requestBody.Value); err != nil && !options.MultiError { return err } @@ -108,11 +111,12 @@ func ValidateRequest(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput) error { // ValidateParameter validates a parameter's value by JSON schema. // The function returns RequestError with a ParseError cause when unable to parse a value. // The function returns RequestError with ErrInvalidRequired cause when a value of a required parameter is not defined. +// The function returns RequestError with ErrInvalidEmptyValue cause when a value of a required parameter is not defined. // The function returns RequestError with a openapi3.SchemaError cause when a value is invalid by JSON schema. -func ValidateParameter(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput, parameter *openapi3.Parameter) error { +func ValidateParameter(ctx context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput, parameter *openapi3.Parameter) error { if parameter.Schema == nil && parameter.Content == nil { // We have no schema for the parameter. Assume that everything passes - // a schema-less check, but this could also be an error. The Swagger + // a schema-less check, but this could also be an error. The OpenAPI // validation allows this to happen. return nil } @@ -124,23 +128,28 @@ func ValidateParameter(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput, paramet var value interface{} var err error + var found bool var schema *openapi3.Schema // Validation will ensure that we either have content or schema. if parameter.Content != nil { - if value, schema, err = decodeContentParameter(parameter, input); err != nil { + if value, schema, found, err = decodeContentParameter(parameter, input); err != nil { return &RequestError{Input: input, Parameter: parameter, Err: err} } } else { - if value, err = decodeStyledParameter(parameter, input); err != nil { + if value, found, err = decodeStyledParameter(parameter, input); err != nil { return &RequestError{Input: input, Parameter: parameter, Err: err} } schema = parameter.Schema.Value } - // Validate a parameter's value. - if value == nil { - if parameter.Required { - return &RequestError{Input: input, Parameter: parameter, Reason: ErrInvalidRequired.Error(), Err: ErrInvalidRequired} + // Validate a parameter's value and presence. + if parameter.Required && !found { + return &RequestError{Input: input, Parameter: parameter, Reason: ErrInvalidRequired.Error(), Err: ErrInvalidRequired} + } + + if isNilValue(value) { + if !parameter.AllowEmptyValue && found { + return &RequestError{Input: input, Parameter: parameter, Reason: ErrInvalidEmptyValue.Error(), Err: ErrInvalidEmptyValue} } return nil } @@ -166,7 +175,7 @@ const prefixInvalidCT = "header Content-Type has unexpected value" // // The function returns RequestError with ErrInvalidRequired cause when a value is required but not defined. // The function returns RequestError with a openapi3.SchemaError cause when a value is invalid by JSON schema. -func ValidateRequestBody(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput, requestBody *openapi3.RequestBody) error { +func ValidateRequestBody(ctx context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput, requestBody *openapi3.RequestBody) error { var ( req = input.Request data []byte @@ -252,13 +261,13 @@ func ValidateRequestBody(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput, reque // ValidateSecurityRequirements goes through multiple OpenAPI 3 security // requirements in order and returns nil on the first valid requirement. // If no requirement is met, errors are returned in order. -func ValidateSecurityRequirements(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput, srs openapi3.SecurityRequirements) error { +func ValidateSecurityRequirements(ctx context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput, srs openapi3.SecurityRequirements) error { if len(srs) == 0 { return nil } var errs []error for _, sr := range srs { - if err := validateSecurityRequirement(c, input, sr); err != nil { + if err := validateSecurityRequirement(ctx, input, sr); err != nil { if len(errs) == 0 { errs = make([]error, 0, len(srs)) } @@ -274,9 +283,9 @@ func ValidateSecurityRequirements(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInp } // validateSecurityRequirement validates a single OpenAPI 3 security requirement -func validateSecurityRequirement(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput, securityRequirement openapi3.SecurityRequirement) error { - swagger := input.Route.Swagger - securitySchemes := swagger.Components.SecuritySchemes +func validateSecurityRequirement(ctx context.Context, input *RequestValidationInput, securityRequirement openapi3.SecurityRequirement) error { + doc := input.Route.Spec + securitySchemes := doc.Components.SecuritySchemes // Ensure deterministic order names := make([]string, 0, len(securityRequirement)) @@ -310,7 +319,7 @@ func validateSecurityRequirement(c context.Context, input *RequestValidationInpu } } scopes := securityRequirement[name] - if err := f(c, &AuthenticationInput{ + if err := f(ctx, &AuthenticationInput{ RequestValidationInput: input, SecuritySchemeName: name, SecurityScheme: securityScheme, diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_request_input.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_request_input.go index 14c661bbb..91dd102b6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_request_input.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_request_input.go @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import ( "github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/routers" ) -// A ContentParameterDecoder takes a parameter definition from the swagger spec, +// A ContentParameterDecoder takes a parameter definition from the OpenAPI spec, // and the value which we received for it. It is expected to return the // value unmarshaled into an interface which can be traversed for // validation, it should also return the schema to be used for validating the diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_response.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_response.go index 9575c4c1e..7cb713ace 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_response.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validate_response.go @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import ( // // Note: One can tune the behavior of uniqueItems: true verification // by registering a custom function with openapi3.RegisterArrayUniqueItemsChecker -func ValidateResponse(c context.Context, input *ResponseValidationInput) error { +func ValidateResponse(ctx context.Context, input *ResponseValidationInput) error { req := input.RequestValidationInput.Request switch req.Method { case "HEAD": @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func ValidateResponse(c context.Context, input *ResponseValidationInput) error { if contentType == nil { return &ResponseError{ Input: input, - Reason: fmt.Sprintf("input header Content-Type has unexpected value: %q", inputMIME), + Reason: fmt.Sprintf("response header Content-Type has unexpected value: %q", inputMIME), } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_error.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_error.go index bfeeaa7da..7e685cdef 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_error.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_error.go @@ -10,25 +10,25 @@ import ( // Based on https://jsonapi.org/format/#error-objects type ValidationError struct { // A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. - Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` + Id string `json:"id,omitempty" yaml:"id,omitempty"` // The HTTP status code applicable to this problem. - Status int `json:"status,omitempty"` + Status int `json:"status,omitempty" yaml:"status,omitempty"` // An application-specific error code, expressed as a string value. - Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` + Code string `json:"code,omitempty" yaml:"code,omitempty"` // A short, human-readable summary of the problem. It **SHOULD NOT** change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. - Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` + Title string `json:"title,omitempty" yaml:"title,omitempty"` // A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. - Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` + Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty" yaml:"detail,omitempty"` // An object containing references to the source of the error - Source *ValidationErrorSource `json:"source,omitempty"` + Source *ValidationErrorSource `json:"source,omitempty" yaml:"source,omitempty"` } // ValidationErrorSource struct type ValidationErrorSource struct { // A JSON Pointer [RFC6901] to the associated entity in the request document [e.g. \"/data\" for a primary data object, or \"/data/attributes/title\" for a specific attribute]. - Pointer string `json:"pointer,omitempty"` + Pointer string `json:"pointer,omitempty" yaml:"pointer,omitempty"` // A string indicating which query parameter caused the error. - Parameter string `json:"parameter,omitempty"` + Parameter string `json:"parameter,omitempty" yaml:"parameter,omitempty"` } var _ error = &ValidationError{} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_error_encoder.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_error_encoder.go index 47f9cd9f0..779887db0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_error_encoder.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_error_encoder.go @@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ func (enc *ValidationErrorEncoder) Encode(ctx context.Context, err error, w http cErr = convertBasicRequestError(e) } else if e.Err == ErrInvalidRequired { cErr = convertErrInvalidRequired(e) + } else if e.Err == ErrInvalidEmptyValue { + cErr = convertErrInvalidEmptyValue(e) } else if innerErr, ok := e.Err.(*ParseError); ok { cErr = convertParseError(e, innerErr) } else if innerErr, ok := e.Err.(*openapi3.SchemaError); ok { @@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ func convertBasicRequestError(e *RequestError) *ValidationError { } func convertErrInvalidRequired(e *RequestError) *ValidationError { - if e.Reason == ErrInvalidRequired.Error() && e.Parameter != nil { + if e.Err == ErrInvalidRequired && e.Parameter != nil { return &ValidationError{ Status: http.StatusBadRequest, Title: fmt.Sprintf("parameter %q in %s is required", e.Parameter.Name, e.Parameter.In), @@ -87,6 +89,19 @@ func convertErrInvalidRequired(e *RequestError) *ValidationError { } } +func convertErrInvalidEmptyValue(e *RequestError) *ValidationError { + if e.Err == ErrInvalidEmptyValue && e.Parameter != nil { + return &ValidationError{ + Status: http.StatusBadRequest, + Title: fmt.Sprintf("parameter %q in %s is not allowed to be empty", e.Parameter.Name, e.Parameter.In), + } + } + return &ValidationError{ + Status: http.StatusBadRequest, + Title: e.Error(), + } +} + func convertParseError(e *RequestError, innerErr *ParseError) *ValidationError { // We treat path params of the wrong type like a 404 instead of a 400 if innerErr.Kind == KindInvalidFormat && e.Parameter != nil && e.Parameter.In == "path" { @@ -152,7 +167,7 @@ func convertSchemaError(e *RequestError, innerErr *openapi3.SchemaError) *Valida strings.Join(enums, ", ")) value := fmt.Sprintf("%v", innerErr.Value) if e.Parameter != nil && - (e.Parameter.Explode == nil || *e.Parameter.Explode == true) && + (e.Parameter.Explode == nil || *e.Parameter.Explode) && (e.Parameter.Style == "" || e.Parameter.Style == "form") && strings.Contains(value, ",") { parts := strings.Split(value, ",") diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_handler.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_handler.go index 111ece745..eeb1ca1ea 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_handler.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter/validation_handler.go @@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ var _ AuthenticationFunc = NoopAuthenticationFunc type ValidationHandler struct { Handler http.Handler AuthenticationFunc AuthenticationFunc - SwaggerFile string + File string ErrorEncoder ErrorEncoder router routers.Router } func (h *ValidationHandler) Load() error { - loader := openapi3.NewSwaggerLoader() - doc, err := loader.LoadSwaggerFromFile(h.SwaggerFile) + loader := openapi3.NewLoader() + doc, err := loader.LoadFromFile(h.File) if err != nil { return err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/routers/legacy/router.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/routers/legacy/router.go index 1cb1426b6..f1f47d9ed 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/routers/legacy/router.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/routers/legacy/router.go @@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ func (rs Routers) FindRoute(req *http.Request) (routers.Router, *routers.Route, // Router maps a HTTP request to an OpenAPI operation. type Router struct { - doc *openapi3.Swagger + doc *openapi3.T pathNode *pathpattern.Node } // NewRouter creates a new router. // -// If the given Swagger has servers, router will use them. -// All operations of the Swagger will be added to the router. -func NewRouter(doc *openapi3.Swagger) (routers.Router, error) { +// If the given OpenAPIv3 document has servers, router will use them. +// All operations of the document will be added to the router. +func NewRouter(doc *openapi3.T) (routers.Router, error) { if err := doc.Validate(context.Background()); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("validating OpenAPI failed: %v", err) } @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func NewRouter(doc *openapi3.Swagger) (routers.Router, error) { for method, operation := range pathItem.Operations() { method = strings.ToUpper(method) if err := root.Add(method+" "+path, &routers.Route{ - Swagger: doc, + Spec: doc, Path: path, PathItem: pathItem, Method: method, @@ -125,7 +125,10 @@ func (router *Router) FindRoute(req *http.Request) (*routers.Route, map[string]s } } pathParams = make(map[string]string, 8) - paramNames, _ := server.ParameterNames() + paramNames, err := server.ParameterNames() + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } for i, value := range paramValues { name := paramNames[i] pathParams[name] = value diff --git a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/routers/types.go b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/routers/types.go index b15b3ba94..93746cfe9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/routers/types.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/routers/types.go @@ -8,12 +8,19 @@ import ( // Router helps link http.Request.s and an OpenAPIv3 spec type Router interface { + // FindRoute matches an HTTP request with the operation it resolves to. + // Hosts are matched from the OpenAPIv3 servers key. + // + // If you experience ErrPathNotFound and have localhost hosts specified as your servers, + // turning these server URLs as relative (leaving only the path) should resolve this. + // + // See openapi3filter for example uses with request and response validation. FindRoute(req *http.Request) (route *Route, pathParams map[string]string, err error) } // Route describes the operation an http.Request can match type Route struct { - Swagger *openapi3.Swagger + Spec *openapi3.T Server *openapi3.Server Path string PathItem *openapi3.PathItem diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.gitattributes b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49ad52766 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# gofmt always uses LF, whereas Git uses CRLF on Windows. +*.go text eol=lf diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml index 813c47aa6..2a4a71f3a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml @@ -37,3 +37,14 @@ linters: - gci - gocognit - paralleltest + - thelper + - ifshort + - gomoddirectives + - cyclop + - forcetypeassert + - ireturn + - tagliatelle + - varnamelen + - goimports + - tenv + - golint diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index fc25a8872..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -after_success: -- bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -go: -- 1.14.x -- 1.x -arch: -- amd64 -jobs: - include: - # include arch ppc, but only for latest go version - skip testing for race - - go: 1.x - arch: ppc64le - install: ~ - script: - - go test -v - - #- go: 1.x - # arch: arm - # install: ~ - # script: - # - go test -v - - # include linting job, but only for latest go version and amd64 arch - - go: 1.x - arch: amd64 - install: - go get github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint - script: - - golangci-lint run --new-from-rev master -install: -- GO111MODULE=off go get -u gotest.tools/gotestsum -language: go -notifications: - slack: - secure: 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 -script: -- gotestsum -f short-verbose -- -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./... diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/file.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/file.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..16accc55f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/file.go @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package swag + +import "mime/multipart" + +// File represents an uploaded file. +type File struct { + Data multipart.File + Header *multipart.FileHeader +} + +// Read bytes from the file +func (f *File) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + return f.Data.Read(p) +} + +// Close the file +func (f *File) Close() error { + return f.Data.Close() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go18.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go18.go index c2e686d31..f5228b82c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go18.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go18.go @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. +//go:build go1.8 // +build go1.8 package swag diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go19.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go19.go index eb2f2d8bc..7c7da9c08 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go19.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go19.go @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. +//go:build go1.9 // +build go1.9 package swag diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go18.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go18.go index 6607f3393..2757d9b95 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go18.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go18.go @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. +//go:build !go1.8 // +build !go1.8 package swag diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go19.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go19.go index 4bae187d1..0565db377 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go19.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go19.go @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. +//go:build !go1.9 // +build !go1.9 package swag diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.gitignore index dd74acca4..dbadf3bd0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.gitignore +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.gitignore @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ vendor .idea *.iml *.out +.vscode diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.travis.yml index 3897356dd..67d45ad78 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.travis.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.travis.yml @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ +arch: + - amd64 + - ppc64le + language: go go: - - 1.11.x - - 1.12.x + - 1.14.x + - 1.15.x - tip env: - GO111MODULE=on diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba75d71f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +# Changelog + +## v4.7.2 - 2022-03-16 + +**Fixes** + +* Fix nil pointer exception when calling Start again after address binding error [#2131](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2131) +* Fix CSRF middleware not being able to extract token from multipart/form-data form [#2136](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2136) +* Fix Timeout middleware write race [#2126](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2126) + +**Enhancements** + +* Recover middleware should not log panic for aborted handler [#2134](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2134) + + +## v4.7.1 - 2022-03-13 + +**Fixes** + +* Fix `e.Static`, `.File()`, `c.Attachment()` being picky with paths starting with `./`, `../` and `/` after 4.7.0 introduced echo.Filesystem support (Go1.16+) [#2123](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2123) + +**Enhancements** + +* Remove some unused code [#2116](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2116) + + +## v4.7.0 - 2022-03-01 + +**Enhancements** + +* Add JWT, KeyAuth, CSRF multivalue extractors [#2060](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2060) +* Add LogErrorFunc to recover middleware [#2072](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2072) +* Add support for HEAD method query params binding [#2027](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2027) +* Improve filesystem support with echo.FileFS, echo.StaticFS, group.FileFS, group.StaticFS [#2064](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2064) + +**Fixes** + +* Fix X-Real-IP bug, improve tests [#2007](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2007) +* Minor syntax fixes [#1994](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1994), [#2102](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2102), [#2102](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2102) + +**General** + +* Add cache-control and connection headers [#2103](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2103) +* Add Retry-After header constant [#2078](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2078) +* Upgrade `go` directive in `go.mod` to 1.17 [#2049](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2049) +* Add Pagoda [#2077](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2077) and Souin [#2069](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2069) to 3rd-party middlewares in README + +## v4.6.3 - 2022-01-10 + +**Fixes** + +* Fixed Echo version number in greeting message which was not incremented to `4.6.2` [#2066](https://github.com/labstack/echo/issues/2066) + + +## v4.6.2 - 2022-01-08 + +**Fixes** + +* Fixed route containing escaped colon should be matchable but is not matched to request path [#2047](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2047) +* Fixed a problem that returned wrong content-encoding when the gzip compressed content was empty. [#1921](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1921) +* Update (test) dependencies [#2021](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2021) + + +**Enhancements** + +* Add support for configurable target header for the request_id middleware [#2040](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2040) +* Change decompress middleware to use stream decompression instead of buffering [#2018](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/2018) +* Documentation updates + + +## v4.6.1 - 2021-09-26 + +**Enhancements** + +* Add start time to request logger middleware values [#1991](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1991) + +## v4.6.0 - 2021-09-20 + +Introduced a new [request logger](https://github.com/labstack/echo/blob/master/middleware/request_logger.go) middleware +to help with cases when you want to use some other logging library in your application. + +**Fixes** + +* fix timeout middleware warning: superfluous response.WriteHeader [#1905](https://github.com/labstack/echo/issues/1905) + +**Enhancements** + +* Add Cookie to KeyAuth middleware's KeyLookup [#1929](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1929) +* JWT middleware should ignore case of auth scheme in request header [#1951](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1951) +* Refactor default error handler to return first if response is already committed [#1956](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1956) +* Added request logger middleware which helps to use custom logger library for logging requests. [#1980](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1980) +* Allow escaping of colon in route path so Google Cloud API "custom methods" could be implemented [#1988](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1988) + +## v4.5.0 - 2021-08-01 + +**Important notes** + +A **BREAKING CHANGE** is introduced for JWT middleware users. +The JWT library used for the JWT middleware had to be changed from [github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go](https://github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go) to +[github.com/golang-jwt/jwt](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt) due former library being unmaintained and affected by security +issues. +The [github.com/golang-jwt/jwt](https://github.com/golang-jwt/jwt) project is a drop-in replacement, but supports only the latest 2 Go versions. +So for JWT middleware users Go 1.15+ is required. For detailed information please read [#1940](https://github.com/labstack/echo/discussions/) + +To change the library imports in all .go files in your project replace all occurrences of `dgrijalva/jwt-go` with `golang-jwt/jwt`. + +For Linux CLI you can use: +```bash +find -type f -name "*.go" -exec sed -i "s/dgrijalva\/jwt-go/golang-jwt\/jwt/g" {} \; +go mod tidy +``` + +**Fixes** + +* Change JWT library to `github.com/golang-jwt/jwt` [#1946](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1946) + +## v4.4.0 - 2021-07-12 + +**Fixes** + +* Split HeaderXForwardedFor header only by comma [#1878](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1878) +* Fix Timeout middleware Context propagation [#1910](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1910) + +**Enhancements** + +* Bind data using headers as source [#1866](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1866) +* Adds JWTConfig.ParseTokenFunc to JWT middleware to allow different libraries implementing JWT parsing. [#1887](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1887) +* Adding tests for Echo#Host [#1895](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1895) +* Adds RequestIDHandler function to RequestID middleware [#1898](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1898) +* Allow for custom JSON encoding implementations [#1880](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1880) + +## v4.3.0 - 2021-05-08 + +**Important notes** + +* Route matching has improvements for following cases: + 1. Correctly match routes with parameter part as last part of route (with trailing backslash) + 2. Considering handlers when resolving routes and search for matching http method handler +* Echo minimal Go version is now 1.13. + +**Fixes** + +* When url ends with slash first param route is the match [#1804](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1812) +* Router should check if node is suitable as matching route by path+method and if not then continue search in tree [#1808](https://github.com/labstack/echo/issues/1808) +* Fix timeout middleware not writing response correctly when handler panics [#1864](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1864) +* Fix binder not working with embedded pointer structs [#1861](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1861) +* Add Go 1.16 to CI and drop 1.12 specific code [#1850](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1850) + +**Enhancements** + +* Make KeyFunc public in JWT middleware [#1756](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1756) +* Add support for optional filesystem to the static middleware [#1797](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1797) +* Add a custom error handler to key-auth middleware [#1847](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1847) +* Allow JWT token to be looked up from multiple sources [#1845](https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1845) + +## v4.2.2 - 2021-04-07 + +**Fixes** + +* Allow proxy middleware to use query part in rewrite (#1802) +* Fix timeout middleware not sending status code when handler returns an error (#1805) +* Fix Bind() when target is array/slice and path/query params complains bind target not being struct (#1835) +* Fix panic in redirect middleware on short host name (#1813) +* Fix timeout middleware docs (#1836) + +## v4.2.1 - 2021-03-08 + +**Important notes** + +Due to a datarace the config parameters for the newly added timeout middleware required a change. +See the [docs](https://echo.labstack.com/middleware/timeout). +A performance regression has been fixed, even bringing better performance than before for some routing scenarios. + +**Fixes** + +* Fix performance regression caused by path escaping (#1777, #1798, #1799, aldas) +* Avoid context canceled errors (#1789, clwluvw) +* Improve router to use on stack backtracking (#1791, aldas, stffabi) +* Fix panic in timeout middleware not being not recovered and cause application crash (#1794, aldas) +* Fix Echo.Serve() not serving on HTTP port correctly when TLSListener is used (#1785, #1793, aldas) +* Apply go fmt (#1788, Le0tk0k) +* Uses strings.Equalfold (#1790, rkilingr) +* Improve code quality (#1792, withshubh) + +This release was made possible by our **contributors**: +aldas, clwluvw, lammel, Le0tk0k, maciej-jezierski, rkilingr, stffabi, withshubh + +## v4.2.0 - 2021-02-11 + +**Important notes** + +The behaviour for binding data has been reworked for compatibility with echo before v4.1.11 by +enforcing `explicit tagging` for processing parameters. This **may break** your code if you +expect combined handling of query/path/form params. +Please see the updated documentation for [request](https://echo.labstack.com/guide/request) and [binding](https://echo.labstack.com/guide/request) + +The handling for rewrite rules has been slightly adjusted to expand `*` to a non-greedy `(.*?)` capture group. This is only relevant if multiple asterisks are used in your rules. +Please see [rewrite](https://echo.labstack.com/middleware/rewrite) and [proxy](https://echo.labstack.com/middleware/proxy) for details. + +**Security** + +* Fix directory traversal vulnerability for Windows (#1718, little-cui) +* Fix open redirect vulnerability with trailing slash (#1771,#1775 aldas,GeoffreyFrogeye) + +**Enhancements** + +* Add Echo#ListenerNetwork as configuration (#1667, pafuent) +* Add ability to change the status code using response beforeFuncs (#1706, RashadAnsari) +* Echo server startup to allow data race free access to listener address +* Binder: Restore pre v4.1.11 behaviour for c.Bind() to use query params only for GET or DELETE methods (#1727, aldas) +* Binder: Add separate methods to bind only query params, path params or request body (#1681, aldas) +* Binder: New fluent binder for query/path/form parameter binding (#1717, #1736, aldas) +* Router: Performance improvements for missed routes (#1689, pafuent) +* Router: Improve performance for Real-IP detection using IndexByte instead of Split (#1640, imxyb) +* Middleware: Support real regex rules for rewrite and proxy middleware (#1767) +* Middleware: New rate limiting middleware (#1724, iambenkay) +* Middleware: New timeout middleware implementation for go1.13+ (#1743, ) +* Middleware: Allow regex pattern for CORS middleware (#1623, KlotzAndrew) +* Middleware: Add IgnoreBase parameter to static middleware (#1701, lnenad, iambenkay) +* Middleware: Add an optional custom function to CORS middleware to validate origin (#1651, curvegrid) +* Middleware: Support form fields in JWT middleware (#1704, rkfg) +* Middleware: Use sync.Pool for (de)compress middleware to improve performance (#1699, #1672, pafuent) +* Middleware: Add decompress middleware to support gzip compressed requests (#1687, arun0009) +* Middleware: Add ErrJWTInvalid for JWT middleware (#1627, juanbelieni) +* Middleware: Add SameSite mode for CSRF cookies to support iframes (#1524, pr0head) + +**Fixes** + +* Fix handling of special trailing slash case for partial prefix (#1741, stffabi) +* Fix handling of static routes with trailing slash (#1747) +* Fix Static files route not working (#1671, pwli0755, lammel) +* Fix use of caret(^) in regex for rewrite middleware (#1588, chotow) +* Fix Echo#Reverse for Any type routes (#1695, pafuent) +* Fix Router#Find panic with infinite loop (#1661, pafuent) +* Fix Router#Find panic fails on Param paths (#1659, pafuent) +* Fix DefaultHTTPErrorHandler with Debug=true (#1477, lammel) +* Fix incorrect CORS headers (#1669, ulasakdeniz) +* Fix proxy middleware rewritePath to use url with updated tests (#1630, arun0009) +* Fix rewritePath for proxy middleware to use escaped path in (#1628, arun0009) +* Remove unless defer (#1656, imxyb) + +**General** + +* New maintainers for Echo: Roland Lammel (@lammel) and Pablo Andres Fuente (@pafuent) +* Add GitHub action to compare benchmarks (#1702, pafuent) +* Binding query/path params and form fields to struct only works for explicit tags (#1729,#1734, aldas) +* Add support for Go 1.15 in CI (#1683, asahasrabuddhe) +* Add test for request id to remain unchanged if provided (#1719, iambenkay) +* Refactor echo instance listener access and startup to speed up testing (#1735, aldas) +* Refactor and improve various tests for binding and routing +* Run test workflow only for relevant changes (#1637, #1636, pofl) +* Update .travis.yml (#1662, santosh653) +* Update README.md with an recents framework benchmark (#1679, pafuent) + +This release was made possible by **over 100 commits** from more than **20 contributors**: +asahasrabuddhe, aldas, AndrewKlotz, arun0009, chotow, curvegrid, iambenkay, imxyb, +juanbelieni, lammel, little-cui, lnenad, pafuent, pofl, pr0head, pwli, RashadAnsari, +rkfg, santosh653, segfiner, stffabi, ulasakdeniz diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/LICENSE index b5b006b4e..c46d0105f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/LICENSE +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/LICENSE @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ The MIT License (MIT) -Copyright (c) 2017 LabStack +Copyright (c) 2021 LabStack Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/Makefile index dfcb6c02b..48061f7e2 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/Makefile +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/Makefile @@ -1,3 +1,34 @@ +PKG := "github.com/labstack/echo" +PKG_LIST := $(shell go list ${PKG}/...) + tag: @git tag `grep -P '^\tversion = ' echo.go|cut -f2 -d'"'` @git tag|grep -v ^v + +.DEFAULT_GOAL := check +check: lint vet race ## Check project + +init: + @go get -u golang.org/x/lint/golint + +lint: ## Lint the files + @golint -set_exit_status ${PKG_LIST} + +vet: ## Vet the files + @go vet ${PKG_LIST} + +test: ## Run tests + @go test -short ${PKG_LIST} + +race: ## Run tests with data race detector + @go test -race ${PKG_LIST} + +benchmark: ## Run benchmarks + @go test -run="-" -bench=".*" ${PKG_LIST} + +help: ## Display this help screen + @grep -h -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' + +goversion ?= "1.15" +test_version: ## Run tests inside Docker with given version (defaults to 1.15 oldest supported). Example: make test_version goversion=1.15 + @docker run --rm -it -v $(shell pwd):/project golang:$(goversion) /bin/sh -c "cd /project && make init check" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/README.md b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/README.md index 0da031225..8b2321f05 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/README.md @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ [![Sourcegraph](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/labstack/echo/-/badge.svg?style=flat-square)](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/labstack/echo?badge) -[![GoDoc](http://img.shields.io/badge/go-documentation-blue.svg?style=flat-square)](http://godoc.org/github.com/labstack/echo) +[![GoDoc](http://img.shields.io/badge/go-documentation-blue.svg?style=flat-square)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/labstack/echo/v4) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/labstack/echo?style=flat-square)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/labstack/echo) [![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/labstack/echo.svg?style=flat-square)](https://travis-ci.org/labstack/echo) [![Codecov](https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/labstack/echo.svg?style=flat-square)](https://codecov.io/gh/labstack/echo) -[![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/labstack/echo](https://img.shields.io/badge/gitter-join%20chat-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](https://gitter.im/labstack/echo) -[![Forum](https://img.shields.io/badge/community-forum-00afd1.svg?style=flat-square)](https://forum.labstack.com) +[![Forum](https://img.shields.io/badge/community-forum-00afd1.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/labstack/echo/discussions) [![Twitter](https://img.shields.io/badge/twitter-@labstack-55acee.svg?style=flat-square)](https://twitter.com/labstack) [![License](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-mit-blue.svg?style=flat-square)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/labstack/echo/master/LICENSE) @@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ Therefore a Go version capable of understanding /vN suffixed imports is required - 1.9.7+ - 1.10.3+ -- 1.11+ +- 1.14+ Any of these versions will allow you to import Echo as `github.com/labstack/echo/v4` which is the recommended way of using Echo going forward. @@ -42,23 +41,33 @@ For older versions, please use the latest v3 tag. ## Benchmarks -Date: 2018/03/15
+Date: 2020/11/11
Source: https://github.com/vishr/web-framework-benchmark
Lower is better! - + + + +The benchmarks above were run on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz ## [Guide](https://echo.labstack.com/guide) +### Installation + +```sh +// go get github.com/labstack/echo/{version} +go get github.com/labstack/echo/v4 +``` + ### Example ```go package main import ( - "net/http" "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware" + "net/http" ) func main() { @@ -82,10 +91,23 @@ func hello(c echo.Context) error { } ``` +# Third-party middlewares + +| Repository | Description | +|------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| [github.com/labstack/echo-contrib](https://github.com/labstack/echo-contrib) | (by Echo team) [casbin](https://github.com/casbin/casbin), [gorilla/sessions](https://github.com/gorilla/sessions), [jaegertracing](github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go), [prometheus](https://github.com/prometheus/client_golang/), [pprof](https://pkg.go.dev/net/http/pprof), [zipkin](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-go) middlewares | +| [deepmap/oapi-codegen](https://github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen) | Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with [OpenAPI](https://swagger.io/specification/) Client and Server Code Generator | +| [github.com/swaggo/echo-swagger](https://github.com/swaggo/echo-swagger) | Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with [Swagger](https://swagger.io/) 2.0. | +| [github.com/ziflex/lecho](https://github.com/ziflex/lecho) | [Zerolog](https://github.com/rs/zerolog) logging library wrapper for Echo logger interface. | +| [github.com/brpaz/echozap](https://github.com/brpaz/echozap) | Uber´s [Zap](https://github.com/uber-go/zap) logging library wrapper for Echo logger interface. | +| [github.com/darkweak/souin/plugins/echo](https://github.com/darkweak/souin/tree/master/plugins/echo) | HTTP cache system based on [Souin](https://github.com/darkweak/souin) to automatically get your endpoints cached. It supports some distributed and non-distributed storage systems depending your needs. | +| [github.com/mikestefanello/pagoda](https://github.com/mikestefanello/pagoda) | Rapid, easy full-stack web development starter kit built with Echo. + +Please send a PR to add your own library here. + ## Help -- [Forum](https://forum.labstack.com) -- [Chat](https://gitter.im/labstack/echo) +- [Forum](https://github.com/labstack/echo/discussions) ## Contribute @@ -104,8 +126,11 @@ func hello(c echo.Context) error { ## Credits -- [Vishal Rana](https://github.com/vishr) - Author -- [Nitin Rana](https://github.com/nr17) - Consultant +- [Vishal Rana](https://github.com/vishr) (Author) +- [Nitin Rana](https://github.com/nr17) (Consultant) +- [Roland Lammel](https://github.com/lammel) (Maintainer) +- [Martti T.](https://github.com/aldas) (Maintainer) +- [Pablo Andres Fuente](https://github.com/pafuent) (Maintainer) - [Contributors](https://github.com/labstack/echo/graphs/contributors) ## License diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/bind.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/bind.go index ef04eaaf3..c841ca010 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/bind.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/bind.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package echo import ( "encoding" - "encoding/json" "encoding/xml" "errors" "fmt" @@ -30,10 +29,8 @@ type ( } ) -// Bind implements the `Binder#Bind` function. -func (b *DefaultBinder) Bind(i interface{}, c Context) (err error) { - req := c.Request() - +// BindPathParams binds path params to bindable object +func (b *DefaultBinder) BindPathParams(c Context, i interface{}) error { names := c.ParamNames() values := c.ParamValues() params := map[string][]string{} @@ -43,22 +40,38 @@ func (b *DefaultBinder) Bind(i interface{}, c Context) (err error) { if err := b.bindData(i, params, "param"); err != nil { return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()).SetInternal(err) } - if err = b.bindData(i, c.QueryParams(), "query"); err != nil { + return nil +} + +// BindQueryParams binds query params to bindable object +func (b *DefaultBinder) BindQueryParams(c Context, i interface{}) error { + if err := b.bindData(i, c.QueryParams(), "query"); err != nil { return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()).SetInternal(err) } + return nil +} + +// BindBody binds request body contents to bindable object +// NB: then binding forms take note that this implementation uses standard library form parsing +// which parses form data from BOTH URL and BODY if content type is not MIMEMultipartForm +// See non-MIMEMultipartForm: https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#Request.ParseForm +// See MIMEMultipartForm: https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#Request.ParseMultipartForm +func (b *DefaultBinder) BindBody(c Context, i interface{}) (err error) { + req := c.Request() if req.ContentLength == 0 { return } + ctype := req.Header.Get(HeaderContentType) switch { case strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMEApplicationJSON): - if err = json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(i); err != nil { - if ute, ok := err.(*json.UnmarshalTypeError); ok { - return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Unmarshal type error: expected=%v, got=%v, field=%v, offset=%v", ute.Type, ute.Value, ute.Field, ute.Offset)).SetInternal(err) - } else if se, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok { - return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Syntax error: offset=%v, error=%v", se.Offset, se.Error())).SetInternal(err) + if err = c.Echo().JSONSerializer.Deserialize(c, i); err != nil { + switch err.(type) { + case *HTTPError: + return err + default: + return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()).SetInternal(err) } - return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()).SetInternal(err) } case strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMEApplicationXML), strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMETextXML): if err = xml.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(i); err != nil { @@ -80,45 +93,89 @@ func (b *DefaultBinder) Bind(i interface{}, c Context) (err error) { default: return ErrUnsupportedMediaType } - return + return nil +} + +// BindHeaders binds HTTP headers to a bindable object +func (b *DefaultBinder) BindHeaders(c Context, i interface{}) error { + if err := b.bindData(i, c.Request().Header, "header"); err != nil { + return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()).SetInternal(err) + } + return nil +} + +// Bind implements the `Binder#Bind` function. +// Binding is done in following order: 1) path params; 2) query params; 3) request body. Each step COULD override previous +// step binded values. For single source binding use their own methods BindBody, BindQueryParams, BindPathParams. +func (b *DefaultBinder) Bind(i interface{}, c Context) (err error) { + if err := b.BindPathParams(c, i); err != nil { + return err + } + // Only bind query parameters for GET/DELETE/HEAD to avoid unexpected behavior with destination struct binding from body. + // For example a request URL `&id=1&lang=en` with body `{"id":100,"lang":"de"}` would lead to precedence issues. + // The HTTP method check restores pre-v4.1.11 behavior to avoid these problems (see issue #1670) + method := c.Request().Method + if method == http.MethodGet || method == http.MethodDelete || method == http.MethodHead { + if err = b.BindQueryParams(c, i); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return b.BindBody(c, i) } -func (b *DefaultBinder) bindData(ptr interface{}, data map[string][]string, tag string) error { - if ptr == nil || len(data) == 0 { +// bindData will bind data ONLY fields in destination struct that have EXPLICIT tag +func (b *DefaultBinder) bindData(destination interface{}, data map[string][]string, tag string) error { + if destination == nil || len(data) == 0 { return nil } - typ := reflect.TypeOf(ptr).Elem() - val := reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem() + typ := reflect.TypeOf(destination).Elem() + val := reflect.ValueOf(destination).Elem() - if m, ok := ptr.(*map[string]interface{}); ok { + // Map + if typ.Kind() == reflect.Map { for k, v := range data { - (*m)[k] = v[0] + val.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(k), reflect.ValueOf(v[0])) } return nil } + // !struct if typ.Kind() != reflect.Struct { + if tag == "param" || tag == "query" || tag == "header" { + // incompatible type, data is probably to be found in the body + return nil + } return errors.New("binding element must be a struct") } for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ { typeField := typ.Field(i) structField := val.Field(i) + if typeField.Anonymous { + if structField.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + structField = structField.Elem() + } + } if !structField.CanSet() { continue } structFieldKind := structField.Kind() inputFieldName := typeField.Tag.Get(tag) + if typeField.Anonymous && structField.Kind() == reflect.Struct && inputFieldName != "" { + // if anonymous struct with query/param/form tags, report an error + return errors.New("query/param/form tags are not allowed with anonymous struct field") + } if inputFieldName == "" { - inputFieldName = typeField.Name - // If tag is nil, we inspect if the field is a struct. - if _, ok := bindUnmarshaler(structField); !ok && structFieldKind == reflect.Struct { + // If tag is nil, we inspect if the field is a not BindUnmarshaler struct and try to bind data into it (might contains fields with tags). + // structs that implement BindUnmarshaler are binded only when they have explicit tag + if _, ok := structField.Addr().Interface().(BindUnmarshaler); !ok && structFieldKind == reflect.Struct { if err := b.bindData(structField.Addr().Interface(), data, tag); err != nil { return err } - continue } + // does not have explicit tag and is not an ordinary struct - so move to next field + continue } inputValue, exists := data[inputFieldName] @@ -127,9 +184,8 @@ func (b *DefaultBinder) bindData(ptr interface{}, data map[string][]string, tag // url params are bound case sensitive which is inconsistent. To // fix this we must check all of the map values in a // case-insensitive search. - inputFieldName = strings.ToLower(inputFieldName) for k, v := range data { - if strings.ToLower(k) == inputFieldName { + if strings.EqualFold(k, inputFieldName) { inputValue = v exists = true break @@ -219,40 +275,13 @@ func unmarshalField(valueKind reflect.Kind, val string, field reflect.Value) (bo } } -// bindUnmarshaler attempts to unmarshal a reflect.Value into a BindUnmarshaler -func bindUnmarshaler(field reflect.Value) (BindUnmarshaler, bool) { - ptr := reflect.New(field.Type()) - if ptr.CanInterface() { - iface := ptr.Interface() - if unmarshaler, ok := iface.(BindUnmarshaler); ok { - return unmarshaler, ok - } - } - return nil, false -} - -// textUnmarshaler attempts to unmarshal a reflect.Value into a TextUnmarshaler -func textUnmarshaler(field reflect.Value) (encoding.TextUnmarshaler, bool) { - ptr := reflect.New(field.Type()) - if ptr.CanInterface() { - iface := ptr.Interface() - if unmarshaler, ok := iface.(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok { - return unmarshaler, ok - } - } - return nil, false -} - func unmarshalFieldNonPtr(value string, field reflect.Value) (bool, error) { - if unmarshaler, ok := bindUnmarshaler(field); ok { - err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalParam(value) - field.Set(reflect.ValueOf(unmarshaler).Elem()) - return true, err + fieldIValue := field.Addr().Interface() + if unmarshaler, ok := fieldIValue.(BindUnmarshaler); ok { + return true, unmarshaler.UnmarshalParam(value) } - if unmarshaler, ok := textUnmarshaler(field); ok { - err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalText([]byte(value)) - field.Set(reflect.ValueOf(unmarshaler).Elem()) - return true, err + if unmarshaler, ok := fieldIValue.(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok { + return true, unmarshaler.UnmarshalText([]byte(value)) } return false, nil diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/binder.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/binder.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0900ce8dc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/binder.go @@ -0,0 +1,1230 @@ +package echo + +import ( + "fmt" + "net/http" + "strconv" + "strings" + "time" +) + +/** + Following functions provide handful of methods for binding to Go native types from request query or path parameters. + * QueryParamsBinder(c) - binds query parameters (source URL) + * PathParamsBinder(c) - binds path parameters (source URL) + * FormFieldBinder(c) - binds form fields (source URL + body) + + Example: + ```go + var length int64 + err := echo.QueryParamsBinder(c).Int64("length", &length).BindError() + ``` + + For every supported type there are following methods: + * ("param", &destination) - if parameter value exists then binds it to given destination of that type i.e Int64(...). + * Must("param", &destination) - parameter value is required to exist, binds it to given destination of that type i.e MustInt64(...). + * s("param", &destination) - (for slices) if parameter values exists then binds it to given destination of that type i.e Int64s(...). + * Musts("param", &destination) - (for slices) parameter value is required to exist, binds it to given destination of that type i.e MustInt64s(...). + + for some slice types `BindWithDelimiter("param", &dest, ",")` supports splitting parameter values before type conversion is done + i.e. URL `/api/search?id=1,2,3&id=1` can be bind to `[]int64{1,2,3,1}` + + `FailFast` flags binder to stop binding after first bind error during binder call chain. Enabled by default. + `BindError()` returns first bind error from binder and resets errors in binder. Useful along with `FailFast()` method + to do binding and returns on first problem + `BindErrors()` returns all bind errors from binder and resets errors in binder. + + Types that are supported: + * bool + * float32 + * float64 + * int + * int8 + * int16 + * int32 + * int64 + * uint + * uint8/byte (does not support `bytes()`. Use BindUnmarshaler/CustomFunc to convert value from base64 etc to []byte{}) + * uint16 + * uint32 + * uint64 + * string + * time + * duration + * BindUnmarshaler() interface + * UnixTime() - converts unix time (integer) to time.Time + * UnixTimeNano() - converts unix time with nano second precision (integer) to time.Time + * CustomFunc() - callback function for your custom conversion logic. Signature `func(values []string) []error` +*/ + +// BindingError represents an error that occurred while binding request data. +type BindingError struct { + // Field is the field name where value binding failed + Field string `json:"field"` + // Values of parameter that failed to bind. + Values []string `json:"-"` + *HTTPError +} + +// NewBindingError creates new instance of binding error +func NewBindingError(sourceParam string, values []string, message interface{}, internalError error) error { + return &BindingError{ + Field: sourceParam, + Values: values, + HTTPError: &HTTPError{ + Code: http.StatusBadRequest, + Message: message, + Internal: internalError, + }, + } +} + +// Error returns error message +func (be *BindingError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s, field=%s", be.HTTPError.Error(), be.Field) +} + +// ValueBinder provides utility methods for binding query or path parameter to various Go built-in types +type ValueBinder struct { + // failFast is flag for binding methods to return without attempting to bind when previous binding already failed + failFast bool + errors []error + + // ValueFunc is used to get single parameter (first) value from request + ValueFunc func(sourceParam string) string + // ValuesFunc is used to get all values for parameter from request. i.e. `/api/search?ids=1&ids=2` + ValuesFunc func(sourceParam string) []string + // ErrorFunc is used to create errors. Allows you to use your own error type, that for example marshals to your specific json response + ErrorFunc func(sourceParam string, values []string, message interface{}, internalError error) error +} + +// QueryParamsBinder creates query parameter value binder +func QueryParamsBinder(c Context) *ValueBinder { + return &ValueBinder{ + failFast: true, + ValueFunc: c.QueryParam, + ValuesFunc: func(sourceParam string) []string { + values, ok := c.QueryParams()[sourceParam] + if !ok { + return nil + } + return values + }, + ErrorFunc: NewBindingError, + } +} + +// PathParamsBinder creates path parameter value binder +func PathParamsBinder(c Context) *ValueBinder { + return &ValueBinder{ + failFast: true, + ValueFunc: c.Param, + ValuesFunc: func(sourceParam string) []string { + // path parameter should not have multiple values so getting values does not make sense but lets not error out here + value := c.Param(sourceParam) + if value == "" { + return nil + } + return []string{value} + }, + ErrorFunc: NewBindingError, + } +} + +// FormFieldBinder creates form field value binder +// For all requests, FormFieldBinder parses the raw query from the URL and uses query params as form fields +// +// For POST, PUT, and PATCH requests, it also reads the request body, parses it +// as a form and uses query params as form fields. Request body parameters take precedence over URL query +// string values in r.Form. +// +// NB: when binding forms take note that this implementation uses standard library form parsing +// which parses form data from BOTH URL and BODY if content type is not MIMEMultipartForm +// See https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#Request.ParseForm +func FormFieldBinder(c Context) *ValueBinder { + vb := &ValueBinder{ + failFast: true, + ValueFunc: func(sourceParam string) string { + return c.Request().FormValue(sourceParam) + }, + ErrorFunc: NewBindingError, + } + vb.ValuesFunc = func(sourceParam string) []string { + if c.Request().Form == nil { + // this is same as `Request().FormValue()` does internally + _ = c.Request().ParseMultipartForm(32 << 20) + } + values, ok := c.Request().Form[sourceParam] + if !ok { + return nil + } + return values + } + + return vb +} + +// FailFast set internal flag to indicate if binding methods will return early (without binding) when previous bind failed +// NB: call this method before any other binding methods as it modifies binding methods behaviour +func (b *ValueBinder) FailFast(value bool) *ValueBinder { + b.failFast = value + return b +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) setError(err error) { + if b.errors == nil { + b.errors = []error{err} + return + } + b.errors = append(b.errors, err) +} + +// BindError returns first seen bind error and resets/empties binder errors for further calls +func (b *ValueBinder) BindError() error { + if b.errors == nil { + return nil + } + err := b.errors[0] + b.errors = nil // reset errors so next chain will start from zero + return err +} + +// BindErrors returns all bind errors and resets/empties binder errors for further calls +func (b *ValueBinder) BindErrors() []error { + if b.errors == nil { + return nil + } + errors := b.errors + b.errors = nil // reset errors so next chain will start from zero + return errors +} + +// CustomFunc binds parameter values with Func. Func is called only when parameter values exist. +func (b *ValueBinder) CustomFunc(sourceParam string, customFunc func(values []string) []error) *ValueBinder { + return b.customFunc(sourceParam, customFunc, false) +} + +// MustCustomFunc requires parameter values to exist to be bind with Func. Returns error when value does not exist. +func (b *ValueBinder) MustCustomFunc(sourceParam string, customFunc func(values []string) []error) *ValueBinder { + return b.customFunc(sourceParam, customFunc, true) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) customFunc(sourceParam string, customFunc func(values []string) []error, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam) + if len(values) == 0 { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + if errs := customFunc(values); errs != nil { + b.errors = append(b.errors, errs...) + } + return b +} + +// String binds parameter to string variable +func (b *ValueBinder) String(sourceParam string, dest *string) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam) + if value == "" { + return b + } + *dest = value + return b +} + +// MustString requires parameter value to exist to be bind to string variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustString(sourceParam string, dest *string) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam) + if value == "" { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + return b + } + *dest = value + return b +} + +// Strings binds parameter values to slice of string +func (b *ValueBinder) Strings(sourceParam string, dest *[]string) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam) + if value == nil { + return b + } + *dest = value + return b +} + +// MustStrings requires parameter values to exist to be bind to slice of string variables. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustStrings(sourceParam string, dest *[]string) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam) + if value == nil { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + return b + } + *dest = value + return b +} + +// BindUnmarshaler binds parameter to destination implementing BindUnmarshaler interface +func (b *ValueBinder) BindUnmarshaler(sourceParam string, dest BindUnmarshaler) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + tmp := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam) + if tmp == "" { + return b + } + + if err := dest.UnmarshalParam(tmp); err != nil { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{tmp}, "failed to bind field value to BindUnmarshaler interface", err)) + } + return b +} + +// MustBindUnmarshaler requires parameter value to exist to be bind to destination implementing BindUnmarshaler interface. +// Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustBindUnmarshaler(sourceParam string, dest BindUnmarshaler) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam) + if value == "" { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + return b + } + + if err := dest.UnmarshalParam(value); err != nil { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to BindUnmarshaler interface", err)) + } + return b +} + +// BindWithDelimiter binds parameter to destination by suitable conversion function. +// Delimiter is used before conversion to split parameter value to separate values +func (b *ValueBinder) BindWithDelimiter(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, delimiter string) *ValueBinder { + return b.bindWithDelimiter(sourceParam, dest, delimiter, false) +} + +// MustBindWithDelimiter requires parameter value to exist to be bind destination by suitable conversion function. +// Delimiter is used before conversion to split parameter value to separate values +func (b *ValueBinder) MustBindWithDelimiter(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, delimiter string) *ValueBinder { + return b.bindWithDelimiter(sourceParam, dest, delimiter, true) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) bindWithDelimiter(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, delimiter string, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam) + if len(values) == 0 { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + tmpValues := make([]string, 0, len(values)) + for _, v := range values { + tmpValues = append(tmpValues, strings.Split(v, delimiter)...) + } + + switch d := dest.(type) { + case *[]string: + *d = tmpValues + return b + case *[]bool: + return b.bools(sourceParam, tmpValues, d) + case *[]int64, *[]int32, *[]int16, *[]int8, *[]int: + return b.ints(sourceParam, tmpValues, d) + case *[]uint64, *[]uint32, *[]uint16, *[]uint8, *[]uint: // *[]byte is same as *[]uint8 + return b.uints(sourceParam, tmpValues, d) + case *[]float64, *[]float32: + return b.floats(sourceParam, tmpValues, d) + case *[]time.Duration: + return b.durations(sourceParam, tmpValues, d) + default: + // support only cases when destination is slice + // does not support time.Time as it needs argument (layout) for parsing or BindUnmarshaler + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "unsupported bind type", nil)) + return b + } +} + +// Int64 binds parameter to int64 variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Int64(sourceParam string, dest *int64) *ValueBinder { + return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, false) +} + +// MustInt64 requires parameter value to exist to be bind to int64 variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt64(sourceParam string, dest *int64) *ValueBinder { + return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, true) +} + +// Int32 binds parameter to int32 variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Int32(sourceParam string, dest *int32) *ValueBinder { + return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, false) +} + +// MustInt32 requires parameter value to exist to be bind to int32 variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt32(sourceParam string, dest *int32) *ValueBinder { + return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, true) +} + +// Int16 binds parameter to int16 variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Int16(sourceParam string, dest *int16) *ValueBinder { + return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 16, false) +} + +// MustInt16 requires parameter value to exist to be bind to int16 variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt16(sourceParam string, dest *int16) *ValueBinder { + return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 16, true) +} + +// Int8 binds parameter to int8 variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Int8(sourceParam string, dest *int8) *ValueBinder { + return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, false) +} + +// MustInt8 requires parameter value to exist to be bind to int8 variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt8(sourceParam string, dest *int8) *ValueBinder { + return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, true) +} + +// Int binds parameter to int variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Int(sourceParam string, dest *int) *ValueBinder { + return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 0, false) +} + +// MustInt requires parameter value to exist to be bind to int variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt(sourceParam string, dest *int) *ValueBinder { + return b.intValue(sourceParam, dest, 0, true) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) intValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, bitSize int, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam) + if value == "" { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + + return b.int(sourceParam, value, dest, bitSize) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) int(sourceParam string, value string, dest interface{}, bitSize int) *ValueBinder { + n, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, bitSize) + if err != nil { + if bitSize == 0 { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to int", err)) + } else { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, fmt.Sprintf("failed to bind field value to int%v", bitSize), err)) + } + return b + } + + switch d := dest.(type) { + case *int64: + *d = n + case *int32: + *d = int32(n) + case *int16: + *d = int16(n) + case *int8: + *d = int8(n) + case *int: + *d = int(n) + } + return b +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) intsValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam) + if len(values) == 0 { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, values, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + return b.ints(sourceParam, values, dest) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) ints(sourceParam string, values []string, dest interface{}) *ValueBinder { + switch d := dest.(type) { + case *[]int64: + tmp := make([]int64, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.int(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 64) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + case *[]int32: + tmp := make([]int32, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.int(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 32) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + case *[]int16: + tmp := make([]int16, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.int(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 16) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + case *[]int8: + tmp := make([]int8, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.int(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 8) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + case *[]int: + tmp := make([]int, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.int(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 0) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + } + return b +} + +// Int64s binds parameter to slice of int64 +func (b *ValueBinder) Int64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int64) *ValueBinder { + return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustInt64s requires parameter value to exist to be bind to int64 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int64) *ValueBinder { + return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Int32s binds parameter to slice of int32 +func (b *ValueBinder) Int32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int32) *ValueBinder { + return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustInt32s requires parameter value to exist to be bind to int32 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int32) *ValueBinder { + return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Int16s binds parameter to slice of int16 +func (b *ValueBinder) Int16s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int16) *ValueBinder { + return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustInt16s requires parameter value to exist to be bind to int16 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt16s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int16) *ValueBinder { + return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Int8s binds parameter to slice of int8 +func (b *ValueBinder) Int8s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int8) *ValueBinder { + return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustInt8s requires parameter value to exist to be bind to int8 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustInt8s(sourceParam string, dest *[]int8) *ValueBinder { + return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Ints binds parameter to slice of int +func (b *ValueBinder) Ints(sourceParam string, dest *[]int) *ValueBinder { + return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustInts requires parameter value to exist to be bind to int slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustInts(sourceParam string, dest *[]int) *ValueBinder { + return b.intsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Uint64 binds parameter to uint64 variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Uint64(sourceParam string, dest *uint64) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, false) +} + +// MustUint64 requires parameter value to exist to be bind to uint64 variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint64(sourceParam string, dest *uint64) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, true) +} + +// Uint32 binds parameter to uint32 variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Uint32(sourceParam string, dest *uint32) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, false) +} + +// MustUint32 requires parameter value to exist to be bind to uint32 variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint32(sourceParam string, dest *uint32) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, true) +} + +// Uint16 binds parameter to uint16 variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Uint16(sourceParam string, dest *uint16) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 16, false) +} + +// MustUint16 requires parameter value to exist to be bind to uint16 variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint16(sourceParam string, dest *uint16) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 16, true) +} + +// Uint8 binds parameter to uint8 variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Uint8(sourceParam string, dest *uint8) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, false) +} + +// MustUint8 requires parameter value to exist to be bind to uint8 variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint8(sourceParam string, dest *uint8) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, true) +} + +// Byte binds parameter to byte variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Byte(sourceParam string, dest *byte) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, false) +} + +// MustByte requires parameter value to exist to be bind to byte variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustByte(sourceParam string, dest *byte) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 8, true) +} + +// Uint binds parameter to uint variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Uint(sourceParam string, dest *uint) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 0, false) +} + +// MustUint requires parameter value to exist to be bind to uint variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint(sourceParam string, dest *uint) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintValue(sourceParam, dest, 0, true) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) uintValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, bitSize int, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam) + if value == "" { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + + return b.uint(sourceParam, value, dest, bitSize) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) uint(sourceParam string, value string, dest interface{}, bitSize int) *ValueBinder { + n, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, bitSize) + if err != nil { + if bitSize == 0 { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to uint", err)) + } else { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, fmt.Sprintf("failed to bind field value to uint%v", bitSize), err)) + } + return b + } + + switch d := dest.(type) { + case *uint64: + *d = n + case *uint32: + *d = uint32(n) + case *uint16: + *d = uint16(n) + case *uint8: // byte is alias to uint8 + *d = uint8(n) + case *uint: + *d = uint(n) + } + return b +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) uintsValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam) + if len(values) == 0 { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, values, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + return b.uints(sourceParam, values, dest) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) uints(sourceParam string, values []string, dest interface{}) *ValueBinder { + switch d := dest.(type) { + case *[]uint64: + tmp := make([]uint64, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.uint(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 64) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + case *[]uint32: + tmp := make([]uint32, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.uint(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 32) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + case *[]uint16: + tmp := make([]uint16, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.uint(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 16) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + case *[]uint8: // byte is alias to uint8 + tmp := make([]uint8, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.uint(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 8) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + case *[]uint: + tmp := make([]uint, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.uint(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 0) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + } + return b +} + +// Uint64s binds parameter to slice of uint64 +func (b *ValueBinder) Uint64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint64) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustUint64s requires parameter value to exist to be bind to uint64 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint64) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Uint32s binds parameter to slice of uint32 +func (b *ValueBinder) Uint32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint32) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustUint32s requires parameter value to exist to be bind to uint32 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint32) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Uint16s binds parameter to slice of uint16 +func (b *ValueBinder) Uint16s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint16) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustUint16s requires parameter value to exist to be bind to uint16 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint16s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint16) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Uint8s binds parameter to slice of uint8 +func (b *ValueBinder) Uint8s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint8) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustUint8s requires parameter value to exist to be bind to uint8 slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUint8s(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint8) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Uints binds parameter to slice of uint +func (b *ValueBinder) Uints(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustUints requires parameter value to exist to be bind to uint slice variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUints(sourceParam string, dest *[]uint) *ValueBinder { + return b.uintsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Bool binds parameter to bool variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Bool(sourceParam string, dest *bool) *ValueBinder { + return b.boolValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustBool requires parameter value to exist to be bind to bool variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustBool(sourceParam string, dest *bool) *ValueBinder { + return b.boolValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) boolValue(sourceParam string, dest *bool, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam) + if value == "" { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + return b.bool(sourceParam, value, dest) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) bool(sourceParam string, value string, dest *bool) *ValueBinder { + n, err := strconv.ParseBool(value) + if err != nil { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to bool", err)) + return b + } + + *dest = n + return b +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) boolsValue(sourceParam string, dest *[]bool, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam) + if len(values) == 0 { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + return b.bools(sourceParam, values, dest) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) bools(sourceParam string, values []string, dest *[]bool) *ValueBinder { + tmp := make([]bool, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.bool(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i]) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *dest = tmp + } + return b +} + +// Bools binds parameter values to slice of bool variables +func (b *ValueBinder) Bools(sourceParam string, dest *[]bool) *ValueBinder { + return b.boolsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustBools requires parameter values to exist to be bind to slice of bool variables. Returns error when values does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustBools(sourceParam string, dest *[]bool) *ValueBinder { + return b.boolsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Float64 binds parameter to float64 variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Float64(sourceParam string, dest *float64) *ValueBinder { + return b.floatValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, false) +} + +// MustFloat64 requires parameter value to exist to be bind to float64 variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustFloat64(sourceParam string, dest *float64) *ValueBinder { + return b.floatValue(sourceParam, dest, 64, true) +} + +// Float32 binds parameter to float32 variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Float32(sourceParam string, dest *float32) *ValueBinder { + return b.floatValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, false) +} + +// MustFloat32 requires parameter value to exist to be bind to float32 variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustFloat32(sourceParam string, dest *float32) *ValueBinder { + return b.floatValue(sourceParam, dest, 32, true) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) floatValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, bitSize int, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam) + if value == "" { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + + return b.float(sourceParam, value, dest, bitSize) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) float(sourceParam string, value string, dest interface{}, bitSize int) *ValueBinder { + n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, bitSize) + if err != nil { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, fmt.Sprintf("failed to bind field value to float%v", bitSize), err)) + return b + } + + switch d := dest.(type) { + case *float64: + *d = n + case *float32: + *d = float32(n) + } + return b +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) floatsValue(sourceParam string, dest interface{}, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam) + if len(values) == 0 { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + return b.floats(sourceParam, values, dest) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) floats(sourceParam string, values []string, dest interface{}) *ValueBinder { + switch d := dest.