The P# language was designed to ease the development of event-driven programs. P# forces the programmer to think of their design in terms of state machines driven by events passed back-and-forth between them. This style lends itself naturally to the asynchronous world. Tasks are kept short and their continuations are stitched together through events that arrive asynchronously. The complexity of testing and exploration is managed by the PSharpTester
that systematically enumerates different interleavings and provides high "concurrency" coverage. While the intended use-case of P# is for the development of new systems, we do acknowledge that the more common need is going to be for testing of existing code. Can P# help there? We think so, especially for code that is primarily async
C#. But we first need to understand how PSharpTester
In P#, a Machine
is the unit the concurrency. It represents a state machine, but for the purpose of this article, we can ignore this aspect of a Machine
and simply treat it as a building block for concurrency, similar to a Task
or a Thread
. A Machine
is internally sequential but different Machines
all execute concurrently. A Machine
is always in an event-driven loop until it halts; it waits for an event to arrive in its Inbox
and fires an action
in response. The action
, in addition to calling P# APIs for sending and receiving events, can execute arbitrary C#
code to mutate the state of the program. It is this usage of arbitrary that we must now understand for using PsharpTester
on existing code.
In the simplest form, the C#
code should be sequential so that all concurrency is delegated to the P# runtime (at least while testing). In other words, the code executed by a machine action must not spawn Tasks
or Threads
neither must it do any synchronization operation other than the P# Send
or Receive
(i.e., no use of locks
, mutexes
or similar constructs). This goes along with the recommendation that different Machines
must not share object references (use Shared Objects if you must).
The reason for all these restrictions is that PSharpTester
needs to be aware of all concurrency in the program in order to control it. PSharpTester
keeps track of all live Machines
in the program and takes over the scheduling. At any point during the execution of the program, it will determine the next Machine
to schedule and give it a chance to execute. The machine will execute its action without interference from other machines until it finishes its current action or it enters the P# runtime again via a Send
or Receive
(the only available synchronization primitives). At this point, the PSharpTester
scheduler takes control, suspends the currently-scheduled machine and then decides on the next one to schedule. The PSharpTester
essentially serializes the entire execution to a single thread. By controlling the scheluding decisions during an execution, PSharpTester
can explore different interleavings for a program. The exact choice of which Machine
to schedule is determined by a SchedulingStrategy
. PSharpTester
has several strategies and we recommend using a portfolio of them. The strategies have been crafted from over a decade of research on finding concurrency bugs efficiently in practice. (See, for example, this paper.)
Despite serializing the execution on a single thread, the restrictions that we had outlined above guarantee that PSharpTester
will cover all behaviors of the program in the limit. Getting there will, of course, take infinite time because there may be infinitly many executions of the program, nonetheless, completeness-in-the-limit is an important guarantee for a testing solution to have. (Testing concurrent programs natively on the hardware without PSharpTester
does not offer this guarantee.)
Relaxing the restrictions on the C#
code can either cause PSharpTester
to lose completeness or it may start to deadlock or crash. The former outcome is the acceptable one: we still dramatically gain testing coverage by using PSharpTester
over naïve testing. (It also makes way for a pay-as-you-go-model: as more code is made P#-compliant, the coverage keeps improving and fully-P#-compliant code offers completeness.) It is the latter (deadlocks and crashes) that we must avoid.
To make the discussion meaningful, we restrict our attention to mostly async
code. By this we mean a software component that asynchronously handles client requests that may arrive at any time, and sends back a response when it's done servicing them. Internally, it may use other such components: it delegates work to them asynchronously and waits for their response. Such components are typical in web services, where for example, users pump in requests at any time and the service must process them asynchronously; it cannot afford to block subsequent requests before it finishes the first. Further, the service might use a backing store for persistence and fault tolerance. Lets take an example. Suppose that our component offers the following methods for processing client requests:
async Task<Response> HandleRequest1(...);
async Task<Response> HandleRequest2(...);
And these procedures call external methods for interacting with a persistent store:
async Task<Data> Read(int index);
async Task Write(int index, Data data);
For unit-testing such code, one might write a test method that invokes these methods in parallel and use mocks of the storage that relies on locking to be thread-safe.
