All libraries imported via Maven are listed automatically in the
respective NOTICE.txt
files in all modules.
The Grammar is an updated version of
Original author: PDDL grammar for ANTLR v3, Zeyn Saigol, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
File: transport-core/src/main/antlr4/com/oskopek/transport/persistence/Pddl.g4
The implementation is an updated version of
Original author: Kevin J Dolan
License: MIT
Files in: transport-thirdparty/src/main/java/com/github/kevinjdolan/intervaltree/
The implementations is a forked and updated version of the Heaps 2.0 release from:
Original author: Fran Lattanzio
License: MIT
Files in: transport-thirdparty/src/main/java/org/teneighty/heap/
The implementations is a forked and updated version of the GraphStream GitHub repository release at:
Original authors: The GraphStream team:
Julien Baudry <[email protected]>
Antoine Dutot <[email protected]>
Yoann Pigné <[email protected]>
Guilhelm Savin <[email protected]>
Frédéric Guinand <[email protected]>
Guillaume-Jean Herbiet <[email protected]>
License: LGPL
Files in: transport-thirdparty/src/main/java/org/graphstream/algorithm/