(type) { + case *[]float64: + tmp := make([]float64, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.float(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 64) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + case *[]float32: + tmp := make([]float32, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + b.float(sourceParam, v, &tmp[i], 32) + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + } + if b.errors == nil { + *d = tmp + } + } + return b +} + +// Float64s binds parameter values to slice of float64 variables +func (b *ValueBinder) Float64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]float64) *ValueBinder { + return b.floatsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustFloat64s requires parameter values to exist to be bind to slice of float64 variables. Returns error when values does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustFloat64s(sourceParam string, dest *[]float64) *ValueBinder { + return b.floatsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Float32s binds parameter values to slice of float32 variables +func (b *ValueBinder) Float32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]float32) *ValueBinder { + return b.floatsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustFloat32s requires parameter values to exist to be bind to slice of float32 variables. Returns error when values does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustFloat32s(sourceParam string, dest *[]float32) *ValueBinder { + return b.floatsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +// Time binds parameter to time.Time variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Time(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time, layout string) *ValueBinder { + return b.time(sourceParam, dest, layout, false) +} + +// MustTime requires parameter value to exist to be bind to time.Time variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustTime(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time, layout string) *ValueBinder { + return b.time(sourceParam, dest, layout, true) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) time(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time, layout string, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam) + if value == "" { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + t, err := time.Parse(layout, value) + if err != nil { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to Time", err)) + return b + } + *dest = t + return b +} + +// Times binds parameter values to slice of time.Time variables +func (b *ValueBinder) Times(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Time, layout string) *ValueBinder { + return b.times(sourceParam, dest, layout, false) +} + +// MustTimes requires parameter values to exist to be bind to slice of time.Time variables. Returns error when values does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustTimes(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Time, layout string) *ValueBinder { + return b.times(sourceParam, dest, layout, true) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) times(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Time, layout string, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam) + if len(values) == 0 { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + + tmp := make([]time.Time, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + t, err := time.Parse(layout, v) + if err != nil { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{v}, "failed to bind field value to Time", err)) + if b.failFast { + return b + } + continue + } + tmp[i] = t + } + if b.errors == nil { + *dest = tmp + } + return b +} + +// Duration binds parameter to time.Duration variable +func (b *ValueBinder) Duration(sourceParam string, dest *time.Duration) *ValueBinder { + return b.duration(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustDuration requires parameter value to exist to be bind to time.Duration variable. Returns error when value does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustDuration(sourceParam string, dest *time.Duration) *ValueBinder { + return b.duration(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) duration(sourceParam string, dest *time.Duration, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam) + if value == "" { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + t, err := time.ParseDuration(value) + if err != nil { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to Duration", err)) + return b + } + *dest = t + return b +} + +// Durations binds parameter values to slice of time.Duration variables +func (b *ValueBinder) Durations(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Duration) *ValueBinder { + return b.durationsValue(sourceParam, dest, false) +} + +// MustDurations requires parameter values to exist to be bind to slice of time.Duration variables. Returns error when values does not exist +func (b *ValueBinder) MustDurations(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Duration) *ValueBinder { + return b.durationsValue(sourceParam, dest, true) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) durationsValue(sourceParam string, dest *[]time.Duration, valueMustExist bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + values := b.ValuesFunc(sourceParam) + if len(values) == 0 { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + return b.durations(sourceParam, values, dest) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) durations(sourceParam string, values []string, dest *[]time.Duration) *ValueBinder { + tmp := make([]time.Duration, len(values)) + for i, v := range values { + t, err := time.ParseDuration(v) + if err != nil { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{v}, "failed to bind field value to Duration", err)) + if b.failFast { + return b + } + continue + } + tmp[i] = t + } + if b.errors == nil { + *dest = tmp + } + return b +} + +// UnixTime binds parameter to time.Time variable (in local Time corresponding to the given Unix time). +// +// Example: 1609180603 bind to 2020-12-28T18:36:43.000000000+00:00 +// +// Note: +// * time.Time{} (param is empty) and time.Unix(0,0) (param = "0") are not equal +func (b *ValueBinder) UnixTime(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time) *ValueBinder { + return b.unixTime(sourceParam, dest, false, false) +} + +// MustUnixTime requires parameter value to exist to be bind to time.Duration variable (in local Time corresponding +// to the given Unix time). Returns error when value does not exist. +// +// Example: 1609180603 bind to 2020-12-28T18:36:43.000000000+00:00 +// +// Note: +// * time.Time{} (param is empty) and time.Unix(0,0) (param = "0") are not equal +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUnixTime(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time) *ValueBinder { + return b.unixTime(sourceParam, dest, true, false) +} + +// UnixTimeNano binds parameter to time.Time variable (in local Time corresponding to the given Unix time in nano second precision). +// +// Example: 1609180603123456789 binds to 2020-12-28T18:36:43.123456789+00:00 +// Example: 1000000000 binds to 1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000000+00:00 +// Example: 999999999 binds to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.999999999+00:00 +// +// Note: +// * time.Time{} (param is empty) and time.Unix(0,0) (param = "0") are not equal +// * Javascript's Number type only has about 53 bits of precision (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991). Compare it to 1609180603123456789 in example. +func (b *ValueBinder) UnixTimeNano(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time) *ValueBinder { + return b.unixTime(sourceParam, dest, false, true) +} + +// MustUnixTimeNano requires parameter value to exist to be bind to time.Duration variable (in local Time corresponding +// to the given Unix time value in nano second precision). Returns error when value does not exist. +// +// Example: 1609180603123456789 binds to 2020-12-28T18:36:43.123456789+00:00 +// Example: 1000000000 binds to 1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000000+00:00 +// Example: 999999999 binds to 1970-01-01T00:00:00.999999999+00:00 +// +// Note: +// * time.Time{} (param is empty) and time.Unix(0,0) (param = "0") are not equal +// * Javascript's Number type only has about 53 bits of precision (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991). Compare it to 1609180603123456789 in example. +func (b *ValueBinder) MustUnixTimeNano(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time) *ValueBinder { + return b.unixTime(sourceParam, dest, true, true) +} + +func (b *ValueBinder) unixTime(sourceParam string, dest *time.Time, valueMustExist bool, isNano bool) *ValueBinder { + if b.failFast && b.errors != nil { + return b + } + + value := b.ValueFunc(sourceParam) + if value == "" { + if valueMustExist { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "required field value is empty", nil)) + } + return b + } + + n, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + b.setError(b.ErrorFunc(sourceParam, []string{value}, "failed to bind field value to Time", err)) + return b + } + + if isNano { + *dest = time.Unix(0, n) + } else { + *dest = time.Unix(n, 0) + } + return b +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/codecov.yml b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/codecov.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0fa3a3f18 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/codecov.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +coverage: + status: + project: + default: + threshold: 1% + patch: + default: + threshold: 1% + +comment: + require_changes: true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context.go index e0f4cc00f..a4ecfadfc 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package echo import ( "bytes" - "encoding/json" "encoding/xml" "fmt" "io" @@ -10,8 +9,6 @@ import ( "net" "net/http" "net/url" - "os" - "path/filepath" "strings" "sync" ) @@ -43,6 +40,7 @@ type ( // RealIP returns the client's network address based on `X-Forwarded-For` // or `X-Real-IP` request header. + // The behavior can be configured using `Echo#IPExtractor`. RealIP() string // Path returns the registered path for the handler. @@ -183,6 +181,9 @@ type ( // Logger returns the `Logger` instance. Logger() Logger + // Set the logger + SetLogger(l Logger) + // Echo returns the `Echo` instance. Echo() *Echo @@ -202,10 +203,18 @@ type ( handler HandlerFunc store Map echo *Echo + logger Logger lock sync.RWMutex } ) +const ( + // ContextKeyHeaderAllow is set by Router for getting value for `Allow` header in later stages of handler call chain. + // Allow header is mandatory for status 405 (method not found) and useful for OPTIONS method requests. + // It is added to context only when Router does not find matching method handler for request. + ContextKeyHeaderAllow = "echo_header_allow" +) + const ( defaultMemory = 32 << 20 // 32 MB indexPage = "index.html" @@ -241,7 +250,7 @@ func (c *context) IsTLS() bool { func (c *context) IsWebSocket() bool { upgrade := c.request.Header.Get(HeaderUpgrade) - return strings.ToLower(upgrade) == "websocket" + return strings.EqualFold(upgrade, "websocket") } func (c *context) Scheme() string { @@ -266,8 +275,16 @@ func (c *context) Scheme() string { } func (c *context) RealIP() string { + if c.echo != nil && c.echo.IPExtractor != nil { + return c.echo.IPExtractor(c.request) + } + // Fall back to legacy behavior if ip := c.request.Header.Get(HeaderXForwardedFor); ip != "" { - return strings.Split(ip, ", ")[0] + i := strings.IndexAny(ip, ",") + if i > 0 { + return strings.TrimSpace(ip[:i]) + } + return ip } if ip := c.request.Header.Get(HeaderXRealIP); ip != "" { return ip @@ -301,6 +318,19 @@ func (c *context) ParamNames() []string { func (c *context) SetParamNames(names ...string) { c.pnames = names + + l := len(names) + if *c.echo.maxParam < l { + *c.echo.maxParam = l + } + + if len(c.pvalues) < l { + // Keeping the old pvalues just for backward compatibility, but it sounds that doesn't make sense to keep them, + // probably those values will be overriden in a Context#SetParamValues + newPvalues := make([]string, l) + copy(newPvalues, c.pvalues) + c.pvalues = newPvalues + } } func (c *context) ParamValues() []string { @@ -308,7 +338,15 @@ func (c *context) ParamValues() []string { } func (c *context) SetParamValues(values ...string) { - c.pvalues = values + // NOTE: Don't just set c.pvalues = values, because it has to have length c.echo.maxParam at all times + // It will brake the Router#Find code + limit := len(values) + if limit > *c.echo.maxParam { + limit = *c.echo.maxParam + } + for i := 0; i < limit; i++ { + c.pvalues[i] = values[i] + } } func (c *context) QueryParam(name string) string { @@ -347,8 +385,12 @@ func (c *context) FormParams() (url.Values, error) { } func (c *context) FormFile(name string) (*multipart.FileHeader, error) { - _, fh, err := c.request.FormFile(name) - return fh, err + f, fh, err := c.request.FormFile(name) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + f.Close() + return fh, nil } func (c *context) MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error) { @@ -419,17 +461,16 @@ func (c *context) String(code int, s string) (err error) { } func (c *context) jsonPBlob(code int, callback string, i interface{}) (err error) { - enc := json.NewEncoder(c.response) - _, pretty := c.QueryParams()["pretty"] - if c.echo.Debug || pretty { - enc.SetIndent("", " ") + indent := "" + if _, pretty := c.QueryParams()["pretty"]; c.echo.Debug || pretty { + indent = defaultIndent } c.writeContentType(MIMEApplicationJavaScriptCharsetUTF8) c.response.WriteHeader(code) if _, err = c.response.Write([]byte(callback + "(")); err != nil { return } - if err = enc.Encode(i); err != nil { + if err = c.echo.JSONSerializer.Serialize(c, i, indent); err != nil { return } if _, err = c.response.Write([]byte(");")); err != nil { @@ -439,13 +480,9 @@ func (c *context) jsonPBlob(code int, callback string, i interface{}) (err error } func (c *context) json(code int, i interface{}, indent string) error { - enc := json.NewEncoder(c.response) - if indent != "" { - enc.SetIndent("", indent) - } c.writeContentType(MIMEApplicationJSONCharsetUTF8) c.response.Status = code - return enc.Encode(i) + return c.echo.JSONSerializer.Serialize(c, i, indent) } func (c *context) JSON(code int, i interface{}) (err error) { @@ -530,29 +567,6 @@ func (c *context) Stream(code int, contentType string, r io.Reader) (err error) return } -func (c *context) File(file string) (err error) { - f, err := os.Open(file) - if err != nil { - return NotFoundHandler(c) - } - defer f.Close() - - fi, _ := f.Stat() - if fi.IsDir() { - file = filepath.Join(file, indexPage) - f, err = os.Open(file) - if err != nil { - return NotFoundHandler(c) - } - defer f.Close() - if fi, err = f.Stat(); err != nil { - return - } - } - http.ServeContent(c.Response(), c.Request(), fi.Name(), fi.ModTime(), f) - return -} - func (c *context) Attachment(file, name string) error { return c.contentDisposition(file, name, "attachment") } @@ -597,9 +611,17 @@ func (c *context) SetHandler(h HandlerFunc) { } func (c *context) Logger() Logger { + res := c.logger + if res != nil { + return res + } return c.echo.Logger } +func (c *context) SetLogger(l Logger) { + c.logger = l +} + func (c *context) Reset(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter) { c.request = r c.response.reset(w) @@ -608,6 +630,9 @@ func (c *context) Reset(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter) { c.store = nil c.path = "" c.pnames = nil + c.logger = nil // NOTE: Don't reset because it has to have length c.echo.maxParam at all times - // c.pvalues = nil + for i := 0; i < *c.echo.maxParam; i++ { + c.pvalues[i] = "" + } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context_fs.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context_fs.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..11ee84bcd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context_fs.go @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +//go:build !go1.16 +// +build !go1.16 + +package echo + +import ( + "net/http" + "os" + "path/filepath" +) + +func (c *context) File(file string) (err error) { + f, err := os.Open(file) + if err != nil { + return NotFoundHandler(c) + } + defer f.Close() + + fi, _ := f.Stat() + if fi.IsDir() { + file = filepath.Join(file, indexPage) + f, err = os.Open(file) + if err != nil { + return NotFoundHandler(c) + } + defer f.Close() + if fi, err = f.Stat(); err != nil { + return + } + } + http.ServeContent(c.Response(), c.Request(), fi.Name(), fi.ModTime(), f) + return +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context_fs_go1.16.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context_fs_go1.16.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c1c724afd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context_fs_go1.16.go @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +//go:build go1.16 +// +build go1.16 + +package echo + +import ( + "errors" + "io" + "io/fs" + "net/http" + "path/filepath" +) + +func (c *context) File(file string) error { + return fsFile(c, file, c.echo.Filesystem) +} + +// FileFS serves file from given file system. +// +// When dealing with `embed.FS` use `fs := echo.MustSubFS(fs, "rootDirectory") to create sub fs which uses necessary +// prefix for directory path. This is necessary as `//go:embed assets/images` embeds files with paths +// including `assets/images` as their prefix. +func (c *context) FileFS(file string, filesystem fs.FS) error { + return fsFile(c, file, filesystem) +} + +func fsFile(c Context, file string, filesystem fs.FS) error { + f, err := filesystem.Open(file) + if err != nil { + return ErrNotFound + } + defer f.Close() + + fi, _ := f.Stat() + if fi.IsDir() { + file = filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join(file, indexPage)) // ToSlash is necessary for Windows. fs.Open and os.Open are different in that aspect. + f, err = filesystem.Open(file) + if err != nil { + return ErrNotFound + } + defer f.Close() + if fi, err = f.Stat(); err != nil { + return err + } + } + ff, ok := f.(io.ReadSeeker) + if !ok { + return errors.New("file does not implement io.ReadSeeker") + } + http.ServeContent(c.Response(), c.Request(), fi.Name(), fi.ModTime(), ff) + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo.go index 459c89882..8829619c7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo.go @@ -47,9 +47,6 @@ import ( stdLog "log" "net" "net/http" - "net/url" - "path" - "path/filepath" "reflect" "runtime" "sync" @@ -59,12 +56,18 @@ import ( "github.com/labstack/gommon/log" "golang.org/x/crypto/acme" "golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert" + "golang.org/x/net/http2" + "golang.org/x/net/http2/h2c" ) type ( // Echo is the top-level framework instance. Echo struct { + filesystem common + // startupMutex is mutex to lock Echo instance access during server configuration and startup. Useful for to get + // listener address info (on which interface/port was listener binded) without having data races. + startupMutex sync.RWMutex StdLogger *stdLog.Logger colorer *color.Color premiddleware []MiddlewareFunc @@ -72,7 +75,6 @@ type ( maxParam *int router *Router routers map[string]*Router - notFoundHandler HandlerFunc pool sync.Pool Server *http.Server TLSServer *http.Server @@ -85,9 +87,12 @@ type ( HidePort bool HTTPErrorHandler HTTPErrorHandler Binder Binder + JSONSerializer JSONSerializer Validator Validator Renderer Renderer Logger Logger + IPExtractor IPExtractor + ListenerNetwork string } // Route contains a handler and information for matching against requests. @@ -105,10 +110,10 @@ type ( } // MiddlewareFunc defines a function to process middleware. - MiddlewareFunc func(HandlerFunc) HandlerFunc + MiddlewareFunc func(next HandlerFunc) HandlerFunc // HandlerFunc defines a function to serve HTTP requests. - HandlerFunc func(Context) error + HandlerFunc func(c Context) error // HTTPErrorHandler is a centralized HTTP error handler. HTTPErrorHandler func(error, Context) @@ -118,6 +123,12 @@ type ( Validate(i interface{}) error } + // JSONSerializer is the interface that encodes and decodes JSON to and from interfaces. + JSONSerializer interface { + Serialize(c Context, i interface{}, indent string) error + Deserialize(c Context, i interface{}) error + } + // Renderer is the interface that wraps the Render function. Renderer interface { Render(io.Writer, string, interface{}, Context) error @@ -176,8 +187,12 @@ const ( // Headers const ( - HeaderAccept = "Accept" - HeaderAcceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding" + HeaderAccept = "Accept" + HeaderAcceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding" + // HeaderAllow is the name of the "Allow" header field used to list the set of methods + // advertised as supported by the target resource. Returning an Allow header is mandatory + // for status 405 (method not found) and useful for the OPTIONS method in responses. + // See RFC 7231: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7231#section-7.4.1 HeaderAllow = "Allow" HeaderAuthorization = "Authorization" HeaderContentDisposition = "Content-Disposition" @@ -189,6 +204,7 @@ const ( HeaderIfModifiedSince = "If-Modified-Since" HeaderLastModified = "Last-Modified" HeaderLocation = "Location" + HeaderRetryAfter = "Retry-After" HeaderUpgrade = "Upgrade" HeaderVary = "Vary" HeaderWWWAuthenticate = "WWW-Authenticate" @@ -198,11 +214,14 @@ const ( HeaderXForwardedSsl = "X-Forwarded-Ssl" HeaderXUrlScheme = "X-Url-Scheme" HeaderXHTTPMethodOverride = "X-HTTP-Method-Override" - HeaderXRealIP = "X-Real-IP" - HeaderXRequestID = "X-Request-ID" + HeaderXRealIP = "X-Real-Ip" + HeaderXRequestID = "X-Request-Id" + HeaderXCorrelationID = "X-Correlation-Id" HeaderXRequestedWith = "X-Requested-With" HeaderServer = "Server" HeaderOrigin = "Origin" + HeaderCacheControl = "Cache-Control" + HeaderConnection = "Connection" // Access control HeaderAccessControlRequestMethod = "Access-Control-Request-Method" @@ -227,7 +246,7 @@ const ( const ( // Version of Echo - Version = "4.1.11" + Version = "4.7.2" website = "https://echo.labstack.com" // http://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=Small%20Slant&t=Echo banner = ` @@ -277,6 +296,7 @@ var ( ErrInvalidRedirectCode = errors.New("invalid redirect status code") ErrCookieNotFound = errors.New("cookie not found") ErrInvalidCertOrKeyType = errors.New("invalid cert or key type, must be string or []byte") + ErrInvalidListenerNetwork = errors.New("invalid listener network") ) // Error handlers @@ -286,6 +306,12 @@ var ( } MethodNotAllowedHandler = func(c Context) error { + // See RFC 7231 section 7.4.1: An origin server MUST generate an Allow field in a 405 (Method Not Allowed) + // response and MAY do so in any other response. For disabled resources an empty Allow header may be returned + routerAllowMethods, ok := c.Get(ContextKeyHeaderAllow).(string) + if ok && routerAllowMethods != "" { + c.Response().Header().Set(HeaderAllow, routerAllowMethods) + } return ErrMethodNotAllowed } ) @@ -293,19 +319,22 @@ var ( // New creates an instance of Echo. func New() (e *Echo) { e = &Echo{ - Server: new(http.Server), - TLSServer: new(http.Server), + filesystem: createFilesystem(), + Server: new(http.Server), + TLSServer: new(http.Server), AutoTLSManager: autocert.Manager{ Prompt: autocert.AcceptTOS, }, - Logger: log.New("echo"), - colorer: color.New(), - maxParam: new(int), + Logger: log.New("echo"), + colorer: color.New(), + maxParam: new(int), + ListenerNetwork: "tcp", } e.Server.Handler = e e.TLSServer.Handler = e e.HTTPErrorHandler = e.DefaultHTTPErrorHandler e.Binder = &DefaultBinder{} + e.JSONSerializer = &DefaultJSONSerializer{} e.Logger.SetLevel(log.ERROR) e.StdLogger = stdLog.New(e.Logger.Output(), e.Logger.Prefix()+": ", 0) e.pool.New = func() interface{} { @@ -340,7 +369,17 @@ func (e *Echo) Routers() map[string]*Router { // DefaultHTTPErrorHandler is the default HTTP error handler. It sends a JSON response // with status code. +// +// NOTE: In case errors happens in middleware call-chain that is returning from handler (which did not return an error). +// When handler has already sent response (ala c.JSON()) and there is error in middleware that is returning from +// handler. Then the error that global error handler received will be ignored because we have already "commited" the +// response and status code header has been sent to the client. func (e *Echo) DefaultHTTPErrorHandler(err error, c Context) { + + if c.Response().Committed { + return + } + he, ok := err.(*HTTPError) if ok { if he.Internal != nil { @@ -354,23 +393,27 @@ func (e *Echo) DefaultHTTPErrorHandler(err error, c Context) { Message: http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError), } } - if e.Debug { - he.Message = err.Error() - } else if m, ok := he.Message.(string); ok { - he.Message = Map{"message": m} - } - // Send response - if !c.Response().Committed { - if c.Request().Method == http.MethodHead { // Issue #608 - err = c.NoContent(he.Code) + // Issue #1426 + code := he.Code + message := he.Message + if m, ok := he.Message.(string); ok { + if e.Debug { + message = Map{"message": m, "error": err.Error()} } else { - err = c.JSON(he.Code, he.Message) - } - if err != nil { - e.Logger.Error(err) + message = Map{"message": m} } } + + // Send response + if c.Request().Method == http.MethodHead { // Issue #608 + err = c.NoContent(he.Code) + } else { + err = c.JSON(code, message) + } + if err != nil { + e.Logger.Error(err) + } } // Pre adds middleware to the chain which is run before router. @@ -457,30 +500,6 @@ func (e *Echo) Match(methods []string, path string, handler HandlerFunc, middlew return routes } -// Static registers a new route with path prefix to serve static files from the -// provided root directory. -func (e *Echo) Static(prefix, root string) *Route { - if root == "" { - root = "." // For security we want to restrict to CWD. - } - return e.static(prefix, root, e.GET) -} - -func (common) static(prefix, root string, get func(string, HandlerFunc, ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route) *Route { - h := func(c Context) error { - p, err := url.PathUnescape(c.Param("*")) - if err != nil { - return err - } - name := filepath.Join(root, path.Clean("/"+p)) // "/"+ for security - return c.File(name) - } - if prefix == "/" { - return get(prefix+"*", h) - } - return get(prefix+"/*", h) -} - func (common) file(path, file string, get func(string, HandlerFunc, ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route, m ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route { return get(path, func(c Context) error { @@ -497,11 +516,7 @@ func (e *Echo) add(host, method, path string, handler HandlerFunc, middleware .. name := handlerName(handler) router := e.findRouter(host) router.Add(method, path, func(c Context) error { - h := handler - // Chain middleware - for i := len(middleware) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - h = middleware[i](h) - } + h := applyMiddleware(handler, middleware...) return h(c) }) r := &Route{ @@ -553,7 +568,7 @@ func (e *Echo) Reverse(name string, params ...interface{}) string { for _, r := range e.router.routes { if r.Name == name { for i, l := 0, len(r.Path); i < l; i++ { - if r.Path[i] == ':' && n < ln { + if (r.Path[i] == ':' || r.Path[i] == '*') && n < ln { for ; i < l && r.Path[i] != '/'; i++ { } uri.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", params[n])) @@ -595,16 +610,15 @@ func (e *Echo) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Acquire context c := e.pool.Get().(*context) c.Reset(r, w) - - h := NotFoundHandler + var h func(Context) error if e.premiddleware == nil { - e.findRouter(r.Host).Find(r.Method, getPath(r), c) + e.findRouter(r.Host).Find(r.Method, GetPath(r), c) h = c.Handler() h = applyMiddleware(h, e.middleware...) } else { h = func(c Context) error { - e.findRouter(r.Host).Find(r.Method, getPath(r), c) + e.findRouter(r.Host).Find(r.Method, GetPath(r), c) h := c.Handler() h = applyMiddleware(h, e.middleware...) return h(c) @@ -623,21 +637,30 @@ func (e *Echo) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Start starts an HTTP server. func (e *Echo) Start(address string) error { + e.startupMutex.Lock() e.Server.Addr = address - return e.StartServer(e.Server) + if err := e.configureServer(e.Server); err != nil { + e.startupMutex.Unlock() + return err + } + e.startupMutex.Unlock() + return e.Server.Serve(e.Listener) } // StartTLS starts an HTTPS server. // If `certFile` or `keyFile` is `string` the values are treated as file paths. // If `certFile` or `keyFile` is `[]byte` the values are treated as the certificate or key as-is. func (e *Echo) StartTLS(address string, certFile, keyFile interface{}) (err error) { + e.startupMutex.Lock() var cert []byte if cert, err = filepathOrContent(certFile); err != nil { + e.startupMutex.Unlock() return } var key []byte if key, err = filepathOrContent(keyFile); err != nil { + e.startupMutex.Unlock() return } @@ -645,10 +668,17 @@ func (e *Echo) StartTLS(address string, certFile, keyFile interface{}) (err erro s.TLSConfig = new(tls.Config) s.TLSConfig.Certificates = make([]tls.Certificate, 1) if s.TLSConfig.Certificates[0], err = tls.X509KeyPair(cert, key); err != nil { + e.startupMutex.Unlock() return } - return e.startTLS(address) + e.configureTLS(address) + if err := e.configureServer(s); err != nil { + e.startupMutex.Unlock() + return err + } + e.startupMutex.Unlock() + return s.Serve(e.TLSListener) } func filepathOrContent(fileOrContent interface{}) (content []byte, err error) { @@ -664,24 +694,45 @@ func filepathOrContent(fileOrContent interface{}) (content []byte, err error) { // StartAutoTLS starts an HTTPS server using certificates automatically installed from https://letsencrypt.org. func (e *Echo) StartAutoTLS(address string) error { + e.startupMutex.Lock() s := e.TLSServer s.TLSConfig = new(tls.Config) s.TLSConfig.GetCertificate = e.AutoTLSManager.GetCertificate s.TLSConfig.NextProtos = append(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, acme.ALPNProto) - return e.startTLS(address) + + e.configureTLS(address) + if err := e.configureServer(s); err != nil { + e.startupMutex.Unlock() + return err + } + e.startupMutex.Unlock() + return s.Serve(e.TLSListener) } -func (e *Echo) startTLS(address string) error { +func (e *Echo) configureTLS(address string) { s := e.TLSServer s.Addr = address if !e.DisableHTTP2 { s.TLSConfig.NextProtos = append(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, "h2") } - return e.StartServer(e.TLSServer) } // StartServer starts a custom http server. func (e *Echo) StartServer(s *http.Server) (err error) { + e.startupMutex.Lock() + if err := e.configureServer(s); err != nil { + e.startupMutex.Unlock() + return err + } + if s.TLSConfig != nil { + e.startupMutex.Unlock() + return s.Serve(e.TLSListener) + } + e.startupMutex.Unlock() + return s.Serve(e.Listener) +} + +func (e *Echo) configureServer(s *http.Server) error { // Setup e.colorer.SetOutput(e.Logger.Output()) s.ErrorLog = e.StdLogger @@ -696,18 +747,19 @@ func (e *Echo) StartServer(s *http.Server) (err error) { if s.TLSConfig == nil { if e.Listener == nil { - e.Listener, err = newListener(s.Addr) + l, err := newListener(s.Addr, e.ListenerNetwork) if err != nil { return err } + e.Listener = l } if !e.HidePort { e.colorer.Printf("⇨ http server started on %s\n", e.colorer.Green(e.Listener.Addr())) } - return s.Serve(e.Listener) + return nil } if e.TLSListener == nil { - l, err := newListener(s.Addr) + l, err := newListener(s.Addr, e.ListenerNetwork) if err != nil { return err } @@ -716,12 +768,66 @@ func (e *Echo) StartServer(s *http.Server) (err error) { if !e.HidePort { e.colorer.Printf("⇨ https server started on %s\n", e.colorer.Green(e.TLSListener.Addr())) } - return s.Serve(e.TLSListener) + return nil +} + +// ListenerAddr returns net.Addr for Listener +func (e *Echo) ListenerAddr() net.Addr { + e.startupMutex.RLock() + defer e.startupMutex.RUnlock() + if e.Listener == nil { + return nil + } + return e.Listener.Addr() +} + +// TLSListenerAddr returns net.Addr for TLSListener +func (e *Echo) TLSListenerAddr() net.Addr { + e.startupMutex.RLock() + defer e.startupMutex.RUnlock() + if e.TLSListener == nil { + return nil + } + return e.TLSListener.Addr() +} + +// StartH2CServer starts a custom http/2 server with h2c (HTTP/2 Cleartext). +func (e *Echo) StartH2CServer(address string, h2s *http2.Server) error { + e.startupMutex.Lock() + // Setup + s := e.Server + s.Addr = address + e.colorer.SetOutput(e.Logger.Output()) + s.ErrorLog = e.StdLogger + s.Handler = h2c.NewHandler(e, h2s) + if e.Debug { + e.Logger.SetLevel(log.DEBUG) + } + + if !e.HideBanner { + e.colorer.Printf(banner, e.colorer.Red("v"+Version), e.colorer.Blue(website)) + } + + if e.Listener == nil { + l, err := newListener(s.Addr, e.ListenerNetwork) + if err != nil { + e.startupMutex.Unlock() + return err + } + e.Listener = l + } + if !e.HidePort { + e.colorer.Printf("⇨ http server started on %s\n", e.colorer.Green(e.Listener.Addr())) + } + e.startupMutex.Unlock() + return s.Serve(e.Listener) } // Close immediately stops the server. // It internally calls `http.Server#Close()`. func (e *Echo) Close() error { + e.startupMutex.Lock() + defer e.startupMutex.Unlock() if err := e.TLSServer.Close(); err != nil { return err } @@ -731,6 +837,8 @@ func (e *Echo) Close() error { // Shutdown stops the server gracefully. // It internally calls `http.Server#Shutdown()`. func (e *Echo) Shutdown(ctx stdContext.Context) error { + e.startupMutex.Lock() + defer e.startupMutex.Unlock() if err := e.TLSServer.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil { return err } @@ -748,6 +856,9 @@ func NewHTTPError(code int, message ...interface{}) *HTTPError { // Error makes it compatible with `error` interface. func (he *HTTPError) Error() string { + if he.Internal == nil { + return fmt.Sprintf("code=%d, message=%v", he.Code, he.Message) + } return fmt.Sprintf("code=%d, message=%v, internal=%v", he.Code, he.Message, he.Internal) } @@ -757,6 +868,11 @@ func (he *HTTPError) SetInternal(err error) *HTTPError { return he } +// Unwrap satisfies the Go 1.13 error wrapper interface. +func (he *HTTPError) Unwrap() error { + return he.Internal +} + // WrapHandler wraps `http.Handler` into `echo.HandlerFunc`. func WrapHandler(h http.Handler) HandlerFunc { return func(c Context) error { @@ -779,7 +895,11 @@ func WrapMiddleware(m func(http.Handler) http.Handler) MiddlewareFunc { } } -func getPath(r *http.Request) string { +// GetPath returns RawPath, if it's empty returns Path from URL +// Difference between RawPath and Path is: +// * Path is where request path is stored. Value is stored in decoded form: /%47%6f%2f becomes /Go/. +// * RawPath is an optional field which only gets set if the default encoding is different from Path. +func GetPath(r *http.Request) string { path := r.URL.RawPath if path == "" { path = r.URL.Path @@ -822,14 +942,18 @@ func (ln tcpKeepAliveListener) Accept() (c net.Conn, err error) { return } else if err = c.(*net.TCPConn).SetKeepAlive(true); err != nil { return - } else if err = c.(*net.TCPConn).SetKeepAlivePeriod(3 * time.Minute); err != nil { - return } + // Ignore error from setting the KeepAlivePeriod as some systems, such as + // OpenBSD, do not support setting TCP_USER_TIMEOUT on IPPROTO_TCP + _ = c.(*net.TCPConn).SetKeepAlivePeriod(3 * time.Minute) return } -func newListener(address string) (*tcpKeepAliveListener, error) { - l, err := net.Listen("tcp", address) +func newListener(address, network string) (*tcpKeepAliveListener, error) { + if network != "tcp" && network != "tcp4" && network != "tcp6" { + return nil, ErrInvalidListenerNetwork + } + l, err := net.Listen(network, address) if err != nil { return nil, err } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo_fs.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo_fs.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3790545a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo_fs.go @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +//go:build !go1.16 +// +build !go1.16 + +package echo + +import ( + "net/http" + "net/url" + "os" + "path/filepath" +) + +type filesystem struct { +} + +func createFilesystem() filesystem { + return filesystem{} +} + +// Static registers a new route with path prefix to serve static files from the +// provided root directory. +func (e *Echo) Static(prefix, root string) *Route { + if root == "" { + root = "." // For security we want to restrict to CWD. + } + return e.static(prefix, root, e.GET) +} + +func (common) static(prefix, root string, get func(string, HandlerFunc, ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route) *Route { + h := func(c Context) error { + p, err := url.PathUnescape(c.Param("*")) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + name := filepath.Join(root, filepath.Clean("/"+p)) // "/"+ for security + fi, err := os.Stat(name) + if err != nil { + // The access path does not exist + return NotFoundHandler(c) + } + + // If the request is for a directory and does not end with "/" + p = c.Request().URL.Path // path must not be empty. + if fi.IsDir() && p[len(p)-1] != '/' { + // Redirect to ends with "/" + return c.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, p+"/") + } + return c.File(name) + } + // Handle added routes based on trailing slash: + // /prefix => exact route "/prefix" + any route "/prefix/*" + // /prefix/ => only any route "/prefix/*" + if prefix != "" { + if prefix[len(prefix)-1] == '/' { + // Only add any route for intentional trailing slash + return get(prefix+"*", h) + } + get(prefix, h) + } + return get(prefix+"/*", h) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo_fs_go1.16.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo_fs_go1.16.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb17768ab --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo_fs_go1.16.go @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +//go:build go1.16 +// +build go1.16 + +package echo + +import ( + "fmt" + "io/fs" + "net/http" + "net/url" + "os" + "path/filepath" + "runtime" + "strings" +) + +type filesystem struct { + // Filesystem is file system used by Static and File handlers to access files. + // Defaults to os.DirFS(".") + // + // When dealing with `embed.FS` use `fs := echo.MustSubFS(fs, "rootDirectory") to create sub fs which uses necessary + // prefix for directory path. This is necessary as `//go:embed assets/images` embeds files with paths + // including `assets/images` as their prefix. + Filesystem fs.FS +} + +func createFilesystem() filesystem { + return filesystem{ + Filesystem: newDefaultFS(), + } +} + +// Static registers a new route with path prefix to serve static files from the provided root directory. +func (e *Echo) Static(pathPrefix, fsRoot string) *Route { + subFs := MustSubFS(e.Filesystem, fsRoot) + return e.Add( + http.MethodGet, + pathPrefix+"*", + StaticDirectoryHandler(subFs, false), + ) +} + +// StaticFS registers a new route with path prefix to serve static files from the provided file system. +// +// When dealing with `embed.FS` use `fs := echo.MustSubFS(fs, "rootDirectory") to create sub fs which uses necessary +// prefix for directory path. This is necessary as `//go:embed assets/images` embeds files with paths +// including `assets/images` as their prefix. +func (e *Echo) StaticFS(pathPrefix string, filesystem fs.FS) *Route { + return e.Add( + http.MethodGet, + pathPrefix+"*", + StaticDirectoryHandler(filesystem, false), + ) +} + +// StaticDirectoryHandler creates handler function to serve files from provided file system +// When disablePathUnescaping is set then file name from path is not unescaped and is served as is. +func StaticDirectoryHandler(fileSystem fs.FS, disablePathUnescaping bool) HandlerFunc { + return func(c Context) error { + p := c.Param("*") + if !disablePathUnescaping { // when router is already unescaping we do not want to do is twice + tmpPath, err := url.PathUnescape(p) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("failed to unescape path variable: %w", err) + } + p = tmpPath + } + + // fs.FS.Open() already assumes that file names are relative to FS root path and considers name with prefix `/` as invalid + name := filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(strings.TrimPrefix(p, "/"))) + fi, err := fs.Stat(fileSystem, name) + if err != nil { + return ErrNotFound + } + + // If the request is for a directory and does not end with "/" + p = c.Request().URL.Path // path must not be empty. + if fi.IsDir() && len(p) > 0 && p[len(p)-1] != '/' { + // Redirect to ends with "/" + return c.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, p+"/") + } + return fsFile(c, name, fileSystem) + } +} + +// FileFS registers a new route with path to serve file from the provided file system. +func (e *Echo) FileFS(path, file string, filesystem fs.FS, m ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route { + return e.GET(path, StaticFileHandler(file, filesystem), m...) +} + +// StaticFileHandler creates handler function to serve file from provided file system +func StaticFileHandler(file string, filesystem fs.FS) HandlerFunc { + return func(c Context) error { + return fsFile(c, file, filesystem) + } +} + +// defaultFS exists to preserve pre v4.7.0 behaviour where files were open by `os.Open`. +// v4.7 introduced `echo.Filesystem` field which is Go1.16+ `fs.Fs` interface. +// Difference between `os.Open` and `fs.Open` is that FS does not allow opening path that start with `.`, `..` or `/` +// etc. For example previously you could have `../images` in your application but `fs := os.DirFS("./")` would not +// allow you to use `fs.Open("../images")` and this would break all old applications that rely on being able to +// traverse up from current executable run path. +// NB: private because you really should use fs.FS implementation instances +type defaultFS struct { + prefix string + fs fs.FS +} + +func newDefaultFS() *defaultFS { + dir, _ := os.Getwd() + return &defaultFS{ + prefix: dir, + fs: nil, + } +} + +func (fs defaultFS) Open(name string) (fs.File, error) { + if fs.fs == nil { + return os.Open(name) + } + return fs.fs.Open(name) +} + +func subFS(currentFs fs.FS, root string) (fs.FS, error) { + root = filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(root)) // note: fs.FS operates only with slashes. `ToSlash` is necessary for Windows + if dFS, ok := currentFs.(*defaultFS); ok { + // we need to make exception for `defaultFS` instances as it interprets root prefix differently from fs.FS. + // fs.Fs.Open does not like relative paths ("./", "../") and absolute paths at all but prior echo.Filesystem we + // were able to use paths like `./myfile.log`, `/etc/hosts` and these would work fine with `os.Open` but not with fs.Fs + if isRelativePath(root) { + root = filepath.Join(dFS.prefix, root) + } + return &defaultFS{ + prefix: root, + fs: os.DirFS(root), + }, nil + } + return fs.Sub(currentFs, root) +} + +func isRelativePath(path string) bool { + if path == "" { + return true + } + if path[0] == '/' { + return false + } + if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && strings.IndexByte(path, ':') != -1 { + // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file?redirectedfrom=MSDN#file_and_directory_names + // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/io/file-path-formats + return false + } + return true +} + +// MustSubFS creates sub FS from current filesystem or panic on failure. +// Panic happens when `fsRoot` contains invalid path according to `fs.ValidPath` rules. +// +// MustSubFS is helpful when dealing with `embed.FS` because for example `//go:embed assets/images` embeds files with +// paths including `assets/images` as their prefix. In that case use `fs := echo.MustSubFS(fs, "rootDirectory") to +// create sub fs which uses necessary prefix for directory path. +func MustSubFS(currentFs fs.FS, fsRoot string) fs.FS { + subFs, err := subFS(currentFs, fsRoot) + if err != nil { + panic(fmt.Errorf("can not create sub FS, invalid root given, err: %w", err)) + } + return subFs +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group.go index 5d9582535..bba470ce8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group.go @@ -102,14 +102,9 @@ func (g *Group) Group(prefix string, middleware ...MiddlewareFunc) (sg *Group) { return } -// Static implements `Echo#Static()` for sub-routes within the Group. -func (g *Group) Static(prefix, root string) { - g.static(prefix, root, g.GET) -} - // File implements `Echo#File()` for sub-routes within the Group. func (g *Group) File(path, file string) { - g.file(g.prefix+path, file, g.GET) + g.file(path, file, g.GET) } // Add implements `Echo#Add()` for sub-routes within the Group. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group_fs.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group_fs.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a1ce4a94 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group_fs.go @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +//go:build !go1.16 +// +build !go1.16 + +package echo + +// Static implements `Echo#Static()` for sub-routes within the Group. +func (g *Group) Static(prefix, root string) { + g.static(prefix, root, g.GET) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group_fs_go1.16.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group_fs_go1.16.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ba52b5e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group_fs_go1.16.go @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +//go:build go1.16 +// +build go1.16 + +package echo + +import ( + "io/fs" + "net/http" +) + +// Static implements `Echo#Static()` for sub-routes within the Group. +func (g *Group) Static(pathPrefix, fsRoot string) { + subFs := MustSubFS(g.echo.Filesystem, fsRoot) + g.StaticFS(pathPrefix, subFs) +} + +// StaticFS implements `Echo#StaticFS()` for sub-routes within the Group. +// +// When dealing with `embed.FS` use `fs := echo.MustSubFS(fs, "rootDirectory") to create sub fs which uses necessary +// prefix for directory path. This is necessary as `//go:embed assets/images` embeds files with paths +// including `assets/images` as their prefix. +func (g *Group) StaticFS(pathPrefix string, filesystem fs.FS) { + g.Add( + http.MethodGet, + pathPrefix+"*", + StaticDirectoryHandler(filesystem, false), + ) +} + +// FileFS implements `Echo#FileFS()` for sub-routes within the Group. +func (g *Group) FileFS(path, file string, filesystem fs.FS, m ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route { + return g.GET(path, StaticFileHandler(file, filesystem), m...) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/ip.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/ip.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..46d464cf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/ip.go @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@ +package echo + +import ( + "net" + "net/http" + "strings" +) + +/** +By: https://github.com/tmshn (See: https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1478 , https://github.com/labstack/echox/pull/134 ) +Source: https://echo.labstack.com/guide/ip-address/ + +IP address plays fundamental role in HTTP; it's used for access control, auditing, geo-based access analysis and more. +Echo provides handy method [`Context#RealIP()`](https://godoc.org/github.com/labstack/echo#Context) for that. + +However, it is not trivial to retrieve the _real_ IP address from requests especially when you put L7 proxies before the application. +In such situation, _real_ IP needs to be relayed on HTTP layer from proxies to your app, but you must not trust HTTP headers unconditionally. +Otherwise, you might give someone a chance of deceiving you. **A security risk!** + +To retrieve IP address reliably/securely, you must let your application be aware of the entire architecture of your infrastructure. +In Echo, this can be done by configuring `Echo#IPExtractor` appropriately. +This guides show you why and how. + +> Note: if you dont' set `Echo#IPExtractor` explicitly, Echo fallback to legacy behavior, which is not a good choice. + +Let's start from two questions to know the right direction: + +1. Do you put any HTTP (L7) proxy in front of the application? + - It includes both cloud solutions (such as AWS ALB or GCP HTTP LB) and OSS ones (such as Nginx, Envoy or Istio ingress gateway). +2. If yes, what HTTP header do your proxies use to pass client IP to the application? + +## Case 1. With no proxy + +If you put no proxy (e.g.: directory facing to the internet), all you need to (and have to) see is IP address from network layer. +Any HTTP header is untrustable because the clients have full control what headers to be set. + +In this case, use `echo.ExtractIPDirect()`. + +```go +e.IPExtractor = echo.ExtractIPDirect() +``` + +## Case 2. With proxies using `X-Forwarded-For` header + +[`X-Forwared-For` (XFF)](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-For) is the popular header +to relay clients' IP addresses. +At each hop on the proxies, they append the request IP address at the end of the header. + +Following example diagram illustrates this behavior. + +```text +┌──────────┐ ┌──────────┐ ┌──────────┐ ┌──────────┐ +│ "Origin" │───────────>│ Proxy 1 │───────────>│ Proxy 2 │───────────>│ Your app │ +│ (IP: a) │ │ (IP: b) │ │ (IP: c) │ │ │ +└──────────┘ └──────────┘ └──────────┘ └──────────┘ + +Case 1. +XFF: "" "a" "a, b" + ~~~~~~ +Case 2. +XFF: "x" "x, a" "x, a, b" + ~~~~~~~~~ + ↑ What your app will see +``` + +In this case, use **first _untrustable_ IP reading from right**. Never use first one reading from left, as it is +configurable by client. Here "trustable" means "you are sure the IP address belongs to your infrastructre". +In above example, if `b` and `c` are trustable, the IP address of the client is `a` for both cases, never be `x`. + +In Echo, use `ExtractIPFromXFFHeader(...TrustOption)`. + +```go +e.IPExtractor = echo.ExtractIPFromXFFHeader() +``` + +By default, it trusts internal IP addresses (loopback, link-local unicast, private-use and unique local address +from [RFC6890](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6890), [RFC4291](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291) and +[RFC4193](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4193)). +To control this behavior, use [`TrustOption`](https://godoc.org/github.com/labstack/echo#TrustOption)s. + +E.g.: + +```go +e.IPExtractor = echo.ExtractIPFromXFFHeader( + TrustLinkLocal(false), + TrustIPRanges(lbIPRange), +) +``` + +- Ref: https://godoc.org/github.com/labstack/echo#TrustOption + +## Case 3. With proxies using `X-Real-IP` header + +`X-Real-IP` is another HTTP header to relay clients' IP addresses, but it carries only one address unlike XFF. + +If your proxies set this header, use `ExtractIPFromRealIPHeader(...TrustOption)`. + +```go +e.IPExtractor = echo.ExtractIPFromRealIPHeader() +``` + +Again, it trusts internal IP addresses by default (loopback, link-local unicast, private-use and unique local address +from [RFC6890](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6890), [RFC4291](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4291) and +[RFC4193](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4193)). +To control this behavior, use [`TrustOption`](https://godoc.org/github.com/labstack/echo#TrustOption)s. + +- Ref: https://godoc.org/github.com/labstack/echo#TrustOption + +> **Never forget** to configure the outermost proxy (i.e.; at the edge of your infrastructure) **not to pass through incoming headers**. +> Otherwise there is a chance of fraud, as it is what clients can control. + +## About default behavior + +In default behavior, Echo sees all of first XFF header, X-Real-IP header and IP from network layer. + +As you might already notice, after reading this article, this is not good. +Sole reason this is default is just backward compatibility. + +## Private IP ranges + +See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network + +Private IPv4 address ranges (RFC 1918): +* – (24-bit block) +* – (20-bit block) +* – (16-bit block) + +Private IPv6 address ranges: +* fc00::/7 address block = RFC 4193 Unique Local Addresses (ULA) + +*/ + +type ipChecker struct { + trustLoopback bool + trustLinkLocal bool + trustPrivateNet bool + trustExtraRanges []*net.IPNet +} + +// TrustOption is config for which IP address to trust +type TrustOption func(*ipChecker) + +// TrustLoopback configures if you trust loopback address (default: true). +func TrustLoopback(v bool) TrustOption { + return func(c *ipChecker) { + c.trustLoopback = v + } +} + +// TrustLinkLocal configures if you trust link-local address (default: true). +func TrustLinkLocal(v bool) TrustOption { + return func(c *ipChecker) { + c.trustLinkLocal = v + } +} + +// TrustPrivateNet configures if you trust private network address (default: true). +func TrustPrivateNet(v bool) TrustOption { + return func(c *ipChecker) { + c.trustPrivateNet = v + } +} + +// TrustIPRange add trustable IP ranges using CIDR notation. +func TrustIPRange(ipRange *net.IPNet) TrustOption { + return func(c *ipChecker) { + c.trustExtraRanges = append(c.trustExtraRanges, ipRange) + } +} + +func newIPChecker(configs []TrustOption) *ipChecker { + checker := &ipChecker{trustLoopback: true, trustLinkLocal: true, trustPrivateNet: true} + for _, configure := range configs { + configure(checker) + } + return checker +} + +// Go1.16+ added `ip.IsPrivate()` but until that use this implementation +func isPrivateIPRange(ip net.IP) bool { + if ip4 := ip.To4(); ip4 != nil { + return ip4[0] == 10 || + ip4[0] == 172 && ip4[1]&0xf0 == 16 || + ip4[0] == 192 && ip4[1] == 168 + } + return len(ip) == net.IPv6len && ip[0]&0xfe == 0xfc +} + +func (c *ipChecker) trust(ip net.IP) bool { + if c.trustLoopback && ip.IsLoopback() { + return true + } + if c.trustLinkLocal && ip.IsLinkLocalUnicast() { + return true + } + if c.trustPrivateNet && isPrivateIPRange(ip) { + return true + } + for _, trustedRange := range c.trustExtraRanges { + if trustedRange.Contains(ip) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +// IPExtractor is a function to extract IP addr from http.Request. +// Set appropriate one to Echo#IPExtractor. +// See https://echo.labstack.com/guide/ip-address for more details. +type IPExtractor func(*http.Request) string + +// ExtractIPDirect extracts IP address using actual IP address. +// Use this if your server faces to internet directory (i.e.: uses no proxy). +func ExtractIPDirect() IPExtractor { + return extractIP +} + +func extractIP(req *http.Request) string { + ra, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr) + return ra +} + +// ExtractIPFromRealIPHeader extracts IP address using x-real-ip header. +// Use this if you put proxy which uses this header. +func ExtractIPFromRealIPHeader(options ...TrustOption) IPExtractor { + checker := newIPChecker(options) + return func(req *http.Request) string { + realIP := req.Header.Get(HeaderXRealIP) + if realIP != "" { + if ip := net.ParseIP(realIP); ip != nil && checker.trust(ip) { + return realIP + } + } + return extractIP(req) + } +} + +// ExtractIPFromXFFHeader extracts IP address using x-forwarded-for header. +// Use this if you put proxy which uses this header. +// This returns nearest untrustable IP. If all IPs are trustable, returns furthest one (i.e.: XFF[0]). +func ExtractIPFromXFFHeader(options ...TrustOption) IPExtractor { + checker := newIPChecker(options) + return func(req *http.Request) string { + directIP := extractIP(req) + xffs := req.Header[HeaderXForwardedFor] + if len(xffs) == 0 { + return directIP + } + ips := append(strings.Split(strings.Join(xffs, ","), ","), directIP) + for i := len(ips) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + ip := net.ParseIP(strings.TrimSpace(ips[i])) + if ip == nil { + // Unable to parse IP; cannot trust entire records + return directIP + } + if !checker.trust(ip) { + return ip.String() + } + } + // All of the IPs are trusted; return first element because it is furthest from server (best effort strategy). + return strings.TrimSpace(ips[0]) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/json.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/json.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..16b2d0577 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/json.go @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +package echo + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "net/http" +) + +// DefaultJSONSerializer implements JSON encoding using encoding/json. +type DefaultJSONSerializer struct{} + +// Serialize converts an interface into a json and writes it to the response. +// You can optionally use the indent parameter to produce pretty JSONs. +func (d DefaultJSONSerializer) Serialize(c Context, i interface{}, indent string) error { + enc := json.NewEncoder(c.Response()) + if indent != "" { + enc.SetIndent("", indent) + } + return enc.Encode(i) +} + +// Deserialize reads a JSON from a request body and converts it into an interface. +func (d DefaultJSONSerializer) Deserialize(c Context, i interface{}) error { + err := json.NewDecoder(c.Request().Body).Decode(i) + if ute, ok := err.(*json.UnmarshalTypeError); ok { + return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Unmarshal type error: expected=%v, got=%v, field=%v, offset=%v", ute.Type, ute.Value, ute.Field, ute.Offset)).SetInternal(err) + } else if se, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok { + return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Syntax error: offset=%v, error=%v", se.Offset, se.Error())).SetInternal(err) + } + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/response.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/response.go index ca7405c5d..84f7c9e7e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/response.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/response.go @@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ func (r *Response) WriteHeader(code int) { r.echo.Logger.Warn("response already committed") return } + r.Status = code for _, fn := range r.beforeFuncs { fn() } - r.Status = code - r.Writer.WriteHeader(code) + r.Writer.WriteHeader(r.Status) r.Committed = true } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/router.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/router.go index 70bf409f9..a1de2d6e3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/router.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/router.go @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ package echo -import "net/http" +import ( + "bytes" + "net/http" +) type ( // Router is the registry of all registered routes for an `Echo` instance for @@ -11,38 +14,107 @@ type ( echo *Echo } node struct { - kind kind - label byte - prefix string - parent *node - children children - ppath string - pnames []string - methodHandler *methodHandler - } - kind uint8 - children []*node + kind kind + label byte + prefix string + parent *node + staticChildren children + ppath string + pnames []string + methodHandler *methodHandler + paramChild *node + anyChild *node + // isLeaf indicates that node does not have child routes + isLeaf bool + // isHandler indicates that node has at least one handler registered to it + isHandler bool + } + kind uint8 + children []*node methodHandler struct { - connect HandlerFunc - delete HandlerFunc - get HandlerFunc - head HandlerFunc - options HandlerFunc - patch HandlerFunc - post HandlerFunc - propfind HandlerFunc - put HandlerFunc - trace HandlerFunc - report HandlerFunc + connect HandlerFunc + delete HandlerFunc + get HandlerFunc + head HandlerFunc + options HandlerFunc + patch HandlerFunc + post HandlerFunc + propfind HandlerFunc + put HandlerFunc + trace HandlerFunc + report HandlerFunc + allowHeader string } ) const ( - skind kind = iota - pkind - akind + staticKind kind = iota + paramKind + anyKind + + paramLabel = byte(':') + anyLabel = byte('*') ) +func (m *methodHandler) isHandler() bool { + return m.connect != nil || + m.delete != nil || + m.get != nil || + m.head != nil || + m.options != nil || + m.patch != nil || + m.post != nil || + m.propfind != nil || + m.put != nil || + m.trace != nil || + m.report != nil +} + +func (m *methodHandler) updateAllowHeader() { + buf := new(bytes.Buffer) + buf.WriteString(http.MethodOptions) + + if m.connect != nil { + buf.WriteString(", ") + buf.WriteString(http.MethodConnect) + } + if m.delete != nil { + buf.WriteString(", ") + buf.WriteString(http.MethodDelete) + } + if m.get != nil { + buf.WriteString(", ") + buf.WriteString(http.MethodGet) + } + if m.head != nil { + buf.WriteString(", ") + buf.WriteString(http.MethodHead) + } + if m.patch != nil { + buf.WriteString(", ") + buf.WriteString(http.MethodPatch) + } + if m.post != nil { + buf.WriteString(", ") + buf.WriteString(http.MethodPost) + } + if m.propfind != nil { + buf.WriteString(", PROPFIND") + } + if m.put != nil { + buf.WriteString(", ") + buf.WriteString(http.MethodPut) + } + if m.trace != nil { + buf.WriteString(", ") + buf.WriteString(http.MethodTrace) + } + if m.report != nil { + buf.WriteString(", REPORT") + } + m.allowHeader = buf.String() +} + // NewRouter returns a new Router instance. func NewRouter(e *Echo) *Router { return &Router{ @@ -66,115 +138,163 @@ func (r *Router) Add(method, path string, h HandlerFunc) { pnames := []string{} // Param names ppath := path // Pristine path - for i, l := 0, len(path); i < l; i++ { + if h == nil && r.echo.Logger != nil { + // FIXME: in future we should return error + r.echo.Logger.Errorf("Adding route without handler function: %v:%v", method, path) + } + + for i, lcpIndex := 0, len(path); i < lcpIndex; i++ { if path[i] == ':' { + if i > 0 && path[i-1] == '\\' { + path = path[:i-1] + path[i:] + i-- + lcpIndex-- + continue + } j := i + 1 - r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, skind, "", nil) - for ; i < l && path[i] != '/'; i++ { + r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, staticKind, "", nil) + for ; i < lcpIndex && path[i] != '/'; i++ { } pnames = append(pnames, path[j:i]) path = path[:j] + path[i:] - i, l = j, len(path) + i, lcpIndex = j, len(path) - if i == l { - r.insert(method, path[:i], h, pkind, ppath, pnames) + if i == lcpIndex { + // path node is last fragment of route path. ie. `/users/:id` + r.insert(method, path[:i], h, paramKind, ppath, pnames) } else { - r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, pkind, "", nil) + r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, paramKind, "", nil) } } else if path[i] == '*' { - r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, skind, "", nil) + r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, staticKind, "", nil) pnames = append(pnames, "*") - r.insert(method, path[:i+1], h, akind, ppath, pnames) + r.insert(method, path[:i+1], h, anyKind, ppath, pnames) } } - r.insert(method, path, h, skind, ppath, pnames) + r.insert(method, path, h, staticKind, ppath, pnames) } func (r *Router) insert(method, path string, h HandlerFunc, t kind, ppath string, pnames []string) { // Adjust max param - l := len(pnames) - if *r.echo.maxParam < l { - *r.echo.maxParam = l + paramLen := len(pnames) + if *r.echo.maxParam < paramLen { + *r.echo.maxParam = paramLen } - cn := r.tree // Current node as root - if cn == nil { + currentNode := r.tree // Current node as root + if currentNode == nil { panic("echo: invalid method") } search := path for { - sl := len(search) - pl := len(cn.prefix) - l := 0 - - // LCP - max := pl - if sl < max { - max = sl + searchLen := len(search) + prefixLen := len(currentNode.prefix) + lcpLen := 0 + + // LCP - Longest Common Prefix (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LCP_array) + max := prefixLen + if searchLen < max { + max = searchLen } - for ; l < max && search[l] == cn.prefix[l]; l++ { + for ; lcpLen < max && search[lcpLen] == currentNode.prefix[lcpLen]; lcpLen++ { } - if l == 0 { + if lcpLen == 0 { // At root node - cn.label = search[0] - cn.prefix = search + currentNode.label = search[0] + currentNode.prefix = search if h != nil { - cn.kind = t - cn.addHandler(method, h) - cn.ppath = ppath - cn.pnames = pnames + currentNode.kind = t + currentNode.addHandler(method, h) + currentNode.ppath = ppath + currentNode.pnames = pnames } - } else if l < pl { + currentNode.isLeaf = currentNode.staticChildren == nil && currentNode.paramChild == nil && currentNode.anyChild == nil + } else if lcpLen < prefixLen { // Split node - n := newNode(cn.kind, cn.prefix[l:], cn, cn.children, cn.methodHandler, cn.ppath, cn.pnames) + n := newNode( + currentNode.kind, + currentNode.prefix[lcpLen:], + currentNode, + currentNode.staticChildren, + currentNode.methodHandler, + currentNode.ppath, + currentNode.pnames, + currentNode.paramChild, + currentNode.anyChild, + ) + // Update parent path for all children to new node + for _, child := range currentNode.staticChildren { + child.parent = n + } + if currentNode.paramChild != nil { + currentNode.paramChild.parent = n + } + if currentNode.anyChild != nil { + currentNode.anyChild.parent = n + } // Reset parent node - cn.kind = skind - cn.label = cn.prefix[0] - cn.prefix = cn.prefix[:l] - cn.children = nil - cn.methodHandler = new(methodHandler) - cn.ppath = "" - cn.pnames = nil - - cn.addChild(n) - - if l == sl { + currentNode.kind = staticKind + currentNode.label = currentNode.prefix[0] + currentNode.prefix = currentNode.prefix[:lcpLen] + currentNode.staticChildren = nil + currentNode.methodHandler = new(methodHandler) + currentNode.ppath = "" + currentNode.pnames = nil + currentNode.paramChild = nil + currentNode.anyChild = nil + currentNode.isLeaf = false + currentNode.isHandler = false + + // Only Static children could reach here + currentNode.addStaticChild(n) + + if lcpLen == searchLen { // At parent node - cn.kind = t - cn.addHandler(method, h) - cn.ppath = ppath - cn.pnames = pnames + currentNode.kind = t + currentNode.addHandler(method, h) + currentNode.ppath = ppath + currentNode.pnames = pnames } else { // Create child node - n = newNode(t, search[l:], cn, nil, new(methodHandler), ppath, pnames) + n = newNode(t, search[lcpLen:], currentNode, nil, new(methodHandler), ppath, pnames, nil, nil) n.addHandler(method, h) - cn.addChild(n) + // Only Static children could reach here + currentNode.addStaticChild(n) } - } else if l < sl { - search = search[l:] - c := cn.findChildWithLabel(search[0]) + currentNode.isLeaf = currentNode.staticChildren == nil && currentNode.paramChild == nil && currentNode.anyChild == nil + } else if lcpLen < searchLen { + search = search[lcpLen:] + c := currentNode.findChildWithLabel(search[0]) if c != nil { // Go deeper - cn = c + currentNode = c continue } // Create child node - n := newNode(t, search, cn, nil, new(methodHandler), ppath, pnames) + n := newNode(t, search, currentNode, nil, new(methodHandler), ppath, pnames, nil, nil) n.addHandler(method, h) - cn.addChild(n) + switch t { + case staticKind: + currentNode.addStaticChild(n) + case paramKind: + currentNode.paramChild = n + case anyKind: + currentNode.anyChild = n + } + currentNode.isLeaf = currentNode.staticChildren == nil && currentNode.paramChild == nil && currentNode.anyChild == nil } else { // Node already exists if h != nil { - cn.addHandler(method, h) - cn.ppath = ppath - if len(cn.pnames) == 0 { // Issue #729 - cn.pnames = pnames + currentNode.addHandler(method, h) + currentNode.ppath = ppath + if len(currentNode.pnames) == 0 { // Issue #729 + currentNode.pnames = pnames } } } @@ -182,26 +302,30 @@ func (r *Router) insert(method, path string, h HandlerFunc, t kind, ppath string } } -func newNode(t kind, pre string, p *node, c children, mh *methodHandler, ppath string, pnames []string) *node { +func newNode(t kind, pre string, p *node, sc children, mh *methodHandler, ppath string, pnames []string, paramChildren, anyChildren *node) *node { return &node{ - kind: t, - label: pre[0], - prefix: pre, - parent: p, - children: c, - ppath: ppath, - pnames: pnames, - methodHandler: mh, + kind: t, + label: pre[0], + prefix: pre, + parent: p, + staticChildren: sc, + ppath: ppath, + pnames: pnames, + methodHandler: mh, + paramChild: paramChildren, + anyChild: anyChildren, + isLeaf: sc == nil && paramChildren == nil && anyChildren == nil, + isHandler: mh.isHandler(), } } -func (n *node) addChild(c *node) { - n.children = append(n.children, c) +func (n *node) addStaticChild(c *node) { + n.staticChildren = append(n.staticChildren, c) } -func (n *node) findChild(l byte, t kind) *node { - for _, c := range n.children { - if c.label == l && c.kind == t { +func (n *node) findStaticChild(l byte) *node { + for _, c := range n.staticChildren { + if c.label == l { return c } } @@ -209,19 +333,16 @@ func (n *node) findChild(l byte, t kind) *node { } func (n *node) findChildWithLabel(l byte) *node { - for _, c := range n.children { + for _, c := range n.staticChildren { if c.label == l { return c } } - return nil -} - -func (n *node) findChildByKind(t kind) *node { - for _, c := range n.children { - if c.kind == t { - return c - } + if l == paramLabel { + return n.paramChild + } + if l == anyLabel { + return n.anyChild } return nil } @@ -251,6 +372,13 @@ func (n *node) addHandler(method string, h HandlerFunc) { case REPORT: n.methodHandler.report = h } + + n.methodHandler.updateAllowHeader() + if h != nil { + n.isHandler = true + } else { + n.isHandler = n.methodHandler.isHandler() + } } func (n *node) findHandler(method string) HandlerFunc { @@ -282,13 +410,14 @@ func (n *node) findHandler(method string) HandlerFunc { } } -func (n *node) checkMethodNotAllowed() HandlerFunc { - for _, m := range methods { - if h := n.findHandler(m); h != nil { - return MethodNotAllowedHandler - } +func optionsMethodHandler(allowMethods string) func(c Context) error { + return func(c Context) error { + // Note: we are not handling most of the CORS headers here. CORS is handled by CORS middleware + // 'OPTIONS' method RFC: https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#OPTIONS + // 'Allow' header RFC: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7231#section-7.4.1 + c.Response().Header().Add(HeaderAllow, allowMethods) + return c.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent) } - return NotFoundHandler } // Find lookup a handler registered for method and path. It also parses URL for path @@ -302,142 +431,197 @@ func (n *node) checkMethodNotAllowed() HandlerFunc { func (r *Router) Find(method, path string, c Context) { ctx := c.(*context) ctx.path = path - cn := r.tree // Current node as root + currentNode := r.tree // Current node as root var ( - search = path - child *node // Child node - n int // Param counter - nk kind // Next kind - nn *node // Next node - ns string // Next search - pvalues = ctx.pvalues // Use the internal slice so the interface can keep the illusion of a dynamic slice + previousBestMatchNode *node + matchedHandler HandlerFunc + // search stores the remaining path to check for match. By each iteration we move from start of path to end of the path + // and search value gets shorter and shorter. + search = path + searchIndex = 0 + paramIndex int // Param counter + paramValues = ctx.pvalues // Use the internal slice so the interface can keep the illusion of a dynamic slice ) - // Search order static > param > any - for { - if search == "" { - break + // Backtracking is needed when a dead end (leaf node) is reached in the router tree. + // To backtrack the current node will be changed to the parent node and the next kind for the + // router logic will be returned based on fromKind or kind of the dead end node (static > param > any). + // For example if there is no static node match we should check parent next sibling by kind (param). + // Backtracking itself does not check if there is a next sibling, this is done by the router logic. + backtrackToNextNodeKind := func(fromKind kind) (nextNodeKind kind, valid bool) { + previous := currentNode + currentNode = previous.parent + valid = currentNode != nil + + // Next node type by priority + if previous.kind == anyKind { + nextNodeKind = staticKind + } else { + nextNodeKind = previous.kind + 1 + } + + if fromKind == staticKind { + // when backtracking is done from static kind block we did not change search so nothing to restore + return } - pl := 0 // Prefix length - l := 0 // LCP length + // restore search to value it was before we move to current node we are backtracking from. + if previous.kind == staticKind { + searchIndex -= len(previous.prefix) + } else { + paramIndex-- + // for param/any node.prefix value is always `:` so we can not deduce searchIndex from that and must use pValue + // for that index as it would also contain part of path we cut off before moving into node we are backtracking from + searchIndex -= len(paramValues[paramIndex]) + paramValues[paramIndex] = "" + } + search = path[searchIndex:] + return + } - if cn.label != ':' { - sl := len(search) - pl = len(cn.prefix) + // Router tree is implemented by longest common prefix array (LCP array) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LCP_array + // Tree search is implemented as for loop where one loop iteration is divided into 3 separate blocks + // Each of these blocks checks specific kind of node (static/param/any). Order of blocks reflex their priority in routing. + // Search order/priority is: static > param > any. + // + // Note: backtracking in tree is implemented by replacing/switching currentNode to previous node + // and hoping to (goto statement) next block by priority to check if it is the match. + for { + prefixLen := 0 // Prefix length + lcpLen := 0 // LCP (longest common prefix) length + + if currentNode.kind == staticKind { + searchLen := len(search) + prefixLen = len(currentNode.prefix) - // LCP - max := pl - if sl < max { - max = sl + // LCP - Longest Common Prefix (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LCP_array) + max := prefixLen + if searchLen < max { + max = searchLen } - for ; l < max && search[l] == cn.prefix[l]; l++ { + for ; lcpLen < max && search[lcpLen] == currentNode.prefix[lcpLen]; lcpLen++ { } } - - if l == pl { - // Continue search - search = search[l:] - } else { - if nn == nil { // Issue #1348 - return // Not found - } - cn = nn - search = ns - if nk == pkind { + if lcpLen != prefixLen { + // No matching prefix, let's backtrack to the first possible alternative node of the decision path + nk, ok := backtrackToNextNodeKind(staticKind) + if !ok { + return // No other possibilities on the decision path + } else if nk == paramKind { goto Param - } else if nk == akind { - goto Any + // NOTE: this case (backtracking from static node to previous any node) can not happen by current any matching logic. Any node is end of search currently + //} else if nk == anyKind { + // goto Any + } else { + // Not found (this should never be possible for static node we are looking currently) + break } } - if search == "" { - break - } + // The full prefix has matched, remove the prefix from the remaining search + search = search[lcpLen:] + searchIndex = searchIndex + lcpLen - // Static node - if child = cn.findChild(search[0], skind); child != nil { - // Save next - if cn.prefix[len(cn.prefix)-1] == '/' { // Issue #623 - nk = pkind - nn = cn - ns = search + // Finish routing if no remaining search and we are on a node with handler and matching method type + if search == "" && currentNode.isHandler { + // check if current node has handler registered for http method we are looking for. we store currentNode as + // best matching in case we do no find no more routes matching this path+method + if previousBestMatchNode == nil { + previousBestMatchNode = currentNode + } + if h := currentNode.findHandler(method); h != nil { + matchedHandler = h + break } - cn = child - continue } - // Param node - Param: - if child = cn.findChildByKind(pkind); child != nil { - // Issue #378 - if len(pvalues) == n { + // Static node + if search != "" { + if child := currentNode.findStaticChild(search[0]); child != nil { + currentNode = child continue } + } - // Save next - if cn.prefix[len(cn.prefix)-1] == '/' { // Issue #623 - nk = akind - nn = cn - ns = search + Param: + // Param node + if child := currentNode.paramChild; search != "" && child != nil { + currentNode = child + i := 0 + l := len(search) + if currentNode.isLeaf { + // when param node does not have any children then param node should act similarly to any node - consider all remaining search as match + i = l + } else { + for ; i < l && search[i] != '/'; i++ { + } } - cn = child - i, l := 0, len(search) - for ; i < l && search[i] != '/'; i++ { - } - pvalues[n] = search[:i] - n++ + paramValues[paramIndex] = search[:i] + paramIndex++ search = search[i:] + searchIndex = searchIndex + i continue } - // Any node Any: - if cn = cn.findChildByKind(akind); cn == nil { - if nn != nil { - cn = nn - nn = cn.parent // Next (Issue #954) - if nn != nil { - nk = nn.kind - } - search = ns - if nk == pkind { - goto Param - } else if nk == akind { - goto Any - } + // Any node + if child := currentNode.anyChild; child != nil { + // If any node is found, use remaining path for paramValues + currentNode = child + paramValues[len(currentNode.pnames)-1] = search + // update indexes/search in case we need to backtrack when no handler match is found + paramIndex++ + searchIndex += +len(search) + search = "" + + // check if current node has handler registered for http method we are looking for. we store currentNode as + // best matching in case we do no find no more routes matching this path+method + if previousBestMatchNode == nil { + previousBestMatchNode = currentNode + } + if h := currentNode.findHandler(method); h != nil { + matchedHandler = h + break } - return // Not found } - pvalues[len(cn.pnames)-1] = search - break - } - ctx.handler = cn.findHandler(method) - ctx.path = cn.ppath - ctx.pnames = cn.pnames - - // NOTE: Slow zone... - if ctx.handler == nil { - ctx.handler = cn.checkMethodNotAllowed() - - // Dig further for any, might have an empty value for *, e.g. - // serving a directory. Issue #207. - if cn = cn.findChildByKind(akind); cn == nil { - return - } - if h := cn.findHandler(method); h != nil { - ctx.handler = h + // Let's backtrack to the first possible alternative node of the decision path + nk, ok := backtrackToNextNodeKind(anyKind) + if !ok { + break // No other possibilities on the decision path + } else if nk == paramKind { + goto Param + } else if nk == anyKind { + goto Any } else { - ctx.handler = cn.checkMethodNotAllowed() + // Not found + break } - ctx.path = cn.ppath - ctx.pnames = cn.pnames - pvalues[len(cn.pnames)-1] = "" } - return + if currentNode == nil && previousBestMatchNode == nil { + return // nothing matched at all + } + + if matchedHandler != nil { + ctx.handler = matchedHandler + } else { + // use previous match as basis. although we have no matching handler we have path match. + // so we can send http.StatusMethodNotAllowed (405) instead of http.StatusNotFound (404) + currentNode = previousBestMatchNode + + ctx.handler = NotFoundHandler + if currentNode.isHandler { + ctx.Set(ContextKeyHeaderAllow, currentNode.methodHandler.allowHeader) + ctx.handler = MethodNotAllowedHandler + if method == http.MethodOptions { + ctx.handler = optionsMethodHandler(currentNode.methodHandler.allowHeader) + } + } + } + ctx.path = currentNode.ppath + ctx.pnames = currentNode.pnames } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer/lexer.go b/vendor/github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer/lexer.go index a42e9d65a..b5f5e2613 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer/lexer.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer/lexer.go @@ -401,6 +401,7 @@ func (r *Lexer) scanToken() { // consume resets the current token to allow scanning the next one. func (r *Lexer) consume() { r.token.kind = tokenUndef + r.token.byteValueCloned = false r.token.delimValue = 0 } @@ -528,6 +529,7 @@ func (r *Lexer) Skip() { func (r *Lexer) SkipRecursive() { r.scanToken() var start, end byte + startPos := r.start switch r.token.delimValue { case '{': @@ -553,6 +555,14 @@ func (r *Lexer) SkipRecursive() { level-- if level == 0 { r.pos += i + 1 + if !json.Valid(r.Data[startPos:r.pos]) { + r.pos = len(r.Data) + r.fatalError = &LexerError{ + Reason: "skipped array/object json value is invalid", + Offset: r.pos, + Data: string(r.Data[r.pos:]), + } + } return } case c == '\\' && inQuotes: @@ -702,6 +712,10 @@ func (r *Lexer) Bytes() []byte { r.errInvalidToken("string") return nil } + if err := r.unescapeStringToken(); err != nil { + r.errInvalidToken("string") + return nil + } ret := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(r.token.byteValue))) n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(ret, r.token.byteValue) if err != nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 7942c565c..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -language: go -sudo: false -go: - - 1.13.x - - tip - -before_install: - - go get -t -v ./... - -script: - - ./go.test.sh - -after_success: - - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/README.md b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/README.md index e055952b6..ca0483711 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/README.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # go-colorable -[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mattn/go-colorable.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mattn/go-colorable) +[![Build Status](https://github.com/mattn/go-colorable/workflows/test/badge.svg)](https://github.com/mattn/go-colorable/actions?query=workflow%3Atest) [![Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/mattn/go-colorable/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/mattn/go-colorable) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/mattn/go-colorable?status.svg)](http://godoc.org/github.com/mattn/go-colorable) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/mattn/go-colorable)](https://goreportcard.com/report/mattn/go-colorable) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_appengine.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_appengine.go index 1f7806fe1..416d1bbbf 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_appengine.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_appengine.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build appengine // +build appengine package colorable diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_others.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_others.go index 08cbd1e0f..766d94603 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_others.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_others.go @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -// +build !windows -// +build !appengine +//go:build !windows && !appengine +// +build !windows,!appengine package colorable diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_windows.go index b9e936344..1846ad5ab 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_windows.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/colorable_windows.go @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -// +build windows -// +build !appengine +//go:build windows && !appengine +// +build windows,!appengine package colorable @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import ( "os" "strconv" "strings" + "sync" "syscall" "unsafe" @@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ const ( backgroundRed = 0x40 backgroundIntensity = 0x80 backgroundMask = (backgroundRed | backgroundBlue | backgroundGreen | backgroundIntensity) + commonLvbUnderscore = 0x8000 cENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING = 0x4 ) @@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ type Writer struct { oldattr word oldpos coord rest bytes.Buffer + mutex sync.Mutex } // NewColorable returns new instance of Writer which handles escape sequence from File. @@ -432,6 +435,8 @@ func atoiWithDefault(s string, def int) (int, error) { // Write writes data on console func (w *Writer) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) { + w.mutex.Lock() + defer w.mutex.Unlock() var csbi consoleScreenBufferInfo procGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.Call(uintptr(w.handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&csbi))) @@ -447,18 +452,22 @@ func (w *Writer) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) { } else { er = bytes.NewReader(data) } - var bw [1]byte + var plaintext bytes.Buffer loop: for { c1, err := er.ReadByte() if err != nil { + plaintext.WriteTo(w.out) break loop } if c1 != 0x1b { - bw[0] = c1 - w.out.Write(bw[:]) + plaintext.WriteByte(c1) continue } + _, err = plaintext.WriteTo(w.out) + if err != nil { + break loop + } c2, err := er.ReadByte() if err != nil { break loop @@ -683,14 +692,19 @@ loop: switch { case n == 0 || n == 100: attr = w.oldattr - case 1 <= n && n <= 5: - attr |= foregroundIntensity - case n == 7: - attr = ((attr & foregroundMask) << 4) | ((attr & backgroundMask) >> 4) - case n == 22 || n == 25: + case n == 4: + attr |= commonLvbUnderscore + case (1 <= n && n <= 3) || n == 5: attr |= foregroundIntensity - case n == 27: - attr = ((attr & foregroundMask) << 4) | ((attr & backgroundMask) >> 4) + case n == 7 || n == 27: + attr = + (attr &^ (foregroundMask | backgroundMask)) | + ((attr & foregroundMask) << 4) | + ((attr & backgroundMask) >> 4) + case n == 22: + attr &^= foregroundIntensity + case n == 24: + attr &^= commonLvbUnderscore case 30 <= n && n <= 37: attr &= backgroundMask if (n-30)&1 != 0 { @@ -709,7 +723,7 @@ loop: n256setup() } attr &= backgroundMask - attr |= n256foreAttr[n256] + attr |= n256foreAttr[n256%len(n256foreAttr)] i += 2 } } else if len(token) == 5 && token[i+1] == "2" { @@ -751,7 +765,7 @@ loop: n256setup() } attr &= foregroundMask - attr |= n256backAttr[n256] + attr |= n256backAttr[n256%len(n256backAttr)] i += 2 } } else if len(token) == 5 && token[i+1] == "2" { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/noncolorable.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/noncolorable.go index 95f2c6be2..05d6f74bf 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/noncolorable.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-colorable/noncolorable.go @@ -18,18 +18,22 @@ func NewNonColorable(w io.Writer) io.Writer { // Write writes data on console func (w *NonColorable) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) { er := bytes.NewReader(data) - var bw [1]byte + var plaintext bytes.Buffer loop: for { c1, err := er.ReadByte() if err != nil { + plaintext.WriteTo(w.out) break loop } if c1 != 0x1b { - bw[0] = c1 - w.out.Write(bw[:]) + plaintext.WriteByte(c1) continue } + _, err = plaintext.WriteTo(w.out) + if err != nil { + break loop + } c2, err := er.ReadByte() if err != nil { break loop @@ -38,7 +42,6 @@ loop: continue } - var buf bytes.Buffer for { c, err := er.ReadByte() if err != nil { @@ -47,7 +50,6 @@ loop: if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || c == '@' { break } - buf.Write([]byte(string(c))) } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 604314dd4..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -language: go -sudo: false -go: - - 1.13.x - - tip - -before_install: - - go get -t -v ./... - -script: - - ./go.test.sh - -after_success: - - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_bsd.