Advanced path manipulation utilities
This package is included in the @synstack/synscript package. It is not recommended to install both packages at the same time.
This package provides a strongly-typed interface for working with file system paths. It ensures type safety between absolute and relative paths while offering comprehensive utilities for path manipulation, extension handling, and MIME type detection:
import { path } from "@synstack/path";
// Type-safe path resolution
const absolutePath = path.resolve("/base", "subdir", "file.txt");
console.log(absolutePath); // "/base/subdir/file.txt"
// Path type checking
const isAbs = path.isAbsolute("/absolute/path"); // true
const isAbs2 = path.isAbsolute("relative/path"); // false
// Path manipulation
const dirName = path.dirname("/path/to/file.txt"); // "/path/to"
const relativePath = path.relative("/base/dir", "/base/dir/subdir/file.txt"); // "subdir/file.txt"
# Using npm
npm install @synstack/path
# Using yarn
yarn add @synstack/path
# Using pnpm
pnpm add @synstack/path
The package provides type definitions for different kinds of paths:
import type { AbsolutePath, RelativePath, AnyPath } from "@synstack/path";
// Type-safe path handling
function processPath(path: AbsolutePath) {
// Only absolute paths are accepted
function processRelative(path: RelativePath) {
// Only relative paths are accepted
function processAny(path: AnyPath) {
// Any path type is accepted
import { path } from "@synstack/path";
// Resolve paths
const abs = path.resolve("relative/path"); // Converts to absolute path
const isAbs = path.isAbsolute("/some/path"); // Check if path is absolute
const dir = path.dirname("/path/to/file.txt"); // Get directory name
// Check path containment
path.isInPath("/base", "/base/subdir"); // true
path.isInPath("/base", "/other"); // false
// Create relative paths
path.relative("/base/dir", "/base/dir/subdir/file.txt"); // "subdir/file.txt"
// Join paths
path.join("/absolute", "path", "file.txt"); // "/absolute/path/file.txt"
path.join("relative", "path", "file.txt"); // "relative/path/file.txt"
// Remove relative indicators
path.removeRelativeIndicator("./file.txt"); // "file.txt"
// Add or ensure extensions
path.addMissingExtension("/path/to/file", "txt"); // "/path/to/file.txt"
path.ensureFileExtension("/path/to/file", ".txt"); // "/path/to/file.txt"
// Get file information
path.filename("/path/to/file.txt"); // "file.txt"
path.filenameWithoutExtension("/path/to/file.txt"); // "file"
path.fileExtension("/path/to/file.txt"); // ".txt"
// Get MIME type from path
path.mimeType("/path/to/image.png"); // "image/png"
path.mimeType("/path/to/unknown"); // null
// Convert import URLs to file system paths
const dirPath = path.importUrlToAbsolutePath(import.meta.url);
The package includes custom error types for specific path-related issues:
import { PathNotInCwdException } from "@synstack/path";
try {
// Operations that might throw PathNotInCwdException
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof PathNotInCwdException) {
"Path operation outside current working directory:",