void Test()
Task.Run(async () => await HandleRequest1(...));
Task.Run(async () => await HandleRequest2(...));
// mock
async Task<Data> Read(int index)
return Task.FromResult(...);
Note: Similar scenarios also exist very commonly inside the operating systems such as drivers, but the language of choice there is C
or C++
, not a managed language like C#
. Use P or P3 if you operate in that world.
To use PSharpTester
we must tame the C#
code and work towards exposing the concurrency to P#. First and foremost, the code must not spawn Tasks
(same applies to Threads
). This is the most important rule to follow. Creation of Tasks
will surely make PSharpTester
unusable. To eliminate Task
creation, try replacing them with Machine
creation instead, which should work for the most part. For our running example, we modify our Test
method to instead create machines:
void Test(IMachineRuntime runtime)
runtime.CreateMachine(typeof(RunTask), new TaskPayload(async () => await HandleRequest1(...)));
runtime.CreateMachine(typeof(RunTask), new TaskPayload(async () => await HandleRequest2(...)));
Here, RunTask
is a special machine that simply invokes the payload method given to it. Look at the sample here to get a hang of it. Or one may create their own special machine for invoking HandleRequest1
or HandleRequest2
. Any way of replacing Task
creation with Machine
creation is fine.
Another example: your code may be using a Timer
to register a periodic callback. Instead, create a TimerMachine
that either invokes the callback periodically (or non-deterministically using P#'s Random
) or sends an event to the Task
(now a Machine
) that created the Timer
. Sample code is here.
Once the Task
creation is eliminated, the next item of focus is the use of synchronization. When multiple Tasks
can share a reference to the same object, they will use synchronization in the form of locks
to guard access to that object. When Tasks
get converted to Machines
, this implies actions of different machines might share objects and invoke non-P# synchronization. For PSharpTester
scheduling to work without causing deadlocks, one must be careful with such synchronization. A simple rule of thumb is that a P# API should not be invoked while holding a lock. Short synchronization blocks that guard access to a flag or a simple container should be likely be fine, except that PSharpTester
loses completeness (practically, there is a loss in coverage). To regain more coverage, consider lifting the synchronization blocks to be hosted in their own Machine
. For our running example, we can write a machine StorageMachine
to mock calls to Read
and Write
and do something like the following instead of locking:
async Task<Data> Read(int index)
Send(typeof(StorageMachine), new ReadEvent(index));
var r = await Receive(typeof(ReadResponse));
return r.Data;
The StorageMachine
can perform Read
and Write
functionality atomically (without needing to grab a lock as P#
guarantees methods of a single machine are not executed in parallel). This mocking will ensure PSharpTester
considers different orders of execution of the Read/Write
critical section.
There are further standard guidelines to writing a P# test. The test must be idempotent and set up for repeated execution. In simple terms, it must reset its state before starting the test. This is required because PSharpTester
execute the test method repeatedly.
If you have code that mostly uses async
constructs then it would be an easy porting exercise, which may just be confined to your test code. A detailed account of how we applied this strategy to test the ExtentManager
of Azure Storage vNext is given in our paper (see section 3).
There is an additional requirement for PSharpTester
. The C# code must be deterministic once the concurrent interleaving between Machines
is fixed. This means, for instance, the code should not make branching decisions based on the current time. In order to simulate timeout, one can instead rely on P# runtime's Random
API, which in turn will provide higher coverage during testing (by exploring both the non-timeout as well as timeout scenarios). This requirement is necessary to reproduce a trace reported by PSharpTester
but can also help in achieving higher coverage. Some of PSharpTester
strategies rely on controlled non-determinism to systematically explore different interleavings.