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_bsd.go index 711f28808..39bbcf00f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_bsd.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_bsd.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build (darwin || freebsd || openbsd || netbsd || dragonfly) && !appengine // +build darwin freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonfly // +build !appengine diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_others.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_others.go index ff714a376..31503226f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_others.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_others.go @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -// +build appengine js nacl +//go:build appengine || js || nacl || wasm +// +build appengine js nacl wasm package isatty diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_plan9.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_plan9.go index c5b6e0c08..bae7f9bb3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_plan9.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_plan9.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build plan9 // +build plan9 package isatty diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_solaris.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_solaris.go index bdd5c79a0..0c3acf2dc 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_solaris.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_solaris.go @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -// +build solaris -// +build !appengine +//go:build solaris && !appengine +// +build solaris,!appengine package isatty @@ -8,10 +8,9 @@ import ( ) // IsTerminal returns true if the given file descriptor is a terminal. -// see: http://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libbc/libc/gen/common/isatty.c +// see: https://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/lib/libc/port/gen/isatty.c func IsTerminal(fd uintptr) bool { - var termio unix.Termio - err := unix.IoctlSetTermio(int(fd), unix.TCGETA, &termio) + _, err := unix.IoctlGetTermio(int(fd), unix.TCGETA) return err == nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_tcgets.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_tcgets.go index 31a1ca973..67787657f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_tcgets.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_tcgets.go @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -// +build linux aix +//go:build (linux || aix || zos) && !appengine +// +build linux aix zos // +build !appengine package isatty diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_windows.go index 1fa869154..8e3c99171 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_windows.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/isatty_windows.go @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -// +build windows -// +build !appengine +//go:build windows && !appengine +// +build windows,!appengine package isatty @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ func isCygwinPipeName(name string) bool { } // getFileNameByHandle use the undocomented ntdll NtQueryObject to get file full name from file handler -// since GetFileInformationByHandleEx is not avilable under windows Vista and still some old fashion +// since GetFileInformationByHandleEx is not available under windows Vista and still some old fashion // guys are using Windows XP, this is a workaround for those guys, it will also work on system from // Windows vista to 10 // see https://stackoverflow.com/a/18792477 for details diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/renovate.json b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/renovate.json deleted file mode 100644 index 5ae9d96b7..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-isatty/renovate.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -{ - "extends": [ - "config:base" - ], - "postUpdateOptions": [ - "gomodTidy" - ] -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index daf913b1b..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects) -*.o -*.a -*.so - -# Folders -_obj -_test - -# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes -*.[568vq] -[568vq].out - -*.cgo1.go -*.cgo2.c -_cgo_defun.c -_cgo_gotypes.go -_cgo_export.* - -_testmain.go - -*.exe -*.test -*.prof diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 9159de03e..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -language: go -go_import_path: github.com/pkg/errors -go: - - 1.11.x - - 1.12.x - - 1.13.x - - tip - -script: - - make check diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 835ba3e75..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2015, Dave Cheney -All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - -* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this - list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - -* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, - this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation - and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index ce9d7cded..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -PKGS := github.com/pkg/errors -SRCDIRS := $(shell go list -f '{{.Dir}}' $(PKGS)) -GO := go - -check: test vet gofmt misspell unconvert staticcheck ineffassign unparam - -test: - $(GO) test $(PKGS) - -vet: | test - $(GO) vet $(PKGS) - -staticcheck: - $(GO) get honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck - staticcheck -checks all $(PKGS) - -misspell: - $(GO) get github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell - misspell \ - -locale GB \ - -error \ - *.md *.go - -unconvert: - $(GO) get github.com/mdempsky/unconvert - unconvert -v $(PKGS) - -ineffassign: - $(GO) get github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign - find $(SRCDIRS) -name '*.go' | xargs ineffassign - -pedantic: check errcheck - -unparam: - $(GO) get mvdan.cc/unparam - unparam ./... - -errcheck: - $(GO) get github.com/kisielk/errcheck - errcheck $(PKGS) - -gofmt: - @echo Checking code is gofmted - @test -z "$(shell gofmt -s -l -d -e $(SRCDIRS) | tee /dev/stderr)" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/README.md b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 54dfdcb12..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -# errors [![Travis-CI](https://travis-ci.org/pkg/errors.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/pkg/errors) [![AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/b98mptawhudj53ep/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/davecheney/errors/branch/master) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors?status.svg)](http://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors) [![Report card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/pkg/errors)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/pkg/errors) [![Sourcegraph](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/pkg/errors/-/badge.svg)](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/pkg/errors?badge) - -Package errors provides simple error handling primitives. - -`go get github.com/pkg/errors` - -The traditional error handling idiom in Go is roughly akin to -```go -if err != nil { - return err -} -``` -which applied recursively up the call stack results in error reports without context or debugging information. The errors package allows programmers to add context to the failure path in their code in a way that does not destroy the original value of the error. - -## Adding context to an error - -The errors.Wrap function returns a new error that adds context to the original error. For example -```go -_, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) -if err != nil { - return errors.Wrap(err, "read failed") -} -``` -## Retrieving the cause of an error - -Using `errors.Wrap` constructs a stack of errors, adding context to the preceding error. Depending on the nature of the error it may be necessary to reverse the operation of errors.Wrap to retrieve the original error for inspection. Any error value which implements this interface can be inspected by `errors.Cause`. -```go -type causer interface { - Cause() error -} -``` -`errors.Cause` will recursively retrieve the topmost error which does not implement `causer`, which is assumed to be the original cause. For example: -```go -switch err := errors.Cause(err).(type) { -case *MyError: - // handle specifically -default: - // unknown error -} -``` - -[Read the package documentation for more information](https://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors). - -## Roadmap - -With the upcoming [Go2 error proposals](https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/go2draft.md) this package is moving into maintenance mode. The roadmap for a 1.0 release is as follows: - -- 0.9. Remove pre Go 1.9 and Go 1.10 support, address outstanding pull requests (if possible) -- 1.0. Final release. - -## Contributing - -Because of the Go2 errors changes, this package is not accepting proposals for new functionality. With that said, we welcome pull requests, bug fixes and issue reports. - -Before sending a PR, please discuss your change by raising an issue. - -## License - -BSD-2-Clause diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/appveyor.yml b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/appveyor.yml deleted file mode 100644 index a932eade0..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/appveyor.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -version: build-{build}.{branch} - -clone_folder: C:\gopath\src\github.com\pkg\errors -shallow_clone: true # for startup speed - -environment: - GOPATH: C:\gopath - -platform: - - x64 - -# http://www.appveyor.com/docs/installed-software -install: - # some helpful output for debugging builds - - go version - - go env - # pre-installed MinGW at C:\MinGW is 32bit only - # but MSYS2 at C:\msys64 has mingw64 - - set PATH=C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;%PATH% - - gcc --version - - g++ --version - -build_script: - - go install -v ./... - -test_script: - - set PATH=C:\gopath\bin;%PATH% - - go test -v ./... - -#artifacts: -# - path: '%GOPATH%\bin\*.exe' -deploy: off diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index 161aea258..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,288 +0,0 @@ -// Package errors provides simple error handling primitives. -// -// The traditional error handling idiom in Go is roughly akin to -// -// if err != nil { -// return err -// } -// -// which when applied recursively up the call stack results in error reports -// without context or debugging information. The errors package allows -// programmers to add context to the failure path in their code in a way -// that does not destroy the original value of the error. -// -// Adding context to an error -// -// The errors.Wrap function returns a new error that adds context to the -// original error by recording a stack trace at the point Wrap is called, -// together with the supplied message. For example -// -// _, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) -// if err != nil { -// return errors.Wrap(err, "read failed") -// } -// -// If additional control is required, the errors.WithStack and -// errors.WithMessage functions destructure errors.Wrap into its component -// operations: annotating an error with a stack trace and with a message, -// respectively. -// -// Retrieving the cause of an error -// -// Using errors.Wrap constructs a stack of errors, adding context to the -// preceding error. Depending on the nature of the error it may be necessary -// to reverse the operation of errors.Wrap to retrieve the original error -// for inspection. Any error value which implements this interface -// -// type causer interface { -// Cause() error -// } -// -// can be inspected by errors.Cause. errors.Cause will recursively retrieve -// the topmost error that does not implement causer, which is assumed to be -// the original cause. For example: -// -// switch err := errors.Cause(err).(type) { -// case *MyError: -// // handle specifically -// default: -// // unknown error -// } -// -// Although the causer interface is not exported by this package, it is -// considered a part of its stable public interface. -// -// Formatted printing of errors -// -// All error values returned from this package implement fmt.Formatter and can -// be formatted by the fmt package. The following verbs are supported: -// -// %s print the error. If the error has a Cause it will be -// printed recursively. -// %v see %s -// %+v extended format. Each Frame of the error's StackTrace will -// be printed in detail. -// -// Retrieving the stack trace of an error or wrapper -// -// New, Errorf, Wrap, and Wrapf record a stack trace at the point they are -// invoked. This information can be retrieved with the following interface: -// -// type stackTracer interface { -// StackTrace() errors.StackTrace -// } -// -// The returned errors.StackTrace type is defined as -// -// type StackTrace []Frame -// -// The Frame type represents a call site in the stack trace. Frame supports -// the fmt.Formatter interface that can be used for printing information about -// the stack trace of this error. For example: -// -// if err, ok := err.(stackTracer); ok { -// for _, f := range err.StackTrace() { -// fmt.Printf("%+s:%d\n", f, f) -// } -// } -// -// Although the stackTracer interface is not exported by this package, it is -// considered a part of its stable public interface. -// -// See the documentation for Frame.Format for more details. -package errors - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" -) - -// New returns an error with the supplied message. -// New also records the stack trace at the point it was called. -func New(message string) error { - return &fundamental{ - msg: message, - stack: callers(), - } -} - -// Errorf formats according to a format specifier and returns the string -// as a value that satisfies error. -// Errorf also records the stack trace at the point it was called. -func Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) error { - return &fundamental{ - msg: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), - stack: callers(), - } -} - -// fundamental is an error that has a message and a stack, but no caller. -type fundamental struct { - msg string - *stack -} - -func (f *fundamental) Error() string { return f.msg } - -func (f *fundamental) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { - switch verb { - case 'v': - if s.Flag('+') { - io.WriteString(s, f.msg) - f.stack.Format(s, verb) - return - } - fallthrough - case 's': - io.WriteString(s, f.msg) - case 'q': - fmt.Fprintf(s, "%q", f.msg) - } -} - -// WithStack annotates err with a stack trace at the point WithStack was called. -// If err is nil, WithStack returns nil. -func WithStack(err error) error { - if err == nil { - return nil - } - return &withStack{ - err, - callers(), - } -} - -type withStack struct { - error - *stack -} - -func (w *withStack) Cause() error { return w.error } - -// Unwrap provides compatibility for Go 1.13 error chains. -func (w *withStack) Unwrap() error { return w.error } - -func (w *withStack) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { - switch verb { - case 'v': - if s.Flag('+') { - fmt.Fprintf(s, "%+v", w.Cause()) - w.stack.Format(s, verb) - return - } - fallthrough - case 's': - io.WriteString(s, w.Error()) - case 'q': - fmt.Fprintf(s, "%q", w.Error()) - } -} - -// Wrap returns an error annotating err with a stack trace -// at the point Wrap is called, and the supplied message. -// If err is nil, Wrap returns nil. -func Wrap(err error, message string) error { - if err == nil { - return nil - } - err = &withMessage{ - cause: err, - msg: message, - } - return &withStack{ - err, - callers(), - } -} - -// Wrapf returns an error annotating err with a stack trace -// at the point Wrapf is called, and the format specifier. -// If err is nil, Wrapf returns nil. -func Wrapf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error { - if err == nil { - return nil - } - err = &withMessage{ - cause: err, - msg: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), - } - return &withStack{ - err, - callers(), - } -} - -// WithMessage annotates err with a new message. -// If err is nil, WithMessage returns nil. -func WithMessage(err error, message string) error { - if err == nil { - return nil - } - return &withMessage{ - cause: err, - msg: message, - } -} - -// WithMessagef annotates err with the format specifier. -// If err is nil, WithMessagef returns nil. -func WithMessagef(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error { - if err == nil { - return nil - } - return &withMessage{ - cause: err, - msg: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), - } -} - -type withMessage struct { - cause error - msg string -} - -func (w *withMessage) Error() string { return w.msg + ": " + w.cause.Error() } -func (w *withMessage) Cause() error { return w.cause } - -// Unwrap provides compatibility for Go 1.13 error chains. -func (w *withMessage) Unwrap() error { return w.cause } - -func (w *withMessage) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { - switch verb { - case 'v': - if s.Flag('+') { - fmt.Fprintf(s, "%+v\n", w.Cause()) - io.WriteString(s, w.msg) - return - } - fallthrough - case 's', 'q': - io.WriteString(s, w.Error()) - } -} - -// Cause returns the underlying cause of the error, if possible. -// An error value has a cause if it implements the following -// interface: -// -// type causer interface { -// Cause() error -// } -// -// If the error does not implement Cause, the original error will -// be returned. If the error is nil, nil will be returned without further -// investigation. -func Cause(err error) error { - type causer interface { - Cause() error - } - - for err != nil { - cause, ok := err.(causer) - if !ok { - break - } - err = cause.Cause() - } - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/go113.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/go113.go deleted file mode 100644 index be0d10d0c..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/go113.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -// +build go1.13 - -package errors - -import ( - stderrors "errors" -) - -// Is reports whether any error in err's chain matches target. -// -// The chain consists of err itself followed by the sequence of errors obtained by -// repeatedly calling Unwrap. -// -// An error is considered to match a target if it is equal to that target or if -// it implements a method Is(error) bool such that Is(target) returns true. -func Is(err, target error) bool { return stderrors.Is(err, target) } - -// As finds the first error in err's chain that matches target, and if so, sets -// target to that error value and returns true. -// -// The chain consists of err itself followed by the sequence of errors obtained by -// repeatedly calling Unwrap. -// -// An error matches target if the error's concrete value is assignable to the value -// pointed to by target, or if the error has a method As(interface{}) bool such that -// As(target) returns true. In the latter case, the As method is responsible for -// setting target. -// -// As will panic if target is not a non-nil pointer to either a type that implements -// error, or to any interface type. As returns false if err is nil. -func As(err error, target interface{}) bool { return stderrors.As(err, target) } - -// Unwrap returns the result of calling the Unwrap method on err, if err's -// type contains an Unwrap method returning error. -// Otherwise, Unwrap returns nil. -func Unwrap(err error) error { - return stderrors.Unwrap(err) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/stack.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/stack.go deleted file mode 100644 index 779a8348f..000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/stack.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ -package errors - -import ( - "fmt" - "io" - "path" - "runtime" - "strconv" - "strings" -) - -// Frame represents a program counter inside a stack frame. -// For historical reasons if Frame is interpreted as a uintptr -// its value represents the program counter + 1. -type Frame uintptr - -// pc returns the program counter for this frame; -// multiple frames may have the same PC value. -func (f Frame) pc() uintptr { return uintptr(f) - 1 } - -// file returns the full path to the file that contains the -// function for this Frame's pc. -func (f Frame) file() string { - fn := runtime.FuncForPC(f.pc()) - if fn == nil { - return "unknown" - } - file, _ := fn.FileLine(f.pc()) - return file -} - -// line returns the line number of source code of the -// function for this Frame's pc. -func (f Frame) line() int { - fn := runtime.FuncForPC(f.pc()) - if fn == nil { - return 0 - } - _, line := fn.FileLine(f.pc()) - return line -} - -// name returns the name of this function, if known. -func (f Frame) name() string { - fn := runtime.FuncForPC(f.pc()) - if fn == nil { - return "unknown" - } - return fn.Name() -} - -// Format formats the frame according to the fmt.Formatter interface. -// -// %s source file -// %d source line -// %n function name -// %v equivalent to %s:%d -// -// Format accepts flags that alter the printing of some verbs, as follows: -// -// %+s function name and path of source file relative to the compile time -// GOPATH separated by \n\t (\n\t) -// %+v equivalent to %+s:%d -func (f Frame) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { - switch verb { - case 's': - switch { - case s.Flag('+'): - io.WriteString(s, f.name()) - io.WriteString(s, "\n\t") - io.WriteString(s, f.file()) - default: - io.WriteString(s, path.Base(f.file())) - } - case 'd': - io.WriteString(s, strconv.Itoa(f.line())) - case 'n': - io.WriteString(s, funcname(f.name())) - case 'v': - f.Format(s, 's') - io.WriteString(s, ":") - f.Format(s, 'd') - } -} - -// MarshalText formats a stacktrace Frame as a text string. The output is the -// same as that of fmt.Sprintf("%+v", f), but without newlines or tabs. -func (f Frame) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) { - name := f.name() - if name == "unknown" { - return []byte(name), nil - } - return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s:%d", name, f.file(), f.line())), nil -} - -// StackTrace is stack of Frames from innermost (newest) to outermost (oldest). -type StackTrace []Frame - -// Format formats the stack of Frames according to the fmt.Formatter interface. -// -// %s lists source files for each Frame in the stack -// %v lists the source file and line number for each Frame in the stack -// -// Format accepts flags that alter the printing of some verbs, as follows: -// -// %+v Prints filename, function, and line number for each Frame in the stack. -func (st StackTrace) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { - switch verb { - case 'v': - switch { - case s.Flag('+'): - for _, f := range st { - io.WriteString(s, "\n") - f.Format(s, verb) - } - case s.Flag('#'): - fmt.Fprintf(s, "%#v", []Frame(st)) - default: - st.formatSlice(s, verb) - } - case 's': - st.formatSlice(s, verb) - } -} - -// formatSlice will format this StackTrace into the given buffer as a slice of -// Frame, only valid when called with '%s' or '%v'. -func (st StackTrace) formatSlice(s fmt.State, verb rune) { - io.WriteString(s, "[") - for i, f := range st { - if i > 0 { - io.WriteString(s, " ") - } - f.Format(s, verb) - } - io.WriteString(s, "]") -} - -// stack represents a stack of program counters. -type stack []uintptr - -func (s *stack) Format(st fmt.State, verb rune) { - switch verb { - case 'v': - switch { - case st.Flag('+'): - for _, pc := range *s { - f := Frame(pc) - fmt.Fprintf(st, "\n%+v", f) - } - } - } -} - -func (s *stack) StackTrace() StackTrace { - f := make([]Frame, len(*s)) - for i := 0; i < len(f); i++ { - f[i] = Frame((*s)[i]) - } - return f -} - -func callers() *stack { - const depth = 32 - var pcs [depth]uintptr - n := runtime.Callers(3, pcs[:]) - var st stack = pcs[0:n] - return &st -} - -// funcname removes the path prefix component of a function's name reported by func.Name(). -func funcname(name string) string { - i := strings.LastIndex(name, "/") - name = name[i+1:] - i = strings.Index(name, ".") - return name[i+1:] -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare.go index 41649d267..3bb22a971 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare.go @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package assert import ( "fmt" "reflect" + "time" ) type CompareType int @@ -30,6 +31,8 @@ var ( float64Type = reflect.TypeOf(float64(1)) stringType = reflect.TypeOf("") + + timeType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) ) func compare(obj1, obj2 interface{}, kind reflect.Kind) (CompareType, bool) { @@ -299,6 +302,27 @@ func compare(obj1, obj2 interface{}, kind reflect.Kind) (CompareType, bool) { return compareLess, true } } + // Check for known struct types we can check for compare results. + case reflect.Struct: + { + // All structs enter here. We're not interested in most types. + if !canConvert(obj1Value, timeType) { + break + } + + // time.Time can compared! + timeObj1, ok := obj1.(time.Time) + if !ok { + timeObj1 = obj1Value.Convert(timeType).Interface().(time.Time) + } + + timeObj2, ok := obj2.(time.Time) + if !ok { + timeObj2 = obj2Value.Convert(timeType).Interface().(time.Time) + } + + return compare(timeObj1.UnixNano(), timeObj2.UnixNano(), reflect.Int64) + } } return compareEqual, false @@ -310,7 +334,10 @@ func compare(obj1, obj2 interface{}, kind reflect.Kind) (CompareType, bool) { // assert.Greater(t, float64(2), float64(1)) // assert.Greater(t, "b", "a") func Greater(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { - return compareTwoValues(t, e1, e2, []CompareType{compareGreater}, "\"%v\" is not greater than \"%v\"", msgAndArgs) + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return compareTwoValues(t, e1, e2, []CompareType{compareGreater}, "\"%v\" is not greater than \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } // GreaterOrEqual asserts that the first element is greater than or equal to the second @@ -320,7 +347,10 @@ func Greater(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface // assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, "b", "a") // assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, "b", "b") func GreaterOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { - return compareTwoValues(t, e1, e2, []CompareType{compareGreater, compareEqual}, "\"%v\" is not greater than or equal to \"%v\"", msgAndArgs) + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return compareTwoValues(t, e1, e2, []CompareType{compareGreater, compareEqual}, "\"%v\" is not greater than or equal to \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } // Less asserts that the first element is less than the second @@ -329,7 +359,10 @@ func GreaterOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...in // assert.Less(t, float64(1), float64(2)) // assert.Less(t, "a", "b") func Less(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { - return compareTwoValues(t, e1, e2, []CompareType{compareLess}, "\"%v\" is not less than \"%v\"", msgAndArgs) + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return compareTwoValues(t, e1, e2, []CompareType{compareLess}, "\"%v\" is not less than \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } // LessOrEqual asserts that the first element is less than or equal to the second @@ -339,7 +372,10 @@ func Less(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // assert.LessOrEqual(t, "a", "b") // assert.LessOrEqual(t, "b", "b") func LessOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { - return compareTwoValues(t, e1, e2, []CompareType{compareLess, compareEqual}, "\"%v\" is not less than or equal to \"%v\"", msgAndArgs) + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return compareTwoValues(t, e1, e2, []CompareType{compareLess, compareEqual}, "\"%v\" is not less than or equal to \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } // Positive asserts that the specified element is positive @@ -347,8 +383,11 @@ func LessOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...inter // assert.Positive(t, 1) // assert.Positive(t, 1.23) func Positive(t TestingT, e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } zero := reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(e)) - return compareTwoValues(t, e, zero.Interface(), []CompareType{compareGreater}, "\"%v\" is not positive", msgAndArgs) + return compareTwoValues(t, e, zero.Interface(), []CompareType{compareGreater}, "\"%v\" is not positive", msgAndArgs...) } // Negative asserts that the specified element is negative @@ -356,8 +395,11 @@ func Positive(t TestingT, e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // assert.Negative(t, -1) // assert.Negative(t, -1.23) func Negative(t TestingT, e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } zero := reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(e)) - return compareTwoValues(t, e, zero.Interface(), []CompareType{compareLess}, "\"%v\" is not negative", msgAndArgs) + return compareTwoValues(t, e, zero.Interface(), []CompareType{compareLess}, "\"%v\" is not negative", msgAndArgs...) } func compareTwoValues(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, allowedComparesResults []CompareType, failMessage string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare_can_convert.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare_can_convert.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df22c47fc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare_can_convert.go @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +//go:build go1.17 +// +build go1.17 + +// TODO: once support for Go 1.16 is dropped, this file can be +// merged/removed with assertion_compare_go1.17_test.go and +// assertion_compare_legacy.go + +package assert + +import "reflect" + +// Wrapper around reflect.Value.CanConvert, for compatability +// reasons. +func canConvert(value reflect.Value, to reflect.Type) bool { + return value.CanConvert(to) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare_legacy.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare_legacy.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1701af2a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare_legacy.go @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +//go:build !go1.17 +// +build !go1.17 + +// TODO: once support for Go 1.16 is dropped, this file can be +// merged/removed with assertion_compare_go1.17_test.go and +// assertion_compare_can_convert.go + +package assert + +import "reflect" + +// Older versions of Go does not have the reflect.Value.CanConvert +// method. +func canConvert(value reflect.Value, to reflect.Type) bool { + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_format.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_format.go index 4dfd1229a..27e2420ed 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_format.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_format.go @@ -123,6 +123,18 @@ func ErrorAsf(t TestingT, err error, target interface{}, msg string, args ...int return ErrorAs(t, err, target, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } +// ErrorContainsf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) +// and that the error contains the specified substring. +// +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.ErrorContainsf(t, err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") +func ErrorContainsf(t TestingT, theError error, contains string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return ErrorContains(t, theError, contains, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) +} + // ErrorIsf asserts that at least one of the errors in err's chain matches target. // This is a wrapper for errors.Is. func ErrorIsf(t TestingT, err error, target error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_forward.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_forward.go index 25337a6f0..d9ea368d0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_forward.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_forward.go @@ -222,6 +222,30 @@ func (a *Assertions) ErrorAsf(err error, target interface{}, msg string, args .. return ErrorAsf(a.t, err, target, msg, args...) } +// ErrorContains asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) +// and that the error contains the specified substring. +// +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.ErrorContains(err, expectedErrorSubString) +func (a *Assertions) ErrorContains(theError error, contains string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return ErrorContains(a.t, theError, contains, msgAndArgs...) +} + +// ErrorContainsf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) +// and that the error contains the specified substring. +// +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.ErrorContainsf(err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") +func (a *Assertions) ErrorContainsf(theError error, contains string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return ErrorContainsf(a.t, theError, contains, msg, args...) +} + // ErrorIs asserts that at least one of the errors in err's chain matches target. // This is a wrapper for errors.Is. func (a *Assertions) ErrorIs(err error, target error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_order.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_order.go index 1c3b47182..759448783 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_order.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_order.go @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func isOrdered(t TestingT, object interface{}, allowedComparesResults []CompareT // assert.IsIncreasing(t, []float{1, 2}) // assert.IsIncreasing(t, []string{"a", "b"}) func IsIncreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { - return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareLess}, "\"%v\" is not less than \"%v\"", msgAndArgs) + return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareLess}, "\"%v\" is not less than \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } // IsNonIncreasing asserts that the collection is not increasing @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func IsIncreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) boo // assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []float{2, 1}) // assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []string{"b", "a"}) func IsNonIncreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { - return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareEqual, compareGreater}, "\"%v\" is not greater than or equal to \"%v\"", msgAndArgs) + return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareEqual, compareGreater}, "\"%v\" is not greater than or equal to \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } // IsDecreasing asserts that the collection is decreasing @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func IsNonIncreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // assert.IsDecreasing(t, []float{2, 1}) // assert.IsDecreasing(t, []string{"b", "a"}) func IsDecreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { - return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareGreater}, "\"%v\" is not greater than \"%v\"", msgAndArgs) + return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareGreater}, "\"%v\" is not greater than \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } // IsNonDecreasing asserts that the collection is not decreasing @@ -77,5 +77,5 @@ func IsDecreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) boo // assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []float{1, 2}) // assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []string{"a", "b"}) func IsNonDecreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { - return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareLess, compareEqual}, "\"%v\" is not less than or equal to \"%v\"", msgAndArgs) + return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareLess, compareEqual}, "\"%v\" is not less than or equal to \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go index bcac4401f..0357b2231 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go @@ -718,10 +718,14 @@ func NotEqualValues(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...inte // return (false, false) if impossible. // return (true, false) if element was not found. // return (true, true) if element was found. -func includeElement(list interface{}, element interface{}) (ok, found bool) { +func containsElement(list interface{}, element interface{}) (ok, found bool) { listValue := reflect.ValueOf(list) - listKind := reflect.TypeOf(list).Kind() + listType := reflect.TypeOf(list) + if listType == nil { + return false, false + } + listKind := listType.Kind() defer func() { if e := recover(); e != nil { ok = false @@ -764,7 +768,7 @@ func Contains(t TestingT, s, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bo h.Helper() } - ok, found := includeElement(s, contains) + ok, found := containsElement(s, contains) if !ok { return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%#v could not be applied builtin len()", s), msgAndArgs...) } @@ -787,7 +791,7 @@ func NotContains(t TestingT, s, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) h.Helper() } - ok, found := includeElement(s, contains) + ok, found := containsElement(s, contains) if !ok { return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be applied builtin len()", s), msgAndArgs...) } @@ -831,7 +835,7 @@ func Subset(t TestingT, list, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) (ok for i := 0; i < subsetValue.Len(); i++ { element := subsetValue.Index(i).Interface() - ok, found := includeElement(list, element) + ok, found := containsElement(list, element) if !ok { return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be applied builtin len()", list), msgAndArgs...) } @@ -852,7 +856,7 @@ func NotSubset(t TestingT, list, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) h.Helper() } if subset == nil { - return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("nil is the empty set which is a subset of every set"), msgAndArgs...) + return Fail(t, "nil is the empty set which is a subset of every set", msgAndArgs...) } subsetValue := reflect.ValueOf(subset) @@ -875,7 +879,7 @@ func NotSubset(t TestingT, list, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) for i := 0; i < subsetValue.Len(); i++ { element := subsetValue.Index(i).Interface() - ok, found := includeElement(list, element) + ok, found := containsElement(list, element) if !ok { return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be applied builtin len()", list), msgAndArgs...) } @@ -1000,27 +1004,21 @@ func Condition(t TestingT, comp Comparison, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { type PanicTestFunc func() // didPanic returns true if the function passed to it panics. Otherwise, it returns false. -func didPanic(f PanicTestFunc) (bool, interface{}, string) { - - didPanic := false - var message interface{} - var stack string - func() { - - defer func() { - if message = recover(); message != nil { - didPanic = true - stack = string(debug.Stack()) - } - }() - - // call the target function - f() +func didPanic(f PanicTestFunc) (didPanic bool, message interface{}, stack string) { + didPanic = true + defer func() { + message = recover() + if didPanic { + stack = string(debug.Stack()) + } }() - return didPanic, message, stack + // call the target function + f() + didPanic = false + return } // Panics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics. @@ -1161,11 +1159,15 @@ func InDelta(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs bf, bok := toFloat(actual) if !aok || !bok { - return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Parameters must be numerical"), msgAndArgs...) + return Fail(t, "Parameters must be numerical", msgAndArgs...) + } + + if math.IsNaN(af) && math.IsNaN(bf) { + return true } if math.IsNaN(af) { - return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected must not be NaN"), msgAndArgs...) + return Fail(t, "Expected must not be NaN", msgAndArgs...) } if math.IsNaN(bf) { @@ -1188,7 +1190,7 @@ func InDeltaSlice(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAn if expected == nil || actual == nil || reflect.TypeOf(actual).Kind() != reflect.Slice || reflect.TypeOf(expected).Kind() != reflect.Slice { - return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Parameters must be slice"), msgAndArgs...) + return Fail(t, "Parameters must be slice", msgAndArgs...) } actualSlice := reflect.ValueOf(actual) @@ -1250,8 +1252,12 @@ func InDeltaMapValues(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, delta float64, m func calcRelativeError(expected, actual interface{}) (float64, error) { af, aok := toFloat(expected) - if !aok { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected value %q cannot be converted to float", expected) + bf, bok := toFloat(actual) + if !aok || !bok { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("Parameters must be numerical") + } + if math.IsNaN(af) && math.IsNaN(bf) { + return 0, nil } if math.IsNaN(af) { return 0, errors.New("expected value must not be NaN") @@ -1259,10 +1265,6 @@ func calcRelativeError(expected, actual interface{}) (float64, error) { if af == 0 { return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected value must have a value other than zero to calculate the relative error") } - bf, bok := toFloat(actual) - if !bok { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("actual value %q cannot be converted to float", actual) - } if math.IsNaN(bf) { return 0, errors.New("actual value must not be NaN") } @@ -1298,7 +1300,7 @@ func InEpsilonSlice(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, m if expected == nil || actual == nil || reflect.TypeOf(actual).Kind() != reflect.Slice || reflect.TypeOf(expected).Kind() != reflect.Slice { - return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Parameters must be slice"), msgAndArgs...) + return Fail(t, "Parameters must be slice", msgAndArgs...) } actualSlice := reflect.ValueOf(actual) @@ -1375,6 +1377,27 @@ func EqualError(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ...inte return true } +// ErrorContains asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) +// and that the error contains the specified substring. +// +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.ErrorContains(t, err, expectedErrorSubString) +func ErrorContains(t TestingT, theError error, contains string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + if !Error(t, theError, msgAndArgs...) { + return false + } + + actual := theError.Error() + if !strings.Contains(actual, contains) { + return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Error %#v does not contain %#v", actual, contains), msgAndArgs...) + } + + return true +} + // matchRegexp return true if a specified regexp matches a string. func matchRegexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}) bool { @@ -1588,12 +1611,17 @@ func diff(expected interface{}, actual interface{}) string { } var e, a string - if et != reflect.TypeOf("") { - e = spewConfig.Sdump(expected) - a = spewConfig.Sdump(actual) - } else { + + switch et { + case reflect.TypeOf(""): e = reflect.ValueOf(expected).String() a = reflect.ValueOf(actual).String() + case reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}): + e = spewConfigStringerEnabled.Sdump(expected) + a = spewConfigStringerEnabled.Sdump(actual) + default: + e = spewConfig.Sdump(expected) + a = spewConfig.Sdump(actual) } diff, _ := difflib.GetUnifiedDiffString(difflib.UnifiedDiff{ @@ -1625,6 +1653,14 @@ var spewConfig = spew.ConfigState{ MaxDepth: 10, } +var spewConfigStringerEnabled = spew.ConfigState{ + Indent: " ", + DisablePointerAddresses: true, + DisableCapacities: true, + SortKeys: true, + MaxDepth: 10, +} + type tHelper interface { Helper() } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require.go index 51820df2e..59c48277a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require.go @@ -280,6 +280,36 @@ func ErrorAsf(t TestingT, err error, target interface{}, msg string, args ...int t.FailNow() } +// ErrorContains asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) +// and that the error contains the specified substring. +// +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.ErrorContains(t, err, expectedErrorSubString) +func ErrorContains(t TestingT, theError error, contains string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + if assert.ErrorContains(t, theError, contains, msgAndArgs...) { + return + } + t.FailNow() +} + +// ErrorContainsf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) +// and that the error contains the specified substring. +// +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.ErrorContainsf(t, err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") +func ErrorContainsf(t TestingT, theError error, contains string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + if assert.ErrorContainsf(t, theError, contains, msg, args...) { + return + } + t.FailNow() +} + // ErrorIs asserts that at least one of the errors in err's chain matches target. // This is a wrapper for errors.Is. func ErrorIs(t TestingT, err error, target error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require_forward.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require_forward.go index ed54a9d83..5bb07c89c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require_forward.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require_forward.go @@ -223,6 +223,30 @@ func (a *Assertions) ErrorAsf(err error, target interface{}, msg string, args .. ErrorAsf(a.t, err, target, msg, args...) } +// ErrorContains asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) +// and that the error contains the specified substring. +// +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.ErrorContains(err, expectedErrorSubString) +func (a *Assertions) ErrorContains(theError error, contains string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + ErrorContains(a.t, theError, contains, msgAndArgs...) +} + +// ErrorContainsf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) +// and that the error contains the specified substring. +// +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.ErrorContainsf(err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") +func (a *Assertions) ErrorContainsf(theError error, contains string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + ErrorContainsf(a.t, theError, contains, msg, args...) +} + // ErrorIs asserts that at least one of the errors in err's chain matches target. // This is a wrapper for errors.Is. func (a *Assertions) ErrorIs(err error, target error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/valyala/fasttemplate/template.go b/vendor/github.com/valyala/fasttemplate/template.go index 91209201f..186200134 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/valyala/fasttemplate/template.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/valyala/fasttemplate/template.go @@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ package fasttemplate import ( "bytes" "fmt" - "github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool" "io" + + "github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool" ) // ExecuteFunc calls f on each template tag (placeholder) occurrence. @@ -49,6 +50,9 @@ func ExecuteFunc(template, startTag, endTag string, w io.Writer, f TagFunc) (int ni, err = f(w, unsafeBytes2String(s[:n])) nn += int64(ni) + if err != nil { + return nn, err + } s = s[n+len(b):] } ni, err = w.Write(s) @@ -73,6 +77,22 @@ func Execute(template, startTag, endTag string, w io.Writer, m map[string]interf return ExecuteFunc(template, startTag, endTag, w, func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) { return stdTagFunc(w, tag, m) }) } +// ExecuteStd works the same way as Execute, but keeps the unknown placeholders. +// This can be used as a drop-in replacement for strings.Replacer +// +// Substitution map m may contain values with the following types: +// * []byte - the fastest value type +// * string - convenient value type +// * TagFunc - flexible value type +// +// Returns the number of bytes written to w. +// +// This function is optimized for constantly changing templates. +// Use Template.ExecuteStd for frozen templates. +func ExecuteStd(template, startTag, endTag string, w io.Writer, m map[string]interface{}) (int64, error) { + return ExecuteFunc(template, startTag, endTag, w, func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) { return keepUnknownTagFunc(w, startTag, endTag, tag, m) }) +} + // ExecuteFuncString calls f on each template tag (placeholder) occurrence // and substitutes it with the data written to TagFunc's w. // @@ -81,19 +101,32 @@ func Execute(template, startTag, endTag string, w io.Writer, m map[string]interf // This function is optimized for constantly changing templates. // Use Template.ExecuteFuncString for frozen templates. func ExecuteFuncString(template, startTag, endTag string, f TagFunc) string { + s, err := ExecuteFuncStringWithErr(template, startTag, endTag, f) + if err != nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err)) + } + return s +} + +// ExecuteFuncStringWithErr is nearly the same as ExecuteFuncString +// but when f returns an error, ExecuteFuncStringWithErr won't panic like ExecuteFuncString +// it just returns an empty string and the error f returned +func ExecuteFuncStringWithErr(template, startTag, endTag string, f TagFunc) (string, error) { tagsCount := bytes.Count(unsafeString2Bytes(template), unsafeString2Bytes(startTag)) if tagsCount == 0 { - return template + return template, nil } bb := byteBufferPool.Get() if _, err := ExecuteFunc(template, startTag, endTag, bb, f); err != nil { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err)) + bb.Reset() + byteBufferPool.Put(bb) + return "", err } s := string(bb.B) bb.Reset() byteBufferPool.Put(bb) - return s + return s, nil } var byteBufferPool bytebufferpool.Pool @@ -112,6 +145,20 @@ func ExecuteString(template, startTag, endTag string, m map[string]interface{}) return ExecuteFuncString(template, startTag, endTag, func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) { return stdTagFunc(w, tag, m) }) } +// ExecuteStringStd works the same way as ExecuteString, but keeps the unknown placeholders. +// This can be used as a drop-in replacement for strings.Replacer +// +// Substitution map m may contain values with the following types: +// * []byte - the fastest value type +// * string - convenient value type +// * TagFunc - flexible value type +// +// This function is optimized for constantly changing templates. +// Use Template.ExecuteStringStd for frozen templates. +func ExecuteStringStd(template, startTag, endTag string, m map[string]interface{}) string { + return ExecuteFuncString(template, startTag, endTag, func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) { return keepUnknownTagFunc(w, startTag, endTag, tag, m) }) +} + // Template implements simple template engine, which can be used for fast // tags' (aka placeholders) substitution. type Template struct { @@ -267,6 +314,19 @@ func (t *Template) Execute(w io.Writer, m map[string]interface{}) (int64, error) return t.ExecuteFunc(w, func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) { return stdTagFunc(w, tag, m) }) } +// ExecuteStd works the same way as Execute, but keeps the unknown placeholders. +// This can be used as a drop-in replacement for strings.Replacer +// +// Substitution map m may contain values with the following types: +// * []byte - the fastest value type +// * string - convenient value type +// * TagFunc - flexible value type +// +// Returns the number of bytes written to w. +func (t *Template) ExecuteStd(w io.Writer, m map[string]interface{}) (int64, error) { + return t.ExecuteFunc(w, func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) { return keepUnknownTagFunc(w, t.startTag, t.endTag, tag, m) }) +} + // ExecuteFuncString calls f on each template tag (placeholder) occurrence // and substitutes it with the data written to TagFunc's w. // @@ -275,14 +335,31 @@ func (t *Template) Execute(w io.Writer, m map[string]interface{}) (int64, error) // This function is optimized for frozen templates. // Use ExecuteFuncString for constantly changing templates. func (t *Template) ExecuteFuncString(f TagFunc) string { + s, err := t.ExecuteFuncStringWithErr(f) + if err != nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err)) + } + return s +} + +// ExecuteFuncStringWithErr calls f on each template tag (placeholder) occurrence +// and substitutes it with the data written to TagFunc's w. +// +// Returns the resulting string. +// +// This function is optimized for frozen templates. +// Use ExecuteFuncString for constantly changing templates. +func (t *Template) ExecuteFuncStringWithErr(f TagFunc) (string, error) { bb := t.byteBufferPool.Get() if _, err := t.ExecuteFunc(bb, f); err != nil { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error: %s", err)) + bb.Reset() + t.byteBufferPool.Put(bb) + return "", err } s := string(bb.Bytes()) bb.Reset() t.byteBufferPool.Put(bb) - return s + return s, nil } // ExecuteString substitutes template tags (placeholders) with the corresponding @@ -299,6 +376,20 @@ func (t *Template) ExecuteString(m map[string]interface{}) string { return t.ExecuteFuncString(func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) { return stdTagFunc(w, tag, m) }) } +// ExecuteStringStd works the same way as ExecuteString, but keeps the unknown placeholders. +// This can be used as a drop-in replacement for strings.Replacer +// +// Substitution map m may contain values with the following types: +// * []byte - the fastest value type +// * string - convenient value type +// * TagFunc - flexible value type +// +// This function is optimized for frozen templates. +// Use ExecuteStringStd for constantly changing templates. +func (t *Template) ExecuteStringStd(m map[string]interface{}) string { + return t.ExecuteFuncString(func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) { return keepUnknownTagFunc(w, t.startTag, t.endTag, tag, m) }) +} + func stdTagFunc(w io.Writer, tag string, m map[string]interface{}) (int, error) { v := m[tag] if v == nil { @@ -315,3 +406,32 @@ func stdTagFunc(w io.Writer, tag string, m map[string]interface{}) (int, error) panic(fmt.Sprintf("tag=%q contains unexpected value type=%#v. Expected []byte, string or TagFunc", tag, v)) } } + +func keepUnknownTagFunc(w io.Writer, startTag, endTag, tag string, m map[string]interface{}) (int, error) { + v, ok := m[tag] + if !ok { + if _, err := w.Write(unsafeString2Bytes(startTag)); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + if _, err := w.Write(unsafeString2Bytes(tag)); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + if _, err := w.Write(unsafeString2Bytes(endTag)); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return len(startTag) + len(tag) + len(endTag), nil + } + if v == nil { + return 0, nil + } + switch value := v.(type) { + case []byte: + return w.Write(value) + case string: + return w.Write([]byte(value)) + case TagFunc: + return value(w, tag) + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("tag=%q contains unexpected value type=%#v. Expected []byte, string or TagFunc", tag, v)) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/valyala/fasttemplate/unsafe.go b/vendor/github.com/valyala/fasttemplate/unsafe.go index 0498248fe..1020ca387 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/valyala/fasttemplate/unsafe.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/valyala/fasttemplate/unsafe.go @@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ func unsafeBytes2String(b []byte) string { return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) } -func unsafeString2Bytes(s string) []byte { +func unsafeString2Bytes(s string) (b []byte) { sh := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) - bh := reflect.SliceHeader{ - Data: sh.Data, - Len: sh.Len, - Cap: sh.Len, - } - return *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&bh)) + bh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) + bh.Data = sh.Data + bh.Cap = sh.Len + bh.Len = sh.Len + return b } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/acme.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/acme.go index 73b19ef35..2c86df354 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/acme.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/acme.go @@ -3,17 +3,20 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package acme provides an implementation of the -// Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) spec. -// The initial implementation was based on ACME draft-02 and -// is now being extended to comply with RFC 8555. -// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-02 -// and https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555 for details. +// Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) spec, +// most famously used by Let's Encrypt. +// +// The initial implementation of this package was based on an early version +// of the spec. The current implementation supports only the modern +// RFC 8555 but some of the old API surface remains for compatibility. +// While code using the old API will still compile, it will return an error. +// Note the deprecation comments to update your code. +// +// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555 for the spec. // // Most common scenarios will want to use autocert subdirectory instead, // which provides automatic access to certificates from Let's Encrypt // and any other ACME-based CA. -// -// This package is a work in progress and makes no API stability promises. package acme import ( @@ -33,8 +36,6 @@ import ( "encoding/pem" "errors" "fmt" - "io" - "io/ioutil" "math/big" "net/http" "strings" @@ -72,15 +73,15 @@ const ( ) // Client is an ACME client. +// // The only required field is Key. An example of creating a client with a new key // is as follows: // -// key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) -// if err != nil { -// log.Fatal(err) -// } -// client := &Client{Key: key} -// +// key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) +// if err != nil { +// log.Fatal(err) +// } +// client := &Client{Key: key} type Client struct { // Key is the account key used to register with a CA and sign requests. // Key.Public() must return a *rsa.PublicKey or *ecdsa.PublicKey. @@ -125,7 +126,9 @@ type Client struct { cacheMu sync.Mutex dir *Directory // cached result of Client's Discover method - kid keyID // cached Account.URI obtained from registerRFC or getAccountRFC + // KID is the key identifier provided by the CA. If not provided it will be + // retrieved from the CA by making a call to the registration endpoint. + KID KeyID noncesMu sync.Mutex nonces map[string]struct{} // nonces collected from previous responses @@ -140,23 +143,22 @@ type Client struct { // // When in pre-RFC mode or when c.getRegRFC responds with an error, accountKID // returns noKeyID. -func (c *Client) accountKID(ctx context.Context) keyID { +func (c *Client) accountKID(ctx context.Context) KeyID { c.cacheMu.Lock() defer c.cacheMu.Unlock() - if !c.dir.rfcCompliant() { - return noKeyID - } - if c.kid != noKeyID { - return c.kid + if c.KID != noKeyID { + return c.KID } a, err := c.getRegRFC(ctx) if err != nil { return noKeyID } - c.kid = keyID(a.URI) - return c.kid + c.KID = KeyID(a.URI) + return c.KID } +var errPreRFC = errors.New("acme: server does not support the RFC 8555 version of ACME") + // Discover performs ACME server discovery using c.DirectoryURL. // // It caches successful result. So, subsequent calls will not result in @@ -177,53 +179,36 @@ func (c *Client) Discover(ctx context.Context) (Directory, error) { c.addNonce(res.Header) var v struct { - Reg string `json:"new-reg"` - RegRFC string `json:"newAccount"` - Authz string `json:"new-authz"` - AuthzRFC string `json:"newAuthz"` - OrderRFC string `json:"newOrder"` - Cert string `json:"new-cert"` - Revoke string `json:"revoke-cert"` - RevokeRFC string `json:"revokeCert"` - NonceRFC string `json:"newNonce"` - KeyChangeRFC string `json:"keyChange"` - Meta struct { - Terms string `json:"terms-of-service"` - TermsRFC string `json:"termsOfService"` - WebsiteRFC string `json:"website"` - CAA []string `json:"caa-identities"` - CAARFC []string `json:"caaIdentities"` - ExternalAcctRFC bool `json:"externalAccountRequired"` + Reg string `json:"newAccount"` + Authz string `json:"newAuthz"` + Order string `json:"newOrder"` + Revoke string `json:"revokeCert"` + Nonce string `json:"newNonce"` + KeyChange string `json:"keyChange"` + Meta struct { + Terms string `json:"termsOfService"` + Website string `json:"website"` + CAA []string `json:"caaIdentities"` + ExternalAcct bool `json:"externalAccountRequired"` } } if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&v); err != nil { return Directory{}, err } - if v.OrderRFC == "" { - // Non-RFC compliant ACME CA. - c.dir = &Directory{ - RegURL: v.Reg, - AuthzURL: v.Authz, - CertURL: v.Cert, - RevokeURL: v.Revoke, - Terms: v.Meta.Terms, - Website: v.Meta.WebsiteRFC, - CAA: v.Meta.CAA, - } - return *c.dir, nil + if v.Order == "" { + return Directory{}, errPreRFC } - // RFC compliant ACME CA. c.dir = &Directory{ - RegURL: v.RegRFC, - AuthzURL: v.AuthzRFC, - OrderURL: v.OrderRFC, - RevokeURL: v.RevokeRFC, - NonceURL: v.NonceRFC, - KeyChangeURL: v.KeyChangeRFC, - Terms: v.Meta.TermsRFC, - Website: v.Meta.WebsiteRFC, - CAA: v.Meta.CAARFC, - ExternalAccountRequired: v.Meta.ExternalAcctRFC, + RegURL: v.Reg, + AuthzURL: v.Authz, + OrderURL: v.Order, + RevokeURL: v.Revoke, + NonceURL: v.Nonce, + KeyChangeURL: v.KeyChange, + Terms: v.Meta.Terms, + Website: v.Meta.Website, + CAA: v.Meta.CAA, + ExternalAccountRequired: v.Meta.ExternalAcct, } return *c.dir, nil } @@ -235,55 +220,11 @@ func (c *Client) directoryURL() string { return LetsEncryptURL } -// CreateCert requests a new certificate using the Certificate Signing Request csr encoded in DER format. -// It is incompatible with RFC 8555. Callers should use CreateOrderCert when interfacing -// with an RFC-compliant CA. -// -// The exp argument indicates the desired certificate validity duration. CA may issue a certificate -// with a different duration. -// If the bundle argument is true, the returned value will also contain the CA (issuer) certificate chain. -// -// In the case where CA server does not provide the issued certificate in the response, -// CreateCert will poll certURL using c.FetchCert, which will result in additional round-trips. -// In such a scenario, the caller can cancel the polling with ctx. +// CreateCert was part of the old version of ACME. It is incompatible with RFC 8555. // -// CreateCert returns an error if the CA's response or chain was unreasonably large. -// Callers are encouraged to parse the returned value to ensure the certificate is valid and has the expected features. +// Deprecated: this was for the pre-RFC 8555 version of ACME. Callers should use CreateOrderCert. func (c *Client) CreateCert(ctx context.Context, csr []byte, exp time.Duration, bundle bool) (der [][]byte, certURL string, err error) { - if _, err := c.Discover(ctx); err != nil { - return nil, "", err - } - - req := struct { - Resource string `json:"resource"` - CSR string `json:"csr"` - NotBefore string `json:"notBefore,omitempty"` - NotAfter string `json:"notAfter,omitempty"` - }{ - Resource: "new-cert", - CSR: base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(csr), - } - now := timeNow() - req.NotBefore = now.Format(time.RFC3339) - if exp > 0 { - req.NotAfter = now.Add(exp).Format(time.RFC3339) - } - - res, err := c.post(ctx, nil, c.dir.CertURL, req, wantStatus(http.StatusCreated)) - if err != nil { - return nil, "", err - } - defer res.Body.Close() - - curl := res.Header.Get("Location") // cert permanent URL - if res.ContentLength == 0 { - // no cert in the body; poll until we get it - cert, err := c.FetchCert(ctx, curl, bundle) - return cert, curl, err - } - // slurp issued cert and CA chain, if requested - cert, err := c.responseCert(ctx, res, bundle) - return cert, curl, err + return nil, "", errPreRFC } // FetchCert retrieves already issued certificate from the given url, in DER format. @@ -297,20 +238,10 @@ func (c *Client) CreateCert(ctx context.Context, csr []byte, exp time.Duration, // Callers are encouraged to parse the returned value to ensure the certificate is valid // and has expected features. func (c *Client) FetchCert(ctx context.Context, url string, bundle bool) ([][]byte, error) { - dir, err := c.Discover(ctx) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if dir.rfcCompliant() { - return c.fetchCertRFC(ctx, url, bundle) - } - - // Legacy non-authenticated GET request. - res, err := c.get(ctx, url, wantStatus(http.StatusOK)) - if err != nil { + if _, err := c.Discover(ctx); err != nil { return nil, err } - return c.responseCert(ctx, res, bundle) + return c.fetchCertRFC(ctx, url, bundle) } // RevokeCert revokes a previously issued certificate cert, provided in DER format. @@ -320,30 +251,10 @@ func (c *Client) FetchCert(ctx context.Context, url string, bundle bool) ([][]by // For instance, the key pair of the certificate may be authorized. // If the key is nil, c.Key is used instead. func (c *Client) RevokeCert(ctx context.Context, key crypto.Signer, cert []byte, reason CRLReasonCode) error { - dir, err := c.Discover(ctx) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if dir.rfcCompliant() { - return c.revokeCertRFC(ctx, key, cert, reason) - } - - // Legacy CA. - body := &struct { - Resource string `json:"resource"` - Cert string `json:"certificate"` - Reason int `json:"reason"` - }{ - Resource: "revoke-cert", - Cert: base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(cert), - Reason: int(reason), - } - res, err := c.post(ctx, key, dir.RevokeURL, body, wantStatus(http.StatusOK)) - if err != nil { + if _, err := c.Discover(ctx); err != nil { return err } - defer res.Body.Close() - return nil + return c.revokeCertRFC(ctx, key, cert, reason) } // AcceptTOS always returns true to indicate the acceptance of a CA's Terms of Service @@ -366,75 +277,33 @@ func (c *Client) Register(ctx context.Context, acct *Account, prompt func(tosURL if c.Key == nil { return nil, errors.New("acme: client.Key must be set to Register") } - - dir, err := c.Discover(ctx) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if dir.rfcCompliant() { - return c.registerRFC(ctx, acct, prompt) - } - - // Legacy ACME draft registration flow. - a, err := c.doReg(ctx, dir.RegURL, "new-reg", acct) - if err != nil { + if _, err := c.Discover(ctx); err != nil { return nil, err } - var accept bool - if a.CurrentTerms != "" && a.CurrentTerms != a.AgreedTerms { - accept = prompt(a.CurrentTerms) - } - if accept { - a.AgreedTerms = a.CurrentTerms - a, err = c.UpdateReg(ctx, a) - } - return a, err + return c.registerRFC(ctx, acct, prompt) } // GetReg retrieves an existing account associated with c.Key. // -// The url argument is an Account URI used with pre-RFC 8555 CAs. -// It is ignored when interfacing with an RFC-compliant CA. +// The url argument is a legacy artifact of the pre-RFC 8555 API +// and is ignored. func (c *Client) GetReg(ctx context.Context, url string) (*Account, error) { - dir, err := c.Discover(ctx) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if dir.rfcCompliant() { - return c.getRegRFC(ctx) - } - - // Legacy CA. - a, err := c.doReg(ctx, url, "reg", nil) - if err != nil { + if _, err := c.Discover(ctx); err != nil { return nil, err } - a.URI = url - return a, nil + return c.getRegRFC(ctx) } // UpdateReg updates an existing registration. // It returns an updated account copy. The provided account is not modified. // -// When interfacing with RFC-compliant CAs, a.URI is ignored and the account URL -// associated with c.Key is used instead. +// The account's URI is ignored and the account URL associated with +// c.Key is used instead. func (c *Client) UpdateReg(ctx context.Context, acct *Account) (*Account, error) { - dir, err := c.Discover(ctx) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if dir.rfcCompliant() { - return c.updateRegRFC(ctx, acct) - } - - // Legacy CA. - uri := acct.URI - a, err := c.doReg(ctx, uri, "reg", acct) - if err != nil { + if _, err := c.Discover(ctx); err != nil { return nil, err } - a.URI = uri - return a, nil + return c.updateRegRFC(ctx, acct) } // Authorize performs the initial step in the pre-authorization flow, @@ -503,17 +372,11 @@ func (c *Client) authorize(ctx context.Context, typ, val string) (*Authorization // If a caller needs to poll an authorization until its status is final, // see the WaitAuthorization method. func (c *Client) GetAuthorization(ctx context.Context, url string) (*Authorization, error) { - dir, err := c.Discover(ctx) - if err != nil { + if _, err := c.Discover(ctx); err != nil { return nil, err } - var res *http.Response - if dir.rfcCompliant() { - res, err = c.postAsGet(ctx, url, wantStatus(http.StatusOK)) - } else { - res, err = c.get(ctx, url, wantStatus(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted)) - } + res, err := c.postAsGet(ctx, url, wantStatus(http.StatusOK)) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -535,7 +398,6 @@ func (c *Client) GetAuthorization(ctx context.Context, url string) (*Authorizati // // It does not revoke existing certificates. func (c *Client) RevokeAuthorization(ctx context.Context, url string) error { - // Required for c.accountKID() when in RFC mode. if _, err := c.Discover(ctx); err != nil { return err } @@ -565,18 +427,11 @@ func (c *Client) RevokeAuthorization(ctx context.Context, url string) error { // In all other cases WaitAuthorization returns an error. // If the Status is StatusInvalid, the returned error is of type *AuthorizationError. func (c *Client) WaitAuthorization(ctx context.Context, url string) (*Authorization, error) { - // Required for c.accountKID() when in RFC mode. - dir, err := c.Discover(ctx) - if err != nil { + if _, err := c.Discover(ctx); err != nil { return nil, err } - getfn := c.postAsGet - if !dir.rfcCompliant() { - getfn = c.get - } - for { - res, err := getfn(ctx, url, wantStatus(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted)) + res, err := c.postAsGet(ctx, url, wantStatus(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted)) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -619,17 +474,11 @@ func (c *Client) WaitAuthorization(ctx context.Context, url string) (*Authorizat // // A client typically polls a challenge status using this method. func (c *Client) GetChallenge(ctx context.Context, url string) (*Challenge, error) { - // Required for c.accountKID() when in RFC mode. - dir, err := c.Discover(ctx) - if err != nil { + if _, err := c.Discover(ctx); err != nil { return nil, err } - getfn := c.postAsGet - if !dir.rfcCompliant() { - getfn = c.get - } - res, err := getfn(ctx, url, wantStatus(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted)) + res, err := c.postAsGet(ctx, url, wantStatus(http.StatusOK, http.StatusAccepted)) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -647,29 +496,11 @@ func (c *Client) GetChallenge(ctx context.Context, url string) (*Challenge, erro // // The server will then perform the validation asynchronously. func (c *Client) Accept(ctx context.Context, chal *Challenge) (*Challenge, error) { - // Required for c.accountKID() when in RFC mode. - dir, err := c.Discover(ctx) - if err != nil { + if _, err := c.Discover(ctx); err != nil { return nil, err } - var req interface{} = json.RawMessage("{}") // RFC-compliant CA - if !dir.rfcCompliant() { - auth, err := keyAuth(c.Key.Public(), chal.Token) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - req = struct { - Resource string `json:"resource"` - Type string `json:"type"` - Auth string `json:"keyAuthorization"` - }{ - Resource: "challenge", - Type: chal.Type, - Auth: auth, - } - } - res, err := c.post(ctx, nil, chal.URI, req, wantStatus( + res, err := c.post(ctx, nil, chal.URI, json.RawMessage("{}"), wantStatus( http.StatusOK, // according to the spec http.StatusAccepted, // Let's Encrypt: see https://goo.gl/WsJ7VT (acme-divergences.md) )) @@ -720,7 +551,7 @@ func (c *Client) HTTP01ChallengePath(token string) string { // TLSSNI01ChallengeCert creates a certificate for TLS-SNI-01 challenge response. // -// Deprecated: This challenge type is unused in both draft-02 and RFC versions of ACME spec. +// Deprecated: This challenge type is unused in both draft-02 and RFC versions of the ACME spec. func (c *Client) TLSSNI01ChallengeCert(token string, opt ...CertOption) (cert tls.Certificate, name string, err error) { ka, err := keyAuth(c.Key.Public(), token) if err != nil { @@ -738,7 +569,7 @@ func (c *Client) TLSSNI01ChallengeCert(token string, opt ...CertOption) (cert tl // TLSSNI02ChallengeCert creates a certificate for TLS-SNI-02 challenge response. // -// Deprecated: This challenge type is unused in both draft-02 and RFC versions of ACME spec. +// Deprecated: This challenge type is unused in both draft-02 and RFC versions of the ACME spec. func (c *Client) TLSSNI02ChallengeCert(token string, opt ...CertOption) (cert tls.Certificate, name string, err error) { b := sha256.Sum256([]byte(token)) h := hex.EncodeToString(b[:]) @@ -805,63 +636,6 @@ func (c *Client) TLSALPN01ChallengeCert(token, domain string, opt ...CertOption) return tlsChallengeCert([]string{domain}, newOpt) } -// doReg sends all types of registration requests the old way (pre-RFC world). -// The type of request is identified by typ argument, which is a "resource" -// in the ACME spec terms. -// -// A non-nil acct argument indicates whether the intention is to mutate data -// of the Account. Only Contact and Agreement of its fields are used -// in such cases. -func (c *Client) doReg(ctx context.Context, url string, typ string, acct *Account) (*Account, error) { - req := struct { - Resource string `json:"resource"` - Contact []string `json:"contact,omitempty"` - Agreement string `json:"agreement,omitempty"` - }{ - Resource: typ, - } - if acct != nil { - req.Contact = acct.Contact - req.Agreement = acct.AgreedTerms - } - res, err := c.post(ctx, nil, url, req, wantStatus( - http.StatusOK, // updates and deletes - http.StatusCreated, // new account creation - http.StatusAccepted, // Let's Encrypt divergent implementation - )) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - defer res.Body.Close() - - var v struct { - Contact []string - Agreement string - Authorizations string - Certificates string - } - if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&v); err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("acme: invalid response: %v", err) - } - var tos string - if v := linkHeader(res.Header, "terms-of-service"); len(v) > 0 { - tos = v[0] - } - var authz string - if v := linkHeader(res.Header, "next"); len(v) > 0 { - authz = v[0] - } - return &Account{ - URI: res.Header.Get("Location"), - Contact: v.Contact, - AgreedTerms: v.Agreement, - CurrentTerms: tos, - Authz: authz, - Authorizations: v.Authorizations, - Certificates: v.Certificates, - }, nil -} - // popNonce returns a nonce value previously stored with c.addNonce // or fetches a fresh one from c.dir.NonceURL. // If NonceURL is empty, it first tries c.directoryURL() and, failing that, @@ -936,78 +710,6 @@ func nonceFromHeader(h http.Header) string { return h.Get("Replay-Nonce") } -func (c *Client) responseCert(ctx context.Context, res *http.Response, bundle bool) ([][]byte, error) { - b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(res.Body, maxCertSize+1)) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("acme: response stream: %v", err) - } - if len(b) > maxCertSize { - return nil, errors.New("acme: certificate is too big") - } - cert := [][]byte{b} - if !bundle { - return cert, nil - } - - // Append CA chain cert(s). - // At least one is required according to the spec: - // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-03#section-6.3.1 - up := linkHeader(res.Header, "up") - if len(up) == 0 { - return nil, errors.New("acme: rel=up link not found") - } - if len(up) > maxChainLen { - return nil, errors.New("acme: rel=up link is too large") - } - for _, url := range up { - cc, err := c.chainCert(ctx, url, 0) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - cert = append(cert, cc...) - } - return cert, nil -} - -// chainCert fetches CA certificate chain recursively by following "up" links. -// Each recursive call increments the depth by 1, resulting in an error -// if the recursion level reaches maxChainLen. -// -// First chainCert call starts with depth of 0. -func (c *Client) chainCert(ctx context.Context, url string, depth int) ([][]byte, error) { - if depth >= maxChainLen { - return nil, errors.New("acme: certificate chain is too deep") - } - - res, err := c.get(ctx, url, wantStatus(http.StatusOK)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - defer res.Body.Close() - b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(res.Body, maxCertSize+1)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - if len(b) > maxCertSize { - return nil, errors.New("acme: certificate is too big") - } - chain := [][]byte{b} - - uplink := linkHeader(res.Header, "up") - if len(uplink) > maxChainLen { - return nil, errors.New("acme: certificate chain is too large") - } - for _, up := range uplink { - cc, err := c.chainCert(ctx, up, depth+1) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - chain = append(chain, cc...) - } - - return chain, nil -} - // linkHeader returns URI-Reference values of all Link headers // with relation-type rel. // See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5988#section-5 for details. @@ -1098,5 +800,5 @@ func encodePEM(typ string, b []byte) []byte { return pem.EncodeToMemory(pb) } -// timeNow is useful for testing for fixed current time. +// timeNow is time.Now, except in tests which can mess with it. var timeNow = time.Now diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/autocert.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/autocert.go index c7fbc54c4..0061c2881 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/autocert.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/autocert.go @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ var createCertRetryAfter = time.Minute // pseudoRand is safe for concurrent use. var pseudoRand *lockedMathRand +var errPreRFC = errors.New("autocert: ACME server doesn't support RFC 8555") + func init() { src := mathrand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()) pseudoRand = &lockedMathRand{rnd: mathrand.New(src)} @@ -168,6 +170,11 @@ type Manager struct { // in the template's ExtraExtensions field as is. ExtraExtensions []pkix.Extension + // ExternalAccountBinding optionally represents an arbitrary binding to an + // account of the CA to which the ACME server is tied. + // See RFC 8555, Section 7.3.4 for more details. + ExternalAccountBinding *acme.ExternalAccountBinding + clientMu sync.Mutex client *acme.Client // initialized by acmeClient method @@ -456,7 +463,7 @@ func (m *Manager) cert(ctx context.Context, ck certKey) (*tls.Certificate, error leaf: cert.Leaf, } m.state[ck] = s - go m.renew(ck, s.key, s.leaf.NotAfter) + go m.startRenew(ck, s.key, s.leaf.NotAfter) return cert, nil } @@ -582,8 +589,9 @@ func (m *Manager) createCert(ctx context.Context, ck certKey) (*tls.Certificate, if err != nil { // Remove the failed state after some time, // making the manager call createCert again on the following TLS hello. + didRemove := testDidRemoveState // The lifetime of this timer is untracked, so copy mutable local state to avoid races. time.AfterFunc(createCertRetryAfter, func() { - defer testDidRemoveState(ck) + defer didRemove(ck) m.stateMu.Lock() defer m.stateMu.Unlock() // Verify the state hasn't changed and it's still invalid @@ -601,7 +609,7 @@ func (m *Manager) createCert(ctx context.Context, ck certKey) (*tls.Certificate, } state.cert = der state.leaf = leaf - go m.renew(ck, state.key, state.leaf.NotAfter) + go m.startRenew(ck, state.key, state.leaf.NotAfter) return state.tlscert() } @@ -658,99 +666,24 @@ func (m *Manager) authorizedCert(ctx context.Context, key crypto.Signer, ck cert if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } + if dir.OrderURL == "" { + return nil, nil, errPreRFC + } - var chain [][]byte - switch { - // Pre-RFC legacy CA. - case dir.OrderURL == "": - if err := m.verify(ctx, client, ck.domain); err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - der, _, err := client.CreateCert(ctx, csr, 0, true) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - chain = der - // RFC 8555 compliant CA. - default: - o, err := m.verifyRFC(ctx, client, ck.domain) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - der, _, err := client.CreateOrderCert(ctx, o.FinalizeURL, csr, true) - if err != nil { - return nil, nil, err - } - chain = der + o, err := m.verifyRFC(ctx, client, ck.domain) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err } - leaf, err = validCert(ck, chain, key, m.now()) + chain, _, err := client.CreateOrderCert(ctx, o.FinalizeURL, csr, true) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } - return chain, leaf, nil -} -// verify runs the identifier (domain) pre-authorization flow for legacy CAs -// using each applicable ACME challenge type. -func (m *Manager) verify(ctx context.Context, client *acme.Client, domain string) error { - // Remove all hanging authorizations to reduce rate limit quotas - // after we're done. - var authzURLs []string - defer func() { - go m.deactivatePendingAuthz(authzURLs) - }() - - // errs accumulates challenge failure errors, printed if all fail - errs := make(map[*acme.Challenge]error) - challengeTypes := m.supportedChallengeTypes() - var nextTyp int // challengeType index of the next challenge type to try - for { - // Start domain authorization and get the challenge. - authz, err := client.Authorize(ctx, domain) - if err != nil { - return err - } - authzURLs = append(authzURLs, authz.URI) - // No point in accepting challenges if the authorization status - // is in a final state. - switch authz.Status { - case acme.StatusValid: - return nil // already authorized - case acme.StatusInvalid: - return fmt.Errorf("acme/autocert: invalid authorization %q", authz.URI) - } - - // Pick the next preferred challenge. - var chal *acme.Challenge - for chal == nil && nextTyp < len(challengeTypes) { - chal = pickChallenge(challengeTypes[nextTyp], authz.Challenges) - nextTyp++ - } - if chal == nil { - errorMsg := fmt.Sprintf("acme/autocert: unable to authorize %q", domain) - for chal, err := range errs { - errorMsg += fmt.Sprintf("; challenge %q failed with error: %v", chal.Type, err) - } - return errors.New(errorMsg) - } - cleanup, err := m.fulfill(ctx, client, chal, domain) - if err != nil { - errs[chal] = err - continue - } - defer cleanup() - if _, err := client.Accept(ctx, chal); err != nil { - errs[chal] = err - continue - } - - // A challenge is fulfilled and accepted: wait for the CA to validate. - if _, err := client.WaitAuthorization(ctx, authz.URI); err != nil { - errs[chal] = err - continue - } - return nil + leaf, err = validCert(ck, chain, key, m.now()) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err } + return chain, leaf, nil } // verifyRFC runs the identifier (domain) order-based authorization flow for RFC compliant CAs @@ -966,7 +899,7 @@ func httpTokenCacheKey(tokenPath string) string { return path.Base(tokenPath) + "+http-01" } -// renew starts a cert renewal timer loop, one per domain. +// startRenew starts a cert renewal timer loop, one per domain. // // The loop is scheduled in two cases: // - a cert was fetched from cache for the first time (wasn't in m.state) @@ -974,7 +907,7 @@ func httpTokenCacheKey(tokenPath string) string { // // The key argument is a certificate private key. // The exp argument is the cert expiration time (NotAfter). -func (m *Manager) renew(ck certKey, key crypto.Signer, exp time.Time) { +func (m *Manager) startRenew(ck certKey, key crypto.Signer, exp time.Time) { m.renewalMu.Lock() defer m.renewalMu.Unlock() if m.renewal[ck] != nil { @@ -1068,7 +1001,7 @@ func (m *Manager) acmeClient(ctx context.Context) (*acme.Client, error) { if m.Email != "" { contact = []string{"mailto:" + m.Email} } - a := &acme.Account{Contact: contact} + a := &acme.Account{Contact: contact, ExternalAccountBinding: m.ExternalAccountBinding} _, err := client.Register(ctx, a, m.Prompt) if err == nil || isAccountAlreadyExist(err) { m.client = client @@ -1200,6 +1133,10 @@ func validCert(ck certKey, der [][]byte, key crypto.Signer, now time.Time) (leaf if err := leaf.VerifyHostname(ck.domain); err != nil { return nil, err } + // renew certificates revoked by Let's Encrypt in January 2022 + if isRevokedLetsEncrypt(leaf) { + return nil, errors.New("acme/autocert: certificate was probably revoked by Let's Encrypt") + } // ensure the leaf corresponds to the private key and matches the certKey type switch pub := leaf.PublicKey.