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Azure Stack Infrastructure Administration

Instructions below are relative to the .\Infrastructure folder of the AzureStack-Tools repo. This also requires the Azure Stack Connect Module to be imported before running any of the commands. The Module can also be found in the AzureStack-Tools repo.

Using infrastructure cmdlets against Azure Stack

Import the Module

Import-Module .\AzureStack.Infra.psm1

Add PowerShell environment

You will need to login to your Azure Stack Administrator environment. To create an administrator environment use the below. The ARM endpoint below is the administrator default for a one-node environment.

Add-AzureRMEnvironment -Name "AzureStackAdmin" -ArmEndpoint "https://adminmanagement.local.azurestack.external"

Then login:

Login-AzureRmAccount -EnvironmentName "AzureStackAdmin"

If you are not using your home directory tenant, you will need to supply the tenant ID to your login command. You may find it easiest to obtain using the Connect tool. For Azure Active Directory environments provide your directory tenant name:

$TenantID = Get-AzsDirectoryTenantId -AADTenantName "<mydirectorytenant>" -EnvironmentName AzureStackAdmin

For ADFS environments use the following:

$TenantID = Get-AzsDirectoryTenantId -ADFS -EnvironmentName AzureStackAdmin

Individual Command Usage

Explains each individual command and shows how to use it

Retrieve Infrastructure Alerts

List active and closed Infrastructure Alerts


The command does the following:

  • Retrieves Active & Closed Alerts

Close Infrastructure Alerts

Close any active Infrastructure Alert. Run Get-AzsAlert to get the AlertID, required to close a specific Alert.

Close-AzsAlert -AlertID "ID"

The command does the following:

  • Close active Alert

Get Region Update Summary

Review the Update Summary for a specified region.


The command does the following:

  • Retrieves Region Update Summary

Get Azure Stack Update

Retrieves list of Azure Stack Updates


The command does the following:

  • List Azure Stack Updates

Apply Azure Stack Update

Applies a specific Azure Stack Update that is downloaded and applicable. Run Get-AzureStackUpdate to retrieve Update Version first

Install-AzsUpdate -Update "Update Version"

The command does the following:

  • Applies specified Update

Get Azure Stack Update Run

Should be used to validate a specific Update Run or look at previous update runs

Get-AzsUpdateRun -Update "Update Version"

The command does the following:

  • Lists Update Run information for a specific Azure Stack update

List Infrastructure Roles

Does list all Infrastructure Roles


The command does the following:

  • Lists Infrastructure Roles

List Infrastructure Role Instance

Does list all Infrastructure Role Instances (Note: Does not return Directory Management VM in One Node deployment)


The command does the following:

  • Lists Infrastructure Role Instances

List Scale Unit

Does list all Scale Units in a specified Region


The command does the following:

  • Lists Scale Units

List Scale Unit Nodes

Does list all Scale Units Nodes


The command does the following:

  • Lists Scale Unit Nodes

List Logical Networks

Does list all logical Networks by ID


The command does the following:

  • Lists logical Networks

List Storage Capacity

Does return the total capacity of the storage subsystem


The command does the following:

  • Lists total storage capacity for the storage subsystem

List Storage Shares

Does list all file shares in the storage subsystem


The command does the following:

  • Retrieves all file shares

List IP Pools

Does list all IP Pools


The command does the following:

  • Retrieves all IP Pools

List MAC Address Pools

Does list all MAC Address Pool


The command does the following:

  • Retrieves all MAC Address Pools

List Gateway Pools

Does list all Gateway Pools


The command does the following:

  • Retrieves all Gateway Pools


Does list all SLB MUX Instances


The command does the following:

  • Retrieves all SLB MUX instances

List Gateway Instances

Does list all Gateway Instances


The command does the following:

  • Retrieves all Gateway instances

Start Infra Role Instance

Does start an Infra Role Instance

Start-AzsInfrastructureRoleInstance -Name "InfraRoleInstanceName"

The command does the following:

