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Serifin (Crypto, 140p, 33 solved)

In the challenge we get code and output.

The important part here is the primes generation:

def genPrime(nbit):
    while True:
        p = getPrime(512)
        if p % 9 == 1 and p % 27 >= 2:
            q = gmpy2.next_prime(serifin(p, 3) + serifin(p, 9) + serifin(p, 27))
            if q % 9 == 1 and q % 27 >= 2:
                return int(p), int(q)

I don't really know what exactly serifin does, but quick blackbox analysis shows that it produces value like 0x2735822f94f13d0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000089.

This means that in reality only a few high bytes are unknown, rest are 0 and there is some small value at the lowest bits. From quick tests we can figure that lower 350 bits should be 0.

We create a polynomial f(x) = x *(2**350) + i. The part *(2**350) is simply to shift the x value to high bits. i should be a small number, which comes from calling next_prime, and we can iterate over this.

This polynomial will reduce to 0 mod q if we find the x such that x *(2**350) + i = q. Polynomial has degree 1 and both p and q are of similar bitlength (q is a bit bigger), of about N^0.5. From Coppersmith theorem we know we can find roots of such polynomial assuming the root is smaller than beta^2/d, so for us 0.5^2/1 = 0.25. We're looking for far less bits, so it should work just fine:

def find_factors(N):
    F.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(N), implementation='NTL')   
    i = 0
    while True:
        poly = x*(2**350)+i
        poly = poly.monic()
        roots = poly.small_roots(beta=0.5)
        if roots:
            for root in roots:
                if root != 0:
                    q = int(root)*(2**350)+i
                    p = int(N)/int(q)
                    return p,q

Now that we have p and q, we can try to decrypt the flag. But it turns out there is a twist -> gcd(phi, e) == 3 so we can't just do RSA decryption.

We actually need to calculate the cubic root over composite value N instead. But we have the factorization, so it's not such a big problem.

We need to:

  1. Calculate the roots over each of the prime factors of N
  2. Combine the solutions using CRT
def cubic_root_prime(c,p):
    F.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(p), implementation='NTL')
    poly = x^3 - c
    return [root for (root,_) in poly.roots()]
def cubic_composite_root(c, p, q):
    rootsp, rootsq = cubic_root_prime(c,p), cubic_root_prime(c, q)
    return [CRT([int(rp), int(rq)],[p,q]) for rp, rq in itertools.product(rootsp, rootsq)]

The last part is simply to take every possible combination of the roots and check if it's the right flag:

    c = 78643169701772559588799235367819734778096402374604527417084323620408059019575192358078539818358733737255857476385895538384775148891045101302925145675409962992412316886938945993724412615232830803246511441681246452297825709122570818987869680882524715843237380910432586361889181947636507663665579725822511143923
    for solution in cubic_composite_root(c,p,q):
        flag = long_to_bytes(solution)
        if "ASIS" in flag:

From this we get ASIS{h0W_D0_3-th_R0Ot___3XtR4cT10n___AL90r17Hm_iN_Fq!!!?}.

Complete solver here