(type) { case *rsa.PublicKey: @@ -1230,6 +1167,18 @@ func validCert(ck certKey, der [][]byte, key crypto.Signer, now time.Time) (leaf return leaf, nil } +// https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/2022-01-25-issue-with-tls-alpn-01-validation-method/170450 +var letsEncryptFixDeployTime = time.Date(2022, time.January, 26, 00, 48, 0, 0, time.UTC) + +// isRevokedLetsEncrypt returns whether the certificate is likely to be part of +// a batch of certificates revoked by Let's Encrypt in January 2022. This check +// can be safely removed from May 2022. +func isRevokedLetsEncrypt(cert *x509.Certificate) bool { + O := cert.Issuer.Organization + return len(O) == 1 && O[0] == "Let's Encrypt" && + cert.NotBefore.Before(letsEncryptFixDeployTime) +} + type lockedMathRand struct { sync.Mutex rnd *mathrand.Rand diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/listener.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/listener.go index cb4860973..9d62f8ced 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/listener.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/listener.go @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import ( // // It enables one-line HTTPS servers: // -// log.Fatal(http.Serve(autocert.NewListener("example.com"), handler)) +// log.Fatal(http.Serve(autocert.NewListener("example.com"), handler)) // // NewListener is a convenience function for a common configuration. // More complex or custom configurations can use the autocert.Manager diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/renewal.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/renewal.go index 665f870dc..0df7da78a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/renewal.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert/renewal.go @@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ type domainRenewal struct { ck certKey key crypto.Signer - timerMu sync.Mutex - timer *time.Timer + timerMu sync.Mutex + timer *time.Timer + timerClose chan struct{} // if non-nil, renew closes this channel (and nils out the timer fields) instead of running } // start starts a cert renewal timer at the time @@ -38,16 +39,28 @@ func (dr *domainRenewal) start(exp time.Time) { dr.timer = time.AfterFunc(dr.next(exp), dr.renew) } -// stop stops the cert renewal timer. -// If the timer is already stopped, calling stop is a noop. +// stop stops the cert renewal timer and waits for any in-flight calls to renew +// to complete. If the timer is already stopped, calling stop is a noop. func (dr *domainRenewal) stop() { dr.timerMu.Lock() defer dr.timerMu.Unlock() - if dr.timer == nil { - return + for { + if dr.timer == nil { + return + } + if dr.timer.Stop() { + dr.timer = nil + return + } else { + // dr.timer fired, and we acquired dr.timerMu before the renew callback did. + // (We know this because otherwise the renew callback would have reset dr.timer!) + timerClose := make(chan struct{}) + dr.timerClose = timerClose + dr.timerMu.Unlock() + <-timerClose + dr.timerMu.Lock() + } } - dr.timer.Stop() - dr.timer = nil } // renew is called periodically by a timer. @@ -55,7 +68,9 @@ func (dr *domainRenewal) stop() { func (dr *domainRenewal) renew() { dr.timerMu.Lock() defer dr.timerMu.Unlock() - if dr.timer == nil { + if dr.timerClose != nil { + close(dr.timerClose) + dr.timer, dr.timerClose = nil, nil return } @@ -67,8 +82,8 @@ func (dr *domainRenewal) renew() { next = renewJitter / 2 next += time.Duration(pseudoRand.int63n(int64(next))) } - dr.timer = time.AfterFunc(next, dr.renew) testDidRenewLoop(next, err) + dr.timer = time.AfterFunc(next, dr.renew) } // updateState locks and replaces the relevant Manager.state item with the given diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/jws.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/jws.go index 8c3ecceca..403e5b0c2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/jws.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/jws.go @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ import ( "math/big" ) -// keyID is the account identity provided by a CA during registration. -type keyID string +// KeyID is the account key identity provided by a CA during registration. +type KeyID string // noKeyID indicates that jwsEncodeJSON should compute and use JWK instead of a KID. // See jwsEncodeJSON for details. -const noKeyID = keyID("") +const noKeyID = KeyID("") // noPayload indicates jwsEncodeJSON will encode zero-length octet string // in a JWS request. This is called POST-as-GET in RFC 8555 and is used to make @@ -43,14 +43,17 @@ type jsonWebSignature struct { // jwsEncodeJSON signs claimset using provided key and a nonce. // The result is serialized in JSON format containing either kid or jwk -// fields based on the provided keyID value. +// fields based on the provided KeyID value. // // If kid is non-empty, its quoted value is inserted in the protected head // as "kid" field value. Otherwise, JWK is computed using jwkEncode and inserted // as "jwk" field value. The "jwk" and "kid" fields are mutually exclusive. // // See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515#section-7. -func jwsEncodeJSON(claimset interface{}, key crypto.Signer, kid keyID, nonce, url string) ([]byte, error) { +func jwsEncodeJSON(claimset interface{}, key crypto.Signer, kid KeyID, nonce, url string) ([]byte, error) { + if key == nil { + return nil, errors.New("nil key") + } alg, sha := jwsHasher(key.Public()) if alg == "" || !sha.Available() { return nil, ErrUnsupportedKey diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/rfc8555.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/rfc8555.go index f9d3011ff..928a5aa03 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/rfc8555.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/rfc8555.go @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ func (c *Client) registerRFC(ctx context.Context, acct *Account, prompt func(tos } // Cache Account URL even if we return an error to the caller. // It is by all means a valid and usable "kid" value for future requests. - c.kid = keyID(a.URI) + c.KID = KeyID(a.URI) if res.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { return nil, ErrAccountAlreadyExists } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/types.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/types.go index eaae45290..67b825201 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/types.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/acme/types.go @@ -305,14 +305,6 @@ type Directory struct { ExternalAccountRequired bool } -// rfcCompliant reports whether the ACME server implements RFC 8555. -// Note that some servers may have incomplete RFC implementation -// even if the returned value is true. -// If rfcCompliant reports false, the server most likely implements draft-02. -func (d *Directory) rfcCompliant() bool { - return d.OrderURL != "" -} - // Order represents a client's request for a certificate. // It tracks the request flow progress through to issuance. type Order struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/pbkdf2/pbkdf2.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/pbkdf2/pbkdf2.go index 593f65300..904b57e01 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/pbkdf2/pbkdf2.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/crypto/pbkdf2/pbkdf2.go @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import ( // can get a derived key for e.g. AES-256 (which needs a 32-byte key) by // doing: // -// dk := pbkdf2.Key([]byte("some password"), salt, 4096, 32, sha1.New) +// dk := pbkdf2.Key([]byte("some password"), salt, 4096, 32, sha1.New) // // Remember to get a good random salt. At least 8 bytes is recommended by the // RFC. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts/guts.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts/guts.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6cd0ced3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts/guts.go @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package httpguts provides functions implementing various details +// of the HTTP specification. +// +// This package is shared by the standard library (which vendors it) +// and x/net/http2. It comes with no API stability promise. +package httpguts + +import ( + "net/textproto" + "strings" +) + +// ValidTrailerHeader reports whether name is a valid header field name to appear +// in trailers. +// See RFC 7230, Section 4.1.2 +func ValidTrailerHeader(name string) bool { + name = textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(name) + if strings.HasPrefix(name, "If-") || badTrailer[name] { + return false + } + return true +} + +var badTrailer = map[string]bool{ + "Authorization": true, + "Cache-Control": true, + "Connection": true, + "Content-Encoding": true, + "Content-Length": true, + "Content-Range": true, + "Content-Type": true, + "Expect": true, + "Host": true, + "Keep-Alive": true, + "Max-Forwards": true, + "Pragma": true, + "Proxy-Authenticate": true, + "Proxy-Authorization": true, + "Proxy-Connection": true, + "Range": true, + "Realm": true, + "Te": true, + "Trailer": true, + "Transfer-Encoding": true, + "Www-Authenticate": true, +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts/httplex.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts/httplex.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e071e852 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts/httplex.go @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package httpguts + +import ( + "net" + "strings" + "unicode/utf8" + + "golang.org/x/net/idna" +) + +var isTokenTable = [127]bool{ + '!': true, + '#': true, + '$': true, + '%': true, + '&': true, + '\'': true, + '*': true, + '+': true, + '-': true, + '.': true, + '0': true, + '1': true, + '2': true, + '3': true, + '4': true, + '5': true, + '6': true, + '7': true, + '8': true, + '9': true, + 'A': true, + 'B': true, + 'C': true, + 'D': true, + 'E': true, + 'F': true, + 'G': true, + 'H': true, + 'I': true, + 'J': true, + 'K': true, + 'L': true, + 'M': true, + 'N': true, + 'O': true, + 'P': true, + 'Q': true, + 'R': true, + 'S': true, + 'T': true, + 'U': true, + 'W': true, + 'V': true, + 'X': true, + 'Y': true, + 'Z': true, + '^': true, + '_': true, + '`': true, + 'a': true, + 'b': true, + 'c': true, + 'd': true, + 'e': true, + 'f': true, + 'g': true, + 'h': true, + 'i': true, + 'j': true, + 'k': true, + 'l': true, + 'm': true, + 'n': true, + 'o': true, + 'p': true, + 'q': true, + 'r': true, + 's': true, + 't': true, + 'u': true, + 'v': true, + 'w': true, + 'x': true, + 'y': true, + 'z': true, + '|': true, + '~': true, +} + +func IsTokenRune(r rune) bool { + i := int(r) + return i < len(isTokenTable) && isTokenTable[i] +} + +func isNotToken(r rune) bool { + return !IsTokenRune(r) +} + +// HeaderValuesContainsToken reports whether any string in values +// contains the provided token, ASCII case-insensitively. +func HeaderValuesContainsToken(values []string, token string) bool { + for _, v := range values { + if headerValueContainsToken(v, token) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +// isOWS reports whether b is an optional whitespace byte, as defined +// by RFC 7230 section 3.2.3. +func isOWS(b byte) bool { return b == ' ' || b == '\t' } + +// trimOWS returns x with all optional whitespace removes from the +// beginning and end. +func trimOWS(x string) string { + // TODO: consider using strings.Trim(x, " \t") instead, + // if and when it's fast enough. See issue 10292. + // But this ASCII-only code will probably always beat UTF-8 + // aware code. + for len(x) > 0 && isOWS(x[0]) { + x = x[1:] + } + for len(x) > 0 && isOWS(x[len(x)-1]) { + x = x[:len(x)-1] + } + return x +} + +// headerValueContainsToken reports whether v (assumed to be a +// 0#element, in the ABNF extension described in RFC 7230 section 7) +// contains token amongst its comma-separated tokens, ASCII +// case-insensitively. +func headerValueContainsToken(v string, token string) bool { + for comma := strings.IndexByte(v, ','); comma != -1; comma = strings.IndexByte(v, ',') { + if tokenEqual(trimOWS(v[:comma]), token) { + return true + } + v = v[comma+1:] + } + return tokenEqual(trimOWS(v), token) +} + +// lowerASCII returns the ASCII lowercase version of b. +func lowerASCII(b byte) byte { + if 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z' { + return b + ('a' - 'A') + } + return b +} + +// tokenEqual reports whether t1 and t2 are equal, ASCII case-insensitively. +func tokenEqual(t1, t2 string) bool { + if len(t1) != len(t2) { + return false + } + for i, b := range t1 { + if b >= utf8.RuneSelf { + // No UTF-8 or non-ASCII allowed in tokens. + return false + } + if lowerASCII(byte(b)) != lowerASCII(t2[i]) { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// isLWS reports whether b is linear white space, according +// to http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec2.html#sec2.2 +// +// LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT ) +func isLWS(b byte) bool { return b == ' ' || b == '\t' } + +// isCTL reports whether b is a control byte, according +// to http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec2.html#sec2.2 +// +// CTL = +func isCTL(b byte) bool { + const del = 0x7f // a CTL + return b < ' ' || b == del +} + +// ValidHeaderFieldName reports whether v is a valid HTTP/1.x header name. +// HTTP/2 imposes the additional restriction that uppercase ASCII +// letters are not allowed. +// +// RFC 7230 says: +// +// header-field = field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS +// field-name = token +// token = 1*tchar +// tchar = "!" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "&" / "'" / "*" / "+" / "-" / "." / +// "^" / "_" / "`" / "|" / "~" / DIGIT / ALPHA +func ValidHeaderFieldName(v string) bool { + if len(v) == 0 { + return false + } + for _, r := range v { + if !IsTokenRune(r) { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// ValidHostHeader reports whether h is a valid host header. +func ValidHostHeader(h string) bool { + // The latest spec is actually this: + // + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.4 + // Host = uri-host [ ":" port ] + // + // Where uri-host is: + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2.2 + // + // But we're going to be much more lenient for now and just + // search for any byte that's not a valid byte in any of those + // expressions. + for i := 0; i < len(h); i++ { + if !validHostByte[h[i]] { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// See the validHostHeader comment. +var validHostByte = [256]bool{ + '0': true, '1': true, '2': true, '3': true, '4': true, '5': true, '6': true, '7': true, + '8': true, '9': true, + + 'a': true, 'b': true, 'c': true, 'd': true, 'e': true, 'f': true, 'g': true, 'h': true, + 'i': true, 'j': true, 'k': true, 'l': true, 'm': true, 'n': true, 'o': true, 'p': true, + 'q': true, 'r': true, 's': true, 't': true, 'u': true, 'v': true, 'w': true, 'x': true, + 'y': true, 'z': true, + + 'A': true, 'B': true, 'C': true, 'D': true, 'E': true, 'F': true, 'G': true, 'H': true, + 'I': true, 'J': true, 'K': true, 'L': true, 'M': true, 'N': true, 'O': true, 'P': true, + 'Q': true, 'R': true, 'S': true, 'T': true, 'U': true, 'V': true, 'W': true, 'X': true, + 'Y': true, 'Z': true, + + '!': true, // sub-delims + '$': true, // sub-delims + '%': true, // pct-encoded (and used in IPv6 zones) + '&': true, // sub-delims + '(': true, // sub-delims + ')': true, // sub-delims + '*': true, // sub-delims + '+': true, // sub-delims + ',': true, // sub-delims + '-': true, // unreserved + '.': true, // unreserved + ':': true, // IPv6address + Host expression's optional port + ';': true, // sub-delims + '=': true, // sub-delims + '[': true, + '\'': true, // sub-delims + ']': true, + '_': true, // unreserved + '~': true, // unreserved +} + +// ValidHeaderFieldValue reports whether v is a valid "field-value" according to +// http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.2 : +// +// message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ] +// field-value = *( field-content | LWS ) +// field-content = +// +// http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec2.html#sec2.2 : +// +// TEXT = +// LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT ) +// CTL = +// +// RFC 7230 says: +// +// field-value = *( field-content / obs-fold ) +// obj-fold = N/A to http2, and deprecated +// field-content = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ] +// field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text +// obs-text = %x80-FF +// VCHAR = "any visible [USASCII] character" +// +// http2 further says: "Similarly, HTTP/2 allows header field values +// that are not valid. While most of the values that can be encoded +// will not alter header field parsing, carriage return (CR, ASCII +// 0xd), line feed (LF, ASCII 0xa), and the zero character (NUL, ASCII +// 0x0) might be exploited by an attacker if they are translated +// verbatim. Any request or response that contains a character not +// permitted in a header field value MUST be treated as malformed +// (Section Valid characters are defined by the +// field-content ABNF rule in Section 3.2 of [RFC7230]." +// +// This function does not (yet?) properly handle the rejection of +// strings that begin or end with SP or HTAB. +func ValidHeaderFieldValue(v string) bool { + for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ { + b := v[i] + if isCTL(b) && !isLWS(b) { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +func isASCII(s string) bool { + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + if s[i] >= utf8.RuneSelf { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// PunycodeHostPort returns the IDNA Punycode version +// of the provided "host" or "host:port" string. +func PunycodeHostPort(v string) (string, error) { + if isASCII(v) { + return v, nil + } + + host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(v) + if err != nil { + // The input 'v' argument was just a "host" argument, + // without a port. This error should not be returned + // to the caller. + host = v + port = "" + } + host, err = idna.ToASCII(host) + if err != nil { + // Non-UTF-8? Not representable in Punycode, in any + // case. + return "", err + } + if port == "" { + return host, nil + } + return net.JoinHostPort(host, port), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/.gitignore b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..190f12234 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +*~ +h2i/h2i diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/Dockerfile b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..851224595 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# +# This Dockerfile builds a recent curl with HTTP/2 client support, using +# a recent nghttp2 build. +# +# See the Makefile for how to tag it. If Docker and that image is found, the +# Go tests use this curl binary for integration tests. +# + +FROM ubuntu:trusty + +RUN apt-get update && \ + apt-get upgrade -y && \ + apt-get install -y git-core build-essential wget + +RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ + autotools-dev libtool pkg-config zlib1g-dev \ + libcunit1-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libevent-dev \ + automake autoconf + +# The list of packages nghttp2 recommends for h2load: +RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends make binutils \ + autoconf automake autotools-dev \ + libtool pkg-config zlib1g-dev libcunit1-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev \ + libev-dev libevent-dev libjansson-dev libjemalloc-dev \ + cython python3.4-dev python-setuptools + +# Note: setting NGHTTP2_VER before the git clone, so an old git clone isn't cached: +ENV NGHTTP2_VER 895da9a +RUN cd /root && git clone https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/nghttp2.git + +WORKDIR /root/nghttp2 +RUN git reset --hard $NGHTTP2_VER +RUN autoreconf -i +RUN automake +RUN autoconf +RUN ./configure +RUN make +RUN make install + +WORKDIR /root +RUN wget https://curl.se/download/curl-7.45.0.tar.gz +RUN tar -zxvf curl-7.45.0.tar.gz +WORKDIR /root/curl-7.45.0 +RUN ./configure --with-ssl --with-nghttp2=/usr/local +RUN make +RUN make install +RUN ldconfig + +CMD ["-h"] +ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/curl"] + diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/Makefile b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..55fd826f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +curlimage: + docker build -t gohttp2/curl . + diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/ascii.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/ascii.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..17caa2058 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/ascii.go @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package http2 + +import "strings" + +// The HTTP protocols are defined in terms of ASCII, not Unicode. This file +// contains helper functions which may use Unicode-aware functions which would +// otherwise be unsafe and could introduce vulnerabilities if used improperly. + +// asciiEqualFold is strings.EqualFold, ASCII only. It reports whether s and t +// are equal, ASCII-case-insensitively. +func asciiEqualFold(s, t string) bool { + if len(s) != len(t) { + return false + } + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + if lower(s[i]) != lower(t[i]) { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// lower returns the ASCII lowercase version of b. +func lower(b byte) byte { + if 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z' { + return b + ('a' - 'A') + } + return b +} + +// isASCIIPrint returns whether s is ASCII and printable according to +// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc20#section-4.2. +func isASCIIPrint(s string) bool { + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + if s[i] < ' ' || s[i] > '~' { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// asciiToLower returns the lowercase version of s if s is ASCII and printable, +// and whether or not it was. +func asciiToLower(s string) (lower string, ok bool) { + if !isASCIIPrint(s) { + return "", false + } + return strings.ToLower(s), true +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/ciphers.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/ciphers.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9a0cf3b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/ciphers.go @@ -0,0 +1,641 @@ +// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package http2 + +// A list of the possible cipher suite ids. Taken from +// https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.txt + +const ( + cipher_TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL uint16 = 0x0000 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 uint16 = 0x0001 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0x0002 + cipher_TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x0003 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 uint16 = 0x0004 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0x0005 + cipher_TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x0006 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_IDEA_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0007 + cipher_TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0008 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0009 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000A + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000B + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000C + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000D + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000E + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x000F + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0010 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0011 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0012 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0013 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0014 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0015 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0016 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x0017 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 uint16 = 0x0018 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0019 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x001A + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x001B + // Reserved uint16 = 0x001C-1D + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x001E + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x001F + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0x0020 + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_IDEA_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0021 + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_DES_CBC_MD5 uint16 = 0x0022 + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_MD5 uint16 = 0x0023 + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 uint16 = 0x0024 + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_IDEA_CBC_MD5 uint16 = 0x0025 + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_40_SHA uint16 = 0x0026 + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_SHA uint16 = 0x0027 + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_SHA uint16 = 0x0028 + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x0029 + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x002A + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 uint16 = 0x002B + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0x002C + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0x002D + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0x002E + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x002F + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0030 + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0031 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0032 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0033 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0034 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0035 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0036 + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0037 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0038 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0039 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x003A + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 uint16 = 0x003B + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x003C + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x003D + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x003E + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x003F + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x0040 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0041 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0042 + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0043 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0044 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0045 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0046 + // Reserved uint16 = 0x0047-4F + // Reserved uint16 = 0x0050-58 + // Reserved uint16 = 0x0059-5C + // Unassigned uint16 = 0x005D-5F + // Reserved uint16 = 0x0060-66 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x0067 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x0068 + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x0069 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x006A + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x006B + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x006C + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x006D + // Unassigned uint16 = 0x006E-83 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0084 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0085 + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0086 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0087 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0088 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0089 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0x008A + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x008B + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x008C + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x008D + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0x008E + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x008F + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0090 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0091 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0x0092 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0093 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0094 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0095 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0096 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0097 + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0098 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x0099 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x009A + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0x009B + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x009C + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x009D + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x009E + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x009F + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00A0 + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00A1 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00A2 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00A3 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00A4 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00A5 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00A6 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00A7 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00A8 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00A9 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00AA + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00AB + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00AC + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00AD + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00AE + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00AF + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00B0 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00B1 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00B2 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00B3 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00B4 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00B5 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00B6 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00B7 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00B8 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384 uint16 = 0x00B9 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BA + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BB + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BC + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BD + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BE + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00BF + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C0 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C1 + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C2 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C3 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C4 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0x00C5 + // Unassigned uint16 = 0x00C6-FE + cipher_TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV uint16 = 0x00FF + // Unassigned uint16 = 0x01-55,* + cipher_TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV uint16 = 0x5600 + // Unassigned uint16 = 0x5601 - 0xC000 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC001 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC002 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC003 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC004 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC005 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC006 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC007 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC008 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC009 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC00A + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC00B + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC00C + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC00D + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC00E + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC00F + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC010 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC011 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC012 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC013 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC014 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC015 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC016 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC017 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC018 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC019 + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01A + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01B + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01C + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01D + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01E + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC01F + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC020 + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC021 + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC022 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC023 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC024 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC025 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC026 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC027 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC028 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC029 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC02A + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC02B + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC02C + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC02D + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC02E + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC02F + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC030 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC031 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC032 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA uint16 = 0xC033 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC034 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC035 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA uint16 = 0xC036 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC037 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC038 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA uint16 = 0xC039 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC03A + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC03B + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC03C + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC03D + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC03E + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC03F + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC040 + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC041 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC042 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC043 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC044 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC045 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC046 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC047 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC048 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC049 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC04A + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC04B + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC04C + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC04D + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC04E + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC04F + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC050 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC051 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC052 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC053 + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC054 + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC055 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC056 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC057 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC058 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC059 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC05A + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC05B + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC05C + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC05D + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC05E + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC05F + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC060 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC061 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC062 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC063 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC064 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC065 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC066 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC067 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC068 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC069 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC06A + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC06B + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC06C + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC06D + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC06E + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC06F + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC070 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC071 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC072 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC073 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC074 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC075 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC076 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC077 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC078 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC079 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC07A + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC07B + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC07C + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC07D + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC07E + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC07F + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC080 + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC081 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC082 + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC083 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC084 + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC085 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC086 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC087 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC088 + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC089 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC08A + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC08B + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC08C + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC08D + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC08E + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC08F + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC090 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC091 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC092 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC093 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC094 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC095 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC096 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC097 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC098 + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC099 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 uint16 = 0xC09A + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384 uint16 = 0xC09B + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM uint16 = 0xC09C + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM uint16 = 0xC09D + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM uint16 = 0xC09E + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM uint16 = 0xC09F + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A0 + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A1 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A2 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A3 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM uint16 = 0xC0A4 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CCM uint16 = 0xC0A5 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM uint16 = 0xC0A6 + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CCM uint16 = 0xC0A7 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A8 + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0A9 + cipher_TLS_PSK_DHE_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0AA + cipher_TLS_PSK_DHE_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0AB + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM uint16 = 0xC0AC + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM uint16 = 0xC0AD + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0AE + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 uint16 = 0xC0AF + // Unassigned uint16 = 0xC0B0-FF + // Unassigned uint16 = 0xC1-CB,* + // Unassigned uint16 = 0xCC00-A7 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCA8 + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCA9 + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCAA + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCAB + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCAC + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCAD + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16 = 0xCCAE +) + +// isBadCipher reports whether the cipher is blacklisted by the HTTP/2 spec. +// References: +// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#appendix-A +// Reject cipher suites from Appendix A. +// "This list includes those cipher suites that do not +// offer an ephemeral key exchange and those that are +// based on the TLS null, stream or block cipher type" +func isBadCipher(cipher uint16) bool { + switch cipher { + case cipher_TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_IDEA_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_IDEA_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_DES_CBC_MD5, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_MD5, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_RC4_128_MD5, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_WITH_IDEA_CBC_MD5, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_40_SHA, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_SHA, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_SHA, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_40_MD5, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5, + cipher_TLS_KRB5_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_NULL_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_SRP_SHA_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_ARIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_GCM_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_GCM_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, + cipher_TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA384, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8, + cipher_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CCM, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8, + cipher_TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8: + return true + default: + return false + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c936843ea --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/client_conn_pool.go @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Transport code's client connection pooling. + +package http2 + +import ( + "context" + "crypto/tls" + "errors" + "net/http" + "sync" +) + +// ClientConnPool manages a pool of HTTP/2 client connections. +type ClientConnPool interface { + // GetClientConn returns a specific HTTP/2 connection (usually + // a TLS-TCP connection) to an HTTP/2 server. On success, the + // returned ClientConn accounts for the upcoming RoundTrip + // call, so the caller should not omit it. If the caller needs + // to, ClientConn.RoundTrip can be called with a bogus + // new(http.Request) to release the stream reservation. + GetClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string) (*ClientConn, error) + MarkDead(*ClientConn) +} + +// clientConnPoolIdleCloser is the interface implemented by ClientConnPool +// implementations which can close their idle connections. +type clientConnPoolIdleCloser interface { + ClientConnPool + closeIdleConnections() +} + +var ( + _ clientConnPoolIdleCloser = (*clientConnPool)(nil) + _ clientConnPoolIdleCloser = noDialClientConnPool{} +) + +// TODO: use singleflight for dialing and addConnCalls? +type clientConnPool struct { + t *Transport + + mu sync.Mutex // TODO: maybe switch to RWMutex + // TODO: add support for sharing conns based on cert names + // (e.g. share conn for googleapis.com and appspot.com) + conns map[string][]*ClientConn // key is host:port + dialing map[string]*dialCall // currently in-flight dials + keys map[*ClientConn][]string + addConnCalls map[string]*addConnCall // in-flight addConnIfNeeded calls +} + +func (p *clientConnPool) GetClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string) (*ClientConn, error) { + return p.getClientConn(req, addr, dialOnMiss) +} + +const ( + dialOnMiss = true + noDialOnMiss = false +) + +func (p *clientConnPool) getClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string, dialOnMiss bool) (*ClientConn, error) { + // TODO(dneil): Dial a new connection when t.DisableKeepAlives is set? + if isConnectionCloseRequest(req) && dialOnMiss { + // It gets its own connection. + traceGetConn(req, addr) + const singleUse = true + cc, err := p.t.dialClientConn(req.Context(), addr, singleUse) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return cc, nil + } + for { + p.mu.Lock() + for _, cc := range p.conns[addr] { + if cc.ReserveNewRequest() { + // When a connection is presented to us by the net/http package, + // the GetConn hook has already been called. + // Don't call it a second time here. + if !cc.getConnCalled { + traceGetConn(req, addr) + } + cc.getConnCalled = false + p.mu.Unlock() + return cc, nil + } + } + if !dialOnMiss { + p.mu.Unlock() + return nil, ErrNoCachedConn + } + traceGetConn(req, addr) + call := p.getStartDialLocked(req.Context(), addr) + p.mu.Unlock() + <-call.done + if shouldRetryDial(call, req) { + continue + } + cc, err := call.res, call.err + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if cc.ReserveNewRequest() { + return cc, nil + } + } +} + +// dialCall is an in-flight Transport dial call to a host. +type dialCall struct { + _ incomparable + p *clientConnPool + // the context associated with the request + // that created this dialCall + ctx context.Context + done chan struct{} // closed when done + res *ClientConn // valid after done is closed + err error // valid after done is closed +} + +// requires p.mu is held. +func (p *clientConnPool) getStartDialLocked(ctx context.Context, addr string) *dialCall { + if call, ok := p.dialing[addr]; ok { + // A dial is already in-flight. Don't start another. + return call + } + call := &dialCall{p: p, done: make(chan struct{}), ctx: ctx} + if p.dialing == nil { + p.dialing = make(map[string]*dialCall) + } + p.dialing[addr] = call + go call.dial(call.ctx, addr) + return call +} + +// run in its own goroutine. +func (c *dialCall) dial(ctx context.Context, addr string) { + const singleUse = false // shared conn + c.res, c.err = c.p.t.dialClientConn(ctx, addr, singleUse) + close(c.done) + + c.p.mu.Lock() + delete(c.p.dialing, addr) + if c.err == nil { + c.p.addConnLocked(addr, c.res) + } + c.p.mu.Unlock() +} + +// addConnIfNeeded makes a NewClientConn out of c if a connection for key doesn't +// already exist. It coalesces concurrent calls with the same key. +// This is used by the http1 Transport code when it creates a new connection. Because +// the http1 Transport doesn't de-dup TCP dials to outbound hosts (because it doesn't know +// the protocol), it can get into a situation where it has multiple TLS connections. +// This code decides which ones live or die. +// The return value used is whether c was used. +// c is never closed. +func (p *clientConnPool) addConnIfNeeded(key string, t *Transport, c *tls.Conn) (used bool, err error) { + p.mu.Lock() + for _, cc := range p.conns[key] { + if cc.CanTakeNewRequest() { + p.mu.Unlock() + return false, nil + } + } + call, dup := p.addConnCalls[key] + if !dup { + if p.addConnCalls == nil { + p.addConnCalls = make(map[string]*addConnCall) + } + call = &addConnCall{ + p: p, + done: make(chan struct{}), + } + p.addConnCalls[key] = call + go call.run(t, key, c) + } + p.mu.Unlock() + + <-call.done + if call.err != nil { + return false, call.err + } + return !dup, nil +} + +type addConnCall struct { + _ incomparable + p *clientConnPool + done chan struct{} // closed when done + err error +} + +func (c *addConnCall) run(t *Transport, key string, tc *tls.Conn) { + cc, err := t.NewClientConn(tc) + + p := c.p + p.mu.Lock() + if err != nil { + c.err = err + } else { + cc.getConnCalled = true // already called by the net/http package + p.addConnLocked(key, cc) + } + delete(p.addConnCalls, key) + p.mu.Unlock() + close(c.done) +} + +// p.mu must be held +func (p *clientConnPool) addConnLocked(key string, cc *ClientConn) { + for _, v := range p.conns[key] { + if v == cc { + return + } + } + if p.conns == nil { + p.conns = make(map[string][]*ClientConn) + } + if p.keys == nil { + p.keys = make(map[*ClientConn][]string) + } + p.conns[key] = append(p.conns[key], cc) + p.keys[cc] = append(p.keys[cc], key) +} + +func (p *clientConnPool) MarkDead(cc *ClientConn) { + p.mu.Lock() + defer p.mu.Unlock() + for _, key := range p.keys[cc] { + vv, ok := p.conns[key] + if !ok { + continue + } + newList := filterOutClientConn(vv, cc) + if len(newList) > 0 { + p.conns[key] = newList + } else { + delete(p.conns, key) + } + } + delete(p.keys, cc) +} + +func (p *clientConnPool) closeIdleConnections() { + p.mu.Lock() + defer p.mu.Unlock() + // TODO: don't close a cc if it was just added to the pool + // milliseconds ago and has never been used. There's currently + // a small race window with the HTTP/1 Transport's integration + // where it can add an idle conn just before using it, and + // somebody else can concurrently call CloseIdleConns and + // break some caller's RoundTrip. + for _, vv := range p.conns { + for _, cc := range vv { + cc.closeIfIdle() + } + } +} + +func filterOutClientConn(in []*ClientConn, exclude *ClientConn) []*ClientConn { + out := in[:0] + for _, v := range in { + if v != exclude { + out = append(out, v) + } + } + // If we filtered it out, zero out the last item to prevent + // the GC from seeing it. + if len(in) != len(out) { + in[len(in)-1] = nil + } + return out +} + +// noDialClientConnPool is an implementation of http2.ClientConnPool +// which never dials. We let the HTTP/1.1 client dial and use its TLS +// connection instead. +type noDialClientConnPool struct{ *clientConnPool } + +func (p noDialClientConnPool) GetClientConn(req *http.Request, addr string) (*ClientConn, error) { + return p.getClientConn(req, addr, noDialOnMiss) +} + +// shouldRetryDial reports whether the current request should +// retry dialing after the call finished unsuccessfully, for example +// if the dial was canceled because of a context cancellation or +// deadline expiry. +func shouldRetryDial(call *dialCall, req *http.Request) bool { + if call.err == nil { + // No error, no need to retry + return false + } + if call.ctx == req.Context() { + // If the call has the same context as the request, the dial + // should not be retried, since any cancellation will have come + // from this request. + return false + } + if !errors.Is(call.err, context.Canceled) && !errors.Is(call.err, context.DeadlineExceeded) { + // If the call error is not because of a context cancellation or a deadline expiry, + // the dial should not be retried. + return false + } + // Only retry if the error is a context cancellation error or deadline expiry + // and the context associated with the call was canceled or expired. + return call.ctx.Err() != nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/databuffer.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/databuffer.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a3067f8de --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/databuffer.go @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package http2 + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "sync" +) + +// Buffer chunks are allocated from a pool to reduce pressure on GC. +// The maximum wasted space per dataBuffer is 2x the largest size class, +// which happens when the dataBuffer has multiple chunks and there is +// one unread byte in both the first and last chunks. We use a few size +// classes to minimize overheads for servers that typically receive very +// small request bodies. +// +// TODO: Benchmark to determine if the pools are necessary. The GC may have +// improved enough that we can instead allocate chunks like this: +// make([]byte, max(16<<10, expectedBytesRemaining)) +var ( + dataChunkSizeClasses = []int{ + 1 << 10, + 2 << 10, + 4 << 10, + 8 << 10, + 16 << 10, + } + dataChunkPools = [...]sync.Pool{ + {New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 1<<10) }}, + {New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 2<<10) }}, + {New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 4<<10) }}, + {New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 8<<10) }}, + {New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 16<<10) }}, + } +) + +func getDataBufferChunk(size int64) []byte { + i := 0 + for ; i < len(dataChunkSizeClasses)-1; i++ { + if size <= int64(dataChunkSizeClasses[i]) { + break + } + } + return dataChunkPools[i].Get().([]byte) +} + +func putDataBufferChunk(p []byte) { + for i, n := range dataChunkSizeClasses { + if len(p) == n { + dataChunkPools[i].Put(p) + return + } + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected buffer len=%v", len(p))) +} + +// dataBuffer is an io.ReadWriter backed by a list of data chunks. +// Each dataBuffer is used to read DATA frames on a single stream. +// The buffer is divided into chunks so the server can limit the +// total memory used by a single connection without limiting the +// request body size on any single stream. +type dataBuffer struct { + chunks [][]byte + r int // next byte to read is chunks[0][r] + w int // next byte to write is chunks[len(chunks)-1][w] + size int // total buffered bytes + expected int64 // we expect at least this many bytes in future Write calls (ignored if <= 0) +} + +var errReadEmpty = errors.New("read from empty dataBuffer") + +// Read copies bytes from the buffer into p. +// It is an error to read when no data is available. +func (b *dataBuffer) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { + if b.size == 0 { + return 0, errReadEmpty + } + var ntotal int + for len(p) > 0 && b.size > 0 { + readFrom := b.bytesFromFirstChunk() + n := copy(p, readFrom) + p = p[n:] + ntotal += n + b.r += n + b.size -= n + // If the first chunk has been consumed, advance to the next chunk. + if b.r == len(b.chunks[0]) { + putDataBufferChunk(b.chunks[0]) + end := len(b.chunks) - 1 + copy(b.chunks[:end], b.chunks[1:]) + b.chunks[end] = nil + b.chunks = b.chunks[:end] + b.r = 0 + } + } + return ntotal, nil +} + +func (b *dataBuffer) bytesFromFirstChunk() []byte { + if len(b.chunks) == 1 { + return b.chunks[0][b.r:b.w] + } + return b.chunks[0][b.r:] +} + +// Len returns the number of bytes of the unread portion of the buffer. +func (b *dataBuffer) Len() int { + return b.size +} + +// Write appends p to the buffer. +func (b *dataBuffer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { + ntotal := len(p) + for len(p) > 0 { + // If the last chunk is empty, allocate a new chunk. Try to allocate + // enough to fully copy p plus any additional bytes we expect to + // receive. However, this may allocate less than len(p). + want := int64(len(p)) + if b.expected > want { + want = b.expected + } + chunk := b.lastChunkOrAlloc(want) + n := copy(chunk[b.w:], p) + p = p[n:] + b.w += n + b.size += n + b.expected -= int64(n) + } + return ntotal, nil +} + +func (b *dataBuffer) lastChunkOrAlloc(want int64) []byte { + if len(b.chunks) != 0 { + last := b.chunks[len(b.chunks)-1] + if b.w < len(last) { + return last + } + } + chunk := getDataBufferChunk(want) + b.chunks = append(b.chunks, chunk) + b.w = 0 + return chunk +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/errors.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/errors.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f2067dabc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/errors.go @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package http2 + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" +) + +// An ErrCode is an unsigned 32-bit error code as defined in the HTTP/2 spec. +type ErrCode uint32 + +const ( + ErrCodeNo ErrCode = 0x0 + ErrCodeProtocol ErrCode = 0x1 + ErrCodeInternal ErrCode = 0x2 + ErrCodeFlowControl ErrCode = 0x3 + ErrCodeSettingsTimeout ErrCode = 0x4 + ErrCodeStreamClosed ErrCode = 0x5 + ErrCodeFrameSize ErrCode = 0x6 + ErrCodeRefusedStream ErrCode = 0x7 + ErrCodeCancel ErrCode = 0x8 + ErrCodeCompression ErrCode = 0x9 + ErrCodeConnect ErrCode = 0xa + ErrCodeEnhanceYourCalm ErrCode = 0xb + ErrCodeInadequateSecurity ErrCode = 0xc + ErrCodeHTTP11Required ErrCode = 0xd +) + +var errCodeName = map[ErrCode]string{ + ErrCodeNo: "NO_ERROR", + ErrCodeProtocol: "PROTOCOL_ERROR", + ErrCodeInternal: "INTERNAL_ERROR", + ErrCodeFlowControl: "FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR", + ErrCodeSettingsTimeout: "SETTINGS_TIMEOUT", + ErrCodeStreamClosed: "STREAM_CLOSED", + ErrCodeFrameSize: "FRAME_SIZE_ERROR", + ErrCodeRefusedStream: "REFUSED_STREAM", + ErrCodeCancel: "CANCEL", + ErrCodeCompression: "COMPRESSION_ERROR", + ErrCodeConnect: "CONNECT_ERROR", + ErrCodeEnhanceYourCalm: "ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM", + ErrCodeInadequateSecurity: "INADEQUATE_SECURITY", + ErrCodeHTTP11Required: "HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED", +} + +func (e ErrCode) String() string { + if s, ok := errCodeName[e]; ok { + return s + } + return fmt.Sprintf("unknown error code 0x%x", uint32(e)) +} + +func (e ErrCode) stringToken() string { + if s, ok := errCodeName[e]; ok { + return s + } + return fmt.Sprintf("ERR_UNKNOWN_%d", uint32(e)) +} + +// ConnectionError is an error that results in the termination of the +// entire connection. +type ConnectionError ErrCode + +func (e ConnectionError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("connection error: %s", ErrCode(e)) } + +// StreamError is an error that only affects one stream within an +// HTTP/2 connection. +type StreamError struct { + StreamID uint32 + Code ErrCode + Cause error // optional additional detail +} + +// errFromPeer is a sentinel error value for StreamError.Cause to +// indicate that the StreamError was sent from the peer over the wire +// and wasn't locally generated in the Transport. +var errFromPeer = errors.New("received from peer") + +func streamError(id uint32, code ErrCode) StreamError { + return StreamError{StreamID: id, Code: code} +} + +func (e StreamError) Error() string { + if e.Cause != nil { + return fmt.Sprintf("stream error: stream ID %d; %v; %v", e.StreamID, e.Code, e.Cause) + } + return fmt.Sprintf("stream error: stream ID %d; %v", e.StreamID, e.Code) +} + +// 6.9.1 The Flow Control Window +// "If a sender receives a WINDOW_UPDATE that causes a flow control +// window to exceed this maximum it MUST terminate either the stream +// or the connection, as appropriate. For streams, [...]; for the +// connection, a GOAWAY frame with a FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR code." +type goAwayFlowError struct{} + +func (goAwayFlowError) Error() string { return "connection exceeded flow control window size" } + +// connError represents an HTTP/2 ConnectionError error code, along +// with a string (for debugging) explaining why. +// +// Errors of this type are only returned by the frame parser functions +// and converted into ConnectionError(Code), after stashing away +// the Reason into the Framer's errDetail field, accessible via +// the (*Framer).ErrorDetail method. +type connError struct { + Code ErrCode // the ConnectionError error code + Reason string // additional reason +} + +func (e connError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("http2: connection error: %v: %v", e.Code, e.Reason) +} + +type pseudoHeaderError string + +func (e pseudoHeaderError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("invalid pseudo-header %q", string(e)) +} + +type duplicatePseudoHeaderError string + +func (e duplicatePseudoHeaderError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("duplicate pseudo-header %q", string(e)) +} + +type headerFieldNameError string + +func (e headerFieldNameError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("invalid header field name %q", string(e)) +} + +type headerFieldValueError string + +func (e headerFieldValueError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("invalid header field value for %q", string(e)) +} + +var ( + errMixPseudoHeaderTypes = errors.New("mix of request and response pseudo headers") + errPseudoAfterRegular = errors.New("pseudo header field after regular") +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/flow.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/flow.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b51f0e0cf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/flow.go @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Flow control + +package http2 + +// flow is the flow control window's size. +type flow struct { + _ incomparable + + // n is the number of DATA bytes we're allowed to send. + // A flow is kept both on a conn and a per-stream. + n int32 + + // conn points to the shared connection-level flow that is + // shared by all streams on that conn. It is nil for the flow + // that's on the conn directly. + conn *flow +} + +func (f *flow) setConnFlow(cf *flow) { f.conn = cf } + +func (f *flow) available() int32 { + n := f.n + if f.conn != nil && f.conn.n < n { + n = f.conn.n + } + return n +} + +func (f *flow) take(n int32) { + if n > f.available() { + panic("internal error: took too much") + } + f.n -= n + if f.conn != nil { + f.conn.n -= n + } +} + +// add adds n bytes (positive or negative) to the flow control window. +// It returns false if the sum would exceed 2^31-1. +func (f *flow) add(n int32) bool { + sum := f.n + n + if (sum > n) == (f.n > 0) { + f.n = sum + return true + } + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/frame.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/frame.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0178647ee --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/frame.go @@ -0,0 +1,1649 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package http2 + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "log" + "strings" + "sync" + + "golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts" + "golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack" +) + +const frameHeaderLen = 9 + +var padZeros = make([]byte, 255) // zeros for padding + +// A FrameType is a registered frame type as defined in +// http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.11.2 +type FrameType uint8 + +const ( + FrameData FrameType = 0x0 + FrameHeaders FrameType = 0x1 + FramePriority FrameType = 0x2 + FrameRSTStream FrameType = 0x3 + FrameSettings FrameType = 0x4 + FramePushPromise FrameType = 0x5 + FramePing FrameType = 0x6 + FrameGoAway FrameType = 0x7 + FrameWindowUpdate FrameType = 0x8 + FrameContinuation FrameType = 0x9 +) + +var frameName = map[FrameType]string{ + FrameData: "DATA", + FrameHeaders: "HEADERS", + FramePriority: "PRIORITY", + FrameRSTStream: "RST_STREAM", + FrameSettings: "SETTINGS", + FramePushPromise: "PUSH_PROMISE", + FramePing: "PING", + FrameGoAway: "GOAWAY", + FrameWindowUpdate: "WINDOW_UPDATE", + FrameContinuation: "CONTINUATION", +} + +func (t FrameType) String() string { + if s, ok := frameName[t]; ok { + return s + } + return fmt.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_FRAME_TYPE_%d", uint8(t)) +} + +// Flags is a bitmask of HTTP/2 flags. +// The meaning of flags varies depending on the frame type. +type Flags uint8 + +// Has reports whether f contains all (0 or more) flags in v. +func (f Flags) Has(v Flags) bool { + return (f & v) == v +} + +// Frame-specific FrameHeader flag bits. +const ( + // Data Frame + FlagDataEndStream Flags = 0x1 + FlagDataPadded Flags = 0x8 + + // Headers Frame + FlagHeadersEndStream Flags = 0x1 + FlagHeadersEndHeaders Flags = 0x4 + FlagHeadersPadded Flags = 0x8 + FlagHeadersPriority Flags = 0x20 + + // Settings Frame + FlagSettingsAck Flags = 0x1 + + // Ping Frame + FlagPingAck Flags = 0x1 + + // Continuation Frame + FlagContinuationEndHeaders Flags = 0x4 + + FlagPushPromiseEndHeaders Flags = 0x4 + FlagPushPromisePadded Flags = 0x8 +) + +var flagName = map[FrameType]map[Flags]string{ + FrameData: { + FlagDataEndStream: "END_STREAM", + FlagDataPadded: "PADDED", + }, + FrameHeaders: { + FlagHeadersEndStream: "END_STREAM", + FlagHeadersEndHeaders: "END_HEADERS", + FlagHeadersPadded: "PADDED", + FlagHeadersPriority: "PRIORITY", + }, + FrameSettings: { + FlagSettingsAck: "ACK", + }, + FramePing: { + FlagPingAck: "ACK", + }, + FrameContinuation: { + FlagContinuationEndHeaders: "END_HEADERS", + }, + FramePushPromise: { + FlagPushPromiseEndHeaders: "END_HEADERS", + FlagPushPromisePadded: "PADDED", + }, +} + +// a frameParser parses a frame given its FrameHeader and payload +// bytes. The length of payload will always equal fh.Length (which +// might be 0). +type frameParser func(fc *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), payload []byte) (Frame, error) + +var frameParsers = map[FrameType]frameParser{ + FrameData: parseDataFrame, + FrameHeaders: parseHeadersFrame, + FramePriority: parsePriorityFrame, + FrameRSTStream: parseRSTStreamFrame, + FrameSettings: parseSettingsFrame, + FramePushPromise: parsePushPromise, + FramePing: parsePingFrame, + FrameGoAway: parseGoAwayFrame, + FrameWindowUpdate: parseWindowUpdateFrame, + FrameContinuation: parseContinuationFrame, +} + +func typeFrameParser(t FrameType) frameParser { + if f := frameParsers[t]; f != nil { + return f + } + return parseUnknownFrame +} + +// A FrameHeader is the 9 byte header of all HTTP/2 frames. +// +// See http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#FrameHeader +type FrameHeader struct { + valid bool // caller can access []byte fields in the Frame + + // Type is the 1 byte frame type. There are ten standard frame + // types, but extension frame types may be written by WriteRawFrame + // and will be returned by ReadFrame (as UnknownFrame). + Type FrameType + + // Flags are the 1 byte of 8 potential bit flags per frame. + // They are specific to the frame type. + Flags Flags + + // Length is the length of the frame, not including the 9 byte header. + // The maximum size is one byte less than 16MB (uint24), but only + // frames up to 16KB are allowed without peer agreement. + Length uint32 + + // StreamID is which stream this frame is for. Certain frames + // are not stream-specific, in which case this field is 0. + StreamID uint32 +} + +// Header returns h. It exists so FrameHeaders can be embedded in other +// specific frame types and implement the Frame interface. +func (h FrameHeader) Header() FrameHeader { return h } + +func (h FrameHeader) String() string { + var buf bytes.Buffer + buf.WriteString("[FrameHeader ") + h.writeDebug(&buf) + buf.WriteByte(']') + return buf.String() +} + +func (h FrameHeader) writeDebug(buf *bytes.Buffer) { + buf.WriteString(h.Type.String()) + if h.Flags != 0 { + buf.WriteString(" flags=") + set := 0 + for i := uint8(0); i < 8; i++ { + if h.Flags&(1< 1 { + buf.WriteByte('|') + } + name := flagName[h.Type][Flags(1<>24), + byte(streamID>>16), + byte(streamID>>8), + byte(streamID)) +} + +func (f *Framer) endWrite() error { + // Now that we know the final size, fill in the FrameHeader in + // the space previously reserved for it. Abuse append. + length := len(f.wbuf) - frameHeaderLen + if length >= (1 << 24) { + return ErrFrameTooLarge + } + _ = append(f.wbuf[:0], + byte(length>>16), + byte(length>>8), + byte(length)) + if f.logWrites { + f.logWrite() + } + + n, err := f.w.Write(f.wbuf) + if err == nil && n != len(f.wbuf) { + err = io.ErrShortWrite + } + return err +} + +func (f *Framer) logWrite() { + if f.debugFramer == nil { + f.debugFramerBuf = new(bytes.Buffer) + f.debugFramer = NewFramer(nil, f.debugFramerBuf) + f.debugFramer.logReads = false // we log it ourselves, saying "wrote" below + // Let us read anything, even if we accidentally wrote it + // in the wrong order: + f.debugFramer.AllowIllegalReads = true + } + f.debugFramerBuf.Write(f.wbuf) + fr, err := f.debugFramer.ReadFrame() + if err != nil { + f.debugWriteLoggerf("http2: Framer %p: failed to decode just-written frame", f) + return + } + f.debugWriteLoggerf("http2: Framer %p: wrote %v", f, summarizeFrame(fr)) +} + +func (f *Framer) writeByte(v byte) { f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, v) } +func (f *Framer) writeBytes(v []byte) { f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, v...) } +func (f *Framer) writeUint16(v uint16) { f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, byte(v>>8), byte(v)) } +func (f *Framer) writeUint32(v uint32) { + f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, byte(v>>24), byte(v>>16), byte(v>>8), byte(v)) +} + +const ( + minMaxFrameSize = 1 << 14 + maxFrameSize = 1<<24 - 1 +) + +// SetReuseFrames allows the Framer to reuse Frames. +// If called on a Framer, Frames returned by calls to ReadFrame are only +// valid until the next call to ReadFrame. +func (fr *Framer) SetReuseFrames() { + if fr.frameCache != nil { + return + } + fr.frameCache = &frameCache{} +} + +type frameCache struct { + dataFrame DataFrame +} + +func (fc *frameCache) getDataFrame() *DataFrame { + if fc == nil { + return &DataFrame{} + } + return &fc.dataFrame +} + +// NewFramer returns a Framer that writes frames to w and reads them from r. +func NewFramer(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) *Framer { + fr := &Framer{ + w: w, + r: r, + countError: func(string) {}, + logReads: logFrameReads, + logWrites: logFrameWrites, + debugReadLoggerf: log.Printf, + debugWriteLoggerf: log.Printf, + } + fr.getReadBuf = func(size uint32) []byte { + if cap(fr.readBuf) >= int(size) { + return fr.readBuf[:size] + } + fr.readBuf = make([]byte, size) + return fr.readBuf + } + fr.SetMaxReadFrameSize(maxFrameSize) + return fr +} + +// SetMaxReadFrameSize sets the maximum size of a frame +// that will be read by a subsequent call to ReadFrame. +// It is the caller's responsibility to advertise this +// limit with a SETTINGS frame. +func (fr *Framer) SetMaxReadFrameSize(v uint32) { + if v > maxFrameSize { + v = maxFrameSize + } + fr.maxReadSize = v +} + +// ErrorDetail returns a more detailed error of the last error +// returned by Framer.ReadFrame. For instance, if ReadFrame +// returns a StreamError with code PROTOCOL_ERROR, ErrorDetail +// will say exactly what was invalid. ErrorDetail is not guaranteed +// to return a non-nil value and like the rest of the http2 package, +// its return value is not protected by an API compatibility promise. +// ErrorDetail is reset after the next call to ReadFrame. +func (fr *Framer) ErrorDetail() error { + return fr.errDetail +} + +// ErrFrameTooLarge is returned from Framer.ReadFrame when the peer +// sends a frame that is larger than declared with SetMaxReadFrameSize. +var ErrFrameTooLarge = errors.New("http2: frame too large") + +// terminalReadFrameError reports whether err is an unrecoverable +// error from ReadFrame and no other frames should be read. +func terminalReadFrameError(err error) bool { + if _, ok := err.(StreamError); ok { + return false + } + return err != nil +} + +// ReadFrame reads a single frame. The returned Frame is only valid +// until the next call to ReadFrame. +// +// If the frame is larger than previously set with SetMaxReadFrameSize, the +// returned error is ErrFrameTooLarge. Other errors may be of type +// ConnectionError, StreamError, or anything else from the underlying +// reader. +func (fr *Framer) ReadFrame() (Frame, error) { + fr.errDetail = nil + if fr.lastFrame != nil { + fr.lastFrame.invalidate() + } + fh, err := readFrameHeader(fr.headerBuf[:], fr.r) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if fh.Length > fr.maxReadSize { + return nil, ErrFrameTooLarge + } + payload := fr.getReadBuf(fh.Length) + if _, err := io.ReadFull(fr.r, payload); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + f, err := typeFrameParser(fh.Type)(fr.frameCache, fh, fr.countError, payload) + if err != nil { + if ce, ok := err.(connError); ok { + return nil, fr.connError(ce.Code, ce.Reason) + } + return nil, err + } + if err := fr.checkFrameOrder(f); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if fr.logReads { + fr.debugReadLoggerf("http2: Framer %p: read %v", fr, summarizeFrame(f)) + } + if fh.Type == FrameHeaders && fr.ReadMetaHeaders != nil { + return fr.readMetaFrame(f.(*HeadersFrame)) + } + return f, nil +} + +// connError returns ConnectionError(code) but first +// stashes away a public reason to the caller can optionally relay it +// to the peer before hanging up on them. This might help others debug +// their implementations. +func (fr *Framer) connError(code ErrCode, reason string) error { + fr.errDetail = errors.New(reason) + return ConnectionError(code) +} + +// checkFrameOrder reports an error if f is an invalid frame to return +// next from ReadFrame. Mostly it checks whether HEADERS and +// CONTINUATION frames are contiguous. +func (fr *Framer) checkFrameOrder(f Frame) error { + last := fr.lastFrame + fr.lastFrame = f + if fr.AllowIllegalReads { + return nil + } + + fh := f.Header() + if fr.lastHeaderStream != 0 { + if fh.Type != FrameContinuation { + return fr.connError(ErrCodeProtocol, + fmt.Sprintf("got %s for stream %d; expected CONTINUATION following %s for stream %d", + fh.Type, fh.StreamID, + last.Header().Type, fr.lastHeaderStream)) + } + if fh.StreamID != fr.lastHeaderStream { + return fr.connError(ErrCodeProtocol, + fmt.Sprintf("got CONTINUATION for stream %d; expected stream %d", + fh.StreamID, fr.lastHeaderStream)) + } + } else if fh.Type == FrameContinuation { + return fr.connError(ErrCodeProtocol, fmt.Sprintf("unexpected CONTINUATION for stream %d", fh.StreamID)) + } + + switch fh.Type { + case FrameHeaders, FrameContinuation: + if fh.Flags.Has(FlagHeadersEndHeaders) { + fr.lastHeaderStream = 0 + } else { + fr.lastHeaderStream = fh.StreamID + } + } + + return nil +} + +// A DataFrame conveys arbitrary, variable-length sequences of octets +// associated with a stream. +// See http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.6.1 +type DataFrame struct { + FrameHeader + data []byte +} + +func (f *DataFrame) StreamEnded() bool { + return f.FrameHeader.Flags.Has(FlagDataEndStream) +} + +// Data returns the frame's data octets, not including any padding +// size byte or padding suffix bytes. +// The caller must not retain the returned memory past the next +// call to ReadFrame. +func (f *DataFrame) Data() []byte { + f.checkValid() + return f.data +} + +func parseDataFrame(fc *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), payload []byte) (Frame, error) { + if fh.StreamID == 0 { + // DATA frames MUST be associated with a stream. If a + // DATA frame is received whose stream identifier + // field is 0x0, the recipient MUST respond with a + // connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type + // PROTOCOL_ERROR. + countError("frame_data_stream_0") + return nil, connError{ErrCodeProtocol, "DATA frame with stream ID 0"} + } + f := fc.getDataFrame() + f.FrameHeader = fh + + var padSize byte + if fh.Flags.Has(FlagDataPadded) { + var err error + payload, padSize, err = readByte(payload) + if err != nil { + countError("frame_data_pad_byte_short") + return nil, err + } + } + if int(padSize) > len(payload) { + // If the length of the padding is greater than the + // length of the frame payload, the recipient MUST + // treat this as a connection error. + // Filed: https://github.com/http2/http2-spec/issues/610 + countError("frame_data_pad_too_big") + return nil, connError{ErrCodeProtocol, "pad size larger than data payload"} + } + f.data = payload[:len(payload)-int(padSize)] + return f, nil +} + +var ( + errStreamID = errors.New("invalid stream ID") + errDepStreamID = errors.New("invalid dependent stream ID") + errPadLength = errors.New("pad length too large") + errPadBytes = errors.New("padding bytes must all be zeros unless AllowIllegalWrites is enabled") +) + +func validStreamIDOrZero(streamID uint32) bool { + return streamID&(1<<31) == 0 +} + +func validStreamID(streamID uint32) bool { + return streamID != 0 && streamID&(1<<31) == 0 +} + +// WriteData writes a DATA frame. +// +// It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer. +// It is the caller's responsibility not to violate the maximum frame size +// and to not call other Write methods concurrently. +func (f *Framer) WriteData(streamID uint32, endStream bool, data []byte) error { + return f.WriteDataPadded(streamID, endStream, data, nil) +} + +// WriteDataPadded writes a DATA frame with optional padding. +// +// If pad is nil, the padding bit is not sent. +// The length of pad must not exceed 255 bytes. +// The bytes of pad must all be zero, unless f.AllowIllegalWrites is set. +// +// It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer. +// It is the caller's responsibility not to violate the maximum frame size +// and to not call other Write methods concurrently. +func (f *Framer) WriteDataPadded(streamID uint32, endStream bool, data, pad []byte) error { + if !validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites { + return errStreamID + } + if len(pad) > 0 { + if len(pad) > 255 { + return errPadLength + } + if !f.AllowIllegalWrites { + for _, b := range pad { + if b != 0 { + // "Padding octets MUST be set to zero when sending." + return errPadBytes + } + } + } + } + var flags Flags + if endStream { + flags |= FlagDataEndStream + } + if pad != nil { + flags |= FlagDataPadded + } + f.startWrite(FrameData, flags, streamID) + if pad != nil { + f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, byte(len(pad))) + } + f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, data...) + f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, pad...) + return f.endWrite() +} + +// A SettingsFrame conveys configuration parameters that affect how +// endpoints communicate, such as preferences and constraints on peer +// behavior. +// +// See http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#SETTINGS +type SettingsFrame struct { + FrameHeader + p []byte +} + +func parseSettingsFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { + if fh.Flags.Has(FlagSettingsAck) && fh.Length > 0 { + // When this (ACK 0x1) bit is set, the payload of the + // SETTINGS frame MUST be empty. Receipt of a + // SETTINGS frame with the ACK flag set and a length + // field value other than 0 MUST be treated as a + // connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type + // FRAME_SIZE_ERROR. + countError("frame_settings_ack_with_length") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) + } + if fh.StreamID != 0 { + // SETTINGS frames always apply to a connection, + // never a single stream. The stream identifier for a + // SETTINGS frame MUST be zero (0x0). If an endpoint + // receives a SETTINGS frame whose stream identifier + // field is anything other than 0x0, the endpoint MUST + // respond with a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of + // type PROTOCOL_ERROR. + countError("frame_settings_has_stream") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + if len(p)%6 != 0 { + countError("frame_settings_mod_6") + // Expecting even number of 6 byte settings. + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) + } + f := &SettingsFrame{FrameHeader: fh, p: p} + if v, ok := f.Value(SettingInitialWindowSize); ok && v > (1<<31)-1 { + countError("frame_settings_window_size_too_big") + // Values above the maximum flow control window size of 2^31 - 1 MUST + // be treated as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type + // FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR. + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFlowControl) + } + return f, nil +} + +func (f *SettingsFrame) IsAck() bool { + return f.FrameHeader.Flags.Has(FlagSettingsAck) +} + +func (f *SettingsFrame) Value(id SettingID) (v uint32, ok bool) { + f.checkValid() + for i := 0; i < f.NumSettings(); i++ { + if s := f.Setting(i); s.ID == id { + return s.Val, true + } + } + return 0, false +} + +// Setting returns the setting from the frame at the given 0-based index. +// The index must be >= 0 and less than f.NumSettings(). +func (f *SettingsFrame) Setting(i int) Setting { + buf := f.p + return Setting{ + ID: SettingID(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[i*6 : i*6+2])), + Val: binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[i*6+2 : i*6+6]), + } +} + +func (f *SettingsFrame) NumSettings() int { return len(f.p) / 6 } + +// HasDuplicates reports whether f contains any duplicate setting IDs. +func (f *SettingsFrame) HasDuplicates() bool { + num := f.NumSettings() + if num == 0 { + return false + } + // If it's small enough (the common case), just do the n^2 + // thing and avoid a map allocation. + if num < 10 { + for i := 0; i < num; i++ { + idi := f.Setting(i).ID + for j := i + 1; j < num; j++ { + idj := f.Setting(j).ID + if idi == idj { + return true + } + } + } + return false + } + seen := map[SettingID]bool{} + for i := 0; i < num; i++ { + id := f.Setting(i).ID + if seen[id] { + return true + } + seen[id] = true + } + return false +} + +// ForeachSetting runs fn for each setting. +// It stops and returns the first error. +func (f *SettingsFrame) ForeachSetting(fn func(Setting) error) error { + f.checkValid() + for i := 0; i < f.NumSettings(); i++ { + if err := fn(f.Setting(i)); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +// WriteSettings writes a SETTINGS frame with zero or more settings +// specified and the ACK bit not set. +// +// It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer. +// It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently. +func (f *Framer) WriteSettings(settings ...Setting) error { + f.startWrite(FrameSettings, 0, 0) + for _, s := range settings { + f.writeUint16(uint16(s.ID)) + f.writeUint32(s.Val) + } + return f.endWrite() +} + +// WriteSettingsAck writes an empty SETTINGS frame with the ACK bit set. +// +// It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer. +// It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently. +func (f *Framer) WriteSettingsAck() error { + f.startWrite(FrameSettings, FlagSettingsAck, 0) + return f.endWrite() +} + +// A PingFrame is a mechanism for measuring a minimal round trip time +// from the sender, as well as determining whether an idle connection +// is still functional. +// See http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.6.7 +type PingFrame struct { + FrameHeader + Data [8]byte +} + +func (f *PingFrame) IsAck() bool { return f.Flags.Has(FlagPingAck) } + +func parsePingFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), payload []byte) (Frame, error) { + if len(payload) != 8 { + countError("frame_ping_length") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) + } + if fh.StreamID != 0 { + countError("frame_ping_has_stream") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + f := &PingFrame{FrameHeader: fh} + copy(f.Data[:], payload) + return f, nil +} + +func (f *Framer) WritePing(ack bool, data [8]byte) error { + var flags Flags + if ack { + flags = FlagPingAck + } + f.startWrite(FramePing, flags, 0) + f.writeBytes(data[:]) + return f.endWrite() +} + +// A GoAwayFrame informs the remote peer to stop creating streams on this connection. +// See http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.6.8 +type GoAwayFrame struct { + FrameHeader + LastStreamID uint32 + ErrCode ErrCode + debugData []byte +} + +// DebugData returns any debug data in the GOAWAY frame. Its contents +// are not defined. +// The caller must not retain the returned memory past the next +// call to ReadFrame. +func (f *GoAwayFrame) DebugData() []byte { + f.checkValid() + return f.debugData +} + +func parseGoAwayFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { + if fh.StreamID != 0 { + countError("frame_goaway_has_stream") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + if len(p) < 8 { + countError("frame_goaway_short") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) + } + return &GoAwayFrame{ + FrameHeader: fh, + LastStreamID: binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[:4]) & (1<<31 - 1), + ErrCode: ErrCode(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[4:8])), + debugData: p[8:], + }, nil +} + +func (f *Framer) WriteGoAway(maxStreamID uint32, code ErrCode, debugData []byte) error { + f.startWrite(FrameGoAway, 0, 0) + f.writeUint32(maxStreamID & (1<<31 - 1)) + f.writeUint32(uint32(code)) + f.writeBytes(debugData) + return f.endWrite() +} + +// An UnknownFrame is the frame type returned when the frame type is unknown +// or no specific frame type parser exists. +type UnknownFrame struct { + FrameHeader + p []byte +} + +// Payload returns the frame's payload (after the header). It is not +// valid to call this method after a subsequent call to +// Framer.ReadFrame, nor is it valid to retain the returned slice. +// The memory is owned by the Framer and is invalidated when the next +// frame is read. +func (f *UnknownFrame) Payload() []byte { + f.checkValid() + return f.p +} + +func parseUnknownFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { + return &UnknownFrame{fh, p}, nil +} + +// A WindowUpdateFrame is used to implement flow control. +// See http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.6.9 +type WindowUpdateFrame struct { + FrameHeader + Increment uint32 // never read with high bit set +} + +func parseWindowUpdateFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { + if len(p) != 4 { + countError("frame_windowupdate_bad_len") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) + } + inc := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[:4]) & 0x7fffffff // mask off high reserved bit + if inc == 0 { + // A receiver MUST treat the receipt of a + // WINDOW_UPDATE frame with an flow control window + // increment of 0 as a stream error (Section 5.4.2) of + // type PROTOCOL_ERROR; errors on the connection flow + // control window MUST be treated as a connection + // error (Section 5.4.1). + if fh.StreamID == 0 { + countError("frame_windowupdate_zero_inc_conn") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + countError("frame_windowupdate_zero_inc_stream") + return nil, streamError(fh.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol) + } + return &WindowUpdateFrame{ + FrameHeader: fh, + Increment: inc, + }, nil +} + +// WriteWindowUpdate writes a WINDOW_UPDATE frame. +// The increment value must be between 1 and 2,147,483,647, inclusive. +// If the Stream ID is zero, the window update applies to the +// connection as a whole. +func (f *Framer) WriteWindowUpdate(streamID, incr uint32) error { + // "The legal range for the increment to the flow control window is 1 to 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647) octets." + if (incr < 1 || incr > 2147483647) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites { + return errors.New("illegal window increment value") + } + f.startWrite(FrameWindowUpdate, 0, streamID) + f.writeUint32(incr) + return f.endWrite() +} + +// A HeadersFrame is used to open a stream and additionally carries a +// header block fragment. +type HeadersFrame struct { + FrameHeader + + // Priority is set if FlagHeadersPriority is set in the FrameHeader. + Priority PriorityParam + + headerFragBuf []byte // not owned +} + +func (f *HeadersFrame) HeaderBlockFragment() []byte { + f.checkValid() + return f.headerFragBuf +} + +func (f *HeadersFrame) HeadersEnded() bool { + return f.FrameHeader.Flags.Has(FlagHeadersEndHeaders) +} + +func (f *HeadersFrame) StreamEnded() bool { + return f.FrameHeader.Flags.Has(FlagHeadersEndStream) +} + +func (f *HeadersFrame) HasPriority() bool { + return f.FrameHeader.Flags.Has(FlagHeadersPriority) +} + +func parseHeadersFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (_ Frame, err error) { + hf := &HeadersFrame{ + FrameHeader: fh, + } + if fh.StreamID == 0 { + // HEADERS frames MUST be associated with a stream. If a HEADERS frame + // is received whose stream identifier field is 0x0, the recipient MUST + // respond with a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type + // PROTOCOL_ERROR. + countError("frame_headers_zero_stream") + return nil, connError{ErrCodeProtocol, "HEADERS frame with stream ID 0"} + } + var padLength uint8 + if fh.Flags.Has(FlagHeadersPadded) { + if p, padLength, err = readByte(p); err != nil { + countError("frame_headers_pad_short") + return + } + } + if fh.Flags.Has(FlagHeadersPriority) { + var v uint32 + p, v, err = readUint32(p) + if err != nil { + countError("frame_headers_prio_short") + return nil, err + } + hf.Priority.StreamDep = v & 0x7fffffff + hf.Priority.Exclusive = (v != hf.Priority.StreamDep) // high bit was set + p, hf.Priority.Weight, err = readByte(p) + if err != nil { + countError("frame_headers_prio_weight_short") + return nil, err + } + } + if len(p)-int(padLength) < 0 { + countError("frame_headers_pad_too_big") + return nil, streamError(fh.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol) + } + hf.headerFragBuf = p[:len(p)-int(padLength)] + return hf, nil +} + +// HeadersFrameParam are the parameters for writing a HEADERS frame. +type HeadersFrameParam struct { + // StreamID is the required Stream ID to initiate. + StreamID uint32 + // BlockFragment is part (or all) of a Header Block. + BlockFragment []byte + + // EndStream indicates that the header block is the last that + // the endpoint will send for the identified stream. Setting + // this flag causes the stream to enter one of "half closed" + // states. + EndStream bool + + // EndHeaders indicates that this frame contains an entire + // header block and is not followed by any + // CONTINUATION frames. + EndHeaders bool + + // PadLength is the optional number of bytes of zeros to add + // to this frame. + PadLength uint8 + + // Priority, if non-zero, includes stream priority information + // in the HEADER frame. + Priority PriorityParam +} + +// WriteHeaders writes a single HEADERS frame. +// +// This is a low-level header writing method. Encoding headers and +// splitting them into any necessary CONTINUATION frames is handled +// elsewhere. +// +// It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer. +// It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently. +func (f *Framer) WriteHeaders(p HeadersFrameParam) error { + if !validStreamID(p.StreamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites { + return errStreamID + } + var flags Flags + if p.PadLength != 0 { + flags |= FlagHeadersPadded + } + if p.EndStream { + flags |= FlagHeadersEndStream + } + if p.EndHeaders { + flags |= FlagHeadersEndHeaders + } + if !p.Priority.IsZero() { + flags |= FlagHeadersPriority + } + f.startWrite(FrameHeaders, flags, p.StreamID) + if p.PadLength != 0 { + f.writeByte(p.PadLength) + } + if !p.Priority.IsZero() { + v := p.Priority.StreamDep + if !validStreamIDOrZero(v) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites { + return errDepStreamID + } + if p.Priority.Exclusive { + v |= 1 << 31 + } + f.writeUint32(v) + f.writeByte(p.Priority.Weight) + } + f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, p.BlockFragment...) + f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, padZeros[:p.PadLength]...) + return f.endWrite() +} + +// A PriorityFrame specifies the sender-advised priority of a stream. +// See http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.6.3 +type PriorityFrame struct { + FrameHeader + PriorityParam +} + +// PriorityParam are the stream prioritzation parameters. +type PriorityParam struct { + // StreamDep is a 31-bit stream identifier for the + // stream that this stream depends on. Zero means no + // dependency. + StreamDep uint32 + + // Exclusive is whether the dependency is exclusive. + Exclusive bool + + // Weight is the stream's zero-indexed weight. It should be + // set together with StreamDep, or neither should be set. Per + // the spec, "Add one to the value to obtain a weight between + // 1 and 256." + Weight uint8 +} + +func (p PriorityParam) IsZero() bool { + return p == PriorityParam{} +} + +func parsePriorityFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), payload []byte) (Frame, error) { + if fh.StreamID == 0 { + countError("frame_priority_zero_stream") + return nil, connError{ErrCodeProtocol, "PRIORITY frame with stream ID 0"} + } + if len(payload) != 5 { + countError("frame_priority_bad_length") + return nil, connError{ErrCodeFrameSize, fmt.Sprintf("PRIORITY frame payload size was %d; want 5", len(payload))} + } + v := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(payload[:4]) + streamID := v & 0x7fffffff // mask off high bit + return &PriorityFrame{ + FrameHeader: fh, + PriorityParam: PriorityParam{ + Weight: payload[4], + StreamDep: streamID, + Exclusive: streamID != v, // was high bit set? + }, + }, nil +} + +// WritePriority writes a PRIORITY frame. +// +// It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer. +// It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently. +func (f *Framer) WritePriority(streamID uint32, p PriorityParam) error { + if !validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites { + return errStreamID + } + if !validStreamIDOrZero(p.StreamDep) { + return errDepStreamID + } + f.startWrite(FramePriority, 0, streamID) + v := p.StreamDep + if p.Exclusive { + v |= 1 << 31 + } + f.writeUint32(v) + f.writeByte(p.Weight) + return f.endWrite() +} + +// A RSTStreamFrame allows for abnormal termination of a stream. +// See http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.6.4 +type RSTStreamFrame struct { + FrameHeader + ErrCode ErrCode +} + +func parseRSTStreamFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { + if len(p) != 4 { + countError("frame_rststream_bad_len") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeFrameSize) + } + if fh.StreamID == 0 { + countError("frame_rststream_zero_stream") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + return &RSTStreamFrame{fh, ErrCode(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[:4]))}, nil +} + +// WriteRSTStream writes a RST_STREAM frame. +// +// It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer. +// It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently. +func (f *Framer) WriteRSTStream(streamID uint32, code ErrCode) error { + if !validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites { + return errStreamID + } + f.startWrite(FrameRSTStream, 0, streamID) + f.writeUint32(uint32(code)) + return f.endWrite() +} + +// A ContinuationFrame is used to continue a sequence of header block fragments. +// See http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.6.10 +type ContinuationFrame struct { + FrameHeader + headerFragBuf []byte +} + +func parseContinuationFrame(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (Frame, error) { + if fh.StreamID == 0 { + countError("frame_continuation_zero_stream") + return nil, connError{ErrCodeProtocol, "CONTINUATION frame with stream ID 0"} + } + return &ContinuationFrame{fh, p}, nil +} + +func (f *ContinuationFrame) HeaderBlockFragment() []byte { + f.checkValid() + return f.headerFragBuf +} + +func (f *ContinuationFrame) HeadersEnded() bool { + return f.FrameHeader.Flags.Has(FlagContinuationEndHeaders) +} + +// WriteContinuation writes a CONTINUATION frame. +// +// It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer. +// It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently. +func (f *Framer) WriteContinuation(streamID uint32, endHeaders bool, headerBlockFragment []byte) error { + if !validStreamID(streamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites { + return errStreamID + } + var flags Flags + if endHeaders { + flags |= FlagContinuationEndHeaders + } + f.startWrite(FrameContinuation, flags, streamID) + f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, headerBlockFragment...) + return f.endWrite() +} + +// A PushPromiseFrame is used to initiate a server stream. +// See http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.6.6 +type PushPromiseFrame struct { + FrameHeader + PromiseID uint32 + headerFragBuf []byte // not owned +} + +func (f *PushPromiseFrame) HeaderBlockFragment() []byte { + f.checkValid() + return f.headerFragBuf +} + +func (f *PushPromiseFrame) HeadersEnded() bool { + return f.FrameHeader.Flags.Has(FlagPushPromiseEndHeaders) +} + +func parsePushPromise(_ *frameCache, fh FrameHeader, countError func(string), p []byte) (_ Frame, err error) { + pp := &PushPromiseFrame{ + FrameHeader: fh, + } + if pp.StreamID == 0 { + // PUSH_PROMISE frames MUST be associated with an existing, + // peer-initiated stream. The stream identifier of a + // PUSH_PROMISE frame indicates the stream it is associated + // with. If the stream identifier field specifies the value + // 0x0, a recipient MUST respond with a connection error + // (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. + countError("frame_pushpromise_zero_stream") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + // The PUSH_PROMISE frame includes optional padding. + // Padding fields and flags are identical to those defined for DATA frames + var padLength uint8 + if fh.Flags.Has(FlagPushPromisePadded) { + if p, padLength, err = readByte(p); err != nil { + countError("frame_pushpromise_pad_short") + return + } + } + + p, pp.PromiseID, err = readUint32(p) + if err != nil { + countError("frame_pushpromise_promiseid_short") + return + } + pp.PromiseID = pp.PromiseID & (1<<31 - 1) + + if int(padLength) > len(p) { + // like the DATA frame, error out if padding is longer than the body. + countError("frame_pushpromise_pad_too_big") + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + pp.headerFragBuf = p[:len(p)-int(padLength)] + return pp, nil +} + +// PushPromiseParam are the parameters for writing a PUSH_PROMISE frame. +type PushPromiseParam struct { + // StreamID is the required Stream ID to initiate. + StreamID uint32 + + // PromiseID is the required Stream ID which this + // Push Promises + PromiseID uint32 + + // BlockFragment is part (or all) of a Header Block. + BlockFragment []byte + + // EndHeaders indicates that this frame contains an entire + // header block and is not followed by any + // CONTINUATION frames. + EndHeaders bool + + // PadLength is the optional number of bytes of zeros to add + // to this frame. + PadLength uint8 +} + +// WritePushPromise writes a single PushPromise Frame. +// +// As with Header Frames, This is the low level call for writing +// individual frames. Continuation frames are handled elsewhere. +// +// It will perform exactly one Write to the underlying Writer. +// It is the caller's responsibility to not call other Write methods concurrently. +func (f *Framer) WritePushPromise(p PushPromiseParam) error { + if !validStreamID(p.StreamID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites { + return errStreamID + } + var flags Flags + if p.PadLength != 0 { + flags |= FlagPushPromisePadded + } + if p.EndHeaders { + flags |= FlagPushPromiseEndHeaders + } + f.startWrite(FramePushPromise, flags, p.StreamID) + if p.PadLength != 0 { + f.writeByte(p.PadLength) + } + if !validStreamID(p.PromiseID) && !f.AllowIllegalWrites { + return errStreamID + } + f.writeUint32(p.PromiseID) + f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, p.BlockFragment...) + f.wbuf = append(f.wbuf, padZeros[:p.PadLength]...) + return f.endWrite() +} + +// WriteRawFrame writes a raw frame. This can be used to write +// extension frames unknown to this package. +func (f *Framer) WriteRawFrame(t FrameType, flags Flags, streamID uint32, payload []byte) error { + f.startWrite(t, flags, streamID) + f.writeBytes(payload) + return f.endWrite() +} + +func readByte(p []byte) (remain []byte, b byte, err error) { + if len(p) == 0 { + return nil, 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return p[1:], p[0], nil +} + +func readUint32(p []byte) (remain []byte, v uint32, err error) { + if len(p) < 4 { + return nil, 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return p[4:], binary.BigEndian.Uint32(p[:4]), nil +} + +type streamEnder interface { + StreamEnded() bool +} + +type headersEnder interface { + HeadersEnded() bool +} + +type headersOrContinuation interface { + headersEnder + HeaderBlockFragment() []byte +} + +// A MetaHeadersFrame is the representation of one HEADERS frame and +// zero or more contiguous CONTINUATION frames and the decoding of +// their HPACK-encoded contents. +// +// This type of frame does not appear on the wire and is only returned +// by the Framer when Framer.ReadMetaHeaders is set. +type MetaHeadersFrame struct { + *HeadersFrame + + // Fields are the fields contained in the HEADERS and + // CONTINUATION frames. The underlying slice is owned by the + // Framer and must not be retained after the next call to + // ReadFrame. + // + // Fields are guaranteed to be in the correct http2 order and + // not have unknown pseudo header fields or invalid header + // field names or values. Required pseudo header fields may be + // missing, however. Use the MetaHeadersFrame.Pseudo accessor + // method access pseudo headers. + Fields []hpack.HeaderField + + // Truncated is whether the max header list size limit was hit + // and Fields is incomplete. The hpack decoder state is still + // valid, however. + Truncated bool +} + +// PseudoValue returns the given pseudo header field's value. +// The provided pseudo field should not contain the leading colon. +func (mh *MetaHeadersFrame) PseudoValue(pseudo string) string { + for _, hf := range mh.Fields { + if !hf.IsPseudo() { + return "" + } + if hf.Name[1:] == pseudo { + return hf.Value + } + } + return "" +} + +// RegularFields returns the regular (non-pseudo) header fields of mh. +// The caller does not own the returned slice. +func (mh *MetaHeadersFrame) RegularFields() []hpack.HeaderField { + for i, hf := range mh.Fields { + if !hf.IsPseudo() { + return mh.Fields[i:] + } + } + return nil +} + +// PseudoFields returns the pseudo header fields of mh. +// The caller does not own the returned slice. +func (mh *MetaHeadersFrame) PseudoFields() []hpack.HeaderField { + for i, hf := range mh.Fields { + if !hf.IsPseudo() { + return mh.Fields[:i] + } + } + return mh.Fields +} + +func (mh *MetaHeadersFrame) checkPseudos() error { + var isRequest, isResponse bool + pf := mh.PseudoFields() + for i, hf := range pf { + switch hf.Name { + case ":method", ":path", ":scheme", ":authority": + isRequest = true + case ":status": + isResponse = true + default: + return pseudoHeaderError(hf.Name) + } + // Check for duplicates. + // This would be a bad algorithm, but N is 4. + // And this doesn't allocate. + for _, hf2 := range pf[:i] { + if hf.Name == hf2.Name { + return duplicatePseudoHeaderError(hf.Name) + } + } + } + if isRequest && isResponse { + return errMixPseudoHeaderTypes + } + return nil +} + +func (fr *Framer) maxHeaderStringLen() int { + v := fr.maxHeaderListSize() + if uint32(int(v)) == v { + return int(v) + } + // They had a crazy big number for MaxHeaderBytes anyway, + // so give them unlimited header lengths: + return 0 +} + +// readMetaFrame returns 0 or more CONTINUATION frames from fr and +// merge them into the provided hf and returns a MetaHeadersFrame +// with the decoded hpack values. +func (fr *Framer) readMetaFrame(hf *HeadersFrame) (*MetaHeadersFrame, error) { + if fr.AllowIllegalReads { + return nil, errors.New("illegal use of AllowIllegalReads with ReadMetaHeaders") + } + mh := &MetaHeadersFrame{ + HeadersFrame: hf, + } + var remainSize = fr.maxHeaderListSize() + var sawRegular bool + + var invalid error // pseudo header field errors + hdec := fr.ReadMetaHeaders + hdec.SetEmitEnabled(true) + hdec.SetMaxStringLength(fr.maxHeaderStringLen()) + hdec.SetEmitFunc(func(hf hpack.HeaderField) { + if VerboseLogs && fr.logReads { + fr.debugReadLoggerf("http2: decoded hpack field %+v", hf) + } + if !httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(hf.Value) { + // Don't include the value in the error, because it may be sensitive. + invalid = headerFieldValueError(hf.Name) + } + isPseudo := strings.HasPrefix(hf.Name, ":") + if isPseudo { + if sawRegular { + invalid = errPseudoAfterRegular + } + } else { + sawRegular = true + if !validWireHeaderFieldName(hf.Name) { + invalid = headerFieldNameError(hf.Name) + } + } + + if invalid != nil { + hdec.SetEmitEnabled(false) + return + } + + size := hf.Size() + if size > remainSize { + hdec.SetEmitEnabled(false) + mh.Truncated = true + return + } + remainSize -= size + + mh.Fields = append(mh.Fields, hf) + }) + // Lose reference to MetaHeadersFrame: + defer hdec.SetEmitFunc(func(hf hpack.HeaderField) {}) + + var hc headersOrContinuation = hf + for { + frag := hc.HeaderBlockFragment() + if _, err := hdec.Write(frag); err != nil { + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeCompression) + } + + if hc.HeadersEnded() { + break + } + if f, err := fr.ReadFrame(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } else { + hc = f.(*ContinuationFrame) // guaranteed by checkFrameOrder + } + } + + mh.HeadersFrame.headerFragBuf = nil + mh.HeadersFrame.invalidate() + + if err := hdec.Close(); err != nil { + return nil, ConnectionError(ErrCodeCompression) + } + if invalid != nil { + fr.errDetail = invalid + if VerboseLogs { + log.Printf("http2: invalid header: %v", invalid) + } + return nil, StreamError{mh.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol, invalid} + } + if err := mh.checkPseudos(); err != nil { + fr.errDetail = err + if VerboseLogs { + log.Printf("http2: invalid pseudo headers: %v", err) + } + return nil, StreamError{mh.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol, err} + } + return mh, nil +} + +func summarizeFrame(f Frame) string { + var buf bytes.Buffer + f.Header().writeDebug(&buf) + switch f := f.(type) { + case *SettingsFrame: + n := 0 + f.ForeachSetting(func(s Setting) error { + n++ + if n == 1 { + buf.WriteString(", settings:") + } + fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %v=%v,", s.ID, s.Val) + return nil + }) + if n > 0 { + buf.Truncate(buf.Len() - 1) // remove trailing comma + } + case *DataFrame: + data := f.Data() + const max = 256 + if len(data) > max { + data = data[:max] + } + fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " data=%q", data) + if len(f.Data()) > max { + fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " (%d bytes omitted)", len(f.Data())-max) + } + case *WindowUpdateFrame: + if f.StreamID == 0 { + buf.WriteString(" (conn)") + } + fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " incr=%v", f.Increment) + case *PingFrame: + fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " ping=%q", f.Data[:]) + case *GoAwayFrame: + fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " LastStreamID=%v ErrCode=%v Debug=%q", + f.LastStreamID, f.ErrCode, f.debugData) + case *RSTStreamFrame: + fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " ErrCode=%v", f.ErrCode) + } + return buf.String() +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go111.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go111.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5bf62b032 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go111.go @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build go1.11 +// +build go1.11 + +package http2 + +import ( + "net/http/httptrace" + "net/textproto" +) + +func traceHasWroteHeaderField(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) bool { + return trace != nil && trace.WroteHeaderField != nil +} + +func traceWroteHeaderField(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace, k, v string) { + if trace != nil && trace.WroteHeaderField != nil { + trace.WroteHeaderField(k, []string{v}) + } +} + +func traceGot1xxResponseFunc(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) func(int, textproto.MIMEHeader) error { + if trace != nil { + return trace.Got1xxResponse + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go115.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go115.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..908af1ab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go115.go @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build go1.15 +// +build go1.15 + +package http2 + +import ( + "context" + "crypto/tls" +) + +// dialTLSWithContext uses tls.Dialer, added in Go 1.15, to open a TLS +// connection. +func (t *Transport) dialTLSWithContext(ctx context.Context, network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (*tls.Conn, error) { + dialer := &tls.Dialer{ + Config: cfg, + } + cn, err := dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + tlsCn := cn.(*tls.Conn) // DialContext comment promises this will always succeed + return tlsCn, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go118.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go118.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aca4b2b31 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/go118.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build go1.18 +// +build go1.18 + +package http2 + +import ( + "crypto/tls" + "net" +) + +func tlsUnderlyingConn(tc *tls.Conn) net.Conn { + return tc.NetConn() +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/gotrack.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/gotrack.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9933c9f8c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/gotrack.go @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Defensive debug-only utility to track that functions run on the +// goroutine that they're supposed to. + +package http2 + +import ( + "bytes" + "errors" + "fmt" + "os" + "runtime" + "strconv" + "sync" +) + +var DebugGoroutines = os.Getenv("DEBUG_HTTP2_GOROUTINES") == "1" + +type goroutineLock uint64 + +func newGoroutineLock() goroutineLock { + if !DebugGoroutines { + return 0 + } + return goroutineLock(curGoroutineID()) +} + +func (g goroutineLock) check() { + if !DebugGoroutines { + return + } + if curGoroutineID() != uint64(g) { + panic("running on the wrong goroutine") + } +} + +func (g goroutineLock) checkNotOn() { + if !DebugGoroutines { + return + } + if curGoroutineID() == uint64(g) { + panic("running on the wrong goroutine") + } +} + +var goroutineSpace = []byte("goroutine ") + +func curGoroutineID() uint64 { + bp := littleBuf.Get().(*[]byte) + defer littleBuf.Put(bp) + b := *bp + b = b[:runtime.Stack(b, false)] + // Parse the 4707 out of "goroutine 4707 [" + b = bytes.TrimPrefix(b, goroutineSpace) + i := bytes.IndexByte(b, ' ') + if i < 0 { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("No space found in %q", b)) + } + b = b[:i] + n, err := parseUintBytes(b, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse goroutine ID out of %q: %v", b, err)) + } + return n +} + +var littleBuf = sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + buf := make([]byte, 64) + return &buf + }, +} + +// parseUintBytes is like strconv.ParseUint, but using a []byte. +func parseUintBytes(s []byte, base int, bitSize int) (n uint64, err error) { + var cutoff, maxVal uint64 + + if bitSize == 0 { + bitSize = int(strconv.IntSize) + } + + s0 := s + switch { + case len(s) < 1: + err = strconv.ErrSyntax + goto Error + + case 2 <= base && base <= 36: + // valid base; nothing to do + + case base == 0: + // Look for octal, hex prefix. + switch { + case s[0] == '0' && len(s) > 1 && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X'): + base = 16 + s = s[2:] + if len(s) < 1 { + err = strconv.ErrSyntax + goto Error + } + case s[0] == '0': + base = 8 + default: + base = 10 + } + + default: + err = errors.New("invalid base " + strconv.Itoa(base)) + goto Error + } + + n = 0 + cutoff = cutoff64(base) + maxVal = 1<= base { + n = 0 + err = strconv.ErrSyntax + goto Error + } + + if n >= cutoff { + // n*base overflows + n = 1<<64 - 1 + err = strconv.ErrRange + goto Error + } + n *= uint64(base) + + n1 := n + uint64(v) + if n1 < n || n1 > maxVal { + // n+v overflows + n = 1<<64 - 1 + err = strconv.ErrRange + goto Error + } + n = n1 + } + + return n, nil + +Error: + return n, &strconv.NumError{Func: "ParseUint", Num: string(s0), Err: err} +} + +// Return the first number n such that n*base >= 1<<64. +func cutoff64(base int) uint64 { + if base < 2 { + return 0 + } + return (1<<64-1)/uint64(base) + 1 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/h2c/h2c.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/h2c/h2c.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0970d846 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/h2c/h2c.go @@ -0,0 +1,501 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package h2c implements the unencrypted "h2c" form of HTTP/2. +// +// The h2c protocol is the non-TLS version of HTTP/2 which is not available from +// net/http or golang.org/x/net/http2. +package h2c + +import ( + "bufio" + "bytes" + "encoding/base64" + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "log" + "net" + "net/http" + "net/textproto" + "os" + "strings" + + "golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts" + "golang.org/x/net/http2" + "golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack" +) + +var ( + http2VerboseLogs bool +) + +func init() { + e := os.Getenv("GODEBUG") + if strings.Contains(e, "http2debug=1") || strings.Contains(e, "http2debug=2") { + http2VerboseLogs = true + } +} + +// h2cHandler is a Handler which implements h2c by hijacking the HTTP/1 traffic +// that should be h2c traffic. There are two ways to begin a h2c connection +// (RFC 7540 Section 3.2 and 3.4): (1) Starting with Prior Knowledge - this +// works by starting an h2c connection with a string of bytes that is valid +// HTTP/1, but unlikely to occur in practice and (2) Upgrading from HTTP/1 to +// h2c - this works by using the HTTP/1 Upgrade header to request an upgrade to +// h2c. When either of those situations occur we hijack the HTTP/1 connection, +// convert it to a HTTP/2 connection and pass the net.Conn to http2.ServeConn. +type h2cHandler struct { + Handler http.Handler + s *http2.Server +} + +// NewHandler returns an http.Handler that wraps h, intercepting any h2c +// traffic. If a request is an h2c connection, it's hijacked and redirected to +// s.ServeConn. Otherwise the returned Handler just forwards requests to h. This +// works because h2c is designed to be parseable as valid HTTP/1, but ignored by +// any HTTP server that does not handle h2c. Therefore we leverage the HTTP/1 +// compatible parts of the Go http library to parse and recognize h2c requests. +// Once a request is recognized as h2c, we hijack the connection and convert it +// to an HTTP/2 connection which is understandable to s.ServeConn. (s.ServeConn +// understands HTTP/2 except for the h2c part of it.) +func NewHandler(h http.Handler, s *http2.Server) http.Handler { + return &h2cHandler{ + Handler: h, + s: s, + } +} + +// ServeHTTP implement the h2c support that is enabled by h2c.GetH2CHandler. +func (s h2cHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { + // Handle h2c with prior knowledge (RFC 7540 Section 3.4) + if r.Method == "PRI" && len(r.Header) == 0 && r.URL.Path == "*" && r.Proto == "HTTP/2.0" { + if http2VerboseLogs { + log.Print("h2c: attempting h2c with prior knowledge.") + } + conn, err := initH2CWithPriorKnowledge(w) + if err != nil { + if http2VerboseLogs { + log.Printf("h2c: error h2c with prior knowledge: %v", err) + } + return + } + defer conn.Close() + + s.s.ServeConn(conn, &http2.ServeConnOpts{ + Context: r.Context(), + Handler: s.Handler, + }) + return + } + // Handle Upgrade to h2c (RFC 7540 Section 3.2) + if conn, err := h2cUpgrade(w, r); err == nil { + defer conn.Close() + + s.s.ServeConn(conn, &http2.ServeConnOpts{ + Context: r.Context(), + Handler: s.Handler, + }) + return + } + + s.Handler.ServeHTTP(w, r) + return +} + +// initH2CWithPriorKnowledge implements creating a h2c connection with prior +// knowledge (Section 3.4) and creates a net.Conn suitable for http2.ServeConn. +// All we have to do is look for the client preface that is suppose to be part +// of the body, and reforward the client preface on the net.Conn this function +// creates. +func initH2CWithPriorKnowledge(w http.ResponseWriter) (net.Conn, error) { + hijacker, ok := w.(http.Hijacker) + if !ok { + panic("Hijack not supported.") + } + conn, rw, err := hijacker.Hijack() + if err != nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Hijack failed: %v", err)) + } + + const expectedBody = "SM\r\n\r\n" + + buf := make([]byte, len(expectedBody)) + n, err := io.ReadFull(rw, buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read from the buffer: %s", err) + } + + if string(buf[:n]) == expectedBody { + c := &rwConn{ + Conn: conn, + Reader: io.MultiReader(strings.NewReader(http2.ClientPreface), rw), + BufWriter: rw.Writer, + } + return c, nil + } + + conn.Close() + if http2VerboseLogs { + log.Printf( + "h2c: missing the request body portion of the client preface. Wanted: %v Got: %v", + []byte(expectedBody), + buf[0:n], + ) + } + return nil, errors.New("invalid client preface") +} + +// drainClientPreface reads a single instance of the HTTP/2 client preface from +// the supplied reader. +func drainClientPreface(r io.Reader) error { + var buf bytes.Buffer + prefaceLen := int64(len(http2.ClientPreface)) + n, err := io.CopyN(&buf, r, prefaceLen) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if n != prefaceLen || buf.String() != http2.ClientPreface { + return fmt.Errorf("Client never sent: %s", http2.ClientPreface) + } + return nil +} + +// h2cUpgrade establishes a h2c connection using the HTTP/1 upgrade (Section 3.2). +func h2cUpgrade(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (net.Conn, error) { + if !isH2CUpgrade(r.Header) { + return nil, errors.New("non-conforming h2c headers") + } + + // Initial bytes we put into conn to fool http2 server + initBytes, _, err := convertH1ReqToH2(r) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + hijacker, ok := w.(http.Hijacker) + if !ok { + return nil, errors.New("hijack not supported.") + } + conn, rw, err := hijacker.Hijack() + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("hijack failed: %v", err) + } + + rw.Write([]byte("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n" + + "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" + + "Upgrade: h2c\r\n\r\n")) + rw.Flush() + + // A conforming client will now send an H2 client preface which need to drain + // since we already sent this. + if err := drainClientPreface(rw); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + c := &rwConn{ + Conn: conn, + Reader: io.MultiReader(initBytes, rw), + BufWriter: newSettingsAckSwallowWriter(rw.Writer), + } + return c, nil +} + +// convert the data contained in the HTTP/1 upgrade request into the HTTP/2 +// version in byte form. +func convertH1ReqToH2(r *http.Request) (*bytes.Buffer, []http2.Setting, error) { + h2Bytes := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte((http2.ClientPreface))) + framer := http2.NewFramer(h2Bytes, nil) + settings, err := getH2Settings(r.Header) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + + if err := framer.WriteSettings(settings...); err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + + headerBytes, err := getH2HeaderBytes(r, getMaxHeaderTableSize(settings)) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + + maxFrameSize := int(getMaxFrameSize(settings)) + needOneHeader := len(headerBytes) < maxFrameSize + err = framer.WriteHeaders(http2.HeadersFrameParam{ + StreamID: 1, + BlockFragment: headerBytes, + EndHeaders: needOneHeader, + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + + for i := maxFrameSize; i < len(headerBytes); i += maxFrameSize { + if len(headerBytes)-i > maxFrameSize { + if err := framer.WriteContinuation(1, + false, // endHeaders + headerBytes[i:maxFrameSize]); err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + } else { + if err := framer.WriteContinuation(1, + true, // endHeaders + headerBytes[i:]); err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + } + } + + return h2Bytes, settings, nil +} + +// getMaxFrameSize returns the SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE. If not present default +// value is 16384 as specified by RFC 7540 Section 6.5.2. +func getMaxFrameSize(settings []http2.Setting) uint32 { + for _, setting := range settings { + if setting.ID == http2.SettingMaxFrameSize { + return setting.Val + } + } + return 16384 +} + +// getMaxHeaderTableSize returns the SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE. If not present +// default value is 4096 as specified by RFC 7540 Section 6.5.2. +func getMaxHeaderTableSize(settings []http2.Setting) uint32 { + for _, setting := range settings { + if setting.ID == http2.SettingHeaderTableSize { + return setting.Val + } + } + return 4096 +} + +// bufWriter is a Writer interface that also has a Flush method. +type bufWriter interface { + io.Writer + Flush() error +} + +// rwConn implements net.Conn but overrides Read and Write so that reads and +// writes are forwarded to the provided io.Reader and bufWriter. +type rwConn struct { + net.Conn + io.Reader + BufWriter bufWriter +} + +// Read forwards reads to the underlying Reader. +func (c *rwConn) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { + return c.Reader.Read(p) +} + +// Write forwards writes to the underlying bufWriter and immediately flushes. +func (c *rwConn) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { + n, err := c.BufWriter.Write(p) + if err := c.BufWriter.Flush(); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return n, err +} + +// settingsAckSwallowWriter is a writer that normally forwards bytes to its +// underlying Writer, but swallows the first SettingsAck frame that it sees. +type settingsAckSwallowWriter struct { + Writer *bufio.Writer + buf []byte + didSwallow bool +} + +// newSettingsAckSwallowWriter returns a new settingsAckSwallowWriter. +func newSettingsAckSwallowWriter(w *bufio.Writer) *settingsAckSwallowWriter { + return &settingsAckSwallowWriter{ + Writer: w, + buf: make([]byte, 0), + didSwallow: false, + } +} + +// Write implements io.Writer interface. Normally forwards bytes to w.Writer, +// except for the first Settings ACK frame that it sees. +func (w *settingsAckSwallowWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { + if !w.didSwallow { + w.buf = append(w.buf, p...) + // Process all the frames we have collected into w.buf + for { + // Append until we get full frame header which is 9 bytes + if len(w.buf) < 9 { + break + } + // Check if we have collected a whole frame. + fh, err := http2.ReadFrameHeader(bytes.NewBuffer(w.buf)) + if err != nil { + // Corrupted frame, fail current Write + return 0, err + } + fSize := fh.Length + 9 + if uint32(len(w.buf)) < fSize { + // Have not collected whole frame. Stop processing buf, and withhold on + // forward bytes to w.Writer until we get the full frame. + break + } + + // We have now collected a whole frame. + if fh.Type == http2.FrameSettings && fh.Flags.Has(http2.FlagSettingsAck) { + // If Settings ACK frame, do not forward to underlying writer, remove + // bytes from w.buf, and record that we have swallowed Settings Ack + // frame. + w.didSwallow = true + w.buf = w.buf[fSize:] + continue + } + + // Not settings ack frame. Forward bytes to w.Writer. + if _, err := w.Writer.Write(w.buf[:fSize]); err != nil { + // Couldn't forward bytes. Fail current Write. + return 0, err + } + w.buf = w.buf[fSize:] + } + return len(p), nil + } + return w.Writer.Write(p) +} + +// Flush calls w.Writer.Flush. +func (w *settingsAckSwallowWriter) Flush() error { + return w.Writer.Flush() +} + +// isH2CUpgrade returns true if the header properly request an upgrade to h2c +// as specified by Section 3.2. +func isH2CUpgrade(h http.Header) bool { + return httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken(h[textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey("Upgrade")], "h2c") && + httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken(h[textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey("Connection")], "HTTP2-Settings") +} + +// getH2Settings returns the []http2.Setting that are encoded in the +// HTTP2-Settings header. +func getH2Settings(h http.Header) ([]http2.Setting, error) { + vals, ok := h[textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey("HTTP2-Settings")] + if !ok { + return nil, errors.New("missing HTTP2-Settings header") + } + if len(vals) != 1 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected 1 HTTP2-Settings. Got: %v", vals) + } + settings, err := decodeSettings(vals[0]) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid HTTP2-Settings: %q", vals[0]) + } + return settings, nil +} + +// decodeSettings decodes the base64url header value of the HTTP2-Settings +// header. RFC 7540 Section 3.2.1. +func decodeSettings(headerVal string) ([]http2.Setting, error) { + b, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(headerVal) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if len(b)%6 != 0 { + return nil, err + } + settings := make([]http2.Setting, 0) + for i := 0; i < len(b)/6; i++ { + settings = append(settings, http2.Setting{ + ID: http2.SettingID(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[i*6 : i*6+2])), + Val: binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[i*6+2 : i*6+6]), + }) + } + + return settings, nil +} + +// getH2HeaderBytes return the headers in r a []bytes encoded by HPACK. +func getH2HeaderBytes(r *http.Request, maxHeaderTableSize uint32) ([]byte, error) { + headerBytes := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + hpackEnc := hpack.NewEncoder(headerBytes) + hpackEnc.SetMaxDynamicTableSize(maxHeaderTableSize) + + // Section + err := hpackEnc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{ + Name: ":method", + Value: r.Method, + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + err = hpackEnc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{ + Name: ":scheme", + Value: "http", + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + err = hpackEnc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{ + Name: ":authority", + Value: r.Host, + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + path := r.URL.Path + if r.URL.RawQuery != "" { + path = strings.Join([]string{path, r.URL.RawQuery}, "?") + } + err = hpackEnc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{ + Name: ":path", + Value: path, + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // TODO Implement Section 8.3 + + for header, values := range r.Header { + // Skip non h2 headers + if isNonH2Header(header) { + continue + } + for _, v := range values { + err := hpackEnc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{ + Name: strings.ToLower(header), + Value: v, + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + } + return headerBytes.Bytes(), nil +} + +// Connection specific headers listed in RFC 7540 Section that are not +// suppose to be transferred to HTTP/2. The Http2-Settings header is skipped +// since already use to create the HTTP/2 SETTINGS frame. +var nonH2Headers = []string{ + "Connection", + "Keep-Alive", + "Proxy-Connection", + "Transfer-Encoding", + "Upgrade", + "Http2-Settings", +} + +// isNonH2Header returns true if header should not be transferred to HTTP/2. +func isNonH2Header(header string) bool { + for _, nonH2h := range nonH2Headers { + if header == nonH2h { + return true + } + } + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/headermap.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/headermap.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e12941da --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/headermap.go @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package http2 + +import ( + "net/http" + "sync" +) + +var ( + commonBuildOnce sync.Once + commonLowerHeader map[string]string // Go-Canonical-Case -> lower-case + commonCanonHeader map[string]string // lower-case -> Go-Canonical-Case +) + +func buildCommonHeaderMapsOnce() { + commonBuildOnce.Do(buildCommonHeaderMaps) +} + +func buildCommonHeaderMaps() { + common := []string{ + "accept", + "accept-charset", + "accept-encoding", + "accept-language", + "accept-ranges", + "age", + "access-control-allow-origin", + "allow", + "authorization", + "cache-control", + "content-disposition", + "content-encoding", + "content-language", + "content-length", + "content-location", + "content-range", + "content-type", + "cookie", + "date", + "etag", + "expect", + "expires", + "from", + "host", + "if-match", + "if-modified-since", + "if-none-match", + "if-unmodified-since", + "last-modified", + "link", + "location", + "max-forwards", + "proxy-authenticate", + "proxy-authorization", + "range", + "referer", + "refresh", + "retry-after", + "server", + "set-cookie", + "strict-transport-security", + "trailer", + "transfer-encoding", + "user-agent", + "vary", + "via", + "www-authenticate", + } + commonLowerHeader = make(map[string]string, len(common)) + commonCanonHeader = make(map[string]string, len(common)) + for _, v := range common { + chk := http.CanonicalHeaderKey(v) + commonLowerHeader[chk] = v + commonCanonHeader[v] = chk + } +} + +func lowerHeader(v string) (lower string, ascii bool) { + buildCommonHeaderMapsOnce() + if s, ok := commonLowerHeader[v]; ok { + return s, true + } + return asciiToLower(v) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/encode.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/encode.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97f17831f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/encode.go @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package hpack + +import ( + "io" +) + +const ( + uint32Max = ^uint32(0) + initialHeaderTableSize = 4096 +) + +type Encoder struct { + dynTab dynamicTable + // minSize is the minimum table size set by + // SetMaxDynamicTableSize after the previous Header Table Size + // Update. + minSize uint32 + // maxSizeLimit is the maximum table size this encoder + // supports. This will protect the encoder from too large + // size. + maxSizeLimit uint32 + // tableSizeUpdate indicates whether "Header Table Size + // Update" is required. + tableSizeUpdate bool + w io.Writer + buf []byte +} + +// NewEncoder returns a new Encoder which performs HPACK encoding. An +// encoded data is written to w. +func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder { + e := &Encoder{ + minSize: uint32Max, + maxSizeLimit: initialHeaderTableSize, + tableSizeUpdate: false, + w: w, + } + e.dynTab.table.init() + e.dynTab.setMaxSize(initialHeaderTableSize) + return e +} + +// WriteField encodes f into a single Write to e's underlying Writer. +// This function may also produce bytes for "Header Table Size Update" +// if necessary. If produced, it is done before encoding f. +func (e *Encoder) WriteField(f HeaderField) error { + e.buf = e.buf[:0] + + if e.tableSizeUpdate { + e.tableSizeUpdate = false + if e.minSize < e.dynTab.maxSize { + e.buf = appendTableSize(e.buf, e.minSize) + } + e.minSize = uint32Max + e.buf = appendTableSize(e.buf, e.dynTab.maxSize) + } + + idx, nameValueMatch := e.searchTable(f) + if nameValueMatch { + e.buf = appendIndexed(e.buf, idx) + } else { + indexing := e.shouldIndex(f) + if indexing { + e.dynTab.add(f) + } + + if idx == 0 { + e.buf = appendNewName(e.buf, f, indexing) + } else { + e.buf = appendIndexedName(e.buf, f, idx, indexing) + } + } + n, err := e.w.Write(e.buf) + if err == nil && n != len(e.buf) { + err = io.ErrShortWrite + } + return err +} + +// searchTable searches f in both stable and dynamic header tables. +// The static header table is searched first. Only when there is no +// exact match for both name and value, the dynamic header table is +// then searched. If there is no match, i is 0. If both name and value +// match, i is the matched index and nameValueMatch becomes true. If +// only name matches, i points to that index and nameValueMatch +// becomes false. +func (e *Encoder) searchTable(f HeaderField) (i uint64, nameValueMatch bool) { + i, nameValueMatch = staticTable.search(f) + if nameValueMatch { + return i, true + } + + j, nameValueMatch := e.dynTab.table.search(f) + if nameValueMatch || (i == 0 && j != 0) { + return j + uint64(staticTable.len()), nameValueMatch + } + + return i, false +} + +// SetMaxDynamicTableSize changes the dynamic header table size to v. +// The actual size is bounded by the value passed to +// SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit. +func (e *Encoder) SetMaxDynamicTableSize(v uint32) { + if v > e.maxSizeLimit { + v = e.maxSizeLimit + } + if v < e.minSize { + e.minSize = v + } + e.tableSizeUpdate = true + e.dynTab.setMaxSize(v) +} + +// SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit changes the maximum value that can be +// specified in SetMaxDynamicTableSize to v. By default, it is set to +// 4096, which is the same size of the default dynamic header table +// size described in HPACK specification. If the current maximum +// dynamic header table size is strictly greater than v, "Header Table +// Size Update" will be done in the next WriteField call and the +// maximum dynamic header table size is truncated to v. +func (e *Encoder) SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit(v uint32) { + e.maxSizeLimit = v + if e.dynTab.maxSize > v { + e.tableSizeUpdate = true + e.dynTab.setMaxSize(v) + } +} + +// shouldIndex reports whether f should be indexed. +func (e *Encoder) shouldIndex(f HeaderField) bool { + return !f.Sensitive && f.Size() <= e.dynTab.maxSize +} + +// appendIndexed appends index i, as encoded in "Indexed Header Field" +// representation, to dst and returns the extended buffer. +func appendIndexed(dst []byte, i uint64) []byte { + first := len(dst) + dst = appendVarInt(dst, 7, i) + dst[first] |= 0x80 + return dst +} + +// appendNewName appends f, as encoded in one of "Literal Header field +// - New Name" representation variants, to dst and returns the +// extended buffer. +// +// If f.Sensitive is true, "Never Indexed" representation is used. If +// f.Sensitive is false and indexing is true, "Incremental Indexing" +// representation is used. +func appendNewName(dst []byte, f HeaderField, indexing bool) []byte { + dst = append(dst, encodeTypeByte(indexing, f.Sensitive)) + dst = appendHpackString(dst, f.Name) + return appendHpackString(dst, f.Value) +} + +// appendIndexedName appends f and index i referring indexed name +// entry, as encoded in one of "Literal Header field - Indexed Name" +// representation variants, to dst and returns the extended buffer. +// +// If f.Sensitive is true, "Never Indexed" representation is used. If +// f.Sensitive is false and indexing is true, "Incremental Indexing" +// representation is used. +func appendIndexedName(dst []byte, f HeaderField, i uint64, indexing bool) []byte { + first := len(dst) + var n byte + if indexing { + n = 6 + } else { + n = 4 + } + dst = appendVarInt(dst, n, i) + dst[first] |= encodeTypeByte(indexing, f.Sensitive) + return appendHpackString(dst, f.Value) +} + +// appendTableSize appends v, as encoded in "Header Table Size Update" +// representation, to dst and returns the extended buffer. +func appendTableSize(dst []byte, v uint32) []byte { + first := len(dst) + dst = appendVarInt(dst, 5, uint64(v)) + dst[first] |= 0x20 + return dst +} + +// appendVarInt appends i, as encoded in variable integer form using n +// bit prefix, to dst and returns the extended buffer. +// +// See +// http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/compression.html#integer.representation +func appendVarInt(dst []byte, n byte, i uint64) []byte { + k := uint64((1 << n) - 1) + if i < k { + return append(dst, byte(i)) + } + dst = append(dst, byte(k)) + i -= k + for ; i >= 128; i >>= 7 { + dst = append(dst, byte(0x80|(i&0x7f))) + } + return append(dst, byte(i)) +} + +// appendHpackString appends s, as encoded in "String Literal" +// representation, to dst and returns the extended buffer. +// +// s will be encoded in Huffman codes only when it produces strictly +// shorter byte string. +func appendHpackString(dst []byte, s string) []byte { + huffmanLength := HuffmanEncodeLength(s) + if huffmanLength < uint64(len(s)) { + first := len(dst) + dst = appendVarInt(dst, 7, huffmanLength) + dst = AppendHuffmanString(dst, s) + dst[first] |= 0x80 + } else { + dst = appendVarInt(dst, 7, uint64(len(s))) + dst = append(dst, s...) + } + return dst +} + +// encodeTypeByte returns type byte. If sensitive is true, type byte +// for "Never Indexed" representation is returned. If sensitive is +// false and indexing is true, type byte for "Incremental Indexing" +// representation is returned. Otherwise, type byte for "Without +// Indexing" is returned. +func encodeTypeByte(indexing, sensitive bool) byte { + if sensitive { + return 0x10 + } + if indexing { + return 0x40 + } + return 0 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/hpack.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/hpack.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85f18a2b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/hpack.go @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package hpack implements HPACK, a compression format for +// efficiently representing HTTP header fields in the context of HTTP/2. +// +// See http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-header-compression-09 +package hpack + +import ( + "bytes" + "errors" + "fmt" +) + +// A DecodingError is something the spec defines as a decoding error. +type DecodingError struct { + Err error +} + +func (de DecodingError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("decoding error: %v", de.Err) +} + +// An InvalidIndexError is returned when an encoder references a table +// entry before the static table or after the end of the dynamic table. +type InvalidIndexError int + +func (e InvalidIndexError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("invalid indexed representation index %d", int(e)) +} + +// A HeaderField is a name-value pair. Both the name and value are +// treated as opaque sequences of octets. +type HeaderField struct { + Name, Value string + + // Sensitive means that this header field should never be + // indexed. + Sensitive bool +} + +// IsPseudo reports whether the header field is an http2 pseudo header. +// That is, it reports whether it starts with a colon. +// It is not otherwise guaranteed to be a valid pseudo header field, +// though. +func (hf HeaderField) IsPseudo() bool { + return len(hf.Name) != 0 && hf.Name[0] == ':' +} + +func (hf HeaderField) String() string { + var suffix string + if hf.Sensitive { + suffix = " (sensitive)" + } + return fmt.Sprintf("header field %q = %q%s", hf.Name, hf.Value, suffix) +} + +// Size returns the size of an entry per RFC 7541 section 4.1. +func (hf HeaderField) Size() uint32 { + // http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/compression.html#rfc.section.4.1 + // "The size of the dynamic table is the sum of the size of + // its entries. The size of an entry is the sum of its name's + // length in octets (as defined in Section 5.2), its value's + // length in octets (see Section 5.2), plus 32. The size of + // an entry is calculated using the length of the name and + // value without any Huffman encoding applied." + + // This can overflow if somebody makes a large HeaderField + // Name and/or Value by hand, but we don't care, because that + // won't happen on the wire because the encoding doesn't allow + // it. + return uint32(len(hf.Name) + len(hf.Value) + 32) +} + +// A Decoder is the decoding context for incremental processing of +// header blocks. +type Decoder struct { + dynTab dynamicTable + emit func(f HeaderField) + + emitEnabled bool // whether calls to emit are enabled + maxStrLen int // 0 means unlimited + + // buf is the unparsed buffer. It's only written to + // saveBuf if it was truncated in the middle of a header + // block. Because it's usually not owned, we can only + // process it under Write. + buf []byte // not owned; only valid during Write + + // saveBuf is previous data passed to Write which we weren't able + // to fully parse before. Unlike buf, we own this data. + saveBuf bytes.Buffer + + firstField bool // processing the first field of the header block +} + +// NewDecoder returns a new decoder with the provided maximum dynamic +// table size. The emitFunc will be called for each valid field +// parsed, in the same goroutine as calls to Write, before Write returns. +func NewDecoder(maxDynamicTableSize uint32, emitFunc func(f HeaderField)) *Decoder { + d := &Decoder{ + emit: emitFunc, + emitEnabled: true, + firstField: true, + } + d.dynTab.table.init() + d.dynTab.allowedMaxSize = maxDynamicTableSize + d.dynTab.setMaxSize(maxDynamicTableSize) + return d +} + +// ErrStringLength is returned by Decoder.Write when the max string length +// (as configured by Decoder.SetMaxStringLength) would be violated. +var ErrStringLength = errors.New("hpack: string too long") + +// SetMaxStringLength sets the maximum size of a HeaderField name or +// value string. If a string exceeds this length (even after any +// decompression), Write will return ErrStringLength. +// A value of 0 means unlimited and is the default from NewDecoder. +func (d *Decoder) SetMaxStringLength(n int) { + d.maxStrLen = n +} + +// SetEmitFunc changes the callback used when new header fields +// are decoded. +// It must be non-nil. It does not affect EmitEnabled. +func (d *Decoder) SetEmitFunc(emitFunc func(f HeaderField)) { + d.emit = emitFunc +} + +// SetEmitEnabled controls whether the emitFunc provided to NewDecoder +// should be called. The default is true. +// +// This facility exists to let servers enforce MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE +// while still decoding and keeping in-sync with decoder state, but +// without doing unnecessary decompression or generating unnecessary +// garbage for header fields past the limit. +func (d *Decoder) SetEmitEnabled(v bool) { d.emitEnabled = v } + +// EmitEnabled reports whether calls to the emitFunc provided to NewDecoder +// are currently enabled. The default is true. +func (d *Decoder) EmitEnabled() bool { return d.emitEnabled } + +// TODO: add method *Decoder.Reset(maxSize, emitFunc) to let callers re-use Decoders and their +// underlying buffers for garbage reasons. + +func (d *Decoder) SetMaxDynamicTableSize(v uint32) { + d.dynTab.setMaxSize(v) +} + +// SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize sets the upper bound that the encoded +// stream (via dynamic table size updates) may set the maximum size +// to. +func (d *Decoder) SetAllowedMaxDynamicTableSize(v uint32) { + d.dynTab.allowedMaxSize = v +} + +type dynamicTable struct { + // http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/compression.html#rfc.section.2.3.2 + table headerFieldTable + size uint32 // in bytes + maxSize uint32 // current maxSize + allowedMaxSize uint32 // maxSize may go up to this, inclusive +} + +func (dt *dynamicTable) setMaxSize(v uint32) { + dt.maxSize = v + dt.evict() +} + +func (dt *dynamicTable) add(f HeaderField) { + dt.table.addEntry(f) + dt.size += f.Size() + dt.evict() +} + +// If we're too big, evict old stuff. +func (dt *dynamicTable) evict() { + var n int + for dt.size > dt.maxSize && n < dt.table.len() { + dt.size -= dt.table.ents[n].Size() + n++ + } + dt.table.evictOldest(n) +} + +func (d *Decoder) maxTableIndex() int { + // This should never overflow. RFC 7540 Section 6.5.2 limits the size of + // the dynamic table to 2^32 bytes, where each entry will occupy more than + // one byte. Further, the staticTable has a fixed, small length. + return d.dynTab.table.len() + staticTable.len() +} + +func (d *Decoder) at(i uint64) (hf HeaderField, ok bool) { + // See Section 2.3.3. + if i == 0 { + return + } + if i <= uint64(staticTable.len()) { + return staticTable.ents[i-1], true + } + if i > uint64(d.maxTableIndex()) { + return + } + // In the dynamic table, newer entries have lower indices. + // However, dt.ents[0] is the oldest entry. Hence, dt.ents is + // the reversed dynamic table. + dt := d.dynTab.table + return dt.ents[dt.len()-(int(i)-staticTable.len())], true +} + +// Decode decodes an entire block. +// +// TODO: remove this method and make it incremental later? This is +// easier for debugging now. +func (d *Decoder) DecodeFull(p []byte) ([]HeaderField, error) { + var hf []HeaderField + saveFunc := d.emit + defer func() { d.emit = saveFunc }() + d.emit = func(f HeaderField) { hf = append(hf, f) } + if _, err := d.Write(p); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err := d.Close(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return hf, nil +} + +// Close declares that the decoding is complete and resets the Decoder +// to be reused again for a new header block. If there is any remaining +// data in the decoder's buffer, Close returns an error. +func (d *Decoder) Close() error { + if d.saveBuf.Len() > 0 { + d.saveBuf.Reset() + return DecodingError{errors.New("truncated headers")} + } + d.firstField = true + return nil +} + +func (d *Decoder) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + if len(p) == 0 { + // Prevent state machine CPU attacks (making us redo + // work up to the point of finding out we don't have + // enough data) + return + } + // Only copy the data if we have to. Optimistically assume + // that p will contain a complete header block. + if d.saveBuf.Len() == 0 { + d.buf = p + } else { + d.saveBuf.Write(p) + d.buf = d.saveBuf.Bytes() + d.saveBuf.Reset() + } + + for len(d.buf) > 0 { + err = d.parseHeaderFieldRepr() + if err == errNeedMore { + // Extra paranoia, making sure saveBuf won't + // get too large. All the varint and string + // reading code earlier should already catch + // overlong things and return ErrStringLength, + // but keep this as a last resort. + const varIntOverhead = 8 // conservative + if d.maxStrLen != 0 && int64(len(d.buf)) > 2*(int64(d.maxStrLen)+varIntOverhead) { + return 0, ErrStringLength + } + d.saveBuf.Write(d.buf) + return len(p), nil + } + d.firstField = false + if err != nil { + break + } + } + return len(p), err +} + +// errNeedMore is an internal sentinel error value that means the +// buffer is truncated and we need to read more data before we can +// continue parsing. +var errNeedMore = errors.New("need more data") + +type indexType int + +const ( + indexedTrue indexType = iota + indexedFalse + indexedNever +) + +func (v indexType) indexed() bool { return v == indexedTrue } +func (v indexType) sensitive() bool { return v == indexedNever } + +// returns errNeedMore if there isn't enough data available. +// any other error is fatal. +// consumes d.buf iff it returns nil. +// precondition: must be called with len(d.buf) > 0 +func (d *Decoder) parseHeaderFieldRepr() error { + b := d.buf[0] + switch { + case b&128 != 0: + // Indexed representation. + // High bit set? + // http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/compression.html#rfc.section.6.1 + return d.parseFieldIndexed() + case b&192 == 64: + // 6.2.1 Literal Header Field with Incremental Indexing + // 0b10xxxxxx: top two bits are 10 + // http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/compression.html#rfc.section.6.2.1 + return d.parseFieldLiteral(6, indexedTrue) + case b&240 == 0: + // 6.2.2 Literal Header Field without Indexing + // 0b0000xxxx: top four bits are 0000 + // http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/compression.html#rfc.section.6.2.2 + return d.parseFieldLiteral(4, indexedFalse) + case b&240 == 16: + // 6.2.3 Literal Header Field never Indexed + // 0b0001xxxx: top four bits are 0001 + // http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/compression.html#rfc.section.6.2.3 + return d.parseFieldLiteral(4, indexedNever) + case b&224 == 32: + // 6.3 Dynamic Table Size Update + // Top three bits are '001'. + // http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/compression.html#rfc.section.6.3 + return d.parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate() + } + + return DecodingError{errors.New("invalid encoding")} +} + +// (same invariants and behavior as parseHeaderFieldRepr) +func (d *Decoder) parseFieldIndexed() error { + buf := d.buf + idx, buf, err := readVarInt(7, buf) + if err != nil { + return err + } + hf, ok := d.at(idx) + if !ok { + return DecodingError{InvalidIndexError(idx)} + } + d.buf = buf + return d.callEmit(HeaderField{Name: hf.Name, Value: hf.Value}) +} + +// (same invariants and behavior as parseHeaderFieldRepr) +func (d *Decoder) parseFieldLiteral(n uint8, it indexType) error { + buf := d.buf + nameIdx, buf, err := readVarInt(n, buf) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + var hf HeaderField + wantStr := d.emitEnabled || it.indexed() + if nameIdx > 0 { + ihf, ok := d.at(nameIdx) + if !ok { + return DecodingError{InvalidIndexError(nameIdx)} + } + hf.Name = ihf.Name + } else { + hf.Name, buf, err = d.readString(buf, wantStr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + hf.Value, buf, err = d.readString(buf, wantStr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + d.buf = buf + if it.indexed() { + d.dynTab.add(hf) + } + hf.Sensitive = it.sensitive() + return d.callEmit(hf) +} + +func (d *Decoder) callEmit(hf HeaderField) error { + if d.maxStrLen != 0 { + if len(hf.Name) > d.maxStrLen || len(hf.Value) > d.maxStrLen { + return ErrStringLength + } + } + if d.emitEnabled { + d.emit(hf) + } + return nil +} + +// (same invariants and behavior as parseHeaderFieldRepr) +func (d *Decoder) parseDynamicTableSizeUpdate() error { + // RFC 7541, sec 4.2: This dynamic table size update MUST occur at the + // beginning of the first header block following the change to the dynamic table size. + if !d.firstField && d.dynTab.size > 0 { + return DecodingError{errors.New("dynamic table size update MUST occur at the beginning of a header block")} + } + + buf := d.buf + size, buf, err := readVarInt(5, buf) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if size > uint64(d.dynTab.allowedMaxSize) { + return DecodingError{errors.New("dynamic table size update too large")} + } + d.dynTab.setMaxSize(uint32(size)) + d.buf = buf + return nil +} + +var errVarintOverflow = DecodingError{errors.New("varint integer overflow")} + +// readVarInt reads an unsigned variable length integer off the +// beginning of p. n is the parameter as described in +// http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/compression.html#rfc.section.5.1. +// +// n must always be between 1 and 8. +// +// The returned remain buffer is either a smaller suffix of p, or err != nil. +// The error is errNeedMore if p doesn't contain a complete integer. +func readVarInt(n byte, p []byte) (i uint64, remain []byte, err error) { + if n < 1 || n > 8 { + panic("bad n") + } + if len(p) == 0 { + return 0, p, errNeedMore + } + i = uint64(p[0]) + if n < 8 { + i &= (1 << uint64(n)) - 1 + } + if i < (1< 0 { + b := p[0] + p = p[1:] + i += uint64(b&127) << m + if b&128 == 0 { + return i, p, nil + } + m += 7 + if m >= 63 { // TODO: proper overflow check. making this up. + return 0, origP, errVarintOverflow + } + } + return 0, origP, errNeedMore +} + +// readString decodes an hpack string from p. +// +// wantStr is whether s will be used. If false, decompression and +// []byte->string garbage are skipped if s will be ignored +// anyway. This does mean that huffman decoding errors for non-indexed +// strings past the MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE are ignored, but the server +// is returning an error anyway, and because they're not indexed, the error +// won't affect the decoding state. +func (d *Decoder) readString(p []byte, wantStr bool) (s string, remain []byte, err error) { + if len(p) == 0 { + return "", p, errNeedMore + } + isHuff := p[0]&128 != 0 + strLen, p, err := readVarInt(7, p) + if err != nil { + return "", p, err + } + if d.maxStrLen != 0 && strLen > uint64(d.maxStrLen) { + return "", nil, ErrStringLength + } + if uint64(len(p)) < strLen { + return "", p, errNeedMore + } + if !isHuff { + if wantStr { + s = string(p[:strLen]) + } + return s, p[strLen:], nil + } + + if wantStr { + buf := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer) + buf.Reset() // don't trust others + defer bufPool.Put(buf) + if err := huffmanDecode(buf, d.maxStrLen, p[:strLen]); err != nil { + buf.Reset() + return "", nil, err + } + s = buf.String() + buf.Reset() // be nice to GC + } + return s, p[strLen:], nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/huffman.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/huffman.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe0b84ccd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/huffman.go @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package hpack + +import ( + "bytes" + "errors" + "io" + "sync" +) + +var bufPool = sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { return new(bytes.Buffer) }, +} + +// HuffmanDecode decodes the string in v and writes the expanded +// result to w, returning the number of bytes written to w and the +// Write call's return value. At most one Write call is made. +func HuffmanDecode(w io.Writer, v []byte) (int, error) { + buf := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer) + buf.Reset() + defer bufPool.Put(buf) + if err := huffmanDecode(buf, 0, v); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return w.Write(buf.Bytes()) +} + +// HuffmanDecodeToString decodes the string in v. +func HuffmanDecodeToString(v []byte) (string, error) { + buf := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer) + buf.Reset() + defer bufPool.Put(buf) + if err := huffmanDecode(buf, 0, v); err != nil { + return "", err + } + return buf.String(), nil +} + +// ErrInvalidHuffman is returned for errors found decoding +// Huffman-encoded strings. +var ErrInvalidHuffman = errors.New("hpack: invalid Huffman-encoded data") + +// huffmanDecode decodes v to buf. +// If maxLen is greater than 0, attempts to write more to buf than +// maxLen bytes will return ErrStringLength. +func huffmanDecode(buf *bytes.Buffer, maxLen int, v []byte) error { + rootHuffmanNode := getRootHuffmanNode() + n := rootHuffmanNode + // cur is the bit buffer that has not been fed into n. + // cbits is the number of low order bits in cur that are valid. + // sbits is the number of bits of the symbol prefix being decoded. + cur, cbits, sbits := uint(0), uint8(0), uint8(0) + for _, b := range v { + cur = cur<<8 | uint(b) + cbits += 8 + sbits += 8 + for cbits >= 8 { + idx := byte(cur >> (cbits - 8)) + n = n.children[idx] + if n == nil { + return ErrInvalidHuffman + } + if n.children == nil { + if maxLen != 0 && buf.Len() == maxLen { + return ErrStringLength + } + buf.WriteByte(n.sym) + cbits -= n.codeLen + n = rootHuffmanNode + sbits = cbits + } else { + cbits -= 8 + } + } + } + for cbits > 0 { + n = n.children[byte(cur<<(8-cbits))] + if n == nil { + return ErrInvalidHuffman + } + if n.children != nil || n.codeLen > cbits { + break + } + if maxLen != 0 && buf.Len() == maxLen { + return ErrStringLength + } + buf.WriteByte(n.sym) + cbits -= n.codeLen + n = rootHuffmanNode + sbits = cbits + } + if sbits > 7 { + // Either there was an incomplete symbol, or overlong padding. + // Both are decoding errors per RFC 7541 section 5.2. + return ErrInvalidHuffman + } + if mask := uint(1< 8 { + codeLen -= 8 + i := uint8(code >> codeLen) + if cur.children[i] == nil { + cur.children[i] = newInternalNode() + } + cur = cur.children[i] + } + shift := 8 - codeLen + start, end := int(uint8(code<> (nbits - rembits)) + dst[len(dst)-1] |= t + } + + return dst +} + +// HuffmanEncodeLength returns the number of bytes required to encode +// s in Huffman codes. The result is round up to byte boundary. +func HuffmanEncodeLength(s string) uint64 { + n := uint64(0) + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + n += uint64(huffmanCodeLen[s[i]]) + } + return (n + 7) / 8 +} + +// appendByteToHuffmanCode appends Huffman code for c to dst and +// returns the extended buffer and the remaining bits in the last +// element. The appending is not byte aligned and the remaining bits +// in the last element of dst is given in rembits. +func appendByteToHuffmanCode(dst []byte, rembits uint8, c byte) ([]byte, uint8) { + code := huffmanCodes[c] + nbits := huffmanCodeLen[c] + + for { + if rembits > nbits { + t := uint8(code << (rembits - nbits)) + dst[len(dst)-1] |= t + rembits -= nbits + break + } + + t := uint8(code >> (nbits - rembits)) + dst[len(dst)-1] |= t + + nbits -= rembits + rembits = 8 + + if nbits == 0 { + break + } + + dst = append(dst, 0) + } + + return dst, rembits +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/tables.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/tables.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a66cfbea6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack/tables.go @@ -0,0 +1,479 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package hpack + +import ( + "fmt" +) + +// headerFieldTable implements a list of HeaderFields. +// This is used to implement the static and dynamic tables. +type headerFieldTable struct { + // For static tables, entries are never evicted. + // + // For dynamic tables, entries are evicted from ents[0] and added to the end. + // Each entry has a unique id that starts at one and increments for each + // entry that is added. This unique id is stable across evictions, meaning + // it can be used as a pointer to a specific entry. As in hpack, unique ids + // are 1-based. The unique id for ents[k] is k + evictCount + 1. + // + // Zero is not a valid unique id. + // + // evictCount should not overflow in any remotely practical situation. In + // practice, we will have one dynamic table per HTTP/2 connection. If we + // assume a very powerful server that handles 1M QPS per connection and each + // request adds (then evicts) 100 entries from the table, it would still take + // 2M years for evictCount to overflow. + ents []HeaderField + evictCount uint64 + + // byName maps a HeaderField name to the unique id of the newest entry with + // the same name. See above for a definition of "unique id". + byName map[string]uint64 + + // byNameValue maps a HeaderField name/value pair to the unique id of the newest + // entry with the same name and value. See above for a definition of "unique id". + byNameValue map[pairNameValue]uint64 +} + +type pairNameValue struct { + name, value string +} + +func (t *headerFieldTable) init() { + t.byName = make(map[string]uint64) + t.byNameValue = make(map[pairNameValue]uint64) +} + +// len reports the number of entries in the table. +func (t *headerFieldTable) len() int { + return len(t.ents) +} + +// addEntry adds a new entry. +func (t *headerFieldTable) addEntry(f HeaderField) { + id := uint64(t.len()) + t.evictCount + 1 + t.byName[f.Name] = id + t.byNameValue[pairNameValue{f.Name, f.Value}] = id + t.ents = append(t.ents, f) +} + +// evictOldest evicts the n oldest entries in the table. +func (t *headerFieldTable) evictOldest(n int) { + if n > t.len() { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("evictOldest(%v) on table with %v entries", n, t.len())) + } + for k := 0; k < n; k++ { + f := t.ents[k] + id := t.evictCount + uint64(k) + 1 + if t.byName[f.Name] == id { + delete(t.byName, f.Name) + } + if p := (pairNameValue{f.Name, f.Value}); t.byNameValue[p] == id { + delete(t.byNameValue, p) + } + } + copy(t.ents, t.ents[n:]) + for k := t.len() - n; k < t.len(); k++ { + t.ents[k] = HeaderField{} // so strings can be garbage collected + } + t.ents = t.ents[:t.len()-n] + if t.evictCount+uint64(n) < t.evictCount { + panic("evictCount overflow") + } + t.evictCount += uint64(n) +} + +// search finds f in the table. If there is no match, i is 0. +// If both name and value match, i is the matched index and nameValueMatch +// becomes true. If only name matches, i points to that index and +// nameValueMatch becomes false. +// +// The returned index is a 1-based HPACK index. For dynamic tables, HPACK says +// that index 1 should be the newest entry, but t.ents[0] is the oldest entry, +// meaning t.ents is reversed for dynamic tables. Hence, when t is a dynamic +// table, the return value i actually refers to the entry t.ents[t.len()-i]. +// +// All tables are assumed to be a dynamic tables except for the global +// staticTable pointer. +// +// See Section 2.3.3. +func (t *headerFieldTable) search(f HeaderField) (i uint64, nameValueMatch bool) { + if !f.Sensitive { + if id := t.byNameValue[pairNameValue{f.Name, f.Value}]; id != 0 { + return t.idToIndex(id), true + } + } + if id := t.byName[f.Name]; id != 0 { + return t.idToIndex(id), false + } + return 0, false +} + +// idToIndex converts a unique id to an HPACK index. +// See Section 2.3.3. +func (t *headerFieldTable) idToIndex(id uint64) uint64 { + if id <= t.evictCount { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("id (%v) <= evictCount (%v)", id, t.evictCount)) + } + k := id - t.evictCount - 1 // convert id to an index t.ents[k] + if t != staticTable { + return uint64(t.len()) - k // dynamic table + } + return k + 1 +} + +// http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-header-compression-07#appendix-B +var staticTable = newStaticTable() +var staticTableEntries = [...]HeaderField{ + {Name: ":authority"}, + {Name: ":method", Value: "GET"}, + {Name: ":method", Value: "POST"}, + {Name: ":path", Value: "/"}, + {Name: ":path", Value: "/index.html"}, + {Name: ":scheme", Value: "http"}, + {Name: ":scheme", Value: "https"}, + {Name: ":status", Value: "200"}, + {Name: ":status", Value: "204"}, + {Name: ":status", Value: "206"}, + {Name: ":status", Value: "304"}, + {Name: ":status", Value: "400"}, + {Name: ":status", Value: "404"}, + {Name: ":status", Value: "500"}, + {Name: "accept-charset"}, + {Name: "accept-encoding", Value: "gzip, deflate"}, + {Name: "accept-language"}, + {Name: "accept-ranges"}, + {Name: "accept"}, + {Name: "access-control-allow-origin"}, + {Name: "age"}, + {Name: "allow"}, + {Name: "authorization"}, + {Name: "cache-control"}, + {Name: "content-disposition"}, + {Name: "content-encoding"}, + {Name: "content-language"}, + {Name: "content-length"}, + {Name: "content-location"}, + {Name: "content-range"}, + {Name: "content-type"}, + {Name: "cookie"}, + {Name: "date"}, + {Name: "etag"}, + {Name: "expect"}, + {Name: "expires"}, + {Name: "from"}, + {Name: "host"}, + {Name: "if-match"}, + {Name: "if-modified-since"}, + {Name: "if-none-match"}, + {Name: "if-range"}, + {Name: "if-unmodified-since"}, + {Name: "last-modified"}, + {Name: "link"}, + {Name: "location"}, + {Name: "max-forwards"}, + {Name: "proxy-authenticate"}, + {Name: "proxy-authorization"}, + {Name: "range"}, + {Name: "referer"}, + {Name: "refresh"}, + {Name: "retry-after"}, + {Name: "server"}, + {Name: "set-cookie"}, + {Name: "strict-transport-security"}, + {Name: "transfer-encoding"}, + {Name: "user-agent"}, + {Name: "vary"}, + {Name: "via"}, + {Name: "www-authenticate"}, +} + +func newStaticTable() *headerFieldTable { + t := &headerFieldTable{} + t.init() + for _, e := range staticTableEntries[:] { + t.addEntry(e) + } + return t +} + +var huffmanCodes = [256]uint32{ + 0x1ff8, + 0x7fffd8, + 0xfffffe2, + 0xfffffe3, + 0xfffffe4, + 0xfffffe5, + 0xfffffe6, + 0xfffffe7, + 0xfffffe8, + 0xffffea, + 0x3ffffffc, + 0xfffffe9, + 0xfffffea, + 0x3ffffffd, + 0xfffffeb, + 0xfffffec, + 0xfffffed, + 0xfffffee, + 0xfffffef, + 0xffffff0, + 0xffffff1, + 0xffffff2, + 0x3ffffffe, + 0xffffff3, + 0xffffff4, + 0xffffff5, + 0xffffff6, + 0xffffff7, + 0xffffff8, + 0xffffff9, + 0xffffffa, + 0xffffffb, + 0x14, + 0x3f8, + 0x3f9, + 0xffa, + 0x1ff9, + 0x15, + 0xf8, + 0x7fa, + 0x3fa, + 0x3fb, + 0xf9, + 0x7fb, + 0xfa, + 0x16, + 0x17, + 0x18, + 0x0, + 0x1, + 0x2, + 0x19, + 0x1a, + 0x1b, + 0x1c, + 0x1d, + 0x1e, + 0x1f, + 0x5c, + 0xfb, + 0x7ffc, + 0x20, + 0xffb, + 0x3fc, + 0x1ffa, + 0x21, + 0x5d, + 0x5e, + 0x5f, + 0x60, + 0x61, + 0x62, + 0x63, + 0x64, + 0x65, + 0x66, + 0x67, + 0x68, + 0x69, + 0x6a, + 0x6b, + 0x6c, + 0x6d, + 0x6e, + 0x6f, + 0x70, + 0x71, + 0x72, + 0xfc, + 0x73, + 0xfd, + 0x1ffb, + 0x7fff0, + 0x1ffc, + 0x3ffc, + 0x22, + 0x7ffd, + 0x3, + 0x23, + 0x4, + 0x24, + 0x5, + 0x25, + 0x26, + 0x27, + 0x6, + 0x74, + 0x75, + 0x28, + 0x29, + 0x2a, + 0x7, + 0x2b, + 0x76, + 0x2c, + 0x8, + 0x9, + 0x2d, + 0x77, + 0x78, + 0x79, + 0x7a, + 0x7b, + 0x7ffe, + 0x7fc, + 0x3ffd, + 0x1ffd, + 0xffffffc, + 0xfffe6, + 0x3fffd2, + 0xfffe7, + 0xfffe8, + 0x3fffd3, + 0x3fffd4, + 0x3fffd5, + 0x7fffd9, + 0x3fffd6, + 0x7fffda, + 0x7fffdb, + 0x7fffdc, + 0x7fffdd, + 0x7fffde, + 0xffffeb, + 0x7fffdf, + 0xffffec, + 0xffffed, + 0x3fffd7, + 0x7fffe0, + 0xffffee, + 0x7fffe1, + 0x7fffe2, + 0x7fffe3, + 0x7fffe4, + 0x1fffdc, + 0x3fffd8, + 0x7fffe5, + 0x3fffd9, + 0x7fffe6, + 0x7fffe7, + 0xffffef, + 0x3fffda, + 0x1fffdd, + 0xfffe9, + 0x3fffdb, + 0x3fffdc, + 0x7fffe8, + 0x7fffe9, + 0x1fffde, + 0x7fffea, + 0x3fffdd, + 0x3fffde, + 0xfffff0, + 0x1fffdf, + 0x3fffdf, + 0x7fffeb, + 0x7fffec, + 0x1fffe0, + 0x1fffe1, + 0x3fffe0, + 0x1fffe2, + 0x7fffed, + 0x3fffe1, + 0x7fffee, + 0x7fffef, + 0xfffea, + 0x3fffe2, + 0x3fffe3, + 0x3fffe4, + 0x7ffff0, + 0x3fffe5, + 0x3fffe6, + 0x7ffff1, + 0x3ffffe0, + 0x3ffffe1, + 0xfffeb, + 0x7fff1, + 0x3fffe7, + 0x7ffff2, + 0x3fffe8, + 0x1ffffec, + 0x3ffffe2, + 0x3ffffe3, + 0x3ffffe4, + 0x7ffffde, + 0x7ffffdf, + 0x3ffffe5, + 0xfffff1, + 0x1ffffed, + 0x7fff2, + 0x1fffe3, + 0x3ffffe6, + 0x7ffffe0, + 0x7ffffe1, + 0x3ffffe7, + 0x7ffffe2, + 0xfffff2, + 0x1fffe4, + 0x1fffe5, + 0x3ffffe8, + 0x3ffffe9, + 0xffffffd, + 0x7ffffe3, + 0x7ffffe4, + 0x7ffffe5, + 0xfffec, + 0xfffff3, + 0xfffed, + 0x1fffe6, + 0x3fffe9, + 0x1fffe7, + 0x1fffe8, + 0x7ffff3, + 0x3fffea, + 0x3fffeb, + 0x1ffffee, + 0x1ffffef, + 0xfffff4, + 0xfffff5, + 0x3ffffea, + 0x7ffff4, + 0x3ffffeb, + 0x7ffffe6, + 0x3ffffec, + 0x3ffffed, + 0x7ffffe7, + 0x7ffffe8, + 0x7ffffe9, + 0x7ffffea, + 0x7ffffeb, + 0xffffffe, + 0x7ffffec, + 0x7ffffed, + 0x7ffffee, + 0x7ffffef, + 0x7fffff0, + 0x3ffffee, +} + +var huffmanCodeLen = [256]uint8{ + 13, 23, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 24, 30, 28, 28, 30, 28, 28, + 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 30, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, + 6, 10, 10, 12, 13, 6, 8, 11, 10, 10, 8, 11, 8, 6, 6, 6, + 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 15, 6, 12, 10, + 13, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, + 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, 13, 19, 13, 14, 6, + 15, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, + 6, 7, 6, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 15, 11, 14, 13, 28, + 20, 22, 20, 20, 22, 22, 22, 23, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 23, + 24, 24, 22, 23, 24, 23, 23, 23, 23, 21, 22, 23, 22, 23, 23, 24, + 22, 21, 20, 22, 22, 23, 23, 21, 23, 22, 22, 24, 21, 22, 23, 23, + 21, 21, 22, 21, 23, 22, 23, 23, 20, 22, 22, 22, 23, 22, 22, 23, + 26, 26, 20, 19, 22, 23, 22, 25, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 26, 24, 25, + 19, 21, 26, 27, 27, 26, 27, 24, 21, 21, 26, 26, 28, 27, 27, 27, + 20, 24, 20, 21, 22, 21, 21, 23, 22, 22, 25, 25, 24, 24, 26, 23, + 26, 27, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 26, +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/http2.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/http2.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..479ba4b2b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/http2.go @@ -0,0 +1,385 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package http2 implements the HTTP/2 protocol. +// +// This package is low-level and intended to be used directly by very +// few people. Most users will use it indirectly through the automatic +// use by the net/http package (from Go 1.6 and later). +// For use in earlier Go versions see ConfigureServer. (Transport support +// requires Go 1.6 or later) +// +// See https://http2.github.io/ for more information on HTTP/2. +// +// See https://http2.golang.org/ for a test server running this code. +package http2 // import "golang.org/x/net/http2" + +import ( + "bufio" + "crypto/tls" + "fmt" + "io" + "net/http" + "os" + "sort" + "strconv" + "strings" + "sync" + + "golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts" +) + +var ( + VerboseLogs bool + logFrameWrites bool + logFrameReads bool + inTests bool +) + +func init() { + e := os.Getenv("GODEBUG") + if strings.Contains(e, "http2debug=1") { + VerboseLogs = true + } + if strings.Contains(e, "http2debug=2") { + VerboseLogs = true + logFrameWrites = true + logFrameReads = true + } +} + +const ( + // ClientPreface is the string that must be sent by new + // connections from clients. + ClientPreface = "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n" + + // SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE default + // http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#rfc.section.6.5.2 + initialMaxFrameSize = 16384 + + // NextProtoTLS is the NPN/ALPN protocol negotiated during + // HTTP/2's TLS setup. + NextProtoTLS = "h2" + + // http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#SettingValues + initialHeaderTableSize = 4096 + + initialWindowSize = 65535 // 6.9.2 Initial Flow Control Window Size + + defaultMaxReadFrameSize = 1 << 20 +) + +var ( + clientPreface = []byte(ClientPreface) +) + +type streamState int + +// HTTP/2 stream states. +// +// See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-5.1. +// +// For simplicity, the server code merges "reserved (local)" into +// "half-closed (remote)". This is one less state transition to track. +// The only downside is that we send PUSH_PROMISEs slightly less +// liberally than allowable. More discussion here: +// https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-wg/2016JulSep/0599.html +// +// "reserved (remote)" is omitted since the client code does not +// support server push. +const ( + stateIdle streamState = iota + stateOpen + stateHalfClosedLocal + stateHalfClosedRemote + stateClosed +) + +var stateName = [...]string{ + stateIdle: "Idle", + stateOpen: "Open", + stateHalfClosedLocal: "HalfClosedLocal", + stateHalfClosedRemote: "HalfClosedRemote", + stateClosed: "Closed", +} + +func (st streamState) String() string { + return stateName[st] +} + +// Setting is a setting parameter: which setting it is, and its value. +type Setting struct { + // ID is which setting is being set. + // See http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#SettingValues + ID SettingID + + // Val is the value. + Val uint32 +} + +func (s Setting) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("[%v = %d]", s.ID, s.Val) +} + +// Valid reports whether the setting is valid. +func (s Setting) Valid() error { + // Limits and error codes from 6.5.2 Defined SETTINGS Parameters + switch s.ID { + case SettingEnablePush: + if s.Val != 1 && s.Val != 0 { + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + case SettingInitialWindowSize: + if s.Val > 1<<31-1 { + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeFlowControl) + } + case SettingMaxFrameSize: + if s.Val < 16384 || s.Val > 1<<24-1 { + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + } + return nil +} + +// A SettingID is an HTTP/2 setting as defined in +// http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/#iana-settings +type SettingID uint16 + +const ( + SettingHeaderTableSize SettingID = 0x1 + SettingEnablePush SettingID = 0x2 + SettingMaxConcurrentStreams SettingID = 0x3 + SettingInitialWindowSize SettingID = 0x4 + SettingMaxFrameSize SettingID = 0x5 + SettingMaxHeaderListSize SettingID = 0x6 +) + +var settingName = map[SettingID]string{ + SettingHeaderTableSize: "HEADER_TABLE_SIZE", + SettingEnablePush: "ENABLE_PUSH", + SettingMaxConcurrentStreams: "MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS", + SettingInitialWindowSize: "INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE", + SettingMaxFrameSize: "MAX_FRAME_SIZE", + SettingMaxHeaderListSize: "MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE", +} + +func (s SettingID) String() string { + if v, ok := settingName[s]; ok { + return v + } + return fmt.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_SETTING_%d", uint16(s)) +} + +// validWireHeaderFieldName reports whether v is a valid header field +// name (key). See httpguts.ValidHeaderName for the base rules. +// +// Further, http2 says: +// +// "Just as in HTTP/1.x, header field names are strings of ASCII +// characters that are compared in a case-insensitive +// fashion. However, header field names MUST be converted to +// lowercase prior to their encoding in HTTP/2. " +func validWireHeaderFieldName(v string) bool { + if len(v) == 0 { + return false + } + for _, r := range v { + if !httpguts.IsTokenRune(r) { + return false + } + if 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +func httpCodeString(code int) string { + switch code { + case 200: + return "200" + case 404: + return "404" + } + return strconv.Itoa(code) +} + +// from pkg io +type stringWriter interface { + WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) +} + +// A gate lets two goroutines coordinate their activities. +type gate chan struct{} + +func (g gate) Done() { g <- struct{}{} } +func (g gate) Wait() { <-g } + +// A closeWaiter is like a sync.WaitGroup but only goes 1 to 0 (open to closed). +type closeWaiter chan struct{} + +// Init makes a closeWaiter usable. +// It exists because so a closeWaiter value can be placed inside a +// larger struct and have the Mutex and Cond's memory in the same +// allocation. +func (cw *closeWaiter) Init() { + *cw = make(chan struct{}) +} + +// Close marks the closeWaiter as closed and unblocks any waiters. +func (cw closeWaiter) Close() { + close(cw) +} + +// Wait waits for the closeWaiter to become closed. +func (cw closeWaiter) Wait() { + <-cw +} + +// bufferedWriter is a buffered writer that writes to w. +// Its buffered writer is lazily allocated as needed, to minimize +// idle memory usage with many connections. +type bufferedWriter struct { + _ incomparable + w io.Writer // immutable + bw *bufio.Writer // non-nil when data is buffered +} + +func newBufferedWriter(w io.Writer) *bufferedWriter { + return &bufferedWriter{w: w} +} + +// bufWriterPoolBufferSize is the size of bufio.Writer's +// buffers created using bufWriterPool. +// +// TODO: pick a less arbitrary value? this is a bit under +// (3 x typical 1500 byte MTU) at least. Other than that, +// not much thought went into it. +const bufWriterPoolBufferSize = 4 << 10 + +var bufWriterPool = sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + return bufio.NewWriterSize(nil, bufWriterPoolBufferSize) + }, +} + +func (w *bufferedWriter) Available() int { + if w.bw == nil { + return bufWriterPoolBufferSize + } + return w.bw.Available() +} + +func (w *bufferedWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + if w.bw == nil { + bw := bufWriterPool.Get().(*bufio.Writer) + bw.Reset(w.w) + w.bw = bw + } + return w.bw.Write(p) +} + +func (w *bufferedWriter) Flush() error { + bw := w.bw + if bw == nil { + return nil + } + err := bw.Flush() + bw.Reset(nil) + bufWriterPool.Put(bw) + w.bw = nil + return err +} + +func mustUint31(v int32) uint32 { + if v < 0 || v > 2147483647 { + panic("out of range") + } + return uint32(v) +} + +// bodyAllowedForStatus reports whether a given response status code +// permits a body. See RFC 7230, section 3.3. +func bodyAllowedForStatus(status int) bool { + switch { + case status >= 100 && status <= 199: + return false + case status == 204: + return false + case status == 304: + return false + } + return true +} + +type httpError struct { + _ incomparable + msg string + timeout bool +} + +func (e *httpError) Error() string { return e.msg } +func (e *httpError) Timeout() bool { return e.timeout } +func (e *httpError) Temporary() bool { return true } + +var errTimeout error = &httpError{msg: "http2: timeout awaiting response headers", timeout: true} + +type connectionStater interface { + ConnectionState() tls.ConnectionState +} + +var sorterPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return new(sorter) }} + +type sorter struct { + v []string // owned by sorter +} + +func (s *sorter) Len() int { return len(s.v) } +func (s *sorter) Swap(i, j int) { s.v[i], s.v[j] = s.v[j], s.v[i] } +func (s *sorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return s.v[i] < s.v[j] } + +// Keys returns the sorted keys of h. +// +// The returned slice is only valid until s used again or returned to +// its pool. +func (s *sorter) Keys(h http.Header) []string { + keys := s.v[:0] + for k := range h { + keys = append(keys, k) + } + s.v = keys + sort.Sort(s) + return keys +} + +func (s *sorter) SortStrings(ss []string) { + // Our sorter works on s.v, which sorter owns, so + // stash it away while we sort the user's buffer. + save := s.v + s.v = ss + sort.Sort(s) + s.v = save +} + +// validPseudoPath reports whether v is a valid :path pseudo-header +// value. It must be either: +// +// - a non-empty string starting with '/' +// - the string '*', for OPTIONS requests. +// +// For now this is only used a quick check for deciding when to clean +// up Opaque URLs before sending requests from the Transport. +// See golang.org/issue/16847 +// +// We used to enforce that the path also didn't start with "//", but +// Google's GFE accepts such paths and Chrome sends them, so ignore +// that part of the spec. See golang.org/issue/19103. +func validPseudoPath(v string) bool { + return (len(v) > 0 && v[0] == '/') || v == "*" +} + +// incomparable is a zero-width, non-comparable type. Adding it to a struct +// makes that struct also non-comparable, and generally doesn't add +// any size (as long as it's first). +type incomparable [0]func() diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/not_go111.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/not_go111.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc0baa819 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/not_go111.go @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !go1.11 +// +build !go1.11 + +package http2 + +import ( + "net/http/httptrace" + "net/textproto" +) + +func traceHasWroteHeaderField(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) bool { return false } + +func traceWroteHeaderField(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace, k, v string) {} + +func traceGot1xxResponseFunc(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) func(int, textproto.MIMEHeader) error { + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/not_go115.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/not_go115.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6c04cf7a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/not_go115.go @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !go1.15 +// +build !go1.15 + +package http2 + +import ( + "context" + "crypto/tls" +) + +// dialTLSWithContext opens a TLS connection. +func (t *Transport) dialTLSWithContext(ctx context.Context, network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (*tls.Conn, error) { + cn, err := tls.Dial(network, addr, cfg) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err := cn.Handshake(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if cfg.InsecureSkipVerify { + return cn, nil + } + if err := cn.VerifyHostname(cfg.ServerName); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return cn, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/not_go118.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/not_go118.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eab532c96 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/not_go118.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build !go1.18 +// +build !go1.18 + +package http2 + +import ( + "crypto/tls" + "net" +) + +func tlsUnderlyingConn(tc *tls.Conn) net.Conn { + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/pipe.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/pipe.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c15b8a771 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/pipe.go @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package http2 + +import ( + "errors" + "io" + "sync" +) + +// pipe is a goroutine-safe io.Reader/io.Writer pair. It's like +// io.Pipe except there are no PipeReader/PipeWriter halves, and the +// underlying buffer is an interface. (io.Pipe is always unbuffered) +type pipe struct { + mu sync.Mutex + c sync.Cond // c.L lazily initialized to &p.mu + b pipeBuffer // nil when done reading + unread int // bytes unread when done + err error // read error once empty. non-nil means closed. + breakErr error // immediate read error (caller doesn't see rest of b) + donec chan struct{} // closed on error + readFn func() // optional code to run in Read before error +} + +type pipeBuffer interface { + Len() int + io.Writer + io.Reader +} + +// setBuffer initializes the pipe buffer. +// It has no effect if the pipe is already closed. +func (p *pipe) setBuffer(b pipeBuffer) { + p.mu.Lock() + defer p.mu.Unlock() + if p.err != nil || p.breakErr != nil { + return + } + p.b = b +} + +func (p *pipe) Len() int { + p.mu.Lock() + defer p.mu.Unlock() + if p.b == nil { + return p.unread + } + return p.b.Len() +} + +// Read waits until data is available and copies bytes +// from the buffer into p. +func (p *pipe) Read(d []byte) (n int, err error) { + p.mu.Lock() + defer p.mu.Unlock() + if p.c.L == nil { + p.c.L = &p.mu + } + for { + if p.breakErr != nil { + return 0, p.breakErr + } + if p.b != nil && p.b.Len() > 0 { + return p.b.Read(d) + } + if p.err != nil { + if p.readFn != nil { + p.readFn() // e.g. copy trailers + p.readFn = nil // not sticky like p.err + } + p.b = nil + return 0, p.err + } + p.c.Wait() + } +} + +var errClosedPipeWrite = errors.New("write on closed buffer") + +// Write copies bytes from p into the buffer and wakes a reader. +// It is an error to write more data than the buffer can hold. +func (p *pipe) Write(d []byte) (n int, err error) { + p.mu.Lock() + defer p.mu.Unlock() + if p.c.L == nil { + p.c.L = &p.mu + } + defer p.c.Signal() + if p.err != nil { + return 0, errClosedPipeWrite + } + if p.breakErr != nil { + p.unread += len(d) + return len(d), nil // discard when there is no reader + } + return p.b.Write(d) +} + +// CloseWithError causes the next Read (waking up a current blocked +// Read if needed) to return the provided err after all data has been +// read. +// +// The error must be non-nil. +func (p *pipe) CloseWithError(err error) { p.closeWithError(&p.err, err, nil) } + +// BreakWithError causes the next Read (waking up a current blocked +// Read if needed) to return the provided err immediately, without +// waiting for unread data. +func (p *pipe) BreakWithError(err error) { p.closeWithError(&p.breakErr, err, nil) } + +// closeWithErrorAndCode is like CloseWithError but also sets some code to run +// in the caller's goroutine before returning the error. +func (p *pipe) closeWithErrorAndCode(err error, fn func()) { p.closeWithError(&p.err, err, fn) } + +func (p *pipe) closeWithError(dst *error, err error, fn func()) { + if err == nil { + panic("err must be non-nil") + } + p.mu.Lock() + defer p.mu.Unlock() + if p.c.L == nil { + p.c.L = &p.mu + } + defer p.c.Signal() + if *dst != nil { + // Already been done. + return + } + p.readFn = fn + if dst == &p.breakErr { + if p.b != nil { + p.unread += p.b.Len() + } + p.b = nil + } + *dst = err + p.closeDoneLocked() +} + +// requires p.mu be held. +func (p *pipe) closeDoneLocked() { + if p.donec == nil { + return + } + // Close if unclosed. This isn't racy since we always + // hold p.mu while closing. + select { + case <-p.donec: + default: + close(p.donec) + } +} + +// Err returns the error (if any) first set by BreakWithError or CloseWithError. +func (p *pipe) Err() error { + p.mu.Lock() + defer p.mu.Unlock() + if p.breakErr != nil { + return p.breakErr + } + return p.err +} + +// Done returns a channel which is closed if and when this pipe is closed +// with CloseWithError. +func (p *pipe) Done() <-chan struct{} { + p.mu.Lock() + defer p.mu.Unlock() + if p.donec == nil { + p.donec = make(chan struct{}) + if p.err != nil || p.breakErr != nil { + // Already hit an error. + p.closeDoneLocked() + } + } + return p.donec +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/server.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/server.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e2583c98 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/server.go @@ -0,0 +1,3053 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// TODO: turn off the serve goroutine when idle, so +// an idle conn only has the readFrames goroutine active. (which could +// also be optimized probably to pin less memory in crypto/tls). This +// would involve tracking when the serve goroutine is active (atomic +// int32 read/CAS probably?) and starting it up when frames arrive, +// and shutting it down when all handlers exit. the occasional PING +// packets could use time.AfterFunc to call sc.wakeStartServeLoop() +// (which is a no-op if already running) and then queue the PING write +// as normal. The serve loop would then exit in most cases (if no +// Handlers running) and not be woken up again until the PING packet +// returns. + +// TODO (maybe): add a mechanism for Handlers to going into +// half-closed-local mode (rw.(io.Closer) test?) but not exit their +// handler, and continue to be able to read from the +// Request.Body. This would be a somewhat semantic change from HTTP/1 +// (or at least what we expose in net/http), so I'd probably want to +// add it there too. For now, this package says that returning from +// the Handler ServeHTTP function means you're both done reading and +// done writing, without a way to stop just one or the other. + +package http2 + +import ( + "bufio" + "bytes" + "context" + "crypto/tls" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "log" + "math" + "net" + "net/http" + "net/textproto" + "net/url" + "os" + "reflect" + "runtime" + "strconv" + "strings" + "sync" + "time" + + "golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts" + "golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack" +) + +const ( + prefaceTimeout = 10 * time.Second + firstSettingsTimeout = 2 * time.Second // should be in-flight with preface anyway + handlerChunkWriteSize = 4 << 10 + defaultMaxStreams = 250 // TODO: make this 100 as the GFE seems to? + maxQueuedControlFrames = 10000 +) + +var ( + errClientDisconnected = errors.New("client disconnected") + errClosedBody = errors.New("body closed by handler") + errHandlerComplete = errors.New("http2: request body closed due to handler exiting") + errStreamClosed = errors.New("http2: stream closed") +) + +var responseWriterStatePool = sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + rws := &responseWriterState{} + rws.bw = bufio.NewWriterSize(chunkWriter{rws}, handlerChunkWriteSize) + return rws + }, +} + +// Test hooks. +var ( + testHookOnConn func() + testHookGetServerConn func(*serverConn) + testHookOnPanicMu *sync.Mutex // nil except in tests + testHookOnPanic func(sc *serverConn, panicVal interface{}) (rePanic bool) +) + +// Server is an HTTP/2 server. +type Server struct { + // MaxHandlers limits the number of http.Handler ServeHTTP goroutines + // which may run at a time over all connections. + // Negative or zero no limit. + // TODO: implement + MaxHandlers int + + // MaxConcurrentStreams optionally specifies the number of + // concurrent streams that each client may have open at a + // time. This is unrelated to the number of http.Handler goroutines + // which may be active globally, which is MaxHandlers. + // If zero, MaxConcurrentStreams defaults to at least 100, per + // the HTTP/2 spec's recommendations. + MaxConcurrentStreams uint32 + + // MaxReadFrameSize optionally specifies the largest frame + // this server is willing to read. A valid value is between + // 16k and 16M, inclusive. If zero or otherwise invalid, a + // default value is used. + MaxReadFrameSize uint32 + + // PermitProhibitedCipherSuites, if true, permits the use of + // cipher suites prohibited by the HTTP/2 spec. + PermitProhibitedCipherSuites bool + + // IdleTimeout specifies how long until idle clients should be + // closed with a GOAWAY frame. PING frames are not considered + // activity for the purposes of IdleTimeout. + IdleTimeout time.Duration + + // MaxUploadBufferPerConnection is the size of the initial flow + // control window for each connections. The HTTP/2 spec does not + // allow this to be smaller than 65535 or larger than 2^32-1. + // If the value is outside this range, a default value will be + // used instead. + MaxUploadBufferPerConnection int32 + + // MaxUploadBufferPerStream is the size of the initial flow control + // window for each stream. The HTTP/2 spec does not allow this to + // be larger than 2^32-1. If the value is zero or larger than the + // maximum, a default value will be used instead. + MaxUploadBufferPerStream int32 + + // NewWriteScheduler constructs a write scheduler for a connection. + // If nil, a default scheduler is chosen. + NewWriteScheduler func() WriteScheduler + + // CountError, if non-nil, is called on HTTP/2 server errors. + // It's intended to increment a metric for monitoring, such + // as an expvar or Prometheus metric. + // The errType consists of only ASCII word characters. + CountError func(errType string) + + // Internal state. This is a pointer (rather than embedded directly) + // so that we don't embed a Mutex in this struct, which will make the + // struct non-copyable, which might break some callers. + state *serverInternalState +} + +func (s *Server) initialConnRecvWindowSize() int32 { + if s.MaxUploadBufferPerConnection > initialWindowSize { + return s.MaxUploadBufferPerConnection + } + return 1 << 20 +} + +func (s *Server) initialStreamRecvWindowSize() int32 { + if s.MaxUploadBufferPerStream > 0 { + return s.MaxUploadBufferPerStream + } + return 1 << 20 +} + +func (s *Server) maxReadFrameSize() uint32 { + if v := s.MaxReadFrameSize; v >= minMaxFrameSize && v <= maxFrameSize { + return v + } + return defaultMaxReadFrameSize +} + +func (s *Server) maxConcurrentStreams() uint32 { + if v := s.MaxConcurrentStreams; v > 0 { + return v + } + return defaultMaxStreams +} + +// maxQueuedControlFrames is the maximum number of control frames like +// SETTINGS, PING and RST_STREAM that will be queued for writing before +// the connection is closed to prevent memory exhaustion attacks. +func (s *Server) maxQueuedControlFrames() int { + // TODO: if anybody asks, add a Server field, and remember to define the + // behavior of negative values. + return maxQueuedControlFrames +} + +type serverInternalState struct { + mu sync.Mutex + activeConns map[*serverConn]struct{} +} + +func (s *serverInternalState) registerConn(sc *serverConn) { + if s == nil { + return // if the Server was used without calling ConfigureServer + } + s.mu.Lock() + s.activeConns[sc] = struct{}{} + s.mu.Unlock() +} + +func (s *serverInternalState) unregisterConn(sc *serverConn) { + if s == nil { + return // if the Server was used without calling ConfigureServer + } + s.mu.Lock() + delete(s.activeConns, sc) + s.mu.Unlock() +} + +func (s *serverInternalState) startGracefulShutdown() { + if s == nil { + return // if the Server was used without calling ConfigureServer + } + s.mu.Lock() + for sc := range s.activeConns { + sc.startGracefulShutdown() + } + s.mu.Unlock() +} + +// ConfigureServer adds HTTP/2 support to a net/http Server. +// +// The configuration conf may be nil. +// +// ConfigureServer must be called before s begins serving. +func ConfigureServer(s *http.Server, conf *Server) error { + if s == nil { + panic("nil *http.Server") + } + if conf == nil { + conf = new(Server) + } + conf.state = &serverInternalState{activeConns: make(map[*serverConn]struct{})} + if h1, h2 := s, conf; h2.IdleTimeout == 0 { + if h1.IdleTimeout != 0 { + h2.IdleTimeout = h1.IdleTimeout + } else { + h2.IdleTimeout = h1.ReadTimeout + } + } + s.RegisterOnShutdown(conf.state.startGracefulShutdown) + + if s.TLSConfig == nil { + s.TLSConfig = new(tls.Config) + } else if s.TLSConfig.CipherSuites != nil && s.TLSConfig.MinVersion < tls.VersionTLS13 { + // If they already provided a TLS 1.0–1.2 CipherSuite list, return an + // error if it is missing ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 or + // ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256. + haveRequired := false + for _, cs := range s.TLSConfig.CipherSuites { + switch cs { + case tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, + // Alternative MTI cipher to not discourage ECDSA-only servers. + // See http://golang.org/cl/30721 for further information. + tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: + haveRequired = true + } + } + if !haveRequired { + return fmt.Errorf("http2: TLSConfig.CipherSuites is missing an HTTP/2-required AES_128_GCM_SHA256 cipher (need at least one of TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 or TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)") + } + } + + // Note: not setting MinVersion to tls.VersionTLS12, + // as we don't want to interfere with HTTP/1.1 traffic + // on the user's server. We enforce TLS 1.2 later once + // we accept a connection. Ideally this should be done + // during next-proto selection, but using TLS <1.2 with + // HTTP/2 is still the client's bug. + + s.TLSConfig.PreferServerCipherSuites = true + + if !strSliceContains(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, NextProtoTLS) { + s.TLSConfig.NextProtos = append(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, NextProtoTLS) + } + if !strSliceContains(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, "http/1.1") { + s.TLSConfig.NextProtos = append(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, "http/1.1") + } + + if s.TLSNextProto == nil { + s.TLSNextProto = map[string]func(*http.Server, *tls.Conn, http.Handler){} + } + protoHandler := func(hs *http.Server, c *tls.Conn, h http.Handler) { + if testHookOnConn != nil { + testHookOnConn() + } + // The TLSNextProto interface predates contexts, so + // the net/http package passes down its per-connection + // base context via an exported but unadvertised + // method on the Handler. This is for internal + // net/http<=>http2 use only. + var ctx context.Context + type baseContexter interface { + BaseContext() context.Context + } + if bc, ok := h.(baseContexter); ok { + ctx = bc.BaseContext() + } + conf.ServeConn(c, &ServeConnOpts{ + Context: ctx, + Handler: h, + BaseConfig: hs, + }) + } + s.TLSNextProto[NextProtoTLS] = protoHandler + return nil +} + +// ServeConnOpts are options for the Server.ServeConn method. +type ServeConnOpts struct { + // Context is the base context to use. + // If nil, context.Background is used. + Context context.Context + + // BaseConfig optionally sets the base configuration + // for values. If nil, defaults are used. + BaseConfig *http.Server + + // Handler specifies which handler to use for processing + // requests. If nil, BaseConfig.Handler is used. If BaseConfig + // or BaseConfig.Handler is nil, http.DefaultServeMux is used. + Handler http.Handler +} + +func (o *ServeConnOpts) context() context.Context { + if o != nil && o.Context != nil { + return o.Context + } + return context.Background() +} + +func (o *ServeConnOpts) baseConfig() *http.Server { + if o != nil && o.BaseConfig != nil { + return o.BaseConfig + } + return new(http.Server) +} + +func (o *ServeConnOpts) handler() http.Handler { + if o != nil { + if o.Handler != nil { + return o.Handler + } + if o.BaseConfig != nil && o.BaseConfig.Handler != nil { + return o.BaseConfig.Handler + } + } + return http.DefaultServeMux +} + +// ServeConn serves HTTP/2 requests on the provided connection and +// blocks until the connection is no longer readable. +// +// ServeConn starts speaking HTTP/2 assuming that c has not had any +// reads or writes. It writes its initial settings frame and expects +// to be able to read the preface and settings frame from the +// client. If c has a ConnectionState method like a *tls.Conn, the +// ConnectionState is used to verify the TLS ciphersuite and to set +// the Request.TLS field in Handlers. +// +// ServeConn does not support h2c by itself. Any h2c support must be +// implemented in terms of providing a suitably-behaving net.Conn. +// +// The opts parameter is optional. If nil, default values are used. +func (s *Server) ServeConn(c net.Conn, opts *ServeConnOpts) { + baseCtx, cancel := serverConnBaseContext(c, opts) + defer cancel() + + sc := &serverConn{ + srv: s, + hs: opts.baseConfig(), + conn: c, + baseCtx: baseCtx, + remoteAddrStr: c.RemoteAddr().String(), + bw: newBufferedWriter(c), + handler: opts.handler(), + streams: make(map[uint32]*stream), + readFrameCh: make(chan readFrameResult), + wantWriteFrameCh: make(chan FrameWriteRequest, 8), + serveMsgCh: make(chan interface{}, 8), + wroteFrameCh: make(chan frameWriteResult, 1), // buffered; one send in writeFrameAsync + bodyReadCh: make(chan bodyReadMsg), // buffering doesn't matter either way + doneServing: make(chan struct{}), + clientMaxStreams: math.MaxUint32, // Section 6.5.2: "Initially, there is no limit to this value" + advMaxStreams: s.maxConcurrentStreams(), + initialStreamSendWindowSize: initialWindowSize, + maxFrameSize: initialMaxFrameSize, + headerTableSize: initialHeaderTableSize, + serveG: newGoroutineLock(), + pushEnabled: true, + } + + s.state.registerConn(sc) + defer s.state.unregisterConn(sc) + + // The net/http package sets the write deadline from the + // http.Server.WriteTimeout during the TLS handshake, but then + // passes the connection off to us with the deadline already set. + // Write deadlines are set per stream in serverConn.newStream. + // Disarm the net.Conn write deadline here. + if sc.hs.WriteTimeout != 0 { + sc.conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Time{}) + } + + if s.NewWriteScheduler != nil { + sc.writeSched = s.NewWriteScheduler() + } else { + sc.writeSched = NewPriorityWriteScheduler(nil) + } + + // These start at the RFC-specified defaults. If there is a higher + // configured value for inflow, that will be updated when we send a + // WINDOW_UPDATE shortly after sending SETTINGS. + sc.flow.add(initialWindowSize) + sc.inflow.add(initialWindowSize) + sc.hpackEncoder = hpack.NewEncoder(&sc.headerWriteBuf) + + fr := NewFramer(sc.bw, c) + if s.CountError != nil { + fr.countError = s.CountError + } + fr.ReadMetaHeaders = hpack.NewDecoder(initialHeaderTableSize, nil) + fr.MaxHeaderListSize = sc.maxHeaderListSize() + fr.SetMaxReadFrameSize(s.maxReadFrameSize()) + sc.framer = fr + + if tc, ok := c.(connectionStater); ok { + sc.tlsState = new(tls.ConnectionState) + *sc.tlsState = tc.ConnectionState() + // 9.2 Use of TLS Features + // An implementation of HTTP/2 over TLS MUST use TLS + // 1.2 or higher with the restrictions on feature set + // and cipher suite described in this section. Due to + // implementation limitations, it might not be + // possible to fail TLS negotiation. An endpoint MUST + // immediately terminate an HTTP/2 connection that + // does not meet the TLS requirements described in + // this section with a connection error (Section + // 5.4.1) of type INADEQUATE_SECURITY. + if sc.tlsState.Version < tls.VersionTLS12 { + sc.rejectConn(ErrCodeInadequateSecurity, "TLS version too low") + return + } + + if sc.tlsState.ServerName == "" { + // Client must use SNI, but we don't enforce that anymore, + // since it was causing problems when connecting to bare IP + // addresses during development. + // + // TODO: optionally enforce? Or enforce at the time we receive + // a new request, and verify the ServerName matches the :authority? + // But that precludes proxy situations, perhaps. + // + // So for now, do nothing here again. + } + + if !s.PermitProhibitedCipherSuites && isBadCipher(sc.tlsState.CipherSuite) { + // "Endpoints MAY choose to generate a connection error + // (Section 5.4.1) of type INADEQUATE_SECURITY if one of + // the prohibited cipher suites are negotiated." + // + // We choose that. In my opinion, the spec is weak + // here. It also says both parties must support at least + // TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 so there's no + // excuses here. If we really must, we could allow an + // "AllowInsecureWeakCiphers" option on the server later. + // Let's see how it plays out first. + sc.rejectConn(ErrCodeInadequateSecurity, fmt.Sprintf("Prohibited TLS 1.2 Cipher Suite: %x", sc.tlsState.CipherSuite)) + return + } + } + + if hook := testHookGetServerConn; hook != nil { + hook(sc) + } + sc.serve() +} + +func serverConnBaseContext(c net.Conn, opts *ServeConnOpts) (ctx context.Context, cancel func()) { + ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(opts.context()) + ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, http.LocalAddrContextKey, c.LocalAddr()) + if hs := opts.baseConfig(); hs != nil { + ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, http.ServerContextKey, hs) + } + return +} + +func (sc *serverConn) rejectConn(err ErrCode, debug string) { + sc.vlogf("http2: server rejecting conn: %v, %s", err, debug) + // ignoring errors. hanging up anyway. + sc.framer.WriteGoAway(0, err, []byte(debug)) + sc.bw.Flush() + sc.conn.Close() +} + +type serverConn struct { + // Immutable: + srv *Server + hs *http.Server + conn net.Conn + bw *bufferedWriter // writing to conn + handler http.Handler + baseCtx context.Context + framer *Framer + doneServing chan struct{} // closed when serverConn.serve ends + readFrameCh chan readFrameResult // written by serverConn.readFrames + wantWriteFrameCh chan FrameWriteRequest // from handlers -> serve + wroteFrameCh chan frameWriteResult // from writeFrameAsync -> serve, tickles more frame writes + bodyReadCh chan bodyReadMsg // from handlers -> serve + serveMsgCh chan interface{} // misc messages & code to send to / run on the serve loop + flow flow // conn-wide (not stream-specific) outbound flow control + inflow flow // conn-wide inbound flow control + tlsState *tls.ConnectionState // shared by all handlers, like net/http + remoteAddrStr string + writeSched WriteScheduler + + // Everything following is owned by the serve loop; use serveG.check(): + serveG goroutineLock // used to verify funcs are on serve() + pushEnabled bool + sawFirstSettings bool // got the initial SETTINGS frame after the preface + needToSendSettingsAck bool + unackedSettings int // how many SETTINGS have we sent without ACKs? + queuedControlFrames int // control frames in the writeSched queue + clientMaxStreams uint32 // SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS from client (our PUSH_PROMISE limit) + advMaxStreams uint32 // our SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS advertised the client + curClientStreams uint32 // number of open streams initiated by the client + curPushedStreams uint32 // number of open streams initiated by server push + maxClientStreamID uint32 // max ever seen from client (odd), or 0 if there have been no client requests + maxPushPromiseID uint32 // ID of the last push promise (even), or 0 if there have been no pushes + streams map[uint32]*stream + initialStreamSendWindowSize int32 + maxFrameSize int32 + headerTableSize uint32 + peerMaxHeaderListSize uint32 // zero means unknown (default) + canonHeader map[string]string // http2-lower-case -> Go-Canonical-Case + writingFrame bool // started writing a frame (on serve goroutine or separate) + writingFrameAsync bool // started a frame on its own goroutine but haven't heard back on wroteFrameCh + needsFrameFlush bool // last frame write wasn't a flush + inGoAway bool // we've started to or sent GOAWAY + inFrameScheduleLoop bool // whether we're in the scheduleFrameWrite loop + needToSendGoAway bool // we need to schedule a GOAWAY frame write + goAwayCode ErrCode + shutdownTimer *time.Timer // nil until used + idleTimer *time.Timer // nil if unused + + // Owned by the writeFrameAsync goroutine: + headerWriteBuf bytes.Buffer + hpackEncoder *hpack.Encoder + + // Used by startGracefulShutdown. + shutdownOnce sync.Once +} + +func (sc *serverConn) maxHeaderListSize() uint32 { + n := sc.hs.MaxHeaderBytes + if n <= 0 { + n = http.DefaultMaxHeaderBytes + } + // http2's count is in a slightly different unit and includes 32 bytes per pair. + // So, take the net/http.Server value and pad it up a bit, assuming 10 headers. + const perFieldOverhead = 32 // per http2 spec + const typicalHeaders = 10 // conservative + return uint32(n + typicalHeaders*perFieldOverhead) +} + +func (sc *serverConn) curOpenStreams() uint32 { + sc.serveG.check() + return sc.curClientStreams + sc.curPushedStreams +} + +// stream represents a stream. This is the minimal metadata needed by +// the serve goroutine. Most of the actual stream state is owned by +// the http.Handler's goroutine in the responseWriter. Because the +// responseWriter's responseWriterState is recycled at the end of a +// handler, this struct intentionally has no pointer to the +// *responseWriter{,State} itself, as the Handler ending nils out the +// responseWriter's state field. +type stream struct { + // immutable: + sc *serverConn + id uint32 + body *pipe // non-nil if expecting DATA frames + cw closeWaiter // closed wait stream transitions to closed state + ctx context.Context + cancelCtx func() + + // owned by serverConn's serve loop: + bodyBytes int64 // body bytes seen so far + declBodyBytes int64 // or -1 if undeclared + flow flow // limits writing from Handler to client + inflow flow // what the client is allowed to POST/etc to us + state streamState + resetQueued bool // RST_STREAM queued for write; set by sc.resetStream + gotTrailerHeader bool // HEADER frame for trailers was seen + wroteHeaders bool // whether we wrote headers (not status 100) + writeDeadline *time.Timer // nil if unused + + trailer http.Header // accumulated trailers + reqTrailer http.Header // handler's Request.Trailer +} + +func (sc *serverConn) Framer() *Framer { return sc.framer } +func (sc *serverConn) CloseConn() error { return sc.conn.Close() } +func (sc *serverConn) Flush() error { return sc.bw.Flush() } +func (sc *serverConn) HeaderEncoder() (*hpack.Encoder, *bytes.Buffer) { + return sc.hpackEncoder, &sc.headerWriteBuf +} + +func (sc *serverConn) state(streamID uint32) (streamState, *stream) { + sc.serveG.check() + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-5.1 + if st, ok := sc.streams[streamID]; ok { + return st.state, st + } + // "The first use of a new stream identifier implicitly closes all + // streams in the "idle" state that might have been initiated by + // that peer with a lower-valued stream identifier. For example, if + // a client sends a HEADERS frame on stream 7 without ever sending a + // frame on stream 5, then stream 5 transitions to the "closed" + // state when the first frame for stream 7 is sent or received." + if streamID%2 == 1 { + if streamID <= sc.maxClientStreamID { + return stateClosed, nil + } + } else { + if streamID <= sc.maxPushPromiseID { + return stateClosed, nil + } + } + return stateIdle, nil +} + +// setConnState calls the net/http ConnState hook for this connection, if configured. +// Note that the net/http package does StateNew and StateClosed for us. +// There is currently no plan for StateHijacked or hijacking HTTP/2 connections. +func (sc *serverConn) setConnState(state http.ConnState) { + if sc.hs.ConnState != nil { + sc.hs.ConnState(sc.conn, state) + } +} + +func (sc *serverConn) vlogf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + if VerboseLogs { + sc.logf(format, args...) + } +} + +func (sc *serverConn) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + if lg := sc.hs.ErrorLog; lg != nil { + lg.Printf(format, args...) + } else { + log.Printf(format, args...) + } +} + +// errno returns v's underlying uintptr, else 0. +// +// TODO: remove this helper function once http2 can use build +// tags. See comment in isClosedConnError. +func errno(v error) uintptr { + if rv := reflect.ValueOf(v); rv.Kind() == reflect.Uintptr { + return uintptr(rv.Uint()) + } + return 0 +} + +// isClosedConnError reports whether err is an error from use of a closed +// network connection. +func isClosedConnError(err error) bool { + if err == nil { + return false + } + + // TODO: remove this string search and be more like the Windows + // case below. That might involve modifying the standard library + // to return better error types. + str := err.Error() + if strings.Contains(str, "use of closed network connection") { + return true + } + + // TODO(bradfitz): x/tools/cmd/bundle doesn't really support + // build tags, so I can't make an http2_windows.go file with + // Windows-specific stuff. Fix that and move this, once we + // have a way to bundle this into std's net/http somehow. + if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { + if oe, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok && oe.Op == "read" { + if se, ok := oe.Err.(*os.SyscallError); ok && se.Syscall == "wsarecv" { + const WSAECONNABORTED = 10053 + const WSAECONNRESET = 10054 + if n := errno(se.Err); n == WSAECONNRESET || n == WSAECONNABORTED { + return true + } + } + } + } + return false +} + +func (sc *serverConn) condlogf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) { + if err == nil { + return + } + if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF || isClosedConnError(err) || err == errPrefaceTimeout { + // Boring, expected errors. + sc.vlogf(format, args...) + } else { + sc.logf(format, args...) + } +} + +func (sc *serverConn) canonicalHeader(v string) string { + sc.serveG.check() + buildCommonHeaderMapsOnce() + cv, ok := commonCanonHeader[v] + if ok { + return cv + } + cv, ok = sc.canonHeader[v] + if ok { + return cv + } + if sc.canonHeader == nil { + sc.canonHeader = make(map[string]string) + } + cv = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(v) + // maxCachedCanonicalHeaders is an arbitrarily-chosen limit on the number of + // entries in the canonHeader cache. This should be larger than the number + // of unique, uncommon header keys likely to be sent by the peer, while not + // so high as to permit unreasonable memory usage if the peer sends an unbounded + // number of unique header keys. + const maxCachedCanonicalHeaders = 32 + if len(sc.canonHeader) < maxCachedCanonicalHeaders { + sc.canonHeader[v] = cv + } + return cv +} + +type readFrameResult struct { + f Frame // valid until readMore is called + err error + + // readMore should be called once the consumer no longer needs or + // retains f. After readMore, f is invalid and more frames can be + // read. + readMore func() +} + +// readFrames is the loop that reads incoming frames. +// It takes care to only read one frame at a time, blocking until the +// consumer is done with the frame. +// It's run on its own goroutine. +func (sc *serverConn) readFrames() { + gate := make(gate) + gateDone := gate.Done + for { + f, err := sc.framer.ReadFrame() + select { + case sc.readFrameCh <- readFrameResult{f, err, gateDone}: + case <-sc.doneServing: + return + } + select { + case <-gate: + case <-sc.doneServing: + return + } + if terminalReadFrameError(err) { + return + } + } +} + +// frameWriteResult is the message passed from writeFrameAsync to the serve goroutine. +type frameWriteResult struct { + _ incomparable + wr FrameWriteRequest // what was written (or attempted) + err error // result of the writeFrame call +} + +// writeFrameAsync runs in its own goroutine and writes a single frame +// and then reports when it's done. +// At most one goroutine can be running writeFrameAsync at a time per +// serverConn. +func (sc *serverConn) writeFrameAsync(wr FrameWriteRequest) { + err := wr.write.writeFrame(sc) + sc.wroteFrameCh <- frameWriteResult{wr: wr, err: err} +} + +func (sc *serverConn) closeAllStreamsOnConnClose() { + sc.serveG.check() + for _, st := range sc.streams { + sc.closeStream(st, errClientDisconnected) + } +} + +func (sc *serverConn) stopShutdownTimer() { + sc.serveG.check() + if t := sc.shutdownTimer; t != nil { + t.Stop() + } +} + +func (sc *serverConn) notePanic() { + // Note: this is for serverConn.serve panicking, not http.Handler code. + if testHookOnPanicMu != nil { + testHookOnPanicMu.Lock() + defer testHookOnPanicMu.Unlock() + } + if testHookOnPanic != nil { + if e := recover(); e != nil { + if testHookOnPanic(sc, e) { + panic(e) + } + } + } +} + +func (sc *serverConn) serve() { + sc.serveG.check() + defer sc.notePanic() + defer sc.conn.Close() + defer sc.closeAllStreamsOnConnClose() + defer sc.stopShutdownTimer() + defer close(sc.doneServing) // unblocks handlers trying to send + + if VerboseLogs { + sc.vlogf("http2: server connection from %v on %p", sc.conn.RemoteAddr(), sc.hs) + } + + sc.writeFrame(FrameWriteRequest{ + write: writeSettings{ + {SettingMaxFrameSize, sc.srv.maxReadFrameSize()}, + {SettingMaxConcurrentStreams, sc.advMaxStreams}, + {SettingMaxHeaderListSize, sc.maxHeaderListSize()}, + {SettingInitialWindowSize, uint32(sc.srv.initialStreamRecvWindowSize())}, + }, + }) + sc.unackedSettings++ + + // Each connection starts with initialWindowSize inflow tokens. + // If a higher value is configured, we add more tokens. + if diff := sc.srv.initialConnRecvWindowSize() - initialWindowSize; diff > 0 { + sc.sendWindowUpdate(nil, int(diff)) + } + + if err := sc.readPreface(); err != nil { + sc.condlogf(err, "http2: server: error reading preface from client %v: %v", sc.conn.RemoteAddr(), err) + return + } + // Now that we've got the preface, get us out of the + // "StateNew" state. We can't go directly to idle, though. + // Active means we read some data and anticipate a request. We'll + // do another Active when we get a HEADERS frame. + sc.setConnState(http.StateActive) + sc.setConnState(http.StateIdle) + + if sc.srv.IdleTimeout != 0 { + sc.idleTimer = time.AfterFunc(sc.srv.IdleTimeout, sc.onIdleTimer) + defer sc.idleTimer.Stop() + } + + go sc.readFrames() // closed by defer sc.conn.Close above + + settingsTimer := time.AfterFunc(firstSettingsTimeout, sc.onSettingsTimer) + defer settingsTimer.Stop() + + loopNum := 0 + for { + loopNum++ + select { + case wr := <-sc.wantWriteFrameCh: + if se, ok := wr.write.(StreamError); ok { + sc.resetStream(se) + break + } + sc.writeFrame(wr) + case res := <-sc.wroteFrameCh: + sc.wroteFrame(res) + case res := <-sc.readFrameCh: + // Process any written frames before reading new frames from the client since a + // written frame could have triggered a new stream to be started. + if sc.writingFrameAsync { + select { + case wroteRes := <-sc.wroteFrameCh: + sc.wroteFrame(wroteRes) + default: + } + } + if !sc.processFrameFromReader(res) { + return + } + res.readMore() + if settingsTimer != nil { + settingsTimer.Stop() + settingsTimer = nil + } + case m := <-sc.bodyReadCh: + sc.noteBodyRead(m.st, m.n) + case msg := <-sc.serveMsgCh: + switch v := msg.(type) { + case func(int): + v(loopNum) // for testing + case *serverMessage: + switch v { + case settingsTimerMsg: + sc.logf("timeout waiting for SETTINGS frames from %v", sc.conn.RemoteAddr()) + return + case idleTimerMsg: + sc.vlogf("connection is idle") + sc.goAway(ErrCodeNo) + case shutdownTimerMsg: + sc.vlogf("GOAWAY close timer fired; closing conn from %v", sc.conn.RemoteAddr()) + return + case gracefulShutdownMsg: + sc.startGracefulShutdownInternal() + default: + panic("unknown timer") + } + case *startPushRequest: + sc.startPush(v) + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected type %T", v)) + } + } + + // If the peer is causing us to generate a lot of control frames, + // but not reading them from us, assume they are trying to make us + // run out of memory. + if sc.queuedControlFrames > sc.srv.maxQueuedControlFrames() { + sc.vlogf("http2: too many control frames in send queue, closing connection") + return + } + + // Start the shutdown timer after sending a GOAWAY. When sending GOAWAY + // with no error code (graceful shutdown), don't start the timer until + // all open streams have been completed. + sentGoAway := sc.inGoAway && !sc.needToSendGoAway && !sc.writingFrame + gracefulShutdownComplete := sc.goAwayCode == ErrCodeNo && sc.curOpenStreams() == 0 + if sentGoAway && sc.shutdownTimer == nil && (sc.goAwayCode != ErrCodeNo || gracefulShutdownComplete) { + sc.shutDownIn(goAwayTimeout) + } + } +} + +func (sc *serverConn) awaitGracefulShutdown(sharedCh <-chan struct{}, privateCh chan struct{}) { + select { + case <-sc.doneServing: + case <-sharedCh: + close(privateCh) + } +} + +type serverMessage int + +// Message values sent to serveMsgCh. +var ( + settingsTimerMsg = new(serverMessage) + idleTimerMsg = new(serverMessage) + shutdownTimerMsg = new(serverMessage) + gracefulShutdownMsg = new(serverMessage) +) + +func (sc *serverConn) onSettingsTimer() { sc.sendServeMsg(settingsTimerMsg) } +func (sc *serverConn) onIdleTimer() { sc.sendServeMsg(idleTimerMsg) } +func (sc *serverConn) onShutdownTimer() { sc.sendServeMsg(shutdownTimerMsg) } + +func (sc *serverConn) sendServeMsg(msg interface{}) { + sc.serveG.checkNotOn() // NOT + select { + case sc.serveMsgCh <- msg: + case <-sc.doneServing: + } +} + +var errPrefaceTimeout = errors.New("timeout waiting for client preface") + +// readPreface reads the ClientPreface greeting from the peer or +// returns errPrefaceTimeout on timeout, or an error if the greeting +// is invalid. +func (sc *serverConn) readPreface() error { + errc := make(chan error, 1) + go func() { + // Read the client preface + buf := make([]byte, len(ClientPreface)) + if _, err := io.ReadFull(sc.conn, buf); err != nil { + errc <- err + } else if !bytes.Equal(buf, clientPreface) { + errc <- fmt.Errorf("bogus greeting %q", buf) + } else { + errc <- nil + } + }() + timer := time.NewTimer(prefaceTimeout) // TODO: configurable on *Server? + defer timer.Stop() + select { + case <-timer.C: + return errPrefaceTimeout + case err := <-errc: + if err == nil { + if VerboseLogs { + sc.vlogf("http2: server: client %v said hello", sc.conn.RemoteAddr()) + } + } + return err + } +} + +var errChanPool = sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { return make(chan error, 1) }, +} + +var writeDataPool = sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { return new(writeData) }, +} + +// writeDataFromHandler writes DATA response frames from a handler on +// the given stream. +func (sc *serverConn) writeDataFromHandler(stream *stream, data []byte, endStream bool) error { + ch := errChanPool.Get().(chan error) + writeArg := writeDataPool.Get().(*writeData) + *writeArg = writeData{stream.id, data, endStream} + err := sc.writeFrameFromHandler(FrameWriteRequest{ + write: writeArg, + stream: stream, + done: ch, + }) + if err != nil { + return err + } + var frameWriteDone bool // the frame write is done (successfully or not) + select { + case err = <-ch: + frameWriteDone = true + case <-sc.doneServing: + return errClientDisconnected + case <-stream.cw: + // If both ch and stream.cw were ready (as might + // happen on the final Write after an http.Handler + // ends), prefer the write result. Otherwise this + // might just be us successfully closing the stream. + // The writeFrameAsync and serve goroutines guarantee + // that the ch send will happen before the stream.cw + // close. + select { + case err = <-ch: + frameWriteDone = true + default: + return errStreamClosed + } + } + errChanPool.Put(ch) + if frameWriteDone { + writeDataPool.Put(writeArg) + } + return err +} + +// writeFrameFromHandler sends wr to sc.wantWriteFrameCh, but aborts +// if the connection has gone away. +// +// This must not be run from the serve goroutine itself, else it might +// deadlock writing to sc.wantWriteFrameCh (which is only mildly +// buffered and is read by serve itself). If you're on the serve +// goroutine, call writeFrame instead. +func (sc *serverConn) writeFrameFromHandler(wr FrameWriteRequest) error { + sc.serveG.checkNotOn() // NOT + select { + case sc.wantWriteFrameCh <- wr: + return nil + case <-sc.doneServing: + // Serve loop is gone. + // Client has closed their connection to the server. + return errClientDisconnected + } +} + +// writeFrame schedules a frame to write and sends it if there's nothing +// already being written. +// +// There is no pushback here (the serve goroutine never blocks). It's +// the http.Handlers that block, waiting for their previous frames to +// make it onto the wire +// +// If you're not on the serve goroutine, use writeFrameFromHandler instead. +func (sc *serverConn) writeFrame(wr FrameWriteRequest) { + sc.serveG.check() + + // If true, wr will not be written and wr.done will not be signaled. + var ignoreWrite bool + + // We are not allowed to write frames on closed streams. RFC 7540 Section + // 5.1.1 says: "An endpoint MUST NOT send frames other than PRIORITY on + // a closed stream." Our server never sends PRIORITY, so that exception + // does not apply. + // + // The serverConn might close an open stream while the stream's handler + // is still running. For example, the server might close a stream when it + // receives bad data from the client. If this happens, the handler might + // attempt to write a frame after the stream has been closed (since the + // handler hasn't yet been notified of the close). In this case, we simply + // ignore the frame. The handler will notice that the stream is closed when + // it waits for the frame to be written. + // + // As an exception to this rule, we allow sending RST_STREAM after close. + // This allows us to immediately reject new streams without tracking any + // state for those streams (except for the queued RST_STREAM frame). This + // may result in duplicate RST_STREAMs in some cases, but the client should + // ignore those. + if wr.StreamID() != 0 { + _, isReset := wr.write.(StreamError) + if state, _ := sc.state(wr.StreamID()); state == stateClosed && !isReset { + ignoreWrite = true + } + } + + // Don't send a 100-continue response if we've already sent headers. + // See golang.org/issue/14030. + switch wr.write.(type) { + case *writeResHeaders: + wr.stream.wroteHeaders = true + case write100ContinueHeadersFrame: + if wr.stream.wroteHeaders { + // We do not need to notify wr.done because this frame is + // never written with wr.done != nil. + if wr.done != nil { + panic("wr.done != nil for write100ContinueHeadersFrame") + } + ignoreWrite = true + } + } + + if !ignoreWrite { + if wr.isControl() { + sc.queuedControlFrames++ + // For extra safety, detect wraparounds, which should not happen, + // and pull the plug. + if sc.queuedControlFrames < 0 { + sc.conn.Close() + } + } + sc.writeSched.Push(wr) + } + sc.scheduleFrameWrite() +} + +// startFrameWrite starts a goroutine to write wr (in a separate +// goroutine since that might block on the network), and updates the +// serve goroutine's state about the world, updated from info in wr. +func (sc *serverConn) startFrameWrite(wr FrameWriteRequest) { + sc.serveG.check() + if sc.writingFrame { + panic("internal error: can only be writing one frame at a time") + } + + st := wr.stream + if st != nil { + switch st.state { + case stateHalfClosedLocal: + switch wr.write.(type) { + case StreamError, handlerPanicRST, writeWindowUpdate: + // RFC 7540 Section 5.1 allows sending RST_STREAM, PRIORITY, and WINDOW_UPDATE + // in this state. (We never send PRIORITY from the server, so that is not checked.) + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: attempt to send frame on a half-closed-local stream: %v", wr)) + } + case stateClosed: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: attempt to send frame on a closed stream: %v", wr)) + } + } + if wpp, ok := wr.write.(*writePushPromise); ok { + var err error + wpp.promisedID, err = wpp.allocatePromisedID() + if err != nil { + sc.writingFrameAsync = false + wr.replyToWriter(err) + return + } + } + + sc.writingFrame = true + sc.needsFrameFlush = true + if wr.write.staysWithinBuffer(sc.bw.Available()) { + sc.writingFrameAsync = false + err := wr.write.writeFrame(sc) + sc.wroteFrame(frameWriteResult{wr: wr, err: err}) + } else { + sc.writingFrameAsync = true + go sc.writeFrameAsync(wr) + } +} + +// errHandlerPanicked is the error given to any callers blocked in a read from +// Request.Body when the main goroutine panics. Since most handlers read in the +// main ServeHTTP goroutine, this will show up rarely. +var errHandlerPanicked = errors.New("http2: handler panicked") + +// wroteFrame is called on the serve goroutine with the result of +// whatever happened on writeFrameAsync. +func (sc *serverConn) wroteFrame(res frameWriteResult) { + sc.serveG.check() + if !sc.writingFrame { + panic("internal error: expected to be already writing a frame") + } + sc.writingFrame = false + sc.writingFrameAsync = false + + wr := res.wr + + if writeEndsStream(wr.write) { + st := wr.stream + if st == nil { + panic("internal error: expecting non-nil stream") + } + switch st.state { + case stateOpen: + // Here we would go to stateHalfClosedLocal in + // theory, but since our handler is done and + // the net/http package provides no mechanism + // for closing a ResponseWriter while still + // reading data (see possible TODO at top of + // this file), we go into closed state here + // anyway, after telling the peer we're + // hanging up on them. We'll transition to + // stateClosed after the RST_STREAM frame is + // written. + st.state = stateHalfClosedLocal + // Section 8.1: a server MAY request that the client abort + // transmission of a request without error by sending a + // RST_STREAM with an error code of NO_ERROR after sending + // a complete response. + sc.resetStream(streamError(st.id, ErrCodeNo)) + case stateHalfClosedRemote: + sc.closeStream(st, errHandlerComplete) + } + } else { + switch v := wr.write.(type) { + case StreamError: + // st may be unknown if the RST_STREAM was generated to reject bad input. + if st, ok := sc.streams[v.StreamID]; ok { + sc.closeStream(st, v) + } + case handlerPanicRST: + sc.closeStream(wr.stream, errHandlerPanicked) + } + } + + // Reply (if requested) to unblock the ServeHTTP goroutine. + wr.replyToWriter(res.err) + + sc.scheduleFrameWrite() +} + +// scheduleFrameWrite tickles the frame writing scheduler. +// +// If a frame is already being written, nothing happens. This will be called again +// when the frame is done being written. +// +// If a frame isn't being written and we need to send one, the best frame +// to send is selected by writeSched. +// +// If a frame isn't being written and there's nothing else to send, we +// flush the write buffer. +func (sc *serverConn) scheduleFrameWrite() { + sc.serveG.check() + if sc.writingFrame || sc.inFrameScheduleLoop { + return + } + sc.inFrameScheduleLoop = true + for !sc.writingFrameAsync { + if sc.needToSendGoAway { + sc.needToSendGoAway = false + sc.startFrameWrite(FrameWriteRequest{ + write: &writeGoAway{ + maxStreamID: sc.maxClientStreamID, + code: sc.goAwayCode, + }, + }) + continue + } + if sc.needToSendSettingsAck { + sc.needToSendSettingsAck = false + sc.startFrameWrite(FrameWriteRequest{write: writeSettingsAck{}}) + continue + } + if !sc.inGoAway || sc.goAwayCode == ErrCodeNo { + if wr, ok := sc.writeSched.Pop(); ok { + if wr.isControl() { + sc.queuedControlFrames-- + } + sc.startFrameWrite(wr) + continue + } + } + if sc.needsFrameFlush { + sc.startFrameWrite(FrameWriteRequest{write: flushFrameWriter{}}) + sc.needsFrameFlush = false // after startFrameWrite, since it sets this true + continue + } + break + } + sc.inFrameScheduleLoop = false +} + +// startGracefulShutdown gracefully shuts down a connection. This +// sends GOAWAY with ErrCodeNo to tell the client we're gracefully +// shutting down. The connection isn't closed until all current +// streams are done. +// +// startGracefulShutdown returns immediately; it does not wait until +// the connection has shut down. +func (sc *serverConn) startGracefulShutdown() { + sc.serveG.checkNotOn() // NOT + sc.shutdownOnce.Do(func() { sc.sendServeMsg(gracefulShutdownMsg) }) +} + +// After sending GOAWAY with an error code (non-graceful shutdown), the +// connection will close after goAwayTimeout. +// +// If we close the connection immediately after sending GOAWAY, there may +// be unsent data in our kernel receive buffer, which will cause the kernel +// to send a TCP RST on close() instead of a FIN. This RST will abort the +// connection immediately, whether or not the client had received the GOAWAY. +// +// Ideally we should delay for at least 1 RTT + epsilon so the client has +// a chance to read the GOAWAY and stop sending messages. Measuring RTT +// is hard, so we approximate with 1 second. See golang.org/issue/18701. +// +// This is a var so it can be shorter in tests, where all requests uses the +// loopback interface making the expected RTT very small. +// +// TODO: configurable? +var goAwayTimeout = 1 * time.Second + +func (sc *serverConn) startGracefulShutdownInternal() { + sc.goAway(ErrCodeNo) +} + +func (sc *serverConn) goAway(code ErrCode) { + sc.serveG.check() + if sc.inGoAway { + return + } + sc.inGoAway = true + sc.needToSendGoAway = true + sc.goAwayCode = code + sc.scheduleFrameWrite() +} + +func (sc *serverConn) shutDownIn(d time.Duration) { + sc.serveG.check() + sc.shutdownTimer = time.AfterFunc(d, sc.onShutdownTimer) +} + +func (sc *serverConn) resetStream(se StreamError) { + sc.serveG.check() + sc.writeFrame(FrameWriteRequest{write: se}) + if st, ok := sc.streams[se.StreamID]; ok { + st.resetQueued = true + } +} + +// processFrameFromReader processes the serve loop's read from readFrameCh from the +// frame-reading goroutine. +// processFrameFromReader returns whether the connection should be kept open. +func (sc *serverConn) processFrameFromReader(res readFrameResult) bool { + sc.serveG.check() + err := res.err + if err != nil { + if err == ErrFrameTooLarge { + sc.goAway(ErrCodeFrameSize) + return true // goAway will close the loop + } + clientGone := err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF || isClosedConnError(err) + if clientGone { + // TODO: could we also get into this state if + // the peer does a half close + // (e.g. CloseWrite) because they're done + // sending frames but they're still wanting + // our open replies? Investigate. + // TODO: add CloseWrite to crypto/tls.Conn first + // so we have a way to test this? I suppose + // just for testing we could have a non-TLS mode. + return false + } + } else { + f := res.f + if VerboseLogs { + sc.vlogf("http2: server read frame %v", summarizeFrame(f)) + } + err = sc.processFrame(f) + if err == nil { + return true + } + } + + switch ev := err.(type) { + case StreamError: + sc.resetStream(ev) + return true + case goAwayFlowError: + sc.goAway(ErrCodeFlowControl) + return true + case ConnectionError: + sc.logf("http2: server connection error from %v: %v", sc.conn.RemoteAddr(), ev) + sc.goAway(ErrCode(ev)) + return true // goAway will handle shutdown + default: + if res.err != nil { + sc.vlogf("http2: server closing client connection; error reading frame from client %s: %v", sc.conn.RemoteAddr(), err) + } else { + sc.logf("http2: server closing client connection: %v", err) + } + return false + } +} + +func (sc *serverConn) processFrame(f Frame) error { + sc.serveG.check() + + // First frame received must be SETTINGS. + if !sc.sawFirstSettings { + if _, ok := f.(*SettingsFrame); !ok { + return sc.countError("first_settings", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + sc.sawFirstSettings = true + } + + switch f := f.(type) { + case *SettingsFrame: + return sc.processSettings(f) + case *MetaHeadersFrame: + return sc.processHeaders(f) + case *WindowUpdateFrame: + return sc.processWindowUpdate(f) + case *PingFrame: + return sc.processPing(f) + case *DataFrame: + return sc.processData(f) + case *RSTStreamFrame: + return sc.processResetStream(f) + case *PriorityFrame: + return sc.processPriority(f) + case *GoAwayFrame: + return sc.processGoAway(f) + case *PushPromiseFrame: + // A client cannot push. Thus, servers MUST treat the receipt of a PUSH_PROMISE + // frame as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. + return sc.countError("push_promise", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) + default: + sc.vlogf("http2: server ignoring frame: %v", f.Header()) + return nil + } +} + +func (sc *serverConn) processPing(f *PingFrame) error { + sc.serveG.check() + if f.IsAck() { + // 6.7 PING: " An endpoint MUST NOT respond to PING frames + // containing this flag." + return nil + } + if f.StreamID != 0 { + // "PING frames are not associated with any individual + // stream. If a PING frame is received with a stream + // identifier field value other than 0x0, the recipient MUST + // respond with a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type + // PROTOCOL_ERROR." + return sc.countError("ping_on_stream", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + if sc.inGoAway && sc.goAwayCode != ErrCodeNo { + return nil + } + sc.writeFrame(FrameWriteRequest{write: writePingAck{f}}) + return nil +} + +func (sc *serverConn) processWindowUpdate(f *WindowUpdateFrame) error { + sc.serveG.check() + switch { + case f.StreamID != 0: // stream-level flow control + state, st := sc.state(f.StreamID) + if state == stateIdle { + // Section 5.1: "Receiving any frame other than HEADERS + // or PRIORITY on a stream in this state MUST be + // treated as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of + // type PROTOCOL_ERROR." + return sc.countError("stream_idle", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + if st == nil { + // "WINDOW_UPDATE can be sent by a peer that has sent a + // frame bearing the END_STREAM flag. This means that a + // receiver could receive a WINDOW_UPDATE frame on a "half + // closed (remote)" or "closed" stream. A receiver MUST + // NOT treat this as an error, see Section 5.1." + return nil + } + if !st.flow.add(int32(f.Increment)) { + return sc.countError("bad_flow", streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeFlowControl)) + } + default: // connection-level flow control + if !sc.flow.add(int32(f.Increment)) { + return goAwayFlowError{} + } + } + sc.scheduleFrameWrite() + return nil +} + +func (sc *serverConn) processResetStream(f *RSTStreamFrame) error { + sc.serveG.check() + + state, st := sc.state(f.StreamID) + if state == stateIdle { + // 6.4 "RST_STREAM frames MUST NOT be sent for a + // stream in the "idle" state. If a RST_STREAM frame + // identifying an idle stream is received, the + // recipient MUST treat this as a connection error + // (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. + return sc.countError("reset_idle_stream", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + if st != nil { + st.cancelCtx() + sc.closeStream(st, streamError(f.StreamID, f.ErrCode)) + } + return nil +} + +func (sc *serverConn) closeStream(st *stream, err error) { + sc.serveG.check() + if st.state == stateIdle || st.state == stateClosed { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invariant; can't close stream in state %v", st.state)) + } + st.state = stateClosed + if st.writeDeadline != nil { + st.writeDeadline.Stop() + } + if st.isPushed() { + sc.curPushedStreams-- + } else { + sc.curClientStreams-- + } + delete(sc.streams, st.id) + if len(sc.streams) == 0 { + sc.setConnState(http.StateIdle) + if sc.srv.IdleTimeout != 0 { + sc.idleTimer.Reset(sc.srv.IdleTimeout) + } + if h1ServerKeepAlivesDisabled(sc.hs) { + sc.startGracefulShutdownInternal() + } + } + if p := st.body; p != nil { + // Return any buffered unread bytes worth of conn-level flow control. + // See golang.org/issue/16481 + sc.sendWindowUpdate(nil, p.Len()) + + p.CloseWithError(err) + } + st.cw.Close() // signals Handler's CloseNotifier, unblocks writes, etc + sc.writeSched.CloseStream(st.id) +} + +func (sc *serverConn) processSettings(f *SettingsFrame) error { + sc.serveG.check() + if f.IsAck() { + sc.unackedSettings-- + if sc.unackedSettings < 0 { + // Why is the peer ACKing settings we never sent? + // The spec doesn't mention this case, but + // hang up on them anyway. + return sc.countError("ack_mystery", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + return nil + } + if f.NumSettings() > 100 || f.HasDuplicates() { + // This isn't actually in the spec, but hang up on + // suspiciously large settings frames or those with + // duplicate entries. + return sc.countError("settings_big_or_dups", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + if err := f.ForeachSetting(sc.processSetting); err != nil { + return err + } + // TODO: judging by RFC 7540, Section 6.5.3 each SETTINGS frame should be + // acknowledged individually, even if multiple are received before the ACK. + sc.needToSendSettingsAck = true + sc.scheduleFrameWrite() + return nil +} + +func (sc *serverConn) processSetting(s Setting) error { + sc.serveG.check() + if err := s.Valid(); err != nil { + return err + } + if VerboseLogs { + sc.vlogf("http2: server processing setting %v", s) + } + switch s.ID { + case SettingHeaderTableSize: + sc.headerTableSize = s.Val + sc.hpackEncoder.SetMaxDynamicTableSize(s.Val) + case SettingEnablePush: + sc.pushEnabled = s.Val != 0 + case SettingMaxConcurrentStreams: + sc.clientMaxStreams = s.Val + case SettingInitialWindowSize: + return sc.processSettingInitialWindowSize(s.Val) + case SettingMaxFrameSize: + sc.maxFrameSize = int32(s.Val) // the maximum valid s.Val is < 2^31 + case SettingMaxHeaderListSize: + sc.peerMaxHeaderListSize = s.Val + default: + // Unknown setting: "An endpoint that receives a SETTINGS + // frame with any unknown or unsupported identifier MUST + // ignore that setting." + if VerboseLogs { + sc.vlogf("http2: server ignoring unknown setting %v", s) + } + } + return nil +} + +func (sc *serverConn) processSettingInitialWindowSize(val uint32) error { + sc.serveG.check() + // Note: val already validated to be within range by + // processSetting's Valid call. + + // "A SETTINGS frame can alter the initial flow control window + // size for all current streams. When the value of + // SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE changes, a receiver MUST + // adjust the size of all stream flow control windows that it + // maintains by the difference between the new value and the + // old value." + old := sc.initialStreamSendWindowSize + sc.initialStreamSendWindowSize = int32(val) + growth := int32(val) - old // may be negative + for _, st := range sc.streams { + if !st.flow.add(growth) { + // 6.9.2 Initial Flow Control Window Size + // "An endpoint MUST treat a change to + // SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE that causes any flow + // control window to exceed the maximum size as a + // connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type + // FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR." + return sc.countError("setting_win_size", ConnectionError(ErrCodeFlowControl)) + } + } + return nil +} + +func (sc *serverConn) processData(f *DataFrame) error { + sc.serveG.check() + id := f.Header().StreamID + if sc.inGoAway && (sc.goAwayCode != ErrCodeNo || id > sc.maxClientStreamID) { + // Discard all DATA frames if the GOAWAY is due to an + // error, or: + // + // Section 6.8: After sending a GOAWAY frame, the sender + // can discard frames for streams initiated by the + // receiver with identifiers higher than the identified + // last stream. + return nil + } + + data := f.Data() + state, st := sc.state(id) + if id == 0 || state == stateIdle { + // Section 6.1: "DATA frames MUST be associated with a + // stream. If a DATA frame is received whose stream + // identifier field is 0x0, the recipient MUST respond + // with a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type + // PROTOCOL_ERROR." + // + // Section 5.1: "Receiving any frame other than HEADERS + // or PRIORITY on a stream in this state MUST be + // treated as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of + // type PROTOCOL_ERROR." + return sc.countError("data_on_idle", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + + // "If a DATA frame is received whose stream is not in "open" + // or "half closed (local)" state, the recipient MUST respond + // with a stream error (Section 5.4.2) of type STREAM_CLOSED." + if st == nil || state != stateOpen || st.gotTrailerHeader || st.resetQueued { + // This includes sending a RST_STREAM if the stream is + // in stateHalfClosedLocal (which currently means that + // the http.Handler returned, so it's done reading & + // done writing). Try to stop the client from sending + // more DATA. + + // But still enforce their connection-level flow control, + // and return any flow control bytes since we're not going + // to consume them. + if sc.inflow.available() < int32(f.Length) { + return sc.countError("data_flow", streamError(id, ErrCodeFlowControl)) + } + // Deduct the flow control from inflow, since we're + // going to immediately add it back in + // sendWindowUpdate, which also schedules sending the + // frames. + sc.inflow.take(int32(f.Length)) + sc.sendWindowUpdate(nil, int(f.Length)) // conn-level + + if st != nil && st.resetQueued { + // Already have a stream error in flight. Don't send another. + return nil + } + return sc.countError("closed", streamError(id, ErrCodeStreamClosed)) + } + if st.body == nil { + panic("internal error: should have a body in this state") + } + + // Sender sending more than they'd declared? + if st.declBodyBytes != -1 && st.bodyBytes+int64(len(data)) > st.declBodyBytes { + st.body.CloseWithError(fmt.Errorf("sender tried to send more than declared Content-Length of %d bytes", st.declBodyBytes)) + // RFC 7540, sec A request or response is also malformed if the + // value of a content-length header field does not equal the sum of the + // DATA frame payload lengths that form the body. + return sc.countError("send_too_much", streamError(id, ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + if f.Length > 0 { + // Check whether the client has flow control quota. + if st.inflow.available() < int32(f.Length) { + return sc.countError("flow_on_data_length", streamError(id, ErrCodeFlowControl)) + } + st.inflow.take(int32(f.Length)) + + if len(data) > 0 { + wrote, err := st.body.Write(data) + if err != nil { + sc.sendWindowUpdate(nil, int(f.Length)-wrote) + return sc.countError("body_write_err", streamError(id, ErrCodeStreamClosed)) + } + if wrote != len(data) { + panic("internal error: bad Writer") + } + st.bodyBytes += int64(len(data)) + } + + // Return any padded flow control now, since we won't + // refund it later on body reads. + if pad := int32(f.Length) - int32(len(data)); pad > 0 { + sc.sendWindowUpdate32(nil, pad) + sc.sendWindowUpdate32(st, pad) + } + } + if f.StreamEnded() { + st.endStream() + } + return nil +} + +func (sc *serverConn) processGoAway(f *GoAwayFrame) error { + sc.serveG.check() + if f.ErrCode != ErrCodeNo { + sc.logf("http2: received GOAWAY %+v, starting graceful shutdown", f) + } else { + sc.vlogf("http2: received GOAWAY %+v, starting graceful shutdown", f) + } + sc.startGracefulShutdownInternal() + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-6.8 + // We should not create any new streams, which means we should disable push. + sc.pushEnabled = false + return nil +} + +// isPushed reports whether the stream is server-initiated. +func (st *stream) isPushed() bool { + return st.id%2 == 0 +} + +// endStream closes a Request.Body's pipe. It is called when a DATA +// frame says a request body is over (or after trailers). +func (st *stream) endStream() { + sc := st.sc + sc.serveG.check() + + if st.declBodyBytes != -1 && st.declBodyBytes != st.bodyBytes { + st.body.CloseWithError(fmt.Errorf("request declared a Content-Length of %d but only wrote %d bytes", + st.declBodyBytes, st.bodyBytes)) + } else { + st.body.closeWithErrorAndCode(io.EOF, st.copyTrailersToHandlerRequest) + st.body.CloseWithError(io.EOF) + } + st.state = stateHalfClosedRemote +} + +// copyTrailersToHandlerRequest is run in the Handler's goroutine in +// its Request.Body.Read just before it gets io.EOF. +func (st *stream) copyTrailersToHandlerRequest() { + for k, vv := range st.trailer { + if _, ok := st.reqTrailer[k]; ok { + // Only copy it over it was pre-declared. + st.reqTrailer[k] = vv + } + } +} + +// onWriteTimeout is run on its own goroutine (from time.AfterFunc) +// when the stream's WriteTimeout has fired. +func (st *stream) onWriteTimeout() { + st.sc.writeFrameFromHandler(FrameWriteRequest{write: streamError(st.id, ErrCodeInternal)}) +} + +func (sc *serverConn) processHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { + sc.serveG.check() + id := f.StreamID + if sc.inGoAway { + // Ignore. + return nil + } + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-5.1.1 + // Streams initiated by a client MUST use odd-numbered stream + // identifiers. [...] An endpoint that receives an unexpected + // stream identifier MUST respond with a connection error + // (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. + if id%2 != 1 { + return sc.countError("headers_even", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + // A HEADERS frame can be used to create a new stream or + // send a trailer for an open one. If we already have a stream + // open, let it process its own HEADERS frame (trailers at this + // point, if it's valid). + if st := sc.streams[f.StreamID]; st != nil { + if st.resetQueued { + // We're sending RST_STREAM to close the stream, so don't bother + // processing this frame. + return nil + } + // RFC 7540, sec 5.1: If an endpoint receives additional frames, other than + // WINDOW_UPDATE, PRIORITY, or RST_STREAM, for a stream that is in + // this state, it MUST respond with a stream error (Section 5.4.2) of + // type STREAM_CLOSED. + if st.state == stateHalfClosedRemote { + return sc.countError("headers_half_closed", streamError(id, ErrCodeStreamClosed)) + } + return st.processTrailerHeaders(f) + } + + // [...] The identifier of a newly established stream MUST be + // numerically greater than all streams that the initiating + // endpoint has opened or reserved. [...] An endpoint that + // receives an unexpected stream identifier MUST respond with + // a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. + if id <= sc.maxClientStreamID { + return sc.countError("stream_went_down", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + sc.maxClientStreamID = id + + if sc.idleTimer != nil { + sc.idleTimer.Stop() + } + + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-5.1.2 + // [...] Endpoints MUST NOT exceed the limit set by their peer. An + // endpoint that receives a HEADERS frame that causes their + // advertised concurrent stream limit to be exceeded MUST treat + // this as a stream error (Section 5.4.2) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR + // or REFUSED_STREAM. + if sc.curClientStreams+1 > sc.advMaxStreams { + if sc.unackedSettings == 0 { + // They should know better. + return sc.countError("over_max_streams", streamError(id, ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + // Assume it's a network race, where they just haven't + // received our last SETTINGS update. But actually + // this can't happen yet, because we don't yet provide + // a way for users to adjust server parameters at + // runtime. + return sc.countError("over_max_streams_race", streamError(id, ErrCodeRefusedStream)) + } + + initialState := stateOpen + if f.StreamEnded() { + initialState = stateHalfClosedRemote + } + st := sc.newStream(id, 0, initialState) + + if f.HasPriority() { + if err := sc.checkPriority(f.StreamID, f.Priority); err != nil { + return err + } + sc.writeSched.AdjustStream(st.id, f.Priority) + } + + rw, req, err := sc.newWriterAndRequest(st, f) + if err != nil { + return err + } + st.reqTrailer = req.Trailer + if st.reqTrailer != nil { + st.trailer = make(http.Header) + } + st.body = req.Body.(*requestBody).pipe // may be nil + st.declBodyBytes = req.ContentLength + + handler := sc.handler.ServeHTTP + if f.Truncated { + // Their header list was too long. Send a 431 error. + handler = handleHeaderListTooLong + } else if err := checkValidHTTP2RequestHeaders(req.Header); err != nil { + handler = new400Handler(err) + } + + // The net/http package sets the read deadline from the + // http.Server.ReadTimeout during the TLS handshake, but then + // passes the connection off to us with the deadline already + // set. Disarm it here after the request headers are read, + // similar to how the http1 server works. Here it's + // technically more like the http1 Server's ReadHeaderTimeout + // (in Go 1.8), though. That's a more sane option anyway. + if sc.hs.ReadTimeout != 0 { + sc.conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{}) + } + + go sc.runHandler(rw, req, handler) + return nil +} + +func (st *stream) processTrailerHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { + sc := st.sc + sc.serveG.check() + if st.gotTrailerHeader { + return sc.countError("dup_trailers", ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + st.gotTrailerHeader = true + if !f.StreamEnded() { + return sc.countError("trailers_not_ended", streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + + if len(f.PseudoFields()) > 0 { + return sc.countError("trailers_pseudo", streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + if st.trailer != nil { + for _, hf := range f.RegularFields() { + key := sc.canonicalHeader(hf.Name) + if !httpguts.ValidTrailerHeader(key) { + // TODO: send more details to the peer somehow. But http2 has + // no way to send debug data at a stream level. Discuss with + // HTTP folk. + return sc.countError("trailers_bogus", streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + st.trailer[key] = append(st.trailer[key], hf.Value) + } + } + st.endStream() + return nil +} + +func (sc *serverConn) checkPriority(streamID uint32, p PriorityParam) error { + if streamID == p.StreamDep { + // Section 5.3.1: "A stream cannot depend on itself. An endpoint MUST treat + // this as a stream error (Section 5.4.2) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR." + // Section 5.3.3 says that a stream can depend on one of its dependencies, + // so it's only self-dependencies that are forbidden. + return sc.countError("priority", streamError(streamID, ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + return nil +} + +func (sc *serverConn) processPriority(f *PriorityFrame) error { + if sc.inGoAway { + return nil + } + if err := sc.checkPriority(f.StreamID, f.PriorityParam); err != nil { + return err + } + sc.writeSched.AdjustStream(f.StreamID, f.PriorityParam) + return nil +} + +func (sc *serverConn) newStream(id, pusherID uint32, state streamState) *stream { + sc.serveG.check() + if id == 0 { + panic("internal error: cannot create stream with id 0") + } + + ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithCancel(sc.baseCtx) + st := &stream{ + sc: sc, + id: id, + state: state, + ctx: ctx, + cancelCtx: cancelCtx, + } + st.cw.Init() + st.flow.conn = &sc.flow // link to conn-level counter + st.flow.add(sc.initialStreamSendWindowSize) + st.inflow.conn = &sc.inflow // link to conn-level counter + st.inflow.add(sc.srv.initialStreamRecvWindowSize()) + if sc.hs.WriteTimeout != 0 { + st.writeDeadline = time.AfterFunc(sc.hs.WriteTimeout, st.onWriteTimeout) + } + + sc.streams[id] = st + sc.writeSched.OpenStream(st.id, OpenStreamOptions{PusherID: pusherID}) + if st.isPushed() { + sc.curPushedStreams++ + } else { + sc.curClientStreams++ + } + if sc.curOpenStreams() == 1 { + sc.setConnState(http.StateActive) + } + + return st +} + +func (sc *serverConn) newWriterAndRequest(st *stream, f *MetaHeadersFrame) (*responseWriter, *http.Request, error) { + sc.serveG.check() + + rp := requestParam{ + method: f.PseudoValue("method"), + scheme: f.PseudoValue("scheme"), + authority: f.PseudoValue("authority"), + path: f.PseudoValue("path"), + } + + isConnect := rp.method == "CONNECT" + if isConnect { + if rp.path != "" || rp.scheme != "" || rp.authority == "" { + return nil, nil, sc.countError("bad_connect", streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + } else if rp.method == "" || rp.path == "" || (rp.scheme != "https" && rp.scheme != "http") { + // See Malformed Requests and Responses: + // + // Malformed requests or responses that are detected + // MUST be treated as a stream error (Section 5.4.2) + // of type PROTOCOL_ERROR." + // + // Request Pseudo-Header Fields + // "All HTTP/2 requests MUST include exactly one valid + // value for the :method, :scheme, and :path + // pseudo-header fields" + return nil, nil, sc.countError("bad_path_method", streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + + bodyOpen := !f.StreamEnded() + if rp.method == "HEAD" && bodyOpen { + // HEAD requests can't have bodies + return nil, nil, sc.countError("head_body", streamError(f.StreamID, ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + + rp.header = make(http.Header) + for _, hf := range f.RegularFields() { + rp.header.Add(sc.canonicalHeader(hf.Name), hf.Value) + } + if rp.authority == "" { + rp.authority = rp.header.Get("Host") + } + + rw, req, err := sc.newWriterAndRequestNoBody(st, rp) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + if bodyOpen { + if vv, ok := rp.header["Content-Length"]; ok { + if cl, err := strconv.ParseUint(vv[0], 10, 63); err == nil { + req.ContentLength = int64(cl) + } else { + req.ContentLength = 0 + } + } else { + req.ContentLength = -1 + } + req.Body.(*requestBody).pipe = &pipe{ + b: &dataBuffer{expected: req.ContentLength}, + } + } + return rw, req, nil +} + +type requestParam struct { + method string + scheme, authority, path string + header http.Header +} + +func (sc *serverConn) newWriterAndRequestNoBody(st *stream, rp requestParam) (*responseWriter, *http.Request, error) { + sc.serveG.check() + + var tlsState *tls.ConnectionState // nil if not scheme https + if rp.scheme == "https" { + tlsState = sc.tlsState + } + + needsContinue := rp.header.Get("Expect") == "100-continue" + if needsContinue { + rp.header.Del("Expect") + } + // Merge Cookie headers into one "; "-delimited value. + if cookies := rp.header["Cookie"]; len(cookies) > 1 { + rp.header.Set("Cookie", strings.Join(cookies, "; ")) + } + + // Setup Trailers + var trailer http.Header + for _, v := range rp.header["Trailer"] { + for _, key := range strings.Split(v, ",") { + key = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(textproto.TrimString(key)) + switch key { + case "Transfer-Encoding", "Trailer", "Content-Length": + // Bogus. (copy of http1 rules) + // Ignore. + default: + if trailer == nil { + trailer = make(http.Header) + } + trailer[key] = nil + } + } + } + delete(rp.header, "Trailer") + + var url_ *url.URL + var requestURI string + if rp.method == "CONNECT" { + url_ = &url.URL{Host: rp.authority} + requestURI = rp.authority // mimic HTTP/1 server behavior + } else { + var err error + url_, err = url.ParseRequestURI(rp.path) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, sc.countError("bad_path", streamError(st.id, ErrCodeProtocol)) + } + requestURI = rp.path + } + + body := &requestBody{ + conn: sc, + stream: st, + needsContinue: needsContinue, + } + req := &http.Request{ + Method: rp.method, + URL: url_, + RemoteAddr: sc.remoteAddrStr, + Header: rp.header, + RequestURI: requestURI, + Proto: "HTTP/2.0", + ProtoMajor: 2, + ProtoMinor: 0, + TLS: tlsState, + Host: rp.authority, + Body: body, + Trailer: trailer, + } + req = req.WithContext(st.ctx) + + rws := responseWriterStatePool.Get().(*responseWriterState) + bwSave := rws.bw + *rws = responseWriterState{} // zero all the fields + rws.conn = sc + rws.bw = bwSave + rws.bw.Reset(chunkWriter{rws}) + rws.stream = st + rws.req = req + rws.body = body + + rw := &responseWriter{rws: rws} + return rw, req, nil +} + +// Run on its own goroutine. +func (sc *serverConn) runHandler(rw *responseWriter, req *http.Request, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) { + didPanic := true + defer func() { + rw.rws.stream.cancelCtx() + if didPanic { + e := recover() + sc.writeFrameFromHandler(FrameWriteRequest{ + write: handlerPanicRST{rw.rws.stream.id}, + stream: rw.rws.stream, + }) + // Same as net/http: + if e != nil && e != http.ErrAbortHandler { + const size = 64 << 10 + buf := make([]byte, size) + buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)] + sc.logf("http2: panic serving %v: %v\n%s", sc.conn.RemoteAddr(), e, buf) + } + return + } + rw.handlerDone() + }() + handler(rw, req) + didPanic = false +} + +func handleHeaderListTooLong(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { + // 10.5.1 Limits on Header Block Size: + // .. "A server that receives a larger header block than it is + // willing to handle can send an HTTP 431 (Request Header Fields Too + // Large) status code" + const statusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431 // only in Go 1.6+ + w.WriteHeader(statusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge) + io.WriteString(w, "

