Advanced chainable string manipulation utilities
This package is included in the @synstack/synscript package. It is not recommended to install both packages at the same time.
When working with strings in TypeScript, you often need to chain multiple operations like trimming, splitting, case conversion, and indentation management. This package provides a fluent, chainable API for string manipulation with full type safety:
import { str } from "@synstack/str";
// Basic chaining
const result = str(" Hello World ").trim().split(" ").at(0).$;
// Case conversion
const camelCase = str("hello-world").camelCase().$;
console.log(camelCase); // 'helloWorld'
// Advanced manipulation
const formatted = str(" some\n indented\n text")
// Line manipulation
const lines = str("line1\n\n\n\nline2").chopRepeatNewlines(1).split("\n");
console.log(lines); // ['line1', 'line2']
npm install @synstack/str
# or
yarn add @synstack/str
# or
pnpm add @synstack/str
All string operations are chainable and maintain type safety:
const result = str(" Hello World ").trim().split(" ").at(0).camelCase().$;
Handle multi-line strings with precision:
// Remove empty lines
str("Hello\n\n\nWorld").chopRepeatNewlines(1).$; // "Hello\nWorld"
// Add line numbers
str("A\nB\nC").addLineNumbers().$; // "0:A\n1:B\n2:C"
// Trim empty lines and spaces
str(" \n Hello \n ").trimEmptyLines().$; // "\nHello\n"
Manage text indentation with ease:
// Add indentation
str("Hello\nWorld").indent(2).$; // " Hello\n World"
// Remove indentation
str(" Hello\n World").dedent().$; // "Hello\n World"
// Get indentation level
str(" Hello\n World").indentation(); // 2
Convert between different case styles:
str("hello-world").camelCase().$; // "helloWorld"
str("hello-world").pascalCase().$; // "HelloWorld"
str("hello-world").snakeCase().$; // "hello_world"
str("hello-world").constantCase().$; // "HELLO_WORLD"
str("hello-world").dotCase().$; // ""
str("hello-world").pathCase().$; // "hello/world"
All methods from the Str class are also available as standalone functions:
import { trim, dedent, chopEmptyLinesStart } from "@synstack/str";
const result = trim(" hello "); // 'hello'