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Code generation: LLVM

Once the front end is complete, your next task is to implement code generation for LLVM, i.e. your task is to make your compiler generate LLVM code for the given Javalette source code.


LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) is both an intermediate representation language and a compiler infrastructure, i.e. a collection of software components for manipulating (e.g. optimizing) LLVM code and backends for various architectures. LLVM has a large user base and is actively developed. A lot of information and code to download can be found at the LLVM web site Make sure your LLVM version is compatible with the one used in the testing Docker has only guaranteed support for this particular version.

Also LLVM code comes in two formats, a human-readable assembler format (stored in .ll files) and a binary bitcode format (stored in.bc files). Your compiler will produce the assembler format and you will use the LLVM assembler llvm-as to produce binary files for execution.

In addition to the assembler, the LLVM infrastructure consists of a large number of tools for optimizing, linking, JIT-compiling and manipulating bitcode. One consequence is that a compiler writer may produce very simple-minded LLVM code and leave to the LLVM tools to improve code when needed. Of course, similar remarks apply to JVM code.

LLVM code

The LLVM virtual machine is a register machine, with an infinite supply of typed, virtual registers. The LLVM intermediate language is a version of three-address code with arithmetic instructions that take operands from two registers and place the result in a third register. LLVM code must be in SSA (static single assignment) form, i.e. each virtual register may only be assigned once in the program text.

The LLVM language is typed, and all instructions contain type information. This "high-level" information, together with the "low-level" nature of the virtual machine, gives LLVM a distinctive flavour.

The LLVM web site provides a wealth of information, including language references, tutorials, tool manuals etc. There will also be lectures focusing on code generation for LLVM.

The structure of a LLVM file

There is less overhead in the LLVM file. But, since the language is typed, we must inform the tools of the types of the primitive functions:

declare void @printInt(i32)
declare void @printDouble(double)
declare void @printString(i8*)
declare i32 @readInt()
declare double @readDouble()

Here i32 is the type of 32 bit integers and i8* is the type of a pointer to an 8 bit integer (i.e., to a character). Note that function names in LLVM always start with @.

Before running a compiled Javalette program, myfile.bc must be linked with runtime.bc, a file implementing the primitive functions, which we will provide. In fact, this file is produced by giving clang a simple C file with definitions such as

void printInt(int x) {

An example

The following LLVM code demonstrates some of the language features in LLVM. It also serves as an example of what kind of code a Javalette compiler could generate for the fact function described here.

define i32 @main() {
entry:  %t0 = call i32 @fact(i32 7)             ; function call
        call void @printInt(i32 %t0)
        ret  i32 0


define i32 @fact(i32 %__p__n) {
entry:  %n = alloca i32                         ; allocate a variable on stack
        store i32 %__p__n , i32* %n             ; store parameter
        %i = alloca i32
        %r = alloca i32
        store i32 1 , i32* %i                   ; store initial values
        store i32 1 , i32* %r
        br label %lab0                          ; branch to lab0

lab0:   %t0 = load i32, i32* %i                 ; load i
        %t1 = load i32, i32* %n                 ; and n
        %t2 = icmp sle i32 %t0 , %t1            ; boolean %t2 will hold i <= n
        br i1 %t2 , label %lab1 , label %lab2   ; branch depending on %t2

lab1:   %t3 = load i32, i32* %r
        %t4 = load i32, i32* %i
        %t5 = mul i32 %t3 , %t4                 ; compute i * r
        store i32 %t5 , i32* %r                 ; store product
        %t6 = load i32, i32* %i                 ; fetch i,
        %t7 = add i32 %t6 , 1                   ; add 1
        store i32 %t7 , i32* %i                 ; and store
        br label %lab0

lab2:   %t8 = load i32, i32* %r
        ret  i32 %t8


We note several things:

  • Registers and local variables have names starting with %.
  • The syntax for function calls uses conventional parameter lists (with type info for each parameter).
  • Booleans have type i1, one bit integers.
  • After initialization, we branch explicitly to lab0, rather than just falling through.

LLVM tools

Your compiler will generate a text file with LLVM code, which is conventionally stored in files with suffix .ll. There are then several tools you might use:

  • The assembler llvm-as, which translates the file to an equivalent binary format, called the bitcode format, stored in files with suffix .bc This is just a more efficient form for further processing. There is a disassembler llvm-dis that translates in the opposite direction.
  • The linker llvm-link, which can be used to link together, e.g., main.bc with the bitcode file runtime.bc that defines the function @printInt and the other IO functions. By default, two files are written, a.out and a.out.bc. As one can guess from the suffix, a.out.bc is a bitcode file which contains the definitions from all the input bitcode files.
  • The interpreter/JIT compiler lli, which directly executes its bitcode file argument, using a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler.
  • The static compiler llc, which translates the file to a native assembler file for any of the supported architectures. It can also produce native object files using the flag -filetype=obj
  • The analyzer/optimizer opt, which can perform a wide range of code optimizations of bitcode.
  • The wrapper clang which uses various of the above tools together to provide a similar interface to GCC.

Note that some installations of LLVM require a version number after the tool name, for example llvm-as-3.8 instead of llvm-as.

Here are the steps you can use to produce an executable file from within your compiler:

  • Your compiler produces an LLVM file, let's call it prog.ll.
  • Convert the file to bitcode format using llvm-as. For our example file, issue the command llvm-as prog.ll. This produces the file prog.bc.
  • Link the bitcode file with the runtime file using llvm-link. This step requires that you give the name of the output file using the -o flag. For example we can name the output file main.bc like so: llvm-link prog.bc runtime.bc -o main.bc.
  • Generate a native object file using llc. By default llc will produce assembler output, but by using the flag -filetype=obj it will produce an object file. The invocation will look like this: llc -filetype=obj main.bc
  • Finally, produce an executable. The simplest way to do this is with clang main.o

A simpler alternative to the above steps is to let clang run the various LLVM tools, with clang prog.ll runtime.bc

Also note that the testing framework will call LLVM itself, and will link in the runtime library as well. For the purposes of assignment submission, your compiler need only produce an LLVM file (the equivalent of prog.ll above).


To whet your appetite, let us see how the LLVM code can be optimized:

> cat myfile.ll | llvm-as | opt -std-compile-opts | llvm-dis
declare void @printInt(i32)

define i32 @main() {
	tail call void @printInt(i32 5040)
	ret i32 0

define i32 @fact(i32 %__p__n) nounwind readnone {
	%t23 = icmp slt i32 %__p__n, 1
	br i1 %t23, label %lab2, label %lab1

	%indvar = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %i.01, %lab1 ]
	%r.02 = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %t5, %lab1 ]
	%i.01 = add i32 %indvar, 1
	%t5 = mul i32 %r.02, %i.01
	%t7 = add i32 %indvar, 2
	%t2 = icmp sgt i32 %t7, %__p__n
	br i1 %t2, label %lab2, label %lab1

	%r.0.lcssa = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %t5, %lab1 ]
	ret i32 %r.0.lcssa

The first line above is the Unix command to do the optimization. We cat the LLVM assembly code file and pipe it through the assembler, the optimizer and the disassembler. The result is an optimized file, where we observe:

  • In main, the call fact(7) has been completely computed to the result 5040. The function fact is not necessary anymore, but remains, since we have not declared that fact is local to this file (one could do that).
  • The definition of fact has been considerably optimized. In particular, there is no more any use of memory; the whole computation takes place in registers.
  • We will explain the phi instruction in the lectures; the effect of the first instruction is that the value of %indvar will be 0 if control comes to %lab1 from the block labelled %entry (i.e. the first time) and the value will be the value of %i.01 if control comes from the block labelled %lab1 (i.e. all other times). The phi instruction makes it possible to enforce the SSA form; there is only one assignment in the text to %indvar.

If we save the optimized code in myfileOpt.bc (without disassembling it), we can link it together with the runtime using:

> llvm-link myfileOpt.bc runtime.bc -o a.out.bc

If we disassemble the resulting file a.out.bc, we get (we have edited the file slightly in inessential ways):

@fstr = internal constant [4 x i8] c"%d\0A\00"

define i32 @main() nounwind {
        %t0 = getelementptr [4 x i8]* @fstr, i32 0, i32 0
        %t1 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* %t0, i32 5040) nounwind
        ret i32 0

declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) nounwind

What remains is a definition of the format string @fstr as a global constant (\0A is \\n), the getelementpointer instruction that returns a pointer to the beginning of the format string and a call to printf with the result value. Note that the call to printInt has been inlined, i.e., replaced by a call to printf; so linking includes optimizations across files.

We can now run a.out.bc using the just-in-time compiler lli. Or, if we prefer, we can produce native assembly code with llc. On a x86 machine, this gives

        .align  4,0x90
        .globl  _main
        subl    $$12, %esp
        movl    $$5040, 4(%esp)
        movl    $$_fstr, (%esp)
        call    _printf
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        addl    $$12, %esp
_fstr:                          ## fstr
        .asciz  "%d\n"