HTTP Error 431

Request Header Field(s) Too Large

") +} + +// called from handler goroutines. +// h may be nil. +func (sc *serverConn) writeHeaders(st *stream, headerData *writeResHeaders) error { + sc.serveG.checkNotOn() // NOT on + var errc chan error + if headerData.h != nil { + // If there's a header map (which we don't own), so we have to block on + // waiting for this frame to be written, so an http.Flush mid-handler + // writes out the correct value of keys, before a handler later potentially + // mutates it. + errc = errChanPool.Get().(chan error) + } + if err := sc.writeFrameFromHandler(FrameWriteRequest{ + write: headerData, + stream: st, + done: errc, + }); err != nil { + return err + } + if errc != nil { + select { + case err := <-errc: + errChanPool.Put(errc) + return err + case <-sc.doneServing: + return errClientDisconnected + case <-st.cw: + return errStreamClosed + } + } + return nil +} + +// called from handler goroutines. +func (sc *serverConn) write100ContinueHeaders(st *stream) { + sc.writeFrameFromHandler(FrameWriteRequest{ + write: write100ContinueHeadersFrame{st.id}, + stream: st, + }) +} + +// A bodyReadMsg tells the server loop that the http.Handler read n +// bytes of the DATA from the client on the given stream. +type bodyReadMsg struct { + st *stream + n int +} + +// called from handler goroutines. +// Notes that the handler for the given stream ID read n bytes of its body +// and schedules flow control tokens to be sent. +func (sc *serverConn) noteBodyReadFromHandler(st *stream, n int, err error) { + sc.serveG.checkNotOn() // NOT on + if n > 0 { + select { + case sc.bodyReadCh <- bodyReadMsg{st, n}: + case <-sc.doneServing: + } + } +} + +func (sc *serverConn) noteBodyRead(st *stream, n int) { + sc.serveG.check() + sc.sendWindowUpdate(nil, n) // conn-level + if st.state != stateHalfClosedRemote && st.state != stateClosed { + // Don't send this WINDOW_UPDATE if the stream is closed + // remotely. + sc.sendWindowUpdate(st, n) + } +} + +// st may be nil for conn-level +func (sc *serverConn) sendWindowUpdate(st *stream, n int) { + sc.serveG.check() + // "The legal range for the increment to the flow control + // window is 1 to 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647) octets." + // A Go Read call on 64-bit machines could in theory read + // a larger Read than this. Very unlikely, but we handle it here + // rather than elsewhere for now. + const maxUint31 = 1<<31 - 1 + for n >= maxUint31 { + sc.sendWindowUpdate32(st, maxUint31) + n -= maxUint31 + } + sc.sendWindowUpdate32(st, int32(n)) +} + +// st may be nil for conn-level +func (sc *serverConn) sendWindowUpdate32(st *stream, n int32) { + sc.serveG.check() + if n == 0 { + return + } + if n < 0 { + panic("negative update") + } + var streamID uint32 + if st != nil { + streamID = st.id + } + sc.writeFrame(FrameWriteRequest{ + write: writeWindowUpdate{streamID: streamID, n: uint32(n)}, + stream: st, + }) + var ok bool + if st == nil { + ok = sc.inflow.add(n) + } else { + ok = st.inflow.add(n) + } + if !ok { + panic("internal error; sent too many window updates without decrements?") + } +} + +// requestBody is the Handler's Request.Body type. +// Read and Close may be called concurrently. +type requestBody struct { + _ incomparable + stream *stream + conn *serverConn + closeOnce sync.Once // for use by Close only + sawEOF bool // for use by Read only + pipe *pipe // non-nil if we have a HTTP entity message body + needsContinue bool // need to send a 100-continue +} + +func (b *requestBody) Close() error { + b.closeOnce.Do(func() { + if b.pipe != nil { + b.pipe.BreakWithError(errClosedBody) + } + }) + return nil +} + +func (b *requestBody) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + if b.needsContinue { + b.needsContinue = false + b.conn.write100ContinueHeaders(b.stream) + } + if b.pipe == nil || b.sawEOF { + return 0, io.EOF + } + n, err = b.pipe.Read(p) + if err == io.EOF { + b.sawEOF = true + } + if b.conn == nil && inTests { + return + } + b.conn.noteBodyReadFromHandler(b.stream, n, err) + return +} + +// responseWriter is the http.ResponseWriter implementation. It's +// intentionally small (1 pointer wide) to minimize garbage. The +// responseWriterState pointer inside is zeroed at the end of a +// request (in handlerDone) and calls on the responseWriter thereafter +// simply crash (caller's mistake), but the much larger responseWriterState +// and buffers are reused between multiple requests. +type responseWriter struct { + rws *responseWriterState +} + +// Optional http.ResponseWriter interfaces implemented. +var ( + _ http.CloseNotifier = (*responseWriter)(nil) + _ http.Flusher = (*responseWriter)(nil) + _ stringWriter = (*responseWriter)(nil) +) + +type responseWriterState struct { + // immutable within a request: + stream *stream + req *http.Request + body *requestBody // to close at end of request, if DATA frames didn't + conn *serverConn + + // TODO: adjust buffer writing sizes based on server config, frame size updates from peer, etc + bw *bufio.Writer // writing to a chunkWriter{this *responseWriterState} + + // mutated by http.Handler goroutine: + handlerHeader http.Header // nil until called + snapHeader http.Header // snapshot of handlerHeader at WriteHeader time + trailers []string // set in writeChunk + status int // status code passed to WriteHeader + wroteHeader bool // WriteHeader called (explicitly or implicitly). Not necessarily sent to user yet. + sentHeader bool // have we sent the header frame? + handlerDone bool // handler has finished + dirty bool // a Write failed; don't reuse this responseWriterState + + sentContentLen int64 // non-zero if handler set a Content-Length header + wroteBytes int64 + + closeNotifierMu sync.Mutex // guards closeNotifierCh + closeNotifierCh chan bool // nil until first used +} + +type chunkWriter struct{ rws *responseWriterState } + +func (cw chunkWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { return cw.rws.writeChunk(p) } + +func (rws *responseWriterState) hasTrailers() bool { return len(rws.trailers) > 0 } + +func (rws *responseWriterState) hasNonemptyTrailers() bool { + for _, trailer := range rws.trailers { + if _, ok := rws.handlerHeader[trailer]; ok { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +// declareTrailer is called for each Trailer header when the +// response header is written. It notes that a header will need to be +// written in the trailers at the end of the response. +func (rws *responseWriterState) declareTrailer(k string) { + k = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k) + if !httpguts.ValidTrailerHeader(k) { + // Forbidden by RFC 7230, section 4.1.2. + rws.conn.logf("ignoring invalid trailer %q", k) + return + } + if !strSliceContains(rws.trailers, k) { + rws.trailers = append(rws.trailers, k) + } +} + +// writeChunk writes chunks from the bufio.Writer. But because +// bufio.Writer may bypass its chunking, sometimes p may be +// arbitrarily large. +// +// writeChunk is also responsible (on the first chunk) for sending the +// HEADER response. +func (rws *responseWriterState) writeChunk(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + if !rws.wroteHeader { + rws.writeHeader(200) + } + + isHeadResp := rws.req.Method == "HEAD" + if !rws.sentHeader { + rws.sentHeader = true + var ctype, clen string + if clen = rws.snapHeader.Get("Content-Length"); clen != "" { + rws.snapHeader.Del("Content-Length") + if cl, err := strconv.ParseUint(clen, 10, 63); err == nil { + rws.sentContentLen = int64(cl) + } else { + clen = "" + } + } + if clen == "" && rws.handlerDone && bodyAllowedForStatus(rws.status) && (len(p) > 0 || !isHeadResp) { + clen = strconv.Itoa(len(p)) + } + _, hasContentType := rws.snapHeader["Content-Type"] + // If the Content-Encoding is non-blank, we shouldn't + // sniff the body. See Issue golang.org/issue/31753. + ce := rws.snapHeader.Get("Content-Encoding") + hasCE := len(ce) > 0 + if !hasCE && !hasContentType && bodyAllowedForStatus(rws.status) && len(p) > 0 { + ctype = http.DetectContentType(p) + } + var date string + if _, ok := rws.snapHeader["Date"]; !ok { + // TODO(bradfitz): be faster here, like net/http? measure. + date = time.Now().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat) + } + + for _, v := range rws.snapHeader["Trailer"] { + foreachHeaderElement(v, rws.declareTrailer) + } + + // "Connection" headers aren't allowed in HTTP/2 (RFC 7540,, + // but respect "Connection" == "close" to mean sending a GOAWAY and tearing + // down the TCP connection when idle, like we do for HTTP/1. + // TODO: remove more Connection-specific header fields here, in addition + // to "Connection". + if _, ok := rws.snapHeader["Connection"]; ok { + v := rws.snapHeader.Get("Connection") + delete(rws.snapHeader, "Connection") + if v == "close" { + rws.conn.startGracefulShutdown() + } + } + + endStream := (rws.handlerDone && !rws.hasTrailers() && len(p) == 0) || isHeadResp + err = rws.conn.writeHeaders(rws.stream, &writeResHeaders{ + streamID: rws.stream.id, + httpResCode: rws.status, + h: rws.snapHeader, + endStream: endStream, + contentType: ctype, + contentLength: clen, + date: date, + }) + if err != nil { + rws.dirty = true + return 0, err + } + if endStream { + return 0, nil + } + } + if isHeadResp { + return len(p), nil + } + if len(p) == 0 && !rws.handlerDone { + return 0, nil + } + + if rws.handlerDone { + rws.promoteUndeclaredTrailers() + } + + // only send trailers if they have actually been defined by the + // server handler. + hasNonemptyTrailers := rws.hasNonemptyTrailers() + endStream := rws.handlerDone && !hasNonemptyTrailers + if len(p) > 0 || endStream { + // only send a 0 byte DATA frame if we're ending the stream. + if err := rws.conn.writeDataFromHandler(rws.stream, p, endStream); err != nil { + rws.dirty = true + return 0, err + } + } + + if rws.handlerDone && hasNonemptyTrailers { + err = rws.conn.writeHeaders(rws.stream, &writeResHeaders{ + streamID: rws.stream.id, + h: rws.handlerHeader, + trailers: rws.trailers, + endStream: true, + }) + if err != nil { + rws.dirty = true + } + return len(p), err + } + return len(p), nil +} + +// TrailerPrefix is a magic prefix for ResponseWriter.Header map keys +// that, if present, signals that the map entry is actually for +// the response trailers, and not the response headers. The prefix +// is stripped after the ServeHTTP call finishes and the values are +// sent in the trailers. +// +// This mechanism is intended only for trailers that are not known +// prior to the headers being written. If the set of trailers is fixed +// or known before the header is written, the normal Go trailers mechanism +// is preferred: +// +// https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#ResponseWriter +// https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#example_ResponseWriter_trailers +const TrailerPrefix = "Trailer:" + +// promoteUndeclaredTrailers permits http.Handlers to set trailers +// after the header has already been flushed. Because the Go +// ResponseWriter interface has no way to set Trailers (only the +// Header), and because we didn't want to expand the ResponseWriter +// interface, and because nobody used trailers, and because RFC 7230 +// says you SHOULD (but not must) predeclare any trailers in the +// header, the official ResponseWriter rules said trailers in Go must +// be predeclared, and then we reuse the same ResponseWriter.Header() +// map to mean both Headers and Trailers. When it's time to write the +// Trailers, we pick out the fields of Headers that were declared as +// trailers. That worked for a while, until we found the first major +// user of Trailers in the wild: gRPC (using them only over http2), +// and gRPC libraries permit setting trailers mid-stream without +// predeclaring them. So: change of plans. We still permit the old +// way, but we also permit this hack: if a Header() key begins with +// "Trailer:", the suffix of that key is a Trailer. Because ':' is an +// invalid token byte anyway, there is no ambiguity. (And it's already +// filtered out) It's mildly hacky, but not terrible. +// +// This method runs after the Handler is done and promotes any Header +// fields to be trailers. +func (rws *responseWriterState) promoteUndeclaredTrailers() { + for k, vv := range rws.handlerHeader { + if !strings.HasPrefix(k, TrailerPrefix) { + continue + } + trailerKey := strings.TrimPrefix(k, TrailerPrefix) + rws.declareTrailer(trailerKey) + rws.handlerHeader[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(trailerKey)] = vv + } + + if len(rws.trailers) > 1 { + sorter := sorterPool.Get().(*sorter) + sorter.SortStrings(rws.trailers) + sorterPool.Put(sorter) + } +} + +func (w *responseWriter) Flush() { + rws := w.rws + if rws == nil { + panic("Header called after Handler finished") + } + if rws.bw.Buffered() > 0 { + if err := rws.bw.Flush(); err != nil { + // Ignore the error. The frame writer already knows. + return + } + } else { + // The bufio.Writer won't call chunkWriter.Write + // (writeChunk with zero bytes, so we have to do it + // ourselves to force the HTTP response header and/or + // final DATA frame (with END_STREAM) to be sent. + rws.writeChunk(nil) + } +} + +func (w *responseWriter) CloseNotify() <-chan bool { + rws := w.rws + if rws == nil { + panic("CloseNotify called after Handler finished") + } + rws.closeNotifierMu.Lock() + ch := rws.closeNotifierCh + if ch == nil { + ch = make(chan bool, 1) + rws.closeNotifierCh = ch + cw := rws.stream.cw + go func() { + cw.Wait() // wait for close + ch <- true + }() + } + rws.closeNotifierMu.Unlock() + return ch +} + +func (w *responseWriter) Header() http.Header { + rws := w.rws + if rws == nil { + panic("Header called after Handler finished") + } + if rws.handlerHeader == nil { + rws.handlerHeader = make(http.Header) + } + return rws.handlerHeader +} + +// checkWriteHeaderCode is a copy of net/http's checkWriteHeaderCode. +func checkWriteHeaderCode(code int) { + // Issue 22880: require valid WriteHeader status codes. + // For now we only enforce that it's three digits. + // In the future we might block things over 599 (600 and above aren't defined + // at http://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#status.codes). + // But for now any three digits. + // + // We used to send "HTTP/1.1 000 0" on the wire in responses but there's + // no equivalent bogus thing we can realistically send in HTTP/2, + // so we'll consistently panic instead and help people find their bugs + // early. (We can't return an error from WriteHeader even if we wanted to.) + if code < 100 || code > 999 { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid WriteHeader code %v", code)) + } +} + +func (w *responseWriter) WriteHeader(code int) { + rws := w.rws + if rws == nil { + panic("WriteHeader called after Handler finished") + } + rws.writeHeader(code) +} + +func (rws *responseWriterState) writeHeader(code int) { + if rws.wroteHeader { + return + } + + checkWriteHeaderCode(code) + + // Handle informational headers + if code >= 100 && code <= 199 { + // Per RFC 8297 we must not clear the current header map + h := rws.handlerHeader + + if rws.conn.writeHeaders(rws.stream, &writeResHeaders{ + streamID: rws.stream.id, + httpResCode: code, + h: h, + endStream: rws.handlerDone && !rws.hasTrailers(), + }) != nil { + rws.dirty = true + } + + return + } + + rws.wroteHeader = true + rws.status = code + if len(rws.handlerHeader) > 0 { + rws.snapHeader = cloneHeader(rws.handlerHeader) + } +} + +func cloneHeader(h http.Header) http.Header { + h2 := make(http.Header, len(h)) + for k, vv := range h { + vv2 := make([]string, len(vv)) + copy(vv2, vv) + h2[k] = vv2 + } + return h2 +} + +// The Life Of A Write is like this: +// +// * Handler calls w.Write or w.WriteString -> +// * -> rws.bw (*bufio.Writer) -> +// * (Handler might call Flush) +// * -> chunkWriter{rws} +// * -> responseWriterState.writeChunk(p []byte) +// * -> responseWriterState.writeChunk (most of the magic; see comment there) +func (w *responseWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + return w.write(len(p), p, "") +} + +func (w *responseWriter) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) { + return w.write(len(s), nil, s) +} + +// either dataB or dataS is non-zero. +func (w *responseWriter) write(lenData int, dataB []byte, dataS string) (n int, err error) { + rws := w.rws + if rws == nil { + panic("Write called after Handler finished") + } + if !rws.wroteHeader { + w.WriteHeader(200) + } + if !bodyAllowedForStatus(rws.status) { + return 0, http.ErrBodyNotAllowed + } + rws.wroteBytes += int64(len(dataB)) + int64(len(dataS)) // only one can be set + if rws.sentContentLen != 0 && rws.wroteBytes > rws.sentContentLen { + // TODO: send a RST_STREAM + return 0, errors.New("http2: handler wrote more than declared Content-Length") + } + + if dataB != nil { + return rws.bw.Write(dataB) + } else { + return rws.bw.WriteString(dataS) + } +} + +func (w *responseWriter) handlerDone() { + rws := w.rws + dirty := rws.dirty + rws.handlerDone = true + w.Flush() + w.rws = nil + if !dirty { + // Only recycle the pool if all prior Write calls to + // the serverConn goroutine completed successfully. If + // they returned earlier due to resets from the peer + // there might still be write goroutines outstanding + // from the serverConn referencing the rws memory. See + // issue 20704. + responseWriterStatePool.Put(rws) + } +} + +// Push errors. +var ( + ErrRecursivePush = errors.New("http2: recursive push not allowed") + ErrPushLimitReached = errors.New("http2: push would exceed peer's SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS") +) + +var _ http.Pusher = (*responseWriter)(nil) + +func (w *responseWriter) Push(target string, opts *http.PushOptions) error { + st := w.rws.stream + sc := st.sc + sc.serveG.checkNotOn() + + // No recursive pushes: "PUSH_PROMISE frames MUST only be sent on a peer-initiated stream." + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-6.6 + if st.isPushed() { + return ErrRecursivePush + } + + if opts == nil { + opts = new(http.PushOptions) + } + + // Default options. + if opts.Method == "" { + opts.Method = "GET" + } + if opts.Header == nil { + opts.Header = http.Header{} + } + wantScheme := "http" + if w.rws.req.TLS != nil { + wantScheme = "https" + } + + // Validate the request. + u, err := url.Parse(target) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if u.Scheme == "" { + if !strings.HasPrefix(target, "/") { + return fmt.Errorf("target must be an absolute URL or an absolute path: %q", target) + } + u.Scheme = wantScheme + u.Host = w.rws.req.Host + } else { + if u.Scheme != wantScheme { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot push URL with scheme %q from request with scheme %q", u.Scheme, wantScheme) + } + if u.Host == "" { + return errors.New("URL must have a host") + } + } + for k := range opts.Header { + if strings.HasPrefix(k, ":") { + return fmt.Errorf("promised request headers cannot include pseudo header %q", k) + } + // These headers are meaningful only if the request has a body, + // but PUSH_PROMISE requests cannot have a body. + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-8.2 + // Also disallow Host, since the promised URL must be absolute. + if asciiEqualFold(k, "content-length") || + asciiEqualFold(k, "content-encoding") || + asciiEqualFold(k, "trailer") || + asciiEqualFold(k, "te") || + asciiEqualFold(k, "expect") || + asciiEqualFold(k, "host") { + return fmt.Errorf("promised request headers cannot include %q", k) + } + } + if err := checkValidHTTP2RequestHeaders(opts.Header); err != nil { + return err + } + + // The RFC effectively limits promised requests to GET and HEAD: + // "Promised requests MUST be cacheable [GET, HEAD, or POST], and MUST be safe [GET or HEAD]" + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-8.2 + if opts.Method != "GET" && opts.Method != "HEAD" { + return fmt.Errorf("method %q must be GET or HEAD", opts.Method) + } + + msg := &startPushRequest{ + parent: st, + method: opts.Method, + url: u, + header: cloneHeader(opts.Header), + done: errChanPool.Get().(chan error), + } + + select { + case <-sc.doneServing: + return errClientDisconnected + case <-st.cw: + return errStreamClosed + case sc.serveMsgCh <- msg: + } + + select { + case <-sc.doneServing: + return errClientDisconnected + case <-st.cw: + return errStreamClosed + case err := <-msg.done: + errChanPool.Put(msg.done) + return err + } +} + +type startPushRequest struct { + parent *stream + method string + url *url.URL + header http.Header + done chan error +} + +func (sc *serverConn) startPush(msg *startPushRequest) { + sc.serveG.check() + + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-6.6. + // PUSH_PROMISE frames MUST only be sent on a peer-initiated stream that + // is in either the "open" or "half-closed (remote)" state. + if msg.parent.state != stateOpen && msg.parent.state != stateHalfClosedRemote { + // responseWriter.Push checks that the stream is peer-initiated. + msg.done <- errStreamClosed + return + } + + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-6.6. + if !sc.pushEnabled { + msg.done <- http.ErrNotSupported + return + } + + // PUSH_PROMISE frames must be sent in increasing order by stream ID, so + // we allocate an ID for the promised stream lazily, when the PUSH_PROMISE + // is written. Once the ID is allocated, we start the request handler. + allocatePromisedID := func() (uint32, error) { + sc.serveG.check() + + // Check this again, just in case. Technically, we might have received + // an updated SETTINGS by the time we got around to writing this frame. + if !sc.pushEnabled { + return 0, http.ErrNotSupported + } + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-6.5.2. + if sc.curPushedStreams+1 > sc.clientMaxStreams { + return 0, ErrPushLimitReached + } + + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-5.1.1. + // Streams initiated by the server MUST use even-numbered identifiers. + // A server that is unable to establish a new stream identifier can send a GOAWAY + // frame so that the client is forced to open a new connection for new streams. + if sc.maxPushPromiseID+2 >= 1<<31 { + sc.startGracefulShutdownInternal() + return 0, ErrPushLimitReached + } + sc.maxPushPromiseID += 2 + promisedID := sc.maxPushPromiseID + + // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-8.2. + // Strictly speaking, the new stream should start in "reserved (local)", then + // transition to "half closed (remote)" after sending the initial HEADERS, but + // we start in "half closed (remote)" for simplicity. + // See further comments at the definition of stateHalfClosedRemote. + promised := sc.newStream(promisedID, msg.parent.id, stateHalfClosedRemote) + rw, req, err := sc.newWriterAndRequestNoBody(promised, requestParam{ + method: msg.method, + scheme: msg.url.Scheme, + authority: msg.url.Host, + path: msg.url.RequestURI(), + header: cloneHeader(msg.header), // clone since handler runs concurrently with writing the PUSH_PROMISE + }) + if err != nil { + // Should not happen, since we've already validated msg.url. + panic(fmt.Sprintf("newWriterAndRequestNoBody(%+v): %v", msg.url, err)) + } + + go sc.runHandler(rw, req, sc.handler.ServeHTTP) + return promisedID, nil + } + + sc.writeFrame(FrameWriteRequest{ + write: &writePushPromise{ + streamID: msg.parent.id, + method: msg.method, + url: msg.url, + h: msg.header, + allocatePromisedID: allocatePromisedID, + }, + stream: msg.parent, + done: msg.done, + }) +} + +// foreachHeaderElement splits v according to the "#rule" construction +// in RFC 7230 section 7 and calls fn for each non-empty element. +func foreachHeaderElement(v string, fn func(string)) { + v = textproto.TrimString(v) + if v == "" { + return + } + if !strings.Contains(v, ",") { + fn(v) + return + } + for _, f := range strings.Split(v, ",") { + if f = textproto.TrimString(f); f != "" { + fn(f) + } + } +} + +// From http://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7540.html#rfc.section. +var connHeaders = []string{ + "Connection", + "Keep-Alive", + "Proxy-Connection", + "Transfer-Encoding", + "Upgrade", +} + +// checkValidHTTP2RequestHeaders checks whether h is a valid HTTP/2 request, +// per RFC 7540 Section +// The returned error is reported to users. +func checkValidHTTP2RequestHeaders(h http.Header) error { + for _, k := range connHeaders { + if _, ok := h[k]; ok { + return fmt.Errorf("request header %q is not valid in HTTP/2", k) + } + } + te := h["Te"] + if len(te) > 0 && (len(te) > 1 || (te[0] != "trailers" && te[0] != "")) { + return errors.New(`request header "TE" may only be "trailers" in HTTP/2`) + } + return nil +} + +func new400Handler(err error) http.HandlerFunc { + return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { + http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) + } +} + +// h1ServerKeepAlivesDisabled reports whether hs has its keep-alives +// disabled. See comments on h1ServerShutdownChan above for why +// the code is written this way. +func h1ServerKeepAlivesDisabled(hs *http.Server) bool { + var x interface{} = hs + type I interface { + doKeepAlives() bool + } + if hs, ok := x.(I); ok { + return !hs.doKeepAlives() + } + return false +} + +func (sc *serverConn) countError(name string, err error) error { + if sc == nil || sc.srv == nil { + return err + } + f := sc.srv.CountError + if f == nil { + return err + } + var typ string + var code ErrCode + switch e := err.(type) { + case ConnectionError: + typ = "conn" + code = ErrCode(e) + case StreamError: + typ = "stream" + code = ErrCode(e.Code) + default: + return err + } + codeStr := errCodeName[code] + if codeStr == "" { + codeStr = strconv.Itoa(int(code)) + } + f(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", typ, codeStr, name)) + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4ded4dfd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport.go @@ -0,0 +1,3055 @@ +// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Transport code. + +package http2 + +import ( + "bufio" + "bytes" + "compress/gzip" + "context" + "crypto/rand" + "crypto/tls" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "log" + "math" + mathrand "math/rand" + "net" + "net/http" + "net/http/httptrace" + "net/textproto" + "os" + "sort" + "strconv" + "strings" + "sync" + "sync/atomic" + "time" + + "golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts" + "golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack" + "golang.org/x/net/idna" +) + +const ( + // transportDefaultConnFlow is how many connection-level flow control + // tokens we give the server at start-up, past the default 64k. + transportDefaultConnFlow = 1 << 30 + + // transportDefaultStreamFlow is how many stream-level flow + // control tokens we announce to the peer, and how many bytes + // we buffer per stream. + transportDefaultStreamFlow = 4 << 20 + + // transportDefaultStreamMinRefresh is the minimum number of bytes we'll send + // a stream-level WINDOW_UPDATE for at a time. + transportDefaultStreamMinRefresh = 4 << 10 + + defaultUserAgent = "Go-http-client/2.0" + + // initialMaxConcurrentStreams is a connections maxConcurrentStreams until + // it's received servers initial SETTINGS frame, which corresponds with the + // spec's minimum recommended value. + initialMaxConcurrentStreams = 100 + + // defaultMaxConcurrentStreams is a connections default maxConcurrentStreams + // if the server doesn't include one in its initial SETTINGS frame. + defaultMaxConcurrentStreams = 1000 +) + +// Transport is an HTTP/2 Transport. +// +// A Transport internally caches connections to servers. It is safe +// for concurrent use by multiple goroutines. +type Transport struct { + // DialTLS specifies an optional dial function for creating + // TLS connections for requests. + // + // If DialTLS is nil, tls.Dial is used. + // + // If the returned net.Conn has a ConnectionState method like tls.Conn, + // it will be used to set http.Response.TLS. + DialTLS func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) + + // TLSClientConfig specifies the TLS configuration to use with + // tls.Client. If nil, the default configuration is used. + TLSClientConfig *tls.Config + + // ConnPool optionally specifies an alternate connection pool to use. + // If nil, the default is used. + ConnPool ClientConnPool + + // DisableCompression, if true, prevents the Transport from + // requesting compression with an "Accept-Encoding: gzip" + // request header when the Request contains no existing + // Accept-Encoding value. If the Transport requests gzip on + // its own and gets a gzipped response, it's transparently + // decoded in the Response.Body. However, if the user + // explicitly requested gzip it is not automatically + // uncompressed. + DisableCompression bool + + // AllowHTTP, if true, permits HTTP/2 requests using the insecure, + // plain-text "http" scheme. Note that this does not enable h2c support. + AllowHTTP bool + + // MaxHeaderListSize is the http2 SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE to + // send in the initial settings frame. It is how many bytes + // of response headers are allowed. Unlike the http2 spec, zero here + // means to use a default limit (currently 10MB). If you actually + // want to advertise an unlimited value to the peer, Transport + // interprets the highest possible value here (0xffffffff or 1<<32-1) + // to mean no limit. + MaxHeaderListSize uint32 + + // StrictMaxConcurrentStreams controls whether the server's + // SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS should be respected + // globally. If false, new TCP connections are created to the + // server as needed to keep each under the per-connection + // SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS limit. If true, the + // server's SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS is interpreted as + // a global limit and callers of RoundTrip block when needed, + // waiting for their turn. + StrictMaxConcurrentStreams bool + + // ReadIdleTimeout is the timeout after which a health check using ping + // frame will be carried out if no frame is received on the connection. + // Note that a ping response will is considered a received frame, so if + // there is no other traffic on the connection, the health check will + // be performed every ReadIdleTimeout interval. + // If zero, no health check is performed. + ReadIdleTimeout time.Duration + + // PingTimeout is the timeout after which the connection will be closed + // if a response to Ping is not received. + // Defaults to 15s. + PingTimeout time.Duration + + // WriteByteTimeout is the timeout after which the connection will be + // closed no data can be written to it. The timeout begins when data is + // available to write, and is extended whenever any bytes are written. + WriteByteTimeout time.Duration + + // CountError, if non-nil, is called on HTTP/2 transport errors. + // It's intended to increment a metric for monitoring, such + // as an expvar or Prometheus metric. + // The errType consists of only ASCII word characters. + CountError func(errType string) + + // t1, if non-nil, is the standard library Transport using + // this transport. Its settings are used (but not its + // RoundTrip method, etc). + t1 *http.Transport + + connPoolOnce sync.Once + connPoolOrDef ClientConnPool // non-nil version of ConnPool +} + +func (t *Transport) maxHeaderListSize() uint32 { + if t.MaxHeaderListSize == 0 { + return 10 << 20 + } + if t.MaxHeaderListSize == 0xffffffff { + return 0 + } + return t.MaxHeaderListSize +} + +func (t *Transport) disableCompression() bool { + return t.DisableCompression || (t.t1 != nil && t.t1.DisableCompression) +} + +func (t *Transport) pingTimeout() time.Duration { + if t.PingTimeout == 0 { + return 15 * time.Second + } + return t.PingTimeout + +} + +// ConfigureTransport configures a net/http HTTP/1 Transport to use HTTP/2. +// It returns an error if t1 has already been HTTP/2-enabled. +// +// Use ConfigureTransports instead to configure the HTTP/2 Transport. +func ConfigureTransport(t1 *http.Transport) error { + _, err := ConfigureTransports(t1) + return err +} + +// ConfigureTransports configures a net/http HTTP/1 Transport to use HTTP/2. +// It returns a new HTTP/2 Transport for further configuration. +// It returns an error if t1 has already been HTTP/2-enabled. +func ConfigureTransports(t1 *http.Transport) (*Transport, error) { + return configureTransports(t1) +} + +func configureTransports(t1 *http.Transport) (*Transport, error) { + connPool := new(clientConnPool) + t2 := &Transport{ + ConnPool: noDialClientConnPool{connPool}, + t1: t1, + } + connPool.t = t2 + if err := registerHTTPSProtocol(t1, noDialH2RoundTripper{t2}); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if t1.TLSClientConfig == nil { + t1.TLSClientConfig = new(tls.Config) + } + if !strSliceContains(t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos, "h2") { + t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos = append([]string{"h2"}, t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos...) + } + if !strSliceContains(t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos, "http/1.1") { + t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos = append(t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos, "http/1.1") + } + upgradeFn := func(authority string, c *tls.Conn) http.RoundTripper { + addr := authorityAddr("https", authority) + if used, err := connPool.addConnIfNeeded(addr, t2, c); err != nil { + go c.Close() + return erringRoundTripper{err} + } else if !used { + // Turns out we don't need this c. + // For example, two goroutines made requests to the same host + // at the same time, both kicking off TCP dials. (since protocol + // was unknown) + go c.Close() + } + return t2 + } + if m := t1.TLSNextProto; len(m) == 0 { + t1.TLSNextProto = map[string]func(string, *tls.Conn) http.RoundTripper{ + "h2": upgradeFn, + } + } else { + m["h2"] = upgradeFn + } + return t2, nil +} + +func (t *Transport) connPool() ClientConnPool { + t.connPoolOnce.Do(t.initConnPool) + return t.connPoolOrDef +} + +func (t *Transport) initConnPool() { + if t.ConnPool != nil { + t.connPoolOrDef = t.ConnPool + } else { + t.connPoolOrDef = &clientConnPool{t: t} + } +} + +// ClientConn is the state of a single HTTP/2 client connection to an +// HTTP/2 server. +type ClientConn struct { + t *Transport + tconn net.Conn // usually *tls.Conn, except specialized impls + tlsState *tls.ConnectionState // nil only for specialized impls + reused uint32 // whether conn is being reused; atomic + singleUse bool // whether being used for a single http.Request + getConnCalled bool // used by clientConnPool + + // readLoop goroutine fields: + readerDone chan struct{} // closed on error + readerErr error // set before readerDone is closed + + idleTimeout time.Duration // or 0 for never + idleTimer *time.Timer + + mu sync.Mutex // guards following + cond *sync.Cond // hold mu; broadcast on flow/closed changes + flow flow // our conn-level flow control quota (cs.flow is per stream) + inflow flow // peer's conn-level flow control + doNotReuse bool // whether conn is marked to not be reused for any future requests + closing bool + closed bool + seenSettings bool // true if we've seen a settings frame, false otherwise + wantSettingsAck bool // we sent a SETTINGS frame and haven't heard back + goAway *GoAwayFrame // if non-nil, the GoAwayFrame we received + goAwayDebug string // goAway frame's debug data, retained as a string + streams map[uint32]*clientStream // client-initiated + streamsReserved int // incr by ReserveNewRequest; decr on RoundTrip + nextStreamID uint32 + pendingRequests int // requests blocked and waiting to be sent because len(streams) == maxConcurrentStreams + pings map[[8]byte]chan struct{} // in flight ping data to notification channel + br *bufio.Reader + lastActive time.Time + lastIdle time.Time // time last idle + // Settings from peer: (also guarded by wmu) + maxFrameSize uint32 + maxConcurrentStreams uint32 + peerMaxHeaderListSize uint64 + initialWindowSize uint32 + + // reqHeaderMu is a 1-element semaphore channel controlling access to sending new requests. + // Write to reqHeaderMu to lock it, read from it to unlock. + // Lock reqmu BEFORE mu or wmu. + reqHeaderMu chan struct{} + + // wmu is held while writing. + // Acquire BEFORE mu when holding both, to avoid blocking mu on network writes. + // Only acquire both at the same time when changing peer settings. + wmu sync.Mutex + bw *bufio.Writer + fr *Framer + werr error // first write error that has occurred + hbuf bytes.Buffer // HPACK encoder writes into this + henc *hpack.Encoder +} + +// clientStream is the state for a single HTTP/2 stream. One of these +// is created for each Transport.RoundTrip call. +type clientStream struct { + cc *ClientConn + + // Fields of Request that we may access even after the response body is closed. + ctx context.Context + reqCancel <-chan struct{} + + trace *httptrace.ClientTrace // or nil + ID uint32 + bufPipe pipe // buffered pipe with the flow-controlled response payload + requestedGzip bool + isHead bool + + abortOnce sync.Once + abort chan struct{} // closed to signal stream should end immediately + abortErr error // set if abort is closed + + peerClosed chan struct{} // closed when the peer sends an END_STREAM flag + donec chan struct{} // closed after the stream is in the closed state + on100 chan struct{} // buffered; written to if a 100 is received + + respHeaderRecv chan struct{} // closed when headers are received + res *http.Response // set if respHeaderRecv is closed + + flow flow // guarded by cc.mu + inflow flow // guarded by cc.mu + bytesRemain int64 // -1 means unknown; owned by transportResponseBody.Read + readErr error // sticky read error; owned by transportResponseBody.Read + + reqBody io.ReadCloser + reqBodyContentLength int64 // -1 means unknown + reqBodyClosed bool // body has been closed; guarded by cc.mu + + // owned by writeRequest: + sentEndStream bool // sent an END_STREAM flag to the peer + sentHeaders bool + + // owned by clientConnReadLoop: + firstByte bool // got the first response byte + pastHeaders bool // got first MetaHeadersFrame (actual headers) + pastTrailers bool // got optional second MetaHeadersFrame (trailers) + num1xx uint8 // number of 1xx responses seen + readClosed bool // peer sent an END_STREAM flag + readAborted bool // read loop reset the stream + + trailer http.Header // accumulated trailers + resTrailer *http.Header // client's Response.Trailer +} + +var got1xxFuncForTests func(int, textproto.MIMEHeader) error + +// get1xxTraceFunc returns the value of request's httptrace.ClientTrace.Got1xxResponse func, +// if any. It returns nil if not set or if the Go version is too old. +func (cs *clientStream) get1xxTraceFunc() func(int, textproto.MIMEHeader) error { + if fn := got1xxFuncForTests; fn != nil { + return fn + } + return traceGot1xxResponseFunc(cs.trace) +} + +func (cs *clientStream) abortStream(err error) { + cs.cc.mu.Lock() + defer cs.cc.mu.Unlock() + cs.abortStreamLocked(err) +} + +func (cs *clientStream) abortStreamLocked(err error) { + cs.abortOnce.Do(func() { + cs.abortErr = err + close(cs.abort) + }) + if cs.reqBody != nil && !cs.reqBodyClosed { + cs.reqBody.Close() + cs.reqBodyClosed = true + } + // TODO(dneil): Clean up tests where cs.cc.cond is nil. + if cs.cc.cond != nil { + // Wake up writeRequestBody if it is waiting on flow control. + cs.cc.cond.Broadcast() + } +} + +func (cs *clientStream) abortRequestBodyWrite() { + cc := cs.cc + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + if cs.reqBody != nil && !cs.reqBodyClosed { + cs.reqBody.Close() + cs.reqBodyClosed = true + cc.cond.Broadcast() + } +} + +type stickyErrWriter struct { + conn net.Conn + timeout time.Duration + err *error +} + +func (sew stickyErrWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + if *sew.err != nil { + return 0, *sew.err + } + for { + if sew.timeout != 0 { + sew.conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(sew.timeout)) + } + nn, err := sew.conn.Write(p[n:]) + n += nn + if n < len(p) && nn > 0 && errors.Is(err, os.ErrDeadlineExceeded) { + // Keep extending the deadline so long as we're making progress. + continue + } + if sew.timeout != 0 { + sew.conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Time{}) + } + *sew.err = err + return n, err + } +} + +// noCachedConnError is the concrete type of ErrNoCachedConn, which +// needs to be detected by net/http regardless of whether it's its +// bundled version (in h2_bundle.go with a rewritten type name) or +// from a user's x/net/http2. As such, as it has a unique method name +// (IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError) that net/http sniffs for via func +// isNoCachedConnError. +type noCachedConnError struct{} + +func (noCachedConnError) IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError() {} +func (noCachedConnError) Error() string { return "http2: no cached connection was available" } + +// isNoCachedConnError reports whether err is of type noCachedConnError +// or its equivalent renamed type in net/http2's h2_bundle.go. Both types +// may coexist in the same running program. +func isNoCachedConnError(err error) bool { + _, ok := err.(interface{ IsHTTP2NoCachedConnError() }) + return ok +} + +var ErrNoCachedConn error = noCachedConnError{} + +// RoundTripOpt are options for the Transport.RoundTripOpt method. +type RoundTripOpt struct { + // OnlyCachedConn controls whether RoundTripOpt may + // create a new TCP connection. If set true and + // no cached connection is available, RoundTripOpt + // will return ErrNoCachedConn. + OnlyCachedConn bool +} + +func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { + return t.RoundTripOpt(req, RoundTripOpt{}) +} + +// authorityAddr returns a given authority (a host/IP, or host:port / ip:port) +// and returns a host:port. The port 443 is added if needed. +func authorityAddr(scheme string, authority string) (addr string) { + host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(authority) + if err != nil { // authority didn't have a port + port = "443" + if scheme == "http" { + port = "80" + } + host = authority + } + if a, err := idna.ToASCII(host); err == nil { + host = a + } + // IPv6 address literal, without a port: + if strings.HasPrefix(host, "[") && strings.HasSuffix(host, "]") { + return host + ":" + port + } + return net.JoinHostPort(host, port) +} + +// RoundTripOpt is like RoundTrip, but takes options. +func (t *Transport) RoundTripOpt(req *http.Request, opt RoundTripOpt) (*http.Response, error) { + if !(req.URL.Scheme == "https" || (req.URL.Scheme == "http" && t.AllowHTTP)) { + return nil, errors.New("http2: unsupported scheme") + } + + addr := authorityAddr(req.URL.Scheme, req.URL.Host) + for retry := 0; ; retry++ { + cc, err := t.connPool().GetClientConn(req, addr) + if err != nil { + t.vlogf("http2: Transport failed to get client conn for %s: %v", addr, err) + return nil, err + } + reused := !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&cc.reused, 0, 1) + traceGotConn(req, cc, reused) + res, err := cc.RoundTrip(req) + if err != nil && retry <= 6 { + if req, err = shouldRetryRequest(req, err); err == nil { + // After the first retry, do exponential backoff with 10% jitter. + if retry == 0 { + t.vlogf("RoundTrip retrying after failure: %v", err) + continue + } + backoff := float64(uint(1) << (uint(retry) - 1)) + backoff += backoff * (0.1 * mathrand.Float64()) + select { + case <-time.After(time.Second * time.Duration(backoff)): + t.vlogf("RoundTrip retrying after failure: %v", err) + continue + case <-req.Context().Done(): + err = req.Context().Err() + } + } + } + if err != nil { + t.vlogf("RoundTrip failure: %v", err) + return nil, err + } + return res, nil + } +} + +// CloseIdleConnections closes any connections which were previously +// connected from previous requests but are now sitting idle. +// It does not interrupt any connections currently in use. +func (t *Transport) CloseIdleConnections() { + if cp, ok := t.connPool().(clientConnPoolIdleCloser); ok { + cp.closeIdleConnections() + } +} + +var ( + errClientConnClosed = errors.New("http2: client conn is closed") + errClientConnUnusable = errors.New("http2: client conn not usable") + errClientConnGotGoAway = errors.New("http2: Transport received Server's graceful shutdown GOAWAY") +) + +// shouldRetryRequest is called by RoundTrip when a request fails to get +// response headers. It is always called with a non-nil error. +// It returns either a request to retry (either the same request, or a +// modified clone), or an error if the request can't be replayed. +func shouldRetryRequest(req *http.Request, err error) (*http.Request, error) { + if !canRetryError(err) { + return nil, err + } + // If the Body is nil (or http.NoBody), it's safe to reuse + // this request and its Body. + if req.Body == nil || req.Body == http.NoBody { + return req, nil + } + + // If the request body can be reset back to its original + // state via the optional req.GetBody, do that. + if req.GetBody != nil { + body, err := req.GetBody() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + newReq := *req + newReq.Body = body + return &newReq, nil + } + + // The Request.Body can't reset back to the beginning, but we + // don't seem to have started to read from it yet, so reuse + // the request directly. + if err == errClientConnUnusable { + return req, nil + } + + return nil, fmt.Errorf("http2: Transport: cannot retry err [%v] after Request.Body was written; define Request.GetBody to avoid this error", err) +} + +func canRetryError(err error) bool { + if err == errClientConnUnusable || err == errClientConnGotGoAway { + return true + } + if se, ok := err.(StreamError); ok { + if se.Code == ErrCodeProtocol && se.Cause == errFromPeer { + // See golang/go#47635, golang/go#42777 + return true + } + return se.Code == ErrCodeRefusedStream + } + return false +} + +func (t *Transport) dialClientConn(ctx context.Context, addr string, singleUse bool) (*ClientConn, error) { + host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + tconn, err := t.dialTLS(ctx)("tcp", addr, t.newTLSConfig(host)) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return t.newClientConn(tconn, singleUse) +} + +func (t *Transport) newTLSConfig(host string) *tls.Config { + cfg := new(tls.Config) + if t.TLSClientConfig != nil { + *cfg = *t.TLSClientConfig.Clone() + } + if !strSliceContains(cfg.NextProtos, NextProtoTLS) { + cfg.NextProtos = append([]string{NextProtoTLS}, cfg.NextProtos...) + } + if cfg.ServerName == "" { + cfg.ServerName = host + } + return cfg +} + +func (t *Transport) dialTLS(ctx context.Context) func(string, string, *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) { + if t.DialTLS != nil { + return t.DialTLS + } + return func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) { + tlsCn, err := t.dialTLSWithContext(ctx, network, addr, cfg) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + state := tlsCn.ConnectionState() + if p := state.NegotiatedProtocol; p != NextProtoTLS { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("http2: unexpected ALPN protocol %q; want %q", p, NextProtoTLS) + } + if !state.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual { + return nil, errors.New("http2: could not negotiate protocol mutually") + } + return tlsCn, nil + } +} + +// disableKeepAlives reports whether connections should be closed as +// soon as possible after handling the first request. +func (t *Transport) disableKeepAlives() bool { + return t.t1 != nil && t.t1.DisableKeepAlives +} + +func (t *Transport) expectContinueTimeout() time.Duration { + if t.t1 == nil { + return 0 + } + return t.t1.ExpectContinueTimeout +} + +func (t *Transport) NewClientConn(c net.Conn) (*ClientConn, error) { + return t.newClientConn(c, t.disableKeepAlives()) +} + +func (t *Transport) newClientConn(c net.Conn, singleUse bool) (*ClientConn, error) { + cc := &ClientConn{ + t: t, + tconn: c, + readerDone: make(chan struct{}), + nextStreamID: 1, + maxFrameSize: 16 << 10, // spec default + initialWindowSize: 65535, // spec default + maxConcurrentStreams: initialMaxConcurrentStreams, // "infinite", per spec. Use a smaller value until we have received server settings. + peerMaxHeaderListSize: 0xffffffffffffffff, // "infinite", per spec. Use 2^64-1 instead. + streams: make(map[uint32]*clientStream), + singleUse: singleUse, + wantSettingsAck: true, + pings: make(map[[8]byte]chan struct{}), + reqHeaderMu: make(chan struct{}, 1), + } + if d := t.idleConnTimeout(); d != 0 { + cc.idleTimeout = d + cc.idleTimer = time.AfterFunc(d, cc.onIdleTimeout) + } + if VerboseLogs { + t.vlogf("http2: Transport creating client conn %p to %v", cc, c.RemoteAddr()) + } + + cc.cond = sync.NewCond(&cc.mu) + cc.flow.add(int32(initialWindowSize)) + + // TODO: adjust this writer size to account for frame size + + // MTU + crypto/tls record padding. + cc.bw = bufio.NewWriter(stickyErrWriter{ + conn: c, + timeout: t.WriteByteTimeout, + err: &cc.werr, + }) + cc.br = bufio.NewReader(c) + cc.fr = NewFramer(cc.bw, cc.br) + if t.CountError != nil { + cc.fr.countError = t.CountError + } + cc.fr.ReadMetaHeaders = hpack.NewDecoder(initialHeaderTableSize, nil) + cc.fr.MaxHeaderListSize = t.maxHeaderListSize() + + // TODO: SetMaxDynamicTableSize, SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit on + // henc in response to SETTINGS frames? + cc.henc = hpack.NewEncoder(&cc.hbuf) + + if t.AllowHTTP { + cc.nextStreamID = 3 + } + + if cs, ok := c.(connectionStater); ok { + state := cs.ConnectionState() + cc.tlsState = &state + } + + initialSettings := []Setting{ + {ID: SettingEnablePush, Val: 0}, + {ID: SettingInitialWindowSize, Val: transportDefaultStreamFlow}, + } + if max := t.maxHeaderListSize(); max != 0 { + initialSettings = append(initialSettings, Setting{ID: SettingMaxHeaderListSize, Val: max}) + } + + cc.bw.Write(clientPreface) + cc.fr.WriteSettings(initialSettings...) + cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, transportDefaultConnFlow) + cc.inflow.add(transportDefaultConnFlow + initialWindowSize) + cc.bw.Flush() + if cc.werr != nil { + cc.Close() + return nil, cc.werr + } + + go cc.readLoop() + return cc, nil +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) healthCheck() { + pingTimeout := cc.t.pingTimeout() + // We don't need to periodically ping in the health check, because the readLoop of ClientConn will + // trigger the healthCheck again if there is no frame received. + ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), pingTimeout) + defer cancel() + cc.vlogf("http2: Transport sending health check") + err := cc.Ping(ctx) + if err != nil { + cc.vlogf("http2: Transport health check failure: %v", err) + cc.closeForLostPing() + } else { + cc.vlogf("http2: Transport health check success") + } +} + +// SetDoNotReuse marks cc as not reusable for future HTTP requests. +func (cc *ClientConn) SetDoNotReuse() { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + cc.doNotReuse = true +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) setGoAway(f *GoAwayFrame) { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + + old := cc.goAway + cc.goAway = f + + // Merge the previous and current GoAway error frames. + if cc.goAwayDebug == "" { + cc.goAwayDebug = string(f.DebugData()) + } + if old != nil && old.ErrCode != ErrCodeNo { + cc.goAway.ErrCode = old.ErrCode + } + last := f.LastStreamID + for streamID, cs := range cc.streams { + if streamID > last { + cs.abortStreamLocked(errClientConnGotGoAway) + } + } +} + +// CanTakeNewRequest reports whether the connection can take a new request, +// meaning it has not been closed or received or sent a GOAWAY. +// +// If the caller is going to immediately make a new request on this +// connection, use ReserveNewRequest instead. +func (cc *ClientConn) CanTakeNewRequest() bool { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + return cc.canTakeNewRequestLocked() +} + +// ReserveNewRequest is like CanTakeNewRequest but also reserves a +// concurrent stream in cc. The reservation is decremented on the +// next call to RoundTrip. +func (cc *ClientConn) ReserveNewRequest() bool { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + if st := cc.idleStateLocked(); !st.canTakeNewRequest { + return false + } + cc.streamsReserved++ + return true +} + +// ClientConnState describes the state of a ClientConn. +type ClientConnState struct { + // Closed is whether the connection is closed. + Closed bool + + // Closing is whether the connection is in the process of + // closing. It may be closing due to shutdown, being a + // single-use connection, being marked as DoNotReuse, or + // having received a GOAWAY frame. + Closing bool + + // StreamsActive is how many streams are active. + StreamsActive int + + // StreamsReserved is how many streams have been reserved via + // ClientConn.ReserveNewRequest. + StreamsReserved int + + // StreamsPending is how many requests have been sent in excess + // of the peer's advertised MaxConcurrentStreams setting and + // are waiting for other streams to complete. + StreamsPending int + + // MaxConcurrentStreams is how many concurrent streams the + // peer advertised as acceptable. Zero means no SETTINGS + // frame has been received yet. + MaxConcurrentStreams uint32 + + // LastIdle, if non-zero, is when the connection last + // transitioned to idle state. + LastIdle time.Time +} + +// State returns a snapshot of cc's state. +func (cc *ClientConn) State() ClientConnState { + cc.wmu.Lock() + maxConcurrent := cc.maxConcurrentStreams + if !cc.seenSettings { + maxConcurrent = 0 + } + cc.wmu.Unlock() + + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + return ClientConnState{ + Closed: cc.closed, + Closing: cc.closing || cc.singleUse || cc.doNotReuse || cc.goAway != nil, + StreamsActive: len(cc.streams), + StreamsReserved: cc.streamsReserved, + StreamsPending: cc.pendingRequests, + LastIdle: cc.lastIdle, + MaxConcurrentStreams: maxConcurrent, + } +} + +// clientConnIdleState describes the suitability of a client +// connection to initiate a new RoundTrip request. +type clientConnIdleState struct { + canTakeNewRequest bool +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) idleState() clientConnIdleState { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + return cc.idleStateLocked() +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) idleStateLocked() (st clientConnIdleState) { + if cc.singleUse && cc.nextStreamID > 1 { + return + } + var maxConcurrentOkay bool + if cc.t.StrictMaxConcurrentStreams { + // We'll tell the caller we can take a new request to + // prevent the caller from dialing a new TCP + // connection, but then we'll block later before + // writing it. + maxConcurrentOkay = true + } else { + maxConcurrentOkay = int64(len(cc.streams)+cc.streamsReserved+1) <= int64(cc.maxConcurrentStreams) + } + + st.canTakeNewRequest = cc.goAway == nil && !cc.closed && !cc.closing && maxConcurrentOkay && + !cc.doNotReuse && + int64(cc.nextStreamID)+2*int64(cc.pendingRequests) < math.MaxInt32 && + !cc.tooIdleLocked() + return +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) canTakeNewRequestLocked() bool { + st := cc.idleStateLocked() + return st.canTakeNewRequest +} + +// tooIdleLocked reports whether this connection has been been sitting idle +// for too much wall time. +func (cc *ClientConn) tooIdleLocked() bool { + // The Round(0) strips the monontonic clock reading so the + // times are compared based on their wall time. We don't want + // to reuse a connection that's been sitting idle during + // VM/laptop suspend if monotonic time was also frozen. + return cc.idleTimeout != 0 && !cc.lastIdle.IsZero() && time.Since(cc.lastIdle.Round(0)) > cc.idleTimeout +} + +// onIdleTimeout is called from a time.AfterFunc goroutine. It will +// only be called when we're idle, but because we're coming from a new +// goroutine, there could be a new request coming in at the same time, +// so this simply calls the synchronized closeIfIdle to shut down this +// connection. The timer could just call closeIfIdle, but this is more +// clear. +func (cc *ClientConn) onIdleTimeout() { + cc.closeIfIdle() +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) closeConn() error { + t := time.AfterFunc(250*time.Millisecond, cc.forceCloseConn) + defer t.Stop() + return cc.tconn.Close() +} + +// A tls.Conn.Close can hang for a long time if the peer is unresponsive. +// Try to shut it down more aggressively. +func (cc *ClientConn) forceCloseConn() { + tc, ok := cc.tconn.(*tls.Conn) + if !ok { + return + } + if nc := tlsUnderlyingConn(tc); nc != nil { + nc.Close() + } +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) closeIfIdle() { + cc.mu.Lock() + if len(cc.streams) > 0 || cc.streamsReserved > 0 { + cc.mu.Unlock() + return + } + cc.closed = true + nextID := cc.nextStreamID + // TODO: do clients send GOAWAY too? maybe? Just Close: + cc.mu.Unlock() + + if VerboseLogs { + cc.vlogf("http2: Transport closing idle conn %p (forSingleUse=%v, maxStream=%v)", cc, cc.singleUse, nextID-2) + } + cc.closeConn() +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) isDoNotReuseAndIdle() bool { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + return cc.doNotReuse && len(cc.streams) == 0 +} + +var shutdownEnterWaitStateHook = func() {} + +// Shutdown gracefully closes the client connection, waiting for running streams to complete. +func (cc *ClientConn) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error { + if err := cc.sendGoAway(); err != nil { + return err + } + // Wait for all in-flight streams to complete or connection to close + done := make(chan struct{}) + cancelled := false // guarded by cc.mu + go func() { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + for { + if len(cc.streams) == 0 || cc.closed { + cc.closed = true + close(done) + break + } + if cancelled { + break + } + cc.cond.Wait() + } + }() + shutdownEnterWaitStateHook() + select { + case <-done: + return cc.closeConn() + case <-ctx.Done(): + cc.mu.Lock() + // Free the goroutine above + cancelled = true + cc.cond.Broadcast() + cc.mu.Unlock() + return ctx.Err() + } +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) sendGoAway() error { + cc.mu.Lock() + closing := cc.closing + cc.closing = true + maxStreamID := cc.nextStreamID + cc.mu.Unlock() + if closing { + // GOAWAY sent already + return nil + } + + cc.wmu.Lock() + defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + // Send a graceful shutdown frame to server + if err := cc.fr.WriteGoAway(maxStreamID, ErrCodeNo, nil); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := cc.bw.Flush(); err != nil { + return err + } + // Prevent new requests + return nil +} + +// closes the client connection immediately. In-flight requests are interrupted. +// err is sent to streams. +func (cc *ClientConn) closeForError(err error) error { + cc.mu.Lock() + cc.closed = true + for _, cs := range cc.streams { + cs.abortStreamLocked(err) + } + cc.cond.Broadcast() + cc.mu.Unlock() + return cc.closeConn() +} + +// Close closes the client connection immediately. +// +// In-flight requests are interrupted. For a graceful shutdown, use Shutdown instead. +func (cc *ClientConn) Close() error { + err := errors.New("http2: client connection force closed via ClientConn.Close") + return cc.closeForError(err) +} + +// closes the client connection immediately. In-flight requests are interrupted. +func (cc *ClientConn) closeForLostPing() error { + err := errors.New("http2: client connection lost") + if f := cc.t.CountError; f != nil { + f("conn_close_lost_ping") + } + return cc.closeForError(err) +} + +// errRequestCanceled is a copy of net/http's errRequestCanceled because it's not +// exported. At least they'll be DeepEqual for h1-vs-h2 comparisons tests. +var errRequestCanceled = errors.New("net/http: request canceled") + +func commaSeparatedTrailers(req *http.Request) (string, error) { + keys := make([]string, 0, len(req.Trailer)) + for k := range req.Trailer { + k = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k) + switch k { + case "Transfer-Encoding", "Trailer", "Content-Length": + return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid Trailer key %q", k) + } + keys = append(keys, k) + } + if len(keys) > 0 { + sort.Strings(keys) + return strings.Join(keys, ","), nil + } + return "", nil +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) responseHeaderTimeout() time.Duration { + if cc.t.t1 != nil { + return cc.t.t1.ResponseHeaderTimeout + } + // No way to do this (yet?) with just an http2.Transport. Probably + // no need. Request.Cancel this is the new way. We only need to support + // this for compatibility with the old http.Transport fields when + // we're doing transparent http2. + return 0 +} + +// checkConnHeaders checks whether req has any invalid connection-level headers. +// per RFC 7540 section Connection-Specific Header Fields. +// Certain headers are special-cased as okay but not transmitted later. +func checkConnHeaders(req *http.Request) error { + if v := req.Header.Get("Upgrade"); v != "" { + return fmt.Errorf("http2: invalid Upgrade request header: %q", req.Header["Upgrade"]) + } + if vv := req.Header["Transfer-Encoding"]; len(vv) > 0 && (len(vv) > 1 || vv[0] != "" && vv[0] != "chunked") { + return fmt.Errorf("http2: invalid Transfer-Encoding request header: %q", vv) + } + if vv := req.Header["Connection"]; len(vv) > 0 && (len(vv) > 1 || vv[0] != "" && !asciiEqualFold(vv[0], "close") && !asciiEqualFold(vv[0], "keep-alive")) { + return fmt.Errorf("http2: invalid Connection request header: %q", vv) + } + return nil +} + +// actualContentLength returns a sanitized version of +// req.ContentLength, where 0 actually means zero (not unknown) and -1 +// means unknown. +func actualContentLength(req *http.Request) int64 { + if req.Body == nil || req.Body == http.NoBody { + return 0 + } + if req.ContentLength != 0 { + return req.ContentLength + } + return -1 +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) decrStreamReservations() { + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + cc.decrStreamReservationsLocked() +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) decrStreamReservationsLocked() { + if cc.streamsReserved > 0 { + cc.streamsReserved-- + } +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { + ctx := req.Context() + cs := &clientStream{ + cc: cc, + ctx: ctx, + reqCancel: req.Cancel, + isHead: req.Method == "HEAD", + reqBody: req.Body, + reqBodyContentLength: actualContentLength(req), + trace: httptrace.ContextClientTrace(ctx), + peerClosed: make(chan struct{}), + abort: make(chan struct{}), + respHeaderRecv: make(chan struct{}), + donec: make(chan struct{}), + } + go cs.doRequest(req) + + waitDone := func() error { + select { + case <-cs.donec: + return nil + case <-ctx.Done(): + return ctx.Err() + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return errRequestCanceled + } + } + + handleResponseHeaders := func() (*http.Response, error) { + res := cs.res + if res.StatusCode > 299 { + // On error or status code 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, etc abort any + // ongoing write, assuming that the server doesn't care + // about our request body. If the server replied with 1xx or + // 2xx, however, then assume the server DOES potentially + // want our body (e.g. full-duplex streaming: + // golang.org/issue/13444). If it turns out the server + // doesn't, they'll RST_STREAM us soon enough. This is a + // heuristic to avoid adding knobs to Transport. Hopefully + // we can keep it. + cs.abortRequestBodyWrite() + } + res.Request = req + res.TLS = cc.tlsState + if res.Body == noBody && actualContentLength(req) == 0 { + // If there isn't a request or response body still being + // written, then wait for the stream to be closed before + // RoundTrip returns. + if err := waitDone(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + return res, nil + } + + for { + select { + case <-cs.respHeaderRecv: + return handleResponseHeaders() + case <-cs.abort: + select { + case <-cs.respHeaderRecv: + // If both cs.respHeaderRecv and cs.abort are signaling, + // pick respHeaderRecv. The server probably wrote the + // response and immediately reset the stream. + // golang.org/issue/49645 + return handleResponseHeaders() + default: + waitDone() + return nil, cs.abortErr + } + case <-ctx.Done(): + err := ctx.Err() + cs.abortStream(err) + return nil, err + case <-cs.reqCancel: + cs.abortStream(errRequestCanceled) + return nil, errRequestCanceled + } + } +} + +// doRequest runs for the duration of the request lifetime. +// +// It sends the request and performs post-request cleanup (closing Request.Body, etc.). +func (cs *clientStream) doRequest(req *http.Request) { + err := cs.writeRequest(req) + cs.cleanupWriteRequest(err) +} + +// writeRequest sends a request. +// +// It returns nil after the request is written, the response read, +// and the request stream is half-closed by the peer. +// +// It returns non-nil if the request ends otherwise. +// If the returned error is StreamError, the error Code may be used in resetting the stream. +func (cs *clientStream) writeRequest(req *http.Request) (err error) { + cc := cs.cc + ctx := cs.ctx + + if err := checkConnHeaders(req); err != nil { + return err + } + + // Acquire the new-request lock by writing to reqHeaderMu. + // This lock guards the critical section covering allocating a new stream ID + // (requires mu) and creating the stream (requires wmu). + if cc.reqHeaderMu == nil { + panic("RoundTrip on uninitialized ClientConn") // for tests + } + select { + case cc.reqHeaderMu <- struct{}{}: + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return errRequestCanceled + case <-ctx.Done(): + return ctx.Err() + } + + cc.mu.Lock() + if cc.idleTimer != nil { + cc.idleTimer.Stop() + } + cc.decrStreamReservationsLocked() + if err := cc.awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked(cs); err != nil { + cc.mu.Unlock() + <-cc.reqHeaderMu + return err + } + cc.addStreamLocked(cs) // assigns stream ID + if isConnectionCloseRequest(req) { + cc.doNotReuse = true + } + cc.mu.Unlock() + + // TODO(bradfitz): this is a copy of the logic in net/http. Unify somewhere? + if !cc.t.disableCompression() && + req.Header.Get("Accept-Encoding") == "" && + req.Header.Get("Range") == "" && + !cs.isHead { + // Request gzip only, not deflate. Deflate is ambiguous and + // not as universally supported anyway. + // See: https://zlib.net/zlib_faq.html#faq39 + // + // Note that we don't request this for HEAD requests, + // due to a bug in nginx: + // http://trac.nginx.org/nginx/ticket/358 + // https://golang.org/issue/5522 + // + // We don't request gzip if the request is for a range, since + // auto-decoding a portion of a gzipped document will just fail + // anyway. See https://golang.org/issue/8923 + cs.requestedGzip = true + } + + continueTimeout := cc.t.expectContinueTimeout() + if continueTimeout != 0 { + if !httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken(req.Header["Expect"], "100-continue") { + continueTimeout = 0 + } else { + cs.on100 = make(chan struct{}, 1) + } + } + + // Past this point (where we send request headers), it is possible for + // RoundTrip to return successfully. Since the RoundTrip contract permits + // the caller to "mutate or reuse" the Request after closing the Response's Body, + // we must take care when referencing the Request from here on. + err = cs.encodeAndWriteHeaders(req) + <-cc.reqHeaderMu + if err != nil { + return err + } + + hasBody := cs.reqBodyContentLength != 0 + if !hasBody { + cs.sentEndStream = true + } else { + if continueTimeout != 0 { + traceWait100Continue(cs.trace) + timer := time.NewTimer(continueTimeout) + select { + case <-timer.C: + err = nil + case <-cs.on100: + err = nil + case <-cs.abort: + err = cs.abortErr + case <-ctx.Done(): + err = ctx.Err() + case <-cs.reqCancel: + err = errRequestCanceled + } + timer.Stop() + if err != nil { + traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, err) + return err + } + } + + if err = cs.writeRequestBody(req); err != nil { + if err != errStopReqBodyWrite { + traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, err) + return err + } + } else { + cs.sentEndStream = true + } + } + + traceWroteRequest(cs.trace, err) + + var respHeaderTimer <-chan time.Time + var respHeaderRecv chan struct{} + if d := cc.responseHeaderTimeout(); d != 0 { + timer := time.NewTimer(d) + defer timer.Stop() + respHeaderTimer = timer.C + respHeaderRecv = cs.respHeaderRecv + } + // Wait until the peer half-closes its end of the stream, + // or until the request is aborted (via context, error, or otherwise), + // whichever comes first. + for { + select { + case <-cs.peerClosed: + return nil + case <-respHeaderTimer: + return errTimeout + case <-respHeaderRecv: + respHeaderRecv = nil + respHeaderTimer = nil // keep waiting for END_STREAM + case <-cs.abort: + return cs.abortErr + case <-ctx.Done(): + return ctx.Err() + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return errRequestCanceled + } + } +} + +func (cs *clientStream) encodeAndWriteHeaders(req *http.Request) error { + cc := cs.cc + ctx := cs.ctx + + cc.wmu.Lock() + defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + + // If the request was canceled while waiting for cc.mu, just quit. + select { + case <-cs.abort: + return cs.abortErr + case <-ctx.Done(): + return ctx.Err() + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return errRequestCanceled + default: + } + + // Encode headers. + // + // we send: HEADERS{1}, CONTINUATION{0,} + DATA{0,} (DATA is + // sent by writeRequestBody below, along with any Trailers, + // again in form HEADERS{1}, CONTINUATION{0,}) + trailers, err := commaSeparatedTrailers(req) + if err != nil { + return err + } + hasTrailers := trailers != "" + contentLen := actualContentLength(req) + hasBody := contentLen != 0 + hdrs, err := cc.encodeHeaders(req, cs.requestedGzip, trailers, contentLen) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // Write the request. + endStream := !hasBody && !hasTrailers + cs.sentHeaders = true + err = cc.writeHeaders(cs.ID, endStream, int(cc.maxFrameSize), hdrs) + traceWroteHeaders(cs.trace) + return err +} + +// cleanupWriteRequest performs post-request tasks. +// +// If err (the result of writeRequest) is non-nil and the stream is not closed, +// cleanupWriteRequest will send a reset to the peer. +func (cs *clientStream) cleanupWriteRequest(err error) { + cc := cs.cc + + if cs.ID == 0 { + // We were canceled before creating the stream, so return our reservation. + cc.decrStreamReservations() + } + + // TODO: write h12Compare test showing whether + // Request.Body is closed by the Transport, + // and in multiple cases: server replies <=299 and >299 + // while still writing request body + cc.mu.Lock() + bodyClosed := cs.reqBodyClosed + cs.reqBodyClosed = true + cc.mu.Unlock() + if !bodyClosed && cs.reqBody != nil { + cs.reqBody.Close() + } + + if err != nil && cs.sentEndStream { + // If the connection is closed immediately after the response is read, + // we may be aborted before finishing up here. If the stream was closed + // cleanly on both sides, there is no error. + select { + case <-cs.peerClosed: + err = nil + default: + } + } + if err != nil { + cs.abortStream(err) // possibly redundant, but harmless + if cs.sentHeaders { + if se, ok := err.(StreamError); ok { + if se.Cause != errFromPeer { + cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, se.Code, err) + } + } else { + cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeCancel, err) + } + } + cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(err) // no-op if already closed + } else { + if cs.sentHeaders && !cs.sentEndStream { + cc.writeStreamReset(cs.ID, ErrCodeNo, nil) + } + cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(errRequestCanceled) + } + if cs.ID != 0 { + cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) + } + + cc.wmu.Lock() + werr := cc.werr + cc.wmu.Unlock() + if werr != nil { + cc.Close() + } + + close(cs.donec) +} + +// awaitOpenSlotForStream waits until len(streams) < maxConcurrentStreams. +// Must hold cc.mu. +func (cc *ClientConn) awaitOpenSlotForStreamLocked(cs *clientStream) error { + for { + cc.lastActive = time.Now() + if cc.closed || !cc.canTakeNewRequestLocked() { + return errClientConnUnusable + } + cc.lastIdle = time.Time{} + if int64(len(cc.streams)) < int64(cc.maxConcurrentStreams) { + return nil + } + cc.pendingRequests++ + cc.cond.Wait() + cc.pendingRequests-- + select { + case <-cs.abort: + return cs.abortErr + default: + } + } +} + +// requires cc.wmu be held +func (cc *ClientConn) writeHeaders(streamID uint32, endStream bool, maxFrameSize int, hdrs []byte) error { + first := true // first frame written (HEADERS is first, then CONTINUATION) + for len(hdrs) > 0 && cc.werr == nil { + chunk := hdrs + if len(chunk) > maxFrameSize { + chunk = chunk[:maxFrameSize] + } + hdrs = hdrs[len(chunk):] + endHeaders := len(hdrs) == 0 + if first { + cc.fr.WriteHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{ + StreamID: streamID, + BlockFragment: chunk, + EndStream: endStream, + EndHeaders: endHeaders, + }) + first = false + } else { + cc.fr.WriteContinuation(streamID, endHeaders, chunk) + } + } + cc.bw.Flush() + return cc.werr +} + +// internal error values; they don't escape to callers +var ( + // abort request body write; don't send cancel + errStopReqBodyWrite = errors.New("http2: aborting request body write") + + // abort request body write, but send stream reset of cancel. + errStopReqBodyWriteAndCancel = errors.New("http2: canceling request") + + errReqBodyTooLong = errors.New("http2: request body larger than specified content length") +) + +// frameScratchBufferLen returns the length of a buffer to use for +// outgoing request bodies to read/write to/from. +// +// It returns max(1, min(peer's advertised max frame size, +// Request.ContentLength+1, 512KB)). +func (cs *clientStream) frameScratchBufferLen(maxFrameSize int) int { + const max = 512 << 10 + n := int64(maxFrameSize) + if n > max { + n = max + } + if cl := cs.reqBodyContentLength; cl != -1 && cl+1 < n { + // Add an extra byte past the declared content-length to + // give the caller's Request.Body io.Reader a chance to + // give us more bytes than they declared, so we can catch it + // early. + n = cl + 1 + } + if n < 1 { + return 1 + } + return int(n) // doesn't truncate; max is 512K +} + +var bufPool sync.Pool // of *[]byte + +func (cs *clientStream) writeRequestBody(req *http.Request) (err error) { + cc := cs.cc + body := cs.reqBody + sentEnd := false // whether we sent the final DATA frame w/ END_STREAM + + hasTrailers := req.Trailer != nil + remainLen := cs.reqBodyContentLength + hasContentLen := remainLen != -1 + + cc.mu.Lock() + maxFrameSize := int(cc.maxFrameSize) + cc.mu.Unlock() + + // Scratch buffer for reading into & writing from. + scratchLen := cs.frameScratchBufferLen(maxFrameSize) + var buf []byte + if bp, ok := bufPool.Get().