  • Starts an Infra Role instance

Stop Infra Role Instance

Does stop an Infra Role Instance

Stop-AzsInfrastructureRoleInstance -Name "InfraRoleInstanceName"

The command does the following:

  • Stops an Infra Role instance

Restart Infra Role Instance

Does Restart an Infra Role Instance

Restart-AzsInfrastructureRoleInstance -Name "InfraRoleInstanceName"

The command does the following:

  • Restart an Infra Role instance

Add IP Pool

Does add an IP Pool

Add-AzsIpPool -Name "PoolName" -StartIPAddress "" -EndIPAddress "" -AddressPrefix ""

The command does the following:

  • Adds an IP Pool

Enable Maintenance Mode

Does put a ScaleUnitNode in Maintenance Mode

Disable-AzsScaleUnitNode -Name NodeName

The command does the following:

  • Enables Maintenance Mode for a specified ScaleUnitNode

Disable Maintenance Mode

Does resume a ScaleUnitNode from Maintenance Mode

Enable-AzsScaleUnitNode -Name NodeName

The command does the following:

  • Resume from Maintenance Mode for a specified ScaleUnitNode

Show Region Capacity

Does show capacity for specified Region


The command does the following:

  • Retrieves Region Capacity information

Show Resource Provider Healths

Does show resource provider healths


The command does the following:

  • List Resource Provider and their Healths status

Show Infrastrcuture Role Healths

Does show infrastructure role healths


The command does the following:

  • List Infrastructure Roles and their Healths status

Show Backup Location

Does show Backup location


The command does the following:

  • List information about the backup location like share path

Show Backup

Does show backups


The command does the following:

  • List backups

Start Backup

Does start a backup job


The command does the following:

  • starts a backup job and does store it at configured share path

Restore Backup

Does restore a backup job

Restore-AzsBackup -name ID

The command does the following:

  • Restore a specified Backup job

Scenario Command Usage

Demonstrates using multiple commands together for an end to end scenario.

Recover an Infrastructure Role Instance that has an Alert assigned

#Retrieve all Alerts and apply a filter to only show active Alerts
$Active=Get-AzsAlert | Where {$_.State -eq "active"}

#Stop Infra Role Instance
Stop-AzsInfrastructureRoleInstance -Name $Active.ResourceName

#Start Infra Role Instance
Start-AzsInfrastructureRoleInstance -Name $Active.resourceName

#Validate if error is resolved (Can take up to 3min)
Get-AzsAlert | Where {$_.State -eq "active"}

Increase Public IP Pool Capacity

#Retrieve all Alerts and apply a filter to only show active Alerts
$Active=Get-AzsAlert | Where {$_.State -eq "active"}

#Review IP Pool Allocation

#Add New Public IP Pool
Add-AzsIpPool -Name "NewPublicIPPool" -StartIPAddress "" -EndIPAddress "" -AddressPrefix ""

#Validate new IP Pool

Apply Update to Azure Stack

#Review Current Region Update Summary

#Check for available and applicable updates

#Apply Update
Install-AzsUpdate -Update ""

#Check Update Run
Get-AzsUpdateRun -Update ""

#Review Region Update Summary after successful run

Perform FRU procedure

#Review current ScaleUnitNode State
$node | fl

#Enable Maintenance Mode for that node which drains all active resources
Disable-AzsScaleUnitNode -Name $

#Power Off Server using build in KVM or physical power button
#BMC IP Address is returned by previous command $ | fl
#Apply FRU Procedure
#Power On Server using build in KVM or physical power button

#Resume ScaleUnitNode from Maintenance Mode
Enable-AzsScaleUnitNode -Name $

#Validate ScaleUnitNode Status
$node | fl

Set Azure Stack's Latitude and Longitude

This command modifies an Azure Stack instance's latitude and longitude location

$EnvironmentName = "AzureStackAdmin"
$directoryName = "<<yourDirectoryName>>"
$credential = Get-Credential
$latitude = '12.972442'
$longitude = '77.580643'
$regionName = 'local'

Set-AzsLocationInformation -Location $regionName -Latitude $latitude -Longitude $longitude