- oyranos-config cs de - The Tool lists and sets config settings. It provides as well infos for compiling and linking.
- oyranos-config-synnefo - GUI for color management settings.
- oyranos-policy cs de - The Tool can list, set and dump color management settings groups.
- oyranos-profile cs de - The Tool shows internal information of a ICC color profile.
- oyranos-profiles cs de - The Tool gives information around installed ICC color profiles. Download and Install.
- oyranos-profile-graph cs de - The Tool draws 2D graphs from ICC profiles and spectral data.
- oyranos-device cs de - The Tool shows and administrates ICC profiles for color devices.
- oyranos-monitor - The Tool handles monitor device ICC color profiles.
- oyranos-monitor-white-point cs de - The Tool handles nightly red light monitor white point.