(*[]byte); ok && len(*bp) >= scratchLen { + defer bufPool.Put(bp) + buf = *bp + } else { + buf = make([]byte, scratchLen) + defer bufPool.Put(&buf) + } + + var sawEOF bool + for !sawEOF { + n, err := body.Read(buf[:len(buf)]) + if hasContentLen { + remainLen -= int64(n) + if remainLen == 0 && err == nil { + // The request body's Content-Length was predeclared and + // we just finished reading it all, but the underlying io.Reader + // returned the final chunk with a nil error (which is one of + // the two valid things a Reader can do at EOF). Because we'd prefer + // to send the END_STREAM bit early, double-check that we're actually + // at EOF. Subsequent reads should return (0, EOF) at this point. + // If either value is different, we return an error in one of two ways below. + var scratch [1]byte + var n1 int + n1, err = body.Read(scratch[:]) + remainLen -= int64(n1) + } + if remainLen < 0 { + err = errReqBodyTooLong + return err + } + } + if err != nil { + cc.mu.Lock() + bodyClosed := cs.reqBodyClosed + cc.mu.Unlock() + switch { + case bodyClosed: + return errStopReqBodyWrite + case err == io.EOF: + sawEOF = true + err = nil + default: + return err + } + } + + remain := buf[:n] + for len(remain) > 0 && err == nil { + var allowed int32 + allowed, err = cs.awaitFlowControl(len(remain)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + cc.wmu.Lock() + data := remain[:allowed] + remain = remain[allowed:] + sentEnd = sawEOF && len(remain) == 0 && !hasTrailers + err = cc.fr.WriteData(cs.ID, sentEnd, data) + if err == nil { + // TODO(bradfitz): this flush is for latency, not bandwidth. + // Most requests won't need this. Make this opt-in or + // opt-out? Use some heuristic on the body type? Nagel-like + // timers? Based on 'n'? Only last chunk of this for loop, + // unless flow control tokens are low? For now, always. + // If we change this, see comment below. + err = cc.bw.Flush() + } + cc.wmu.Unlock() + } + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if sentEnd { + // Already sent END_STREAM (which implies we have no + // trailers) and flushed, because currently all + // WriteData frames above get a flush. So we're done. + return nil + } + + // Since the RoundTrip contract permits the caller to "mutate or reuse" + // a request after the Response's Body is closed, verify that this hasn't + // happened before accessing the trailers. + cc.mu.Lock() + trailer := req.Trailer + err = cs.abortErr + cc.mu.Unlock() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + cc.wmu.Lock() + defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + var trls []byte + if len(trailer) > 0 { + trls, err = cc.encodeTrailers(trailer) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + // Two ways to send END_STREAM: either with trailers, or + // with an empty DATA frame. + if len(trls) > 0 { + err = cc.writeHeaders(cs.ID, true, maxFrameSize, trls) + } else { + err = cc.fr.WriteData(cs.ID, true, nil) + } + if ferr := cc.bw.Flush(); ferr != nil && err == nil { + err = ferr + } + return err +} + +// awaitFlowControl waits for [1, min(maxBytes, cc.cs.maxFrameSize)] flow +// control tokens from the server. +// It returns either the non-zero number of tokens taken or an error +// if the stream is dead. +func (cs *clientStream) awaitFlowControl(maxBytes int) (taken int32, err error) { + cc := cs.cc + ctx := cs.ctx + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + for { + if cc.closed { + return 0, errClientConnClosed + } + if cs.reqBodyClosed { + return 0, errStopReqBodyWrite + } + select { + case <-cs.abort: + return 0, cs.abortErr + case <-ctx.Done(): + return 0, ctx.Err() + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return 0, errRequestCanceled + default: + } + if a := cs.flow.available(); a > 0 { + take := a + if int(take) > maxBytes { + + take = int32(maxBytes) // can't truncate int; take is int32 + } + if take > int32(cc.maxFrameSize) { + take = int32(cc.maxFrameSize) + } + cs.flow.take(take) + return take, nil + } + cc.cond.Wait() + } +} + +var errNilRequestURL = errors.New("http2: Request.URI is nil") + +// requires cc.wmu be held. +func (cc *ClientConn) encodeHeaders(req *http.Request, addGzipHeader bool, trailers string, contentLength int64) ([]byte, error) { + cc.hbuf.Reset() + if req.URL == nil { + return nil, errNilRequestURL + } + + host := req.Host + if host == "" { + host = req.URL.Host + } + host, err := httpguts.PunycodeHostPort(host) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + var path string + if req.Method != "CONNECT" { + path = req.URL.RequestURI() + if !validPseudoPath(path) { + orig := path + path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, req.URL.Scheme+"://"+host) + if !validPseudoPath(path) { + if req.URL.Opaque != "" { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid request :path %q from URL.Opaque = %q", orig, req.URL.Opaque) + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid request :path %q", orig) + } + } + } + } + + // Check for any invalid headers and return an error before we + // potentially pollute our hpack state. (We want to be able to + // continue to reuse the hpack encoder for future requests) + for k, vv := range req.Header { + if !httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldName(k) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid HTTP header name %q", k) + } + for _, v := range vv { + if !httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(v) { + // Don't include the value in the error, because it may be sensitive. + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid HTTP header value for header %q", k) + } + } + } + + enumerateHeaders := func(f func(name, value string)) { + // Request Pseudo-Header Fields + // The :path pseudo-header field includes the path and query parts of the + // target URI (the path-absolute production and optionally a '?' character + // followed by the query production (see Sections 3.3 and 3.4 of + // [RFC3986]). + f(":authority", host) + m := req.Method + if m == "" { + m = http.MethodGet + } + f(":method", m) + if req.Method != "CONNECT" { + f(":path", path) + f(":scheme", req.URL.Scheme) + } + if trailers != "" { + f("trailer", trailers) + } + + var didUA bool + for k, vv := range req.Header { + if asciiEqualFold(k, "host") || asciiEqualFold(k, "content-length") { + // Host is :authority, already sent. + // Content-Length is automatic, set below. + continue + } else if asciiEqualFold(k, "connection") || + asciiEqualFold(k, "proxy-connection") || + asciiEqualFold(k, "transfer-encoding") || + asciiEqualFold(k, "upgrade") || + asciiEqualFold(k, "keep-alive") { + // Per Connection-Specific Header + // Fields, don't send connection-specific + // fields. We have already checked if any + // are error-worthy so just ignore the rest. + continue + } else if asciiEqualFold(k, "user-agent") { + // Match Go's http1 behavior: at most one + // User-Agent. If set to nil or empty string, + // then omit it. Otherwise if not mentioned, + // include the default (below). + didUA = true + if len(vv) < 1 { + continue + } + vv = vv[:1] + if vv[0] == "" { + continue + } + } else if asciiEqualFold(k, "cookie") { + // Per To allow for better compression efficiency, the + // Cookie header field MAY be split into separate header fields, + // each with one or more cookie-pairs. + for _, v := range vv { + for { + p := strings.IndexByte(v, ';') + if p < 0 { + break + } + f("cookie", v[:p]) + p++ + // strip space after semicolon if any. + for p+1 <= len(v) && v[p] == ' ' { + p++ + } + v = v[p:] + } + if len(v) > 0 { + f("cookie", v) + } + } + continue + } + + for _, v := range vv { + f(k, v) + } + } + if shouldSendReqContentLength(req.Method, contentLength) { + f("content-length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10)) + } + if addGzipHeader { + f("accept-encoding", "gzip") + } + if !didUA { + f("user-agent", defaultUserAgent) + } + } + + // Do a first pass over the headers counting bytes to ensure + // we don't exceed cc.peerMaxHeaderListSize. This is done as a + // separate pass before encoding the headers to prevent + // modifying the hpack state. + hlSize := uint64(0) + enumerateHeaders(func(name, value string) { + hf := hpack.HeaderField{Name: name, Value: value} + hlSize += uint64(hf.Size()) + }) + + if hlSize > cc.peerMaxHeaderListSize { + return nil, errRequestHeaderListSize + } + + trace := httptrace.ContextClientTrace(req.Context()) + traceHeaders := traceHasWroteHeaderField(trace) + + // Header list size is ok. Write the headers. + enumerateHeaders(func(name, value string) { + name, ascii := asciiToLower(name) + if !ascii { + // Skip writing invalid headers. Per RFC 7540, Section 8.1.2, header + // field names have to be ASCII characters (just as in HTTP/1.x). + return + } + cc.writeHeader(name, value) + if traceHeaders { + traceWroteHeaderField(trace, name, value) + } + }) + + return cc.hbuf.Bytes(), nil +} + +// shouldSendReqContentLength reports whether the http2.Transport should send +// a "content-length" request header. This logic is basically a copy of the net/http +// transferWriter.shouldSendContentLength. +// The contentLength is the corrected contentLength (so 0 means actually 0, not unknown). +// -1 means unknown. +func shouldSendReqContentLength(method string, contentLength int64) bool { + if contentLength > 0 { + return true + } + if contentLength < 0 { + return false + } + // For zero bodies, whether we send a content-length depends on the method. + // It also kinda doesn't matter for http2 either way, with END_STREAM. + switch method { + case "POST", "PUT", "PATCH": + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +// requires cc.wmu be held. +func (cc *ClientConn) encodeTrailers(trailer http.Header) ([]byte, error) { + cc.hbuf.Reset() + + hlSize := uint64(0) + for k, vv := range trailer { + for _, v := range vv { + hf := hpack.HeaderField{Name: k, Value: v} + hlSize += uint64(hf.Size()) + } + } + if hlSize > cc.peerMaxHeaderListSize { + return nil, errRequestHeaderListSize + } + + for k, vv := range trailer { + lowKey, ascii := asciiToLower(k) + if !ascii { + // Skip writing invalid headers. Per RFC 7540, Section 8.1.2, header + // field names have to be ASCII characters (just as in HTTP/1.x). + continue + } + // Transfer-Encoding, etc.. have already been filtered at the + // start of RoundTrip + for _, v := range vv { + cc.writeHeader(lowKey, v) + } + } + return cc.hbuf.Bytes(), nil +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) writeHeader(name, value string) { + if VerboseLogs { + log.Printf("http2: Transport encoding header %q = %q", name, value) + } + cc.henc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: name, Value: value}) +} + +type resAndError struct { + _ incomparable + res *http.Response + err error +} + +// requires cc.mu be held. +func (cc *ClientConn) addStreamLocked(cs *clientStream) { + cs.flow.add(int32(cc.initialWindowSize)) + cs.flow.setConnFlow(&cc.flow) + cs.inflow.add(transportDefaultStreamFlow) + cs.inflow.setConnFlow(&cc.inflow) + cs.ID = cc.nextStreamID + cc.nextStreamID += 2 + cc.streams[cs.ID] = cs + if cs.ID == 0 { + panic("assigned stream ID 0") + } +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) forgetStreamID(id uint32) { + cc.mu.Lock() + slen := len(cc.streams) + delete(cc.streams, id) + if len(cc.streams) != slen-1 { + panic("forgetting unknown stream id") + } + cc.lastActive = time.Now() + if len(cc.streams) == 0 && cc.idleTimer != nil { + cc.idleTimer.Reset(cc.idleTimeout) + cc.lastIdle = time.Now() + } + // Wake up writeRequestBody via clientStream.awaitFlowControl and + // wake up RoundTrip if there is a pending request. + cc.cond.Broadcast() + + closeOnIdle := cc.singleUse || cc.doNotReuse || cc.t.disableKeepAlives() + if closeOnIdle && cc.streamsReserved == 0 && len(cc.streams) == 0 { + if VerboseLogs { + cc.vlogf("http2: Transport closing idle conn %p (forSingleUse=%v, maxStream=%v)", cc, cc.singleUse, cc.nextStreamID-2) + } + cc.closed = true + defer cc.closeConn() + } + + cc.mu.Unlock() +} + +// clientConnReadLoop is the state owned by the clientConn's frame-reading readLoop. +type clientConnReadLoop struct { + _ incomparable + cc *ClientConn +} + +// readLoop runs in its own goroutine and reads and dispatches frames. +func (cc *ClientConn) readLoop() { + rl := &clientConnReadLoop{cc: cc} + defer rl.cleanup() + cc.readerErr = rl.run() + if ce, ok := cc.readerErr.(ConnectionError); ok { + cc.wmu.Lock() + cc.fr.WriteGoAway(0, ErrCode(ce), nil) + cc.wmu.Unlock() + } +} + +// GoAwayError is returned by the Transport when the server closes the +// TCP connection after sending a GOAWAY frame. +type GoAwayError struct { + LastStreamID uint32 + ErrCode ErrCode + DebugData string +} + +func (e GoAwayError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("http2: server sent GOAWAY and closed the connection; LastStreamID=%v, ErrCode=%v, debug=%q", + e.LastStreamID, e.ErrCode, e.DebugData) +} + +func isEOFOrNetReadError(err error) bool { + if err == io.EOF { + return true + } + ne, ok := err.(*net.OpError) + return ok && ne.Op == "read" +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) cleanup() { + cc := rl.cc + cc.t.connPool().MarkDead(cc) + defer cc.closeConn() + defer close(cc.readerDone) + + if cc.idleTimer != nil { + cc.idleTimer.Stop() + } + + // Close any response bodies if the server closes prematurely. + // TODO: also do this if we've written the headers but not + // gotten a response yet. + err := cc.readerErr + cc.mu.Lock() + if cc.goAway != nil && isEOFOrNetReadError(err) { + err = GoAwayError{ + LastStreamID: cc.goAway.LastStreamID, + ErrCode: cc.goAway.ErrCode, + DebugData: cc.goAwayDebug, + } + } else if err == io.EOF { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + cc.closed = true + for _, cs := range cc.streams { + select { + case <-cs.peerClosed: + // The server closed the stream before closing the conn, + // so no need to interrupt it. + default: + cs.abortStreamLocked(err) + } + } + cc.cond.Broadcast() + cc.mu.Unlock() +} + +// countReadFrameError calls Transport.CountError with a string +// representing err. +func (cc *ClientConn) countReadFrameError(err error) { + f := cc.t.CountError + if f == nil || err == nil { + return + } + if ce, ok := err.(ConnectionError); ok { + errCode := ErrCode(ce) + f(fmt.Sprintf("read_frame_conn_error_%s", errCode.stringToken())) + return + } + if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { + f("read_frame_eof") + return + } + if errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) { + f("read_frame_unexpected_eof") + return + } + if errors.Is(err, ErrFrameTooLarge) { + f("read_frame_too_large") + return + } + f("read_frame_other") +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) run() error { + cc := rl.cc + gotSettings := false + readIdleTimeout := cc.t.ReadIdleTimeout + var t *time.Timer + if readIdleTimeout != 0 { + t = time.AfterFunc(readIdleTimeout, cc.healthCheck) + defer t.Stop() + } + for { + f, err := cc.fr.ReadFrame() + if t != nil { + t.Reset(readIdleTimeout) + } + if err != nil { + cc.vlogf("http2: Transport readFrame error on conn %p: (%T) %v", cc, err, err) + } + if se, ok := err.(StreamError); ok { + if cs := rl.streamByID(se.StreamID); cs != nil { + if se.Cause == nil { + se.Cause = cc.fr.errDetail + } + rl.endStreamError(cs, se) + } + continue + } else if err != nil { + cc.countReadFrameError(err) + return err + } + if VerboseLogs { + cc.vlogf("http2: Transport received %s", summarizeFrame(f)) + } + if !gotSettings { + if _, ok := f.(*SettingsFrame); !ok { + cc.logf("protocol error: received %T before a SETTINGS frame", f) + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + gotSettings = true + } + + switch f := f.(type) { + case *MetaHeadersFrame: + err = rl.processHeaders(f) + case *DataFrame: + err = rl.processData(f) + case *GoAwayFrame: + err = rl.processGoAway(f) + case *RSTStreamFrame: + err = rl.processResetStream(f) + case *SettingsFrame: + err = rl.processSettings(f) + case *PushPromiseFrame: + err = rl.processPushPromise(f) + case *WindowUpdateFrame: + err = rl.processWindowUpdate(f) + case *PingFrame: + err = rl.processPing(f) + default: + cc.logf("Transport: unhandled response frame type %T", f) + } + if err != nil { + if VerboseLogs { + cc.vlogf("http2: Transport conn %p received error from processing frame %v: %v", cc, summarizeFrame(f), err) + } + return err + } + } +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processHeaders(f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { + cs := rl.streamByID(f.StreamID) + if cs == nil { + // We'd get here if we canceled a request while the + // server had its response still in flight. So if this + // was just something we canceled, ignore it. + return nil + } + if cs.readClosed { + rl.endStreamError(cs, StreamError{ + StreamID: f.StreamID, + Code: ErrCodeProtocol, + Cause: errors.New("protocol error: headers after END_STREAM"), + }) + return nil + } + if !cs.firstByte { + if cs.trace != nil { + // TODO(bradfitz): move first response byte earlier, + // when we first read the 9 byte header, not waiting + // until all the HEADERS+CONTINUATION frames have been + // merged. This works for now. + traceFirstResponseByte(cs.trace) + } + cs.firstByte = true + } + if !cs.pastHeaders { + cs.pastHeaders = true + } else { + return rl.processTrailers(cs, f) + } + + res, err := rl.handleResponse(cs, f) + if err != nil { + if _, ok := err.(ConnectionError); ok { + return err + } + // Any other error type is a stream error. + rl.endStreamError(cs, StreamError{ + StreamID: f.StreamID, + Code: ErrCodeProtocol, + Cause: err, + }) + return nil // return nil from process* funcs to keep conn alive + } + if res == nil { + // (nil, nil) special case. See handleResponse docs. + return nil + } + cs.resTrailer = &res.Trailer + cs.res = res + close(cs.respHeaderRecv) + if f.StreamEnded() { + rl.endStream(cs) + } + return nil +} + +// may return error types nil, or ConnectionError. Any other error value +// is a StreamError of type ErrCodeProtocol. The returned error in that case +// is the detail. +// +// As a special case, handleResponse may return (nil, nil) to skip the +// frame (currently only used for 1xx responses). +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) handleResponse(cs *clientStream, f *MetaHeadersFrame) (*http.Response, error) { + if f.Truncated { + return nil, errResponseHeaderListSize + } + + status := f.PseudoValue("status") + if status == "" { + return nil, errors.New("malformed response from server: missing status pseudo header") + } + statusCode, err := strconv.Atoi(status) + if err != nil { + return nil, errors.New("malformed response from server: malformed non-numeric status pseudo header") + } + + regularFields := f.RegularFields() + strs := make([]string, len(regularFields)) + header := make(http.Header, len(regularFields)) + res := &http.Response{ + Proto: "HTTP/2.0", + ProtoMajor: 2, + Header: header, + StatusCode: statusCode, + Status: status + " " + http.StatusText(statusCode), + } + for _, hf := range regularFields { + key := http.CanonicalHeaderKey(hf.Name) + if key == "Trailer" { + t := res.Trailer + if t == nil { + t = make(http.Header) + res.Trailer = t + } + foreachHeaderElement(hf.Value, func(v string) { + t[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(v)] = nil + }) + } else { + vv := header[key] + if vv == nil && len(strs) > 0 { + // More than likely this will be a single-element key. + // Most headers aren't multi-valued. + // Set the capacity on strs[0] to 1, so any future append + // won't extend the slice into the other strings. + vv, strs = strs[:1:1], strs[1:] + vv[0] = hf.Value + header[key] = vv + } else { + header[key] = append(vv, hf.Value) + } + } + } + + if statusCode >= 100 && statusCode <= 199 { + if f.StreamEnded() { + return nil, errors.New("1xx informational response with END_STREAM flag") + } + cs.num1xx++ + const max1xxResponses = 5 // arbitrary bound on number of informational responses, same as net/http + if cs.num1xx > max1xxResponses { + return nil, errors.New("http2: too many 1xx informational responses") + } + if fn := cs.get1xxTraceFunc(); fn != nil { + if err := fn(statusCode, textproto.MIMEHeader(header)); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + if statusCode == 100 { + traceGot100Continue(cs.trace) + select { + case cs.on100 <- struct{}{}: + default: + } + } + cs.pastHeaders = false // do it all again + return nil, nil + } + + res.ContentLength = -1 + if clens := res.Header["Content-Length"]; len(clens) == 1 { + if cl, err := strconv.ParseUint(clens[0], 10, 63); err == nil { + res.ContentLength = int64(cl) + } else { + // TODO: care? unlike http/1, it won't mess up our framing, so it's + // more safe smuggling-wise to ignore. + } + } else if len(clens) > 1 { + // TODO: care? unlike http/1, it won't mess up our framing, so it's + // more safe smuggling-wise to ignore. + } else if f.StreamEnded() && !cs.isHead { + res.ContentLength = 0 + } + + if cs.isHead { + res.Body = noBody + return res, nil + } + + if f.StreamEnded() { + if res.ContentLength > 0 { + res.Body = missingBody{} + } else { + res.Body = noBody + } + return res, nil + } + + cs.bufPipe.setBuffer(&dataBuffer{expected: res.ContentLength}) + cs.bytesRemain = res.ContentLength + res.Body = transportResponseBody{cs} + + if cs.requestedGzip && asciiEqualFold(res.Header.Get("Content-Encoding"), "gzip") { + res.Header.Del("Content-Encoding") + res.Header.Del("Content-Length") + res.ContentLength = -1 + res.Body = &gzipReader{body: res.Body} + res.Uncompressed = true + } + return res, nil +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processTrailers(cs *clientStream, f *MetaHeadersFrame) error { + if cs.pastTrailers { + // Too many HEADERS frames for this stream. + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + cs.pastTrailers = true + if !f.StreamEnded() { + // We expect that any headers for trailers also + // has END_STREAM. + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + if len(f.PseudoFields()) > 0 { + // No pseudo header fields are defined for trailers. + // TODO: ConnectionError might be overly harsh? Check. + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + + trailer := make(http.Header) + for _, hf := range f.RegularFields() { + key := http.CanonicalHeaderKey(hf.Name) + trailer[key] = append(trailer[key], hf.Value) + } + cs.trailer = trailer + + rl.endStream(cs) + return nil +} + +// transportResponseBody is the concrete type of Transport.RoundTrip's +// Response.Body. It is an io.ReadCloser. +type transportResponseBody struct { + cs *clientStream +} + +func (b transportResponseBody) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + cs := b.cs + cc := cs.cc + + if cs.readErr != nil { + return 0, cs.readErr + } + n, err = b.cs.bufPipe.Read(p) + if cs.bytesRemain != -1 { + if int64(n) > cs.bytesRemain { + n = int(cs.bytesRemain) + if err == nil { + err = errors.New("net/http: server replied with more than declared Content-Length; truncated") + cs.abortStream(err) + } + cs.readErr = err + return int(cs.bytesRemain), err + } + cs.bytesRemain -= int64(n) + if err == io.EOF && cs.bytesRemain > 0 { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + cs.readErr = err + return n, err + } + } + if n == 0 { + // No flow control tokens to send back. + return + } + + cc.mu.Lock() + var connAdd, streamAdd int32 + // Check the conn-level first, before the stream-level. + if v := cc.inflow.available(); v < transportDefaultConnFlow/2 { + connAdd = transportDefaultConnFlow - v + cc.inflow.add(connAdd) + } + if err == nil { // No need to refresh if the stream is over or failed. + // Consider any buffered body data (read from the conn but not + // consumed by the client) when computing flow control for this + // stream. + v := int(cs.inflow.available()) + cs.bufPipe.Len() + if v < transportDefaultStreamFlow-transportDefaultStreamMinRefresh { + streamAdd = int32(transportDefaultStreamFlow - v) + cs.inflow.add(streamAdd) + } + } + cc.mu.Unlock() + + if connAdd != 0 || streamAdd != 0 { + cc.wmu.Lock() + defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + if connAdd != 0 { + cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, mustUint31(connAdd)) + } + if streamAdd != 0 { + cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(cs.ID, mustUint31(streamAdd)) + } + cc.bw.Flush() + } + return +} + +var errClosedResponseBody = errors.New("http2: response body closed") + +func (b transportResponseBody) Close() error { + cs := b.cs + cc := cs.cc + + unread := cs.bufPipe.Len() + if unread > 0 { + cc.mu.Lock() + // Return connection-level flow control. + if unread > 0 { + cc.inflow.add(int32(unread)) + } + cc.mu.Unlock() + + // TODO(dneil): Acquiring this mutex can block indefinitely. + // Move flow control return to a goroutine? + cc.wmu.Lock() + // Return connection-level flow control. + if unread > 0 { + cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, uint32(unread)) + } + cc.bw.Flush() + cc.wmu.Unlock() + } + + cs.bufPipe.BreakWithError(errClosedResponseBody) + cs.abortStream(errClosedResponseBody) + + select { + case <-cs.donec: + case <-cs.ctx.Done(): + // See golang/go#49366: The net/http package can cancel the + // request context after the response body is fully read. + // Don't treat this as an error. + return nil + case <-cs.reqCancel: + return errRequestCanceled + } + return nil +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processData(f *DataFrame) error { + cc := rl.cc + cs := rl.streamByID(f.StreamID) + data := f.Data() + if cs == nil { + cc.mu.Lock() + neverSent := cc.nextStreamID + cc.mu.Unlock() + if f.StreamID >= neverSent { + // We never asked for this. + cc.logf("http2: Transport received unsolicited DATA frame; closing connection") + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + // We probably did ask for this, but canceled. Just ignore it. + // TODO: be stricter here? only silently ignore things which + // we canceled, but not things which were closed normally + // by the peer? Tough without accumulating too much state. + + // But at least return their flow control: + if f.Length > 0 { + cc.mu.Lock() + cc.inflow.add(int32(f.Length)) + cc.mu.Unlock() + + cc.wmu.Lock() + cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, uint32(f.Length)) + cc.bw.Flush() + cc.wmu.Unlock() + } + return nil + } + if cs.readClosed { + cc.logf("protocol error: received DATA after END_STREAM") + rl.endStreamError(cs, StreamError{ + StreamID: f.StreamID, + Code: ErrCodeProtocol, + }) + return nil + } + if !cs.firstByte { + cc.logf("protocol error: received DATA before a HEADERS frame") + rl.endStreamError(cs, StreamError{ + StreamID: f.StreamID, + Code: ErrCodeProtocol, + }) + return nil + } + if f.Length > 0 { + if cs.isHead && len(data) > 0 { + cc.logf("protocol error: received DATA on a HEAD request") + rl.endStreamError(cs, StreamError{ + StreamID: f.StreamID, + Code: ErrCodeProtocol, + }) + return nil + } + // Check connection-level flow control. + cc.mu.Lock() + if cs.inflow.available() >= int32(f.Length) { + cs.inflow.take(int32(f.Length)) + } else { + cc.mu.Unlock() + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeFlowControl) + } + // Return any padded flow control now, since we won't + // refund it later on body reads. + var refund int + if pad := int(f.Length) - len(data); pad > 0 { + refund += pad + } + + didReset := false + var err error + if len(data) > 0 { + if _, err = cs.bufPipe.Write(data); err != nil { + // Return len(data) now if the stream is already closed, + // since data will never be read. + didReset = true + refund += len(data) + } + } + + if refund > 0 { + cc.inflow.add(int32(refund)) + if !didReset { + cs.inflow.add(int32(refund)) + } + } + cc.mu.Unlock() + + if refund > 0 { + cc.wmu.Lock() + cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(0, uint32(refund)) + if !didReset { + cc.fr.WriteWindowUpdate(cs.ID, uint32(refund)) + } + cc.bw.Flush() + cc.wmu.Unlock() + } + + if err != nil { + rl.endStreamError(cs, err) + return nil + } + } + + if f.StreamEnded() { + rl.endStream(cs) + } + return nil +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) endStream(cs *clientStream) { + // TODO: check that any declared content-length matches, like + // server.go's (*stream).endStream method. + if !cs.readClosed { + cs.readClosed = true + // Close cs.bufPipe and cs.peerClosed with cc.mu held to avoid a + // race condition: The caller can read io.EOF from Response.Body + // and close the body before we close cs.peerClosed, causing + // cleanupWriteRequest to send a RST_STREAM. + rl.cc.mu.Lock() + defer rl.cc.mu.Unlock() + cs.bufPipe.closeWithErrorAndCode(io.EOF, cs.copyTrailers) + close(cs.peerClosed) + } +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) endStreamError(cs *clientStream, err error) { + cs.readAborted = true + cs.abortStream(err) +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) streamByID(id uint32) *clientStream { + rl.cc.mu.Lock() + defer rl.cc.mu.Unlock() + cs := rl.cc.streams[id] + if cs != nil && !cs.readAborted { + return cs + } + return nil +} + +func (cs *clientStream) copyTrailers() { + for k, vv := range cs.trailer { + t := cs.resTrailer + if *t == nil { + *t = make(http.Header) + } + (*t)[k] = vv + } +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processGoAway(f *GoAwayFrame) error { + cc := rl.cc + cc.t.connPool().MarkDead(cc) + if f.ErrCode != 0 { + // TODO: deal with GOAWAY more. particularly the error code + cc.vlogf("transport got GOAWAY with error code = %v", f.ErrCode) + if fn := cc.t.CountError; fn != nil { + fn("recv_goaway_" + f.ErrCode.stringToken()) + } + + } + cc.setGoAway(f) + return nil +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processSettings(f *SettingsFrame) error { + cc := rl.cc + // Locking both mu and wmu here allows frame encoding to read settings with only wmu held. + // Acquiring wmu when f.IsAck() is unnecessary, but convenient and mostly harmless. + cc.wmu.Lock() + defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + + if err := rl.processSettingsNoWrite(f); err != nil { + return err + } + if !f.IsAck() { + cc.fr.WriteSettingsAck() + cc.bw.Flush() + } + return nil +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processSettingsNoWrite(f *SettingsFrame) error { + cc := rl.cc + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + + if f.IsAck() { + if cc.wantSettingsAck { + cc.wantSettingsAck = false + return nil + } + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) + } + + var seenMaxConcurrentStreams bool + err := f.ForeachSetting(func(s Setting) error { + switch s.ID { + case SettingMaxFrameSize: + cc.maxFrameSize = s.Val + case SettingMaxConcurrentStreams: + cc.maxConcurrentStreams = s.Val + seenMaxConcurrentStreams = true + case SettingMaxHeaderListSize: + cc.peerMaxHeaderListSize = uint64(s.Val) + case SettingInitialWindowSize: + // Values above the maximum flow-control + // window size of 2^31-1 MUST be treated as a + // connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type + // FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR. + if s.Val > math.MaxInt32 { + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeFlowControl) + } + + // Adjust flow control of currently-open + // frames by the difference of the old initial + // window size and this one. + delta := int32(s.Val) - int32(cc.initialWindowSize) + for _, cs := range cc.streams { + cs.flow.add(delta) + } + cc.cond.Broadcast() + + cc.initialWindowSize = s.Val + default: + // TODO(bradfitz): handle more settings? SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE probably. + cc.vlogf("Unhandled Setting: %v", s) + } + return nil + }) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if !cc.seenSettings { + if !seenMaxConcurrentStreams { + // This was the servers initial SETTINGS frame and it + // didn't contain a MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS field so + // increase the number of concurrent streams this + // connection can establish to our default. + cc.maxConcurrentStreams = defaultMaxConcurrentStreams + } + cc.seenSettings = true + } + + return nil +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processWindowUpdate(f *WindowUpdateFrame) error { + cc := rl.cc + cs := rl.streamByID(f.StreamID) + if f.StreamID != 0 && cs == nil { + return nil + } + + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + + fl := &cc.flow + if cs != nil { + fl = &cs.flow + } + if !fl.add(int32(f.Increment)) { + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeFlowControl) + } + cc.cond.Broadcast() + return nil +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processResetStream(f *RSTStreamFrame) error { + cs := rl.streamByID(f.StreamID) + if cs == nil { + // TODO: return error if server tries to RST_STREAM an idle stream + return nil + } + serr := streamError(cs.ID, f.ErrCode) + serr.Cause = errFromPeer + if f.ErrCode == ErrCodeProtocol { + rl.cc.SetDoNotReuse() + } + if fn := cs.cc.t.CountError; fn != nil { + fn("recv_rststream_" + f.ErrCode.stringToken()) + } + cs.abortStream(serr) + + cs.bufPipe.CloseWithError(serr) + return nil +} + +// Ping sends a PING frame to the server and waits for the ack. +func (cc *ClientConn) Ping(ctx context.Context) error { + c := make(chan struct{}) + // Generate a random payload + var p [8]byte + for { + if _, err := rand.Read(p[:]); err != nil { + return err + } + cc.mu.Lock() + // check for dup before insert + if _, found := cc.pings[p]; !found { + cc.pings[p] = c + cc.mu.Unlock() + break + } + cc.mu.Unlock() + } + errc := make(chan error, 1) + go func() { + cc.wmu.Lock() + defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + if err := cc.fr.WritePing(false, p); err != nil { + errc <- err + return + } + if err := cc.bw.Flush(); err != nil { + errc <- err + return + } + }() + select { + case <-c: + return nil + case err := <-errc: + return err + case <-ctx.Done(): + return ctx.Err() + case <-cc.readerDone: + // connection closed + return cc.readerErr + } +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processPing(f *PingFrame) error { + if f.IsAck() { + cc := rl.cc + cc.mu.Lock() + defer cc.mu.Unlock() + // If ack, notify listener if any + if c, ok := cc.pings[f.Data]; ok { + close(c) + delete(cc.pings, f.Data) + } + return nil + } + cc := rl.cc + cc.wmu.Lock() + defer cc.wmu.Unlock() + if err := cc.fr.WritePing(true, f.Data); err != nil { + return err + } + return cc.bw.Flush() +} + +func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processPushPromise(f *PushPromiseFrame) error { + // We told the peer we don't want them. + // Spec says: + // "PUSH_PROMISE MUST NOT be sent if the SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH + // setting of the peer endpoint is set to 0. An endpoint that + // has set this setting and has received acknowledgement MUST + // treat the receipt of a PUSH_PROMISE frame as a connection + // error (Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR." + return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) writeStreamReset(streamID uint32, code ErrCode, err error) { + // TODO: map err to more interesting error codes, once the + // HTTP community comes up with some. But currently for + // RST_STREAM there's no equivalent to GOAWAY frame's debug + // data, and the error codes are all pretty vague ("cancel"). + cc.wmu.Lock() + cc.fr.WriteRSTStream(streamID, code) + cc.bw.Flush() + cc.wmu.Unlock() +} + +var ( + errResponseHeaderListSize = errors.New("http2: response header list larger than advertised limit") + errRequestHeaderListSize = errors.New("http2: request header list larger than peer's advertised limit") +) + +func (cc *ClientConn) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + cc.t.logf(format, args...) +} + +func (cc *ClientConn) vlogf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + cc.t.vlogf(format, args...) +} + +func (t *Transport) vlogf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + if VerboseLogs { + t.logf(format, args...) + } +} + +func (t *Transport) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + log.Printf(format, args...) +} + +var noBody io.ReadCloser = noBodyReader{} + +type noBodyReader struct{} + +func (noBodyReader) Close() error { return nil } +func (noBodyReader) Read([]byte) (int, error) { return 0, io.EOF } + +type missingBody struct{} + +func (missingBody) Close() error { return nil } +func (missingBody) Read([]byte) (int, error) { return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF } + +func strSliceContains(ss []string, s string) bool { + for _, v := range ss { + if v == s { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +type erringRoundTripper struct{ err error } + +func (rt erringRoundTripper) RoundTripErr() error { return rt.err } +func (rt erringRoundTripper) RoundTrip(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { return nil, rt.err } + +// gzipReader wraps a response body so it can lazily +// call gzip.NewReader on the first call to Read +type gzipReader struct { + _ incomparable + body io.ReadCloser // underlying Response.Body + zr *gzip.Reader // lazily-initialized gzip reader + zerr error // sticky error +} + +func (gz *gzipReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + if gz.zerr != nil { + return 0, gz.zerr + } + if gz.zr == nil { + gz.zr, err = gzip.NewReader(gz.body) + if err != nil { + gz.zerr = err + return 0, err + } + } + return gz.zr.Read(p) +} + +func (gz *gzipReader) Close() error { + return gz.body.Close() +} + +type errorReader struct{ err error } + +func (r errorReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { return 0, r.err } + +// isConnectionCloseRequest reports whether req should use its own +// connection for a single request and then close the connection. +func isConnectionCloseRequest(req *http.Request) bool { + return req.Close || httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken(req.Header["Connection"], "close") +} + +// registerHTTPSProtocol calls Transport.RegisterProtocol but +// converting panics into errors. +func registerHTTPSProtocol(t *http.Transport, rt noDialH2RoundTripper) (err error) { + defer func() { + if e := recover(); e != nil { + err = fmt.Errorf("%v", e) + } + }() + t.RegisterProtocol("https", rt) + return nil +} + +// noDialH2RoundTripper is a RoundTripper which only tries to complete the request +// if there's already has a cached connection to the host. +// (The field is exported so it can be accessed via reflect from net/http; tested +// by TestNoDialH2RoundTripperType) +type noDialH2RoundTripper struct{ *Transport } + +func (rt noDialH2RoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { + res, err := rt.Transport.RoundTrip(req) + if isNoCachedConnError(err) { + return nil, http.ErrSkipAltProtocol + } + return res, err +} + +func (t *Transport) idleConnTimeout() time.Duration { + if t.t1 != nil { + return t.t1.IdleConnTimeout + } + return 0 +} + +func traceGetConn(req *http.Request, hostPort string) { + trace := httptrace.ContextClientTrace(req.Context()) + if trace == nil || trace.GetConn == nil { + return + } + trace.GetConn(hostPort) +} + +func traceGotConn(req *http.Request, cc *ClientConn, reused bool) { + trace := httptrace.ContextClientTrace(req.Context()) + if trace == nil || trace.GotConn == nil { + return + } + ci := httptrace.GotConnInfo{Conn: cc.tconn} + ci.Reused = reused + cc.mu.Lock() + ci.WasIdle = len(cc.streams) == 0 && reused + if ci.WasIdle && !cc.lastActive.IsZero() { + ci.IdleTime = time.Now().Sub(cc.lastActive) + } + cc.mu.Unlock() + + trace.GotConn(ci) +} + +func traceWroteHeaders(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) { + if trace != nil && trace.WroteHeaders != nil { + trace.WroteHeaders() + } +} + +func traceGot100Continue(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) { + if trace != nil && trace.Got100Continue != nil { + trace.Got100Continue() + } +} + +func traceWait100Continue(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) { + if trace != nil && trace.Wait100Continue != nil { + trace.Wait100Continue() + } +} + +func traceWroteRequest(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace, err error) { + if trace != nil && trace.WroteRequest != nil { + trace.WroteRequest(httptrace.WroteRequestInfo{Err: err}) + } +} + +func traceFirstResponseByte(trace *httptrace.ClientTrace) { + if trace != nil && trace.GotFirstResponseByte != nil { + trace.GotFirstResponseByte() + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/write.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/write.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..33f61398a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/write.go @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package http2 + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "log" + "net/http" + "net/url" + + "golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts" + "golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack" +) + +// writeFramer is implemented by any type that is used to write frames. +type writeFramer interface { + writeFrame(writeContext) error + + // staysWithinBuffer reports whether this writer promises that + // it will only write less than or equal to size bytes, and it + // won't Flush the write context. + staysWithinBuffer(size int) bool +} + +// writeContext is the interface needed by the various frame writer +// types below. All the writeFrame methods below are scheduled via the +// frame writing scheduler (see writeScheduler in writesched.go). +// +// This interface is implemented by *serverConn. +// +// TODO: decide whether to a) use this in the client code (which didn't +// end up using this yet, because it has a simpler design, not +// currently implementing priorities), or b) delete this and +// make the server code a bit more concrete. +type writeContext interface { + Framer() *Framer + Flush() error + CloseConn() error + // HeaderEncoder returns an HPACK encoder that writes to the + // returned buffer. + HeaderEncoder() (*hpack.Encoder, *bytes.Buffer) +} + +// writeEndsStream reports whether w writes a frame that will transition +// the stream to a half-closed local state. This returns false for RST_STREAM, +// which closes the entire stream (not just the local half). +func writeEndsStream(w writeFramer) bool { + switch v := w.(type) { + case *writeData: + return v.endStream + case *writeResHeaders: + return v.endStream + case nil: + // This can only happen if the caller reuses w after it's + // been intentionally nil'ed out to prevent use. Keep this + // here to catch future refactoring breaking it. + panic("writeEndsStream called on nil writeFramer") + } + return false +} + +type flushFrameWriter struct{} + +func (flushFrameWriter) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + return ctx.Flush() +} + +func (flushFrameWriter) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { return false } + +type writeSettings []Setting + +func (s writeSettings) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { + const settingSize = 6 // uint16 + uint32 + return frameHeaderLen+settingSize*len(s) <= max + +} + +func (s writeSettings) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + return ctx.Framer().WriteSettings([]Setting(s)...) +} + +type writeGoAway struct { + maxStreamID uint32 + code ErrCode +} + +func (p *writeGoAway) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + err := ctx.Framer().WriteGoAway(p.maxStreamID, p.code, nil) + ctx.Flush() // ignore error: we're hanging up on them anyway + return err +} + +func (*writeGoAway) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { return false } // flushes + +type writeData struct { + streamID uint32 + p []byte + endStream bool +} + +func (w *writeData) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("writeData(stream=%d, p=%d, endStream=%v)", w.streamID, len(w.p), w.endStream) +} + +func (w *writeData) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + return ctx.Framer().WriteData(w.streamID, w.endStream, w.p) +} + +func (w *writeData) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { + return frameHeaderLen+len(w.p) <= max +} + +// handlerPanicRST is the message sent from handler goroutines when +// the handler panics. +type handlerPanicRST struct { + StreamID uint32 +} + +func (hp handlerPanicRST) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + return ctx.Framer().WriteRSTStream(hp.StreamID, ErrCodeInternal) +} + +func (hp handlerPanicRST) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { return frameHeaderLen+4 <= max } + +func (se StreamError) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + return ctx.Framer().WriteRSTStream(se.StreamID, se.Code) +} + +func (se StreamError) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { return frameHeaderLen+4 <= max } + +type writePingAck struct{ pf *PingFrame } + +func (w writePingAck) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + return ctx.Framer().WritePing(true, w.pf.Data) +} + +func (w writePingAck) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { return frameHeaderLen+len(w.pf.Data) <= max } + +type writeSettingsAck struct{} + +func (writeSettingsAck) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + return ctx.Framer().WriteSettingsAck() +} + +func (writeSettingsAck) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { return frameHeaderLen <= max } + +// splitHeaderBlock splits headerBlock into fragments so that each fragment fits +// in a single frame, then calls fn for each fragment. firstFrag/lastFrag are true +// for the first/last fragment, respectively. +func splitHeaderBlock(ctx writeContext, headerBlock []byte, fn func(ctx writeContext, frag []byte, firstFrag, lastFrag bool) error) error { + // For now we're lazy and just pick the minimum MAX_FRAME_SIZE + // that all peers must support (16KB). Later we could care + // more and send larger frames if the peer advertised it, but + // there's little point. Most headers are small anyway (so we + // generally won't have CONTINUATION frames), and extra frames + // only waste 9 bytes anyway. + const maxFrameSize = 16384 + + first := true + for len(headerBlock) > 0 { + frag := headerBlock + if len(frag) > maxFrameSize { + frag = frag[:maxFrameSize] + } + headerBlock = headerBlock[len(frag):] + if err := fn(ctx, frag, first, len(headerBlock) == 0); err != nil { + return err + } + first = false + } + return nil +} + +// writeResHeaders is a request to write a HEADERS and 0+ CONTINUATION frames +// for HTTP response headers or trailers from a server handler. +type writeResHeaders struct { + streamID uint32 + httpResCode int // 0 means no ":status" line + h http.Header // may be nil + trailers []string // if non-nil, which keys of h to write. nil means all. + endStream bool + + date string + contentType string + contentLength string +} + +func encKV(enc *hpack.Encoder, k, v string) { + if VerboseLogs { + log.Printf("http2: server encoding header %q = %q", k, v) + } + enc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: k, Value: v}) +} + +func (w *writeResHeaders) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { + // TODO: this is a common one. It'd be nice to return true + // here and get into the fast path if we could be clever and + // calculate the size fast enough, or at least a conservative + // upper bound that usually fires. (Maybe if w.h and + // w.trailers are nil, so we don't need to enumerate it.) + // Otherwise I'm afraid that just calculating the length to + // answer this question would be slower than the ~2µs benefit. + return false +} + +func (w *writeResHeaders) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + enc, buf := ctx.HeaderEncoder() + buf.Reset() + + if w.httpResCode != 0 { + encKV(enc, ":status", httpCodeString(w.httpResCode)) + } + + encodeHeaders(enc, w.h, w.trailers) + + if w.contentType != "" { + encKV(enc, "content-type", w.contentType) + } + if w.contentLength != "" { + encKV(enc, "content-length", w.contentLength) + } + if w.date != "" { + encKV(enc, "date", w.date) + } + + headerBlock := buf.Bytes() + if len(headerBlock) == 0 && w.trailers == nil { + panic("unexpected empty hpack") + } + + return splitHeaderBlock(ctx, headerBlock, w.writeHeaderBlock) +} + +func (w *writeResHeaders) writeHeaderBlock(ctx writeContext, frag []byte, firstFrag, lastFrag bool) error { + if firstFrag { + return ctx.Framer().WriteHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{ + StreamID: w.streamID, + BlockFragment: frag, + EndStream: w.endStream, + EndHeaders: lastFrag, + }) + } else { + return ctx.Framer().WriteContinuation(w.streamID, lastFrag, frag) + } +} + +// writePushPromise is a request to write a PUSH_PROMISE and 0+ CONTINUATION frames. +type writePushPromise struct { + streamID uint32 // pusher stream + method string // for :method + url *url.URL // for :scheme, :authority, :path + h http.Header + + // Creates an ID for a pushed stream. This runs on serveG just before + // the frame is written. The returned ID is copied to promisedID. + allocatePromisedID func() (uint32, error) + promisedID uint32 +} + +func (w *writePushPromise) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { + // TODO: see writeResHeaders.staysWithinBuffer + return false +} + +func (w *writePushPromise) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + enc, buf := ctx.HeaderEncoder() + buf.Reset() + + encKV(enc, ":method", w.method) + encKV(enc, ":scheme", w.url.Scheme) + encKV(enc, ":authority", w.url.Host) + encKV(enc, ":path", w.url.RequestURI()) + encodeHeaders(enc, w.h, nil) + + headerBlock := buf.Bytes() + if len(headerBlock) == 0 { + panic("unexpected empty hpack") + } + + return splitHeaderBlock(ctx, headerBlock, w.writeHeaderBlock) +} + +func (w *writePushPromise) writeHeaderBlock(ctx writeContext, frag []byte, firstFrag, lastFrag bool) error { + if firstFrag { + return ctx.Framer().WritePushPromise(PushPromiseParam{ + StreamID: w.streamID, + PromiseID: w.promisedID, + BlockFragment: frag, + EndHeaders: lastFrag, + }) + } else { + return ctx.Framer().WriteContinuation(w.streamID, lastFrag, frag) + } +} + +type write100ContinueHeadersFrame struct { + streamID uint32 +} + +func (w write100ContinueHeadersFrame) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + enc, buf := ctx.HeaderEncoder() + buf.Reset() + encKV(enc, ":status", "100") + return ctx.Framer().WriteHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{ + StreamID: w.streamID, + BlockFragment: buf.Bytes(), + EndStream: false, + EndHeaders: true, + }) +} + +func (w write100ContinueHeadersFrame) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { + // Sloppy but conservative: + return 9+2*(len(":status")+len("100")) <= max +} + +type writeWindowUpdate struct { + streamID uint32 // or 0 for conn-level + n uint32 +} + +func (wu writeWindowUpdate) staysWithinBuffer(max int) bool { return frameHeaderLen+4 <= max } + +func (wu writeWindowUpdate) writeFrame(ctx writeContext) error { + return ctx.Framer().WriteWindowUpdate(wu.streamID, wu.n) +} + +// encodeHeaders encodes an http.Header. If keys is not nil, then (k, h[k]) +// is encoded only if k is in keys. +func encodeHeaders(enc *hpack.Encoder, h http.Header, keys []string) { + if keys == nil { + sorter := sorterPool.Get().(*sorter) + // Using defer here, since the returned keys from the + // sorter.Keys method is only valid until the sorter + // is returned: + defer sorterPool.Put(sorter) + keys = sorter.Keys(h) + } + for _, k := range keys { + vv := h[k] + k, ascii := lowerHeader(k) + if !ascii { + // Skip writing invalid headers. Per RFC 7540, Section 8.1.2, header + // field names have to be ASCII characters (just as in HTTP/1.x). + continue + } + if !validWireHeaderFieldName(k) { + // Skip it as backup paranoia. Per + // golang.org/issue/14048, these should + // already be rejected at a higher level. + continue + } + isTE := k == "transfer-encoding" + for _, v := range vv { + if !httpguts.ValidHeaderFieldValue(v) { + // TODO: return an error? golang.org/issue/14048 + // For now just omit it. + continue + } + // TODO: more of " Connection-Specific Header Fields" + if isTE && v != "trailers" { + continue + } + encKV(enc, k, v) + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7cd00173 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched.go @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package http2 + +import "fmt" + +// WriteScheduler is the interface implemented by HTTP/2 write schedulers. +// Methods are never called concurrently. +type WriteScheduler interface { + // OpenStream opens a new stream in the write scheduler. + // It is illegal to call this with streamID=0 or with a streamID that is + // already open -- the call may panic. + OpenStream(streamID uint32, options OpenStreamOptions) + + // CloseStream closes a stream in the write scheduler. Any frames queued on + // this stream should be discarded. It is illegal to call this on a stream + // that is not open -- the call may panic. + CloseStream(streamID uint32) + + // AdjustStream adjusts the priority of the given stream. This may be called + // on a stream that has not yet been opened or has been closed. Note that + // RFC 7540 allows PRIORITY frames to be sent on streams in any state. See: + // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-5.1 + AdjustStream(streamID uint32, priority PriorityParam) + + // Push queues a frame in the scheduler. In most cases, this will not be + // called with wr.StreamID()!=0 unless that stream is currently open. The one + // exception is RST_STREAM frames, which may be sent on idle or closed streams. + Push(wr FrameWriteRequest) + + // Pop dequeues the next frame to write. Returns false if no frames can + // be written. Frames with a given wr.StreamID() are Pop'd in the same + // order they are Push'd, except RST_STREAM frames. No frames should be + // discarded except by CloseStream. + Pop() (wr FrameWriteRequest, ok bool) +} + +// OpenStreamOptions specifies extra options for WriteScheduler.OpenStream. +type OpenStreamOptions struct { + // PusherID is zero if the stream was initiated by the client. Otherwise, + // PusherID names the stream that pushed the newly opened stream. + PusherID uint32 +} + +// FrameWriteRequest is a request to write a frame. +type FrameWriteRequest struct { + // write is the interface value that does the writing, once the + // WriteScheduler has selected this frame to write. The write + // functions are all defined in write.go. + write writeFramer + + // stream is the stream on which this frame will be written. + // nil for non-stream frames like PING and SETTINGS. + // nil for RST_STREAM streams, which use the StreamError.StreamID field instead. + stream *stream + + // done, if non-nil, must be a buffered channel with space for + // 1 message and is sent the return value from write (or an + // earlier error) when the frame has been written. + done chan error +} + +// StreamID returns the id of the stream this frame will be written to. +// 0 is used for non-stream frames such as PING and SETTINGS. +func (wr FrameWriteRequest) StreamID() uint32 { + if wr.stream == nil { + if se, ok := wr.write.(StreamError); ok { + // (*serverConn).resetStream doesn't set + // stream because it doesn't necessarily have + // one. So special case this type of write + // message. + return se.StreamID + } + return 0 + } + return wr.stream.id +} + +// isControl reports whether wr is a control frame for MaxQueuedControlFrames +// purposes. That includes non-stream frames and RST_STREAM frames. +func (wr FrameWriteRequest) isControl() bool { + return wr.stream == nil +} + +// DataSize returns the number of flow control bytes that must be consumed +// to write this entire frame. This is 0 for non-DATA frames. +func (wr FrameWriteRequest) DataSize() int { + if wd, ok := wr.write.(*writeData); ok { + return len(wd.p) + } + return 0 +} + +// Consume consumes min(n, available) bytes from this frame, where available +// is the number of flow control bytes available on the stream. Consume returns +// 0, 1, or 2 frames, where the integer return value gives the number of frames +// returned. +// +// If flow control prevents consuming any bytes, this returns (_, _, 0). If +// the entire frame was consumed, this returns (wr, _, 1). Otherwise, this +// returns (consumed, rest, 2), where 'consumed' contains the consumed bytes and +// 'rest' contains the remaining bytes. The consumed bytes are deducted from the +// underlying stream's flow control budget. +func (wr FrameWriteRequest) Consume(n int32) (FrameWriteRequest, FrameWriteRequest, int) { + var empty FrameWriteRequest + + // Non-DATA frames are always consumed whole. + wd, ok := wr.write.(*writeData) + if !ok || len(wd.p) == 0 { + return wr, empty, 1 + } + + // Might need to split after applying limits. + allowed := wr.stream.flow.available() + if n < allowed { + allowed = n + } + if wr.stream.sc.maxFrameSize < allowed { + allowed = wr.stream.sc.maxFrameSize + } + if allowed <= 0 { + return empty, empty, 0 + } + if len(wd.p) > int(allowed) { + wr.stream.flow.take(allowed) + consumed := FrameWriteRequest{ + stream: wr.stream, + write: &writeData{ + streamID: wd.streamID, + p: wd.p[:allowed], + // Even if the original had endStream set, there + // are bytes remaining because len(wd.p) > allowed, + // so we know endStream is false. + endStream: false, + }, + // Our caller is blocking on the final DATA frame, not + // this intermediate frame, so no need to wait. + done: nil, + } + rest := FrameWriteRequest{ + stream: wr.stream, + write: &writeData{ + streamID: wd.streamID, + p: wd.p[allowed:], + endStream: wd.endStream, + }, + done: wr.done, + } + return consumed, rest, 2 + } + + // The frame is consumed whole. + // NB: This cast cannot overflow because allowed is <= math.MaxInt32. + wr.stream.flow.take(int32(len(wd.p))) + return wr, empty, 1 +} + +// String is for debugging only. +func (wr FrameWriteRequest) String() string { + var des string + if s, ok := wr.write.(fmt.Stringer); ok { + des = s.String() + } else { + des = fmt.Sprintf("%T", wr.write) + } + return fmt.Sprintf("[FrameWriteRequest stream=%d, ch=%v, writer=%v]", wr.StreamID(), wr.done != nil, des) +} + +// replyToWriter sends err to wr.done and panics if the send must block +// This does nothing if wr.done is nil. +func (wr *FrameWriteRequest) replyToWriter(err error) { + if wr.done == nil { + return + } + select { + case wr.done <- err: + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("unbuffered done channel passed in for type %T", wr.write)) + } + wr.write = nil // prevent use (assume it's tainted after wr.done send) +} + +// writeQueue is used by implementations of WriteScheduler. +type writeQueue struct { + s []FrameWriteRequest +} + +func (q *writeQueue) empty() bool { return len(q.s) == 0 } + +func (q *writeQueue) push(wr FrameWriteRequest) { + q.s = append(q.s, wr) +} + +func (q *writeQueue) shift() FrameWriteRequest { + if len(q.s) == 0 { + panic("invalid use of queue") + } + wr := q.s[0] + // TODO: less copy-happy queue. + copy(q.s, q.s[1:]) + q.s[len(q.s)-1] = FrameWriteRequest{} + q.s = q.s[:len(q.s)-1] + return wr +} + +// consume consumes up to n bytes from q.s[0]. If the frame is +// entirely consumed, it is removed from the queue. If the frame +// is partially consumed, the frame is kept with the consumed +// bytes removed. Returns true iff any bytes were consumed. +func (q *writeQueue) consume(n int32) (FrameWriteRequest, bool) { + if len(q.s) == 0 { + return FrameWriteRequest{}, false + } + consumed, rest, numresult := q.s[0].Consume(n) + switch numresult { + case 0: + return FrameWriteRequest{}, false + case 1: + q.shift() + case 2: + q.s[0] = rest + } + return consumed, true +} + +type writeQueuePool []*writeQueue + +// put inserts an unused writeQueue into the pool. +func (p *writeQueuePool) put(q *writeQueue) { + for i := range q.s { + q.s[i] = FrameWriteRequest{} + } + q.s = q.s[:0] + *p = append(*p, q) +} + +// get returns an empty writeQueue. +func (p *writeQueuePool) get() *writeQueue { + ln := len(*p) + if ln == 0 { + return new(writeQueue) + } + x := ln - 1 + q := (*p)[x] + (*p)[x] = nil + *p = (*p)[:x] + return q +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_priority.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_priority.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2618b2c11 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_priority.go @@ -0,0 +1,452 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package http2 + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" + "sort" +) + +// RFC 7540, Section 5.3.5: the default weight is 16. +const priorityDefaultWeight = 15 // 16 = 15 + 1 + +// PriorityWriteSchedulerConfig configures a priorityWriteScheduler. +type PriorityWriteSchedulerConfig struct { + // MaxClosedNodesInTree controls the maximum number of closed streams to + // retain in the priority tree. Setting this to zero saves a small amount + // of memory at the cost of performance. + // + // See RFC 7540, Section 5.3.4: + // "It is possible for a stream to become closed while prioritization + // information ... is in transit. ... This potentially creates suboptimal + // prioritization, since the stream could be given a priority that is + // different from what is intended. To avoid these problems, an endpoint + // SHOULD retain stream prioritization state for a period after streams + // become closed. The longer state is retained, the lower the chance that + // streams are assigned incorrect or default priority values." + MaxClosedNodesInTree int + + // MaxIdleNodesInTree controls the maximum number of idle streams to + // retain in the priority tree. Setting this to zero saves a small amount + // of memory at the cost of performance. + // + // See RFC 7540, Section 5.3.4: + // Similarly, streams that are in the "idle" state can be assigned + // priority or become a parent of other streams. This allows for the + // creation of a grouping node in the dependency tree, which enables + // more flexible expressions of priority. Idle streams begin with a + // default priority (Section 5.3.5). + MaxIdleNodesInTree int + + // ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites enables write throttling to help ensure that + // data is delivered in priority order. This works around a race where + // stream B depends on stream A and both streams are about to call Write + // to queue DATA frames. If B wins the race, a naive scheduler would eagerly + // write as much data from B as possible, but this is suboptimal because A + // is a higher-priority stream. With throttling enabled, we write a small + // amount of data from B to minimize the amount of bandwidth that B can + // steal from A. + ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites bool +} + +// NewPriorityWriteScheduler constructs a WriteScheduler that schedules +// frames by following HTTP/2 priorities as described in RFC 7540 Section 5.3. +// If cfg is nil, default options are used. +func NewPriorityWriteScheduler(cfg *PriorityWriteSchedulerConfig) WriteScheduler { + if cfg == nil { + // For justification of these defaults, see: + // https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oLhNg1skaWD4_DtaoCxdSRN5erEXrH-KnLrMwEpOtFY + cfg = &PriorityWriteSchedulerConfig{ + MaxClosedNodesInTree: 10, + MaxIdleNodesInTree: 10, + ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites: false, + } + } + + ws := &priorityWriteScheduler{ + nodes: make(map[uint32]*priorityNode), + maxClosedNodesInTree: cfg.MaxClosedNodesInTree, + maxIdleNodesInTree: cfg.MaxIdleNodesInTree, + enableWriteThrottle: cfg.ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites, + } + ws.nodes[0] = &ws.root + if cfg.ThrottleOutOfOrderWrites { + ws.writeThrottleLimit = 1024 + } else { + ws.writeThrottleLimit = math.MaxInt32 + } + return ws +} + +type priorityNodeState int + +const ( + priorityNodeOpen priorityNodeState = iota + priorityNodeClosed + priorityNodeIdle +) + +// priorityNode is a node in an HTTP/2 priority tree. +// Each node is associated with a single stream ID. +// See RFC 7540, Section 5.3. +type priorityNode struct { + q writeQueue // queue of pending frames to write + id uint32 // id of the stream, or 0 for the root of the tree + weight uint8 // the actual weight is weight+1, so the value is in [1,256] + state priorityNodeState // open | closed | idle + bytes int64 // number of bytes written by this node, or 0 if closed + subtreeBytes int64 // sum(node.bytes) of all nodes in this subtree + + // These links form the priority tree. + parent *priorityNode + kids *priorityNode // start of the kids list + prev, next *priorityNode // doubly-linked list of siblings +} + +func (n *priorityNode) setParent(parent *priorityNode) { + if n == parent { + panic("setParent to self") + } + if n.parent == parent { + return + } + // Unlink from current parent. + if parent := n.parent; parent != nil { + if n.prev == nil { + parent.kids = n.next + } else { + n.prev.next = n.next + } + if n.next != nil { + n.next.prev = n.prev + } + } + // Link to new parent. + // If parent=nil, remove n from the tree. + // Always insert at the head of parent.kids (this is assumed by walkReadyInOrder). + n.parent = parent + if parent == nil { + n.next = nil + n.prev = nil + } else { + n.next = parent.kids + n.prev = nil + if n.next != nil { + n.next.prev = n + } + parent.kids = n + } +} + +func (n *priorityNode) addBytes(b int64) { + n.bytes += b + for ; n != nil; n = n.parent { + n.subtreeBytes += b + } +} + +// walkReadyInOrder iterates over the tree in priority order, calling f for each node +// with a non-empty write queue. When f returns true, this function returns true and the +// walk halts. tmp is used as scratch space for sorting. +// +// f(n, openParent) takes two arguments: the node to visit, n, and a bool that is true +// if any ancestor p of n is still open (ignoring the root node). +func (n *priorityNode) walkReadyInOrder(openParent bool, tmp *[]*priorityNode, f func(*priorityNode, bool) bool) bool { + if !n.q.empty() && f(n, openParent) { + return true + } + if n.kids == nil { + return false + } + + // Don't consider the root "open" when updating openParent since + // we can't send data frames on the root stream (only control frames). + if n.id != 0 { + openParent = openParent || (n.state == priorityNodeOpen) + } + + // Common case: only one kid or all kids have the same weight. + // Some clients don't use weights; other clients (like web browsers) + // use mostly-linear priority trees. + w := n.kids.weight + needSort := false + for k := n.kids.next; k != nil; k = k.next { + if k.weight != w { + needSort = true + break + } + } + if !needSort { + for k := n.kids; k != nil; k = k.next { + if k.walkReadyInOrder(openParent, tmp, f) { + return true + } + } + return false + } + + // Uncommon case: sort the child nodes. We remove the kids from the parent, + // then re-insert after sorting so we can reuse tmp for future sort calls. + *tmp = (*tmp)[:0] + for n.kids != nil { + *tmp = append(*tmp, n.kids) + n.kids.setParent(nil) + } + sort.Sort(sortPriorityNodeSiblings(*tmp)) + for i := len(*tmp) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + (*tmp)[i].setParent(n) // setParent inserts at the head of n.kids + } + for k := n.kids; k != nil; k = k.next { + if k.walkReadyInOrder(openParent, tmp, f) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +type sortPriorityNodeSiblings []*priorityNode + +func (z sortPriorityNodeSiblings) Len() int { return len(z) } +func (z sortPriorityNodeSiblings) Swap(i, k int) { z[i], z[k] = z[k], z[i] } +func (z sortPriorityNodeSiblings) Less(i, k int) bool { + // Prefer the subtree that has sent fewer bytes relative to its weight. + // See sections 5.3.2 and 5.3.4. + wi, bi := float64(z[i].weight+1), float64(z[i].subtreeBytes) + wk, bk := float64(z[k].weight+1), float64(z[k].subtreeBytes) + if bi == 0 && bk == 0 { + return wi >= wk + } + if bk == 0 { + return false + } + return bi/bk <= wi/wk +} + +type priorityWriteScheduler struct { + // root is the root of the priority tree, where root.id = 0. + // The root queues control frames that are not associated with any stream. + root priorityNode + + // nodes maps stream ids to priority tree nodes. + nodes map[uint32]*priorityNode + + // maxID is the maximum stream id in nodes. + maxID uint32 + + // lists of nodes that have been closed or are idle, but are kept in + // the tree for improved prioritization. When the lengths exceed either + // maxClosedNodesInTree or maxIdleNodesInTree, old nodes are discarded. + closedNodes, idleNodes []*priorityNode + + // From the config. + maxClosedNodesInTree int + maxIdleNodesInTree int + writeThrottleLimit int32 + enableWriteThrottle bool + + // tmp is scratch space for priorityNode.walkReadyInOrder to reduce allocations. + tmp []*priorityNode + + // pool of empty queues for reuse. + queuePool writeQueuePool +} + +func (ws *priorityWriteScheduler) OpenStream(streamID uint32, options OpenStreamOptions) { + // The stream may be currently idle but cannot be opened or closed. + if curr := ws.nodes[streamID]; curr != nil { + if curr.state != priorityNodeIdle { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("stream %d already opened", streamID)) + } + curr.state = priorityNodeOpen + return + } + + // RFC 7540, Section 5.3.5: + // "All streams are initially assigned a non-exclusive dependency on stream 0x0. + // Pushed streams initially depend on their associated stream. In both cases, + // streams are assigned a default weight of 16." + parent := ws.nodes[options.PusherID] + if parent == nil { + parent = &ws.root + } + n := &priorityNode{ + q: *ws.queuePool.get(), + id: streamID, + weight: priorityDefaultWeight, + state: priorityNodeOpen, + } + n.setParent(parent) + ws.nodes[streamID] = n + if streamID > ws.maxID { + ws.maxID = streamID + } +} + +func (ws *priorityWriteScheduler) CloseStream(streamID uint32) { + if streamID == 0 { + panic("violation of WriteScheduler interface: cannot close stream 0") + } + if ws.nodes[streamID] == nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("violation of WriteScheduler interface: unknown stream %d", streamID)) + } + if ws.nodes[streamID].state != priorityNodeOpen { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("violation of WriteScheduler interface: stream %d already closed", streamID)) + } + + n := ws.nodes[streamID] + n.state = priorityNodeClosed + n.addBytes(-n.bytes) + + q := n.q + ws.queuePool.put(&q) + n.q.s = nil + if ws.maxClosedNodesInTree > 0 { + ws.addClosedOrIdleNode(&ws.closedNodes, ws.maxClosedNodesInTree, n) + } else { + ws.removeNode(n) + } +} + +func (ws *priorityWriteScheduler) AdjustStream(streamID uint32, priority PriorityParam) { + if streamID == 0 { + panic("adjustPriority on root") + } + + // If streamID does not exist, there are two cases: + // - A closed stream that has been removed (this will have ID <= maxID) + // - An idle stream that is being used for "grouping" (this will have ID > maxID) + n := ws.nodes[streamID] + if n == nil { + if streamID <= ws.maxID || ws.maxIdleNodesInTree == 0 { + return + } + ws.maxID = streamID + n = &priorityNode{ + q: *ws.queuePool.get(), + id: streamID, + weight: priorityDefaultWeight, + state: priorityNodeIdle, + } + n.setParent(&ws.root) + ws.nodes[streamID] = n + ws.addClosedOrIdleNode(&ws.idleNodes, ws.maxIdleNodesInTree, n) + } + + // Section 5.3.1: A dependency on a stream that is not currently in the tree + // results in that stream being given a default priority (Section 5.3.5). + parent := ws.nodes[priority.StreamDep] + if parent == nil { + n.setParent(&ws.root) + n.weight = priorityDefaultWeight + return + } + + // Ignore if the client tries to make a node its own parent. + if n == parent { + return + } + + // Section 5.3.3: + // "If a stream is made dependent on one of its own dependencies, the + // formerly dependent stream is first moved to be dependent on the + // reprioritized stream's previous parent. The moved dependency retains + // its weight." + // + // That is: if parent depends on n, move parent to depend on n.parent. + for x := parent.parent; x != nil; x = x.parent { + if x == n { + parent.setParent(n.parent) + break + } + } + + // Section 5.3.3: The exclusive flag causes the stream to become the sole + // dependency of its parent stream, causing other dependencies to become + // dependent on the exclusive stream. + if priority.Exclusive { + k := parent.kids + for k != nil { + next := k.next + if k != n { + k.setParent(n) + } + k = next + } + } + + n.setParent(parent) + n.weight = priority.Weight +} + +func (ws *priorityWriteScheduler) Push(wr FrameWriteRequest) { + var n *priorityNode + if id := wr.StreamID(); id == 0 { + n = &ws.root + } else { + n = ws.nodes[id] + if n == nil { + // id is an idle or closed stream. wr should not be a HEADERS or + // DATA frame. However, wr can be a RST_STREAM. In this case, we + // push wr onto the root, rather than creating a new priorityNode, + // since RST_STREAM is tiny and the stream's priority is unknown + // anyway. See issue #17919. + if wr.DataSize() > 0 { + panic("add DATA on non-open stream") + } + n = &ws.root + } + } + n.q.push(wr) +} + +func (ws *priorityWriteScheduler) Pop() (wr FrameWriteRequest, ok bool) { + ws.root.walkReadyInOrder(false, &ws.tmp, func(n *priorityNode, openParent bool) bool { + limit := int32(math.MaxInt32) + if openParent { + limit = ws.writeThrottleLimit + } + wr, ok = n.q.consume(limit) + if !ok { + return false + } + n.addBytes(int64(wr.DataSize())) + // If B depends on A and B continuously has data available but A + // does not, gradually increase the throttling limit to allow B to + // steal more and more bandwidth from A. + if openParent { + ws.writeThrottleLimit += 1024 + if ws.writeThrottleLimit < 0 { + ws.writeThrottleLimit = math.MaxInt32 + } + } else if ws.enableWriteThrottle { + ws.writeThrottleLimit = 1024 + } + return true + }) + return wr, ok +} + +func (ws *priorityWriteScheduler) addClosedOrIdleNode(list *[]*priorityNode, maxSize int, n *priorityNode) { + if maxSize == 0 { + return + } + if len(*list) == maxSize { + // Remove the oldest node, then shift left. + ws.removeNode((*list)[0]) + x := (*list)[1:] + copy(*list, x) + *list = (*list)[:len(x)] + } + *list = append(*list, n) +} + +func (ws *priorityWriteScheduler) removeNode(n *priorityNode) { + for k := n.kids; k != nil; k = k.next { + k.setParent(n.parent) + } + n.setParent(nil) + delete(ws.nodes, n.id) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_random.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_random.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f2e55e05c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/writesched_random.go @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package http2 + +import "math" + +// NewRandomWriteScheduler constructs a WriteScheduler that ignores HTTP/2 +// priorities. Control frames like SETTINGS and PING are written before DATA +// frames, but if no control frames are queued and multiple streams have queued +// HEADERS or DATA frames, Pop selects a ready stream arbitrarily. +func NewRandomWriteScheduler() WriteScheduler { + return &randomWriteScheduler{sq: make(map[uint32]*writeQueue)} +} + +type randomWriteScheduler struct { + // zero are frames not associated with a specific stream. + zero writeQueue + + // sq contains the stream-specific queues, keyed by stream ID. + // When a stream is idle, closed, or emptied, it's deleted + // from the map. + sq map[uint32]*writeQueue + + // pool of empty queues for reuse. + queuePool writeQueuePool +} + +func (ws *randomWriteScheduler) OpenStream(streamID uint32, options OpenStreamOptions) { + // no-op: idle streams are not tracked +} + +func (ws *randomWriteScheduler) CloseStream(streamID uint32) { + q, ok := ws.sq[streamID] + if !ok { + return + } + delete(ws.sq, streamID) + ws.queuePool.put(q) +} + +func (ws *randomWriteScheduler) AdjustStream(streamID uint32, priority PriorityParam) { + // no-op: priorities are ignored +} + +func (ws *randomWriteScheduler) Push(wr FrameWriteRequest) { + if wr.isControl() { + ws.zero.push(wr) + return + } + id := wr.StreamID() + q, ok := ws.sq[id] + if !ok { + q = ws.queuePool.get() + ws.sq[id] = q + } + q.push(wr) +} + +func (ws *randomWriteScheduler) Pop() (FrameWriteRequest, bool) { + // Control and RST_STREAM frames first. + if !ws.zero.empty() { + return ws.zero.shift(), true + } + // Iterate over all non-idle streams until finding one that can be consumed. + for streamID, q := range ws.sq { + if wr, ok := q.consume(math.MaxInt32); ok { + if q.empty() { + delete(ws.sq, streamID) + ws.queuePool.put(q) + } + return wr, true + } + } + return FrameWriteRequest{}, false +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/trieval.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/trieval.go index 7a8cf889b..9c070a44b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/trieval.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/trieval.go @@ -17,23 +17,23 @@ package idna // // The per-rune values have the following format: // -// if mapped { -// if inlinedXOR { -// 15..13 inline XOR marker -// 12..11 unused -// 10..3 inline XOR mask -// } else { -// 15..3 index into xor or mapping table -// } -// } else { -// 15..14 unused -// 13 mayNeedNorm -// 12..11 attributes -// 10..8 joining type -// 7..3 category type -// } -// 2 use xor pattern -// 1..0 mapped category +// if mapped { +// if inlinedXOR { +// 15..13 inline XOR marker +// 12..11 unused +// 10..3 inline XOR mask +// } else { +// 15..3 index into xor or mapping table +// } +// } else { +// 15..14 unused +// 13 mayNeedNorm +// 12..11 attributes +// 10..8 joining type +// 7..3 category type +// } +// 2 use xor pattern +// 1..0 mapped category // // See the definitions below for a more detailed description of the various // bits. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/doc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/doc.go index eef99d9d5..2ef99f5a8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/doc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/doc.go @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ // Package xerrors implements functions to manipulate errors. // // This package is based on the Go 2 proposal for error values: -// https://golang.org/design/29934-error-values +// +// https://golang.org/design/29934-error-values // // These functions were incorporated into the standard library's errors package // in Go 1.13: diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/fmt.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/fmt.go index 829862ddf..6df18669f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/fmt.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/fmt.go @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ const percentBangString = "%!" // It is invalid to include more than one %w verb or to supply it with an // operand that does not implement the error interface. The %w verb is otherwise // a synonym for %v. +// +// Deprecated: As of Go 1.13, use fmt.Errorf instead. func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error { format = formatPlusW(format) // Support a ": %[wsv]" suffix, which works well with xerrors.Formatter. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/wrap.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/wrap.go index 9a3b51037..9842758ca 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/wrap.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/xerrors/wrap.go @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ func (e noWrapper) FormatError(p Printer) (next error) { // Unwrap returns the result of calling the Unwrap method on err, if err implements // Unwrap. Otherwise, Unwrap returns nil. +// +// Deprecated: As of Go 1.13, use errors.Unwrap instead. func Unwrap(err error) error { u, ok := err.(Wrapper) if !ok { @@ -47,6 +49,8 @@ func Unwrap(err error) error { // // An error is considered to match a target if it is equal to that target or if // it implements a method Is(error) bool such that Is(target) returns true. +// +// Deprecated: As of Go 1.13, use errors.Is instead. func Is(err, target error) bool { if target == nil { return err == target @@ -77,6 +81,8 @@ func Is(err, target error) bool { // // The As method should set the target to its value and return true if err // matches the type to which target points. +// +// Deprecated: As of Go 1.13, use errors.As instead. func As(err error, target interface{}) bool { if target == nil { panic("errors: target cannot be nil") diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index b947a8cc8..34d4af53f 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 # github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 ## explicit github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew -# github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen v1.3.12 -## explicit; go 1.13 +# github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen v1.11.0 +## explicit; go 1.16 github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/runtime github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/pkg/types -# github.com/getkin/kin-openapi v0.53.0 -## explicit; go 1.14 +# github.com/getkin/kin-openapi v0.94.0 +## explicit; go 1.16 github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/jsoninfo github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3 github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/openapi3filter @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ github.com/ghodss/yaml # github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer v0.19.5 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer -# github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.19.14 +# github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.21.1 ## explicit; go 1.11 github.com/go-openapi/swag # github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4 v4.15.2 @@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath # github.com/josharian/intern v1.0.0 ## explicit; go 1.5 github.com/josharian/intern -# github.com/labstack/echo/v4 v4.1.11 -## explicit; go 1.12 +# github.com/labstack/echo/v4 v4.7.2 +## explicit; go 1.17 github.com/labstack/echo/v4 -# github.com/labstack/gommon v0.3.0 +# github.com/labstack/gommon v0.3.1 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/labstack/gommon/color github.com/labstack/gommon/log @@ -143,23 +143,20 @@ github.com/labstack/gommon/log github.com/lib/pq github.com/lib/pq/oid github.com/lib/pq/scram -# github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.6 +# github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.7 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/mailru/easyjson/buffer github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer github.com/mailru/easyjson/jwriter -# github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.6 +# github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.12 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/mattn/go-colorable -# github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.12 +# github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.14 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/mattn/go-isatty # github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.2-0.20181231171920-c182affec369 ## explicit; go 1.9 github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions/pbutil -# github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 -## explicit -github.com/pkg/errors # github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 ## explicit github.com/pmezard/go-difflib/difflib @@ -192,26 +189,30 @@ github.com/redhatinsights/platform-go-middlewares/logging/cloudwatch ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/sirupsen/logrus github.com/sirupsen/logrus/hooks/syslog -# github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.0 +# github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.1 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/stretchr/testify/assert github.com/stretchr/testify/require # github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool v1.0.0 ## explicit github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool -# github.com/valyala/fasttemplate v1.1.0 -## explicit +# github.com/valyala/fasttemplate v1.2.1 +## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/valyala/fasttemplate # go.uber.org/atomic v1.7.0 ## explicit; go 1.13 go.uber.org/atomic -# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20210921155107-089bfa567519 +# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20220513210258-46612604a0f9 ## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/crypto/acme golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert golang.org/x/crypto/pbkdf2 -# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20220225172249-27dd8689420f +# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20220513224357-95641704303c ## explicit; go 1.17 +golang.org/x/net/http/httpguts +golang.org/x/net/http2 +golang.org/x/net/http2/h2c +golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack golang.org/x/net/idna # golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220520151302-bc2c85ada10a ## explicit; go 1.17 @@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ golang.org/x/text/transform golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm golang.org/x/text/width -# golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1 +# golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20220411194840-2f41105eb62f ## explicit; go 1.11 golang.org/x/xerrors golang.org/x/xerrors/internal