We use PostgreSQL as a persistent data store.
Take a look at Alembic, the project which handles migrations and schema versioning for SQLAlchemy.
To generate a migration script for your recent change you can use docker or more easily, with rootless podman, you can use our make target.
Both expect that the alembic upgrade head
is run in run_httpd.sh
during (packit-)service pod/container start.
When modifying the migration manually, do not forget to update the downgrade
path as well. You can test that downgrade of the last migration passes by
running alembic downgrade -1
in the service pod/container.
Make sure that the migration is self-sufficient and does not rely on models in
the models.py
module. Otherwise, if the models change in the future, it would
not be possible to run the migrations in the correct order.
To satisfy this, add the state of models required by your migration to the
migration itself (i.e. copy the model from models.py
$ docker-compose up service
$ docker exec -ti service bash -c 'cd /src/; alembic revision -m "My change" --autogenerate'
$ docker cp service:/src/alembic/versions/123456789abc_my_change.py .
Use podman with docker-compose.
$ make migrate-db CHANGE="something new you did"
If you get an error like this:
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
ERROR [alembic.util.messaging] Target database is not up to date.
ERROR [alembic.util.messaging] Target database is not up to date.
FAILED: Target database is not up to date.
Chances are that the packit service pod is not properly started or
for some reasons it is not running the
alembic upgrade head
It could also mean that your changes are too complicated for alembic
to autogenerate a migration. In such case, run the alembic revision
command without --autogenerate
to create just the template and
write the migration commands manually.
Get shell inside the container (or pod). E.g. with docker-compose:
$ docker-compose exec -ti postgres bash
Invoke psql interactive shell:
bash-4.2$ psql
psql (10.6)
Type "help" for help.
Connect to packit database:
postgres=# \connect packit
You are now connected to database "packit" as user "postgres".
Get help
packit=# \?
packit=# \h
List tables
packit=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | alembic_version | table | packit
public | git_projects | table | packit
Look inside a table
packit=# select * from git_projects;
id | namespace | repo_name
(0 rows)
Beware, it might be outdated because it was generated manually (download DBeaver, install, connect to (local) postgres, see ER Diagram (tab) and export it) and it's not automatically re-generated. For actual state see the SQLAlchemy mappings (models).
You can also have a look at the diagram in the Mermaid format generated by mermerd. You can regenerate it from docker-compose
by running
make regenerate-db-diagram
Done periodically,
stored in AWS S3 (arr-packit-[prod|stg]
see this
and this
for access.
Here is a list of commands to run if you need a local database with real data from stg or prod:
- Obtain a DB dump, either:
oc rsh $POSTGRES_POD pg_dump packit >dump-$ENV-$DATE.sql
or- from backups in AWS,
S3 bucket
Load it into your local postgres instance:
- Create a database named packit and owned by the packit user:
postgres=# create database packit owner=packit;
- Copy the dump file into the database container:
podman cp ./dump-$ENV-$DATE.sql postgres:/tmp
This is a more reliable option than a direct load from your local filesystem. - Load the dump as a packit user
psql -U packit -d packit < /tmp/dump-$ENV-$DATE.sql
It's important to do this as a packit user because that's how worker and service pods connect.
- Create a database named packit and owned by the packit user: